Engine number for VAZ 2114 - where it is, how to find it

The need to verify the number

It is necessary to check the information regarding where the engine number is located on the VAZ 2114, like any other car. This must be done using the official documentation that comes with the vehicle. There are always two main reasons for checking:

  1. These are cases of purchasing a stolen car. This situation can be avoided - you just need to check the engine number of the VAZ 2114 car, as well as the body, for compliance with the values ​​​​in the documents. If the values ​​do not match or the numbers themselves are slightly erased, then most likely the vehicle was stolen. This recommendation applies not only to buyers, but also to sellers. The likelihood that a person will refuse to buy a car with a damaged VIN code is high. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor and maintain the condition when the situation requires it.
  2. The second case is registration and deregistration. Road inspection authorities take this more seriously than future buyers, due to the fact that the VIN code is a guarantor of the legal origin of the car. In addition, there is another case when traffic inspectors need to look at the engine number of a VAZ 2114 - an operational check. It is usually carried out when a similar vehicle is reported stolen. And it is in such a situation that an acceptable state of the engine VIN code will come in handy more than ever.

Now that the question of why the VIN code of a vehicle's engine is an important element has been sorted out, let's consider all the possible places where the code is usually located.

Where to look for the engine number on a VAZ-2114

In accordance with official criteria, the engine number of the VAZ 2114 is located on the cylinder block. More precisely, this is the place near the thermostat on the right side; The clutch housing is located slightly lower than the location of the VIN code itself.

To facilitate the search process and direct comparison, you need to remove the air filter. It is advisable to do this together with the pipes, because they will block access. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the process of applying the VIN code itself is a method of impact branding. This means that the number is unlikely to be erased on its own due to wear and tear of the car.

Where is the VAZ-2114 8 valve engine number: photo and video

Car: VAZ-2114. Asks: Smirnov Ivan. The essence of the question: How to check the engine number?

Hello! Please tell me where to find the engine number on a VAZ-2114 engine? I’m planning to buy myself a car and want to know if it’s necessary to check it, because I think it’s not necessary, anyway, there’s no way to interrupt it, but my friends advise the exact opposite! I would like to hear independent commentary and advice on this matter.

The arrow indicates where to look for the engine number

Whenever you buy a car, you need to check the engine number with what is on the documents. This applies to both registration and deregistration of the vehicle. Below, we will tell you where to find the engine number on a VAZ-2114 car.

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The need to check the engine and body numbers, without exception, on any vehicle is primarily due to the fact that you do not purchase a stolen car.

Further, difficulties may arise if the engine is no longer original. It could have been changed, for example, removed from disassembly. And during verification, unnecessary problems will arise.

All numbers and letters indicated on the unit must completely coincide with those in the documents, excluding cases of correction. It is also necessary to pay attention to their integrity, that is, they should not have any mechanical damage.

In total, there is one place on the car where the engine number is stamped - it is on the cylinder block on the right side, next to the thermostat, right above the clutch housing.

The engine number is clearly visible once you reach it.

The location of the number is indicated by an arrow.

Please note that in order to see it, you may need to dismantle the air filter housing, along with the pipes.

The number is duplicated on the information plate on the right side of the front pillar, along with the engine body number, which is stamped below the spare wheel and the front pillar on the right.

Identification plate under the hood The plate is marked with a red marker.

The above plate is intended to inform the owner about all the information about the car: year of manufacture, manufacturer, etc. As in the case of the engine and body number, pay attention to the integrity of this plate, the absence of damage or chips on it. It itself should be smooth, and have intact rivets holding it in place.

If there are traces of rust on it, then it is best to clean it so that this does not subsequently affect the general condition of the information materials.

Information plate

Separately, it is worth noting the information table that is located on the right on the front pillar. The table contains a duplicate engine and body number. In addition, information is included about the year in which the car was produced, the plant that produced it, etc. In fact, all that information that is a priori basic.

However, the fact that it only duplicates meanings does not detract from its importance. This means that her condition should also be good. If there are small areas of rust, you need to get rid of them; if there are small chips, which make access to information difficult, then, if possible, the plate needs to be replaced. Ideal condition - smooth surface without rust and the presence of rivets that fix it to the car body.

How to decipher the VIN code

Now that information regarding where to look for the engine number on a VAZ 2114 has been found, it is important to determine the meaning of the VIN code. It is most rational to consider the information plate, which immediately indicates all the necessary requirements. It looks like this:

So, now in order:

  • Serial number, which is intended for spare parts. It corresponds to the serial ID of the vehicle that came off the assembly line.
  • A numeric value indicating the vehicle's approval type.
  • Identification ID, in which XTA is the code of the plant that produced the car; 211440 — vehicle model; 6 - year in which the vehicle was produced; 0000000 (last 7 digits) - body serial ID.
  • Numerical value of the installed motor model.
  • Acceptable possible loading on the front axle.
  • Acceptable and possible loading on the rear axle.
  • Identification IDs of configuration and execution options.
  • Permissible vehicle weight.
  • Permissible weight of the vehicle if it has a trailer.

Knowledge of this information is necessary for basic literacy and the ability to navigate the main documentation of the vehicle.

Every driver should know where the VIN code is located in his car. This is confirmed not only by the main reasons, but also by situations that are impossible to predict. It's worth spending a few minutes once to avoid problems in the future.

Useful tips - where and how to find the engine number for a VAZ 2114

There are many situations in which it becomes necessary to find out what exactly the engine number of a VAZ model 2114 is. The trouble is that not everyone knows where it may be located. We will talk about this in more detail in this article.

Vehicle identification numbers VAZ-2114

Location of identification numbers in the engine compartment: 1 – vehicle identification number; 2 – summary plate with the vehicle’s passport data; 3 – engine number (at the end of the cylinder block under the thermostat housing)

According to existing legislation, each vehicle has an identification number (VIN code). This number is recorded in the vehicle passport (PTS). The identification number and other passport data of the vehicle are indicated in the summary plate.

The identification number is stamped on the body in two places: in the engine compartment on the amplifier (support cup) of the right mudguard...

Summary plate: 1 – number for spare parts (corresponds to the serial number of the car that came off the assembly line); 2 – vehicle type approval number; 3 – identification number (XTA – manufacturer code; 211440 – car model; 6 – year of manufacture; last seven digits – body number); 4 – engine model; 5 – load on the front axle; 6 – load on the rear axle; 7 – codes of vehicle version and configuration; 8 – maximum permissible vehicle weight; 9 – maximum permissible weight of the vehicle with trailer.

Note. The model year of manufacture can be indicated by a number or a letter of the Latin alphabet (see table). ...and on the luggage compartment floor reinforcement next to the spare wheel mounting bracket.

Symbols for the year of manufacture

Model yearSymbol

When to check the 2114th model number

As a rule, checking the engine attributes of not only the VAZ-2114, but also any other vehicle, is necessary when completing a purchase and sale transaction. This should be done immediately upon receipt of the documents for the car, which also contain the number. It is important not only to compare the data, but also to make sure that no manipulations have been made with it.

This kind of check allows you to avoid buying a stolen car, which happens quite often these days. In this case, it is useful to check not only the number of the VAZ-2114 engine, but also the body identifier. Any discrepancies in data, abrasions or traces of interruption should be alarming. A car with such defects, even if it is sold cheaply, is better to avoid.

Car owners, in turn, should be very careful about both the documents for the car and the numbers stamped on its components and assemblies. Remember, any damage where the combination of numbers is located, making it difficult to read the data, looks suspicious in the eyes of the buyer. You, of course, can dispel his doubts by going to the State Traffic Inspectorate together, but not everyone wants to waste their time on this, because it’s easier to refuse.

In addition, the numbers are necessarily compared by traffic police inspectors when registering a car or deregistering it. Moreover, employees of the mentioned body usually check identifiers more biasedly than buyers. Sometimes, in order to dispel doubts regarding the origin of a vehicle, an examination is appointed.

The following may also happen - traffic police officers will stop you on the street and demand to show your engine number. This is their right when it comes to operational activities. It will not be possible to avoid checking your VAZ-2114 if inspectors have information that a similar car was stolen or is wanted in some criminal case. In this context, any damage to the VIN code and number will be considered as a reason to detain the vehicle.

Having figured out why you need to know where the identifier is located, we will tell you where to look for it.

Location of the number on the VAZ-2114 engine

During the manufacture of a VAZ-2114 car, workers at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant knock out the engine identifier in a clearly marked place. The number is located directly on the cylinder block. You can find it on the right, near the thermostat. It is stamped slightly above the clutch housing and a couple of millimeters below the VIN code.

So that nothing interferes with the comparison process, it is advisable to dismantle the air filter from the VAZ-2114 along with the lines leading to it. You won't have to touch the rest of the engine.

The identifier is stamped out with a special machine, which is why the inscription appears to be embedded in the thickness of the metal. This method allows you to make data virtually indestructible. In the indicated place, nothing can create conditions under which the numbers could be damaged or even partially lose readability.

In addition, there is a special tin information plate in the engine compartment. It is also installed at the factory and secured with rivets. Here is a duplicate of not only the number of the power unit, but also the body. It also contains other important information, such as:

  • Business name;
  • year of issue;
  • mass, etc.

The mentioned plate is also important, therefore it should be protected from damage and kept in perfect order. It is recommended to periodically clean the tag from dirt and rust. Its location is the right edge of the front beam.

Vehicle identification numbers VAZ-2113, VAZ-2114, VAZ-2115

Cars VAZ-2113, VAZ-2114, VAZ-2115. Vehicle and engine identification numbers

Location of vehicle and engine markings under the hood of the vehicle

The identification number (VIN) is stamped on the support of the right shock absorber strut of the front suspension

The engine number is stamped on the cylinder block above the clutch housing (the clutch housing has been removed for clarity)

The identification number is additionally marked in the luggage compartment at the bottom of the spare wheel well.

The markings of the vehicle are shown on the plate attached to the front panel

An example of a marking designation for a car: XTA - manufacturer's code, 211500 - car model, 2 - model year of manufacture of the car, 3233993 - body number, 2111 - engine model, 1410 kg - total vehicle weight, 2160 kg - permissible weight of the vehicle with a trailer equipped with brakes , 1-700 kg - front axle load, 2-710 kg - rear axle load, 0086S68 - spare parts number, 20 - version, 012 configuration number.

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