Repair kit for windshield wiper trapezoid Lada Kalina

Replacing the motor and trapezium wipers

The front windshield wiper on the Lada Priora has a design similar to the tenth family, so this repair will be similar. But still, some points will be different. So, repair or replacement of some parts usually occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Windshield wiper motor failure
  2. Trapezoid failure
  3. The occurrence of increased play in the operation of the trapezoid

To make repairs or replacements yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • Ratchet handles
  • Extension
  • Head for 10 and 13 mm
  • Sharp knife or screwdriver
  • Phillips screwdriver

How to remove the trapezoid assembly

Before proceeding with the removal, it is necessary to remove the wiper arms, as well as the plastic lining at the very bottom of the windshield, which I wrote about in the instructions for replacing the Kalina cabin filter. There you will need just TORX T20.

After these pads are removed from the car, you can begin to unscrew the bolts and nuts securing the trapezium itself. First, unscrew the bolt on the left, as shown in the photo below:

Then in the center:

And you also need to unscrew one nut on the right side, it’s best to use an open-end wrench there:

Now there is nothing holding the trapezoid and now you can tilt it slightly forward:

To remove it from its seat:

And in order to finally remove it, all that remains is to disconnect the power plug of the motor. It was not possible to photograph everything in its original form, but there is nothing complicated there - bend the latch and pull the plug towards you. You will also need to remove it from the hole in the body in which it is mounted on a latch (clip). Here it is after removal:

For Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora

The resistor shown in the photo is responsible for the number of strokes. Our task is to replace (using a soldering iron) it with a resistor with lower resistance. To get two sweeps of the wipers after washing the windshield, it is enough to solder a resistor with a resistance of 47 to 68 kOhm (0.25 W). To make three swings - from 70 kOhm. The result of the modernization on video:

It is worth noting that on sale you can find a wiper relay with advanced capabilities:

  • There is a pause adjustment, that is, you can set any time between sweeps of the wipers;
  • Three strokes after the washer, instead of four (there is no problem with the wipers squeaking on the glass);
  • After the washer, the first stroke is delayed.

However, replacing a resistor in a relay yourself will cost only 5 rubles, and a functional relay will be 70-100 times more expensive.

Do-it-yourself replacement of the Lada Granta windshield wiper drive - step-by-step instructions

1. First of all, remove the wipers. This is done in the following way: it is necessary to remove two decorative plugs, under which there are mounting nuts with a key size of “13”, they must be unscrewed, and the windshield wipers must be removed from the slots along with the brushes and leads.

Note: After removing the wipers, do not turn them on so as not to have to worry about adjustments during assembly.

2. Next, you need to remove the frill (decorative plastic trim), for this you will need an “asterisk” - TORX T20.

Note: Some mounting screws are hidden under decorative caps.

3. Using a “10” key, you need to unscrew the nut (on the right), as well as 2 bolts (on the left) securing the trapezoid.

4. Now you can turn off the power; to do this, disconnect the wire from the battery and disconnect the connector. Now you can safely remove the entire trapezoid assembly.

5. Next, everyone can do their own depending on the need, some will have to replace everything, and for others it will be enough to wash everything and lubricate it properly.

Do-it-yourself troubleshooting

When the drive works when the wipers are turned on, but the wipers do not move, repairing the trapezoid in such a situation will come down to replacing the bushings.

To do this, you need to remove the trapezoid, which is located under the plastic decorative trim under the windshield. Windshield wiper repairs are carried out in the following order:

  • unscrew and remove the windshield wiper blades along with the leads;
  • unscrew and remove the plastic cover, for which you will need a TORX T20, or “star”;
  • unscrew the trapezoid, which is attached to the car body with a nut and two bolts;
  • disconnect the windshield wiper drive from the battery;
  • remove the trapeze together with the drive.

If you do not remove the trapezoid, then when installing the bushings you can bend the hinges, which will lead to improper operation of the wipers. Therefore, it is better to remove the entire trapezoid and replace it not with weight, but with emphasis.

The destroyed bushing is immediately visible. It can be simply removed using wire cutters. To insert a new one, it and the locking ring must be steamed in hot water, otherwise it will not be possible to put it all on the hinge. Before putting on the locking ring, the bushing should be treated with lubricant (for example, lithol). All disassembly and assembly work takes a maximum of 40 minutes.

Possible causes of problems

Some experts argue that if the windshield wiper blades do not work when turned on, then the most common reason for this is a failed fuse. In this case, no special efforts will be required to fix the problem. You just need to open the fuse box cover (on the left under the steering column) and find the appropriate fuse. A diagram printed on the inside of the lid will help you do this.

If the wipers do not work intermittently, then the relay may have failed. It is located in the same place as the fuses. It needs to be replaced with a new one. But, as statistics provided by owners of Lada cars show, fuses or relays blow out quite rarely.

A very common reason why the Lada Kalina windshield wiper blades do not work is the destruction of the bushings. As experienced drivers say, plastic bushings fall apart very quickly - their service life is at most 3 years.

Perhaps the reason for their destruction is the quality of the plastic. But, alas, there are no other bushings. The repair kit can be found in specialized auto stores.

When the wiper drive does not work, the reason may be a failure of the motor that drives them. To find out whether the electric brush drive has really burned out, you need to check whether electricity is supplied to it. This can be done using a tester. If power is supplied, then the overheated motor needs to be replaced.

How to determine that a trapezoid is “kirdyk”

Kirdyk is a slang word meaning an extremely bad situation.

It happens that the retaining ring of the bushing breaks and the rod simply flies out.

The slightest disturbance in the operation of the trapezoid can lead to incorrect operation of the wipers. Usually this part is replaced with a new one, although in some cases you can get by with installing a repair kit. Its cost is significantly lower than the price of the entire part, although repairs will take much more time. Here is a list of the main signs by which you can determine that a part will soon fail:

  1. Windshield wipers begin to do their immediate job poorly. This occurs due to the weakening of pressure.
  2. An unusual noise is heard during operation.
  3. A backlash appears, which can be determined even visually, since the glass will be difficult to clean.
  4. It happens that the brushes move in one direction easily, but back with difficulty, constantly slowing down.

All these problems lead to the fact that the windshield remains dirty, with streaks and smudges.

What to do if the wipers stop in the middle of the glass

Car wipers are an integral attribute of any car, which, as a rule, is remembered only in the event of any precipitation (rain, snow). In poor visibility conditions, wipers clear the car's windshield, providing the driver with the necessary visibility.

In general, the design of automobile windshield wipers ensures that the wipers operate in three modes:

The three-speed windshield wiper system is one of the weakest points of any car. This is especially true for domestic cars, in which quite often the wipers do not return to their original position during operation, but stop in the middle of the glass.

Also check out

  1. Remove the plastic plug, unscrew the 2 nuts to “13”, then the wipers with their leads.

  1. Remove the frill using a TORX T20 socket. Perhaps some of the bolts will be covered with plugs.

  1. Using a “10” wrench, unscrew the nut on the right side and the 2 fastening bolts securing the trapezoid to the body, and then on the left side.

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery, disconnect the connector and the trapezoid with the wiper motor.

  1. Install a new trapezoid. Reassemble everything in reverse order. At the end of the work, adjust the cleaner brushes.

Removing and installing the Kalina windshield wiper motor

The motor itself is connected to the wiper trapezoid by 3 bolts and one nut. First, unscrew these three bolts with a 10mm head:

And then the nut that secures the trapezoid lever to the motor shaft:

And after that you can remove the motor, since there are no more fasteners:

If necessary, we replace the motor and trapezoids, or buy the entire structure assembled and install it in the reverse order. During removal, it is advisable to note the position of the trapezoid lever relative to the body, so that later you can install everything exactly the same! The price of a trapezoid assembly with a motor for Kalina is about 2,000 rubles, and individually these parts are almost equivalent.

Many Lada owners are faced with the fact that the Kalina windshield wiper trapezoid fails. It turns out this problem is quite common. Either the wipers work slowly or they touch the side pillar, although the length of the brushes is normal. And it also happens that right on the road during rain, the glass will stand in the center and the windshield wipers on the Kalina will not work.


If you do not know which windshield wiper blades are best to choose, then first of all you need to consider the size of the wipers. Today, the domestic market offers many different variations of purifiers. Moreover, the size of the windshield wiper blades determines how well and efficiently the glass will be cleaned. Front wipers should always be larger than the rear ones, since the view of the situation on the road is mainly through the mirrors, not the glass.

Set of frame brushes

When choosing wipers for Kalina, you should be guided by the following dimensions:

  • The longer wiper (facing the driver) should be 24 inches long;
  • The passenger windshield wiper should be about 16 inches;
  • As for the rear window, you can also choose a 24-inch wiper, but for better cleaning it should be rounded.

Recommendations for selection

Let's consider several product manufacturers:

  1. Frameless Bosch Aerotwin. Belgian-made products are equipped with native fastenings; the main advantage is a long service life, as well as aerodynamics and the absence of extraneous sounds during operation.
  2. SWF VisioNext - also of the frameless type, equipped with a hook type mount. The products are manufactured by Valeo, which also produces many other types of components and parts for cars.
  3. Bosch Twin Spoiler frame brushes. Dimensions fit standard Granta windshield wipers. Despite the fact that the products are frame, they are quite reliable and have a long service life.
  4. Champion Aerovantage. This manufacturer has been on the market for quite a long time, during which time it has been able to win the trust of many of our compatriots. The products belong to the premium segment of the market and are equipped with a steel frame.

What are the causes of breakdowns?

The most likely factor causing the wipers to stop is the blown working element in the fuse. Eliminating this malfunction involves performing the simplest action - replacing the fuse link. It is located in the corresponding mounting block, located on the left side of the steering column. It will be useful to stock up on a fuse diagram, which will help you easily find the insert we need.

When the purifiers stopped functioning intermittently, the control relay most likely became unusable. This component is also located in the previously designated block. When a relay fails, it is replaced with a new analogue. However, we note that according to numerous reviews from owners of domestic small cars, certain statistics have been formed indicating the small number of cases of breakdowns of this kind.

The most common cause is the destruction of bushings. They are made of plastic, so they do not boast a long service life, which reaches a maximum of three years. The process of destruction of elements is primarily influenced by the quality indicator of the material. Here, the only effective measure is replacement, and to carry it out you should acquire a repair kit, which is available at a specialized retailer. In this case, the trapezoid is replaced.

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