How does a motorcycle clutch work?

Motorcycle riding lessons video

If you just bought a motorcycle for the first time and are going to learn how to ride it, remember that the more powerful the bike, the more dangerous it is.

The desire of every novice biker is quite understandable. I want to immediately jump into the saddle and... But our advice to you is that you can’t rush here.

A motorcycle is considered a high-risk vehicle. If cars on four wheels do not always obey the driver, then a motorcycle has only two wheels. Learning to ride a motorcycle, and subsequently driving it, requires maximum attention and caution from the motorcyclist.

How to learn to ride a motorcycle from scratch

First of all, you need to learn to understand and listen to the motorcycle.
Mistakes are not forgiven here. Tragic consequences can await you if you don't learn this. But once you master all the rules of driving, you will properly understand what a wonderful tool this is. The first thing you should purchase is the appropriate equipment. A helmet and gloves are required. Motorcycles don’t recognize sneakers, so you buy motorcycle boots. If possible, purchase pants and a jacket with built-in protection. But security elements can also be purchased separately. This:

  • Knee pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Back protection

Your second action, again, is not related to the actual driving. You must ensure that all systems in your equipment are working properly.

  • The brakes should work without jamming.
  • Undamaged cables must be lubricated.
  • Throttle grip - same principles. It should not stick, and must be lubricated.
  • No leaks in the front fork or rear shock absorber area.
  • Check the functionality of all bearings, steering column and wheels.
  • The drive chain wear should be within normal limits, the tension should be adjusted.
  • Check the clutch, it should not slip.
  • Adjust the carburetor.

All controls are adjustable according to the driver's height. It is important that the position of the hands is constant and correct. And now we come to the most important question, how to learn to ride a motorcycle. This is best done at a motorcycle school. It's okay if there is no such school in your area. You can take the help of a person who has extensive experience driving a motorcycle.

Don't think that learning this is very easy. Learning to ride a motorcycle can sometimes be more difficult than learning to ride a car. And you definitely need to learn. Any mistake on the road can lead to a fall and injury. This is the best case scenario.

Learn to ride a motorcycle with one hand. This will be useful to you when obtaining a license from the traffic police. And there you will be required to show the turn and brake signals with your hand.

How to learn to ride a motorcycle. Video.

Obtaining a license to drive a motorcycle or ATV

Until control of your motorcycle reaches the level of reflexes, it is not advisable to go outside.

If you only need a motorcycle to ride around the surrounding area on weekends, you can learn to drive it yourself with the help of more experienced friends. But if your intentions are more serious, then your training should take place under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

To drive a motorcycle you need driver category A.

If you are already sixteen, if you do not have any medical contraindications, you can safely take training to drive a motorcycle. To do this, you undergo theoretical and practical classes. At the motorcycle school, they will help you study the structure of your bike, understand the rules of the road, and teach you the rules of first aid.

Practical classes will be held in open areas to acquire the necessary skills in controlling your motorcycle. Modern city streets are so busy that management will require proper skill from you. It is training under the guidance of a knowledgeable person that will help you feel more confident and calm on the road or highway.

How to get a motorcycle license? This is done after completing the training.

The first step is to collect the necessary documents.

  • Use letterhead to fill out an application to your local traffic police department.
  • When you graduate from a motorcycle school, you must attach a certificate of training; otherwise, you fill out a driver’s exam card.
  • A medical certificate containing notes from all doctors.
  • Prepare two photographs in advance.
  • A document that confirms your identity and registration.
  • You will need to pay the exam fee and present a receipt.

You will first have to pass a theoretical exam. If you pass the exam successfully, you will take the practical part of the exam within three months. Having successfully passed all the tests, you receive a license to drive a motorcycle.

If your hobby is not a motorcycle, but an ATV, then to your question of how to get a license for an ATV, we will answer you this way: you need to go through almost the same thing as when getting a license for a motorcycle. But ATVs are equal to tractors. Therefore, you will be given category A1, and you will receive the title “tractor driver”.

You will need a license for an ATV even if you are only going to ride it in the forest. To participate in competitions, rights will be required.

The need to register your motorcycle

For real bike lovers, this type of equipment is not perceived as a means of transportation. For them, this is a reflection of the state of their soul. And every motorcyclist strives for freedom. But, before you start conquering limitless space, you need to register your motorcycle. You need to register it. What is needed for this?

  • Preparation of documents. You will need to have with you an identification card, compulsory motor vehicle insurance, a document that confirms your rights to your motorcycle.
  • The registration procedure itself with the traffic police, which can take several hours.

Registration of a motorcycle and its registration is a mandatory procedure. You can go through all this on your own. But if you don’t have enough time for this, you can contact specialists who will carry out this entire procedure in a very short time. But this service is paid.

Having registered a motorcycle and received its number, you must inform the insurance company so that the number can be included in the insurance policy. By turning to professional experts for help, you can allow yourself to think about the adventures that await you ahead while your documents and number are being prepared.

You got on a motorcycle. Now your destiny is in your hands, or rather at your fingertips. How to survive and not remain disabled? In our video “Motorcycle Driving Lesson for Beginners” we will try to give some recommendations based on our experience and the experience of many people like you.

First of all, you need to get used to following traffic rules; 90% of your safety, both in physical and legal aspects, depends on compliance with the rules. Some drivers are sure that traffic rules are not a simple truth of life and believe that they not only can, but also must be violated.

We won’t argue, but there are no accidents in which none of the participants violated the rules. A motorcycle is not only a friend or a fashionable toy, but also one of the most dangerous vehicles, so in order to avoid the possible consequences of this danger, you need to learn two things: 1 - Driving skills in different situations and road conditions, 2 - Attention.

We will try to convey this to you in the training video “ Techniques for driving a motorcycle .”

Who hasn't dreamed of owning a motorcycle? This lesson is dedicated to those who have realized their dream and bought the desired vehicle. Those who don’t know which side to approach a motorcycle can only watch this training video “Driving a Motorcycle,” try everything in practice and get a license! A few steps, a couple of days and the dream will come true!

Video lesson “Driving a motorcycle”

Is it worth buying a motorcycle?

This convenient vehicle has many advantages compared to a bicycle or, for example, a car. Firstly, it is relatively inexpensive, but looks more solid and presentable than the same bicycle. You can learn to drive a motorcycle in just 6 hours, and getting a license is much easier than getting a car license! However, it is worth considering that a motorcycle is a highly dangerous vehicle. Not only does the motorcycle owner put his life at great risk, but he is also responsible for the life of the passenger.

In addition, storing a motorcycle outside is not convenient; most likely you will need to buy a garage for it. You should not choose a motorcycle of Chinese origin; they are unreliable and short-lived. You must immediately realize that there will be costs for a motorcycle, and sometimes not small ones. Changing the oil before each season, repairs, maintenance, spare parts... all this costs a lot of money. Whether to buy or not is everyone’s decision; here you have to decide for yourself. This video is dedicated to those who finally decided and bought a motorcycle.

Learning to ride a motorcycle:

  1. There is no need to rush and immediately jump behind the wheel of your newly acquired motorcycle. But avoid haste! A motorcycle, like a car, is a highly dangerous vehicle, and therefore requires preparation and skill. The first thing to remember is protection. This means that while riding you should always wear protective clothing, a helmet, comfortable shoes, and gloves.
  2. Treat your studies with maximum attention and diligence! The life and health of the driver and passenger, pedestrians, and the condition of the motorcycle depend on this... While driving, you should be as careful and vigilant as possible and not be distracted by phone calls or conversations.
  3. In principle, the chassis of a motorcycle and a bicycle are similar. Moreover, due to the low center of gravity of the motorcycle and its design perfection, it is much easier to ride than a bicycle!
  4. First of all, you should master the basic skills of maintaining balance, easy, free handling of the motorcycle handlebars and keeping your eyes on the road. At first, the driver spends a lot of attention on driving the motorcycle, forgetting to watch the road. To avoid any accidents, you should practice a lot before going on big busy roads.
  5. The traffic rules state that motorcycle riding training should only take place in closed areas. That is, a novice driver will need to look for a place to train. There should be no cars, a lot of people playing children. A vacant lot, a yard, or a sports ground are best suited for such purposes. The main thing is that the place is sparsely populated, and the road is smooth and quite dense. The training space should not be too small.
  6. Before you start learning to ride, you should familiarize yourself with the structure of the motorcycle and find out basic information about your new vehicle.
  7. To avoid accidents, you must check the technical condition of the motorcycle before each trip.

This and other basic information about motorcycles will help you get the theoretical minimum required to successfully ride a motorcycle. And the exercises shown in the video will help you master and practice the practical part of driving.

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