Plastic kenguryatnik on the field

How to make kangarin with your own hands

How to make a kenguryatnik with your own hands, we consider the stages of work. Standard size kenguryatniks for SUVs can easily be found in any automobile market.
The most acceptable option is a protective grille made by the same manufacturer that made your car. However, factories do not produce guards for most small passenger cars. In this case, if you want to have this accessory, you will have to try and think about how to make a dog cage with your own hands.

The video shows how to make a kenguryatnik with your own hands:

The protective grille has a fairly simple design that can be easily recreated. To do this, you will need to use a small amount of specific equipment.

Most drivers now have a question about how to make a kanguryatnik so that it is reliable and performs its functions perfectly. The answer is very simple, follow the following instructions and securely fasten it to the side members.

So, first of all, understand that good protective grilles are assembled only from high-quality stainless pipes, and not from garbage. To connect them, careful welding must be performed. The durability of your product will also be affected by the quality of the paint that you apply to it after all the manipulations.

On some cars you can only install homemade guards

Whatever one may say, installing a kenguryatnik, even a homemade one, requires considerable financial expenditure. In addition, a considerable amount of time and effort must be spent on its production. If you are ready for this, then let's get started.

So, for a homemade protective grill, you need to purchase pipes of various diameters and special angles for welding. You can find a project for your car on the Internet. To give the required dimensions to the pipes, they will need to be sawed and bent. When making arcs, keep in mind that they must be symmetrical. Otherwise, you will not get the aesthetic beauty of the part.

Use a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm as the main frame. For small elements, take pipes with a diameter of 40 mm. Now connect all the small elements and the main frame, process the seams and sand them using a grinder.

After making the structure itself, it is necessary to give it an attractive appearance. To do this, the product must be well sanded and painted with high quality.

When choosing paint for a fence, it is important to pay attention to its characteristics. Experts recommend buying paint that prevents moisture from affecting the metal. It would also be nice if the paint could withstand sudden temperature changes and be resistant to mechanical stress

It would also be nice if the paint could withstand sudden temperature changes and be resistant to mechanical stress.

Now you have a completely finished protective product in your hands and you just need to figure out how to install a guard on your car.

Installing a protective grill

The video shows how to install kengurin with your own hands:

If you were able to make such a design yourself, then you will definitely figure out how to attach the guard to the front bumper of your car.

It should be noted that homemade protective grilles, which are attached to tow bars, bumper channels or pipes that serve as a support for it, will not save you in an accident, but will cause even greater damage to the structure. That's right - install the kangurin on the beam or threshold of the car.

How is the kenguryatnik attached in this case? Everything is very simple. When making a structure, it is necessary to drill a large number of holes in it or make it so that it fits as much as possible into the standard holes in the thresholds. The protective grille is screwed to the base with bolts that must be properly tightened.

Experts recommend checking the tightness of these bolts from time to time.

Be very responsible when installing this item. A guard is not an image or design accessory; it must first of all fulfill its main tasks of protecting the car. Remember, a homemade shelter must be made of high quality materials and installed in accordance with all the rules.

Options for additional protection of the Chevrolet Niva

Owners of such a Russian car brand treat their “iron horses” with special trepidation and consider their car to be a real SUV. When purchasing a Niva, they are faced with the question of how to improve the safety of the car. In the basic configuration, this car has a very “meek” appearance. Installing a kenguryatnik is a way to give the Niva solidity and extravagance. In addition to aesthetic characteristics, such actions help increase the safety of this machine. The first kangaroo cage was created in Australia; it was an effective means of protection against kangaroos; it was to these animals that it owed its name. It was on the “green continent” that animals were often run over at high speed in SUVs, significantly damaging the car. First of all, problems arose with lighting and the cooling system of the car engine. This detail on the Niva gives the domestic SUV uniqueness, individuality, and originality.

Attention! Technical regulations prohibit the installation of such a tuning element on a Chevrolet Niva; it cannot be attached to a Gazelle bumper either.

  • the original element is created from a durable steel tube, which is capable of withstanding significant loads in the event of frontal collisions;
  • Protective decorative frames are made of light aluminum alloys. Such designs are not suitable for the domestic Niva;
  • a mesh made of durable steel reinforcement, mounted on a supporting rigid frame, is in demand among Russian fishermen and hunters.

Advantages of installing a frame on a Niva bumper:

  • the ability to protect the paint on the bumper, the integrity of the glass on the headlights and reflectors from tall grass and oncoming branches;
  • protection while driving off-road from oncoming stones falling under the wheels of the car;
  • protection against minor impacts during an accident on the radiator and car bumper.

Disadvantages of such tuning:

  • problem with mounting on Niva. They attach it to the side members; in the event of a strong collision, the geometry of the body will be disrupted. Regular parking in front of supermarkets can result in the owner of a Niva having to pay for the restoration of the body;
  • When a Niva with a kenguryat collides with a pedestrian, serious injuries cannot be avoided, and there is a high probability of death.

How to make a kenguryatnik with your own hands

Kengurin is not difficult to make, its design is very simple and can be made in a garage, you just need to have the desire, a head on your shoulders and skilled hands.

The question of where to get drawings, for example, for a “ten” or an ATV, is not difficult to solve. Firstly, to “spy” on a similar vehicle with a homemade kangaroo. Home-grown craftsmen are proud of their creation, will be flattered by the attention and will willingly share all the subtleties. And secondly, what prevents you from turning on your own imagination and sketching out a drawing, “thinking it over” with a friend or a neighbor in the garage. As usual, one head is good, two are better, and three even more so.

Is it worth installing kengurin

Every motorist planning to install such parts on his car must understand that by doing so he is changing the design of the vehicle. Any changes to the design of the car must be documented, that is, agreed with the traffic police.

If kengurin is provided by the manufacturer, its installation is justified, and it is possible to coordinate the installation. But not for every model. Steel pipes on most cars have been outlawed since September 2010 and must be removed.

A reinforced body kit is definitely not recommended for installation on passenger cars. Heavy protection is simply not designed for a fairly light body, so the car may behave inappropriately when cornering and when braking. It is impossible to obtain permission from the traffic police to install kengurin on a passenger car. And some SUV models are in question. Therefore, before attaching additional parts to the car, you should consult with professionals.

Types of hanging structures

Kenguryatniks are divided into two categories:

Frontal modifications are the most popular among motorists; rear designs are less in demand. Experts say that car owners needlessly neglect the installation of rear structures. The vehicle body is susceptible to damage to the same extent; not only the front, but also the rear part suffers from mechanical stress. Do not neglect the installation of the rear hinged structure.

There is another classification of kenguryatniks in accordance with their purpose:

Using classic hinged structures, they protect the front of the machine from significant damage that occurs when colliding with various obstacles. Fans of fast off-road driving equip the classic mounted structure with additional cables. They are placed on the sides of the windshield. Cables protect against large branches.

Protective grilles are installed on lighting fixtures. This type of guard protects the headlights from contact with small stones flying from under the wheels.

Power bumpers provide complete protection of the bumper and vehicle body. They are made from metals that are highly durable. Owners of SUVs on which such guards are installed insure themselves against the possibility of damage to the body.

Thresholds are beautiful and practical

Quite often thresholds are installed on the Niva 2121. They are an excellent addition to the appearance of this “high” car and allow you to increase the convenience when getting children or women in heels into the car. In addition, the elements perform certain protective functions, protecting the sides of the car from moisture and minor damage. In case of minor collisions, these elements allow the impact force to “not reach” the door.

Thresholds are produced simply in the form of pipes, with plastic, rubber or metal gaskets (steel, aluminum). There are also options “with a tread”, when a part is allocated on the pipe in order to place your foot. Extreme enthusiasts believe that if you climb somewhere up to your belly in car 21214, then the rapids provide an opportunity to find a foothold when getting out of the car. Cheaper models usually have plastic plugs on the ends of the pipes and last less time.

Thresholds act as steps

Thresholds are usually hung in jacks, but craftsmen sometimes weld them to 2121 or 2131, which makes it possible to obtain additional rigidity and protection during impacts from the rear or front. After installing the thresholds, you cannot use a standard jack; you have to buy a hydraulic one. If the thresholds are installed in connection with the side members (the side members are drilled through, a pipe is inserted and welding is done on both sides), then a “power version” is obtained, which can be “propelled” using a rack jack if the Niva 2131 sits in the mud.

Materials for making the system

How are things going with the Russian auto industry? For a long time, experts and representatives of the State Duma have been unable to agree on whether to allow the installation of such a tuning element on personal cars.

By decision of parliamentarians, since September of this year, Russian car owners have been obliged to remove metal pipes from their bumpers. The reason for this decision was the increased risk of injury, as well as accidents on the roads.

A traffic cop's attempt to draw up a protocol for the kenguryatnik and the winch.

The technical regulations allowed protective grilles for bumpers only subject to their certification and installation recommendations from the car manufacturer. This document is still valid today.

Experts do not advise installing a kanguryatnik on a car that is not intended for such tuning. In addition, various ready-made power kits for the Chevrolet Niva are now sold. Before buying a kenguryatnik, be sure to make sure that it is certified, otherwise problems may arise during maintenance.

If you are a craftsman and are good at using a pipe bender and welding, you can make the protection yourself with your own hands, but in this case, you will have to remove it before each maintenance, otherwise there is a risk of not being able to undergo maintenance.

If the grille weighs no more than a kilogram and is necessary to protect the headlights from various objects, you can use a similar design. But this regulation raises some questions.

Who will weigh and check the characteristics of metal structures? But there is no point in arguing with a document prohibiting the installation of such an element as a kenguryatnik on the Niva.

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Amounts of the fine for kenguryatnik

The installation of a guardrail on a vehicle is qualified by traffic regulations as making changes to the design of the vehicle. By law, such changes must undergo a registration process with the traffic police.

When changes are made without the consent of the authorities, the owner of the vehicle is held accountable under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

This article provides for two types of administrative punishment:

  • Warning. Applicable upon initial prosecution, subject to sincere repentance of the car owner and bringing the car to its original condition.
  • A fine of 500 rubles.
  • Fine 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to 3 months for repeated violation.

To avoid punishment and get off with a warning, the driver can remove the guard right in front of the inspector. Car owners take the same actions before undergoing the inspection procedure, since it is simply impossible to pass it if there is a guardrail.

The adoption in 2010 of a new technical regulation regulating the installation of guardrails changed the attitude of traffic police officers to the installation of such structures on cars. From this moment on, the power body kit can only be installed on cars of category G. For all other cars, the power body kit is not allowed, and the owners of such cars risk getting a fine for kangaroo.

1. When I bought my UAZ, I had a guard installed, how do I register it now?

1.1. When I bought my UAZ, I had a guardrail installed, how do I register it now?

Good afternoon Have you been denied registration?

2. Is it possible to register a non-factory kanguryatnik on a UAZ Hunter legally correctly?

2.1. You must obtain permission from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to make changes to the vehicle (forms and a list of required documents are available at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate), otherwise: Appendix to the traffic rules list of faults (clause 7.18.) Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without permission from the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. “Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”. clause 11 section 4. It is prohibited to install on vehicles of categories M1 and N1 structures that protrude forward relative to the bumper line corresponding to the outer contour of the vehicle’s projection onto the horizontal plane of the supporting surface, made of steel or other materials with similar strength characteristics. This requirement does not apply to structures provided for by the standard equipment of the transport TR CU 018/2011 23 means and (or) those that have undergone conformity assessment in the prescribed manner, as well as to metal grilles weighing less than 0.5 kg, intended to protect only headlights, and state registration sign and elements of its fastening. The sanction for this violation of Part 1 of Art. 12.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

3. Good afternoon. I bought a UAZ Patriot, model 2007. It has the kangaroo guard on it that it left the factory with, a friend of mine has the same story. But in those “distant” years there were no problems with them and they didn’t put marks anywhere, but what to do with it now? Where can I find documentation and not be a camel? Thank you…

3.1. If it's factory, then you can. if it is not registered anywhere, then register the changes with the traffic police

3.2. just carry out an examination and go to the traffic police to register

What you need for work

If you decide to install a kenguryatnik on a UAZ 469 with your own hands, you will first need to take into account all the legal requirements that are listed above. It must be remembered that such a bumper will have to be covered with soft elastic material, otherwise the structure will be forced to be dismantled.

In addition, we should not forget about the certification of the kenguryatnik. You need to be prepared for the fact that during a technical inspection of a car, traffic police officers will repeatedly have questions about the installation of this accessory. Therefore, if a scheduled inspection of cars in the city is planned, it is better to remove the kengurin for a while.

Power bumper for Patriot

It is desirable that such a bumper be manufactured in a factory in compliance with all GOSTs and have a certificate. If you nevertheless decide to make and install kengurin on the UAZ 469 with your own hands, stock up on the necessary tools and materials.

The part of the L-shaped mount that will be installed under the car should have a small platform.

In order to get a truly exclusive accessory, you need to use only high-quality materials. It is recommended to use only stainless steel pipes, and the paint should be waterproof. In this case, all efforts and efforts will be fully justified.

Of course, any polished metal structure, welded from pipes and repeating the beautiful contours (lines) of the front of the car, and called a kenguryatnik (or kengurin), improves the appearance of the car, especially handsome jeeps, and attracts attention. Moreover, when installing it on an SUV and when traveling through a forest or mountainous area, this design will add not only beauty to the car, but will also perform protective functions. Of course, a well-made kengurin is a beautiful and useful thing, especially outside the city, but the price of most finished products from some tuning studios can reach up to $1000, or even more. It all depends on the material, quality and complexity of the design, and ultimately on the appearance. In this article we will look at what types of kenguryatniks there are and how to make a decent-looking kenguryatniki with your own hands, in the conditions of an ordinary garage.

What to pay attention to during installation

Installing a kenguryatnik on a field has the following nuances:

  1. In the process of designing the body kit, you need to provide for mounting the winch on the Chevrolet Niva, and also leave room for the high jack.
  2. It must be taken into account that the spars require strengthening. To strengthen the structure, metal plates are welded to them and coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  3. To correctly install a homemade body element, you will need to identify the mounting locations for the standard bumper.

After completing work with the body kit, you need to register it and receive a special certificate for the kenguryatnik. The document will need to be presented when undergoing a technical inspection of the vehicle.

A guard or reinforced bumper on a Niva is a necessary accessory to ensure more effective safety of the driver and passengers, as well as protection of the vehicle’s lighting devices, radiator grille, fenders, hood and body. You can create an element yourself, and if you follow the technology for performing the work, the part will be in no way inferior to factory-made analogues.

The kenguryatnik owes its name to Australian farmers who used it to protect their old pickup trucks from damage when colliding with marsupials and livestock. They installed gratings, boards and even fence gates as strength elements in front of their cars.

Photo of a kangaroo guard protecting a pickup truck from damage in a collision with popular marsupials

Today, guardrails are most often made of bent metal pipes and are, as a rule, an accessory for crossovers and SUVs, since they are designed for off-road driving, where bumpers, headlights, hoods, radiators, etc. can be damaged by stones, lumps of earth and other foreign objects. .

Kangurins are also installed on passenger cars, since there are a lot of surprises in the city: bumps, holes, bumps in the roads, curbs, garage doors unexpectedly opening from a gust, etc. In the event of an accident, the structure takes the blow and often saves the car from serious damage. Therefore, kenguryatniks are often installed even on the Oka River.

In many cases, the guards are homemade, because for many brands of cars they are not provided by the manufacturers, and the car is not insured against troubles. In particular, the Gazelle initially had a plastic bumper that shattered into pieces at the slightest impact.

Video tutorial on how to make a car guard with your own hands

The UAZ 469 also needs a carrier, because it is used for hunting and fishing, on expeditions, etc. True, so that the traffic police do not have any complaints, you need to cover the bumper with soft elastic material. That is, there are niches in the legislation that can be used to install homemade structures.

How to install a kenguryatnik on a Niva?

Does it make sense to install a kenguryatnik on the Niva? The kenguryatnik is a reinforced metal frame that is attached to the front of the car from the hood and below. Its main purpose is to protect the car from mechanical damage. But you need to remember that the Niva is an SUV that is used in harsh conditions, including off-road driving and traveling through bushes. And in such cases the guard protects the headlights and hood quite well from damage.

The main stages of making kangurin

First you need to make an approximate calculation of the length of the pipes, for this:

  1. the dimensions of the front part of the car are measured with a tape measure;
  2. the results obtained (width, height from the bottom of the bumper to the hood) are noted on the drawing;
  3. the pipe flow rate for internal jumpers is calculated.

In any case, pipes must be purchased with a reserve.

According to the obtained dimensions, the pipes are cut with a grinder and joined together with a minimum gap (˂ 1 mm). For this it is better to use a trimmer. By the way, they can cut pipes instead of an angle grinder.

Next, you need to check that all parts are identical so that the right and left parts of the structure are symmetrical.

According to the drawing, measurements are taken and the places where all elements should be welded are marked with a marker. First, they are simply “grabbed” by welding, the seams are ground, symmetry is checked again, and then they are finally welded.

When the kenguryatnik is ready, it is bolted, usually to the side members or cross beam.

Installation of a kenguryatnik on Niva-2121

Installation of the kenguryatnik on the VAZ-2121 is simple. Installation is carried out on a platform, preferably with a pneumatic lift.

It should also be mentioned that the VAZ-2121 kenguryatniks come in different sizes.

Installation of a kenguryatka conditionally consists of several stages:

If, in addition to the front one, you also plan to install a rear guard, then you should make sure that the fastenings are not covered with corrosion. Otherwise, you will have to completely clean it, boil all the brackets and only then install it.

To install the rear guard, you can also use those variations that adhere to the bumper. By the way, they also protect the car’s rear lights and license plates (you don’t have to worry about losing them when driving through tall vegetation, for example).

We protect the “back” and make a ladder to the roof

The likelihood of getting hit in the ass is low in the thicket, but is quite real when driving in city traffic. Therefore, a body kit in the form of rear bumper protection can be installed on the Niva 2131 and other models. There are several types of such devices. First of all, it's just a metal pipe. Secondly, this is a pipe with additional corners under the headlights. Thirdly, these are just corners. Fourthly, this is protection with a tread (you can stand up, for example, to get something from the trunk at the back). Fifthly, there is protection with a cover in the form of a grille for the rear lights.

What are the benefits of a kenguryatnik?

By installing a kenguryatnik in Niva-21214, you won’t have to worry about protecting the radiator grille, where poplar fluff and weed seeds often get clogged (during frequent trips through the steppe zone). Plus, the headlights will be protected from possible ingress of birds and other animals, which is a common problem in some areas of Russia.

In the VAZ-2121, installation is complicated only by the lack of fastening for the guard, but it is not so difficult if you have a welding machine at your disposal (preferably a gas one, since you will have to weld steel).

21214 has factory-made brackets. Moreover, at one time the manufacturer even produced cars equipped with a branded guard, which still had complaints in terms of quality.

Installing the “drummer” is simple and intuitive to the point of banality. The main difficulty is to lift the structure at the time of fastening. To do this, you can use lifts or simply ask someone to hold it while attaching it to the rod and brackets. You need to start with the front bumper, while the rear bumper is mostly a decoration of the body.

How to choose a kenguryatnik? You can be guided by the cost, as well as the material of manufacture. Naturally, the ideal option is hardened tubular steel with thick walls. Such kangaroos weigh an average of 45 kg. Lighter models are, rather, just a decorative element.

We hope that using these tips, you can easily install a guard on your car. Have a good trip!


Do you need additional lighting and aerodynamic body kit?

The Niva 21214 body kit can be effectively complemented by installing an arch on the roof for attaching additional lighting, for example, “Safari”. This detail can help get an extra portion of light somewhere in the forest, but is considered ineffective as an anti-fog option. The fact is that the high landing of the lights does not improve, but worsens visibility in fog as a result of light reflection from an array of moist air. That's why foglights are installed under the bumper on all cars.

The aerodynamic body kit for model 2121 and other models of the Niva series is not very relevant, since this series is not designed for high speeds and has very angular outlines that are difficult to smooth out with plastic. The kit, as a rule, includes overhead bumpers, door moldings, plastic sills, arches, which can be installed and painted by yourself.

They do not have any protective function and in the event of an accident they instantly break into pieces. The operating conditions of the car in the form of passing through forest thickets do not imply high-speed movement, therefore body kits of this type are rarely found in stores, as they are not very popular among car enthusiasts.

Many people dream of an SUV that will not be afraid of any potholes or potholes. But not everyone has enough funds to purchase such a vehicle. That is why the gaze falls on the domestic manufacturer. What can AvtoVAZ offer? Everyone remembers the legendary car - VAZ-2121, better known as Niva. It has become a cult SUV in the modern domestic car market. Why is he so loved? Yes, first of all, because the SUV was created by Russians for Russians themselves. Almost all the specifics of the roads were taken into account, as well as possible difficulties to be encountered. Sometimes the basic configuration is not enough, and then the question of installing a guard on the Niva-2121 becomes relevant.

What is the main task of the kenguryatnik?

Before considering all the positive and negative qualities of this element, you should first understand why it is needed. The most important task is to preserve the integrity of the body, as well as the components located in the front of the car, from various collisions. A competently and correctly selected guard for the Niva, the photo of which is presented below, can not only strengthen the body, but also transform the appearance, making the car more aggressive.

This is not the main purpose of this structural element. Many craftsmen use the kenguryatnik as a basis for installing additional attachments. As a rule, this can be an additional light, a winch mount.

Types and purpose

If you still decide to install a kenguryatnik, you need to familiarize yourself with what types there are. Depending on the conditions in which the car moves, it is worth choosing the appropriate option.

The following types are distinguished:

  • Horseshoe - often used for SUVs or minivans. Its appearance resembles a horseshoe, which is why it received the corresponding name. Designed to protect the bumper, grille and radiator from impacts in the center and below in emergency situations.
  • Safari - also used to protect the bumper and radiator, as well as fenders and headlights. You can install brackets for additional road lighting sources.

Main functions of structures:

  • Tuning a Niva with your own hands - see the coolest ideas brought to life in the review with photos and videos!
  • Protection of the car when driving over rough terrain. It is logical that a road that is covered with bushes and branches can damage the paint and ruin the appearance of the car. Therefore, it is better to have a kenguryatnik and avoid unpleasant moments.
  • Reducing the impact of an accident. Protection will help save important parts of the car, taking the brunt of the blow. It will be easier to install a new guard than to change half of the car's spare parts. The nuance is that another participant in an accident, faced with a structure, can sympathize. But the insurance company will take care of this.
  • Rescue of the driver and passengers. Undoubtedly, given the fact that the suspension will take the main force of the impact, this can save the lives of people who will be in the car.

Installing an accessory

How long the kenguryatnik can serve you in the future depends on correct installation. Installation of a kanguryatnik begins with the fact that you measure the side members on your car. Now weld the fasteners to the protection pipes at this distance. These can be plates of approximately 10 mm with M12 holes for bolts.

Now you will need an assistant to finally install the cage. Place it on the front of your car. The fastenings must be level with the side members.

Making a front bumper with your own hands.

If you don’t want to spend money on a ready-made body kit, it’s easy to make it yourself. To do this, you only need material, tools and straight hands.

When starting to weld a bumper, you need to know exactly how to carry out the welding work. If the seam turns out uneven, it will be a shame for the damaged material.

What do you need:

  • Metal 4 mm thick, channel, corners. The exact number of parts depends on the body kit model.
  • Welding equipment
  • Grinder, bolts, discs.

The procedure for making a kenguryatnik

To make a kenguryatnik with your own hands, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, make markings on corners and pipes of the same diameter (if you have a pipe bender, then making bends, the corners will not be useful).
  2. After marking, you can begin to cut the pipes to the required length using a grinder. At this stage, the most important thing to remember is symmetry.
  3. When connecting the T-shaped jumper to the base pipes, try to make smaller gaps (no more than one mm). This is where a pipe cutter comes in handy. After this, check several more times to see if all the parts are the same.
  4. Now you need to mark all the welding spots. This way you can save a lot of time.
  5. Tack the parts by welding. You should start with the folds. In this case, polishing the seams will be easier.
  6. Now grab the bent pipes to the base itself.
  7. After checking everything several times for symmetry, you can begin to finally cook.
  8. After welding comes final finishing, sanding and painting.

Why do you need a kenguryatnik, the pros and cons of the solution

When installing a fire guard, it is important to understand the purpose for which it is needed - to contain the blow in the event of a tragedy, to protect the engine and radiator of the car. But this can be achieved if only the power bumper is of the highest quality, certified or installed by the vehicle manufacturer.

More often, drivers receive low-quality kangaroos, made of a shiny tube and representing a decoration. And in this case, it’s worth considering the disadvantages of installing it:

  • during a collision with another vehicle, the device simply unscrews, rips it out and does not help prevent damage to expensive car parts;
  • If there is a collision with a pedestrian, then the crash bar will only increase the risk of injury in the situation and can lead to the death of the pedestrian even in the event of a tragedy at a low speed of the car.
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