How to make Lada Vesta SW Cross even better - examples of tuning

The new product from AVTOVAZ looks stylish in its basic version, but many are interested in creating a special image for their car. Tuning will help you achieve better results. Even the brightest and most original Lada St cross tuning can be made even better. Read on to learn how you can change the exterior and interior and give your car exclusive elements.

Lada Cross - brake tuning

To improve the performance of the braking system, professionals advise tuning the brakes. This is most often done by installing larger brake discs and brake pads with increased rigidity. Sometimes discs already have ventilation and perforation.

Even if you simply replace standard brake discs with larger ones, this will have a positive effect on the functionality of the car’s braking system. Of course, this is not enough to make the entire system much more efficient. To achieve better results, it is proposed to install a sports braking system in a comprehensive manner.

The cost of such a modification is far from low, because a sports braking system is much more expensive than a standard one. Experts assure that you cannot skimp on brakes, and it is advisable to start tuning the Lada Cross with them. Traffic safety depends on this.

Vesta S-line and R versions

The Rospatent register recently included information about the trademarks and names of two new modifications of the Lada: the charged version of the Vesta R, as well as the S-Line, distinguished by the presence of sports styling on the body. Interestingly, the manufacturer plans to use an individual logo for each of these modifications.

Factory styling and S-Line will include interior modifications, installation of a spoiler, designer wheel rims and door sills and bumpers. It becomes logical that Vesta R will present that same VAZ “lighter”, which has equipment that seriously distinguishes it from the serial version.

There is information that for the R-modification of Vesta they will offer two powertrain options. One of them – a 1.6-liter, borrowed from Kalina NFR and producing 140 “horses”, will become the base one. Perhaps they will also equip the S-Line. The second is boosted to almost 150 hp. VAZ turbo 1.8-liter engine series 21179. In addition, it may turn out that its power will be increased to 180 hp.

Along with a powerful engine, Vesta R will receive a modified transmission, sports suspension and a braking system with increased efficiency.

Lada Vesta Cross sedan – engine tuning

Owners of Lada cars often do engine tuning; this modification is considered one of the most common. It consists of three stages.

Work on the engine begins with chip tuning, at the second stage the construction of an atmospheric engine is carried out, after which the procedure is completed with the installation of a turbocharged compressor. Let's consider each stage separately.

Chip tuning Lada Vesta St. Cross 1.8

The simplest type of engine modification, which is performed by making changes to the standard firmware of the machine’s electronic control unit. Which firmware option to choose is a matter for the owner and technician, but the choice is quite large.

A number of ready-made firmwares that have been tested on other vehicles are offered. You can find special firmware online.

Ready-made options assume that a specialist will upload an existing program into the electronic control unit, in which all the settings have already been set in order to use it. If we talk about online firmware, then it is made for a specific car during its running-in process.

Preference is given to ready-made firmware by those who own a factory car, but deep tuning involves the creation of an individual program.

Tuning modification Lada Vesta Cross SW

Vesta Cross is the most interesting option from the entire line. Tuning will improve ride quality, comfort, appearance and generally remake the car to suit you, making it truly unique. But it is important to remember that during modifications the machine may suffer a little, the warranty will be voided and reliability will be lost. For example, when chipping an engine, up to 10% of its service life can be lost. And the work itself can cost up to 150 thousand rubles.

In the “cross” version it is possible to increase the ground clearance. If 203 mm of ground clearance is not enough for you, then you need to make some minor modifications. You can install special spacers – metal plates – under the racks. This will give you a few extra centimeters. It should be noted that different spacers are used for the front and rear struts. You can also reduce the ground clearance using a shortened suspension, in which shock absorbers and springs have been developed. But you won’t be able to cut the springs yourself, since a different suspension design is used.

One of the most popular types of tuning is the development of the “brains” and the engine. Often, reflashing is resorted to due to many shortcomings in the program, however, in more recent models, many of them have been eliminated by the manufacturer. But even after reprogramming such cars, they drive completely differently. Replacing the manifold also helps improve performance. Instead of the standard one, a “spider” is installed, but the Euro compliance indicators drop from the fifth level to the second. In addition, ringing often occurs due to the thin metal of the part, so it is wrapped with thermal tape, but this does not completely solve the problem. As a result, the car starts easier, performs better and becomes more dynamic.

Chip tuning Lada Vesta Cross - advantages

First of all, it should be noted the cost of such a procedure - it is not expensive at all; on average, modifications will cost from six to ten thousand. If you compare this with the price of installing compressors, the difference is quite significant. Another plus is that the work will not take much time. In order to build a naturally aspirated engine, it may take more than one month for the Lada Vesta St. Cross, but chip tuning will take no more than a few hours.

It does not always turn out that the selected firmware suits the driver perfectly. If we are talking about chip tuning, then you can refuse it at any time and return the car to the factory version, and this does not require any intervention in the engine.

Negative aspects should be noted separately. The simplest modification will not add much power to the engine. Chipping a car leads to a slight increase in horsepower and improved performance. In most cases, such tuning of the Lada Vesta Cross 1.8 is done in order to change the amount of air supplied to the engine, as well as to reduce the amount of gasoline consumed. According to experts, it is possible to increase engine power by a maximum of ten percent thanks to chipping.

Characteristics of harmony, hour, manner, style, gender of Dzeslova

Dzeyaslou – this is the most important part of language, what is the most important thing, what is the work? , for example: myst, write, write, think, freeze, praise, read, study. Dzeyaslovy mean physical activities (kasits, zhats) rokh and peramashennye ў prastors (ride, swim), mental and physical states of the chalavek (sumavats, spa), yago maulenchuyu and reasonable zeynas ts (gavarits, razvazhats). Dzyaslovu ўlаstіvу marfalagіchny categories і travannya (finished and unfinished), ladu (absent, smart, mysterious), become, hour (tsyaperashny, past, future), persons (1st, 2nd, 3rd, liku ( adzinochny and plural ), and in the last hour and in a wise way - the family (male, female and none). I. Abvesny lad abaznachae dzeyanne yak real fact, yak stsvardzhaetstsa tsi admaulyaetstsa: This evening has become cloudy early, which is extraordinary. The heat of the winter has covered the snowy ridges, the sun has smothered the poplars, the meadows. At home there are often no progress... ts forms of tsyaperashnyaga, past and future folded for an hour, and finished tearing - forms of past and future prostag of the hour. Dzeyaslovyh abvesnaga in harmony abachayutsya dzeyanne, which sapraudny happened, happened or will be adbyvatstsa. Dzeyaslovy abvesnaga in harmony change on the clock, person and face. that means not real dzeyanne, but magchymae pry adpavednyh umovakh (Kab on hops are not frosty, they would be overgrown) and soft (such lads would die!) The most important thing is that the mind is in harmony with the hours of compilation and the appreciation of requests and parades (If only you would work this fall and do not put it in for tomorrow), and suffering (At least, like Calisci, I call my mother). Forms of the word in mind will be created according to the paths of the distance and the day of the word passed by the hour of the hour (b): pisa would, lichy, would spring, sustreўsya b. The part would (b) be written differently with the words. Parts of the words that end in sonorous words, and those that end in tangential words, would be useful. With this in mind, it can be said not only in other words, but also in other words: It’s impossible to work with your son, no matter how different and powerful you are. Wash in the right way not in the form of time and manner, but change during childbirth and birth. The well-known way of life is growing and the Dzeyalovs have a mysterious way: Give the materials to them only to work out the results. Mysterious in the manner of Dzeyalova, expressing pabujenne and dzeyannya: what can happen, I will riddle: Nothing can happen without me, boys!, parades: Don’t cry, don’t be angry, don’t be angry: be calm and navat - mold: laugh.; requests: Give it to me. Kali weasel, book; Prapanovs: Let's spoil all our records! In a strange way, Dzeyaslova Ulastsiva Asable Intanatsiya. Yana is extremely comfortable living without her business. Mysterious are the forms of the 2nd form of the adinocular and multiple face, and the taxa of the forms of the 1st form of the multiple link and the 3rd form of the adinocular and multiface. Form of the 2nd asoba adzіnochnaga lіku ўtvaraetstsa hell basics dzeyaslova tsyaperashnyaga or buduchaga prostag chasu shlyakham daluchennya kanchatka – s (-i) or without yago: dapamagu – dapamazhy, I’ll tell you – tell you, I remember – I remember, I’ll look – look, I’m reading – read . Hell dzeyaslova beat, vіts, lіts, pіts utvaraetstsa form of a mysterious harmony without y on the ends: bі, vі, pі, lі. The 2nd aspect of the multifaceted face of the mysterious way is the way to go and the 2nd step of the adzinochnaga face of the postfix is: dapamazhytse, tell, remember, gloss, read, vertse, berazhytse. The soft sign before the postfixes is the whole time: kіn-kіncie, zlaz – zlazce, pgladz – pagladzie. The forms of the mysterious mode of the 1st method are multiplied by the endings – eat (-em, -am), im (-m): hadzem, zabyarem, write, multiply. Such forms can be utensils and apisal, let’s go ahead, let’s go, let’s jump, let’s jump, let’s jump, let’s jump, let’s learn. The 3rd asoba of the mysterious way is only apisal - yes dzeyaslova of the 3rd asoba of the cyperashnyaga or the next hour will come a little bit (hai): No, you are healthy buds, as they have touched me. Hi budze, you are all good! Let's dance, let's have fun. Utvarayuchy different forms of time, in order to escape the memory, karystayutstsa pastanakovki torture: what am I doing? - What am I earning? what are the slaves? – what are the slaves? So, the ad dzeyaslova dastavat form of the pass to the chas budze dastava (shto rabіў?), and not dastaў (shto zrabіў?), the hidden ad dzeyaslova dastav (shto zarabіt?), the ad dzeyaslova adsylats form tsyaperashnyaga chas – adsylayu (what the slave?), and ne adashlyu (shto zrabits?), made hell dzeyaslova adaslats (shto zrabіts?), let’s call it dzeyanne, yakoe yashche adbudzetstsa. It is unavoidable to use the words that are used in the same way (runners, carriers, climbers, racers) and unstoppable handlers, equipped with different tanks (runners, carriers, climbers, climbers). The forms of the hour ad іkh are prepared for the advancing chyns: bechchy - running, running, I will be running, ale: running - I’m running, running, will be running; lucky, elm, lucky, I'll be lucky, ale: important, big, I'll be lucky; climb - climb, climb, I will climb, ale: climb, climb, I will climb; I’m ganya – I’m gon’, I’ll be gon’, ale: I’m gon’, I’m gon’, I’ll be gon’. Chas dzeyaslova expresses adnosіny dzeyannya and momenta gutarki. There are three hours in the future: present, past and future. Dzyaslovy tsyaperashnyaga chas abazajuts dzeyanne, kogo supadae s momentam gutarki: I admire how father’s practykavanna stake of firewood, and the dachshund is not surrounded by hours pastayannaya dzeyanne: Zakhodnaya Dzvina ўpade ў Baltic Sea. Today's hour only looms with unfinished tornadoes. Jans change on their faces and faces: I dance - we practice; pratsuyuts - pratsuetse - pratsuyuts. Dzeyaslovy's past walks show the hour that happened and happened to the moment of the gatark: Dzesti in the forest was cooing. Then she died. And for a week or two the heat subsided. And it’s very close. The words of the last hour change in the faces, and in the last hour and in the generations: nasіў, nasіla, nasilі. Dzeyaslovy buducha hourly demonstrate that dzeyanne adbudzetsa ci budze adbyvatstsa pasta momenta gutarka: I will remember the prophetic words of Kupala and to my grandchildren. There are two forms: simple and folded. Simple being an hour of utensils, hell dzeyaslova completed tearing: pabudavat - I will drip, nakasіts - nakashu, and folded being an hour - hell dzeyaslova unfinished tearing and the most common forms of dzeyaslova happen: drip - I will drip, will drip, will drip; budzem kapac, budzem kapac, budze kapac.

41. Sprazhenne dzeyaslova. Roznaspragalnyya dzeyaslovy. In dzeyaslovyh the form is specific to the daily dzeyannya, which can be a chalavek, a living essence or an inanimate object. P r a s h a s o b a p a k a s v a e that dzeyanne ўtvarae to the one who is talking ( I am rambling, I am reading

the other one is dzeyanne yago subyasednika ( ramantuesh, perachytvaesh
tretsyaya - dzeyanne asoby or prudmeta, yakіya ўдзлнічаюць с мова ( ramantuye, perachytvae, uchytstsa, greener).
Such words are called asabov y m i. Asabovyh words may have single endings in the forms of adzinochnag and mnogoga lika cyperashnyag and future prostag of the hour.
In the form of the proslag, the hour dzeyaslovy not mayuts asabov kanchatkaў. The changed word is called sprazhennem. In the depository ad asabov's endings, the word falls into two words - the first word and the other. ash), 3rd -e(-e, -a). Other common names: 1st -у(-у), 2nd -іш(-ыш), 3rd -іць(-ыь). The first ones are plural: 1st -yom (-em, -om, -am), 2nd -etse (-yatse, -ace), 3rd -uts (-yuts). Other expressions Multiple words: 1st -ім(-ым), 2nd -ітсе(-ыць), 3rd -ац(-яц). The most pronounced manifestations of adrossion are in the 3rd phase of adzinochnaya and mnogoliku. It is easy to identify the spelled words, kali and asabov forms natsk fall on the ending: idzesh, knitting, glyadzish
idze, elm, look, mauchyts; We go, we knit, we look, we move, etc.
In asaba forms with non-national endings, the type of expression is indicated. Yes, the second sentence adnosyatsya words that end in -itsy(-yts): byalits', varyts', kasits', lyubіts'
i insh, (with the exception of the warehouse dzeyaslovy type
bіts', vіts', lits, myts, vyts, shyts
, yakiya adnosyatstsa yes I sprazhennya);
dzeyaslovy on -ets (-ets), kali e (e) do not zakhoўvaetstsa ў 1st asobe adzіnochnaga lіku tsyaperashnyaga hour: garets (garu), glyadets, lyatsets, tsyarpets
(ale: khatets - I sprazhenne).
Yes II sprazhennya taxama nalezhats dzeyaslovy gnats, spaz, nalezhatsya, flock, bayazza
All astatnia dzeyaslovy adnosyatstsa yes I sprazhennya. Roznaspragalnyya dzeyaslovy. Dzeyaslovy begchi, dats, esci
(i vytvornya hell ich) - roznaspragalnya, where the yans change in ways, either like Dzeyaslovy I sprazhennya, or like Dzeyaslovy II sprazhennya.
Dzeyasloў begchy
ў 3rd asobe mnogo lіku May kanchatak I sprazhennya, and all ўsіkh astatnіh - II sprazhennya:
bjagu, bazhysh, bjazhyts, bjazhym, bezhytse, bjaguts.
In Dzeyaslovs
there are,
in the form of a plurality of words, the kanchatak of the 1st asoba coincides with the endings of the 2nd sprazhennya, the kanchatak of the 3rd asoba - with the endings of the 1st sprazhennya, the kanchatak of the 2nd asoba, and the taxa of the endings of the adzinochnaga lika is special, not Elastic ni I, ni II sprazhennu: Adzіnochny lіk 1st e-m yes-m, 2nd I-si yes-si, 3rd e-sts yes-sts;
Multiple lik 1st yadz-im dadz-im, 2nd yad-stse yes-sce, 3rd yad-uts dad-uts. Dzeyasloў davat
in the current hour of spragaetstsa, like dzeyasloў I sprazhennya:
I give, I give, I give, I give, I give, I give.
42. Dzeeprymetnik - a form of dzeyaslov , which is the basic meaning of the subject (personality) of the subject: Nemeranaya, nyakhodzhanaya taiga is alive, noisy, strakocha and breathing with a distant, jumping vodgull. (Grah.) Tabe, with the tired souls, sprinkled with the spring, I want the heat of the sustrezza from the distant spring. (Punch.)

Diesel jets may be used as a base for jets and jets.
Dzeeprymnetniks produce only hell of words that may be associated with them: agul base and agul lexical meanings: learned vertices - learned vertices, pages of whole leaves - pages of whole leaves, sound of vertices - The sounds of the vyanka
As I say, as a social scientist, I will become: happy cotton
(para.: cotton, like hanging),
overripe berries
(berries, like overripe),
learned tops
(tops, like learned i);
trevannya: splestsi - spletceny, pasadzitsy - pasadzhany,.
nakryts - covered, vyshyts - embroidered, vyshyvats - embroidered. Dzeeprymetniki, as well as dzeyaslovy, which are related to the names:
sow with grain
sown with grain, sanctified to the suns - brightened by the suns.
Yes dzeeprymetnіkaў prymykayutsya prysloўі
: sabrat večaram - sabrany večaram, mow letam - mow letam, prachytats vyrazna - prachytany vyrazna.
Dzeeprymetniki, as well as prymetniki, pass on the soil, face and slope:
compressed niva, compressed field, compressed barley;
squeezed sticks, squeezed sticks, on squeezed sticks. The dwarves say that they are the most tortured, what and the traps - what?, what?, what?, I to and I?.
Both round and round ones may have a long and short form: an edge and an edge are added
the same and the other.
A short form may only appear for the shortest time;
Yanas change during childbirth and birth, but do not bow: the top is learned, the most beautifully written, the meadows are mowed
New dzeeprymetniki in the story reveal the role of the designated person, sometimes the speaker: Behind the windows, snow caps tell the story of the harvested forest.
(Grah.) The hut was spacious and well-furnished. (K-s), short -
a statement

native land forever. cut , overgrown with dense bushes of hare bushes, the pavutsinny woman of summer floated, floated on the side of the young one, as if engulfed by a poisonous fire, asin.
(Sham.) 43. Utvarenne i zhivanne dzeeprymetnіkaў . Dzeeprymetniki nezalezhnaya will become a past hour ўtvarayutstsa hell basics infinity of intransitive dzeyaslova finished torn in the dapamosis of the suffix -l-: pastalets - pastalels, pasіnets - pasіnels. The darkening sun as if frozen on the indestructible heights. (I. M.) Night over the meadows, the race is wet, the clouds are dissolving.

Dzeeprymetnye nezalezhnaya will become a past hour can be used with the help of suffixes
-sh-, - ush - and the basics of infinity of transitive and intransitive phrases: learn - learn (attempted), past ts - arrived (sister).
The undisclosed native trees sang from the hell of the burnt branches of absypa. (K.B.) Dzeeprymetnіkі zalezhnaga will become last hour and hour ўtvarayutstsa hell basics infіnіtyva of transient dzeyaslova ў finished tormented pry dapamose suffixaў
-n-, -an-, -en-, -t-: I love your wonderful winter tsish, my city is covered with starry eyes.
(Bur.) Glory to bright summer days, and sown fields, and plowed meadows. (Ch.) The unpatrolled Zhniven night was still circling over the salamyan fears of the standing weights, like the nests of birds. (Chigr.) In the Belarusian literary language, not all dzeeprymetniki adnolkava zhuzhivalnye.
The most extensive dzeeprymetniks have passed between the hours of stale and nezalezhnaya I will become with the suffixes -l-, -n-, -an-, -en-, -t-: Fall to the light sleepyheads of May, they are enchanted in the ant flock.
(V.Zh.) I am writing the best, because the soul of the island loves everyone and pains for your skin. (Punch.) The well-worn tsishynya slightly vartavala kozhny guk, kozhny nyasmely sholakh. (K-s) On the hunt for the famous enchantress, high-lying cranes fall. In the Belarusian language, the suffixes with the suffixes -ўш-, -ш- are separated, in the form of the male gender, the suffixes coincide with the suffixes and the double-sense.
Paraun.: Paspakayneўshi vuchan pachaў adkazvats upeўena
vuchan ya k i? - paspakayneўshi)
- dzeeprymetnik.
Paspakaineўshi, vuchana pachaў adkazvats upeўena (pachaў adkazvac kal і? - papakaineўshi)
- dzeeprysloўe
Rarely, the Belarusian language is independent and stale, and I will become indifferent to the hour.
Utvarayutstsa yan hell asnovy dzeyaslova tsiaperashnyaga hour of unfinished tirvanya with dapamogai suffix -uch-(-yuch-), -ach-(-yach-), -em-, -im-. It is becoming increasingly important in the field of education, in the language of newspapers, and in terms of terms: striking workers, collapsing forces of history
Most of these are multi-layered signs, which have primary meanings and come to the fore: undying spirit, burning water, boiling water
standing water, lying stone, dense forest, favorite city, vyadomy vuchony.
Nyama ў Belarusian language of foreign exchange engines
The Belarusian language has a deadline for replacing the non-elastic and dzeeeprymetnika in the transfer from other countries (in the first chargu from Russian).
The unusual form of Russian language in Belarusian language can be replaced by :
given the following tales (original, dapaunal, zeinikav):
We walked along the side of the road, completely covered with last year’s brown leaves, not yet dry after the snow.
(A. Kuprn) We have gone through a beautiful road, healed by the brown flying fox, which did not dry up in the snow. (Peraklad L. Salaўya); dzeeprysloўem, dzeeprysloўnym zvarotam:
“Is someone knocking?”
- said Chub, who stopped. (N. Gogol) “Are you knocking?” — experienced forelock sleepy., (Peraklad M, Luzhanina); prymetniki:
He [Lermontov] was happy with his thoughts, their strength, breadth, his plans, the all-pervading presence of poetry.
(K. Paustovsky), Their happy thoughts, their strong, bright, their thoughts, universal current poetry. (Reported by A. Martsinovich); Names:
the future is the future, the bathers are the swimmers, the storyteller is the avenger.
"Not true!" — she said quietly and in a pleading voice. (A. Chekhov) “No way!” - Yana asked the workshop, with a hint of malaise in her voice. (Peraklad I. Gramovich); dzeyaslovam:
Night fires that glowed here and there around the camp... increased the darkness with their dim crimson light.
(L. Tolstoy) The early fires hung here and there in the camps... the darkness fell with their dim barvov saint. (Reported by J. Sharakhoskaga );
for developed plants: substances that stimulate plant growth - growers, stimulants for the growth of plants.
Dzeeeprytnye, dzeeeprytnye zavorota, which is how to navigate around the corner of the work, called prats, is extremely difficult to overestimate;
In case of necessity, we want to inform you about the educational, civil and cultural literature. ZAVAGA! The suffixes dzeeprymetnikaў poўnay and short form pіshatsa adno -n-: vykananae given, plans vykanany.
The Belarusian literary language uses the suffixes

ach-, -yach-, -uch-, -yuch-, -em-, -im
Examples of translations of dzeeprymetnіkaў and dzeeprymnetnіkaў words: withered grass - wilted grass;
the raging sea is praised by the pestilence; a running motor is a motor, which is how it works; bathers - bathers; ripening rye - zhyta, which is riper; future life - future life; stars shining in the sky - vigilant lights in the sky; substances that stimulate plant growth - plants, stimulants for plant growth. Zvarotnykh dzeeprymetnіkaў at the Belarusian language.

44. Dze e p ry s o ў e - a special common form of dzeyaslov , which is a basic dadatkovaya dzeyanne i clear dzeyaslov-vykaznik. For example: The road came from the trees, without the help of the gastina, when the green birch trees melted.

not daishoўshaya
dadatkova dzeyannі clear asnoўnae dzeyannaya, expressed dzeyaslovam-vykaznikam (znіkla kal i?
— ne daishoўshiy da gastіntsa).
There may be signs of both wind and wind.
Dzeeprysloўі ўtvarayutstsa hell dzeyaslovnyh asnў, they want their lexical meanings: read - reading, apranuzza - apranuushy, zavazhyts - zavazhyўshi;
there may be grammatical signs of dzeyaslova: there are finished and unfinished tornados (yano zalezhyts hell tornaga ўtvaralnaga dzeyaslova);
budavat house - buduyuchy house, budavat school - bududavshi school;
carrying books - carrying books, presenting connections - presenting connections ;
can be non-returnable or returnable: break the set - break the set, break from the products - break from the products, turn out the books - turn out the books, turn out the schools are in a state of flux at schools.
Dzeeprysloўі want to kіravanna these dzeyaslovі, hell ўkоgа ўtvoran:
prachytats apavyadanna - prachytaushy apavyadanna, atrymats padruchniki
atrymaushy padruchniki
yes, as they say, they can jump into the air, as they explain: hearing is respectful - hearing is respectful, working diligently - working diligently.
Dzeeprysloўі may and prymety prysloўyaў: do not change, jump and dzeyaslov and vykonvayut syntactic role of akalіchnastі:
Spіc, staіўshisya, vetser la imsharnaya krynitsy.
(M. T.) Maroz is a thing and a hot lover, more than once, a thing, ruining the one who is in the hands of the father. The dzeeprysloўe now lives
with the explanatory words
, which are used at times with
the dzeeprysloўny z v a r ot
as the tale says to the other members of the tale - and in a special manner in the manner of dzeyannya, prychyny, hour, mind ovy i insh. The blue smoothie has grown, the evil ones are the most praised pestilence, the white apple blossoms.
(Khadk.) - dzeeprysloўny zvarot vykonvae rol adasoblenay akalіchnastі way dzeyannya (grew up how? -
evil and universally praised pestilence
Let's go to the beginning of the morning, if only I would let the light shine, but let my family know how to meet.
(Br .) - dzeeprysloўny zvarot z'yaўlyaetstsa adasoblenay akalіchnasstyu ўmovy (
bydu kali?, in what mind? - navat stratsіўshi zrok).
Dzeepyolnye turns, independent hell of their months in the story, adasablyayutstsa i on the letter vydzyalyayutstsa skokami:
Ales three pastaya, pasіrayuchy ўfollowing the brother, and then back, kali-nikalі looking at Sts fuck.
(K-s) Varnuўshysya ў pack, Apeyka pastaya ў kala acna, looking at the snow-covered dance of Volya. ALE!Adzinochnaya dzeeprysloўe, which is what the kanssa says and says in tortured yak?, not vydzyalaetstsa ў vymachlenі intanatsyy і pauz, but in writing: Nelga:
why are they timid?)
45. Prysloe – soft-spoken part of the language. Agulnae znachenne – prymeta dzeyannya: pratsavats (yak?) try; I will prymetu pramet: read (what?) heard; I will pimple: zusim (by what measure?) are small. Marphalagic signs: not bowing, not spranging, not changing during childbirth and birth, appearing immutable. There are many different types of air that can be found in the steps of paradise (smala – smyaley). Syntactic role: Part of everything – akalichnost; Imkliva floats hmarki. Radzei - aznachenne: Nastsyarozhyla razmova in German language. Pravapis prysloўyaў.Prysloўі pіshutstsa times, especially, right evil. I write a little bit: 1) myself, let's do it, let's do it, let's go, yak-nyak, far, far, willy-nilly, kali-nikali, once-striking: day after day, bastards are glad, hour after hour, year after year (stable sleeping zones with commercial zones)2) anyhow, anyhow, dze-nebudz, kali-nebudz;3) in the old way, in your way, in the autumn, in my opinion, in Belarusian, pa-nyametsku, pa-chalavechy; 4) pa-pershae, pa-tretsyae. Write at once: 1) covered up, flew up, the next day, left, right, datsyamna; 2) - zbolgaga, zredku, paroinu, blindly, - in two, double, udzvyuh, morning, uchatyroh, - padrad, dahati, daring, padvechar, flyaway, - then, nashto, navoshta, nizashto, ZAVAGA! a) sleeping for two, for three, at the end - written asobna) at closed c) on the world, on the back 3) shtogod, shtodzen, taxama, getaksama, shtonochyPischutstsa asobna: 1) sleeping typu ўsyo roўna, all hello, as a result, on memory, on hadu, on lata, without end; not to die, but to die; from top to bottom, from bottom to top, hand to hand, morning to night, day to day, naked to naked, adzin to adzin, hour after hour, yes I will fall, fall, to anger. ALE: yakraz.2) here would be, there would be, yes b, then w – sprinkles with particles would be (b), zha (g).

46. ​​The businessman is the service part of the language , which is the most important thing on the slopes of the nazounika, the borrower, the doctor. i (in pakoi). in Russian8) Move:pra matsi-o mother.Prynazouni ku behind the creative slopes of the Russians Move adpavyadae prynazounik behind the creative slopes of the Bel. mov: for berries-pa yagady.Pry expressed sentinels i prastorovyh adnosin some prinazouniki live in pairs: hell-yes, z-yes, z-na, z-y. 1) sentry: paehats (kali?) tending to the end of school; 2) abstract: tie (for what?) by the hand, share (for what?) with the hand. 3) initial: pratsa (what?) without zagana; 4) prastoravya: zhyts (dze?) u sile; 5) habitual: ruin (what kind of habit?) due to lack of experience; 6) metavya: zaarats paletak (what kind of metai?) pad zhyta; 7) measures and stages: vydomy (which measure?) and drabnits; way of dzeyannya: weaving (yak?) with two threads. The syntactic role is to respect the different members of the tale. . Disorders of the environment below the structure. 1) simple: a, ab, hell, without, s, for, on, pad, pa, right and others. 2) folded: behind, behind, behind, above. 3) sastauna: at the beginning, at the name, at the side. . Disorders of planting and plowing. 1) non-creative: ab, yes, for, z (sa), k (ka), mіzh, praz. 2). b) hell dzeyaprymetnіkaў: dzyakuyuchy, pachynayuchy z; c) hell prysloўyaў: nasuprats, abapal, vakol, bach, paslya.

47. Zluchnik is a service part of language, which is useful for connecting words, part of the composition of a tale. The ill-fated ones express different senses of adnosiny memory with syntactic adjinks i fall on spaluchalnyya (i, dy-u meaning i, ii, ni-ni, taxama, so-so i); supracsiunya (a, dy, ale, adnak, zatoe, inaksh) ;peralichalna-dimensional (abo, ci); daluchalny (dy, dy i). The fallen paradisemen link parts of the warehouse of the tale (kali, cab). They do not have lexical meaning and do not represent members of the saying. Zluchnik - unassigned service words that connect lexemes in the tale, and tales in the text, expressing grammatical and semantic adjuncts, conferring a syntactic, arganizational role. Based on the evidence of syntactic functions, the illustrative ones fall on the illustrious ones, which serve to abate the syntactic areas of the language adzinaks (layers, words, words, words), paradoxical ones, etc. Varying for the connection of syntactic non-directional campaigns (part of the warehouse of the tale). A number of ill-fated ones are sleeping і, dy (у znіnі і), as ... so, ni…nі, supastaulyalny, but, in addition, ale, dy (у znazenny і), but, not only... ale, size cavalnya either, tsi, or... or, tsi… tsi i insh. A series of paradoxical adrosnіvayutsya tlumachalny (what, yak, chym), forceful (bo, there, etc.), hourly (kali, yak, pakul, etc.), smart (kab, kali b, times and insh.), metavya ( for, anyhow, etc.), superior (yet, then and insh.), inferior (though, in other words), paranal (yes, why, neby and insh.). Signs can be polysemantic, expressing, for example, both direct adnosins in parts of the expression, and supastaulyalny (para.: I'm on; not I, on and on), hourly and intermittently I (para.: I’ll visit when I’m around the clock; we won’t give it to you, be it the cap and others).

At the genetic point, the evil ones fall into the uncreated

(Parain.: a, і, ale, lik Insh.) I
, Steasya Ada of the Plain INSHIKH MOVA: Zaimennika (paran.: STAM, TAMA STE INNSH.), Jumper (parans.: Kali, Pakul, Yak і insh.), dzeyaslova (paraun.: nyakhay, hatsya i insh.), chastsіts (paraun.: tsi, bytstsam i insh.).
Based on its external structure, the elements are divided into simple (
paragraph: i, that, for this purpose and other) and
which consists of several layers (paragraph: for this purpose, for this purpose and other).
By way of life, this type of illumination produces adzinochny
(parauns: a, more, etc.),
(parauns: not only ... but also, kali ... then and insh.), pauterny (parauns: that ... that, tsi ... tsi i insh.). Amonimami zluchnikaa what, kali, chim, yak and others. In ancient tales, there are illusory words that reveal the role of a member of the tale and the adjective of other significant parts of the language. They can be as neutral as possible, depending on all the essential functions of the machine (para.: ale, i, cali and others), washable, the best possible performance is important in the most important conditions (para. .: so, darma shto i insh.), book, already, as a rule, in official style, written text (paragraph: in connection with this, in connection with this and other things).

The Parts are specific words that give data-based cantexual sensual values ​​to words, words, words, sayings, actualizing their semantic patents. In a fragmented hell of such unassigned layers, such as syntactic functions, which reveal the most important syntactic functions, particles play the role of their own assembling semantic commentary of other significant monetary adverts Otherwise In the hell of the hell, the role of the yana falls into three asnovny sensavy groups, from the inside of which highly detailed pad groups emerge. These groups include, firstly, particles that express datamatic semantic adcensions, secondly, particles that express madal adcensions, and finally, particles that basicly mean ematical-expressive adcensions .

A series of particles with a dated semantic adtsenna are expressive (vos, vun, geta), initial-declarative (amal, akurat, named, simple, pryblizna, clean, sapraudy, yakraz), radial-abstract (off, only this, hatsya, hiba and others). A series of madal particles are abrasive (so, ale and others), hellish (no, no, any), torture (and, well, no, ci, hiba and insh.), paranal (bytsam, niby and insh.), pub jalnyya (come on, yay, anu i insh.). Emotional-expressive particles fall into personal (all, well, and otherwise) and extreme (even, and navat, so and so on). Some of the specific particles are polysemic and exist in different isolated subgroups (paragraphs: so, eight, none and others). Some particles are highly vykaryotsya in the significant layers of other grammatical classes (chastsin movy), in the provatsna, zluchnika (para.: i, nі, ale, dy, khatsia i g.d.) and can Lichity with grammatical amononyms. A significant number of particles are known as verbal and syntactic forms for common language lexemes and grammatical structures. Such participatory campaigners in the Belarusian language serve anyhow, any, no, no, no, no, no (para.: no matter, no, no, no, no, no, no, and others). For the creation of analytical mysteries and ўmoўnaga in harmony with the existing parts, come on, yay, would be іnsh. (para.: let’s grow up, let’s grow up, let’s do better). Special particles are used for expressing syntactic adnos in folded tales, g. zn. play, as already stated, the role of the evil one, and for the execution of marphalagic functions in life and in any case (paragraph: there are no jumpers and no jumpers, neither any nor any other, there was no And there was no other way). In the past, some of the past parts of the tales have come from the disparities of verbal affixes (parauns: -ka, -nebudz, -sti, -s, -sya, -sti, - both in the words give-ka, kali-nebudz, xtosti, shtos , yak-ta and insh.).

In our work, the parts fall on non-creative (parauns: i, a, ale, stink, zha, not in other words) and creative ones, which relate to adventitious meaningful words, and also with off-label words (par. : off, geta, come on, oh, well, so and so on). In case of pain in two or more layers of particles, the substance particles are removed, which is expected, as a rule, to show increased expression (par.

Yes, in the Belarusian language there are important lexical words that express the correctness of the word and the reality of knowledge. Madalnasts is a global semantics-grammatical category, which can be expressed in grammatical forms (categories of harmony), words, parts. Madal words include in my warehouse the unchangeable moynya adzinki typu madoina, besprechna, vidavochna, mabyts, napeina, sapraudas and others, from which they convey different meanings to trust / not to trust, payna sci / nyapeўnastі, magchymastsі / non-magchymastsі i g.d. Most of the modal layers come from the layers of other parts of the language, as well as the practical stratage of their output lexical meanings, which have been developed, in reality, by their amononyms (parauns, for example: names true, fact and other things, short notices are clear, magic and other things, clearly understood . constant change, mad words are mattsoўvayutstsa ў language in hellish form. Some madals may have tired words from the radiant people in all faiths, perhaps otherwise. In the tale, the madal words are syntactically not connected with the other members of the tale, because they are padmatsovaetsya in writing with signs of jumping, and in the usual words - adaped intanatsiya. and.vyklychniku.u.move.Gukaperaimal.words. Disorders have unchangeable words that directly express various emotions, feelings, emotions, feelings, etc. The texts do not follow the syntactic structure of the tale, but are connected with other places, appearing in the letter as signs of jumpiness, which may indicate an important, stale situational infusion and expression.

In our opinion, the exceptions fall into ematsyyanalny (paraun.: a! eh! hey! oh! ah! fu! bravo! and insh.) and imperial (paraun.: hello! shoo! march! but! stop! Tsyts! and insh. ). In the course of our work, all sorts of unusual things emerge that are not creative (type ah! ow! and etc.) and creative ones that coincide with the words of other parts of the language (par.: God! Damn! Godze! and etc.). Outputs can be substantive, transfer from particles, serve as a basis for the creation of communication with the help of ad-appointed affixes (paragraphs: ahat, ooh, nukat, oikat, etc.). In particular, when I’m off, I’m putting together the typical words of a kind day! Kali weasel! Jakui! and other Off-duty workers occupy special places in many other parts of the language, and do not take care of either the denomination warehouse, or the service warehouse, or non-famous layers.

Gukaperaimal words represent different hums of the living and non-living nature (parauns: ku-ku, ding-dzyn, etc.). Often, for all of this, the gukaperaimanni is conveyed in writing to writers who have the intelligence and intelligence to adliustrate the fall of the guca, which is related to the words. Hukaremaley Words Moguts Substantuvavatsza, Washing -Rolі practical yak Lyuboga Radia, so I Samoga, Service of the Word -Waveral Askini for the ipinnnya Dzelova (parav.: Tatakats, My Kakatsky I іnsh.). In some grammatical writings of the Belarusian language, the grammatical words are seen as being of special importance.

What is the chip tuning procedure?

Each master who takes on chipping engines has specialized programs for the electronic control unit.

For Lada Vesta St. Cross 2021 cars, tuning will consist of connecting a special connector to the electronic unit, after which a special program that is in the specialist’s computer will start working.

It will completely update the firmware and save the parameters in the control unit. This is a general description of the procedure; in fact, it includes many nuances that are known to the masters.

Lada Vesta Cross - engine tuning through the construction of an atmospheric engine

This is the second stage of engine modification. The same script is not always used to get the job done. In most cases, the process involves replacing the pistons and valves with lightweight ones, installing upgraded camshafts, larger throttle bodies, better-performing injectors, and a fuel pump. After these manipulations, the electronic control unit is run in and flashed using a new program.

Such tuning of the Lada Vesta Cross allows not only to make the engine much better, but also to increase its power by thirty to forty percent. The construction of an aspirated engine does not affect resources; with such an engine, daily driving is possible. However, lovers of deep modifications do not stop there either, moving on to the construction of a turbocharged engine.

Motor Lada Vesta SV Cross - full tuning

At a certain period, some car owners begin to feel a lack of power from naturally aspirated engines. Then you have to go to additional expense and install a turbocharged compressor. And here again there are two options - installing a compressor that is driven by a belt or installing a full-fledged turbine. It is propelled by exhaust gases, so it is installed on the exhaust system.

A belt compressor is a simpler and less expensive way to increase power, but is less efficient. The turbine will be more expensive and more difficult to install, but the power will increase significantly - sometimes it increases by fifty percent, and sometimes even more. It all depends on the engine configuration and its settings. It is important to note that the installation of a turbine is not suitable for every Lada Vesta SW Cross, despite the high cost and low resource of the power unit.

How to make the Lada go. We did chip tuning on Vesta SW Cross - and did not regret it

Even the most avid Lada Vesta fan has to admit: the dynamics of this model are so-so. Especially if we are talking about a heavier station wagon, and even in the Cross version with larger wheels. Therefore, the topic of chip tuning is popular among newsmakers. Well, we took the opportunity to talk with owners of cars with 1.6 and 1.8 engines with Russian Racing Technology firmware, and also tried them out!

We did it according to the logs, then to the stand

Let's start with the red one - Vesta SW Cross with a 1.6 engine and manual transmission. The car was purchased in the middle of this year, but has already covered more than 17,000 km. The last 2,000 km of them are after chip tuning.

“Why did the idea of ​​flashing this car come up? In the summer, shortly after purchasing the Vesta Cross, my family and I went on a short trip with it. And then I caught myself thinking that in a well-loaded car - people in the cabin, things in the trunk - I simply cannot overtake a KamAZ uphill,” says the owner of the car. — I’m exaggerating, of course, but even on our “flat” Belarusian coaster there are already questions. I can’t imagine what it would be like on the Caucasian mountain roads. In general, with completely standard factory firmware, the car did not move under load.

This is how the idea came up to “flash” the car, fortunately there is a friend in Russia who does tuning and calibration. First we made a remote program and tested it. Then it was corrected more than once: either the car reacted too sharply to the pedal, it was impossible to drive it smoothly, or something else. Then Vladimir found time, flew to Minsk and already worked at the stand. Not with this particular car - he made a sedan, but with the same 1.6-liter engine."

And here’s how Vladimir himself describes this process on his social network page:

“Let’s sum up the results of the trip to Minsk. We managed to update the firmware for Lada Vesta and XRay with 1.6 engines, now our firmware has 115.3 hp. and 162.0 Nm. The firmware has passed all tests. It was rolled out to Minsk and tested in various modes and conditions by our representatives in Minsk and Krasnodar. I would like to thank my representative and colleague from Krasnodar Leonid for testing, searching and helping in eliminating problems of various transient modes and general behavior of the machine. After all the tests and rollbacks on the road, work began on the stand.

Upon arrival at the stand we had 111 hp. on the firmware, which was debugged on the road using logs. The work at the stand lasted about three hours, where the mixture was rolled out with the ShDC to the ideal in power mode, a lot of work was done with the ignition angle, and after 13-15 measurements we reached 115 hp. and 162 Nm. But it was too early to rush to conclusions; we decided to ride around 1000 km. The result after tuning at the stand on 10/06/2018: the car drove more than 1,200 km until 10/09/2018, a repeat measurement was made, where the numbers remained unchanged, which indicates that the torque model was correctly configured and that the solution can be used in series.”

"Spider" decides?

So, even with the preservation of Euro 5, the firmware made it possible to increase power to 115.2 hp and torque to 161.6 Nm. But the “red” Vesta Cross should, in theory, be even more powerful and faster. Due to what?

The standard catalytic collector gave way to a “spider” - an equal-length 4-2-1 collector, which made it easier for the engine to “breathe”. But the environment has fallen victim: now, having lost the catalyst, neutralizer and one of the oxygen sensors, instead of Euro-5, the car meets the requirements of only Euro-2 standards.

“All my previous Ladas had spiders,” says the owner. — I like it better: the feedback from the car is better, as is the dynamics. By the way, the equal-length manifold on the Vesta is installed differently than in older models. With “even” hands on a “nine” or “Kalina” this can be done in an hour, but on a “Vesta” it takes three hours at best, because you have to remove the subframe. And as luck would have it, I had to do this twice. After the first installation, a clearly audible ringing appeared in certain operating modes. The collector was thin-walled, apparently, a resonating sound arose. Therefore, I removed the “spider” and wrapped it with thermal tape. The ringing did not go away completely, but it became much quieter, almost twice as loud.”

How has the character of the car changed? The owner notes that fuel consumption remained at the same level, but the engine began to start better and run more fun: “The engine now starts with half a turn, like on the good old January 5.1.” With serial firmware, the engine takes longer to start. Dynamics? As for me, and I like to keep the engine at “working” speed, the car has become much more pleasant to drive. And the “working” speed is from 3 to 6 thousand. If I need to drive dynamically, I drive at 3500-6000 rpm. And the engine does not freeze. At the factory, the cutoff is already at six thousand, but here it spins up to seven thousand.”

True, the owner himself admits that he does not know where the merit of the firmware is and where the “spider” is, because after replacing the collector there was another adjustment to the program. And for the same reason, there are no exact figures for this configuration - we didn’t have time to take measurements on a dyno: “I have an idea to install a standard exhaust and “play” with the settings. After the latest firmware, and it was already done with the “spider”, I did not try it. You can install a standard exhaust and drive around with it.”

Well, for now let's see what this configuration gives. At walking speed, the car twitches a little and asks to increase the speed a little. And the very first acceleration makes it clear: the 1.6-liter 16-valve engine still requires that it be “twisted” for dynamic driving. Up to 3000 rpm, thrust remains quite modest, but then begins to increase - and so on until the red line at the tachometer, which starts at 6000 rpm.

Has the engine become more angry in sound, and more combative in character? One could say so, but on a heavy station wagon with large 17-inch wheels, he still spends all his added strength fighting inertia.

And it feels like it drives about the same as a lighter sedan on 15-inch wheels (I managed to drive one a few days later). If this is really the case, then not bad: according to the factory, the sedan accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 11.2 seconds, the “raised” station wagon in 12.6.

Heaven and earth

By the way, according to the passport data, the Vesta SW Cross with a 1.8-liter engine (122 hp and 170 Nm) and “mechanics” goes the same 11.2 seconds to “hundreds”. But you know what? A week before, I had the opportunity to drive a test car in this configuration - and it didn’t seem particularly dynamic to me! Yes, yes, even despite the larger engine and the shorter (4.2 versus 3.9) main pair in the box, there is no need to talk about a more dynamic character.

Surprisingly, the presence of a phase shifter at the intake had no effect on the elasticity of the engine in the mid-speed zone: it seems that it is strongly “strangled” for the sake of the environment and does not want to pull until the tachometer needle exceeds 3000 rpm. But as soon as you drop it below 1500 rpm, you won’t be able to pull it out - the engine will start convulsing, as if you don’t have an injector with factory firmware, but a poorly tuned carburetor!

More recent Vestas with a 1.8-liter engine have received updated firmware in which these shortcomings are eliminated. If so, it would not interfere with early copies.

However, in front of you is a gray car, purchased in the summer of 2021, it already has a new “square” ramp and what seems to be a new factory program. But even this car drove completely differently after reflashing!

“The engine starts better. There are no jerks between first and second gears, acceleration has become better, there is no such thoughtfulness when you press the pedal, and the car “thinks” for a second and a half and only then starts driving. You no longer need to turn the engine, it just goes on like that. Even if it’s in the wrong gear, instead of third, fourth, for example, it still accelerates willingly. You immediately feel that the car is driving and not “thinking,” says the owner of this car. — Consumption has even dropped. On the highway it doesn’t show more than 7 liters, that’s if you “press”, but it’s 6.5. I’ve never even seen such numbers on factory firmware before!”

The difference is really noticeable. Firstly, the “altered” engine pulls completely calmly at low speeds and does not think of convulsing, like the option with factory firmware. Secondly, it is really ready to pull from 2000 rpm, as a motor with a variable valve timing system should do! At low speeds this results in excellent responsiveness to the gas, at high speeds it simply results in more confident acceleration. You no longer have to “turn” the engine, squeezing all the juices out of it—it’s both quieter and more economical.

At the stand, this particular car showed 137.2 hp. and 182.1 Nm (however, even before the firmware on the same stand, the car produced 136.2 hp and 175.5 Nm, which is higher than the factory values). And now the owners are already discussing with me the prospects of installing, say, an intake from a 145-horsepower Vesta Sport. Something tells me that in a year or two many interesting technical solutions will appear for the 1.8-liter engine...

“If I were buying a car now, I would buy it with a 1.8 engine, I wouldn’t even think about it, despite all these “horror stories” about the oil burner. As a last resort, if anything happens, there is a guarantee,” notes the owner of a “red” car with a 1.6-liter engine.

“So I took the car in the summer, and a friend was at work at about the same time. I’m fine, his engine is burning oil,” answers the owner of a gray car with a 1.8 engine.

I'm wondering if they are afraid of losing the warranty if the "chip" is discovered.

“I went to the service center, they connected the scanner and didn’t notice anything,” says the owner of the gray car.

“A non-original collector is, of course, a reason to remove the car from warranty,” notes the owner of the “redhead.” - But the firmware is made in such a way that the dealer cannot find out whether the “chip” is made or not. This is simply a calibration of the standard electronic engine control unit. It is not possible to simply calculate it. Most likely, only if the block is removed and sent to the factory. If there are no problems in this regard, no one will ever do this and will never know anything.”

Our verdict

There are no miracles: without interfering with the hardware, you can’t squeeze much out of a naturally-aspirated engine through firmware alone. Nevertheless, in transitional modes the character of the engines has become more pleasant, this is especially noticeable in the 1.8-liter version, which, on the “alternative” firmware, is much more elastic in the low and medium speed zone. The 1.6-liter engine, although it has become subjectively “more fun”, still prefers to work at the “top”. As for replacing the standard catalytic collector with a “spider” one, taking into account the deterioration of environmental characteristics and acoustic comfort, this option is justified only in the case of building a serious tuning project or a sports car, where it is impossible to live without such a collector. But for everyday driving this is already too much.

Factory data Lada Vesta SW Cross
Working volume, cubic cm15961774
Power, kW (hp) at rpm78(106)/580090(122)/5900
Torque, Nm at rpm148/4200170/3700
Transmission5M5M (5AMT)
Acceleration 0-100 km/h, s12,611,2 (13,3)
Maximum speed, km/h172180 (181)
Average fuel consumption, l7,57,9 (7,7)
Dyno measurement results
Engine1.6-16v1.6-16v (chip)1.8-16v1.8-16v (chip)
Power, kW (hp) at rpm79,1(107,7)/593184,7(115,2)/6256100,1(136,2)/5901100,8(137,2)/5979
Torque, Nm at rpm145,2/4393161,6/4098175,5/4598182,1/4581

Ivan KRISHKEVICH Photos of the author and car owners ABW.BY

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Enhanced tuning of Lada Cross - all innovations

For each motor, a certain limit is set on its maximum capabilities and resource. Let's say the standard 1.8-liter Vesta SV Cross engine can produce no more than two hundred, maximum two hundred and thirty horsepower. However, with such a resource the engine will travel no more than several thousand kilometers. If the driver does not have enough power, but does not want to shorten the life of the engine, it is better to try using an engine from another car and install it in a sports Lada. To see how to do this and which power unit to choose, just go to Utube.

There are many videos here about installing pumped engines in regular cars. What does this procedure lead to? First of all, the owner will be able to obtain the necessary resource. If, according to the manufacturer, the motor is designed for a power of up to three hundred horses, do not forget about the resource reserve.

The power of the power unit will increase, but it can also be modified. But the biggest disadvantage of this procedure is the complex installation of a new motor, the need for competent and thorough calculations and a professional approach to work. Separately, it is worth highlighting the difficulties in connecting and setting up a new motor.

Improving the salon

Well, we're done with the exterior, let's move on to the interior. There are many more questions about the interior than about the appearance. The main problems are impracticality due to materials and sound insulation. In general, Vesta tuning cannot be imagined without modifications to the interior. It's like painting the outside of a house but leaving everything old inside. By the way, what we wouldn’t touch in the cabin is the dashboard. It’s well made, simple, and most importantly intuitive. A million light bulbs, sensors, etc. don’t get in the way.

The most necessary things in the panel are visible, even a mark at a speed of 100 km/h so that the driver does not violate the speed limit. A basic armrest will work for the first time, but I would recommend replacing it, it’s inexpensive and makes life much easier. Returning to the impractical interior, I recommend purchasing and installing rubber pads on the carpet. This simple procedure will in the future save you from wasting effort on interior cleaning and dry cleaning. Sound insulation would be improved to the maximum. On Vesta there is insulation, but not yet enough to say “like on a foreign car.”

Lada Vesta SV cross - bumper tuning

External tuning can change the exterior of a car; most often it begins with modifying the bumpers, especially on sports cars. Body kits not only add individuality to the car, but also can significantly reduce friction between air masses while driving. To install the parts, use cream or double-sided tape. If we are talking about heavy elements, they can be mounted using clamps or self-tapping screws. You can purchase a body kit from a dealer company.

For the Lada Cross station wagon, tuning can be done using standard linings, protective fragments of headlights, body panels, wings, skirts, rear and front spoilers. Colors and options can always be found on the manufacturer’s catalog pages.


Installing the rear and replacing the front standard mudguards with wider ones is effective in terms of tuning, not only visually, but also for reasons of practicality - less damage to your body, as well as no chips on the cars behind you if the road surface is crushed stone.

The cost of the front or rear kit is quite affordable - from 500 to 1500 rubles, depending on the model and material.

Styling the appearance of Lada Vesta SW

For typical external styling, it is common to carry out a number of procedures. Plastic trims can be mounted on the door, luggage compartment or roof. There are many different options for such decorative elements. This includes a spoiler, protective trim for side panels, deflectors for hoods, and much more. The owner can choose a kit that includes extensions for wheel arches and side doors. Often, owners install wheels with a large diameter and stylish rims.

A distinctive detail of the external modification can be a number of exclusive boots. The popularity of tinting, both full and partial, is noted; in addition, many install tuning on rear or front optics. The approximate cost of improvements is presented in the table:

Cost of standard black mudguards1,200 rubles
Price for protection for front bumpers550 rubles
Price of rear bumper covers1,200 rubles.
Cost of gas struts for hoods2,500 rubles
Spoiler installationFrom 3 to 5 thousand
Installation of LED optics15 thousand rubles
Installing a roof rackFrom 2 to 5 thousand
Cost of disksFrom 3 thousand

Fashion trends in car exteriors

Modernizing the factory version of a car first of all implies changing the appearance of the vehicle.

Today we can highlight the following trends in this direction:

  1. Installation of mudguards. Even the maximum configuration of the model does not provide these parts. But this element is available for free sale, and it can be purchased from an official dealer and in auto parts stores.
  2. Installation of gas stops on the hood. The developer considered that in Vesta it was possible to raise the hood while holding a support. Gas stops are designed to make this task easier. All that is required from the driver is to slightly lift the lid of the vehicle.
  3. Rear bumper covers. Installing this element allows you not only to change the appearance of the vehicle, but also to protect the paintwork from external influences. The market presents such products made of plastic or stainless steel.

Lada Vesta St. Cross - interior tuning

The purpose of interior modifications is to reduce noise inside the car and increase its comfort. Tuning the interior of the Lada Largus Cross, almost the same as for Vesta, the owner can:

  • Install additional control buttons;
  • Modify the front seats, for example, make a new height level;
  • Install protection for cabin filters;
  • Install multifunction steering wheel;
  • Use additional devices or accessories.

Tuning optics and headlights of Lada Vesta Cross

There are two most common modification options:

  1. Installation of lensed headlights. A new lensed optics was developed in Barnaul. Its prices are slightly higher than for standard optics, but the characteristics are much better and the appearance is more attractive. At the moment it is just starting to go on sale, but this optics update will certainly suit the new version of Lada Vesta.
  2. Installation of eyelashes. Now it is the only option for improving optics and headlights. Considering that the lights are already produced with internal dimming, there is no point in disassembling and painting them. And decorating the feet or the headlights themselves with eyelashes is a great way to stand out from other cars, which does not require large investments.

Vesta Sport Concept 2016

What was known before the official presentation of the production model

The “regular” Vesta has been available to domestic consumers since 2021, but fans of the brand are still waiting for the serial sports modification - such a model has not yet been officially presented by AvtoVAZ (although there are already many photos of the Lada Vesta Sport).

The Lada Vesta Sport was first shown as a concept at the 2016 Moscow Motor Show, but the manufacturer did not give an exact time frame for when the new product could go into mass production. According to some reports, in April 2021 the car will be at the disposal of the Lada Sport division and will roll off its assembly line in small batches, and there will be two versions for sale: Vesta S-line and Vesta R. However, later it became known that the car could be presented at the Moscow motor show in August 2021, after which sales will begin.

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