What is the name of a motorcycle that rides on water?

  • Classification of jet skis
  • Jet ski device
  • Operating principle of jet skis
  • Advantages of BRP jet skis
  • Varieties
  • Selection by parameters
  • Models for Beginners
  • Choosing a used jet ski
  • Infographics

“Hydrocycle”/“aquabike”/“jet ski” is the name of the same type of water equipment; it is a complex technical device designed for movement on water, which, due to its external similarity, is often called a jet ski. According to the GIMS classification, this is a “small vessel”. Once upon a time, jet skis were used only in sports competitions, but today they are increasingly found in places where active water recreation is developed. A hydrocycle, as a watercraft, is a metal-plastic body with an internal combustion engine and a water-jet propulsion system. To understand how a jet ski works, you need to understand its main types.

Classification of jet skis

“Stand-up” jet skis are not easy to operate and require certain sports skills. They reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. These jet skis are usually ridden by freestylers who can make spectacular turns and jumps. On such models you can always adjust the inclination of the water cannon nozzle, adjusting it for each trick.

“Sedentary” - designed for long boat trips. Designed for active recreation on the watery expanses of large reservoirs and rivers. Sit-on jet skis come in two-seater and three-seater versions. And although they are inferior in power and maneuverability to stand-up jet skis, they are also used to tow water skiers, inflatable balloons and cheesecakes.

If you need a jet ski for yourself to enjoy on the water, pay attention to the sit-on models. Standing ones are recommended for experienced athletes.

A jet ski is a great piece of equipment for sports and recreation if you are willing to spend the extra money. And you need a tool with which you can move along the sea/river. We will tell you how to choose a jet ski. We'll tell you what aspects to pay attention to during the purchasing process.

About the jet ski

A jet ski is a large device. It has a structure similar to a traditional motorcycle. A jet ski is a special means of swimming. Its body is made of ordinary plastic. And inside there is an engine. Thanks to him, the device is able to move.

The jet ski was originally created as a device for sports. However, now more and more people have begun to buy it for personal purposes. For movement across seas, rivers, lakes.

Main types of jet ski design

There are two main types of jet ski designs. They can be:

  1. Standing. We are talking about sports types of water bikes. They are light in weight. They maneuver well. They can reach speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. Most modern devices give the owner the ability to adjust the water jet. Adjust the part of the device that is responsible for jet thrust. With this you have the opportunity to do various tricks. A motorcycle like this is ideal for freestyle.
  2. Sedentary. Jet skis of this format are created specifically for excellent recreation. Such devices come with two or three seats. Their disadvantage is that they have the least maneuverability. But at the same time, they are quite fast. They develop speed even more than standing ones. The advantage of sit-on jet skis is that they provide the owner with safety. And they are quite stable.

Features of using jet skis

When you purchase jet skis, keep in mind that this is, first of all, a piece of equipment. Accordingly, it must be maintained in a certain way. And, of course, use in accordance with the rules.

Keep in mind that a jet ski is a vehicle that is used once a season. Accordingly, in winter and autumn it will definitely need to be stored somewhere. It is advisable that you have a garage or any other similar room for this. And it’s better to put a case on the device.

Also, keep in mind that a jet ski is not an easy thing. Accordingly, in order to deliver it to a certain place, you will need to try. And use a trailer. Be prepared to purchase this too.

Another expense that you will encounter when purchasing a jet ski is the purchase of vests. They must be purchased without fail. To ensure that both the driver and passengers feel safe while traveling.

The jet ski must be registered with the traffic police

Legislation varies from country to country. However, in most countries, jet skis are full-fledged vehicles with all that it entails. In particular, with the fact that the device must be registered with the traffic police.

Moreover, there is no need to postpone this matter. You must register the product with the traffic police within ten days after you purchase it. Also, you will need to regularly pay transport tax.

Restrictions on the use of a jet ski

Keep in mind that the jet ski has a shallow draft. At the same time, restrictions are put forward on its use. Jet skis are prohibited for use:

  1. In small-sized reservoirs.
  2. In rivers with fast currents.

What types of jet skis are there?

When purchasing a jet ski, focus on the purpose you are pursuing. Choose a product depending on whether you will use it for freestyle or just use it for fun. The types of jet skis are as follows.

Family Jet Skis

Jet skis designed for family outings are significantly different from traditional jet skis. They have a huge design. And they have a large capacity. They can fit several people inside at once.

Most family jet skis have a trunk in their structure. Additional life jackets can be stored there. You can also hide any small items in the trunk. Including a blanket, water, and various types of food.

Family models are quite easy to operate. They have an increased level of stability. And they are controlled as simply as possible.

Sports jet skis

Sports type jet skis are stand-up. They have a design that is slightly higher than sports ones. Moreover, they are light and fast. To get on and operate a sports jet ski, you need to acquire certain skills. Accordingly, if you are a beginner, then learning to operate a sports jet ski is strictly not recommended.

Modern sports models are highly resistant. They are lightweight. You also have the opportunity to perform various maneuvers on modern models.

Tourist jet skis

These models are made specifically for excursions. They are distinguished by their enormous capacity. Also, they have a huge number of additional parts. In particular, folding steps are built into the body here. They are needed to make it more comfortable for those who will be swimming.

Children's jet skis

This type of water transport is one of the safest. It has small dimensions. At the same time, it has high stability indicators.

Jet skis designed for children have high levels of convenience. They are easy to manage. And the child will get great pleasure from the process of interacting with the jet ski.

Another advantage of jet skis for children is that they have a safe design. This means they are ideal for small riders.

About jet ski manufacturers

The main manufacturers of jet skis are the following:

  1. BRP (Bombardier). The company has been creating jet skis since 1968. The name of their models is SEA-DOO. This company has taken a strong position in the market. And now she is making quite breakthrough models. With high quality indicators.
  2. YAMAHA. The company has been on the jet ski market since 1986. Since then, it has been constantly improving its own products. The company's products are highly powerful. They can perfectly customize the steering wheel. And also, there is a large rear-view mirror. Also, jet skis from this company are very popular due to their beautiful design.
  3. Honda. Jet skis from this company from Japan are also very popular. It offers products in different price categories. Products can be purchased at both medium and high prices. Honda aquabikes have excellent characteristics in terms of movement. Moreover, they have excellent engines in their structure.
  4. Kawasaki. This company entered the jet ski market relatively recently. In 1973. The most popular are the so-called standing models. Those that are intended for training by athletes. At the same time, customers gradually began to purchase other models of the company. Gradually they reached more comfortable models. Those of them that are intended for recreation. And for use by the whole family.
  5. Polaris. The company entered the market in 1991. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. Users reacted negatively to this brand. And all because he had significant problems. With engines, various spare parts, as well as technical characteristics. Therefore, users began to abandon Polaris jet skis en masse. Accordingly, they are practically not used now. And they give preference to competitors.


When choosing a jet ski, focus on your goals and budget. Buy products only from trusted places. And if you purchase a used vehicle, then double-check it. To avoid buying a product that will last a minimum amount of time. We wish you good luck in choosing a jet ski!

Jet ski device

  1. A body that can be made of high-strength plastics and other polymer materials, reinforced with metal inserts. The shape of the jet ski allows it to be maneuverable and quite easy to control. The case also has an insulated compartment for things that can be protected from water ingress.
  2. The engine is reliably protected from water. It is located inside the body of the jet ski and is the heart of this device.
  3. Cooling system (it can be closed or open type).
  4. Steering system (determines the direction of movement of the jetski). Taxiing is carried out by changing the horizontal angle of the water jet. The turning radius also depends on how sharply the driver turns the steering wheel.
  5. Additional technical devices. Driving a jet ski today can be more comfortable than, for example, 10 years ago. Many models have navigation, echo sounder, rear view mirrors and even water braking.

Jet skis are often used in regions where there is sea, lakes, rivers and other large bodies of water. It is not recommended to drive along narrow rivers with rock rapids, as this can lead to injury. The scope of application of jet skis is presented:

  • boat excursions to the sea or by the lake - this is an excellent opportunity to have a “breezy” ride; usually the vacationer sits in the passenger seat and is taken for a ride by an experienced driver;
  • independent walks along reservoirs - from the water you can look at beautiful landscapes from a different perspective;
  • domestic sphere - jet skis can be used for fishing and in the household, for example, for transporting small loads.
  • sports competitions - athletes compete with each other both at the regional and international levels;

Where is the jet ski used?

Jet skis are used both in law enforcement agencies and in some sports. Along with the jet ski, a new sport appeared - aquabike, something similar to Formula 1.

In law enforcement agencies, a hydrobike is used as a universal means of moving through water. This makes it indispensable in rapid response situations. The speed of some jet skis reaches 150 km/h.

A hydrobike is also used for personal purposes - to transport some things.

Jet skis can always be seen at beach resorts, as they are one of the best forms of open water entertainment.

Why have jet skis become so popular?

We figured out what the name of a motorcycle that rides on water is, but why does it attract so much attention?

There are different types of jet skis, from sports ones - which are very maneuverable and fast, to family ones - which have a special compartment for things.

The jet skis themselves are easy to operate and do not require driving training. Therefore, a driver's license.

Family jet skis are very stable, so even a serious wave will not be able to capsize them.

But there is also a twist that has recently appeared on modern jet skis - if a person falls into the water while moving, the jet ski engine automatically stalls so that the person can get to it and continue on their way.

Operating principle of jet skis

The engine of a modern jet ski starts only if a special key is inserted into the lock, which is attached with a flexible cord to the life jacket of the person driving. This principle is intended to ensure safety and emergency engine shutdown. In case of possible fall of the helmsman, the key will be automatically pulled out and the engine will stop working. This reduces the risk of an uncontrolled watercraft colliding with another vessel or with an obstacle at high speed.

Advantages of BRP jet skis

BRP jet skis have been on the market for over 50 years, since 1968. This company has always been ahead of its competitors and was the first to introduce to the world a jet ski model with a four-stroke engine. BRP was also the first to present a jet ski with an engine of more than 200 horsepower. They could accelerate faster and outpaced their predecessors in top speed.

Subsequently, other manufacturers of jet skis took advantage of BRP’s developments and implemented these solutions in their devices. But some advantages of BRP still remain unique:

  • OTAS - an electronic system that affects taxiing on the water;
  • iBR is a modern braking system.

BRP influences the decisions of all jetski manufacturers and sets leading trends in the industry. All BRP models are characterized by:

  • reliability (BRP jet skis use only high-quality parts that do not fail for a long time; they also require regular maintenance);
  • affordable price (in terms of price-quality ratio, BRP jetskis have become market leaders, they have surpassed their competitors and have reached the point where they can independently set current trends);
  • intelligent gas supply control system;
  • 60-liter fuel tank;
  • dry weight about 400 kg;
  • unpretentiousness in maintenance (this is facilitated by the simple design of the engine and housing).

Among the offers from the manufacturer BRP there are both amateur models suitable for beginners and sports jet skis designed for experienced jet ski drivers and competitions at a professional level.

BRP jet skis: distinctive characteristics

The Canadian company BRP has very solid experience in the production of jet skis. The first jet ski was released in 1968. At the same time, the name of the Sea-Doo line arose, which is still practically synonymous with high-quality and reliable jet skis. The company has made many improvements - it was BRP that released the first model with a four-stroke engine, the first heavy-duty jet ski with a capacity of 200 hp. Even today, BRP jet skis are a model of innovation. For example, a closed engine cooling system that protects it from overheating, a unique OTAS electronic water steering system, iBR braking and reverse control systems - all this is BRP know-how. A distinctive feature of Sea-Doo is its powerful and reliable engines, which allow it to reach significant speeds. Every BRP jet ski is equipped with an electronic engine management system.

Reliability and unpretentiousness are a common quality for all jet skis from BRP. They require virtually no maintenance and have a very long service life. Even jet skis produced 10 years ago work properly, as confirmed by numerous reviews from their owners.

BRP jet skis are so popular for a reason. They are comfortable and safe, and operating them is simple and convenient, even if your experience is limited - the control system is thought out to the smallest detail. BRP jet skis are equipped with height and stiffness adjustable suspension for a smoother ride, brakes and an electronic steering system. The hull of these jet skis is on average 20% lighter than their counterparts, which means better maneuverability. The system of nasal stabilizers is responsible for stability.

Although modern jet skis are safe and comfortable, remember that water is a high-risk area. Even if you consider yourself an experienced rider, do not neglect the simplest protective measures; always wear a life jacket.

The range of models is very wide - from sports and super-powerful to walking and family. Everyone can choose the right jet ski for their needs. BRP produces both stand-up and sit-on jet skis, and there are even exclusive jet skis for the most demanding riders.

Types of BRP jet skis

All jetskis can also be divided into: amateur, family and sports. There are also luxury models that are characterized by the presence of the most modern technical equipment. The most popular models include:

  1. Sea-DooSpark is a jet ski designed for the whole family. It was developed over 7 years, and then tested for three years. The model presented on the market today has already received various awards around the world both for its characteristics and design. There are 2-seater and 3-seater jet skis. They are easy to operate, and fuel consumption is very economical - only 8 liters per 100 km. This water scooter weighs 165 kg (for 2 seats) and 205 kg (for 3 seats).
  2. The Sea-Doo GTX Limited 300 is a top-of-the-line luxury model with 300 horsepower. The seat here is very comfortable, it follows the natural curves of the body. “Luxury” is represented by additions in the form of a waterproof bag, a USB port and a special case. The manufacturer also made sure that there were sensors that determine the water temperature and the depth at which the water vehicle is currently located. This model features an exclusive bright color. Many people choose this jet ski for water trips to use the removable seat: it can be folded out, and then there will be enough space on the jet ski to sunbathe in the middle of open water.
  3. The GTI 90 is a budget model that BRP released in 2020. Despite its novelty, it quickly became a favorite among other proposals. 90 “horses” are more than enough to move with pleasure in both fresh and salt water. The body of the aquabike is made of polytec material, it is scratch-resistant. There is also an ITC system on board that helps control the gas supply depending on the situation. There are three modes: Touring, Eco and Sport. The jet ski is equipped with a modern IBR braking system, which allows you to quickly reduce speed in any conditions. There is a special trunk for things with a compartment protected from moisture.

Jet ski (jet ski). Types and device. Contents and work

A jet ski, jet ski or jet ski is a high-speed water vehicle. Externally, it is something between an ordinary road motorcycle and a boat. The maximum speed of jetskis can reach 150 km/h, and the load capacity is 300 kg. The length of the most massive jet skis reaches 3 m.

How does a jet ski work?

A jet ski consists of a body shaped like a boat. It is made of a composite material, sometimes polymer is used. A two-stroke or four-stroke gasoline engine is installed inside it. Typically, power varies from 70 to 300 hp. A battery is installed near the engine, which provides electric starting. The motor and battery are located in an unsinkable compartment into which water cannot enter. There is also a small fuel tank located there. The technical equipment is covered and can even withstand turning the jet ski upside down.

To ensure propulsion, a motor without an open propeller, the so-called water jet, is used. It works on the principle of providing jet thrust. The closed propeller captures water from the front of the boat and releases it under pressure through a narrower tube. As a result, a powerful pushing force is created that moves the jetski forward.

Many jet skis provide the ability to adjust the angle of jet ejection from the water jet. This allows you to customize the watercraft for a comfortable driving style. Aquabike is an exceptional aquatic equipment that was developed specifically as a sports vehicle for high-speed riding, so manufacturers try to maximally adjust their design to high standards of dynamic and maneuverable movement.

To control the jet ski, a steering wheel is used, similar to that used on ordinary motorcycles. To ensure safety on water, a special fuse is provided. It is a flexible cable, which is installed at one end in a special pin, and the other is tied to the driver’s body. In the event of a collision with a wave, when a person ends up overboard, the cable is pulled tight and the safety pin is pulled out. In its absence, the engine automatically stops, which eliminates the possibility that the equipment will float away on its own.

Falling overboard is a common occurrence, especially when driving a jetski in high waves. Especially for this purpose, handrails and steps are provided on its hull on the stern side. You can climb onto them, even while up to your neck in water.

What does it take to own a jetski?
Having purchased a jet ski, you need to be prepared for additional costs. To use such transport you will also need to acquire:
  • Life jacket.
  • Wetsuit.
  • Hangar or garage.
  • Protective cover.
  • Boat trailer.

A life jacket is a mandatory attribute for the driver and passengers of a jet ski. When driving at maximum speed, flying out of the vehicle into the water can be accompanied by a strong impact, which can cause loss of consciousness. Having a life jacket will allow you to recover while afloat. You should not ignore this safety rule, even if you have extensive experience on a jet ski.

A wetsuit is not mandatory, but desirable equipment for the driver and passengers. You won't need it when riding a jet ski in the summer heat. In spring or autumn, you can get very cold if you don’t dress warmly. Ordinary clothes will not work, as they will get wet from splashes, not to mention the consequences of falling into the water. Due to the fact that you will mainly have to be on the surface, the wetsuit can be thin, only a few millimeters thick, and not as insulated as that of underwater hunters or divers. Having a jet ski at your disposal, it is unlikely that the ride will take place only in the summer heat, so it will be useful to take care of the equipment. In addition, such protective clothing will protect your skin from sunburn.

You will also need to get a hangar or garage , since unlike yachts, jet skis are not left at the pier for the winter. You will need a fairly spacious storage space, since the ship takes up a lot of usable space. Open-air parking is not allowed, as it will significantly reduce the life expectancy of the equipment.

It is not necessary, but desirable, to have a protective cover . It is sewn specifically for the model of the jet ski and tightly grips its surface, preventing dust from getting on it. Thick elastic bands hold the fabric, preventing it from bending due to drafts. If you don’t want to spend money on a protective cover, you can get by with a piece of tarpaulin or even a few duvet covers or sheets. A specialized case is still preferable, since it covers the equipment even during transportation.

A jet ski is heavy equipment and requires a boat trailer to transport it. It is a platform on wheels that rolls directly into the water, and a jet ski floats on top of it and is secured with straps. After this, the trailer is rolled out and the watercraft is transported to the storage location. Unloading is carried out in the same way. The boat trailer is rolled into the water until the jet ski begins to float on its surface. After this, the platform is disconnected from its body and removed. The trailer is also used for storing the jet ski in the garage, as it prevents damage to the keel when it comes into contact with a hard surface.

Types of jet skis

Since the introduction of the first jet ski in 1968, its design has been adapted to suit a variety of uses. Now jet skis come in the following types:
  • Sports.
  • Tourist.
  • Family.
  • Children's.
Sports jet skis

A watercraft intended for sports does not have a seat. It is single seater. The driver is always in a standing position. This is a high-speed technique that allows you to jump on waves and also dive under water. It is difficult to learn how to operate such a motorcycle, so it is better to first gain certain skills on other types of jetskis. Sports cars reach speeds of up to 150 km/h. They are the most compact and do not require much storage space. They are low-slung to ensure balance and stability at high speeds.

Tourist jet ski

Jet skis designed for touring trips are much more massive and therefore have excellent stability. To learn how to operate a tourist jet ski, you will need a one-minute instruction. It's hard to roll over on it. The driver and passengers are seated on a comfortable motorcycle-type seat. There is a step at the back of the jet ski that allows you to stop at any part of the pond, take a swim, and then dry off while sitting on it before moving on.

The tourist jet ski has a special sidewall design that prevents water splashes on the driver and passengers. Due to this, you can stay dry. The speed of such equipment rarely exceeds 100 km/h. These are the jet skis that are used on tourist trips that take place in Finland. Participants go on jetski rides between the bay islands and lakes. Its duration is 10-12 days, during which they cover a distance of 1000 km. The equipment, fuel and provisions necessary for the trip are located in small boats or rafts attached to the jet skis using cables.

Family Jet Ski

Such jet skis provide for the landing of three passengers at once. Externally, they are similar to tourist boats, but do not have a shelf at the stern to sit and relax. This is a powerful technique with a large resource and carrying capacity. She can often be found on the beaches of resorts, where she tows so-called “bananas” and water skis.

Children's jetskis

You can also find a jet ski for children on sale. It is small and has low power, which makes its use by a child as safe as possible. It moves slowly and has a convenient control system. Of course, you should not allow your child to ride it on their own without supervision. Naturally, an adult cannot sit in the back of such a jet ski, but must at least control the situation from the shore, or even better, from a motor boat or a standard jet ski, in order to quickly come to the rescue if necessary. Children's motorcycles usually have an inflatable body and are equipped with an electric motor. They are often released in water park pools.

Jet ski registration

The jet ski needs to be registered with the appropriate authority. For residents of Russia, this is GIMS. You are required to pay transport tax annually. Its size differs depending on the country. In Russia, for the vast majority of regions it is 125 rubles per 1 hp. for equipment with power up to 70 hp. With. Having a more powerful jet ski will have to pay 250 rubles. for every l. With.

Flyboard - an extreme sport for jet ski owners

Anyone who is tired of riding a jet ski should try a flyboard. It appeared in 2005 and is becoming more and more popular every season. This sport involves flying over the surface of the water on a special board, the movement of which is carried out due to the reactive force of pumping the water flow produced by a jet ski. The board is connected to the jetski with a long hose and allows you to rise up to 19 m above the horizon. If you have the skills, you can perform a lot of spectacular tricks on a flyboard, such as somersaults, hovering in the air, and a spectacular dive.

Related topics:
  • Inflatable boat. Types and device. Operation and application. How to choose
  • Boat motor. Kinds. Job. Peculiarities. How to choose

How to choose a jet ski based on parameters?

  1. Engine power. It will determine what speed the jet ski will develop and how sharply it can maneuver.
  2. Technical equipment. Braking, control systems and other features affect the driving characteristics of the vehicle.
  3. Case quality. It must be made of durable and damage-resistant materials.
  4. The presence of a box protected from moisture. It should fit everything you need and valuable (money, phone, documents).
  5. Seat ergonomics. They should be comfortable and safe to sit on.
  6. Design. By purchasing luxury models, you can choose how stylish your watercraft will be. Pay attention to color, shape and other features.

Having decided on the budget and the purpose for which the jet ski will be used, you can proceed to get acquainted with the BRP models according to the main parameters.

Aquabike models for beginners

A novice driver can opt for the GTI 90 from BRP, which is powerful and maneuverable enough for cruising the waters. This jet ski is not suitable for professional athletes who want to hone their skills in graceful tricks.

Another option is the Spark Trixx 2UP two-seater jet ski. It accelerates to 77 km/h with an engine power of 90 hp. This vehicle is distinguished by its affordable price (it is significantly cheaper than more advanced models) and excellent quality. Here you can adjust the steering wheel height, which provides additional convenience. The jet ski is equipped with a water jet control system and a foot rest at the stern.

Tips for buying a used jet ski

It is best to buy used jet skis from trusted dealers - this will allow you to save significant amounts and, if necessary, replace jet skis more often. After all, even if it has been in use for only a few months, its price has already dropped significantly.

There are many details to consider when choosing a jet ski. Looking through the catalog of offers from well-known manufacturers, you can make your choice in favor of a fast and maneuverable aquabike, which will become an indispensable companion on boat trips.

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