Exhaust system for VAZ 2115 - design, repair, replacement

Exhaust system design

All parts of the gas exhaust system of the VAZ-2115 car can be easily disassembled, which allows you to replace them yourself, without the involvement of specialists. Main parts of the gas outlet unit:

  1. Bracket mounting of the exhaust pipe.
  2. A gasket located between the pipe and the intake manifold.
  3. The clamping part of the bracket (represents a plate).
  4. Pipe for receiving gases from the engine.
  5. Metalgraphite gasket in the form of a ring.
  6. Catalyst.
  7. Rubber mounting pad.
  8. First (additional) muffler.
  9. Main muffler.
  10. Rear mounting cushion.
  11. Fastening clamp (often called brackets).

The location of most of the listed spare parts is under the bottom of the car, which makes them vulnerable to mechanical damage.

The cause may be not only external damage (most often caused by falling into holes or difficult to navigate places), but also exposure to chemical reagents or the influence of climatic conditions.

Gas exhaust system (muffler diagram)

For 1.5l engines

Gas exhaust system for 1.5l engines

  1. Reception pipe connection bracket.
  2. Pad.
  3. Bracket seal.
  4. Secondary muffler. (Muffler resonator)
  5. Muffler suspension cushions.
  6. Main muffler.
  7. Muffler pipe connection clamp.
  8. Hinge O-ring.
  9. Neutralizer.
  10. Connecting ring.
  11. Oxygen concentration sensor.

Exhaust system

For 1.6l engines

The exhaust system on 1.6-liter engines is distinguished by the absence of a converter (a metal corrugation is installed instead) and the presence of a catalytic manifold (installed immediately after gasket number 3).

For information, the toxicity standard for VAZ 2114, 2113, 2115 is R 83.

How to notice a node malfunction

It is not difficult to determine that it is time to change parts of the exhaust system on a VAZ-2115 with an 8-valve engine.
Even a novice car enthusiast can cope with this, since the main signs are the appearance of a strong smell of exhaust gases in the cabin and an increased noise level. Most often, faults are hidden in the additional or main muffler, as well as in the gaskets between the connections, which can burn out over time. The classification of the most frequently occurring faults is as follows:

  • mechanical damage to the muffler;
  • burnout of gaskets;
  • corrugation burnout;
  • loosening of connections at joints;
  • cracks in the system pipes.

Problems can be spotted by visual inspection. Experienced specialists recommend removing gas exhaust units for these purposes. This way you can examine them from all sides and notice the slightest damage. After you conduct a visual inspection of the system, you need to buy spare parts and begin repairs. It's easy to do it yourself.

If there are no external problems, you can try replacing the internal resonator. This repair method will only help those who know how to handle welding equipment.

Small burns and holes can be covered with sealant. Just pay attention: it must easily withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees. Before applying the composition, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and degrease the surfaces.

Basic faults

There are many muffler malfunctions, but the most common are two:

  1. Problem with lambda probe. The lambda probe is a sensor that monitors the emission of waste substances to ensure ideal operation of the exhaust system. The sensor fails after a hundred thousand mileage. Unfortunately, the sensor is not repaired, but replaced with a new one.
  2. If you hear a characteristic knocking sound in the muffler, this may also indicate that a crack has formed in the muffler itself. This symptom is confirmed by the noise increasing as the engine speed increases and decreasing when the engine is turned off. The malfunction can be eliminated in two ways: by welding or completely replacing the part, and the second option, of course, is more reliable.

For the VAZ 2114 model, we can recommend three options for mufflers:

  1. The old-style kit, which is of good quality and is cheap, includes a clamp - 100 rubles, and an exhaust replacement kit, suitable for all models, from the VAZ to the VAZ 2100, costs 250 rubles.
  2. A modern-style muffler, a sunset muffler, has better characteristics, but it already costs 1,030 rubles.
  3. An ideal option would be the AvtoVAZagregat muffler, priced at RUB 3,191. It will last a long time and will cope with its work task perfectly.

Muffler replacement

Using the example of replacing this component, we will show that it is not difficult to repair the exhaust system and dismantle its components. To work, you will need to install the car in the garage above a pit or drive it onto an overpass. Disassembling this node is not so difficult:

  • disconnect the main and additional muffler;
  • bend the hooks of the hanging straps;
  • remove the brackets;
  • remove the main muffler, which is mounted on the cushions.

After this, you will need to reassemble in the reverse order, only instead of the old spare part, hang the new one on the cushions. If the fastenings of the clamp connecting the resonator and the muffler pipe are dirty, clean them with a metal brush.

Before assembling the system, clean the gasket ring thoroughly. You can coat it with heat-resistant sealant to reliably seal the exhaust gases inside the system. The above method of replacing a muffler can also be used in cases where you want to tune your car.

Many car enthusiasts install sports mufflers on their VAZ-2115, which have a qualitatively different sound. In this case, you don’t have to wait for a malfunction to appear. Also, the new muffler can improve the environmental characteristics of the car, that is, after replacing this component, it will release less exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Remember that sport or upgraded mufflers will cost more than the stock replacement part.

If you want to tune your car, get ready to spend a lot of money. Buy only new imported spare parts. You should not try to turn an ordinary spare part into a sports modification using welding. This homemade product will not last long. For the same reason, we recommend replacing entire parts of the exhaust system rather than trying to repair them if malfunctions occur.

Sports mufflers

You can often see a sports type muffler (direct flow) on VAZ-2114 cars. Visually, without looking under the bottom, it can be distinguished from a regular one by its characteristic sound and increased diameter of the exhaust pipe. These are special tuning mufflers. Today they are produced both in factories and in handicrafts. Typically, a “direct flow” system is made entirely of stainless steel, and there is no resonator in it.

In addition, the sports muffler is devoid of a system of partitions and pipes. It is for this reason that it is called “forward flow”. The result of using a direct-flow system is an improved appearance, increased engine power due to reduced exhaust gas resistance, as well as a sporty “rumbling” of the engine. Well, as for the price, for a VAZ-2114 the assembled muffler will cost at least 20 thousand rubles.

VAZ 2115 muffler replacement on your own

  • 1 Reasons for muffler failure
  • 2 Inspection 2.1 Corrugation repair
  • 2.2 Complete repair of the muffler (replacement of the exhaust pipe)
  • 2.3 Complete repair of the muffler (replacement of the main muffler)

Replacing a muffler on a VAZ 2115 is not at all as simple as some people think. This will require time and a lot of money. But you can always independently carry out such a pleasant procedure as replacing the muffler of a VAZ 2115. The owner himself will decide what type of this part to install and will monitor the process with his own eyes. The muffler is one of the car parts that attracts the most attention. Although it is located under the car, being the main element of the exhaust gas cleaning system, a lot of effort and time is devoted to tuning it. It’s worth looking at several successful replacements on domestic cars, and everything becomes clear. An attractive muffler is the calling card of the entire car.

Tuning the muffler VAZ 2115

But the muffler performs not only functions that are responsible for an attractive appearance. The roar and power emitted by a sports car are no less impressive and attract the attention of many. So:

  • A good muffler increases the power of a car engine several times.
  • A faulty muffler not only prevents the engine from breathing normally, but also forces others to cover their ears tightly when the owner drives his car.

Replacement problems

Most often, problems arise when dismantling the old element. It simply sticks to the resonator. Sometimes bolts break. In this case, you can use a grinder. But you need to act carefully so as not to catch the resonator. If the latter has also become unusable, the problem with dismantling does not go away. Along the chain, the resonator similarly sticks to the receiving pipe. If they also change, you should stock up on the gasket we talked about earlier. It looks like this.

This part compresses the exhaust pipe with the manifold and prevents exhaust gases from leaking out. Thanks to the gasket, they follow strictly along the pipe - to the muffler, and then to the street. There is also a problem when unscrewing the bolts. If they “don’t work”, they are also cut off with a grinder. New ones are installed in their place.

Reasons for muffler failure

Before you start repairing the muffler, you need to find out the reasons why it failed:

  • The close proximity of the muffler to the road surface often causes its rapid failure.
  • Often, holes and holes are found on a faulty part, left as a result of driving on uneven roads. The surface of Russian roads is often snowy or wet, and the terrain can cause the muffler to hit or hit the ground.
  • The chemicals that are sprinkled on coatings in winter and constant operation in low temperatures can damage more than one muffler.

How are knocking and muffler position related?

If the muffler suddenly starts knocking on some parts of the car, find the source of the extraneous sounds. Usually the reason lies in stretched rubber fasteners. After replacing them, the knocking will stop.

Sometimes a knock appears after work related to removing the muffler. In this case, extraneous sounds are a consequence of installation errors. Round pipes at the joints with clamps can be slightly rotated relative to the correct position: more or less than required, pushed into each other.

To eliminate knocking, restore the optimal position of the exhaust system elements.

Sagging mufflers can be “treated” using similar methods—by replacing rubber bands and correcting the position of joints.

Video: repairing a sagging VAZ 2106 muffler


It is worthwhile to carefully inspect the muffler before starting repairs. And it would be better if the muffler was removed from the car so that it was all visible. After all, when working suspended, bending over in an inspection hole, a person quickly gets tired and may not notice all the defects. So:

  • if no damage was found during the inspection, then the cause is most likely hidden in the internal resonator (in this case, you will have to arm yourself with a welding machine, cut out the resonator and replace it with a new one);
  • If small holes or burnouts that were formed due to corrosion are discovered during the inspection, then a special sealant with an operating temperature range of 1000 degrees will help (before applying this sealant or, as it is also called, cold welding, you need to thoroughly clean surface);

Cold welding for mufflers

  • if large holes are found that cold welding will not help, it will be necessary to use fiberglass (it can be bought at any auto store along with epoxy resin, which is used for gluing).

Corrugation repair

Corrugation, in the process of replacing the muffler on a VAZ 2115

It also happens that during the inspection process the unsuitability of the muffler corrugation is discovered. This is a flexible connection that serves to secure the exhaust pipe to the engine. There may be several reasons for the failure of this part:

  • a faulty catalyst, which, if clogged, creates excess pressure that negatively affects the corrugation;
  • the walls of the corrugation are corroded by exhaust gases, since the rubber mounting of the muffler was damaged or the engine mounts were damaged;
  • the corrugation braid has been mechanically damaged by chemical reagents or gravel.

It is believed that the corrugation is one of the weak points of the vehicle exhaust system. First of all, experts recommend paying attention to it. Its design is an elastically tied knot that is capable of absorbing vibrations coming from the machine’s engine. The corrugation is usually replaced with a three- or two-layer braid. The corrugation installation process is not complicated:

  • We cut off the old corrugation using a grinder;
  • clean the cut;
  • welds a new corrugation in this place;
  • check the tightness;
  • We cover the joints with a layer of paint (this is done to ensure a long service life).

Needless to say, this type of work requires simple skills in handling tools and welding.

Complete muffler repair (replacement of exhaust pipe)

As mentioned above, there may be several reasons for the failure of the muffler. Accordingly, its repair will involve various solutions. So, if the reason is a failure of the exhaust pipe, and exhaust gases break through under the bottom of the car, you need to arm yourself with a set of keys, a new clamp with an internal diameter of 46 mm and a new sealing gasket. First, it is recommended to watch this video, which presents a repair kit of necessary parts.

  • we lift the car onto an overpass or inspection hole;
  • take a 13mm socket wrench and unscrew the nut of the tie clamp (during the process you need to hold the bolt from turning with a second wrench of the same size);
  • move the clamp towards the additional muffler of the system;
  • take the lubricant and apply it to the junction of the exhaust pipe and the additional muffler (it will help loosen the rust and the connection will “get wet”;
  • take a hammer and strike through a wooden block on the surface of the front additional muffler;
  • we move it from the exhaust pipe (photo below);

Front additional muffler VAZ 2115

  • use a 13mm wrench to unscrew the bolt that secures the exhaust pipe to the bracket (it is sometimes located on the gearbox);
  • take a flat-blade screwdriver and bend the edges of the locking plates of the nuts that secure the exhaust pipe to the exhaust manifold;
  • take a 13mm socket wrench and unscrew the nuts (there are four of them);
  • with our own hands we remove the locking plates, as well as the exhaust pipe flange from the exhaust manifold studs;

Exhaust manifold of a VAZ disassembled

  • we find the seal gasket under the studs;
  • extract it;

Manifold seal gasket

  • we bring the exhaust pipe down so that it is between the crankcase and the steering rod;
  • treat the junction of the additional muffler and the exhaust pipe with a graphite-containing lubricant;
  • replace the old sealing gasket and install a new one;
  • install new parts;
  • We assemble the exhaust pipe in the reverse order.

I would like to note that the new nuts securing the exhaust pipe to the manifold must be locked.

Complete muffler repair (replacement of main muffler)

In this case, in addition to exhaust gases breaking through under the bottom of the car, the bottom itself will rattle. You can replace a faulty main muffler with a new one, the price of which is not so expensive. So:

  • the car rises onto the pit;
  • the additional and main mufflers are separated;
  • the hooks of the suspension straps are bent;
  • detached from the brackets;
  • the main muffler attached to the pillow is removed;

Dismantling the main muffler VAZ

  • Installation of all parts is carried out in reverse order.

We hope this article will help you repair your muffler. On our website you can find a lot of material on many types of repairs.

Composition of the exhaust system

After the catalyst in injection engines, an oxygen sensor, the so-called ?-probe, is usually installed. Therefore, if there is a significant leak in the exhaust system in front of the catalyst, then this is also fraught with improper operation of the engine, since the probe will give readings that do not correspond to reality.

A diesel particulate filter is also required in the exhaust system of a diesel engine.

For turbocharged engines, the turbine impeller drive housing is placed between the exhaust manifold and the exhaust pipe.

All about the exhaust system of the VAZ 2115. Design, breakdowns and repairs

Design features and modern exhaust system on the VAZ 2115. Perhaps the topic is not very relevant, but many drivers do not really know what it consists of and how it can be repaired in the event of a breakdown.
Agree that speeding through the city with a wild exhaust from behind is not to the liking of many. The volume of sound from the muffler depends on how smoothly it works. The main purpose of the system is to remove exhaust gases from the car engine through pipes and channels.
Most often, malfunctions occur due to mechanical damage, due to wear or negative influence of weather. Let's look at what it consists of and what are the main ways to fix breakdowns below.

Silencer and its types

A muffler is a device aimed at reducing noise, temperature and toxicity of a car. This device has come a long way in evolution. The first cars were not equipped with mufflers, which is why they made a terrible noise and were not safe for the environment.

The first exhaust system device was created only in 1894 specifically for the luxury Panhard-Levassor car. From this moment on, the history of the development of the exhaust system begins.

Modern mufflers are divided into three types:

  • made of aluminized steel;
  • made of stainless steel;
  • sports option.

For VAZ cars, a stainless type of muffler is used:

But no matter how good the stainless material is, the device still cannot withstand temperature changes and often fails. The most common causes of malfunctions:

  • overheating of parts
  • deformation
  • pollution.

A malfunction is indicated by a growling or popping sound that appears unexpectedly. If noise occurs, you need to urgently change the unit, otherwise the entire system, which is directly related to the operation of the engine, may suffer, and repairing the power unit, as we know, is a much more labor-intensive and expensive process.


  • Various mechanical damage;
  • Burnout of asbestos gasket;
  • Fatigue and wear of the metal and, as a result, burnout;
  • Defects at the joints;
  • Cracks.

Considering the above, first of all, the driver must determine the source of infection and work out a schematic way to eliminate it. Let's imagine that the muffler on your car has burned out.

, this is the most common phenomenon on many cars and the VAZ 2115 is no exception.

Among the reasons are:

  • Mechanical damage (cracks, impacts, etc.);
  • Exposure to moisture (“drowned people”, as well as cases where the car was stored improperly);
  • Outside interference (reprogramming, incorrect firmware, etc.);
  • Overheating or hypothermia;
  • Voltage drops in the on-board network, as well as a short circuit (due to incorrect connection of the battery terminals, as well as attempts to “light” and other violations of the rules for operating the on-board network);
  • Corrosion or oxidation of some areas of the board or other important elements of the ECU.


  • We must drive the car onto a viewing hole or a stationary overpass;
  • We turn off the engine, squeeze the handbrake, wedge the wheels with boots or put it in first gear, you can choose any option;
  • Let the exhaust system cool down a little, as it heats up under the influence of exhaust gases. You can easily burn your fingers. We always carry out all work wearing gloves.
  • After making sure that the pipes have cooled down, using capes we unscrew the connecting clamps between the muffler and the resonator, otherwise known as the secondary muffler.
  • From the rubber clamp-holder, remove the hook with which it secures the muffler to the bottom of the car;
  • There will be an O-ring between the connections, be careful not to damage or lose it. Carry out visual diagnostics and replace with a new one if necessary. As a rule, the negative impact affects a short service life;
  • Having removed the muffler, we put it aside so that it does not interfere with the process.
  • We pre-lubricate the new ring with heat-resistant sealant, in this way we extend the service life;
  • Install the system components in reverse order.
  • After installation, be sure to start the engine and test the system. Pay attention to ensure that there are no gas leaks, otherwise your work will be down the drain.
  • If everything is fine, you can continue on your way. If not, eliminate the shortcomings.

Schematically the exhaust system looks like this:

A flow of gases emerges from the combustion chamber through the exhaust manifold, exhaust pipe, neutralizer, resonator, and the muffler itself.

Burnout of the gasket can also be a weak point or “sore”

between the cylinder head and the exhaust manifold. Despite the tight pressure around the perimeter with the help of four stud bolts. The asbestos gasket still burns out, and the engine emits an unpleasant and loud sound.

Modern cars, including the VAZ 2115, use a neutralizer to significantly reduce emissions into the atmosphere, these are oxides of nitrogen, carbon, and hydrocarbons. Structurally, it consists of two parts with catalysts made of platinum and palladium. Passing through these plates, gases react, resulting in a low-toxic oxide, the harmfulness of which to the environment is minimal. According to experts, purification is about 85-95%.

Monitoring the performance of the neutralizer

carries out an oxygen sensor that scans the content of lead oxide in the gas environment. Cars equipped with such a device are strictly prohibited from using leaded fuel.

Faulty ignition or incorrect adjustment can cause premature failure of the converter. Unburnt gasoline coats the ceramic plates, which makes it difficult for gases to flow out and clogs the system. The first sign may be a sudden loss of engine power. Accordingly, repair or maintenance work is just around the corner.

This concludes the discussion of the topic, the exhaust system on the VAZ 2115 is over. Let's hope that our tips and recommendations will help many drivers gain experience and help them quickly find the source of the breakdown.

Diagnostics and replacement

The exhaust gas system of the VAZ 2114 signals problems with extraneous noise. If the muffler is knocking, it means that there is most likely a crack in it. It is worth noting that the volume of noise directly depends on engine speed and load on it. Such a malfunction can be eliminated either by replacing the damaged part or by welding. Experts recommend the first option.

Replacing a muffler begins with carefully selecting a new exhaust system kit. It is strongly recommended to use only original samples from the manufacturer. Otherwise, if for some reason a muffler was chosen on a VAZ of a different design, different from the original, the car owner will have to re-adjust the power system.

After the VAZ 2114 muffler has been purchased, the car must be installed on an inspection pit (overpass). The bolts connecting the crimp coupling should be moistened with a special process fluid, type WD. If you don't have it on hand, you can use motor oil or brake fluid.

This will make it possible to eliminate coking of threaded connections and relatively easily, using wrenches, dismantle the VAZ muffler. Then you need to remove the ferrule and the O-ring. After this, all that remains is to remove the muffler from the special rubber pads and remove it from the system.

Installation and fastening of a new element to replace the old one is carried out in the reverse order. After completing the entire operation, you should turn on the car engine and check whether the muffler is knocking or not.

Exhaust system VAZ 2114 - 2115: muffler replacement and VAZ muffler repair

The exhaust system of many budget cars and middle-class models is not durable in practice. As a rule, the following system elements are the first to fail: muffler, resonator. Unfortunately, the popular models VAZ 2114, 2115 and many others were no exception.

Next, we will look at the example of model 2114, how to replace or repair the exhaust system of a VAZ 2114, it is better to immediately change the muffler of this system or carry out repairs, in which cases it is advisable to make this or that decision, etc.

Muffler mount

The muffler hangs on the car using the muffler suspension cushion (5), and the components of the muffler are connected to each other by gaskets, O-rings, and clamps.

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Muffler for VAZ 2114

The VAZ-2114 hatchback, developed in the mid-nineties, as part of the Samara-2 project, has gained wide popularity in our country.

Light, dynamic, aesthetic, at the same time it turned out to be not without flaws.

One of the most common problems that the owner of the fourteenth model has to face is the failure of the muffler and, in general, the entire exhaust system.

In this article we will cover all the most important issues related to this topic and tell you how to replace the muffler yourself.

Exhaust system VAZ 2114-2115: what you need to know

First of all, the exhaust (exhaust) system of a car is a solution to reduce noise levels and remove exhaust gases. This system has a number of component elements, and their condition directly affects the quality of work and the overall performance of the car engine.

Special requirements are put forward for the main components of the exhaust system, since the system operates under certain loads, constantly cools and heats up, experiences vibration, condensation accumulates inside, when driving, residual fuel can burn out in the exhaust, moisture and reagents affect the elements from the outside, mechanical damage cannot be ruled out impact, etc.

To secure the muffler pipes, the bolts are made of special alloys that are resistant to high heat. Note that the muffler on the VAZ 2114 is also attached to the car body using bolted connections and is supported by rubber hangers in order to reduce vibration levels.

In general, the entire VAZ 2114 exhaust system consists of:

  • bracket for fastening the exhaust pipe;
  • gaskets;
  • clamping device for bracket;
  • additional muffler;
  • suspensions for muffler;
  • main muffler;
  • clamp for connecting the muffler pipe;
  • catalyst (catalytic converter);
  • hinge seal rings;
  • oxygen sensor (lambda probe)
  • muffler exhaust pipe;

What is a car muffler for?

Regardless of the make and year of manufacture of the car, all its systems serve one purpose - to ensure stable operation of the engine and movement. The exhaust system may seem insignificant compared to systems such as the brakes or fuel. However, it is the vehicle's exhaust system that has the most direct impact on engine performance.

The muffler is an integral part of the exhaust system . Its main purpose is to remove exhaust gases outside the car. In addition, the part also serves to reduce noise, since residual fuel can burn in the exhaust system pipes.

The pipe comes out from the rear left side of the car

How to attach

The muffler on the VAZ 2114/2115 is attached to the car body. To ensure that the pipe is securely fixed and does not vibrate during movement, two fastening methods are used:

  • bolted;
  • on rubber suspensions.

Bolts and nuts for fastening the muffler pipes are made of special heat-resistant alloys

The muffler is attached directly to the exhaust manifold with bolted connections, which guarantee complete tightness of the joints. The middle part is also fixed with bolts and nuts. And the resonator and exhaust pipe are suspended on special hooks on the bottom with elastic bands. These suspensions are easy to remove and put on, but at the same time provide rigidity even when driving on uneven roads.

Schematic design of the exhaust system on a VAZ 2114/2115

The gas exhaust system of the VAZ 2114/2115 consists of several parts. Connecting to each other in series, all parts ultimately serve one purpose - reducing noise and removing exhaust emissions outside the body.

  • Exhaust system VAZ 2114 - 2115: muffler replacement and VAZ muffler repair

1 — bracket for fastening the exhaust pipe; 2 - gasket; 3 — clamping device for the bracket; 4 — additional muffler; 5.7 — “pillows” for muffler suspension; 6 — main muffler; 8 — clamp connecting the muffler pipes; 9 - neutralizing device; 10 — hinge sealing ring; 11 - sensor that monitors the oxygen concentration in emissions; 12 — exhaust pipe for mufflers

Muffler 2114: replacement and repair

In turn, the main muffler is usually the first to fail.
As a rule, this will be indicated by increased noise, the appearance of ringing and rattling, the smell of exhaust in the car interior, etc. As a rule, the easiest way is to replace the muffler with the original one, which is installed from the factory. Such mufflers are reliable, there are no problems with installation (if the products are truly original, since there are many fakes on the market).

It is quite possible to choose an analogue solution, but not all mufflers are of high quality and can be installed on the car without modifications. For this reason, you need to take into account all the nuances before purchasing.

Having prepared all the parts, you should also have the necessary tools: a pair of open-end wrenches 13, a hammer, a chisel, brake fluid or WD-40, and a flat-head screwdriver.

The replacement process itself generally suggests the following:

  • The car is driven into the pit and raised on a lift;
  • If this is not possible, you should jack up the car or drive it onto an overpass, and then install wheel chocks;
  • Having climbed under the car, you should treat all joints of pipes and bolts with WD-40, leave the lubricant for 15 minutes;
  • Afterwards, you can try to unscrew the bolts; if this fails, then cut them off using a chisel or hammer (when doing this, avoid hitting the bottom);
  • Having unscrewed the pipe, the element is removed from the rubber hangers, lifting the part (in the case when the rubber is “hardened”, you can pry it off with a screwdriver). The muffler itself on the VAZ 2114 and 2115 is attached to 5 hangers;
  • After dismantling, you can repair the old muffler or install a new one. Having completed the work, you should proceed to installing the part on the car;

At this stage, the work of replacing the muffler is considered complete. All that remains is to start the engine and check the tightness of the exhaust system, making sure there is no noise. They also make a test drive to make sure that the muffler does not catch anywhere and does not knock while swinging on the suspensions.

Silencer - purpose, device, operation

An important element of the exhaust system is the muffler; operating a car without it is impossible.
As a rule, the muffler is located at the rear of the vehicle and, in conjunction with the exhaust system, serves to remove harmful gases from the engine, bypassing the vehicle interior. Car mufflers are made from stainless, aluminized and regular black steel. Stainless steel “silencers” are practically not available for sale due to their high cost and long service life (their service life is 10–15 years). Aluminized mufflers are installed on VAZ 2114/2115. They are common in the domestic and European markets (service life 3–7 years). Regular black steel mufflers are cheap substitutes and last only a few months, so are rarely used.

What is a “glushak” for?

Main functions of the muffler:

  • reduction of noise during fuel processing;
  • reduction in the rate of gas release and their temperature.

All elements of the exhaust system are exposed to high temperatures, so the coating (anti-corrosion paint, mastic) that is applied to the muffler burns out. The exhaust system of the VAZ 2114/2115 is mounted under the body on the bottom of the car.

An additional muffler or, in other words, a resonator is designed to eject burnt gas into the exhaust pipe and receive the next portion.

The resonator is an important part of the exhaust system; it directly affects engine power. The faster the exhaust gas is removed from the resonator, the faster and more power the car develops.

The muffler on the VAZ 2114/2115 is attached to the bottom of the car with special rubber bands, clinging to flat hooks on the side and top. Why is an elastic band used, and, say, not a metal fastener?

As exhaust gases pass through the exhaust pipe, vibrations intensify, the muffler begins to vibrate, and if the mount is solid-state, the vibration will be transmitted to the cabin. The rubber muffler mount softens vibrations and is therefore used on all cars.

For the VAZ 2114/2115, the muffler is a volumetric sealed metal chamber, divided inside by various partitions. The entire exhaust gas flow passes through the muffler sections and is finally extinguished and cleaned. If you look at the muffler diagram, it will look almost the same on all cars.

Do-it-yourself exhaust system and muffler repair

As a rule, the main reason for muffler failure is that it burns out and holes appear in the housing. Also, the enemy of the muffler is corrosion, mechanical damage, etc.

Moreover, even if the muffler 2115 or 2114, as well as other cars (both domestic and foreign cars) looks normal on the outside, it is also destroyed on the inside. When the engine is running, you can hear ringing and rattling in the muffler, especially when revving the engine. If the problem is not in the suspensions, then this indicates the destruction of the internal partitions.

Occasionally, mistakes can be made when repairing the exhaust system, that is, a knock appears after replacing the resonator or exhaust pipe. In this case, you need to make sure that gaskets, connections, etc. are installed correctly.

  • Let us also add that during operation, dirt may accumulate in the muffler. Over time, this soot and dirt clogs the muffler. In this case, the exhaust does not come out in full, there is no normal ventilation, and the car begins to “stupid” when accelerating.

So, you can clean the muffler by removing it from the car. The element is tapped, etc. However, in reality, it is better to immediately replace such a muffler with a new one, since often a clogged muffler still has other defects, and more serious ones.

By the way, it also happens that the catalyst is clogged, the partitions in the muffler have fallen off, etc. In this case, the main problem is the catalyst and you need to start from there, removing the catalyst, after which either a new element or a flame arrester is installed.

It is also not uncommon for the thermal insulation of the muffler to burn out. In practice, the resonator coating must be sealed. In this case, it is often enough to change the insulation to put the exhaust system in order. By the way, if the burnout is not removed, the muffler may also fail.

  • Another problem with the muffler is its burnout. Also, holes in the muffler appear as a result of corrosion of the “can” body. In this case, relatively small diameter holes can be welded by installing a patch. In this case, before welding, it is necessary to treat the metal at the defect site, remove rust, clean it and degrease it.

Next, the patch is welded in place of the hole, and the size of the patch should be twice as large as the diameter of the hole. To fix the patch, you need to grab it on all sides, and then apply a weld.

Also, after cooling, the welded area is cleaned of slag, after which it is advisable to paint it using a special heat-resistant paint. This will protect the treated area from corrosion and increase the service life of the patch and the metal next to it.

However, in some cases, muffler repair allows for a fairly long period of time to restore normal operation of the exhaust system without replacing individual elements.

Design and purpose of the exhaust gas system

The gas exhaust system of the VAZ 2114 consists of various functional parts. Folding into one solid chain, it contributes to the normal operation of the car. The system regulates the release of harmful chemicals concentrated in exhaust gases into the surrounding atmosphere. Schematically, this system looks like this, as shown in Fig. 1. The exhaust system of the car model in question includes the following main functional components.

  1. Exhaust manifold VAZ 2114. Serves to combine gas flows emanating from each cylinder into one common pipe. To withstand increased dynamic loads, the collector is equipped with the most rigid and durable fastening.
  2. Catalyst. This component of the system significantly reduces the level of toxicity of exhaust gases. To do this, highly toxic emissions are converted into less toxic gas impurities using a chemical reaction.
  3. Reception pipe. Designed to connect the VAZ 2114 exhaust manifold and the catalyst.
  4. Resonator. By means of several “acoustic mirrors” built into the body, it reduces the level of noise that occurs during strong exhaust.
  5. Silencers. Even more than the resonator, they enhance the noise absorption of the entire exhaust system of the VAZ 2114.
  6. Corrugation. Thanks to its elastic structure, it suppresses vibration transmitted from the engine to the exhaust system.

What's the result?

Taking into account the above information, it becomes clear that on the VAZ 2114 the exhaust system is not particularly complex in design. We also note that if you need to replace a VAZ 2114 muffler, the price of new system elements (both original and analogues) is at a completely acceptable level.

The main thing is that when choosing exhaust system parts (especially among analogues), you should pay attention and purchase only aluminized mufflers, which are the best solution in terms of quality and price. It is also advisable to study in advance the reviews of car enthusiasts for a particular brand and manufacturer before purchasing. This will allow you to buy a muffler that is most durable in terms of service life.


Most of the units we are considering are located in the engine compartment. We present to your attention a diagram of the arrangement of sensors on the VAZ 2114 engine:

The location of the sensors must be known to the responsible motorist

  • Camshaft position (phase sensor);
  • Coolant temperature;
  • Detonation;
  • Oil pressure;
  • Oxygen sensor (lambda probe);
  • Kneeshaft position;
  • Speed;
  • Idle move;
  • Mass air flow;
  • Fuel level;
  • Gasoline level;
  • Antifreeze level;
  • Throttle Positions

Now let's look at the sensors and their location in more detail.


DCP is a device that supplies the computer with information about the position of the crankshaft. The correct functioning of the fuel mixture supply and ignition systems, as well as the injectors of the injection engine, depends on the operation of this unit.

This device is often called a synchronization sensor, since the ECU, based on information received from the DCPV, determines the moment of fuel injection into the engine cylinders. If the DCPV breaks down, incorrect information will be supplied to the brains of the fourteenth and the engine will lose its performance, since there will be malfunctions in the fuel supply system and the injectors will not be able to function normally.

On the fourteenth, inductive type DCPVs are installed, the approximate cost of a new device is 150 - 200 rubles. The DCPV is located near the alternator belt, near the camshaft.


DPR is often called a phase sensor. This device is available on all fourteen cars with 16-valve engines, and on VAZ-2114 with 8-valve engines with phased injection of the fuel mixture.

The DPR transmits data about the current operating cycle of the power unit to the ECU:

  1. Which valve is open?
  2. What valve timing is being implemented at the moment.

Based on the information received, the ECU determines the timing of fuel injection so that gasoline is supplied just before the intake valve opens.

The device is located on the engine, near the cylinder head, not far from the air filter.

Phase sensor for VAZ 2114


TPS is one of the key devices, the correct functioning of which depends on the operation of the fuel system. As the name implies, TPS transmits information to the brains of the fourteenth about at what angle the throttle valve is placed at a particular moment in time

One of the main characteristics of the TPS is the signal frequency, based on the change in which the engine control unit determines the degree of pressure on the gas pedal, which allows the brain to select the optimal engine cooling mode and the amount of fuel supplied.

TPS is part of the throttle assembly. It is located on the throttle body, next to the idle speed sensor.


A properly functioning DD is the key to the normal functioning of the fourteenth engine. If it breaks down, the engine will run rough and gas mileage will increase.

The DD reacts to engine vibrations, information about which is transmitted to the ECU, which allows the ECU to select the correct ignition timing (the moment of ignition of gasoline in the cylinder).

The device is mounted on the engine cylinder block next to the fan, between the 2nd and 3rd cylinders.


DTOZH (also referred to as the VAZ 2114 engine temperature sensor) is located at the place where the inlet pipe is located on the body of the cylinder cooling system, to which the antifreeze supply pipe is connected.

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