How to reduce fuel consumption on a VAZ 2106 – Concept Auto

Why does the VAZ 2106 increase gasoline consumption?

The amount of fuel consumed by an internal combustion engine depends on many factors - technical and operational. All reasons can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Primary factors that significantly affect fuel consumption.
  2. Minor nuances that individually slightly increase gasoline consumption.

Any problem belonging to the first group becomes noticeable immediately - the fuel tank of the VAZ 2106 is literally emptied before our eyes. Secondary factors do not appear so clearly - the simultaneous impact of several small problems is necessary for the car enthusiast to pay attention to the increased consumption.

Primary reasons that increase consumption by 10-50%:

  • critical wear of the engine cylinder-piston group and cylinder head valves;
  • malfunction of fuel supply elements - fuel pump or carburetor;
  • problems with the ignition system;
  • driving with jammed brake pads;
  • aggressive driving style, which involves frequent dynamic acceleration and braking;
  • use of low-quality gasoline with a low octane number;
  • harsh operating conditions of the car - towing a trailer, transporting goods, driving on dirt and snowy roads.

When towing a large trailer, fuel costs increase by 30-50%

It is worth noting one malfunction that occurs on older cars - fuel leakage through a rotten gas tank or fuel line. Although the tank is hidden in the trunk and is well protected from external influences, in some cases corrosion reaches the bottom of the tank due to a completely rusted bottom.

Minor points that add 1-5% to consumption:

  • insufficient tire pressure;
  • winter driving with a cold engine;
  • violation of the aerodynamics of the car - installation of large mirrors, various flags, additional antennas and non-standard body kits;
  • replacing standard tires with a non-standard set of larger sizes;
  • malfunctions of the chassis and suspension, leading to increased friction and the extraction of excess engine power;
  • installation of powerful electricity consumers that load the generator (additional lights, speakers and subwoofers).

A large number of body kits and decorative external elements do not help save fuel, since they disrupt the aerodynamics of the “six”

Drivers often consciously increase their fuel consumption. An example is the operation of the “six” in difficult conditions or the installation of electrical equipment. But for the sake of savings, you can fight other reasons - various malfunctions and a “jerky” driving style.

More information about the electrical equipment of the VAZ-2106:

The “gluttony” of the car may increase due to tuning - increasing the engine displacement, adding turbocharging and other similar measures. When, by replacing the crankshaft, I increased the cylinder displacement of the 21011 engine to 1.7 liters, the consumption increased by 10-15%. To make the “six” more economical, it was necessary to install a more modern Solex carburetor (model DAAZ 2108) and a five-speed gearbox.

Installing a Solex carburetor from a VAZ 2108 allows you to more flexibly adjust the fuel supply on the “six” without losing acceleration dynamics

Troubleshooting Gasoline Meter Problems

When driving a car on the highway, instrument indicators are the main thing the driver focuses on. Therefore, problems with the tank full indicator can lead to serious problems. To control the gasoline level, the tank has a fuel mixture level indicator. The gas tank of any VAZ car has a float indicator. It measures the voltage, and the indicator changes the value depending on the value of the fuel mixture.

When the gas tank is only five liters full, the light on the indicator turns on. If there is a malfunction or breakdown, the tank-indicator system does not work or fails. The initial stage of diagnosis consists of assessing the disorders.

Typical breakdowns are unstable readings of the instrument needle.A constant minimum or maximum, or a “floating” position is possible.
Pay attention to the indicator lamp.It may blink, stay on all the time, or not light at all.
Simultaneous failure of the named devices.Sometimes such phenomena are observed, although the reason lies in the sensor.

To carry out diagnostics, remove the device and inspect it. If it is broken, you can replace it with a new one, or heat the broken area with a soldering iron. Sealant or epoxy will not help - gasoline corrodes these materials. Then they check the rheostat and the slider: if it is closed, then a new one is installed. Perhaps it is not pressed tightly, then it is shifted to the edge of the track, in this place the production of the rheostat is reduced.

To ensure that the device is working properly after these manipulations, check the resistance using an ohmmeter. If the indicators differ significantly from 345 Ohms, then you should simply replace the element with a new one.

How can you reduce fuel consumption on a VAZ-2106

Those who are interested in reducing fuel consumption should understand that it is necessary not to reduce fuel consumption, but to avoid unnecessary consumption. Some drivers may advise reducing gasoline consumption using gaskets and various modifications. But, as practice shows, these methods are ineffective. If the car is well-functioning, then replacing the gaskets will not give any result in terms of savings. Regardless of which carburetor (Solex, DAAZ, Ozone) is installed on the VAZ 2106, it is quite possible to reduce fuel consumption. Let's look at the most effective ways.

Fuel quality and octane number

I think many people have noticed that depending on the place of refueling, your VAZ 2106 always consumes gasoline differently. If this has not been noticed, it means you haven’t been driving long enough yet. Everyone encounters low-quality gasoline in one way or another. Another question is how to protect yourself from this?

Well, it’s difficult to give any sensible advice here. Unless you try, if possible, to refuel only in trusted places. But even there, there is outright slag! If you feel that there is surrogate in the tank, then ideally you need to drain all this crap and refuel with normal fuel. Otherwise, you risk damaging the engine.

Regarding the octane number. Here you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and fill in the gasoline that your engine requires. If it says 92, then be so kind as to only pour it if you want normal consumption.

VAZ-2106 engines and their consumption

First, let's figure out how much gasoline the Six consumes. Let's start with the fact that during production, 3 different engines were installed on this car - from a VAZ-21011 with a 1.3-liter volume (modification 21063), a 1.5-liter unit from a VAZ-2103 (modification 21061) and an engine 1.6 liters (base model VAZ-2106).

Six VAZ-2106

Each engine had its own amount of gasoline consumed. Thus, the fuel consumption of the VAZ-2106 1.3 in urban conditions is approximately 10.5 liters, on the highway - 7.7 liters, and in mixed mode - about 11 liters.

Modification 21061 is not far from the indicated indicators. Fuel consumption of the VAZ-2106 1.5 liters is: city - 12.0 liters, highway - 8.0 liters, mixed - 12 liters.

In urban conditions - 8.0 l, on the highway - 10.9 l. and in mixed mode - 12.0 l. – this is the fuel consumption of a VAZ-2106 1.6 carburetor.

Let us immediately note that these are approximate indicators that can vary within a fairly significant range. Some note that after a certain period of operation, consumption increased, and significantly - up to 14-16 liters in city conditions. That is, it turns out that an ordinary passenger car with mediocre engine characteristics, but consumes gasoline like a full-size SUV.

Condition of the internal combustion engine and fuel system

If the engine of your VAZ 2106 is already pretty tired, and the mileage without repair is already hundreds of thousands of kilometers, then it is possible that the reason for the increased fuel consumption is precisely the loss of engine power. And moreover, it begins to consume excessively not only gasoline, but also oil.

In this case, only engine repair will help solve this problem: replacing the piston rings, boring the cylinders if necessary, and replacing the pistons themselves.

Regarding the fuel system, we can also say that it must be in excellent condition in order for consumption to remain normal. The carburetor should not “flood” or over-supply fuel at idle speed. Adjust the carburetor if necessary.

If you somehow have an injection engine installed, then the increased consumption may depend on even larger factors. For example, the failure of one of the ECM sensors almost always entails an increase in the appetite of your car. This is especially true for sensors such as mass air flow sensor (MAF) - mass air flow sensor, TPS - throttle position sensor, IAC - idle air control and others...

How to reduce gasoline consumption VAZ-2106: profitable saving options

Gasoline today is not cheap, so it is natural that car owners strive to reduce its consumption.

Here are some smart and effective ways to save fuel:

  1. One of the most effective options is to install gas equipment. Propane and methane are cheaper than gasoline.
  2. Change your driving style. In the city you can drive at a speed of 60 km/h, and on the highway – 90 km/h. You should forget about sudden acceleration and braking. As a rule, this helps reduce fuel consumption by 40%.
  3. Installing a pneumatic drive on a carburetor.
  4. Installation of a 5-speed gearbox.
  5. Use light motor oils. It is advisable to use oils with low viscosity, as they save fuel by 6%.
  6. Check tire pressure periodically. If the ramps are underinflated, they increase rolling resistance, which, in turn, significantly consumes fuel. Please note that the check can only be carried out with cold tires.
  7. Maintain approximately the same speed, even in traffic jams. As we said, you shouldn't brake and start hard if you want to reduce fuel consumption.
  8. Use the pedal carefully. A sudden start consumes a lot of fuel, so you need to start the car slowly.
  9. Rarely turn on the air conditioner. This device burns from 5 to 20% gasoline.
  10. Get rid of anything that increases air resistance. This is mainly due to tuning, extra things in the trunk, cargo on the roof, etc. It is also advisable not to change the serial wheels to wide ones.

We reduce gasoline consumption on VAZ cars

Here are some smart and effective ways to save fuel:

  1. One of the most effective options is to install gas equipment. Propane and methane are cheaper than gasoline.
  2. Change your driving style. In the city you can drive at a speed of 60 km/h, and on the highway – 90 km/h. You should forget about sudden acceleration and braking. As a rule, this helps reduce fuel consumption by 40%.
  3. Installing a pneumatic drive on a carburetor.
  4. Installation of a 5-speed gearbox.
  5. Use light motor oils. It is advisable to use oils with low viscosity, as they save fuel by 6%.
  6. Check tire pressure periodically. If the ramps are underinflated, they increase rolling resistance, which, in turn, significantly consumes fuel. Please note that the check can only be carried out with cold tires.
  7. Maintain approximately the same speed, even in traffic jams. As we said, you shouldn't brake and start hard if you want to reduce fuel consumption.
  8. Use the pedal carefully. A sudden start consumes a lot of fuel, so you need to start the car slowly.
  9. Rarely turn on the air conditioner. This device burns from 5 to 20% gasoline.
  10. Get rid of anything that increases air resistance. This is mainly due to tuning, extra things in the trunk, cargo on the roof, etc. It is also advisable not to change the serial wheels to wide ones.

The following actions will also help save fuel consumption:

  • Only when absolutely necessary should you use power windows, heated rear windows and interior lighting. By and large, these devices are rarely needed, so their use can be reduced;
  • replace contact ignition with electronic one. In most cases, this helps reduce fuel consumption;
  • troubleshoot problems in the ignition system in a timely manner. Approximately 30-40% of fuel can be lost if the ignition system operates intermittently;
  • Do not brake suddenly. In particular, this applies to carburetor cars, because during sudden braking, a large amount of fuel is sucked through the jets.

So, we looked at the most effective and popular ways to save gasoline. If you are used to driving at high speeds, you will have to forget about this in order to save money. It is also important to follow a number of other rules in order to reduce fuel consumption in your car. It is very important to act without fanaticism, otherwise saving will not lead to anything good.

The VAZ “six” was produced by the Volzhsky Automobile Plant for 30 years, from 1976 to 2006. The car was equipped with carburetor engines with a volume of 1.3 liters to 1.6 liters. Various carburetors were used as part of the fuel system, but the most common was Ozone.

One of the most common carburetors for the VAZ 2106 was Ozone

As you use a car with a carburetor, certain problems may arise that require cleaning, adjusting the unit, or replacing any of its parts. Let's look at the most common problems with the mechanism and methods for eliminating them.

The performance of the power unit under any operating conditions directly depends on the correct adjustment of the carburetor. This suggests that before you pick up a tool and turn any screws, you need to understand which part is responsible for what. In addition, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • set of screwdrivers (flat, Phillips);
  • set of open-end wrenches;
  • a set of round probes or drills of different diameters;
  • rubber bulb;
  • toothpicks;
  • container for washing the mechanism;
  • calipers
  • tweezers;
  • ruler;
  • rags.

The reasons for removing a unit can be different: replacement with a product of a different modification, repair, cleaning. In any case, you must first remove the air filter. To carry out the replacement work you will need the following tools:

  • open-end wrench 13;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • heads for 8 and 10;
  • knob;
  • small extension cord.

From the functional and technical side, fuel consumption is affected by:

  • condition of the cylinder-piston group - when worn, consumption increases by 20-25%,
  • coolant temperature – when it decreases relative to the optimum, the overconsumption increases by 8-10%,
  • high oil density, especially in winter, when friction in the engine and transmission increases losses,
  • clutch slipping,
  • a jammed brake caliper and an unadjusted brake system as a whole,
  • underinflated tires (a more economical option - slightly overinflated by 0.2 atm.),
  • over-tightened wheel hub bearings add another 10-15% to the consumed volume of fuel.

Next, we will look at what can affect and how to reduce fuel consumption on the VAZ-2106. Here we note that it will not be possible to reduce consumption below certain indicators, since the engine will not operate in air, but minimizing consumption as much as possible is quite possible. Here we will also not consider miracle devices and additives that supposedly can significantly help in this matter and reduce gasoline consumption by almost half. All this is nothing more than another way to lure money from the car owner, but there is no real benefit from it.

VAZ-2106 has high fuel consumption, then you can take some steps that can really have a positive effect on gasoline consumption.

The main criteria that affect consumption are:

  • Technical condition of the car;
  • Features of operation;

As for the technical condition, increased consumption can be caused by the power plant itself, transmission, or chassis. Now about each of them in detail.

If the engine has almost completely exhausted its resource, then you should not expect economical consumption of gasoline from it. Severe wear of the cylinder-piston leads to the fact that the gaps between the cylinder walls and rings increase. As a result, both exhaust gases and the air-fuel mixture penetrate into the sub-piston space in large quantities.

Due to wear due to the same gaps, compression in the cylinders drops, so the conditions for normal combustion in the cylinders are not met. In this case, the air-fuel mixture does not burn fully, and part of it simply flies out into the exhaust pipe.

Wear affects the power performance of the motor itself - they decrease. The car's dynamic and speed performance decreases. Therefore, in order to accelerate the car and maintain speed, the driver has to press the gas pedal harder.

Therefore, if you need fuel economy on a VAZ-2106, first of all you should diagnose the engine - measure the compression, listen to the engine operation for the presence of third-party noise. If the resource of the power plant is almost exhausted, then a major overhaul should be carried out with the replacement of worn-out components.

The gas distribution mechanism also plays an important role. If a layer of carbon has formed on the valve seats and edges, this will lead to the fact that they will not be able to fit tightly, and this will result in a loss of compression. All this can be “treated” by repairing the cylinder head and grinding in the valves.

Violation of valve timing also affects consumption. And these phases are affected by the degree of wear of the elements of the gas distribution mechanism (camshaft, valves, rockers, drive chain), as well as the thermal gap. Therefore, when trying to reduce fuel consumption on a VAZ-2106, you should also pay attention to the timing belt - replace heavily worn elements, correctly adjust the thermal gap, which will ensure that the engine follows the valve timing.

Supply system

Let's go through the systems. Naturally, one of the biggest influences on consumption is the power supply system and its main element – ​​the carburetor. If it is heavily clogged, and even incorrectly adjusted, then the fuel dosage is disrupted. Therefore, you should definitely check the condition of this element and wash it periodically.

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The air filter also affects consumption. If it is heavily clogged, then its throughput drops significantly, resulting in a lack of air and an enriched fuel mixture enters the cylinders. Therefore, it is imperative to change the filter element on time.

Now about the adjustment work with the carburetor. Correct flow adjustment is important here. The fact is that by installing jets with a reduced cross-section and certain settings of quality and quantity screws, you can achieve a significant reduction in consumption. But at the same time, the power and dynamics of the car also drop.

This is where you need to adjust the carburetor so as to achieve the optimal middle ground between consumption and power. In this case, no jets need to be changed.

Ignition system

Now about the ignition system, since it also affects consumption. Heavily clogged spark plugs that have almost exhausted their service life and work intermittently, incorrectly installed ignition on the engine, losses due to breakdowns of high-voltage wires and tips - all this can have a significant impact on consumption.

Therefore, you should definitely check the condition of the spark plugs and replace them if necessary. The ignition must also be installed correctly. You can replace the standard distributor with a contactless one, which will reduce voltage losses and also facilitate maintenance and ignition adjustment.

All damaged wiring should be replaced (it’s not difficult to check it - just start the engine in the dark and open the hood. If any wires break through to ground, it will be very clearly visible).

The lubrication system also affects consumption, or more precisely, the lubricant. To reduce friction between engine components, you should use high-quality synthetic oil, which will further facilitate starting the engine in the winter season.


Let's move on to the transmission. First of all, here you should check the condition of all component parts, repair and adjust if necessary. It is also necessary to promptly change technical fluids in the gearbox and rear axle to reduce friction and reduce the load on the engine.

If the VAZ-2106 is equipped with a 4-speed gearbox, then it can be replaced with a 5-speed one. In urban conditions, this will not give any savings, since 5th gear in the city, in fact, is not particularly needed. But on the highway, when 5th speed is used, the consumption decreases, and noticeably.


Check your tire pressure regularly

Rationale : the lower the pressure, the higher the fuel consumption. At low pressure, the contact area with the road is larger and rolling friction is stronger. If you drive on wheels inflated to 1 atmosphere instead of 2, then you lose an extra 2-3 liters per tank. The advice is good for imported tires, as they hold pressure well, but our domestic Kama needs to be checked weekly.

In case of strong pumping, fuel consumption is noticeably lower, but all the bumps become noticeable, and the ride becomes uncomfortable. And if the pressure reaches 3 atmospheres, then the area of ​​contact with the ground is so small that the braking distance increases quite sharply, which is dangerous. It is even more dangerous to overinflate wheels in winter, when a large area of ​​tire adhesion to the road surface is especially important.

The acceptable pressure range is 2.2 – 2.4 atm.

In addition, you need to regularly monitor the condition of the tire treads. Heavily worn tires increase fuel consumption, including due to lateral deviation from a straight line.

Disadvantages : none

What affects consumption?

Next, we will look at what can affect and how to reduce fuel consumption on the VAZ-2106. Here we note that it will not be possible to reduce consumption below certain indicators, since the engine will not operate in air, but minimizing consumption as much as possible is quite possible. Here we will also not consider miracle devices and additives that supposedly can significantly help in this matter and reduce gasoline consumption by almost half. All this is nothing more than another way to lure money from the car owner, but there is no real benefit from it.

VAZ-2106 has high fuel consumption, then you can take some steps that can really have a positive effect on gasoline consumption.

The main criteria that affect consumption are:

  • Technical condition of the car;
  • Features of operation;

Do not overload the vehicle's on-board network

Rationale : remember that the mandatory low beam alone “eats” more than a liter of gasoline for every 1000 km of travel. Therefore, try to save on winter trips at night. Heater, heated rear window, engine cooling fan - everything increases fuel consumption. For example, when standing closely in traffic jams, the low beams can be turned off and turned on when moving.

A rare button turns on in vain. It is much more important to turn it off in time. Getting carried away, they forget to turn off the heated rear window.

Disadvantages : do not get carried away with this advice in cold weather, it can reduce visibility and create an emergency situation.

General tips for operating a car

To minimize the influence of minor factors and achieve real fuel savings, follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Fill with gasoline with an octane rating of at least 92 according to the manufacturer's recommendations. If you accidentally come across low-quality fuel, try to drain it from the tank and refuel with normal gasoline.
  2. Maintain the recommended tire pressure of 1.8-2 atm depending on the load.

    Air pressure must be checked at least once a week

  3. During the cold season, warm up the power unit before driving. The algorithm is as follows: start the engine, let it run for 2-5 minutes (depending on the air temperature), then start driving slowly in low gears.
  4. Do not delay repairing the chassis; follow the procedure for adjusting the camber angles of the front wheels.
  5. When installing wider tires, replace stamped wheels with alloy wheels. In this way, it will be possible to compensate for the increase in the weight of the wheels and improve the appearance of the “classic”.

    Installing alloy wheels instead of steel allows you to lighten the wheels by a good ten kilograms

  6. Do not weigh the car with unnecessary external elements that increase the aerodynamic drag of the environment. If you are a fan of styling, choose a beautiful and at the same time streamlined front body kit, dismantle the old bumper.

Unlike modern cars, where the filling pipe is equipped with a mesh, emptying the tank of the “six” is much easier. Insert the hose into the neck, lower it into the container and use suction to direct the fuel into the spare canister.

Air resistance has a significant impact on engine fuel consumption. If we compare the movement at 60 and 120 km/h, then the aerodynamic drag increases by 6 times, and the speed - only by 2 times. Therefore, the triangular side windows installed on the front doors of all Zhiguli cars add 2-3% to the consumption when open.

Find out whether it is possible to refuel a full car tank:

Video: how to save gasoline in simple ways

Operation and gasoline consumption

The reasons for the high gasoline consumption of the VAZ-2106 also lie in operation. An aggressive driving style is not designed for economy. Sharp accelerations lead to significant waste of fuel.

Reasons for the high gasoline consumption of the VAZ-2106

To save money, you should switch to a calm style - with smooth presses on the gas pedal, approaching traffic lights in neutral, and performing maneuvers only when absolutely necessary.

You should also choose the right load on the engine, do not give increased speed, but run the engine a little “pull”.

It has been established that the speed of the VAZ-2106 power plant, at which the flow rate is most optimal, is in the range of 3000-5000 rpm. If you stick to this range as much as possible when driving, you will be able to reduce consumption, and significantly - up to 25%.

Music lovers will have to choose between music and gas mileage, especially for those who use significant audio equipment (subwoofer, large number of speakers). Heavy load on the on-board network affects consumption.

Trunk of VAZ-2106

Therefore, to save money while traveling, you should reduce the use of electrical appliances to the maximum (use only the most necessary - headlights, light and sound alarms).

Excess weight in a car means grams of fuel. Therefore, it is worth taking out the unnecessary things from the car and leaving the really useful things - tools, spare tire, etc.

Windows open while driving become a wind tunnel. That is, the air flow enters the cabin at high speed, thereby resisting movement. And the more the windows are open, the stronger the effect of the oncoming flow. Naturally, in the summer it is impossible to drive in a completely closed car (especially since there is no air conditioning in the VAZ-2106), but still, to save money, it is worth using the interior ventilation system (open deflectors), which, in general, are not very useful in the heat, but If you open the windows, then not all and not completely.

All these recommendations will not work a miracle, but they will not only allow you to return gasoline consumption to the established standard values, but also reduce it slightly (in some cases it is possible to reduce consumption to 6 liters on the highway).

Finally, we note that consumption is affected not only by the technical condition and operating features. Savings also largely depend on the fuel itself. If it is of poor quality and contains impurities, then much more of it will be consumed (it will not be able to burn fully, hence the drop in power and the need to press the gas pedal more to obtain the necessary driving dynamics). Therefore, refueling with high-quality fuel, even if it is a little more expensive, ultimately results in savings.

Practical recommendations

Fuel consumption is affected by:

  • technical condition of the machine;
  • operating features.

In order to achieve more economical consumption, it is necessary to promptly clean and replace certain components of the mechanism.

In particular, an increase in the amount of gasoline or gas consumed is often a sign that the engine has almost exhausted its resource. Wear of the cylinder-piston increases the gaps between the cylinder walls and the rings. Because of this, exhaust gases and the fuel-air mixture enter the piston space. For the same reason, compression in the cylinders drops. The warm air mixture cannot burn completely. Therefore, part of the mixture remains unused and simply flies out through the exhaust pipe. Engine wear affects its functioning. Because of this, the car accelerates poorly. The driver has to press the pedal harder to accelerate the car.

Taking all this into account, it is not difficult to conclude that in order to reduce gasoline or gas consumption, you must first diagnose the engine. You need to measure the compression, listen to whether the engine makes any unusual noises during operation. If worn components are found, they must be replaced.

Also, the consumption of gasoline or gas depends on the condition of the gas distribution mechanism. If carbon deposits that form on valve seats and edges are not promptly removed, this will lead to loss of compression due to a loose fit.

Cleaning the valves and, if necessary, repairing the cylinder head will significantly reduce gasoline/gas costs.

It is important to promptly diagnose the gas distribution mechanism and promptly replace worn parts

Fuel consumption also depends on the carburetor. If you install a contactless ignition system and a Solex carburetor, then this combination will reduce the amount of gasoline or gas consumed

It is very important to adjust the carburetor correctly. It will be possible to reduce consumption by installing jets with a reduced cross-section

However, this will lead to a decrease in the dynamics and power of the machine. After this adjustment you will have to forget about overtaking. It will be very difficult to accelerate such a car. Therefore, it is better to carry out adjustments without replacing the jets. It is necessary to adjust the carburetor in such a way as to achieve a “golden mean” between power and fuel consumption. If the carburetor is clogged and incorrectly adjusted, fuel dosing is disrupted. Therefore, regularly check the condition of the carburetor and wash it periodically.

Economy driving skills

Drivers are taught proper driving techniques at a driving school. When operating the domestic “classic” VAZ 2106, you need to take into account a number of points:

  1. The first gear of the car is quite “short”. You shouldn’t rev the engine too hard; once you’ve started moving, go to second speed.
  2. Frequent sudden accelerations and stops are a real scourge for any car; along with excessive consumption of gasoline, the wear of parts and components accelerates. Move more calmly, try to stop as little as possible, use the inertia (rolling) of the car.
  3. On the highway, maintain cruising speed at all times. The optimal value for the “six” with a four-speed gearbox is 80 km/h, with a five-speed gearbox – 90 km/h.
  4. When coasting down a mountain, do not turn off the speed - brake the engine and watch the tachometer. When the needle drops below 1800 rpm, shift to neutral or low gear.
  5. In a city traffic jam, don’t turn off the engine in vain. If the idle time does not exceed 3-4 minutes, stopping and starting the engine will “eat up” more fuel than idling.

Moving along busy city streets, experienced drivers monitor the signals of distant traffic lights. If you can see a green light in the distance, there is nowhere to rush - by the time you get there, you will come under a red one. And vice versa, if you notice a red signal, it is better to speed up and drive under the green one. The described tactics allow the motorist to stop less at traffic lights and thus save fuel.

Against the backdrop of rising fuel prices, driving outdated cars becomes doubly expensive. The “six” needs to be constantly monitored and repaired on time, so as not to pay extra money for gasoline. Aggressive driving is not at all compatible with carburetor “classics”, where the power of the power unit does not exceed 80 hp. With.

To really save gasoline, there are several proven methods.

Example: urban driving style, in a Zhiguli car there should be no jerking or sudden braking, the car should be accelerated smoothly, adhere to working standards, you should not press the gas in front of a traffic light to brake sharply, smoothly release the gas pedal and coast, do not make race. Remember: every press of the accelerator pedal is your money.

The most economical revolutions of the VAZ engine, from 3,000 to 5,000 per minute, it is these revolutions that provide the engine with the best dynamics, maximum power, increased motor life, and save fuel by 25/30% >.

If you install a five-speed gearbox, the car will become a little slower to accelerate, and in urban driving you won’t be able to save money; you’ll save fuel only on the highway.

> so even 6 liters per hundred, you can meet it)).

The aerodynamics of your car, and everything that interferes with it, wide tires not provided by the factory, decorative spoilers, muzzles, so-called fly swatters, top trunk. You can also remember: power supply, it costs money, do not turn on the lights unless necessary, this is a load on the engine, of course, except in those areas where you are supposed to drive with it.

Don't carry a roof rack in vain

Rationale : if you always have a roof rack on your roof, then fuel consumption increases by 10-15%, the same can be said about excess cargo in the trunk. If you carry two jacks, two sets of keys, and always a spare canister with 20 liters of gasoline, a spare generator, an ignition coil, etc., then fuel consumption will increase by 20%.

Disadvantages : once again you will have to install and dismantle the trunk. You need to find a place to store it.


Comments 31

Eats 9-10l, on 4 mortar

From personal experience I will say this, on Solex it will be faster. What about the expense? As you press your slippers, so will you eat. And to reduce consumption, take a 5x5 wooden block and place it under the accelerator pedal. The thicker the bar, the lower the consumption. Gee

There is an option, walk)

Nope) Even though she eats a little too much, I won’t leave my car)

Solex will only increase consumption, just show the machine to a good specialist (usually older, experienced men) who have normal Soviet jets, repair kits, and so on, because there is nothing to take from new ones. Of course, they won’t reduce your consumption by half, but they will help significantly.

I went to the best carburetor in town. He said it definitely wouldn’t be less than 11, since the sixes from the factory had a consumption of 10.6 per hundred square meters without warming up.

Well then, yes, this is kind of a normal expense. There are simply examples with a consumption of 20, or even 25 and 30. Those who ask what to do and climb into the carb with their own hands.

wow, it’s scary to imagine such consumption on a Lada) Of course, many people advise using gas, but I am a supporter of the fact that gas still has a negative effect on the engine.

Perhaps the second generation has a detrimental effect on the engine, but the 4th does not (such a generation does not shine for VAZ). The main thing is to correctly adjust the OZ and everything will be fine. Because the burning speed of propane and gasoline is different. And even when warming up, the engine still runs on gasoline. Five minutes on gasoline is enough. And on the 4th generation, a tiny amount of gasoline is mixed into the gas. So don't be afraid of gas. If you travel a lot, of course.

I'll think about it in my spare time)

wow, it’s scary to imagine such consumption on a Lada) Of course, many people advise using gas, but I am a supporter of the fact that gas still has a negative effect on the engine.

I had a consumption when, for the sake of experiment, I decided to remove the spring of the pneumatic drive of the second chamber, the car drove much better, but the consumption was 15 liters per 30-45 km)))

Haha with such a consumption under the hood the engine should stand at 5 liters)

wow, it’s scary to imagine such consumption on a Lada) Of course, many people advise using gas, but I am a supporter of the fact that gas still has a negative effect on the engine.

Have mercy on the car. Fuck this gas! If you are not satisfied with the consumption, take a foreign car. In my city it’s 5-5.5. There is no point in hoping that the Lada Ludet is like a good foreign car.

I thought I definitely won’t install gas)

On gas, all dvieks sneeze like sick people. I just feel sorry for them.

Well then, yes, this is kind of a normal expense. There are simply examples with a consumption of 20, or even 25 and 30. Those who ask what to do and climb into the carb with their own hands.

Well, that's fairy tales already

I went to the best carburetor in town. He said it definitely wouldn’t be less than 11, since the sixes from the factory had a consumption of 10.6 per hundred square meters without warming up.

It’s not true, the carburetor man lied, for sixes with a 1.6 engine, according to the passport, the consumption on the highway is 8 per hundred square meters with a quiet ride (on the highway 90-100). On mine, with the original OZONE carb, this was the case. Then I installed Solex 21073, the consumption was within the same limits, now it is Solex 21053-62, the consumption is 7-7.5. Consumption of 10 liters can only be achieved in the city, when you accelerate from traffic light to traffic light and are stuck in traffic jams.

Common “myths” about fuel economy

The tips listed above are simple and straightforward. Some relate to driving style, some require car monitoring, some require timely replacement of parts. But they all mean that the driver needs to do something while driving and “turn on his head.” But there is a whole category of “magic” advice that all work according to the same scheme. Here she is:

  • The driver does not need to do anything. Fuel economy occurs “by itself”;
  • There is a super-secret technology (military, foreign, NASA, local craftsmen, unrecognized geniuses, a forgotten patent - there are many options);
  • Based on it, a completely unique device has been created that is mounted on a car (in the power supply system, exhaust gas removal system, anywhere);
  • The device costs significant money, and tangible savings are revealed after a few weeks (months). Moreover, the savings are incomparable with all the above tips - they are simply not needed;
  • A large number of seals, certificates, a completely incomprehensible explanation of the principle of operation, but inspiring respect due to the complex use of a mass of scientific terms;
  • A huge number of grateful reviews on the site, without a return address or mail.
  • A widespread option are various secret fuel additives, “ metal conditioners,” and so on.

There are “specialists” who install pyramids , which use “torsion bars” to reduce gasoline consumption.

For example, you can read rave reviews about GEET - muffler , or centrifugal muffler, which “saves” up to 30% of fuel, which is installed as close as possible to the exhaust manifold. Essentially, we are talking about removing the catalyst (which results in an increase in power), and injecting a foreign liquid containing water into the cylinder.

The arsenal of such “means” is very large: cavitators, fuel ionizers that create “separate ion fields,” special fuel “magnets” that “split” the fuel in advance by the force of a magnetic field. There are “ miracle candles ”, air ozonizers for better oxidation and combustion of the mixture, and even “miracle tablets”, “nanofilms”

The height of convenience for lazy people is a “miracle” that doesn’t even need to be installed - just plug it into the cigarette lighter - and you’re in the dark, 20-30% of your fuel is for nothing. This is a large group of fuel “ economizers ”.

Remember, there is not a single link in the process of converting fuel into mechanical energy where scammers do not “suck in”.

In conclusion, we will let the reader choose for himself those methods that can save his finances and not end up in the fool. However, there is another way to save fuel, which is superior to all others in efficiency and is absolutely honest.

This is a way to weigh the need for each trip and make them in extreme cases : going with elderly parents to the dacha, going with the family on vacation, going to the market for heavy shopping. If you work within an hour's walking distance of an office and spend that hour (or even two) back and forth every day sitting in a car in traffic jams, instead of getting on your bike and covering the distance in 20 minutes, think about this advice.

Fuel supply diagram

To find out the reasons for the excessive consumption of the fuel mixture, you should understand how the fuel supply system of the 2106 car is designed. The gas tank in the six is ​​located in the luggage compartment, fixed and separated by a plastic partition. The tank is equipped with a neck for filling gasoline; it is brought out through the hatch of the rear right wing and sealed to prevent the penetration of dust and dirt particles into the tank.

To regulate the pressure of gasoline and air vapors, the gas tank is equipped with a plastic ventilation pipeline laid in a loop. The gasoline level indicator is fixed through a rubber gasket. This rheostat-type sensor is located on a flange, which is welded to the top of the tank. The sensor is a block element with a tube (fuel intake) with a mesh filter at the end. Changing the level of the fuel mixture causes the float-shaped sensor to start moving, changing the resistance of the rheostat. Because of this, the current that the sensor-pointer system passes through changes, and, accordingly, the pointer (arrow) moves.

The pipeline, consisting of special rubber in a fabric weave, is fastened and fixed to the fuel line. All holes for hoses or tubes are hermetically sealed with rubber bushings. To gently clean gasoline, a filter is placed in front of the pump. The power system cannot do without this filter, which retains mechanical particles and cleans the mixture to the required level. Other filters that contain the pump, gas tank or carburetor cannot cope with such tiny fragments. A mechanically driven fuel pump (diaphragm type) creates excess pressure and injects the fuel mixture into the carburetor.

Located to the left of the engine cylinder block, it also has a manual fuel pumping lever. The carburetor produces the desired composition of the air-fuel mixture and regulates its intake into the engine cylinders. The carburetor is controlled from the driver's seat using the accelerator pedal; it is connected to the drive lever of the first carburetor chamber by a system of rods and hinges.

Carburetors on VAZ models are of two types - “ozone” and “weber”.

The main reasons for the increase in fuel mixture consumption

When increasing gasoline consumption when driving, the VAZ owner needs to pay attention to the following points.

  1. Possible fuel leaks - check the fuel system, the fuel line under the car, the condition of the clamps, whether the gas tank is sealed.
  2. Clean the carburetor jets.
  3. Check (and if necessary, change) the filter element on the carburetor air filter.
  4. Monitor the correct idle speed control and adjust the mixture quality screw.
  5. Check the tank: the fuel level sensor (indicator) may be incorrectly adjusted or misaligned.
  6. The engine is running on choke due to a malfunction of the air damper.
  7. The cylinders of the piston group are worn out, which forces the car owner to use lower gears; which also entails overspending.
  8. The power of the VAZ 2106 engine is reduced due to incorrectly set ignition timing.
  9. The ignition distributor is broken (the vacuum regulator does not function).
  10. The engine overheats - there is a reduced filling of the cylinders with a mixture and a decrease in power. In case of poor warm-up, there is also excessive consumption of gasoline, which is not completely burned in the engine, and loss of power.
  11. Check the fuel pump, there is a possibility of a broken diaphragm.

The driver's driving style also causes increased gasoline costs: sharp and too frequent pressing of the brake pedal, constant driving in lower gears (for various reasons).

VAZ 2106 how to reduce fuel consumption

quote: Originally posted by khodyrev-cement!:

how to reduce fuel consumption on a VAZ 2106?

quote: Originally posted by khodyrev-cement!:

12 liters

quote: for winter with warm-ups? This is fine.

it all depends on the mode. for example, if you drive 7 km from warm-up to warm-up, you can get 20.

20 can be obtained by turning the engine to 4.5-5.

But IMHO - 20 is clearly too much, I would disassemble the carb, check the ignition, tire pressure, how it rolls.

quote: it all depends on the mode. for example, if you drive 7 km from warm-up to warm-up, you can get 20. 20 can be obtained by turning the engine to 4.5-5. But IMHO - 20 is clearly too much, I would disassemble the carb, check the ignition, tire pressure, how it rolls.

quote: Originally posted by semsanya:

But people manage to say that they have 12 liters in the same mode. consumption.

quote: Originally posted by stalker-dens:

I have 1.6 - 12.3 liters in the city on the 4

in Izhevsk they have been using it for a long time: a Kruzak for 4 lyama, several Renaults, Subaru, VAZ, etc. in the next thread, at one time I gave a lot of examples of how people have been saving for a long time and are happy. The most expensive passenger car is a Mercedes for 8 million in Tambov (one example). Calculate how much the spare parts for this car cost if it uses low-quality fuel.

When the company had its first event in Rostov, there was an agricultural exhibition of equipment and it was stated, as an example, that first they carry water in a fuel tanker, and then fill it with fuel, and there were examples when some spare part broke down - the cost was at least 500 thousand rubles. now count.

The problem with this forum is that there are 80 percent of the keyboard writers here who are just busy. that they are looking for a trick and laughing. But there are also 20 percent of absolutely normal people, for whom I am posting this information, because it can be useful, as a topic about polishing

What kind of tablets are they, what are they made of, what do they do with fuel? I was wondering, maybe you could give me a couple of tablets to try? If everything goes well, I promise I will write a positive review.

Somewhere on the internet I also saw some garbage - I don’t remember the exact name, but the gist of it is that you hang a magnet on the fuel line - and voila - 40% savings

quote: Originally posted by

I will talk to you in person without any problems and explain things you don’t understand, but first look at this at 20-00, except Sundays

My number

If you don't have time to watch it. this happens, you can add me to magazinhimii’s Skype and I’ll give you all the entries you need, that’s what the forum is for – there is such a thing as openness

and I, as a specialist in the field of power engineering, will try to evaluate it objectively.

in 1970, some scientist received the X Forum and was awarded the Nobel Prize in this field. then used by NASA for 30 years with heavy fuel.

Envirotabs does not change anything in the fuel. Fuel is just a carrier for this thing.

Fuel ignition occurs at approximately 200 degrees, instead of the usual 600, which allows all additives and chemicals. use to burn.

At the moment, the company greenfootglobal has exclusive rights to the product from the creator of the X formula itself + a modified version.

Jerry Lang, an independent expert in the oil industry, a consultant for Mobil 1, Shell, etc., who has the largest number of patents in the oil industry, etc., concluded that this product OFFICIALLY GIVES 15 PERCENT SAVINGS ON AMERICAN FUEL, and in Russia you yourself know what it is and The fact is that this product is the safest and most effective at the moment. Simply put, the reaction occurs catalysis (acceleration)

When I tell someone all this, they start giving me some figures for air consumption, etc., and they say, it can’t be. Above in the TV channel’s video is the most awesome proof at the moment - this video has great power and now things will go much faster for the company’s distributors + there are official papers from the distributor in Sochi. . Today, there is no company with a more legal and unique product; the company prepares all the documents for working with legal entities. persons and this is just for 6 months of work in Russia. There are a lot of videos from YouTube, but they don’t consider reviews from ordinary consumers to be reliable.

I believe that now time is against the skeptics.

I didn’t know all this data about how it works and what it does before, and by and large this is no longer so important for those who want to save money, reduce emissions, increase their financial wallet, increase their service life. I don't care about that. how it works - they see the result and rejoice.

The company insured any case of damage due to the fault of the product for 1 million dollars. The product has an EPA certificate and a certificate of conformity (BTI) (European documents). They are quite difficult to get

Choose the right engine oil

Rationale : if you use oil with a reduced viscosity, then fuel consumption decreases as the resistance decreases. Oil viscosity depends on temperature, and it is the loss of viscosity that causes the engine to “seize”

Disadvantages : none

You can see additional recommendations by looking at another infographic:

Road and weather conditions

It happens quite often that there is simply no escape from an increase in consumption, since it is directly related to road or weather conditions.

For example, if you are driving on a dry road without noticeable wind resistance, then naturally your car’s gasoline consumption will be within normal limits. In rain and strong winds, the fuel level can decrease much faster. There is no way around this, unless you don’t operate the car in such conditions.

Also, don’t discount the time of year. I think there is no need to explain that in winter the fuel gauge needle approaches zero much faster than in summer. This is due not only to poor road conditions, but also to the daily warming up of the engine, which wastes a lot of gasoline.

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