Primrose, Snow Queen and Peanut: remembering the paints and colors of Soviet cars

The catalog contains car colors of Russian and foreign car manufacturers. Basically, these colors refer to Mobihel and Duxone paints, the car enamels and coatings of which correspond to the popular colors of Lada VAZ and GAZ cars. But despite the fact that the paint codes given in the table correspond to domestic cars, these same colors are also used in the foreign automobile industry, they just have a different coding.

Please note that colors on a computer screen cannot convey all shades of car enamels, especially metallics, which “play” in the light and shimmer. Flower images shown are for reference only. You can roughly select a color, but only catalogs (fans of colors) can give you a real idea of ​​car colors; they can be found in car paint stores or from colorists.

Automotive paints (auto enamels) are divided into two main groups: metallic and non-metallic. They differ in that the first has a pearlescent tint, while the second does not.

Click on a color swatch to find a photo of a car in that color. And if desired, the table can be sorted by clicking on the heading of the desired column.

The warranty card will help you determine the color shade of the body on the VAZ 2113, VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115.

The information is also on a paper sticker, which is usually placed on the trunk lid or hood.

For convenience, we have prepared two tables for you.

The first lists all the colors of the VAZ 2114 (2115, 2113), sorted by number.

By color number

Color codeNameApproximate viewMetallicDescription
105Franconia+dark cherry-raspberry
190California poppy+golden red
192port wine+dark cherry
206melt water+light gray
239Nevada+silver gray beige
240White cloudwhite
262bronze age+beige-brown
281crystal+light gray
290South Cross+grey-beige
347inca gold+golden dark green
363tsunami+dark green
391Robin Hood+black with emerald green tint
412regatta+silver-dark blue
426muscari+Navy blue
429Perseus+Navy blue
453capris+dark blue-green
495Moonlight+light blue
513black Pearl+silver brown
606Milky Way+graphite metallic
627honeysuckle?steel gray
328Nice+dark blue-green
630quartz+medium gray-green
633borneo+dark silver gray
660altair+silver light gray
690snow. Queen +silver
790coriander+golden brown

Where to find the vin code

VIN numbers are often located on door surfaces and under the hood. On many cars it can be seen in the trunk under the spare tire.

In foreign cars

On foreign-made cars, the location of the VIN code is different:

  • On Hyundai Solaris it is located on the driver's door. The code may also be located near the power unit. Having deciphered the wines, you can determine the desired shade from the catalogue;
  • You can find out the paint colors on a Ford Focus by looking under the hood - the VIN is located near the engine. In some models, the manufacturer placed it on the driver's door;
  • On the Nissan Almera, the paint markings are located under the hood. You should look for them near the windshield;
  • On the Chevrolet Lacetti, the paint shade code is located near the radiator near the power unit. It can also be found near the engine or windshield;
  • Car manufacturer Mazda places numbers on the pillars or near the engine. Sometimes the identification number is located on the passenger door;
  • In most Toyota cars, the color of the body enamel is indicated on the internal reinforcements of the front doors;
  • In Peugeot, the plate is attached to the front pillars.

In some cars the VIN is placed in the door frame.

For domestic cars

On Russian-made cars, the nameplate with the VIN is placed on the trunk lid. Another popular place is the engine compartment. This is where the color code and markings on AvtoVAZ models are located.

In some domestic models, colors are designated by names, for example, “white cloud”. In such cases, the car paint number should be looked for in the catalog. However, it is not enough to just determine the LMB code.

The enamel may be exclusive - in such cases its designation is only available in unknown catalogues. If the paint manufacturer is not indicated, it will not be possible to accurately determine the paint number. In addition to determining the numbers, you should find matches for the paint and varnish material in catalogs.

Selecting paint for older models is difficult because the information you are looking for is not indicated on the VIN. There is only basic information there. The paint color on many cars began to be indicated in the form of a code only in 2013. In other cases, the required shade can only be selected using spectral analysis.

On years

The colors of VAZ 2114 by year of production are presented in the following table

Year of issueColor codeNameApproximate viewMetallicDescription
2005105Franconia+dark cherry-raspberry
281crystal+light gray
347inca gold+golden dark green
453capris+dark blue-green
606Milky Way+graphite metallic
630quartz+medium gray-green
690snow. Queen +silver
2006206melt water+light gray
281crystal+light gray
347inca gold+golden dark green
363tsunami+dark green
606Milky Way+graphite metallic
630quartz+medium grey-green
690snow. Queen +silver
2007206melt water+light gray
239Nevada+silver gray beige
270Nefertiti+silver beige
281crystal+light gray
347inca gold+golden dark green
363tsunami+dark green
412regatta+silver-dark blue
606Milky Way+graphite metallic
630quartz+medium grey-green
660altair+silver light gray
690snow Queen +silver
2008190California poppy+golden red
239Nevada+silver gray beige
262bronze age+beige-brown
281crystal+light gray
290South Cross+grey-beige
363tsunami+dark green
391Robin Hood+black with emerald green tint
412regatta+silver-dark blue
495Moonlight+light blue
513black Pearl+silver brown
606Milky Way+graphite metallic
630quartz+medium grey-green
690snow Queen +silver
2009190California poppy+golden red
240White cloudwhite
391Robin Hood+black with emerald green tint
495Moonlight+light blue
606Milky Way+graphite metallic
630quartz+medium grey-green
690snow. Queen +silver
2010192port wine+dark cherry
240White cloudwhite
391Robin Hood+black with emerald green tint
426muscari+Navy blue
630quartz+medium grey-green
690snow. Queen +silver
2011192port wine+dark cherry
240White cloudwhite
429Perseus+Navy blue
627honeysuckle?steel gray
630quartz+medium grey-green
690snow. Queen +silver
2012192port wine+dark cherry
240White cloudwhite
328Nice+dark blue-green
426muscari+Navy blue
429Perseus+Navy blue
627honeysuckle?steel gray
630quartz+medium grey-green
690snow Queen +silver
2013192port wine+dark cherry
240White cloudwhite
328Nice+dark blue-green
429Perseus+Navy blue
630quartz+medium grey-green
633borneo+dark silver gray
690snow. Queen +silver
790coriander+golden brown

Metallic cars

When you watch a car commercial or buy a new car at a car dealership, chances are you see metallic-colored cars in front of you. The iron parts themselves convey quality through this color. The discreet and “gray” metallic is very representative, which proves its popularity on the roads. In general, he uses metallic automotive paint as the main coating for his cars. A man needs practicality, quality and representativeness from a car. Cars of this color are the most common: go outside and see for yourself. There is no reason to believe that even black is more popular, because black cars have a huge disadvantage - if your car is parked in the sun in the summer, it gets very hot, and along with the surface, the interior also heats up, causing inconvenience. A car painted metallic does not have such problems: gray can be called the most inexpensive and common color used in paint. Moreover, the wheels, mirrors and headlights of the car are in perfect harmony with this shade, which cannot be said, for example, about bright yellow. Metallic car paint is most often found in stores.

Some general information about the color of the car

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By the color of the “iron horse” one can judge the character of its owner. It is believed that if a car has a noble color, this gives it a more stylish and rich appearance. And from here, its cost increases in direct proportion, since the more original the car, the more expensive it is.

If we mean foreign cars, then black color looks much more preferable to them than others. For the most part, this applies to executive and business class cars. But in the VAZ line, everything is a little different.

The choice of color is, of course, a purely personal decision for everyone. However, it should be understood that traffic safety directly depends on the color of the car. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is color that is for the most part capable of influencing the emotional and subconscious state of the driver, which ultimately affects the road situation as a whole.

So, black, which is the most popular color, so to speak, in the automotive world is a symbol of solidity and self-confidence. All this, of course, is good. Only in foggy weather and in the evenings, when visibility on the road is poor, does a black car pose a danger. In most cases, in inclement weather, black cars blend into their surroundings and are unnoticeable.

White is a color that perfectly conveys the shapes and lines of body design. Favorite color of designers. The owners of such cars, according to observations, are calm and balanced people who perfectly observe traffic rules. In addition, according to statistics, such cars are less likely to be stolen. As for the danger, this color, pleasant in clear weather, can pose a threat in winter, when there are snowdrifts on the roadsides. Again, like black cars, they blend in with their surroundings.

Blue-blue car colors are also not very safe in terms of safety. They interfere with a realistic assessment of the situation and distract drivers of oncoming vehicles. But green, on the contrary, symbolizes harmony and tranquility, but for some reason it is not very popular among buyers. But the owners of these cars are always reasonable and balanced.

Note. In some ways, the green color can blend into the summer landscape if you go out into the field, but there is no heavy traffic, so safety is fine.

Red is called the tone of automotive passions. The owners and owners of such cars are always strong-willed and sociable people, but quick to anger. In terms of safety, a red car is the safest, as it is quite difficult not to notice it, even from afar.

Yellow cars also indicate ease, calmness and sociability. In some way, this color can activate the brain, and this fact easily explains why these cars are remembered for a long time. Why are taxis painted this color? It is also one of the safest.

Silver cars indicate harmony, happiness and confidence. This color is usually preferred by people who want to show their superiority over others and their bright individuality. It is also considered a good color in terms of road safety.

Angkor (brown)

Description of the color of Granta Liftback “Orange”

Type: metallic, acrylic.

Color group: green, brown.


  • hides bumps and defects on the body well;
  • long lasting natural shade.


  • visibility of the car is limited at night.

Reviews about color

Kirill: I have been looking for a Granta model with an Angkor tint for a long time, since it does not show small chips, scratches, or damage to the paintwork. No matter how well you drive, a chip is a matter of chance.


Leaders in the rating: “White Cloud” and “Riesling”. It is these shades that are considered safe, with the lowest accident rate on the road.

The tone of Granta Liftback “Black Pearl” is outdated and excluded from the general list. Although at the beginning of 2015 it was quite popular. Pre-orders in showrooms were six months in advance.

The shade "Magma" Grants Liftback is often confused with "Coriander", as they have a strong similarity, especially at a distance. The list did not include the Platinum color of Grant's Liftback, as it went out of fashion.

VAZ car colors

It is noteworthy that before our man had no problems choosing a color. Car tones were limited to only a few, there was no rich variety like today. In addition, the Soviet man, after standing in line for a long time, was ready to take whatever was offered to him.

Today, when scientific and technological progress has advanced far forward, painting technologies have also improved significantly, and the chemical composition of paint and varnish mixtures has changed. To a greater extent, paintwork now serves the function of protecting the body from rust, and cars have become more attractive in appearance and brighter, but large queues for popular colors remain.

Note. The fact is that the color of a car symbolizes not only aesthetics, but also high cost, reliability and practicality.

Lada Granta

The first impression of the body of the Lada Granta, popular among Russians, is created by the color. There are really a lot of color varieties for the VAZ 2190. It all depends on the specific body type of this car: sport, liftback and sedan.

A liftback is one of the versions of this car, which is distinguished by a spacious interior and luggage compartment. The rapidity of the Granta liftback design is primarily emphasized by the color of the selected model. As you know, five primary colors of this version are available to customers.

Sporty character and dynamics, excellent handling and safety, incredibly stylish design and, of course, a huge range of colors make the Grant stand out as sporty. 12 color tones are available to the buyer of this version of Granta.

White cloud. The most popular, classic color

Brief description of the color “White Cloud” Grants Liftback

Type: auto enamel, solid.

Application method: one- and two-layer.


  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • maintaining natural color for a long period.


  • soiling;
  • display of flaws and deformations of the body.

Reviews about color

Konstantin: at the time of purchasing the car, the “White Cloud” color was not available in the showroom; I didn’t want another shade. He willingly agreed to wait two weeks for a new batch to be delivered.

How to determine the color of your car model

Determining exactly what color a car is painted is usually necessary for one reason. If the paint has come off on a certain area of ​​the body, you need to paint over the area, but in such a way that it doesn’t differ.

It’s easy to find out the color of your VAZ model. It will be enough to look at the trunk lid if it is a sedan or find it in the glove compartment or spare wheel well if it is a hatchback. In some cases, the code is indicated under the brake light on the spoiler.

Note. The number with the code is an ordinary, simple piece of paper, which the manufacturer calls Form 3347.

Experienced drivers recommend: if you find a piece of paper on the body, be sure to write down the number and name of the paintwork somewhere, as it is easy to lose the piece of paper or forget its location. After all, it can be erased over time. It is clear that it is much more difficult to find the code on used Vases.

In many cases, the body color is also specified in the warranty card for the car.

If you still cannot find the color code of the VAZ model, it is recommended to contact the dealer who sold the car or the previous owner.

There are a couple more methods suitable for those who purchased a car from some Valera, but he either does not know the code or does not get in touch himself.

Here's what to do:

  • Use the Lada painting plan used at the factory. This is easy to do if you know the exact release date of the model. But this technique has one drawback: the car must be no older than 2005;
  • Contact a professional colorist. It is enough to show a specialist the gas tank flap so that he can accurately determine the color. And that’s not all: the colorist’s services also include the production of exactly the same paint using special equipment, in the volume required by the owner.

Registration of repainting

As you know, complete or partial repainting of a car must be officially registered. In the first case, this is quite easy to do, but in the second, it is difficult.

These days, almost every motorist who drives a used car is faced with the desire to upgrade it. The ideal option is to sell the old model and get a new one, but this does not always work out for various reasons. Just in this particular case, you can update the “image” of your car by repainting the body or its individual, tarnished areas.

As mentioned above, often owners simply recognize the factory color of the car and then paint certain areas. Everything is fine, you don’t need to do anything. However, there is one caveat: over time, the paint fades in the sun, and then you have to either paint the entire car a new color (the same), or change the shade with the help of a colorist.

Whatever you say, you have to take the law into account. And new rules, introduced for no apparent reason, only spoil the whole picture. If earlier it was clearly stated what can be done and what cannot be done, today there is a kind of bureaucratic chaos. One thing is certain: it is easier to obtain documents for a completely repainted car than for a partially repainted one.

We can only hope that the kinks in the charter will be corrected soon. For owners who intended to repaint the car, it is better to update the old color using the recommendations for selecting the exact color given above.

  • Absolutely legal (Article 12.2);
  • Hides from photo and video recording;
  • Suitable for all cars;
  • Works through the cigarette lighter connector;
  • Does not cause interference to radios and cell phones.

Forum for colorists

Lada Priora in Perseus color: model features

The color of a car's body is one of the important factors in choosing a model. A rich and unusual shade allows you to stand out from a number of monotonous classic cars. Therefore, AvtoVAZ developers added a new shade of Perseus Priora to the usual colors, which gives the vehicle a solid look. The shade marking is number 429, the color itself is dark blue.

Why is the Perseus Priora color attractive to modern buyers?

A distinctive characteristic of the Priora Perseus is the color, which allows you to highlight the exterior of the car. This tone goes well with chrome inserts. The front of the vehicle with a large nameplate and shiny metal inserts on the grille will look very stylish.

Regular lenses on the headlights also look good. But to improve the appearance, it is recommended to replace old lamps with new bright lights.

In various photos of the Priora color Perseus you can see how important it is to have the right combination of body shades and the selected wheels. Good combinations with aluminum alloy wheels

The pleasant shine of the metal perfectly emphasizes the shade of the body.

Ordinary steel wheels are not suitable for a dark blue stylish car, so after purchasing a vehicle it is recommended to install original wheels. Additionally, to improve the exterior, you can perform the following equipment:

1. Install roof rails.

2. Replace running lights.

3. Install new bumpers and grilles.

4. Install new covers on the side mirrors (with the turn signals removed).

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