What happens if you pour kerosene into a gasoline engine?

Let's take the TS1 brand of kerosene, namely, aviation to supersonic fuel for turbojet engines. Now let’s briefly look at the fuel system in a primitive scheme, solely to understand what we need to flush and where problems may arise. For example, let's take a VAZ-2112 with fuel injection (for naturally aspirated engines, almost everything is the same, only there is a carburetor). So, a fuel tank with a fuel control system (about the same as a float in a toilet tank, only more sophisticated with electronics), a fuel pump, a fine fuel filter, a fuel rail, a fuel pressure regulator, injectors and an injection system. We will omit other components of the system, since they cannot be cleaned with kerosene, but require cleaning by another method.

Why do they pour kerosene into the gas tank? Another life hack from the USSR

Welcome to the #auto-tricks channel! Today I want to tell you about another interesting life hack from the USSR, which concerns kerosene and a car’s gas tank.

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