FreeFuel fuel saver: scam or not? Customer Reviews

People have been talking about saving gasoline since the creation of the first car. Today, various enterprising businessmen are offering naive consumers a miraculous device that reduces fuel consumption. What is the FreeFuel fuel saving device? Divorce or not? Are the reviews about its use real or paid? The information below will help answer these questions.

What is FreeFuel?

A device that helps to significantly reduce fuel consumption and prevent rapid engine wear. According to the manufacturer, the device reduces the amount of gasoline consumed by up to 20%.

Is this feature of the FreeFuel device a scam or not? Reviews say that the saver really works, and all negative reviews are either the machinations of competitors or the result of purchasing goods from scammers. But is this really so? The essence of the device’s operation will help you understand this issue in more detail.

Operating principle of the economizer

FuelFree fuel saver installation option

The manufacturer's official website contains information about how the FuelFree fuel saver works, its advantages and cost. Product advertising promises:

One of the advantages of the FuelFree Fuel Saver is its ease of installation.

  • 20% reduction in fuel consumption;
  • increasing the service life of the catalyst and spark plugs;
  • piston rings last longer due to the fact that carbon-slag deposits practically do not form;
  • Possibility of use on different types of transport: cars and trucks, motorcycles, water transport;
  • ease of installation;
  • payback of the device in 1-2 months.

How FreeFuel works

Customer reviews allow us to consider in more detail the process of saving fuel while driving a car. The essence of the device is the effect of neodymium magnets on gasoline molecules. They, as the seller assures, streamline the movement of the carbon chain in the fuel, which makes its consumption more economical.

The device is attached to the fuel line and begins to operate as soon as the vehicle starts moving. It is worth noting that the seller advises using the device for two weeks, and only then will significant results appear. This is explained by the fact that after starting operation, the engine must be cleaned of accumulated soot. And only after this fuel consumption will decrease.

Where to buy, prices

Simply place your order online. The request will be processed in a few seconds, and very soon you will be able to receive your product. A few words about the price. If you buy the device on the manufacturer’s official website, the cost in Russia will be only 990 rubles, which is quite affordable and inexpensive. Start saving right now!

We found a site on the Internet about such an interesting little thing. After watching the video and listening to people’s comments about these magnets, an interest in them was born))) We decided to take it, especially since the price is not that steep, without further ado, I’m copying the text from this site to explain how it works, for those who are interested ))) Later I’ll write about the results, whether it’s worth it or not) And by the way, about the painful stuff... I noted the consumption, 14 liters of the 95th (with a quiet ride) was enough for 74 km, 14 liters of the 98th. went 92 km. Let's see how long 14 liters of 98 with magnets will last))))

Here's how it all works... Any fuel is constantly subject to change due to the effects of temperature and humidity. This action causes the fuel to expand and contract. Ultimately, hydrocarbon molecules (the basis of any fuel) begin to attract each other, and thus form molecular groups - “clumps of molecules”.

These “clumps” cannot burn completely; some of them are in a zone inaccessible to oxygen. When fuel passes through the FuelFree installation area, the magnetic frequency resonance generated by the device disperses the resulting “clumps” into individual molecules, while positively charging them.

Thus, oxygen molecules penetrate each fuel molecule, which promotes complete combustion of the air-fuel mixture. This results in lower fuel consumption and reduced emissions.

The main elements of FuelFree are magnets made on the basis of neodymium (NdFeB), consisting of 2 halves. When fuel passes through a strong magnetic field, the hydrocarbon chain splits into smaller components with their subsequent activation.

Fuelfree is a fuel saver that is certified. If you purchase this device, it will help you save a sufficient amount of money on gasoline. The saver contains neodymium magnets that split hydrocarbon chains. Against this background, economical fuel consumption occurs on any car.

What does the device consist of?

The device looks quite simple, and at first glance does not inspire confidence. Two identical-sized plastic shapes with magnets included in them are all that make up the FreeFuel fuel saver. Customer reviews say that many were simply perplexed at how a small box could reduce fuel consumption by almost a quarter and, in addition, prevent malfunctions in the engine and fuel system.

Miracles of Advertising

The advertisement offers to immediately purchase a magic device at an inexpensive price. For only 3600 rubles. This is the first sign that this is a scam. The seller immediately offers a fantastic discount. You can buy this saver for 1,750 rubles. The discount is positioned as a unique chance. It is allegedly provided for a short period of time by shares. They're lying, gentlemen.

Where have you seen a discount on a product reach 50%. Are sellers trading at a loss? There are such gullible people around. And the issue at stake is serious. We have a chance to reduce fuel consumption by 20%. Very tempting. Maybe take a risk? Maybe not a divorce?

FreeFuel Cost

The price for such a “miracle device” varies between 1000-3000 rubles, not including postage fees. The original FreeFuel is sold, as the manufacturer claims, exclusively on the company’s official website. All other sellers offering similar products are scammers.

Fuel savers, no different from the original, are sold on the Aliexpress website, and their cost is only 150-200 rubles. But FreeFuel manufacturers do not recommend buying devices from a Chinese online retailer.

Parcel weight is less than expected

Since the scammers put in the package something completely different from what you ordered (a completely wrong product), the weight of the package will not correspond to the real weight of the product. On the official website of the product manufacturer you can see the exact weight and even dimensions of the packaging (box).

Always pay attention to the weight of the parcel, which is indicated in the postal notice! But, more cunning scammers put pieces of cardboard, waste paper and other garbage in the parcel in order to give the parcel the required weight and remove suspicion.

They sent me a cheap Chinese watch instead of my order. They cheated me out of 5400 rubles + delivery 450 rubles.

The truth about fuel economy. A few facts

The device manufacturer has one goal, and it is definitely not saving the consumer money. An expensive device in fact turns out to be just another “dummy” that attracts attention with the help of advertising. After testing the device, the majority of users stated that using the product did not give any results and they do not recommend FreeFuel.

Divorce or not? Positive reviews, of which there are many, claim that it is not, and negative reviews say that the device is just an ordinary piece of useless plastic.

From the point of view of chemistry and physics

Gasoline is a dielectric substance, practically impervious to magnetic waves. Its molecules are so small that it would take a large and very strong magnet (about the size of a 50-meter building) to force them to rearrange themselves. Neodymium magnets, despite their effectiveness in other areas (refining oil from metal particles, etc.), are absolutely useless here.

So is FreeFuel a scam or not? Reviews of its effectiveness, as well as facts from physics and chemistry, so far confirm that the device does not work and does not have a positive effect on the engine.

Our objections

They can be divided into scientifically based, logical and practical. Let's start with the first ones.

  • The stated breaking of links, as far as anyone who has graduated from high school knows, is only possible with a nuclear reactor or hadron collider. The magnetic field is physically incapable of this;
  • According to its characteristics, any fuel used by cars is a dielectric of organic origin with a relatively small molecular size. One of the drivers, a physicist by profession, considered that to rearrange their order or direction, a magnet the size of a 16-story high-rise would be needed and an entire power plant would need to work just on it. Weak magnets (not even electric ones) are in no way able to orient molecules;
  • Our other specialist, this time a chemist, still did not understand how FuelFree protects the engine from impurities in gasoline. The magnetic field cannot destroy and neutralize foreign impurities in the fuel. However, the advertisement talks about protection somewhat casually, mentioning it without explanation.

Let's move on to the logic:

The video claims that the patent for the know-how is held by the automobile concern General Motors. A purely theoretical question: why doesn’t he equip his products coming off the assembly line with these magnets? Such an advantageous distinction would raise the prestige and purchaseability of their brands. The number of installed magnets is calculated depending on the type of car. The more powerful it is, the more. Logical conclusion: if you put 10 pairs on a small car, it will not consume fuel at all. However, this is something doubtful, from the category of unscientific fiction.

And finally, personal opinion. Yes, yes, we didn’t skimp on buying the much-praised economizer and testing it on our own machines. Firstly, the simplicity of the installation promised by the manufacturer did not turn out to be such: out of three experimenters, only one installed it without any problems. Secondly, during the month of testing, the number of visits to gas stations and the volume of fuel poured did not show any noticeable decreases - of course, based on mileage. The only person who spent less was the one who went on vacation by train - his car sat in the parking lot for a week. We admit that a month is not enough time for final conclusions, and we will not remove the devices from the cars yet (the money has already been paid anyway). However, for ourselves, we have already answered the question, FuelFree fuel saver: a scam or true? Our review can be considered extremely negative. And instead of spending their own money, we suggest that motorists take into account such a sad experience.

Permanent change of the name of the company that patented the product

Manufacturers get confused when creating advertisements for their products. The video and online store sites initially indicated that the economizer was a patented device developed by General Motors. So why don’t the factories under the company’s jurisdiction that produce cars use the device and disclose information about it? And all because in fact the company did not patent such products.

Recently, information has appeared on websites that the device was developed by NASA. And the question immediately arises: how is astronautics related to saving gasoline? Here we can conclude that the FuelFree fuel saver is another scam. Reviews left by disappointed consumers are direct confirmation of this.

Principle of operation

The economizer works according to a special principle.
Let's do a brief overview. The fact is that the condition of any fuel, even the highest quality, can vary greatly depending on weather conditions. Critical temperatures and humidity cause gasoline to contract and expand. As a result, so-called molecular clots are formed. Full Free disperses the resulting clots, thereby positively charging individual molecules. The fuel saver acts as a kind of generated device, which has a positive effect not only on the state of gasoline, but also on the operation of the car.

Interested in how to install the FuelFree fuel saver? Installation is very simple and will not take more than five minutes. A special plastic clamp is supplied with the device, which serves as a connection to the fuel supply pipe. All. Ready! All necessary fasteners are supplied with the device. You don't have to buy anything extra.

Product testing location

An interesting point is that the creators of the product in its advertising mention testing in Ukraine, despite the fact that the device itself is manufactured in Moscow. So why did ordinary users find out about this “innovative product” only through an advertising video, if testing was carried out in a neighboring country? How did it happen that not a single Muscovite wanted to test the device? This also suggests that the FreeFuel device is a scam, another way to pump out as much money as possible from naive citizens.

The number of installed devices depends on the type of vehicle

So, according to the advertisement, the manufacturer claims. Depending on the make, model, volume and power of the car engine, more or fewer devices are used. However, the manufacturer of the “device” is silent about what will happen if you install 10 devices at the same time and make the fuel system fully “charged”.

If we take this information into account, we can assume that gasoline consumption will become rational, and its amount in the gas tank will increase several times, even with the car constantly moving. Does this seem true? Naturally not. Provided that neodymium magnets really have a positive effect on gasoline molecules, the largest car manufacturers would have long ago started producing vehicles with magnetic fuel lines.

From the information above, we can conclude that the FreeFuel saver is a scam, just another well-advertised “dummy”.

Installation instructions

A fuel saver can be purchased for any car that runs on gasoline or diesel. The device can be installed in just 5 minutes. In this case, the magnetic field will immediately begin to function, activating high-quality fuel consumption.

Before installation, it is recommended to read the instructions to avoid mistakes and complete installation. Any car enthusiast can cope with the task, because there is nothing difficult about it.

  1. First you need to open the hood and find the hose that is used to supply fuel.
  2. The magnet halves will need to be secured around the hose, and then tightened with a plastic fastener.
  3. When installing the device, you need to ensure that the fuel pipe is not pinched. This is important, because otherwise the movement of fuel will be disrupted.

Buyers note that Fuelfree has many advantages over other devices. The device does not harm the operation of the car, and is suitable for any car that is equipped with an internal combustion engine. A person gets the opportunity to significantly save gasoline. Engine power is increased by 5 hp. pp., although the device is inexpensive. Experts even note that the service life of candles is significantly increased. The purchase of a fuel saver will pay for itself within a month, so you don’t have to worry about the money spent.

Certificates of Conformity

On numerous official websites, potential consumers are invited to familiarize themselves with product certification. Allegedly, it has passed all the necessary tests and is completely safe for the car. Typically, two certificates are presented to clients: one in Russian, and the second in Japanese (Chinese). At first glance, the documents do not raise any suspicion, but after entering information for verification into the unified register of certificates of conformity, it is discovered that no such document was issued.

Another interesting point is that the device, according to the documentation, is produced at the General Motors plant, and the company itself that sells the gas saver is located in Russia, in Moscow.

All these minor inconsistencies and sometimes absurd facts about the device make it clear that the fuel saver is a scam. FreeFuel, reviews of which are presented below, does not bring any benefit to the engine and does not affect fuel consumption in any way.

Fuel shark saving product

Now the fuel saving device Fuel shark has appeared on the market. Its principle is to influence the electrical system of the machine. It represents an electrolytic capacitor connected to the main power supply system of the car. In case of increased loads, to facilitate the operation of the generator, the capacitor compensates for the voltage drop on installations such as wipers, headlights, audio devices, and air conditioning.

With the help of Fuel shark the battery is unloaded. The operation of the power supply system is leveled out, which contributes to the stability of the voltage supply to the spark plugs and the creation of a higher-quality spark. Such operating conditions ensure more productive combustion of combustible materials and facilitate the operation of the battery and generator.

The device consists of a capacitor placed in a box that has a regular light bulb. To charge the capacitor, it is plugged into the car's cigarette lighter socket.

  • will increase the resource of the main components, which include the engine, battery and spark plugs;
  • will increase mileage;
  • will reduce gasoline consumption by up to 30%;
  • will significantly reduce the exhaust carbon monoxide emissions.

The device is easily fixed. With the help of a lightweight and compact economizer, you can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing fuel.

Real reviews of the Fuel shark economizer are contradictory. On the one hand, these are satisfied car drivers, on the other, harsh critics. What is this, a deception or tricks of competitors?

After familiarizing yourself with the available devices, their characteristics and operating features, you can choose the appropriate option.

Thus, by installing a simple fuel saving device for your car, you can significantly reduce fuel costs.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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