How to make front turn signals as dimensions. “American dimensions” with your own hands. Short circuit of the dimensions to the turn signal lamp

“American style” with side lights installed in the turn signals is a popular element of tuning the VAZ 2114. Carrying out such a modernization is not at all difficult, so the owners of the “fourteenth” modify the turn indicators themselves.

There are several ways to set the dimensions in the turn signals of the VAZ 2114. But before you get started, pay attention to one nuance - the compliance of this tuning element with the Traffic Rules.

Dimensions in turn signals and traffic rules

The transfer of dimensions to the direction indicators refers to a change in the design of the car, for which Article 12.4 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia provides for penalties. This is especially true when the color of the side lights is different from white. Of course, the subjective opinion of the inspector is not enough to impose a fine. Color discrepancies must be proven using a spectrometer. But in practice, it is quite difficult to appeal a decision, because courts often make decisions solely on the basis of the words of the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers who compiled the protocol. Before you make the dimensions in the turn signals of the VAZ 2114, pay attention to one more point: yellow dimensions are less noticeable and can mislead other drivers, so such tuning is not entirely safe.

Purpose of the sound turn signal repeater

In cars, as a rule, turn signal switches began to be installed, which automatically return to the neutral position after completing the maneuver. This has its advantages: there is no need to be distracted by turning off the turn signals when the turn is completed, and there is no need to waste time checking whether the signal is turned off. Over time, the auto-return switch may fail (video author: Alexander Baranov).

On some vehicles, the switch does not automatically return to its original position. In this case, you must independently ensure that it turns off after completing the turn. Clicks are heard, but sometimes you can’t hear them due to loud music or noise.

If you do not turn off your turn signals in time, this may cause an emergency on the road, as it confuses other road users.

Dimensions in turn signals using a double-filament lamp

Perhaps this is the easiest way to complement the side lights with the glow of the turn signal lights or move them to the latter. To do this, you will need a double-filament lamp, which should be installed instead of the standard one, and a corresponding socket. Instead of using a socket, you can use soldering, simply soldering wires to the terminals of the lamp, but in this case it will be difficult to change it.

The wires going to the turn signal should be connected to the more powerful lamp filaments, and the side light wires to the less powerful ones. You can connect the latter in parallel, then the direction indicators will complement the standard side lights, or simply switch the wires of the “dimensions” to the lamps in the “turn signals”. The last option is the “American” tuning, in which the side lights and direction indicators are combined.

Types of jobs

You can modify turn signals on your car in the following ways:

  • supplement the illuminated turn signals with dimensions by moving them from the headlights;
  • insert additional side lamps into the front optics;
  • change the color of the side lamps to yellow or white;
  • use flexible DRLs with a turn signal function.

If the dimensions are yellow, then the light from the turn signals will merge with it, if the color is white, then the turn signals will stand out against the background of the main dimensions

Dimensions in turn signals using a relay

You can set the front turn lamps to work in headlight mode without losing their function. To do this, install a pair of relays that will break the power supply circuit for the lamps when the turn signal is turned on. Thus, when you turn on the headlights, the turn signal lamps will simply light up, and if you turn on the turn signal, they will blink in antiphase with the rear turns (when voltage is applied, the rear lamps light up, and the front lamps go out due to the opening of the relay contacts). This solution has one problem - the turn lamps will not light up if the side lights are turned off. To solve the problem, you need to add a couple more relays that will switch the power to the turn signal lamps to the standard circuit when the side lights turn off.

The disadvantage of this method is that it reduces the reliability of light signals due to an increase in the number of contact groups in the power circuit. To increase reliability and reduce the number of wires and contacts, you can use semiconductor circuits for turning on turn lamps. It is very difficult to assemble such a circuit on your own without special knowledge and experience. Therefore, it is better to purchase a new one or ask for help from a specialist. Now you know how to make dimensions in the turn signals of a VAZ 2114. Whether you put this knowledge into practice and whether you experience difficulties when passing a technical inspection or when meeting with the traffic police is up to you.

We perform the installation step by step

This guide explains how to install universal LED daytime running lights on any vehicle. Installation is quite simple, you just need to devote a little time to this procedure.

Step 1.

Insert the wire into the bracket. Let's start the installation procedure Step 2.

Install the bracket. Since these are versatile daylight lights, you can install them anywhere you like. The most common location is at the bottom of the bumper. The most common place to choose is on the bumper Step 3.

After installing the bracket, you can fix the daytime running lights to the bracket. Carefully attach the lantern Step 4

. Once you install the DRL using the bracket, connect the wires and route them near the battery/fuse box. Connecting the wires Step 5.

Use plastic zip ties to secure the wire along the bumper. You can choose a different “wired path” if you wish. Securely secure the wire using clamps Step 6.

Find ACC on your fuse box, and press the red wire there. You can find the location of the ACC fuse using an electronic meter by clamping the black wire to the battery negative. Insert the tester pen into the fuse box in any unoccupied slot and note the places where the tester pen does not light up. Start the engine and check the slots that do not light up. Find a spot that only lights up when the engine is running. This is the ACC place. Use a special tester to look for Basically, when the engine is turned on, the indicator light comes on. When the engine is turned off, the indicator is also turned off. Press the black wire to the negative terminal of the battery

Step 9

The pictures in the installation guide will help you follow this procedure with ease. The result of the work done will pleasantly surprise you. Having information on how to install daytime running lights in accordance with all standards and requirements, you can save yourself from possible problems with representatives of the traffic police and increase the level of safety. Performing such “tuning” will have virtually no effect on the amount of fuel burned (consumption).

Video - How to install DRLs on a VAZ 2106

This article will be very useful for those who have already forgotten to turn off their car lights several times, only to discover in the morning that the battery is dead. Yes, on some brands of cars it is possible to turn off the low beam when the ignition is off, but we repeat, on some cars.

There is also a fine for driving with the headlights off, so it’s worth thinking about a system that would turn the low beams or DRLs on and off when the engine starts. To be fair, it is worth noting that such a system already existed in the domestic automobile industry. During Soviet times, many domestic cars automatically turned on the low beam when starting the engine. In this article we will talk in more detail about how to connect the DRLs so that they turn on when the engine starts.

Photo gallery

Price issue

The cost of ordinary white light bulbs MTF Light W5W/T10 will be about 300 rubles per set. If we take into account higher quality diode lighting sources, then, for example, P21/5W Osram Premium Amber devices will cost the buyer about 2 thousand rubles.

How to make American cars on a VAZ 2114

There are many ways to implement American cars on the VAZ 2114, each with their own pros and cons. Depending on your skills, desires and capabilities, you can choose any of the ones presented below, or come up with your own.

Turn signal lamp with two threads.

A two-filament lamp is a relatively good way. It is quite easy to install and easy to use. The lamp contains two filaments, one dim at 5 watts, the other brighter at 25 watts. A thread with low brightness is used as side lights, and a thread with strong brightness is used for turn signals. As a result, the turn signal is quite clearly visible against the background of the side lights.

To install, you will need a base with two +, or solder the wire directly to the lamp, but you need to be careful, in this case it may burn out.

The principle of signal inversion. In this case, the turn signal lamp is constantly on when driving, and when the turn signal is turned on, it begins to blink. The lights do not differ in brightness, as in the previous case, but the signal is highlighted due to the fact that the lamp goes out completely at the moment of operation.

Installation is simple, you just need to cut the wires a little and two five-pin relays, one for each headlight.

Relay with capacitor and diode

This method is, in fact, more correct than the previous one. An IN5819 diode and a 25 volt 4700 mF capacitor are added to the five-pin relay. The principle of operation is the same, but there is a guarantee that nothing will short out anywhere and will last a long time without problems.

Short circuit of the dimensions to the turn signal lamp

There is nothing easier than closing the turn signals on a VAZ 2114. But this method is fundamentally incorrect, and using it is strictly not recommended. The turn signal lamp is directly connected to the headlights, and there is essentially no turn signal at all.

Additional socket for turning headlight

The most correct, according to the majority, but at the same time the most labor-intensive method is the introduction of an additional cartridge into the headlight. The cartridges are taken from unnecessary repeaters, cut off and soldered into the headlight. If done carefully, everything looks invisible; not everyone will realize the changes made.

Description of side lights

To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic description of this type of optics. Let's look at the purpose, design and types of headlights.

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Concept and purpose

Five additional headlights for cars

What are side lights? A marker light is an optical device that is placed in the front as well as the rear of the car, in accordance with traffic regulations. Front and rear marker lights are designed to indicate the dimensions of a vehicle so that the vehicle can be seen by other drivers. The photo shows that this type of optics can be used as parking lighting. Side lights must be on on every vehicle at night.

Types and device

Side light bulbs can be white, yellow or blue. In accordance with the traffic rules, the use of only white is allowed, however, in fact, traffic police representatives do not issue fines for such violations. As stated above, every car must be equipped with dimensions. Moreover, this type of optics can be installed either separately or as part of the main headlight unit.

As for the device, in this case the light source is a halogen light bulb. Of course, if you install xenon in the dimensions, the light source will be a gas-discharge lamp. As an option, diode bulbs, as well as entire blocks, can be installed in the headlights. If you are changing side or rear light bulbs, you need to remember that the light sources from behind should not shine as brightly as the brake lights (video author - Andrey Gorbunov).

Advantages and disadvantages

Instead of traditional lamps, diode lighting sources can be installed in the side dimensions. They allow you to emit a brighter glow, and if they blink, the voltage consumption will be lower. In particular, when compared with conventional headlights. In addition, one of the important advantages of diode elements is a higher service life, which on average varies around 100 thousand hours.

It should be noted that diodes are less sensitive to regular vibrations, as well as temperature changes and high loads. As for the disadvantages, this is the higher cost of lighting sources.

Features of operation

If you don’t know how to turn on the side lights, then there’s nothing difficult about it. We recommend that you read the service manual for operation; it contains more precise information on how to turn on the optics.

We will look at several ways:

  1. If the car is equipped with a power button located on the center console (as, for example, in the VAZ 2109), then this button activates the side lights, as well as the low beam. To turn on the first, the button must be pressed once, and when the next mode is activated, the low beam is activated.
  2. If you use a steering column switch, you need to work with it to control the optics. The switch should have a button that turns on the lights (the author of the video is the Rama rus channel).

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Assembly instructions

LED lamps are semiconductor elements that glow when exposed to electric current. The main element in them is silicon. Depending on what impurities are used, the color of the light bulbs changes.

Photo gallery “Possible options for dynamic direction indicators”

1. Dynamic turn signals 2. Dynamic running turn signal 3. LED tail lights

Tools and materials

To make a running turn signal with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • soldering iron;
  • side cutters or pliers;
  • soldering iron and soldering material;
  • tester.

You need to prepare fiberglass laminate from consumables. It is needed for the manufacture of a printed circuit board on which the semiconductor element will be placed. The required LEDs are selected. Depending on the characteristics of the LEDs and the current and voltage values ​​of the on-board network, the characteristics of the protective resistors are calculated. Using calculations, the remaining components of the network are selected (the author of the video is Evgeny Zadvornov).

Work sequence

Before making turn signals, you need to choose a suitable scheme.

Scheme for manufacturing running turn signals

Then, based on the diagram, make a printed circuit board and apply markings on it to place future elements.

The assembly consists of a sequence of actions:

  1. First, you should turn off the power to the car by disconnecting the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. Next, you need to remove the old turn signals and carefully disassemble them.
  3. Old light bulbs should be unscrewed.
  4. The joints should be cleaned of glue, degreased, washed and allowed to dry.
  5. In place of each old element, a new running light turn signal is installed.
  6. Next, assembly and installation of the lights is done in the reverse order.
  7. After installation, the wires are connected.

At the next stage, an additional stabilized power source is connected to the network. Its input receives power from the intermediate relay, and the output is connected to a diode. It is better to place it in the instrument panel.

When connecting LEDs, you must ensure that the anode is connected to the plus of the power source, and the cathode to the minus. If the connection is not made correctly, the semiconductor elements will not light up and may even burn out.

Flexible LED DRL strips

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