Criteria for choosing a new battery for Lada Kalina

To start the engine, it must rotate intensively. It is carried out using a starter, which is powered by a battery. It is she who transmits to him the necessary electricity to start the engine. The battery is the source of power supply for all elements of the car, so the battery is the most important component, without which it is impossible to operate the car.

Characteristics of the standard Kalina battery

The manufacturer installs a domestically produced Akom brand battery under the hood of the Lada Kalina. Owners of Kalina, Kalina 2, Grants, Priora and other AvtoVAZ models who bought their cars with this power source complain about its poor quality. There have been cases when batteries were replaced after just a couple of months under warranty.

The nominal capacity of the Akom battery is 55 A/h, and the starting current is 425 Amperes. These are the minimum acceptable values, and using a battery with lower characteristics is not advisable.

The standard battery is the most common, lead type, filled with acid. The temperature range allowing normal use is from +45°C to -40°C.

Which one is better to choose?

The fact that the standard battery for the Lada Kalina is the AKOM brand does not mean at all that this is the only and best option. There are many products with similar characteristics from different manufacturers. Which battery is better to buy?

Let's look at the rating of domestic and foreign batteries, compiled according to popularity among Lada Kalina car owners.

Foreign brands

AppearanceNameManufacturer countryCapacity, AhStarting current, AVoltage, VPolarityTypeDimensions, mmWeight, kgApproximate price, rub.Where can I buy

MUTLU Mega Calcium 60L 540 ATürkiye6054012straightmaintenance-free, SFB242x175x190153 900Ya.Market

VARTA Blue D43 (60L) 540 ACzech Republic/Spain6054012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190143 800 Ya.Market

BOSCH S4 006 (60L) 540 ACzech Republic/Spain6054012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190143 800 Ya.Market

DELKOR 60L (56031) 525 ASouth Korea6052512straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid241x174x188155 050 Ya.Market

INCI AKU Supr A 60L 540 ATürkiye6054012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190154 600 Ya.Market

Domestic brands

AppearanceNameManufacturer countryCapacity, AhStarting current, AVoltage, VPolarityTypeDimensions, mmWeight, kgApproximate price, rub.Where can I buy

Russian Zvezda 60L 430 ARussia (Kursk)6043012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190172 300Ya.Market

Tyumen Standard 60L 520 ARussia (Tyumen)6052012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190162 900 Ya.Market

BEAST 60L 600 ARussia (Irkutsk)6060012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190174 300 Ya.Market

Tyumen Standard 62L 550 ARussia (Tyumen)6255012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190162 800 Ya.Market

AKOM AutoFan 60L 470 ARussia (Zhigulevsk)6047012straightmaintenance-free, lead-acid242x175x190152 700 Ya.Market

It is curious that neither AGM nor GEL batteries made it into the top five most popular.

When is it time to change the battery and why?

Owners of Lada Kalina are well aware that replacing the battery is necessary after three to four years of active use. It all depends on various factors, for example, on the quality of the battery, on the energy consumption of the vehicle’s on-board network. But not everyone knows by what signs one can determine that it is time to think about a new battery for the Lada Kalina, because the specified period is determined conditionally. For this reason, everyone should understand when to change the battery to avoid problems associated with the inability to start the engine. Among the main signs indicating the need to replace the battery:

  1. The engine starts with difficulty not only in winter, but also in summer. This means that the power supply cannot hold a charge.
  2. The indicator lamp for the need to charge the battery lights up on the instrument panel. The on-board computer, if available, can also signal this.
  3. After a long trip (more than 15 km), a measurement with a multimeter shows insufficient charge. The device must be fully charged from the generator, if the latter is working.
  4. Once fully charged, the density measurement shows less than 1:25 Gm/cm. You can try to level the indicator with a corrective electrolyte; if this does not help, it is better to replace the battery.
  5. The electrolyte has darkened. This occurs due to the destruction of the lead plates. The use of such a battery is prohibited as it may cause an explosion.
  6. If the battery emits an unpleasant smell of putrefactive decomposition.
  7. You can turn on the radio for an hour with the engine off. If after this the engine starts with difficulty, this means that the battery is draining too quickly and it’s time to change it.
  8. If the battery lasts more than four years, then it's time to buy a new one.

If any of these symptoms occur, you may need to purchase a new power supply for your vehicle soon.

In some cases, you can extend the battery life by using corrective electrolyte and additional charging.

Why you shouldn't save money when buying a battery

The cost of good batteries varies from 3,500 rubles. As a rule, cheaper models are short-lived and difficult to start in cold weather.

The advantages of good batteries are as follows:

  • trouble-free starting of the car in cold weather and in extremely hot weather;
  • maintaining the correct operation of electrical equipment installed in the machine;
  • bright illumination of all icons on the dashboard (if the battery light is dim, it is worth checking its state of charge);
  • constant operation of the on-board computer.

All this information will help you choose a reliable battery that will last for many years. If the battery on Kalina 2 catches fire , this is a reason to think about replacing it. Before purchasing, you can watch a video on this topic. And remember - you shouldn’t save money on such an important device, because “the miser pays twice.”

How to choose a battery for Lada Kalina

The issue of choosing a replacement for an old battery must be approached responsibly. There are several important criteria, each of which is worth considering in detail.


Western countries use much more advanced technologies in the production of batteries. They even check in a completely different way. In our country, the charge is tested with a load fork, with the help of which the load is applied for 10 seconds, and the charge should not fall below 9 V. The European test involves 30 seconds of load with the same minimum threshold of the “drawdown” voltage. As a result, Russian batteries are inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts. It cannot be said that there are no brands on our market that are not inferior in quality to European ones, but there are not many of them. And you shouldn’t focus only on a popular brand; characteristics and compliance with the required parameters are much more important.

Date of manufacture

Proper storage of batteries is important. If the charging rules were violated, or the devices were in aggressive conditions of unacceptable temperatures, then their characteristics will be distorted even before they are purchased and installed under the hood. The best option is that the device was manufactured no more than four months ago. You should be very careful when buying a battery that has been stored for a year or more. Checking with a load fork is mandatory.


Capacity selection is a broad topic and there is a lot of controversy surrounding it. But it all comes down to the fact that you need to choose a battery with a capacity no lower than the factory one. More is possible, but not less. In everything you need to know when to stop and understand that a battery with a large capacity simply will not fit in its rightful place due to its increased size.

Starting current

This parameter is indicated directly on the battery. It is not recommended to buy a battery with a starting current lower than the minimum declared for the Lada Kalina. The same amount or more is allowed. At subzero temperatures, the battery can lose up to 40% of its charge, and insufficient starting current may not cope with the difficulty of starting a frozen engine. In this matter, you need to find a middle ground, since options with a high starting current are quite expensive.


The battery can be with direct or reverse polarity. This means that the terminals can be in opposite places. It is worth considering this when choosing a device. The cost of models with reverse polarity is somewhat lower, but installing them on Kalina, where direct polarity is provided, will not be easy.

Load fork test

Mandatory procedure before purchase. Usually, sellers themselves, without unnecessary requests, perform a load fork test in front of the buyer. To do this, voltage is applied to the battery for at least 10 seconds. The battery charge during this time should not drop to less than 9 V, otherwise it is not worth purchasing the device.


If a manufacturer gives a guarantee for its product for up to 5 years of operation, this indicates reliability and high quality. But the price tag for such batteries is unreasonably high. The optimal warranty period at an affordable price is from two to three years. These are honest numbers that correspond to the service life of the battery. If the warranty is only for a year, this is a reason to think about it. A short warranty period is given for a reason; it is not recommended to buy such products.

Budget models

If your budget is very limited or you simply do not want to spend a lot or almost a lot of money on a battery, then we are ready to advise you on very good batteries in a low price category. But already in 3-4 years of operation, there is a high probability that soon the Lada Kalina

will be on
The purchase of such a source will be justified if the car is planned to be sold, exchanged, or used for purposes other than independent driving in the near future.

The peculiarity of these batteries lies primarily in the price. As for the technology, they are clearly outdated, but this does not mean that you are buying an absolutely antediluvian thing. No, these batteries are quite modern, it’s just that their production process is somewhat cheaper than when producing higher quality ones.

You are all thinking about which battery to buy for Lad Kalina, then pay your attention to the following models:

Manufacturer (country) Marking Capacity, Ah Cold start current, A Guarantee Cost, rub.
Tyumen (Russia) Standard 6CT-60 L+ 60 520 2 years 2200 RUR
Smart Element (Russia) 6ST-60.1 VL3 60 480 6 months 2700 RUR
Kursky (Russia) 6ST-60 N 60 450 1 year 2800 RUR

By choosing from the batteries presented in the list, you can also select the best one. Kursky can be safely included among these. This source is made using the latest technologies, they allow you to achieve high capacity values, but take into account the inrush current during a cold start. While saving not so much money compared to the original battery, you will get a less powerful source, which, perhaps, at the first frost will reduce its capacity. This usually happens due to improper use and improper care.

If all the same after replacing with Lada Kalina

light comes on then most likely you have an electrical problem. It will be fixed for you by specialists from our partner auto center quickly and efficiently. We carry out diagnostics of the battery on the Lada Kalina ourselves in any of our stores, the diagnostic service is free.

Antimony battery

The founder of all lead batteries. It got its name from the addition of a small percentage of antimony to lead, which made it less “soft.” Due to the rapid process of electrolysis, when when charging from 12.5 V to 12.7 V, it seems that the electrolyte is boiling, the expression “the battery is charged if it boils” arose.

The advantage of such batteries is their lead plates, which are strong enough to withstand deep discharges and not crumble. The disadvantage is the need to constantly monitor the electrolyte level in the banks. The liquid takes up more volume than the plates, which means that such batteries are limited in capacity and inrush current.

Antimony batteries are difficult to maintain due to the fact that they cannot be made sealed. The violent release of gases from electrolysis can simply rupture the housing.

What else is important when choosing a battery for Kalina

It is important to remember that the battery for Kalina (whether it is a station wagon model or another modification) is relatively small. Therefore, batteries with a large capacity can not be considered - it won’t take much energy to spin up the engine. Unless, of course, your plans include “stuffing” your car with all sorts of electronics. If this is still planned in the future, you will have to think about an option with a large capacity.

When it comes to battery capacity, it is generally better to avoid extremes. You should not buy a battery with very impressive capacitance indicators. But at the same time, it is not recommended to purchase a unit that is too small in capacity. After all, in this case it will be far from powerful.

It is recommended to choose the most optimal one. For example, a system with a capacity of 65 A/h. A device with such characteristics will cope well with energy accumulation and will produce normal power. And it will not fail in difficult situations.

No less important is the inrush current. In the case of Kalina, it is better if it is equal to 425 A. This will ensure stable operation of the battery.

Now regarding the material from which the battery should be made. The best option for the Viburnum Lada is a lead-acid device. Other types are best left for other cars.

Calcium batteries

Calcium batteries replaced the obsolete antimony batteries. Instead, calcium was added to lead plates. The choice of this element should minimize the evaporation of water during the electrolysis process. In fact, this is a maintenance-free type of battery.

Some manufacturers add a small percentage of silver to the composition, which reduces the internal resistance, allowing for increased capacitance and inrush current. Calcium devices have low self-discharge. There are more plates here, but less liquid; they do not boil, since electrolysis requires 16 V.

But there are also disadvantages - such batteries are very sensitive to deep discharges. It is enough to discharge it several times, and it immediately loses up to 80% of its capacity. It is also necessary to take into account the high cost of relatively antimony ones - the difference in price can be three times different.

Which battery is better to use? Which battery should I buy?

Of course, when choosing batteries, you should take into account the brand, as well as the power of your car. If possible, give preference to proven, reputable manufacturers. As a rule, they must be perfectly usable on the international market – this is a guarantee of quality. And, of course, in most cases their manufacturers are foreign companies. The cost of imported goods significantly exceeds the cost of domestic ones, but the quality during operation will cover all costs.

When purchasing a new battery, use professional service centers. It’s great if the purchased product is installed for you on site by the center’s specialists themselves. Your cash savings will not suffer significant losses, and your nerves will be in balance.

The next type is hybrid calcium batteries, which have an advantage over other batteries in that they have the ability to prevent overcharging. All this happens thanks to certain additives that were added to the composition of the plates. The plates themselves are made of lead - they already initially have the ability not to take on excess current. These types of batteries are mostly intended for cars that have high energy costs and a powerful engine. Hybrid calcium batteries have high inrush current characteristics.

Hybrid batteries

As you might guess from the name, manufacturers tried to combine all the best qualities from the two technologies. The battery also consists of plates, but one side is antimony and the other is calcium. The characteristics of this element turned out to be average - a universal among batteries. Water consumption is at an average level, increased capacity and starting current are not too sensitive to discharge and are in the average price segment.

Helium batteries should not be considered because of their unreasonably high price and relatively low performance that does not justify the cost, although such batteries are more powerful.

Let's sum it up

It is not easy to find the optimal battery for all characteristics. You can give preference to the highest quality and most expensive European or American batteries, but the Kalina car is one of the simplest representatives of the modern line of the domestic manufacturer. Therefore, this machine does not require any additional means or expensive types of equipment. For Kalina, you can easily buy an inexpensive domestic battery and get fairly high quality equipment operation in the most difficult conditions.

If you expect that a car with a battery twice as expensive as a domestic one will drive better, then you should immediately renounce the expensive purchase. Kalina is a budget domestic vehicle that requires normal, but not too expensive, care. It makes no sense to install an expensive foreign battery on a domestic car. But factory battery options are not the best choice. AvtoVAZ has never been able to choose high-quality batteries. What battery would you recommend for Kalina?

Removing and installing the battery

You can remove and install the battery only in strict compliance with the order of connecting/disconnecting the terminals, as well as the polarity. The process looks like this:

  1. Open the hood.
  2. Remove the cover from the “+” terminal.
  3. Loosen the bolt connection of the negative terminal and disconnect it.
  4. Loosen the bolt connection of the “positive” terminal and disconnect it.
  5. Remove the battery.

Installing the battery in its rightful place is done in the reverse order. In this case, you need to be careful and take into account that any battery has considerable weight.

Selection of batteries according to technical characteristics

Thoughts about purchasing a new battery arise most often when the battery on Kalina is on fire. In this case, it is better not to put off going to the store - at an important moment the car may simply not start or stall right on the move. The battery for a car of this model must meet the following requirements:

  • The battery capacity must be at least 60 Ah, since 55 Ah may not be enough;
  • The battery on Kalina is charged in accordance with direct polarity;
  • The battery dimensions should be approximately 242*175*190 mm (standard battery size included with Kalina);
  • starting current power is at least 400 Amperes.

When living in the northern regions of Russia, you should also pay attention to the maximum operating temperature - it should be as low as possible so that the engine can operate without problems even in severe frosts

Charging the battery

The battery itself does not produce electric current; its function is only to store it. The necessary supply of electricity in the battery is maintained by the generator, constantly recharging it. The battery life depends on the number of charge and discharge cycles. The more there are, the smaller the capacity becomes. Gradually, the battery is able to store less and less current - eventually there may not be enough to start the engine. In this case, you can revive the battery and charge it using various devices.

Before you start charging, there are several important factors to consider. The charging current should correspond to 10% of the rated capacity, that is, if the latter is 55 A/h, then the optimal current should be no more than 5-6 A. The voltage at the terminals should exceed the rated voltage by 10%. If a charged and serviceable battery shows 12.6 V, then the voltage at the charging terminals should be 13.86 V. The battery must be properly charged for a long time and at low current values. You can quickly charge the battery at a current of up to 30 A, but this method is detrimental to the plates.

Preparing to charge

Before charging the battery, you need to make sure it is discharged, and to do this it should be removed from its original place. During operation, a natural discharge is observed, but the device can also discharge due to damage to the case, when the electrolyte leaks through cracks and the chemical process is disrupted. The presence of a crack can be detected by severe oxidation of the terminals. Operation of such a power source is prohibited.

Manufacturers often use a special indicator plug, the color of which can be used to determine whether recharging is needed. All information can be found in the product passport.

The easiest and most effective way to check the charge level is to measure it with a multimeter. The device will show the exact voltage. Based on these readings, a decision is made about the need for charging.

The next step is to check the electrolyte level. This can be done through the filler holes. The electrolyte must completely cover the plates, be transparent and clean, no debris or clouding is allowed. If the level is low, you need to add distillate.

Select the vehicle modification to search for battery

Engine: volume - 1.4 liters, power - 90 hp, type - petrol, model - VAZ-11194. Drive: front. Year of manufacture: 2008-present. time

Engine: volume - 1.4 liters, power - 88 hp, type - petrol, model - VAZ-11194. Drive: front. Year of manufacture: 2008-present. time

Engine: volume - 1.6 liters, power - 82 hp, type - petrol, model - VAZ-21114. Drive: front. Year of manufacture: 2004-present time

Engine: volume - 1.6 liters, power - 84 hp, type - petrol, model - VAZ1110. Drive: front. Year of manufacture: 2010-present time

Engine: power - 82 hp, type - electric motor. Drive: front. Year of release: 2013-present time

In the next step, for an expanded selection, you can enter the vehicle's Vin code to go to illustrated catalogs, where you can find the layout of parts down to the bolt and duplicates that are not in the catalog of analogues.

Why is it better to install a high-quality battery on Kalina?

For any car, the quality of the battery will play a very large and noticeable role. It is important to obtain not only high quality operation of the module itself, but also to power the entire on-board electrical system in order to obtain high-quality operation of the vehicle. When choosing a battery for Kalina, pay special attention to what features the sellers offer you. If the store has a wide range of batteries, there are several brands in the full model line, you can take the battery and safely install it in your car. The main benefits of buying a good battery will be the following:

  • optimal possibilities for operating vehicles in the cold season, when there is usually not enough battery charge due to the active use of electrical appliances;
  • quite normal starting of the car both in severe frosts and in fairly high temperatures, no problems with engine cranking;
  • implementation of all the necessary functions and additional equipment, such as normal music, excellent optical add-ons for your car;
  • high-quality operation of all instruments, fairly bright lighting of the dashboard and other interior elements that depend directly on the battery;
  • constant and uninterrupted operation of the on-board computer, which, if the battery is of poor quality, can malfunction and turn off without permission.

Such features make the purchase of a battery one of the most important steps in the process of operating a car. So it will be much better if you buy a battery with the confidence that you are paying money for a truly working piece of automotive equipment. Take advantage of the suggestions of professionals, carry out a high-quality selection of your battery, and comply with the necessary technical specifications. This way you can quite easily get excellent operating capabilities of the car, reliability of its ride and quite noticeable qualities, especially during the period of winter use of all technical components and assemblies of the car. If the battery in your car runs out on the road, it makes sense to watch a video about the process of lighting a cigarette from another car:

Selection by capacity and starting current power

Since the original battery on the Grant is installed with a capacity of 55 Ah, you should not violate these requirements. It won't be any better for two reasons:

  • Firstly, the battery will not be fully charged, which may affect its service life
  • Secondly, the generator will constantly work at maximum to try to charge the battery, resulting in excessive heating of its parts and even failure of some of them.

From personal experience of using a battery with a capacity of 65 Ah, I can say that in half a year I had to change 3 diode bridges. But as soon as I changed the battery to a 55, such problems no longer arose.

So, of those considered with a capacity of 55 Ampere hour, I liked Bocsh Silver, the price of which was 3,450 rubles. Silver class are batteries that can confidently start the engine even at the lowest temperatures. So, if the winters in your region are very harsh, then I recommend taking a closer look at these models.

Regarding the starting current, I can say the following: on my native AKOM this value was only 425 Amperes, which was clearly not enough in severe frosts. But on the Bosch I chose, the starting current was 530 Amperes. Agree that the difference is simply huge. After purchase, I tried to start it at -30 degrees, and there couldn’t be any hint of “electrolyte freezing.”

In general, I was pleased with the choice, and I hope that the battery will serve its 5 years on my Grant. After all, such a period is far from the limit for a German manufacturer!

At the beginning of October we visited a completely new enterprise producing batteries. In addition, it is going to become one of the suppliers of its products to JSC AVTOVAZ and its joint

with General Motors, an enterprise, and this is doubly interesting.

It all started with the fact that a certain proactive group of managers thought that, despite the abundance of factories producing batteries in the country, the Volzhsky Automobile Plant was forced to purchase batteries abroad. The main supplies are currently being made from Ukraine, which, against the backdrop of the latest increase in import duties on Russian cars, does not look entirely appropriate, although in terms of price-quality ratio, Ista batteries are quite acceptable.

And then the Tudor company, part of the Exide group and controlling 45% of the battery market in Europe, arrived in time with a proposal to build a modern production facility on Russian territory. In general, the interests, as they say, coincided. It remained to find suitable areas near VAZ, and they soon turned up in the city of Zhigulevsk, which is located on the opposite bank of the Volga. The local Energotekhmash plant has not been very spoiled with orders recently.

For the construction of the plant, 11,200 square meters were cleared of old equipment. m of production buildings, and also brought in a new one - 2001, which indicates the use of truly new technologies. Which ones exactly?

If we talk about the batteries themselves, they use calcium-calcium (Ca-Ca) technology. This means that the composition of the active mass of positive and negative plates includes the above-mentioned element instead of the usual antimony. The plates themselves are also unusual. They are made mechanically from lead tape, which is simply cut, holes are punched in the plates, and then their walls are also stretched.

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Thus, harmful lead casting is eliminated from the process, the plates are smaller and lighter than usual, and the active mass is better retained on the inverted jumpers. In addition, one of the plates (positive or negative) is placed in a special bag that prevents the active mass from shedding and short-circuiting the plates to each other.

Now at AKOM they enclose a negative plate in a package, which somewhat reduces the starter current. but increases durability. All these methods make the battery virtually maintenance-free. increase its reliability and stability of technical characteristics, and the active mass used increases the capacity with the same dimensions.

Now about the technologies used in the production of rechargeable batteries. This is what we saw when we visited the plant.

The first is a wet floor made of a special moisture-resistant material, constantly watered. This is done so that people do not breathe dust that settles on it from the air, including lead. The air itself is purified by a modern Swedish closed-cycle system. The water also does not disappear anywhere, but, after undergoing purification and demineralization in a special apparatus, it is used to prepare the electrolyte.

Second: very few people are involved in the production process. Most operations are automated. Here, for example, is a machine for producing cases. All that is required is to pour granulated polypropylene into it and add dye, and then just have time to store the finished boxes. By the way, the material for the cases is supplied from Korea, because domestic manufacturers set such prices that it turned out to be economically unprofitable to buy from them.

Next, the cases go to two assembly lines, where they are filled with packages of plates (currently supplied by Tudor). At each stage of assembly, be it welding plates, installing jumpers, top cover, etc., there is an automatic check for short circuits, conductivity and tightness of the housing.

If a defect suddenly occurs, the smart machine itself will remove such a battery from the line. Next, the finished batteries are transported along the conveyor to the electrolyte filling area. It, like the process of preparing electrolyte, also does not require the constant presence of a person, and only for charging a person is needed to put on and remove the terminals of the charger in time.

After charging, some of the batteries go to a stand where the computer subjects them to comprehensive testing, and if it doesn’t like something, it will reject the battery and issue a printout of all the parameters upon request. Such strict control at all stages of production allows us to eliminate the release of low-quality products.

The young enterprise has truly ambitious plans. Thus, at the first stage of development, which should be completed in 2003, it is planned to invest 3.3 million dollars in the plant, and soon the enterprise should reach a design capacity of one million batteries per year, or 4120 per day (at the time of our visit it was already more than 2000 batteries were produced per day).

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At the second stage, it is planned to invest another 9 million dollars to create an integrated production, in which almost all components will be produced at the plant. The third stage involves the introduction of technology for recycling used batteries. Moreover, on the territory of Russia it is planned to build several plants for their disposal, processing and remelting of lead. And that’s not all.

Thus, this project is beneficial to everyone: foreign companies receiving their profits, domestic enterprises loading their idle space, consumers purchasing world-class products, and, of course, the state, which, in turn, increases employment and receives stable taxes and modern technologies.

Alexander ALESHIN "Exchange Plus AUTO" N44, 06.11.2002

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