Own a motorcycle - basic inspection tips before purchasing

It would seem that it’s difficult to buy a motorcycle secondhand, because it costs much more serious work to earn the required amount, look through hundreds of advertisements, and bargaining at the wheel is the last final step. But in order to buy a good motorcycle for its real value or negotiate a certain amount, you need to be careful and meticulous. Do not forget, a profitable purchase is the goal of all previous work.

The decisive step - I arrived, looked in all the holes, started it, listened, drove, bargained... bingo!

Let us recall the main points that you need to pay attention to when buying a motorcycle secondhand.


Before inspecting the motorcycle, you need to understand what the paperwork is. We live in a world where, as they say, without a piece of paper you... well, you know. If the bike does not have documents, or there is something unclean there, then you will be able to ride it on public streets until the first checkpoint and the first stop by employees of the relevant authorities, with all the ensuing consequences.

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You can consider a motorcycle without documents only as a “donor” for spare parts, and then, if you are not puzzled by the history of the bike, there is a risk of receiving a stolen copy. I just came across such a donor once and I don’t want it anymore!

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How to choose a motorcycle

A motorcycle is not a coffee maker; in an hour it will be difficult to decide what exactly is right for you. Surely you already know it yourself. But an unjustified purchase can lead not only to financial waste, but also to various types of injuries, or even worse.

What should a beginner choose? Is it worth pursuing power? The answer to most questions will be: “I want a sportbike, I don’t want to hear anything.” Buying sports motorcycles by inexperienced riders can lead to dire consequences. To ride such a motorcycle you need special training and a lot of experience. Where can I get them? “Run” at least several thousand kilometers on a simpler device.

No, no one will forbid you to buy a powerful sports bike, but there is a chance that after the first ride, after cleaning the seat, you will go to sell it.

First you need to decide on the size of the driver. An overweight man over 100 kg will not only look ridiculous on a small motorcycle, he will simply be uncomfortable on a small car. In this case, it is better to take a closer look at classic motorcycles. For short people, Enduro motorcycles are suitable as their first means of transportation.

The second thing you should pay attention to is engine size. It’s better to start your journey into the biker movement with something low-power. A volume of 150 cubic centimeters is enough for a beginner. Even with such a car, careless movement of the throttle can cause an accident. A motorcycle with this volume is capable of achieving sufficient speed - about 90 km/h, which is enough for comfortable trips outside the city.

From 200 to 400 cubic meters is already a serious beast that you need to be able to handle. Step on the gas, accidentally press the front brake, and now you're flying like a swallow.

As for 600 cubes, this is a statement of power. This volume also requires skill. Typically, motorcycles with a large volume move into the class of cruisers, tourers and other cars, where power is compensated by the weight of the device.

Weight is another factor in choosing a motorcycle. A heavy bike is solid, but the problem is that you need to know how to handle it. Motorcycles fall and so do newbies. As we already wrote above, do not forget that most often you will have to lift a fallen bike yourself. The average Harley weighs about three hundred kilograms. Not everyone can pull this weight, especially if you don’t know the techniques that will help in such a situation.

You shouldn't buy an expensive motorcycle either. You need to understand that this is your first bike, which is needed in order to gain experience. With its help you will understand what you want in the future. It will definitely have scratches, abrasions, breakdowns due to improper gear shifting, and much more. It's better to take something cheaper and more reliable, anyway, soon you will probably sell your bike and buy something new.

It’s also better not to overthink the coloring of the first motorcycle. Let it be bright. This is not to show off to your friends. Everything is simpler - this way you will be better visible to other drivers on the road, especially at night. The blue-black Night Rod is beautiful, but in the hands of an inexperienced motorcyclist it will turn into a diabolical machine that poses a danger to all road users.

Stock or custom?

Those who like to modify their bikes and modify them in every possible way sometimes cross the line. For the buyer, this is fraught with two problems:

— externally, one model may be too similar to another. Because of this, misunderstandings arise. The buyer thinks about one motorcycle, but it turns out that he buys another, close to it - a redesigned one. Perhaps the seller will even specifically try to pass off one bike as similar if its history is unpleasant. Then look at the documents and Google pictures, compare with factory photos.

— the changes made will not allow you to register the motorcycle and pass a technical inspection. Yes, this happens too. This means that modifications were made to the design after the current owner had completed the documents, and he did not register them in any way.

They often try to sell damaged motorcycles under the guise of custom. When the bike has already wiped off the asphalt on all sides, the owners think: “Since we’re going to restore it anyway, maybe we can apply a different color, make a different steering wheel, install a loud exhaust?” When in front of you is an obviously tuned bike, you will have to talk to the owner about where, how, who and why they made all the innovations? What if they are trying to sell you “bitish” under the guise of an ordinary beautiful candy?

The engine can give away a damaged motorcycle. Replacing engine covers costs a pretty penny, so after an accident they simply sand them down and try in every possible way to hide the scratches. Take a closer look at the external condition of the lids. Small scratches are normal, but long stripes of scratches should alert you.

What to look for when buying a used motorcycle?

When it comes to buying second-hand two-wheelers from private individuals, you need to be especially careful. In the article we wrote tips that once helped us or our fellow bikers. Thanks to them, it will be easier and safer to choose a motorcycle that has already been used.

Check out the brand and model information

Immediately before inspecting the bike, you need to read the information about the models you are interested in. All series are not without typical shortcomings, so you can know in advance what to pay special attention to when choosing a vehicle.

Take the time to look through all the options offered.

After selecting the options you are interested in, call the owners, find out about the availability of documents and whether bargaining takes place. Next, it is important to clarify the true reasons for the sale, because there are cases when an urgent sale can promise additional discounts. However, the urgency and the reduced price (surprisingly, greatly) are a reason to think - good motorcycles do not sell cheap. Low cost may hide the presence of legal or technical problems.

Listen carefully and observe the behavior of the seller

Each question should have a clear and precise answer, preferably a detailed one. If the seller tries to change the topic and fusses, it is likely that he is deliberately hiding something.

Start every inspection of your bike by checking the VIN number.

First of all, when inspecting the iron horse, make sure that the VIN number, which is printed on the top of the frame, and the number indicated in the documents match. If they are not followed, problems will arise during registration, verification or police control. This situation may indicate that the vehicle has been stolen. Remember, if the numbers are invisible, cut out or deformed, refuse the purchase and do not regret it.

Do not consider bikes with a greatly reduced price

Problems after this purchase can cover a wave of spending more than the presence of imaginary benefits. The motorcycle may be restored or without documents, which indicates their theft or illegal import. In any case, you won’t have to enjoy your purchase for long - try to register the bike with the traffic police, and your iron new friend will be arrested.

Watch the engine start

Before viewing the motorcycle, you need to ask the owner not to warm up the engine before your arrival. A tale about an urgent trip to buy bread will most likely indicate an attempt to hide some problem. The bike's engine should start perfectly the first time even in cold winter. Monitor the uniformity of its operation and the presence of large vibrations and extraneous sounds. After warming up the engine, check the oil to see if it is leaking. The white smoke coming out during startup is steam. The appearance of black or bluish smoke will indicate that the mixture is too thick in the first case, and the engine is burning oil in the second case.

A complete package of documents must be available immediately upon inspection of the bike

Absolutely any equipment whose volume exceeds 50 cm3 must have the original passport of the technical equipment, a purchase and sale agreement with the previous owner (if any) and a state customs declaration if the motorcycle was just imported into Russia and was not registered. If registered in the prescribed manner, the traffic police issues a vehicle registration certificate and a license plate.

How can you tell if a motorcycle has been in an accident?

It is by the handles, switches, brake pedal, mirrors, gear lever and footrest that experienced motorcyclists can judge the dismal experience of this product on the roads. Worn or damaged these elements indicate the presence of a traffic accident. Having noticed such traces, do not believe that it was parked in a distant parking lot for five years, and feel free to go and inspect the next option. Motorcycle tow truck in Moscow Biker Bro wishes you a pleasant shopping experience and the right choice of bike so that it becomes a real iron friend.

Leaks reveal gaps

Technical fluids will definitely find a way out if there are gaps somewhere. They are the ones who will tell you that, at best, only the oil seal is going to be replaced. Which means it’s time to bargain and ask questions again! Has the fork been moved? How does the engine or radiator feel? Oil filter, but which one hit ten? When was the oil changed and where? Don't forget that there are ancient models that like to eat oil from the factory. It is better to learn these subtleties from experienced ones in advance, so as not to buy into something where it should not be.

Oil accumulation inside the exhaust pipe is also a so-so sign. But during the inspection, nothing prevents you from pulling up all the dipsticks and assessing the condition of the oil in all containers.

Not only oil leaks, but also gasoline. Gaps in the fuel system are dangerous. One claim and here comes the ghost rider, the human torch, in person! Inspect the hoses for cracks. What do the connection points look like?

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Look closely for the appearance of rust. It will give you hints about how and where the bike was stored. And also that she will have to be treated.

Carefully inspect the frame. Motorcycles with overcooked frames cannot be registered. I personally know sad examples when people saved for a long time for their first motorcycle, and after the purchase, during inspection they were told that such a frame was not in good condition. The welding site was under the tank, which no one looked under before purchasing.

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The most difficult thing is to correctly evaluate a sportbike. Problems may be hidden by plastic, and no one will be able to remove it so easily. It remains to learn more carefully about the owner’s driving habits.


WHERE IS THE MOTORCYCLE FROM? There are important nuances of choice associated with this. The main donor of “second-hand” motorcycles is Japan, with its endlessly old sludge, among which there are both outright junk and surprisingly well-preserved specimens. Quite large companies are now engaged in the import of used Japanese motorcycles. They bring both whole and damaged bikes, which they repair on their own.

Old motorcycles used in this island country often look unpresentable. The proximity of the salty ocean negatively affects, first of all, aluminum parts, which within ten years have time to “bloom” with corrosion pits. But the technical condition of the motorcycle may be close to ideal. And the mileage, as a rule, is low - unless, of course, the first owner was fond of traveling around the world.. More recent copies often look like new in appearance.

When purchasing a Japanese motorcycle, be sure to inquire whether this model was released only for the domestic market. In this case, there may be problems with spare parts.

Well-used motorcycles from Europe, on the contrary, can have a shiny appearance and... an engine in a pre-infarction state. Here the conversation is mainly about fast sportbikes. Keep in mind: if the odometer shows a modest number, then there is every reason to doubt its authenticity. In the countries of endless autobahns, God himself ordered, having opened the throttle “all the way” in one city, to close it only in another, where, it is possible, the place of work of the owner of the motorcycle is located - so he rushes back and forth every day. You have to be extremely careful not to buy a device with a worn-out engine, which, after prolonged use at high speeds, will consume as much oil as gasoline.

Residents of the United States are quite careless about their motorcycles, and the motorcycles that come to us from overseas can be very different both in the condition of the chassis and engine, and in appearance. A lot of emergency equipment is being brought from America. There it is forbidden to use a motorcycle after an accident, but in Russia no one cares: they repair it and move on.

With the exception of the iconic Harley and two or three other brands produced there under license, Japanese motorcycles come from the States. Including a lot of cross-country equipment. In the USA there are many strong cross-country racers of international level, so the fleet of motorcycles of both the riders themselves and motocross schools often changes. It is highly undesirable to run into a motorcycle “from under an athlete.” Despite the fresh plastic, which is used to replace the “combat” one before sale, such a motorcycle, as the athletes themselves put it, is very tired. Starting with the frame, which has withstood thousands of jumps, and ending with the engine, which has driven dozens of pistons...

A separate issue concerns foreign equipment sold by private individuals. Here I advise you to be especially careful and picky about the documents, if any. There are many stolen (both in our country and abroad) bikes offered through advertisements. If you have the slightest suspicion about the purity of the history of the copy you like, I advise you to refuse the purchase. Even if the motorcycle is in perfect condition, has no mileage and is sold inexpensively.


A motorcycle in static conditions is one thing, but in dynamics it is another. As long as he stands, everything seems perfect. Listen to how the engine starts and how it works. How does the steering wheel turn - is it easy or do the bearings show fatigue? How are the levers, gear shifting and brakes? Extraneous noises require an explanation! Creaks, whistles, rumbles... You want to buy a motorcycle, not a music box. Small sounds when starting the engine are not so bad if they disappear when warming up. But when the crackles and whistles increase as the engine heats up, things are bad.

Substitution of advertisements.

A cool method of luring customers, used by not very honest motorcycle dealerships. Not often, but it happens. The point is that in an advertisement for the sale of a motorcycle on the Internet, a different year of manufacture is indicated... It’s three or four years newer. When you come to the salon and say, I’d like to see that black Sibishka from the ad, they tell you: “no question, she’s standing there in the corner.”

If the deception is discovered before the contract is signed, they say that this is the only motorcycle and there could not be an error in the advertisement and are dismissed in other ways. If already when signing the contract, the client, who has already raised his hand over the paper, usually does not refuse. It happens that they don’t notice anything at all

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