How to remove saffron milk caps from a car body quickly at home

Many motorists are naturally interested in the question of how to remove saffron milk caps from the car body. And under such a cheerful name as saffron milk caps or bugs hides an extremely serious problem in the form of rust. In fact, these are small pockets of corrosion that appear on the surface of the body.

Each car comes from the factory with a certain amount of anti-corrosion protection. For some it is better, for others it is worse. It is the task of the car owner himself to protect the car from corrosive processes. If saffron milk caps are left unattended, they will grow and actively spread further.

Therefore, true car enthusiasts are concerned with the question of how to get rid of them, whether this can be done with their own hands and at home. Actually it is possible. The main thing here is to take a responsible approach to completing the task.

How to remove rust from a car body with your own hands

There are several ways to get rid of rust on a car body, but in this material we will look at only the two simplest methods that almost every car enthusiast can handle with his own hands.

  1. Removing rust mechanically;
  2. Removing rust using an electrochemical method.

The first method is very cheap, but at the same time more labor-intensive, and the second is quite simple, but the cost of the materials used can sometimes be slightly higher than in the first case.

After removing the rust, it will be advisable to paint over the damaged area on the car body, regardless of which of the methods listed above you choose.

For these purposes, in many cases, cosmetic enamel in the form of a small bubble with a brush, reminiscent of nail polish, is excellent. You can select such enamel to match the color of the body using a fan catalog available in any car shop with a car paint department.

The procedure for removing rust by mechanical and electrochemical methods, as well as their advantages and disadvantages, we will consider below.

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Inspection of defects and cleaning

Minor corrosion is sometimes difficult to notice. In order not to miss insidious spots, it is better to wash the car at a car wash with detergents.

Inspect the surface in daylight, preferably outside, in sunny weather. Minor damage to the paint can be immediately repaired with varnish, nail polish is suitable.

When deep rust forms, two methods are used:

  • Mechanical - clean with rags, remove deep layers with sandpaper. A drill attachment is suitable, this will save time.
  • Chemical - a special substance, a rust converter, is applied to the corroded area, and the reaction residues are washed off with water.

Before you remove the “saffron milk caps” from the car body yourself, you should thoroughly evaluate whether all the necessary substances and conditions are available. After cleaning, the surface should be mirror-like and free of brown spots.

Features of the mechanical method

There is a fairly solid list of videos available on the Internet in which skilled craftsmen and novice car enthusiasts tell and show how you can deal with saffron milk caps yourself in a white, black, silver, etc. car. Moreover, they claim that this can be done quickly and extremely effectively.

Here it is important not to confuse the effective method and advice of a skilled master with a banal advertisement for another supposedly miraculous remedy. No one denies the fact that excellent rust converters exist, but sometimes outright bullshit is advertised, which is of no use at all. You should not rely on the magical properties of expensive auto chemicals with an unclear composition and promises to give the perfect result. It is better to give preference to the old proven method of the mechanical type. He is the one who shows himself at his best.

The method of removing saffron milk caps using the most common AA battery is also gaining popularity. I also heard about this method, but I don’t really trust it. You can experiment, but be careful.

If you have real experience of a non-standard approach to rust removal, be sure to write about it in the comments and tell us about your results. It is very interesting to find out first-hand how effective a battery really is in the fight against bugs and saffron milk caps.

We return to the mechanical method. He does not promise to do everything quickly, but focuses on quality.

You will need to take a set consisting of:

  • Bulgarians;
  • grinding machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • solvent;
  • rust converter;
  • primers with anti-corrosion effect;
  • paints to match the body color;
  • colorless varnish in a can;
  • two-component putty (with hardener).

You can roughly estimate how much such a set costs. And feel free to multiply it several times to get the cost of work at a car service center.

Step-by-step removal

In such a matter, it is important not to rush and not skip any of the required steps. Approach the task as responsibly as possible.

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Step-by-step removal of rust traces and restoration of paintwork looks something like this:

  • First, the damaged areas are cleaned. A sandblaster, sander, grinder or regular sandpaper will do. But sandpaper is used in extreme cases, when there are no other options;
  • Carefully, consistently and gradually remove pockets of rust, avoiding strong temperature changes when working with power tools;
  • The treated surfaces are then coated with a converter to seal the result. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions;
  • Remove any remaining corrosion using a solvent. This will completely degrease and clean the surfaces;
  • A layer of putty is applied to level out any existing irregularities and depressions. A total of 2-3 layers are required;
  • When the putty has completely hardened, the surface is sanded and leveled;
  • The procedure ends with priming, applying paint and treating with colorless varnish.

If you do everything according to the instructions, be careful and take your time, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Otherwise, it’s easier to immediately contact a car service center.


Before applying solutions, it is recommended to use masking tape and film to protect the good surface, glass and rubber bands. The coating must be removed immediately after leveling the putty and spraying the paint. However, at the time of the last operation, the strips are glued at a distance from the treated area. This is necessary to ensure a smooth transition.

The old paint and the new one will have differences in any case. Only experienced colorists can accurately select the color. The painter will need no less knowledge. It is important to spray the prepared solution in several layers, without the formation of smudges.

To create an ideal area that does not differ by eye from the old paint, use a heater. A similar convector with a reflector is used in medicine. The completion of the efforts is the treatment of the body with polish, which can be found at a car cosmetics store. Or you need to apply a new paint coating completely to the entire surface, which is much more expensive.

Removing rust at home. This article is for those who once bought a car that was not treated with an anti-corrosion coating or had damaged areas of the body.

Rust does not sleep and always causes irreparable damage to the body, eating it, turning the metal into dust, which sometimes cannot be restored.

To prevent this from happening, you need to declare a merciless war on rust at the first detection. How to do this, what is needed for this, how to remove saffron milk caps without damaging the body? Here are a number of questions that we will now discuss.

Removing rust from a car body using an electrochemical method

By electrochemical method of rust removal we mean carrying out redox reactions on damaged areas of the body in an electrolyte solution under the influence of electric current.

At first glance it seems that this is very difficult. But in fact, this process is the simplest and most reliable way to get rid of rust and protect the body from corrosion for many years.

To remove rust using an electrochemical method, there are special ready-made kits, such as Zinkor-Auto. Following the instructions, almost any car enthusiast can remove rust on his own.

Advantages of the electrochemical method:

  1. Complete removal of rust from damaged areas of the body;
  2. Application or restoration of a protective layer of zinc using the electrolytic method;
  3. Safety for car paintwork, due to the absence of phosphoric acid in the solutions;
  4. The result is achieved in a short period of time - no more than an hour for everything;
  5. Easy to use.

Among the disadvantages, we can note that the technology of electrochemical metal cleaning does not allow one to cope with large areas of through corrosion without additional technical means (cold welding, soldering, etc.).

In auto stores, a Zinkor-Auto kit for local removal of rust and subsequent galvanizing of the body surface costs about 1,500-1,600 rubles, but in many online stores you can buy it cheaper.

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The set includes:

  • Solution No. 1 for degreasing and rust removal;
  • Solution No. 2 for applying a protective zinc coating;
  • Electrode No. 1 made of stainless steel for surface preparation;
  • Electrode No. 2 with a zinc tip for applying a protective coating;
  • Connecting wire;
  • Instructions.

The kit is designed to process up to 1 square meter of surface.

The process of removing rust using an electrochemical method is simple (see video below):

  1. We connect the connecting wire with an alligator clip to the car battery, and the other end to electrode No. 1 from the kit;
  2. We wet the connected electrode No. 1 in solution No. 1 to degrease and remove rust;
  3. Using smooth, uniform movements, we clean the metal surface from any remaining dirt and rust, after which we wash off the remaining solution with plenty of water;
  4. We connect electrode No. 2 to the wire and wet the electrode swab in solution No. 2;
  5. Using light, uniform movements of the electrode, apply solution No. 2 over the entire working surface until the surface of the stripped metal darkens and becomes more matte.


So, we coped with the cleaning, choosing a way to remove the “saffron milk caps” from the car body ourselves. The photo below shows what the surface should be prepared for the next stage.

The resulting area needs to be washed to remove crumbs of old paint. You should degrease the surface with alcohol; it will quickly dry the remaining drops of water. The bare metal can be lubricated with a bonding agent, but this step is not usually performed. Immediately proceed to applying the mixture to the metal.

You can prepare the putty, or it is better to buy it ready-made. It dries quickly after adding a sealer, so the mixture must be applied quickly. The formation of excess material is avoided so as not to spend a lot of time on cleaning. A smooth surface is achieved using a rubber spatula.

The putty will not lie in a thick layer. Over time, it will crack from body vibration, and the top coat of paint will have to be redone. Severely damaged areas are cut off with a grinder and fresh metal is welded on.

Only prevention and special protection of the car will save you from “saffron milk caps”

Just pay more attention to these procedures:

  • Wash your car regularly and wax it more often, even in winter;
  • regularly inspect a clean car (early diagnosis is always effective in eliminating the problem);
  • install fender liners, mud flaps on all wheels (this will keep the paint in its original form much longer);
  • apply anti-gravel film to the hood, or the front part of the roof above the windshield; if it doesn’t aesthetically spoil the appearance of the car, you can attach a “fly swatter”;
  • Regularly treat the underbody of your car with anti-corrosion coating.

Of course, anyone can remove rust if they have the desire, but always balance your capabilities with your desires. These tips do not apply to wealthy citizens.

Take care of your car, it will be grateful to you in return, and you will feel it.

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