Is it possible to ride a moped in winter?

How to ride a scooter in winter - tips and equipment

Scooters and other two-wheeled vehicles are considered seasonal transport, but there are some brave souls who risk riding a scooter in the snow.
And if you are one of them, you need to read this article. In general, very few people decide to ride a scooter in winter, because in addition to the very slippery roads, it is difficult for the driver to ride in such cold weather. But still, for some, a scooter is the only means of transport, and therefore they are forced to travel in any weather. So, let's start giving you some good advice on this matter. We’ll tell you right away that before winter you should first prepare your scooter, then find the appropriate uniform, and only then get on the scooter, having previously read our tips.

How to ride a suter: correctly around the city and with a child

Hello, dear motorcycle lovers!

Today we will tell you how to ride a scooter to feel confident on the road. What rules must be followed to protect yourself and your passengers as much as possible while driving? If you have a scooter, then this article will definitely be useful to you.

So, let's go!

Road safety is the most important thing for all road users.

While modern cars have airbags, motorcycles and scooters do not have this option. We will tell you how to ride a scooter to avoid troubles on the road. After all, there are a number of its own features, taking into account which you will drive safely and not interfere with other road users.

Seasonality and weather conditions

It is better to use a scooter in the warm season, when there is a stable daily above-zero temperature outside. This is, of course, in summer, late spring and early autumn. During this period, riding two-wheelers is a pleasure. But if it rains, it is better to refrain from traveling for the following reasons:

  • bad visibility
  • the driver is forced to slow down and, as a result, may become a nuisance on the road
  • the road becomes slippery and the scooter often skids, especially when braking

Therefore, in rainy weather it is better to travel by car or public transport.

For safety reasons, we also do not recommend riding a scooter in winter.

It is technically not suitable for this time of year. In the cold it is difficult to maintain balance on ice, and the plastic on the scooter becomes brittle and even with a slight impact breaks easily. We advise you to forget about the scooter during the winter period.


A scooter, unlike a car, does not have glass or a body, which can partially protect the driver from injury in the event of an emergency. For this reason, for safety reasons, scooter riders and passengers should not ride on the road with their helmets unfastened. A helmet is required, but other equipment is at your discretion.

Whatever is comfortable, you can ride in, in any casual clothes and shoes. You can even do without motorcycle glasses if you ride at speeds up to 40 km/h. But it is advisable to always wear gloves, even if they are cotton construction gloves, 20 rubles each. For driving in twilight and darkness, it is advisable to have reflective elements on clothing.

Registration conditions

We would like to remind you that a scooter up to 50cc belongs to the category of mopeds, has restrictions on movement on the road and does not require state registration. And if the engine capacity is from 50 to 125 cubic meters, then it already belongs to the category of motorcycles. And then all the rights and responsibilities of a motorcyclist apply to the owner of a powerful scooter. In this case, registration of the vehicle and obtaining a state license are required. numbers.

Features of traffic rules for scooters

Despite the ease of operation, riding a scooter without a license is prohibited.

On a scooter up to 50 cc. You can drive if you have a license of any category. This transport attracts young people who love mobility, so many are often interested in the question of how old you can be to ride it. The answer is – from 16 years old.

Anyone can master driving from scratch. To do this, just go to a driving school, where they will teach you the rules of the road and show you in practice how to ride a scooter correctly.

And we will focus on some important points that will be useful to you.

In the city, in general traffic, the driver of a scooter with a capacity of up to 50 cc. must only drive in the far right lane. You can also ride on bike paths and on the side of the road as long as you don't interfere with pedestrians. Another feature is that if the road has two or more lanes in the same direction, then it is forbidden to turn left and turn around in the opposite direction. In this case, you need to treat the scooter like a bicycle. Namely, get to the pedestrian crossing, stop, turn off the engine and roll it like a bicycle along the zebra crossing across the road.

Preparing your scooter for winter

This is the first and very important stage. First, you need to ensure that the scooter operates normally even at sub-zero temperatures, because when the engine is in extreme cold, a variety of consequences can occur, including problems with why the scooter smokes, why it is difficult to start, and so on. So the only advice to improve the performance of the scooter in winter is to insulate the engine. The easiest way is to carry out this procedure yourself; to do this, you just need to find cardboard or make a small cover yourself that will be put on the cylinder (cylinder cover). Thus, such a simple action will prevent cold air from entering the engine. And accordingly, you will not have any difficulties about how to start a scooter in winter .

But this is not the end of the recommendations for preparing the scooter, and motor oil is next. You may not know, but scooters come with summer and winter oil. Summer motor oil has weak characteristics because it is too thick. And when the oil is used in cold weather, you most likely run the risk that the oil will become even thicker and prevent it from getting into the right places. The only practical advice would be to replace the oil with a less thick one, and then you will not have to worry about its proper operation.

Scooter equipment in winter

As we said above, not only the scooter needs insulation, but also you yourself, because it is more important for you not to freeze. In any case, winter equipment differs from the usual one, because it is not only warmer, but also involves slightly different things. A scooter, like other unprotected vehicles, has the same equipment, so the equipment from an ATV or a simple motorcycle will suit you. It must include gloves, which should not only be warm, but also have a grip on the handle. If you want to be fully equipped and have extra funds, you can buy winter gear with heated options. Of course, such things cost a lot, but you will be very comfortable. The equipment also includes a motorcycle helmet, which, by the way, can also be purchased with heating. For ideal warmth, you can equip the scooter itself with heating - the handlebars and the seat. But this is for the most demanding.

What to look for when buying a winter scooter

When choosing a scooter for the harsh Russian winter with its ice and frost, first of all, pay attention to those characteristics on which the safety of a child’s riding and the durability of the vehicle depend.

  1. The frame should ideally be metal, that is, durable. This is especially important if the owner of the scooter is not a small toddler, but a schoolboy or teenager. Pay attention to the reliability of fastenings and connections of individual components and mechanisms.
  2. If the snow scooter is made of plastic or has plastic parts, for example, skis, they must be frost-resistant, otherwise they will crack the first time you go outside.
  3. Give preference to models with a wide foot platform. Don't forget - winter shoes are more bulky than summer ones.
  4. It is important that the deck has an anti-slip coating.
  5. Did you choose a wheeled scooter? Keep in mind that for relatively good traction on icy pavement, only rubber tires are suitable.
  6. The electric scooter, in addition, must have waterproofing of at least level four according to the international classification of protection of electrical equipment from dust and moisture.

Winter electric scooters develop decent speed and are intended only for teenagers and adults!

Tips for riding a scooter in winter

Immediately before you start driving, you should warm up the scooter well, because in winter this is necessary in any case. But for simplicity, we will divide the recommendations point by point.

  1. Don't drive at high speed. The maximum speed should be 50 km per hour, otherwise skidding may occur. It will not be as painful, but it will still threaten other road users and your scooter directly.
  2. Don't brake suddenly. Even if you install knobbier tires and improve traction, you still need to worry about braking. In any case, sudden braking will lead to a skid, since most cars have already driven the road and made it slippery.
  3. Don't make sharp turns. I think this advice is clear to everyone, because you are also advised to ride straight and not tilt the scooter. If you tilt slightly, you will immediately slip and fall.

That's all the basic tips and tricks for driving a scooter in winter. Now these tips will be very relevant, because winter is coming, and in our region this time is especially strong. Don't fall, and if you fall, have a gentle fall.

Operating a scooter in winter

The scooter is not intended for use in winter.
Therefore, before use, it is necessary to prepare it: wash it from hard lumps of dirt and fill the tank full, otherwise the moped will jam while riding, and the gasoline will run out ahead of time, since in winter any equipment consumes more fuel. All moving parts of the scooter, except the brake disc, must be lubricated with engine oil before riding in winter - this will allow you to control the scooter and detect a malfunction in time. There are also special liquids that can be used to protect scooter rubber from corrosion, frost and brittleness. They are usually sold in cans.

Another danger of winter trips around the city is the salt that is sprinkled on the road surface. It corrodes the paint and metal parts of not only scooters, but also cars, and additional wiping and treatment with a solution is necessary to protect against damage.

To ride a scooter steadily in winter, you need to change the tires, since regular tires are not designed for snow and ice, but there are also options for winter tires. The installed tires for difficult driving on snow require a pressure 0.3 atmospheres lower than the summer one. Due to strong temperature changes, rubber constantly changes its density and hardness, which can lead to ruptures of the cylinders. To prevent this situation, you need to use special sprayers and wash the disc before and after each trip.

Storing a scooter in winter

If you decide to give your vehicle a rest, you need to prepare it for storage.
Preserving a scooter for the winter or using it in winter involves many operations, but the most important thing is that it must be washed well in a car wash using a Karcher. Particular attention should be paid to difficult places, including the area of ​​the footrest, where a lot of dirt accumulates. To store the scooter, you need to inflate the tires to half the pressure that the tires are used to, otherwise cracks will appear on them due to frost.

The battery quickly runs out in the cold, the internal lead walls of the battery can crumble, so it is not enough to simply remove the battery for the winter; it must be charged at least once every 3 months.

Storing a scooter in winter leads to corrosion of the metal parts of the moped. As when caring for motorcycles in the summer, for preservation it is necessary to lubricate the moped cylinder with a large amount of engine oil, for which you need to unscrew the spark plug, pour oil into the hole, screw the spark plug into place and turn the crankshaft. To completely lubricate all elements of the cylinder, you need to repeat these steps several times.

When preserved for storage, the metal parts of the scooter's shock absorbers may become corroded, as a result of which the moped will no longer ride smoothly over potholes. To avoid such consequences, you need to lubricate their feathers with motor oil.

Storing a scooter requires not only minor work (cleaning, filling the fuel tank), but also complex work: treating the crankshaft journal, not with engine oil, but with a small layer of grease. Before using the scooter, all applied compound must be completely removed, otherwise the belt will begin to slip.

The fuel tank, especially if involved in an accident, is prone to corrosion from the inside. Therefore, in winter it must be completely filled with fuel.

In winter, due to frost, small parts can stick together, so the dismountable cables must be “opened,” lubricated and assembled in reverse order, and the gas and brake cables, which cannot be disassembled, must be lubricated by pouring oil inside.

The crankshaft journals may become rusty in cold weather, and after you start using the moped in the spring, the shaft may jam. To avoid this, the shaft should be treated with a penetrating aerosol lubricant.

If you have completed all of the above, then the conservation of the scooter is complete. All that remains is to cover it with a canopy of fabric that prevents the formation of condensation, so that storage does not lead to serious damage.

How to ride a scooter in winter

PS Although few people would do this, you need balls of steel and a warm heart to do it

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