Harley Davidson V Rod specifications and review

Disadvantages of the model

  1. High price.
  2. Stiff suspension.
  3. The rear view mirrors do not provide a very good view.
  4. Huge weight.

The V-Rod Muscle is an image bike, in the creation of which Harley-Davidson, however, as always, hit the target. Due to its appearance, it attracts the attention of both men and women. He is not a long-distance driver; this is due to the small tank and the lack of body kits and windproof glass. But there will always be a buyer for it, since everything in it is made with reverent feelings for the future owner, as befits a bike from Harley Davidson.


Test drive Harley-DavidsonVRSCF V-Rod Muscle

How handsome he is, how muscular he is... “Damn, he’s so heavy,” I thought once again, lifting the V-Rod Muscle from the side stand. Despite the low silhouette and the same low rise, this “piece of iron with biceps” weighs much more than it seems from the outside. Based on the usual statement that as soon as the motorcycle moves, its weight ceases to be felt, at the beginning of the test I decided to once again prove to myself that this was so. But in this case it didn’t work. The V-Rod is not one of those motorcycles that you can make friends with in a couple of minutes, and after half an hour you completely forget about all precautions. At low speed it always seemed heavy and rolly to me. On the other hand, at a cruising “hundred” nothing can shake his balance and throw him off course. Well, you have to accept that this V-Rod Muscle is not made for mountain serpentines.

About seven years ago, while walking along the Obolonskie Lipki embankment, I saw a V-Rod for the first time in my life. At that time it seemed like a motorcycle of extraordinary beauty. It looked like it was made from a single piece of metal. And its unusual solid rims simply attracted the eye. Not only I, but also many other passers-by turned my head towards the bike. At the same time, its owner, a “typical biker” in a leather jacket and bandana, sat proudly next to him and “collected” admiring glances. At that time, I didn’t even think that in the near future I would be lucky enough to ride his successor to my heart’s content. Moreover, not just one. Once in Odessa I was able to test the Harley-Davidson Night Rod. And today I’m already riding through the streets of Kyiv on another motorcycle of the VRSC family, the new 2011 V-Rod Muscle.

Having pulled out onto a busy street with a passenger on board, I didn’t want to maneuver sharply, let alone poke into the aisles. The weight of the bike still seemed prohibitive to me, and we slowly but confidently and with a sense of high dignity (of course, we’re on a Harley!) moved along the center of the strip in the direction “out of town.”

Oddly enough, there weren’t many admiring glances from passers-by and passing drivers. Only one driver honked his horn and gave a thumbs up as he drove by. Still – cool! On any other motorcycle it would not have been possible to get a confession from even one driver. But this bike is special. After all, this is a Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle. Even in static conditions it looks stylish and dynamic, and on the road it plays up the vanity of its owner with the rich sound of the engine. Although it is noticeable that the standard exhaust, greatly suppressed by European standards, somewhat “smoothes out” its sound potential. And if you install third-party “acoustics”, the sound will be even better.

While assessing the appearance of the bike on the go, I thought that the minimal amount of chrome parts on it would clearly appeal to connoisseurs of unusual and unique things. After all, almost every chopper or cruiser strives to stand out with a chrome-plated engine, exhaust pipes, steering wheel, mirrors and other details. In the same bike, all of the above parts are matte (except for the mirrors). Moreover, this only emphasizes their aesthetic dignity.

The same exhaust pipes attract the eye no worse than chrome ones. And the only drawback of such a finish is that on the matte surface the traces from the melted soles of motorcycle boots, which appeared on the pipes after just a couple of kilometers spent behind the wheel of a motorcycle, are better visible. Moreover, according to the passenger-photographer, the soles of his signature sneakers also tended to melt only from the heat coming from the exhaust pipes. Well, thick-soled cowboy shoes are clearly recommended for this motorcycle...

But the passenger was satisfied with his seat. From the expression on his face before the start of the test, one could judge that he was very afraid that he might be blown away from this seemingly small “slapper” behind the luxurious driver’s seat. Having already had experience riding number two on a Kawasaki Mean Streak and Suzuki M1500R with passenger “underseats”, it was quite natural for him not to trust a similar part on this Harley. But as soon as he sat down, all his fears disappeared. Compared to other motorcycles, this element of the V-Rod Muscle performs not an aesthetic, but a practical function.

But the standard mirrors are clearly designed in such a way that they will be replaced with improved ones soon after purchasing the motorcycle. From a design point of view, the mirrors fit perfectly into the exterior of the motorcycle. But the functionality let me down... Even before leaving the salon, I noticed that when I put my hands on the steering wheel grips, the carbon linings of the gloves touched the mirrors. Their legs and integrated turn signals are not high or long enough to prevent this. In addition, it would be wiser for the widest part of the mirrors to be on the outside. And so, in addition to ergonomic shortcomings, the overview also leaves much to be desired.

However, why bother with such trifles. After all, this is not a street XR1200X or a comfortable tourist “Electric Train”, but a purely fashion bike worth almost 260,000 UAH. And its beauty, as in other similar cases, persistently requires sacrifice. And today I became such a victim! Having already left the city, I wanted to take a ride “with the breeze.” “80”, “90”, “100”, “120” - the speedometer needle rose higher and higher, but no noticeable relief followed. As the speed increased, the pressure of the headwind also increased. Not protected even by a miniature windshield, the driver is left to be torn apart by the invisible elements. It causes some inconvenience and forces you to reduce your speed to 100 km/h. It’s most comfortable to move at this pace, and besides, at this speed you don’t have to worry about choosing a gear. Second or fifth - what's the difference? In the first case, you can overtake someone in a couple of seconds, and in the second, you can enjoy the quiet rumbling of the engine.

Night Rod came to mind again. His comfortable speed limit was about the same. But the landing was more comfortable. The Night Rod's main footpegs were located almost like on the classics, next to the driver's seat. This landing was more comfortable. But in the Muscle version, the driver’s footpegs, according to the canons of style, are placed far forward. The steering wheel is located in the same way - you have to reach for it. As a result, the seating position is less comfortable than on the same Night Rod, and a small load falls on the lower back. On long trips, the only thing that helps is the length of the driver's seat cushion, which allows you to move a little forward or backward to relieve this load. But for drivers whose height is below 180 cm, this trick will no longer work.

The controls also seem slightly unusual. For example, the brake and clutch levers are wider than usual and unusually curved. Therefore, it takes some time to get used to a different grip. But after just a couple of hours spent behind the wheel of the V-Rod Muscle, you completely get used to them, and only two fingers are enough to sharply decelerate or depress the clutch.

In terms of smooth operation, the hydraulic clutch of this bike can only be compared with a similar Ducati unit. Almost no effort is required to squeeze the lever. The situation is almost the same with the front brake lever. Although it is not very informative, when you press it you feel a progression that is transmitted to the front calipers. But the main thing is that the motorcycle brakes instill confidence that, if necessary, you will stop exactly where you planned. A huge credit goes to ABS for this. The V-Rod Muscle is equipped with a very pleasant anti-lock braking system. It starts working smoothly and does not annoy the driver with excessive kickback on the rear brake handle and pedal. Its presence in the standard configuration of the motorcycle is not at all superfluous. After all, not everyone can or will drive the V-Rod Muscle slowly and carefully. In any case, there will come a time when you need to squeeze all the power out of the braking system. And ABS will help you do this accurately and without unpleasant consequences. I didn't have to test it on the road. The brake power is already enough, but the rear brake has to be used very rarely. But as an experiment, I tried to brake as much as possible a couple of times on smooth and clean asphalt. As a result, the ABS took over much sooner than I could have imagined, and without it, similar braking could have resulted in the motorcycle falling over and lying on its side.

Throughout the day, the only thing that could make me nervous was the holes that suddenly appeared from under the wheels of the cars in front. Although the V-Rod Muscle suspension can be called comfortable, sometimes the rear shock absorbers simply do not have enough energy. Set to a “comfortable” position with minimal spring preload, on large bumps they worked all the way under the weight of two people. But no annoying impacts were felt either on the steering wheel or on the seat.

By evening I had to plunge into Kyiv traffic jams again. But, stuck in one of them, I remembered the morning when I was afraid to squeeze even into the wide gap between the cars. Then, in the tangle, I simply lacked the push, the reason why I would want to do this on a motorcycle with a wide handlebar and a curb weight (with pilot and passenger) of more than 450 kg. But this push came. And so suddenly, so that I didn’t even have time to really come to my senses. As soon as I stood still for half a minute, heat blazed from the engine, like from a hot oven. And I didn’t want to stand still and slowly roast like a chicken on a spit. I had to fight my way out. And our almost half-ton crew began to squeeze between the cars almost as quickly as my wife’s YUBR-ka. The gaps between the rows no longer seemed so narrow, and the motorcycle no longer seemed so clumsy... My soul felt better.

Having said goodbye to the photographer, I decided to get out of the city again, but this time alone. It was necessary to think about it, form an opinion about the motorcycle and try it out while riding “solo”. But as soon as I found myself on the Boryspil highway, I forgot about everything I was thinking about. Without a passenger, the engine's potential was even brighter. The speedometer needle climbed up again. “140” was clearly not enough for me, but further acceleration was only held back by the wind. And at least the engine is in fifth gear, the speed is 140, and the tachometer needle froze at only 5 thousand revolutions. It seems that this is where he will run out of steam, but once he “opens up”, he gets a good kick “in the ass” and the motorcycle continues to accelerate briskly. It's not called V-Rod Muscle for nothing, because its power truly seems limitless. And there can be only one conclusion from all this: this motorcycle needs space and freedom, and in a closed city crowd it is only a means of transportation, albeit a very stylish and expensive one.

By creating this motorcycle, Harley-Davidson has once again hit the nail on the head. V-Rod Muscle is a niche and fashion product, but there will always be a buyer for it. After all, everything in this motorcycle is made with great love for its future owner. Every detail is thought out to the smallest detail, and the quality of workmanship is beyond praise. Only this love must certainly be reciprocated. And the future owner must not only ride on his favorite toy, but also, like a girl, pay a lot of attention to it and spare no expense. And believe me, there is something to spend the money on. Yes, every detail is thought out to the smallest detail, but with the caveat that it can be made even better, even more pleasant for the owner. And all the “improvements”, of course, will never be installed on a standard production bike. They are neatly organized and collected in a catalog of branded optional parts, which grows from year to year. To some, this approach may seem dishonest towards the buyer, but everything is completely different. It’s not difficult to imagine what a great pleasure it is to leaf through the catalog and choose all sorts of pleasant little things for your beloved Harley that can turn it into a dream motorcycle. And what happens as a result often depends only on the imagination of the owner.

Opinion: Valery Chuikov Not like that!

When I rode the HD model range in Jordan, there was not a single Revolution series motorcycle there, just classic “air balloons”. And here, at the Harley-Davidson-Kiyv showroom, they offer you to try out this year’s new product – the V-Rod Muscle. To understand what kind of “macho” he was (with such and such a name!), we took him for two days and drove him around Kyiv and the surrounding area. Well what can I say?

If the goal of American designers was to create a motorcycle that would make girls thrilled at the sight of it, then they probably succeeded: almost completely shining with metal and blackening in the right places (especially piquant), this handsome guy really looks damn attractive! At the same time, he attracts not only men’s, but also women’s glances. Those who rode early V-Rods (and they also had the same color - metallic) well remember how much attention this motorcycle attracted to itself. Here, just two huge mufflers and an equally impressive false tank are worth it! Speaking of a real tank, it was pushed under the driver's seat, and to get to its neck, you just need to pull the right edge of the seat up and it reclines at an angle of 90 degrees, secured with a safety cable. Why am I describing this place in such detail? But the fact is that almost a 19-liter tank was enough for me for 190 km of mixed (city/highway) driving, so the owner will have to stop by the gas station quite often. Perhaps this consumption is associated with the break-in period, and then it will decrease.

But let's get back to... the seat! It is very comfortable to sit on, and the vertical support holds the rider during sharp accelerations, especially at decent speeds, when the air flow seriously presses on the chest - there is no glass! Landing - “arms and legs - forward!” creates tension in the back and arms, so in order to “saw” far, the pilot will need good physical training and endurance. So, Muscle is clearly not a “long-distance driver”: the tank is too small, there is no body kit, there is no wind protection, and the landing position is not favorable for “long-distance drivers”. Go ahead. City. Big city. This is where gentle creatures are found in abundance, and on its streets the owner of a V-Rod Muscle is guaranteed maximum attention from others. We get off to a good start - the clutch is quite soft, the engine has enough torque to overcome the inertia of static, but then something interesting begins. The first gear here, it turns out, is quite long - you can accelerate far beyond 100 km/h in it, and the second gear is quite far behind it, so when shifting, you need to look at the tachometer. The fact is that his “veshka” really has a truly dray traction, but... only on condition that the tachometer needle has passed over o, otherwise, for example, at o when the throttle is intensively opened, the engine begins to sob, like an asthmatic, and convulsively twitch. Therefore, the optimal range for switching from first to second is 4000-6000 rpm or even higher - since the difference in gear ratios between 1st and 2nd is as much as one and a half times! And here a nuance emerges: you can move in a slow pull only at first, and at high speeds and low speeds the engine gets so hot that the fan does not turn off, and all the heat from it heats up a lot... well, you yourself understand that. If the flow speed increases to more than 50 km/h, it becomes easier, but then a new ambush arises - the “macho” clearly does not like transfers with darting from lane to lane, he performs them reluctantly. Although, after getting the hang of it, I managed to “catch the rhythm” and play around a little, moderately, on the roundabout, but the process went on without pleasure, without courage. City driving is also complicated by the usual unevenness of Kyiv directions - Muscle suspensions cope well with any small irregularities, but give in to large ones - swells, ribs and speed bumps. Despite the completely loosened springs of the rear shock absorbers, when exceeding the optimal speed for such obstacles, I repeatedly received a blow to the sacrum area, which was noticeable for my sore spine. Based on the above, this bike will also not be included in the “street for every day” category.

What remains? And the weekend remains! These days, the number of cars in a large city is sharply decreasing and you can safely drive both in the city and outside it, without squeezing through traffic jams. And in such conditions, Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle can fully reveal its considerable potential. And it is such that on the Boryspil highway I easily managed to accelerate the motorcycle to 200 km / according to the speedometer, and at the same time I still felt a good reserve (both in power and in the rpm reserve - the needle only exceeded the number “7”). So this guy, after running in, will be able to drive very, very fast - the main thing is that the road is smooth and wide. But if he's so fast, what about the brakes? Everything is fine here too. There is ABS and two front discs with powerful calipers that will not allow the pilot to give up in an emergency. By the way, this happened to me - in a traffic jam in front of a traffic light with a division of lanes “left - left, right - right,” the driver of a “nine” crawling slightly ahead and to the right of me suddenly accelerated sharply and just as sharply, without warning, changed lanes into my lane. Although the speed was low (about 20 km/h), the danger of a collision became real. I had no choice but to hold the right lever. Squeaking a couple of times, the tire still did not block, and the wheel froze a few centimeters from the “nine”. I avoided a collision, but still the work of ABS seemed to me somewhat harsh and with early intervention in the process, although effective. The situation is approximately the same with the rear brake - when you press the lever sharply, the ABS operates quickly and firmly, but does not allow the rear roller to “skid”. My colleague was unhappy with the mirrors, but I disagree with him. Once, before leaving, I adjusted both mirrors and, to my surprise, all the way I received a fairly clear and complete picture of what was happening behind me on the left and right - even my shoulders did not interfere with me. But there is still a “fly in the ointment” - if you take your feet off the footrests carelessly, it’s easy to burn your shins on the knees of the exhaust pipes, even through your jeans. So, it’s better not to ride this Harley without high motorcycle boots! True, with boots we get approximately the same picture, but this time it is not your feet that suffer, but their soles - when they touch the pipes passing under the footrests, they melt, leaving sloppy black marks on the pipes...

So, what do we have in the “bottom line”?

A stylish, beautiful and large motorcycle with an engine that has serious traction in the mid-upper range of crankshaft speeds, good suspension and excellent brakes, which loves half-empty streets or the same country roads with moderate windings, on which you can take your girlfriend for a ride, and you can ride to your heart’s content, not leaving far from the benefits of civilization. A complete weekend cruiser!

Text: Vladislav Sofonov

Photo: Andrey Shlenchak

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle - photo 1

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle - photo 2

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle - photo 3

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle - photo 4

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle - photo 5

Advantages and disadvantages

Any V-Rod is significantly different from other Harley Davidsons. This is where both its strengths and weaknesses come from.


  • Crazy acceleration dynamics . The motorcycle has so much torque that the asphalt under its rear wheel rolls up.
  • High reliability . The Harley Davidson V-Rod does not have the disadvantages common to many American motorcycles, such as irritating vibrations, excess weight and low reliability of individual components.
  • Low saddle height . Thanks to this, physically handling the bike is easy even for not the strongest motorcyclist. The center of mass shifted down also makes its contribution.
  • Abundance of tuning and spare parts . You can buy anything you want, and in dozens of variations for each position.


  • High speed engine . Cruisers are used to having torque available from low revs, but the V Rod needs to be revved up to keep it moving dynamically.
  • Compact sizes . This may not be regarded as a negative, but many bikers find the seating position on the V Rod too cramped, with their legs tucked under them.
  • A small gas tank coupled with high fuel consumption. You will have to stop by the gas station often.
  • Lack of 6th gear in the gearbox. The main reason for the dissatisfaction of most owners.

Reviews from Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle owners

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle, 2009

I have long wanted to buy myself a Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle, but the price put me off. In the end, I still bought it, which was largely due to greed. At the beginning of March, I went to the states for Daytona Bike Week and went for a bit of a ride. Initially I wanted to rent it to get to know it better. But the rental cost was calculated at 160 per day, or slightly less than 4 thousand per month. So I decided to add and buy. I bought a motorbike from a dealer with less than 1000 miles on it, without registration and owners from the showroom. The motorcycle is excellent, just for my character, you can do it imposingly, but you can also shoot (it picks up 120 miles at a stroke), it becomes scary, it’s still a provocateur, it takes corners perfectly, I want more and more. The Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle brakes have nothing to compare them to, they are simply excellent. The seats are hard but comfortable, the seating position is normal, after 150 miles nothing falls off, it doesn’t get tired, and after that you have to think about refueling. At low speeds it is quite stable, despite the weight of 300 kg - this is, of course, a merit of the roller and the low center of gravity. There is no need to take out the keys, they just lie in your pocket, and when you stop and turn it off, it immediately goes into security mode and if the key is further than 5 meters, it will not start. I drove 7,000 miles in a month and never regretted the purchase. Now the shortcomings that I felt in Russia are the light is weak, I need to order xenons, the suspension is leaking, I will need to fill in thicker oil and install springs in the front and tighten the back. Naturally, gas mileage or am I just “lucky”, the tank according to the computer is 160 miles, but after 200 km you need to fill it up, on a wet road you will be dirty, for the sake of style there is no rear wing, of course there is a “kit” with the ability to install a number behind the wheel, but “show-off” is paramount, the sight of the 240th skating rink still fascinates. Regarding maintenance, I changed the oil and filter before shipping, I bought a new set on Ebay, I’m also going to buy something there to work on in the winter. The overall result is that the motorcycle is excellent and I don’t understand why many people criticize it (although I understand that few people are brought for sale in perfect condition, more and more whatever is cheaper). After the Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle, the Suzuki is like a bicycle.

Technical characteristics of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Engine Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Engine Liquid cooled, four stroke, 60 V-twin, DOHC, 4 valves per cylinder. Engine capacity 1250 Bore x Stroke 105 x 72 mm Max. Torque 86 ft. lbs 117 Nm @ 6500 rpm Ignition / Starter – / electric Compression Ratio 11.5;1 Engine Power Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) Max. moment, Nm. 117 Max. torque per rpm. 6500

Transmission Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Gearbox / wheel drive 5 Speed ​​/ Belt gear numbers 1st 11.752 10.969 10.969 2nd 7.898 7.371 7.371 3RD 6.322 5.900 5.900 4TH 5.459 5.095 5.095 5TH 4.899 4.563 4.563

Dimensions and weights of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Fuel Tank Capacity 18.9 Litres / 5.0 gal Dry Weight 305.0 kg / 673 lb Seat Height Unladen 678 mm / 26.7 in. Wheelbase 1705 mm Track 142 mm oil capacity 4.7 Litres

Chassis and brakes Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Rear Brake Single 300mm disc 4 piston caliper Rear Tire 240/40R-18 Front Brakes 2x 300mm discs 4 piston calipers Front Tire 120/70ZR-19 Rear suspension Twin coil over adjustable shock, 70mm wheel travel Front Suspension Huge 43mm forks Frame Steel perimeter upper frame with hydroformed main rails and bolt-on lower frame rails; MIG welded Swingarm Polished, one-piece cast aluminum

Dynamic characteristics of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Average consumption (km/liter) To sum up, this is a different Harley, one thats not aimed at the Sportster, Fat Boy or Road King buyer. No, the Muscle is for those who want a Harley but who will not sacrifice performance for spectacle. Yes indeed, the Harley-Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle

Other characteristics of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle 2013

Year 2013 Model Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle Curb Weight 488.0 kg / 1075 lb Length 2440 mm Rake (steering head) 34

Harley Davidson V Rod specifications and review

Harley Davidson is a motorcycle manufacturer that is known both to the biggest fans of two-wheeled vehicles and to people who have never sat on the seat of a real bike. This brand has existed for more than a hundred years, and during this time it has produced a large number of legendary motorcycle models. One of them is the Harley Davidson V Rod. It is this bike that will be discussed in our review.

Price of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle according to advertisements for sale

The maximum price of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle among the advertisements found is RUB 2,400,000*

The average price of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle among the ads found is RUB 781,000*

The minimum price of Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle among the ads found is 1,000 rubles*

Selling a Harley-Davidson V-ROD Muscle Vrscf motorcycle in Novokuznetsk

11.11.2020 780,000 rub.

Motorcycle Harley Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle in Krasnodar

10/15/2020 RUB 1,150,000

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle vrscf in Moscow

10/11/2020 RUB 2,200,000

Harley-davidson vrscf muscle V-ROD 2009 1190 in Vladivostok

09/07/2020 680,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle vrscf in Moscow

02/03/2020 RUB 1,200,000

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle vrscf in St. Petersburg

08/28/2019 RUB 1,100,000

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle (2015) in St. Petersburg

07/24/2019 RUB 1,200,000

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle vrscf in Moscow

05/25/2019 RUB 2,400,000

Harley-Davidson V-rod Muscle vrscf 2021 in Ufa

06/13/2017 1,600,000 rub.

Harley Davidson V-ROD Muscle vrscf 2015 in Moscow

03/15/2017 RUB 1,150,000

Selling Harley-Davidson vrscf V-ROD muscle in Moscow

03/10/2017 940,000 rub.

Motorcycle Harley Davidson vrscf V-ROD Muscle-K00407 in Moscow

02/06/2017 999,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle in Novosibirsk

01/12/2017 1,200,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle in Rostov-on-Don

11/12/2016 RUB 1,380,000

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle in Novosibirsk

10/31/2016 RUB 1,500,000

V-rod muscle vrscf in Makhachkala

10/30/2016 RUB 1,220,000

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle 2021 in Novosibirsk

10/26/2016 RUB 1,500,000

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle vrscfr in Nizhny Novgorod

10/20/2016 RUB 890,000

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-ROD muscle in Moscow

10/18/2016 970,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-ROD muscle for sale in Moscow

08/19/2014 685,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-ROD muscle 2011 in St. Petersburg

08/19/2014 770,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson V-Rod Muscle (vrscf) for sale in Cheboksary

08/18/2014 615,000 rub.

Harley davidson vrscf V-ROD muscle in Sochi

08/14/2014 680,000 rub.

Harley-Davidson vrscf V-Rod Muscle in Moscow

08/10/2014 RUB 890,000

* Attention! Under the maximum, average and minimum of the Harley Davidson VRSCF V-Rod Muscle motorcycle on this page, the average cost according to advertisements for sale on the Internet is indicated, without taking into account the year of manufacture, configuration and generation of the motorcycle model.


This model has quite a long history, since the first V-Rod was released back in 2002. As soon as the new Harley was introduced to the general public, a lot of criticism flew towards the V-Rod model. One part of the brand’s fans considered it almost perfect, while the other completely refused to accept the new motorcycle. The reason for this controversy was the new engine, which was now equipped with water cooling. In honor of this, the new engine received an exclusive name - “Revolution”. However, the most dissatisfied were the avid fans of the Harley Davidson brand, who were supporters of the classic design of the motorcycle. The rest of the two-wheeled enthusiasts found the installation of water cooling on the new Harley Davidson V Rod quite successful.

Over several years of active work, several modifications were made to this model, each of which revealed the motorcycle and its appearance from a slightly different perspective. In addition, after some time everyone came to terms with the new cooling system, since, following the Harleys, manufacturers from other companies began installing water cooling in their motorcycles. It turned out that the Harley Davidson V Rod became one of the first motorcycles to receive the new product.

Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-rod. Revolution No. 1

What the old motorcycle freaks have been saying for so long has happened: Harley-Davidson has decided to make drastic changes.

Igor Vladimirov
What the old motorcycle freaks have been saying for so long has happened: Harley-Davidson has decided to make radical changes. The first-born of the new generation was the VRSCA V-rod cruiser, the brainchild of HD and Porsche.

2002 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-rod © Photo: Harley-Davidson

Rumors that Orthodox Harley-Davidson (HD) was about to "start a new life" surfaced several years ago, but have only recently been confirmed. Having “occupied” more than 45% of the American heavy motorcycle market (volume over 1 liter), HD decided not to wait for that critical moment when the Japanese started breathing down his neck, and remained the sole owner of the “controlling stake”.

Not wanting to share secrets with long-standing enemies from the islands, HD management resorted to the help of a relatively loyal partner from the continent - Porsche, more precisely, its design and research centers, which do not shy away from hack work on the side, of course, with the knowledge of VW AG.

Why Porsche? Firstly, because it is a Porsche. Secondly, the German company does an excellent job with custom work (remember the Porsche-Samsung alliance created to produce cameras). Third, today it is the world's most prosperous automobile manufacturer. Fourthly, Porsche engineers are good at upgrading engines. For example, the engine (and not only) of the VAZ-2108 was originally developed here.

The new motorcycle engine is called unambiguously - Revolution. The working volume of two cylinders is 1130 “cubes”, the shape is almost classic, V-shaped, with a cylinder camber of 60°. Two overhead camshafts, the latest electronic injection, four valves per cylinder and (!) liquid cooling.

Moto power

2002 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-rod © Photo: Harley-Davidson

ra - 115 hp at 8750 min-1, torque - 100.3 N.m at 7000 min-1 for models supplied to the North American market, and (according to unofficial information) 88 N.m at 6300 min-1 for “European” modifications. In general, now, in order to move normally in space, the Harley-Davidson must be twisted and twisted.

According to the statement, the motor can reach 9000 min-1 without much damage to the resource. The classic belt that transmits engine power through the transmission to the rear wheel, of course, remains, otherwise the company would have lost more than one customer. Thanks to the efforts of Porsche developers, the engine now does not pound and wobble as much as before, especially at high speeds, and also does not torment the frame and rider with its problems thanks to the improved suspension system. Well-placed new silent blocks dampen even the most unpleasant vibrations well.

The V-rod looks like a monolithic, invigorating vehicle - due to the solid wheel rims, low profile and “gapless” organization of the engine-transmission unit. The exhaust pipes match the style that the Americans have imposed on the world over the past decade. It looks like HD has decided to seriously compete in the Old World with local and foreign cruiser manufacturers. Now the share of Harleys in the European market does not exceed 8% in the segment of chopper motorcycles with an engine of more than a liter. Perhaps the dream of conquering Europe will come true, but it’s hard to believe. Let's wait and see.

So far, about 800 orders have been received from Germany (the best buyer of motorcycles of this brand in Europe) for the new product, the price of which there is off the charts for $18,500 (38,000 marks). On the V-rod, the volume of the characteristic rattling sound will be “tamed down” in accordance with local regulations. But the main consumers - those between 40 and 50 - are very conservative and capricious. For them, a Harley without rumble is not a Harley. Those who are 25-35 are accustomed to other motorcycles, not so legendary and mythological, but more real and cheaper. HD is known to “youngsters” mainly from films and stories. For such people, special propaganda work will have to be carried out - in the hope that, having lived to forty, they will decide to acquire a motorcycle of this particular brand.

Sarcasm aside, the V-rod is curious, unusual, well made and runs well. The low ride height and long wheelbase make the driver look good not only on the highway, but also on the parkway. This motorcycle is a bit heavy for the city - after all, 279 kg (although not 385, like FLHTCUI), but good maneuverability, a comfortable fit and quick pickup will allow you to put up with excess weight. The only thing scary for the V-rod is kilometer-long traffic jams, in which you have to stand more than drive. But this is a common problem with cruisers.

Specifications HD VRSCA V-rod

Curb weight, kg: 279 Dimensions (length/width/height), mm: 3495/1495/1525 Wheelbase, mm: 1713.2 Length, mm: 2375 Ride height, mm: 659 Maximum speed, km/h: 225 Engine : — V-shaped “twin” type with 60° camber, 4 valves per cylinder — displacement, cm3: 1130 — power, hp. at min-1: 115/8750 - torque, Nm at min-1: 100.3/7000 - cooling: liquid Fuel tank volume, l: 15 Piston diameter x piston stroke, mm: 100x72 Compression ratio: 11, 3:1 Tire size: - front: 120/70ZR19 - rear: 180/55ZR18 Price in Germany, DEM: 38000

In 2012, the company launched a custom bike project based on the Harley Davidson Fat Boy.

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Technical features of Harley Davidson V Rod

As for the technical part of this model, there is something to discuss. It’s probably worth starting with the engine, since it has become a kind of highlight in the new Harley. In addition to installing water cooling, the engine received a cylinder camber angle of 60 degrees, as well as an overhead camshaft. In the V-Rod model, engineers decided to make the engine exactly like this for the first time. The fact is that on old Harleys the cylinder angle was 45 degrees, and a lower valve timing mechanism was used. However, this time, Harley Davidson set the task of extracting more power from the engine. Then it was decided to borrow the idea from sports motorcycles, which even then had a cylinder angle of 60 degrees.

By the way, there is a myth among motorcyclists that this engine was developed jointly with, but in fact this is not entirely true. The fact is that the Porsche concern has a department that tests and tests new engines. After development, the engine from the new V Rod was sent there in order to receive proposals for its improvement and refinement.

If we talk specifically about numbers, the V-twin engine of the new Harley Davidson V Rod received two cylinders, which in total produce a volume of 1250 cm3. The motorcycle's power was 119 horsepower, and quite good torque - 113 N/m. The listed characteristics allow you to accelerate the motorcycle to 223 km/h. For a model with a dry weight of almost 300 kg, this is considered a fairly good result. By the way, we were also pleased with the consumption; as the manufacturer assures us, the V-Rod consumes 6.3 liters per 100 km in the combined cycle.


Any motorcycle in the V-Rod line fully justifies the title of power cruiser, be it a Harley Davidson V Rod Muscle or some VRSCB. If you want to join the community of owners of this model, if you have the appropriate budget, it is best to look towards models equipped with the latest modification of the Revolution engine (1247 cc) and modern Brembo brakes, which were absent on earlier versions.


Maximum engine power:119 hp at 8000 rpm HP
Torque:113 N•m at 6250 rpm Nm
Working volume:1247 cm3
Motor type (cylinder arrangement, number of strokes):V-shaped
Number of cylinders:2
Number of valves:
Intake type (Injector / Carburetor):
Bore and stroke:
Starting system (Electric starter, kick starter):
Cooling system:Liquid cooling
Transmission (gearbox):5-speed, manual
Clutch (Dry / Wet):
Drive unit:Belt
Suspension (front/rear travel):
Brakes (Front/Rear):
Wheels / Tires / Rubber:
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (Length / Width):
Seat height:
Ground clearance:
Curb weight:
Wheelbase:1700 mm
Weight:from 281 to 307 kg
Fuel tank capacity:18.9 l.
Battery capacity:
Year of release:
Country of Origin:


Separately, I would like to talk about the wheels of the V Rod model. From the factory, the motorcycle is sold with a 19-inch front disc and an 18-inch rear disc. Most likely, this was done more to give the appearance of the motorcycle a little brutality, since the rear tire is 240 millimeters wide. This size, by the way, allows you to feel the motorcycle better, and when riding the bike gets fairly good grip on the road. But here it’s immediately worth noting that factory tires are not suitable for racing, even at the entry level. It’s better to move around on it calmly, sometimes twisting the throttle, since it’s pointless to do this from the start - the wheel just spins and the tires wear off. This model has quite a lot of potential, but in order to fully realize it you will have to install quite expensive tires intended for racing.

Pleasant advantages of this model

The new Harley Davidson V Rod is somewhat different from previous motorcycles. The first thing that is very important for buyers is the presence of modifications. The modern V-Rod has two.

This modification is distinguished by an exclusive dark color and the absence of chrome surfaces. The motorcycle has a very aggressive and intimidating appearance, as well as increased torque.

In appearance, this is a simpler model, although compared to the Night Rod, it costs a little more. In fact, these two modifications are distinguished only by their appearance. In the Muscle version we have the opportunity to choose our own color, and we also get chrome elements as standard. The Night Rod version has neither of these, which is why it received the additional word “Special”.

Another nice feature is the presence of the ABS system. Moreover, it is available even in the simplest configuration of the V Rod model. You can also note the exclusive look and new engine.


For the Harley Davidson company, the development of the V-Rod line was a new experience. Some controversial solutions were used in the design, but overall it turned out to be very successful and balanced. If desired, the owner can always customize the bike to suit himself, having received a unique Harley-Davidson V Rod Custom, if the money is enough.


Innovative for its time, the overhead V-twin Revolution is liquid-cooled, the cylinder angle is 60 degrees instead of the classic 45. Depending on the version, it produces up to 125 hp. and 117 Nm of torque. The engine loves high revs, which distinguishes it from the engines of most cruisers.


The classic 5-speed gearbox, and the absence of a sixth gear is noticeable at high speed. Torque is transmitted to the rear wheel via a belt drive, which perfectly minimizes power loss compared to a cardan and has a longer service life than a chain.

Chassis and brakes

The bike has a stamped steel frame assembled from individual elements, which makes customization easier. Suspensions depend on the version, and vary from conventional to progressive Showa. The brakes on the first generations are not effective enough - given the incredible dynamics, they do not correspond to the technical characteristics of the engine. But on later generations they were modernized and improved.


There are no auxiliary systems, with the exception of ABS (from 2006 as an additional option). The on-board electrical network is extremely reliable.

Weight and dimensions

The low seat height and low center of gravity make the bike very easy to ride. The weight depends on the modification, and ranges from 281 to 307 kg without taking into account possible tuning - with it the weight of the Harley Davidson V Rod Custom can differ either up or down.


The power cruiser has excellent directional stability thanks to the fork angle and wide rear wheel. For the same reason, its maneuverability at low speed can only be called tolerable, which corresponds to the characteristics of this class of motorcycle.

Fuel consumption

When riding quietly, the bike consumes 5-5.5 liters of gasoline per 100 km. If you drive aggressively, the figure can double. A similar result can be achieved when driving at maximum speed on the highway.


It doesn't matter what label you put on it: sport cruisers, power cruisers or muscle bikes. All three are motorcycle analogues of the “hot rod” phenomenon, which has long been known in the automotive environment. Yes, yes, Harley Davidson, Ducati and Yamaha are exactly hot rods, spectacular, powerful, loud and - how could we not be without it! - incredibly fast. These qualities have been characteristic of them since the time when the progenitors of the first hot rods began to try their hand at the dry salt lakes in Southern California in the 30s of the last century. But, having gone through the chain of evolution, some members of the family came to the principle of “appearing, not being.” I'm glad it's not all.

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