Which car is better Lada Grant or Lada Priora

2013 is notable for the fact that two major and significant events took place in the domestic auto industry. Two AvtoVAZ models were presented to the public: Lada Kalina 2 and Lada Granta liftback. Many car enthusiasts are still interested in the question: which is better than the Lada Kalina 2 or the Lada Granta liftback? Everyone wants to find out and understand what to choose? Which is actually better? To answer all these questions, you should make a comparison and understand what is actually better.

Both new products were distinguished by such features as:

  • style in the exterior;
  • sophistication of the interior;
  • quite extensive attention and multiple positive reviews.

This is the first comparison. After this event, a significant question arose for buyers: which of the presented models should be preferred: Lada Kalina 2 or Lada Granta liftback? Of the cars presented, which is better?

Both new products Lada Granta liftback and Lada Kalina 2 are similar in visual terms. But does all this really happen in reality? Here you should take a closer look, paying special attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each car, and having studied the features of the technical and pricing strategy, you need to make a correct comparison. Only after this can we come to a more objective conclusion, which will allow us to gain an understanding: which of the new products is preferable? What to choose?

Distinctive features and technical nuances of Kalina 2

The project to develop Kalina in the first generation started back in the distant 90s. At that time, the auto industry did not experience such a progressive movement that formed at the dawn of the 2000s. The model was repeatedly subjected to modifications, but they were of an evolutionary nature. The realities of the modern market required the manufacturer to radically transform its model range. As a result, the management of AvtoVAZ generated a decision to release the second generation of this modification. Hopes were pinned on increasing the reliability of the car and giving it a stylish exterior. It was the reliability that was lacking in the pilot Kalina. Several years were spent on the formation of technical documentation and assembly work. As a result, the first copies of the updated version began to roll off the assembly line.

At the first glance at the new product, you understand what efforts the designers put into the birth of this project. The modernization affected the exterior, which in the first generation of the model seemed frankly simple. Also, the improvement has not spared the interior. The developers also worked under the hood. Many technical innovations have appeared here.

If the first generation of the model was repulsive with its barrel-shaped exterior, then the designers did a great job on the appearance of Kalina 2. Now the body silhouette has acquired audacity and style. This is realized thanks to the appearance of a new aggressive bumper and large head optics. The wave-shaped front fairing completes the exterior design. These decisions of the designers were prompted by many indignations from the owners of the first generation of the model regarding the laconicism of the exterior and its impersonality.

The interior of the new Lada Kalina 2 now exudes originality and comfort. The new dashboard is equipped with optional features, if we are not talking about the basic version, but about modifications: “Normal” or “Lux”. The seats have become softer and more comfortable, and the interior has added capacity and is designed with an eye to the best traditions of classic automobiles.

Now let's touch on the disadvantages of the Lada Kalina 2 station wagon. At first glance everything is fine. After some time has passed since the start of operation, noise is generated inside the cabin and the upholstery begins to creak. Thresholds should be covered with overlays (moldings) in advance, otherwise they will soon lose their working condition. No other flaws were noticed in the interior.

Lada Kalina 2 comes off the assembly line equipped with an 8-valve engine, the volume and power of which are 1.6 liters and 87 hp. With. respectively. Two versions of this unit are used as a transmission for a car:

  • traditional mechanics;
  • new four-speed automatic.

The luxury version allows you to accelerate the new car to 181 km/h, while the standard version only allows you to accelerate to 168 km/h.

All Lada Kalina 2 are equipped with front airbags and electric power steering. The luxury version boasts the following equipment:

  • ABS;
  • air conditioning system;
  • multimedia complex;
  • Automatic transmission

Some drivers resort to installing additional airbags. On the move, the new Kalina 2 feels quite dynamic. The manufacturer has worked on the suspension geometry and eliminated the shortcoming of the previous generation - the tendency to instability when driving on heavy and bumpy roads.

Lada Priora

This car is the ideological successor to the tenth model. Many auto experts call Priora not the next generation, but a deep restyling of the “tens”. Indeed, although the design of the car has been redesigned, the lines of its predecessor are clearly visible in its outlines.

The innovations concerned the use of a new power unit (by the way, a very, very good one - some auto publications generally claimed that the new engine is the best thing in Priora), a good electric power steering, as well as a gearbox, which was significantly modernized (but not You should be mistaken about it - to engage second gear, you still need to make a considerable effort).

In addition, in Priora, for the first time in the history of the Russian automobile industry, the plant began installing an airbag.

In 2013, VAZ updated both models, plus for quite some time there has been a third player on the market - Lada Granta, so today the question is as follows: which is better - Kalina 2, Priora 2 or Granta. Here we will not talk about Granta, since its comparison with the first two draws on a separate large material.

The new Priora has changed slightly - mainly, the changes affected the external design and interior decoration. The manufacturer plans to discontinue Priora in the next few years, so management decided that it was pointless to carry out any major updates. But it cannot be said that they have completely given up on the model - they promise to install a new cable-driven gearbox, as well as a new power unit.

The new Priora has changed slightly - mainly, the changes affected the external design and interior decoration

Much more serious work was carried out on Kalina. In addition to a very noticeably changed appearance and a new interior, Kalina received (lo and behold!) an automatic transmission. Yes, you read correctly - for the first time, VAZ began installing automatic transmissions on its cars. By the way, reviews about this transmission are quite good. The suspension, gearbox and engine have also been modified. There are configurations with a multimedia system and climate control.

Despite the seemingly more modest dimensions, there will be more space in the cabin of the Kalina 2 than in the Priora. Seating for both front and rear passengers in the Priora is not so comfortable, so the Kalina’s interior is a definite plus. Another advantage is the quieter operation of the power unit (thanks to improved sound insulation), while in the Priora the sound is clearly audible even at idle.

Kalina looks more modern and in many respects Priora is inferior to it

As for the acceleration dynamics, they are approximately the same. Kalina may be a little faster due to its lighter weight, but the difference is not so fundamental as to pay close attention to it.

The question of choice largely depends on the subjective preferences of the buyer, however, today, Kalina is more preferable due to its higher technology and completely modern design.

For people who often have to transport a large amount of things, the following question is important - which is better, the Lada Kalina station wagon, or the Lada Priora station wagon? Let's start with the price: for Kalina 2 in a practical body you will have to pay from 334,500 rubles, and for Priora - from 384,000 rubles. Is it worth overpaying 50 thousand rubles?

If for some special reason you like the Priora, then yes, you can overpay, but in the usual case, the situation is the same as with other bodies - Kalina looks more modern and preferable. In addition, with the release of the second modification, station wagons began to be equipped with good 1.6-liter engines (previously 1.4-liter engines were installed), so in this regard, Kalinas also stopped losing to their eternal rivals.

When choosing a budget car, most of us think about the creations of domestic designers - the brainchild of AVTOVAZ. Yes, the manufacturer is increasingly focusing on comfortable and expensive models that can become a worthy alternative to European vehicles, but for now the price of our cars remains quite acceptable.

And in this case there will be no problems with repairs and finding spare parts. When choosing a new VAZ car, most drivers ask themselves: Priora or Grant. Comparing the characteristics of these two machines will help determine the leader.

Description and technical features Grants

The Lada Granta liftback version has become a bestseller for the manufacturer. The model has absorbed the best solutions from Russian and world experience in the automotive industry. It is characterized by the distinctive appearance of the exterior. Rounded shapes add elegance to the look, where classic and modern expression are harmoniously intertwined. And this despite the fact that the car belongs to the budget segment of the market.

The appearance of the liftback resembles the Lada Granta liftback in the sedan version. But the distinctive point was the presence of a fifth door, which caused a storm of heated debate and discussion. For a long time, the manufacturer could not decide whether to classify this model into one of the classes: liftback or hatchback. The first of the designated categories had an advantage.

The salon has a stylish atmosphere. Everything is concise and does not cause irritation. Practical instrument panel, comfortable steering wheel, many compartments for luggage.

Loading is very simple, which is facilitated by the considerable width of the doorway. The luggage compartment is more spacious compared to the second Kalina and Lada Granta liftback.

For technical equipment, 3 options of 1.6-liter power units are available:

  • power 87 "hp";
  • with a return of 98 hp. With.;
  • with a capacity of 106 horsepower.

A comparison with the Lada Kalina 2 shows that the speed parameters are preferable here. The 106-horsepower version is capable of reaching 176 km/h, and which is better in this regard is quite obvious.

The Lada Kalina 2 station wagon has a new automatic transmission. The reliability of the box leaves much to be desired, even despite the fact that it was assembled by the Japanese.

The cheapest option will please you with a price of 330 thousand rubles. The luxury version is already more expensive – 495 thousand rubles.

As standard, the model is equipped with:

  • airbag;
  • audio preparation.

More powerful modifications will please you:

  • central locking;
  • adjustable steering column;
  • immobilizer;
  • air conditioning;
  • ABS;
  • on-board controller, etc.

Having understood the features of each of these models, you need to decide which of them has more balanced parameters. Let's make another comparison: the Lada Granta liftback is endowed with greater originality and brightness of the exterior. The headlights are larger and the bumpers are more distinctive. The advantageous difference between the Granta is its revolutionary nature, while the Lada Kalina 2 station wagon is an evolutionary continuation of the previous generation.

The interior of both models has a similar arrangement, however, the LADA Granta liftback has fewer disadvantages. If the interior of the Lada Kalina 2 station wagon will remind you of itself with squeaks in a couple of years, then this is not observed in Grant.

In terms of technical capabilities, if we only touch on the standard versions, the cars are identical. But if we take into account luxury options, then the advantage leans towards the LADA Granta liftback. Here the engine range is wider and the dynamic capabilities are more acceptable.

The price of the LADA Granta liftback is lower than that of its competitor.

Basic modifications have practically no significant differences, and luxury modifications, as noted, are better than the LADA Granta liftback. Which model to choose, which is better, and what to choose – it’s up to you to decide!

Currently, the most popular car in AvtoVAZ's lineup is the Lada Granta sedan. Lada Kalina 2nd generation is also in great demand. On the one hand, both models are very similar, and on the other, these cars are each produced in their own body.

First, at the end of 2011, the Lada Granta sedan appeared on the market, which was built on the basis of the first generation Lada Kalina. The car is positioned as a budget car and from the first days of sales began to enjoy great popularity. The hatchback and station wagon body styles are represented by the Lada Kalina 2 model, sales of which began in mid-2013. Most of the technical solutions migrated to Kalina from Granta. In June 2014, Lada dealers had a new car, the Lada Granta liftback.

When choosing a budget car, most of us think about the creations of domestic designers - the brainchild of AVTOVAZ. Yes, the manufacturer is increasingly focusing on comfortable and expensive models that can become a worthy alternative to European vehicles, but for now the price of our cars remains quite acceptable.

And in this case there will be no problems with repairs and finding spare parts. When choosing a new VAZ car, most drivers ask themselves: Priora or Grant. Comparing the characteristics of these two machines will help determine the leader.

Exterior of Priora and Kalina

This is partly a subjective criterion, so each LADA Priora or LADA Kalina model will have its adherents, as well as critics. Although some sensations may be widespread. Kalina evokes associations with a family car, which is better suited to a certain category of buyers, which is facilitated by small wheels and a short hood line.

If the owner is not concerned about demands on the exterior and is not a body esthete, then such a car will not cause rejection.

If you compare the Kalina station wagon or Priora station wagon, then the Priora evokes slightly different feelings in most drivers. There is a certain desire for “respect” here, since the car’s silhouette can resemble a foreign car. This option can be addressed not to practical drivers or women, but to progressive-minded youth who constantly show their business ambitions.

Roof rack for Granta

This judgment is partly confirmed by the previously identified technical aspects. Let us remember that Kalina, as befits a family car, is not capable of high speeds or agile dynamics. If we compare, her habitat is urban everyday life.

Priora strives to show its ambitions, which is facilitated by higher dynamic and speed capabilities. Therefore, a considerable proportion of young and energetic subjects are inclined towards chip tuning and other transformations.

The points we have indicated do not allow us to resort to an unambiguous comparison of these models LADA Priora or LADA Kalina. Here, when choosing, the personal preferences of the buyer come to the fore. The functional purpose of the cars is approximately the same, but the features are always different. No one argues that it is possible, through the magic of tuning, to transform Kalina so that she will easily “punish” all the “eggplant sedans” in traffic lights or other races. But this operation will cost the owner more than the modernization of the Priora, since it was this operation that was initially endowed with more significant inclinations in terms of technical aspects. In this regard, it is obvious which is better.

What you need to know about Grant

In fact, this vehicle is the spiritual successor of the Lada Kalina car. The car first rolled off the assembly line back in 2011. At the same time, the vehicle differs from its predecessor in an improved engine and good sound insulation.

Externally, the model is quite reminiscent of European cars. In addition, the car also has a very good trunk capacity of 500 liters. On the other hand, many car owners agree that driving such a vehicle is not so easy.

You need to spend a lot of time to learn how to fit into turns on the Grant. As a rule, such vehicles are bought by middle-aged people who prefer a calm and measured ride rather than dynamics.

Kalinka is mine

LADA Kalina is one of VAZ’s relatively fresh ideas, a “B” class car. But the idea was hatched for quite a long time. Back in the early nineties, VAZ workers began developing a new model. The idea was improved, modified, and refined. And only in 1999 Kalina was presented to the public.

Can't compare with others

Today it is available in three body styles: sedan, station wagon and hatchback. It is interesting that the body itself cannot be compared with any of the previously released VAZ models, since here it is completely different.

The development of the Lada Kalina car was a bold step for AvtoVAZ

Airbags, air conditioning, radio, on-board computer, electric power steering, heated mirrors and seats, a new engine (a choice of 1.4 and 1.6 liters), 5 manual transmissions and a 4-speed automatic - all this is found in the modern Kalina.

Despite the fact that Kalina looks like a very compact car, it is much more spacious than the same Priora.

A car for mature drivers

When you solve the dilemma “Kalina or Priora?”, it is important to consider several fundamental points. Remember that Kalina, unlike Priora, has the image of a mature car

It is considered a car for older people.

The equipment of the Lada Kalina proves the desire of Russian designers to keep up with the times

It must be admitted that Kalina is not so nimble; during strong acceleration it “wobbles” on the road. At the same time, due to its good ground clearance, Kalina is better suited for traveling outside the city.

As already mentioned, Kalina requires less maintenance. By the way, this is evidenced by the statistics of calls to dealers. What other advantages? More affordable price. A good basic version starts at 350 thousand rubles.

Appearance Features

Appearance is a purely subjective matter. At the same time, it cannot be said that there is no winner in the Prior-Grant confrontation in this nomination. According to reviews from car enthusiasts, the second car is rated much higher (especially when talking about young people).

Granta looks much more dynamic, more youthful and aggressive. In Priora, the features of the dozen are clearly visible.

Even the redesign didn't help get rid of the outdated appearance. Well, for some, such an exterior is already a classic, so this vehicle will also have its fans.

Body and dimensions

When choosing Grant or Priora in this category, you must give the palm to the first car. Two body modifications are available for it: sedan and liftback. Priora buyers can rely exclusively on a five-door sedan.

Lada Priora is slightly longer than its competitor, although the height and width of the Granta are greater. And it has a trunk of as much as 520 liters (the Priora has only 430 liters, but here you can fold the rear seat to increase the volume to 700 liters).

  • length – 435 cm;
  • height – 142 cm;
  • width – 168 cm;
  • wheelbase - 249.2 cm.
  • length – 426 cm;
  • height – 150 cm;
  • width – 170 cm;
  • wheelbase - 247.6 cm.

If we discuss the ground clearance indicator, then for the Priora it is 16.5 cm, and for the Granta it is 16 cm. In principle, a very insignificant difference. However, if the Lada Granta comes with an automatic gearbox, the ground clearance will decrease to 14.5 cm.

As a result, Priora is distinguished by increased cross-country ability, while for its competitor off-road conditions can become an insurmountable task.

Next is a video about the confrontation between the Lada Granta and the Lada Priora:

The agony of choice: Granta, Priora or Kalina?

  • The agony of choice: Granta, Priora or Kalina?
  • Comparing the appearance
  • Salon
  • Trunk capacity
  • Suspension and chassis
  • Engine and transmission
  • Safety
  • Comparing the appearance
  • Salon
  • Trunk capacity
  • Suspension and chassis
  • Engine and transmission
  • Safety

Comparing the appearance

Both models are available in a hatchback body. Both models have the same side doors. Lada Kalina looks a little smaller in appearance. The Lada Priora has a slightly longer body, which is why it appears larger. If you need a more modern model, then you should take a closer look at the Lada Kalina. It is better designed by the designers.

The front view of the Grant is more interesting than that of the Priora. And the rear view of the Priora is prettier than that of the Grant.


Let’s figure out which is better – Granta or Kalina – in terms of interior comfort. Kalina's cabin is 5.5 cm higher and 3.6 cm wider. Both cabins are quite quiet. The disadvantage of the Lada Granta is that after driving a couple of thousand kilometers the car begins to “crack”. Sound insulation on Kalina is better than on Grant.

Let's study the equipment of the cars and decide which is better: Priora, Kalina or Grant. Kalina has a short steering rack, electric power steering, electric front doors, an air filter, and athermal windows. The Grant has foglights, electric drive and heated exterior mirrors, electric windows for the front and rear doors. In the Priora's interior, the plastic is nicer to the touch than that of the Granta. The interior appearance of Grants is better than Priors or Kalinas.

Trunk capacity

There are three body types: sedan, hatchback and station wagon. The station wagon turned out to be the most practical.

Kalina is inferior to Granta in terms of trunk capacity. The large trunk on the Grant (about 480 liters) appeared due to an increase in the length of the body. However, this trunk closes loudly. The trunk capacity of Kalina is approximately 360 liters. And if you fold the rear seat backs, the volume increases to 700 liters. The loading height on the Lada Priora is less, and the side is 2 times lower than on the Kalina.

Suspension and chassis

Let's consider what is better in terms of suspension and chassis. All models have improved suspension. But on the Grant the suspension is more energy-intensive and behaves better in the pits. Granta behaves better on potholes than Priora or Kalina. On the Grant there are no impacts in the steering wheel and there is no rattling of the steering rack, but on the Kalina such a defect is observed. Lada cars are front-wheel drive. The Lada Granta is more controllable, since it has a short steering rack (the distance between the stops is 3.1 turns). On the Priora there are 4.1 turns from lock to lock.

The brakes on the Grant are better due to the fact that they are ventilated and equipped with BAS. The weak points of Lada cars are the stabilizer struts and shock absorbers.

Engine and transmission

If we talk about which car is better, Grant or Kalina, in terms of engine, it should be noted that the engines are slightly different. Although the Grant has a Kalinovsky engine with the same number of valves (older models have 8 valves, new ones have 16) and a volume of 1.6 liters, the engine power of the Lada Grant is higher (110 horses) than that of the Priora (90 horses) and Kalina (82 horses). This advantage is explained by the fact that the Grant is equipped with a lightweight connecting rod and piston group. This allows you to increase power, reduce noise and vibration levels, and reduce gasoline consumption. All Lada models consume 95 gasoline. The gas pedal on the Grant is better, it works softer and more informative, because it is electronic.

The Granta motor operates without any extraneous noise. On Kalina, the sound of a running engine resembles the operation of a diesel engine (a characteristic bubbling sound appears). On Kalina, the material of the plastic casings is of better quality. Lada Granta has an electric throttle valve.

If the timing belt breaks on an 8-valve Lada engine, the valves do not meet the pistons. This allows you to preserve the valves (not bend them) if the timing belt breaks.

For intensive cooling of the pistons, the Grant has oil nozzles. There are spacer washers on the Granta's knee shaft. The Granta ignition system does not use coils. The Granta engine resource is approximately 200 thousand km, Kalina - about 250 thousand km.


Let's figure out what is better to choose - Grant Kalin or Priora - in terms of safety. The Lada Grant has one airbag, but the Kalina does not.

Autoreview magazine tested cars for safety. The tested Granta model did not have pretensioners and front seat belt limiters, but this did not prevent the car from earning 8.4 points during the EuroNCAP crash test.

We hope that our article helped you figure out which is better: Kalina, Priora or Grant.


First of all, when choosing a Priora or Grant 2021, most car owners are interested in the features of the vehicle’s power units.

The Priora can be equipped with two engines, while the Granta has three engines. In principle, the motors are not very different from each other. All of them are naturally aspirated gasoline engines with 4 cylinders and an in-line layout.

The first engine is a 1.6-liter eight-valve petrol engine. The power figure here reaches 87 horsepower. Fuel consumption is 9 liters in the city and just under 6 on the highway. The dynamics are quite respectable – the first hundred takes 12.5 seconds. The maximum speed is 176 kilometers per hour. In case of

Granta, the dynamics will be a little better (acceleration to 100 km/h requires 12.2 seconds), but the maximum speed is only 167 km/h.

The second common motor has the same volume, but with 16 valves. Power is 106 horses. In the combined cycle, the Priora takes 6.8 liters of gasoline, the Grant takes 0.1 liters less. The Priora takes the first hundred in 11.5 seconds, the maximum acceleration is 183 per hour.

Transmission and chassis

Another unconditional victory for Grant, since the opponent only has a five-speed manual transmission. In principle, such a gearbox does not have any particular disadvantages.

True, vibrations are felt when changing positions - one of the main troubles of VAZ gearboxes. In addition, sometimes speed fluctuations also occur.

At the same time, the Grant can have two automatic transmissions at once:

  • classic automatic from the JATCO brand at 4 speed;
  • five-speed robot AMT 2182 from domestic manufacturers.

Yes, such a transmission requires increased fuel consumption, and in addition, the dynamics of the automatic transmission suffer. At the same time, the models are quite good; they fully correspond to similar units in imported cars for the same price.

But the chassis of the cars is the same, so it’s impossible to determine the leader in the Grant vs Priora competition. A standard semi-independent circuit is used. A torsion beam is installed on the rear axle, and MacPherson struts can be seen at the front.

Discs are installed as the front brake mechanism, drums are used as the rear brake mechanism. Naturally, the suspension is not suitable for aggressive driving, but it copes well with country roads.

What is inside

Looking inside the cars, we will see a standard finish for all VAZ cars with not the most expensive plastic. True, the joints are very neat, and no squeaks are heard while driving. If you choose which is better: Priora or Grant, then, most likely, preference should be given to the first car.

In terms of ergonomics and convenience, it is slightly ahead of its rival. In addition, a new soft-look finishing material was used for the Priora, which is also very pleasant to the touch. There are no special frills in the cars. True, all the devices are located quite conveniently.

The interior of the Priora is more reminiscent of a foreign car, while in the interior of the Grant everything is somehow simple, even a little boring. On the other hand, the ergonomics in the second car are more thoughtful, which is an additional plus.

In any case, there is not much free space inside, regardless of the car you choose. For thin passengers and a short driver, the problem is not so serious, but for tall and obese people it will be quite uncomfortable to be in the car.

Cost and equipment

The equipment in standard cars is approximately the same, but the Granta has a slightly smaller choice of equipment (everything is limited to one airbag, EBD, ABS and BAS systems, DRLs, as well as tinting).

The Priora is also equipped with an eyeglass case, an on-board computer, an electronic power steering, as well as handles to match the body color. Moreover, the price here is almost identical - about 390 thousand rubles.

True, the luxury equipment of the Grant is better. The cost of a premium assembly here reaches 540 thousand, while the competitor’s price is 50 thousand rubles less.

Such a difference is quite justified, since the Granta will have such useful options as multimedia with a seven-inch touch screen, parking sensors, a passenger airbag, a light and rain sensor, Bluetooth, etc.

What to choose

As a result, choosing a Lada Grant or Priora is not so simple. In principle, more people prefer Grant. There is a larger range of engines with transmissions, and the appearance is somewhat more modern.

True, the starting equipment let us down a little, and the interior looks a little old, but these are minor problems. The Priora is chosen by more respectable middle-aged people who value a quiet ride and the classic appearance of the car.

Next is a video about the choice - Lada Granta or Lada Priora:

Let's sum it up

It looks like Kalina has been dealt with. What if we put Kalina 2 in “sparring” with Priora? This modification has a more presentable exterior, and its technical “filling” is much more attractive in comparison with the first generation. Experience shows that this car is the “golden mean” between the rivals we are considering. When the buyer is short on funds and Priora is unattainable for him, and Kalina is affordable, but does not cause emotional euphoria, then the right decision would be to take a closer look at the option that Kalina 2 can play. The car will please you not only with its reasonable price, but also with its technical capabilities. compare with the fashionable Priora model. However, it is up to you to decide which of the Russian models Kalina station wagon or Priora station wagon is better.

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