Salary of traffic police inspector and traffic police officers in 2019-2021

Average salary in the traffic police

Until 2011, the monthly salary of traffic cops was indeed low. For this reason, many people who trade in bribes have appeared in the ranks of traffic police officers. Fortunately, with the formation of the police, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs seriously took up the solution to this problem. One of the tools in the fight against corruption was increasing the salaries of certified employees.

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Traffic police inspectors, like other police officers, are entitled to bonuses for length of service. After five years of work, the salary increases by approximately 1,000 rubles, after ten - by another 1.5 thousand, after fifteen - by 2. Police officers, unlike civilian workers, are not entitled to quarterly bonuses. The “thirteenth salary” paid at the end of the year has recently been a purely symbolic amount - 8-10 thousand rubles. In connection with the celebration of Internal Affairs Officer Day on November 10, traffic police inspectors receive a bonus, the amount of which ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. If there are disciplinary sanctions, the policeman may lose this “bonus”.

How much do traffic police inspectors earn?

What is the salary for traffic police inspectors?

Many motorists believe that after the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, traffic police officers began to earn serious money. Inspectors are often envied, believing that their well-being is above average. Hostility on the part of ordinary drivers is aggravated by the fact that well-deserved rest for police officers is granted after 20 years of work, on average at 40-45 years. Against the background of the reform, as a result of which the retirement age increased by 5 years, this state of affairs seems even more unfair to people.

Illegal income

In the days of the police, bribes accounted for almost half of the income of traffic police inspectors. This state of affairs was considered the norm. Moreover, there were also senior inspectors and leaders of platoons, companies and battalions. After the reform, many criminal cases were initiated against traffic police officers throughout the country under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In recent years, the number of cases of traffic cops accepting bribes has decreased significantly.

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Was the reason for this precisely the increase in the amount of monetary allowance? To some extent, yes. However, this is not the only reason that there are suddenly many more honest people among traffic police officers. We live in a time when every motorist has a cell phone with a video camera. In addition, most cars today are equipped with DVRs. Traffic police inspectors are simply afraid that their illegal actions may be recorded by technical means.

It is known that the retirement age for men today is 65 years. Many people consider these numbers to be prohibitive and simply do not hope to live to see the cherished date. Police officers understand what benefits are provided to them by the state in this regard, so most of them try with all their might to stay in their jobs. Nowadays, traffic police officers prefer not to risk their shoulder straps because of bribes. Therefore, “left” income among inspectors today is a rarer phenomenon than ten years ago.

According to Rosstat, the average salary in Russia in 2019 is about 43 thousand rubles. It is easy to calculate that the salary of most traffic police inspectors does not reach this amount. It should be taken into account that the overwhelming majority of traffic police officers are men. This means that they not only have to provide for their personal needs, but also support their families. Therefore, the standard of living of police officers today can hardly be a reason for envy.

Overview of vacancies regarding income

On average, the salaries of both junior officers and the captain or colonel under whose command the regiment is located have increased gradually since 2012. Based on this, today's salary differs significantly from the legal income of that time. The table shows information taken from official sources.

Job titleTerritorial location of the departmentSalary of a traffic police inspector, rub.
Traffic inspectorVologdaFrom 35 000
Senior Inspector of the State Traffic InspectorateTomsk region, village Parabel From 40,000 to 65,000
Traffic police inspectorKrasnoyarsk Territory, Severo-Yeniseisky settlementUp to 65,000
Traffic police inspectorMoscow, st. Ostozhenka From 42,000
InspectorYekaterinburg cityFrom 28,000 to 40,000
Driver with personal transport for installation of CCTV camerasMoscowFrom 50 000

Attention! Information about vacancies is taken as of the beginning of 2021.

Employee salaries

Already in 2021, people in uniform can count on an increase in wages. However, a new principle will be applied when setting salaries. In particular, the fundamental factors in calculating the salary of police officers will be certification, attitude towards the service and personal achievements of the employee.

Features of wage formation

The following components will be taken into account:

  1. Salary. This is the main part of the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, over the past 5 years, salaries in this department have not been indexed. Starting from 2021, the situation will begin to change for the better, in particular, indexation will be carried out annually, therefore, the size of the regular salary will gradually increase;
  2. Rank. An important salary increase. The size of this payment will vary between 5-30%, and will directly depend on the qualifications of the employee;
  3. Experience. This takes into account the length of service of a police officer in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Depending on length of service, this bonus will increase the salary by 10-40%;
  4. Increasing coefficients. This includes an allowance for special conditions of service. For example, if an employee is sent to a “hot spot”, the salary increases by 100%;
  5. Additional payment for working with classified documents. If an employee has access to information that falls under the category of state secrets, he is entitled to an additional payment of 10-25%. Similar payments are due to police officers who have state awards;
  6. Supplement for academic degree. In particular, the salary of candidates will be increased by 15%, doctors of sciences - by 25%;
  7. Additional payment for filling positions. For filling management positions, a salary increase of 30-50% is due.

What does a traffic cop's salary depend on?

The salary level of a traffic police officer, as well as preferential accruals, is influenced by the position held and length of service. It is also determined how dangerous his work is. For this purpose, a special document was developed that discloses details of the amount of social security for employees in the State Traffic Inspectorate.

In addition to wages and benefits, an inspector’s income can be supplemented by the following payments:

  • Long service bonus, which is accrued every month.
  • Incentives and bonuses paid for a responsible approach to the work of a traffic police inspector.
  • Rewards for operations performed that are dangerous to life and health.
  • Allowances for promotion in rank (in fact).
  • Additional payments for serving under special conditions.

Interesting! Rewards are awarded depending on length of service, and, for example, a senior lieutenant may receive more than a colleague with a higher rank. So, if he served in the police all his life, then his bonus will be higher than a major who has less than five years of experience.

Forecast of the average salary of teaching staff in different regions of Russia

Will there be a salary increase for police officers in 2021?

Law enforcement officers experienced first-hand what reforms are. To strengthen the security forces, the requirements for police work were adjusted, the personnel and structure of law enforcement agencies were optimized, and recertification was carried out.

Rice. 1. The reform affected all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

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Everything changed except wages. In fact, since 2012, when salaries were increased by 2-3 times, the income of police officers has remained unchanged. The growth of average salaries was due to an increase in length of service and other allowances.

An increase in salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 4% in January 2021 actually neutralized the current price increase, but was unable to restore purchasing power, since over the past 5 years, police incomes have depreciated by 46%.

It is not surprising that the news about the gradual increase in salaries of law enforcement officers to 150%, compared to 2012, was received with caution. And, indeed, according to the May Presidential Decree, such a significant increase in salaries is planned, but it will occur in stages until 2024. But the new reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will start at the beginning of 2019 - preparations began in the last quarter of 2021. According to the new law, the following will happen:

  • merging of some structures;
  • transfer of some powers to other law enforcement agencies;
  • staff reduction;
  • refusal to release work units after the employee retires;
  • new certification.

Reference! There are no plans to raise the retirement age for military personnel and persons equivalent to them at this stage. However, the length of service of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will increase to 25 years from 2021.

Is it possible that the new stage of reform will again affect most aspects other than monetary allowance? Definitely, in the coming months, salaries will not immediately increase by 1.5 times. But the draft budget already includes an increase in police salaries in 2021 and the next 2 years.

Moreover, not only the salary of police officers will increase, but also the pensions of former employees.

Latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the ongoing reform and salary increase in the video:

Salary in the capital

According to statistical reports from the portal moskva.trud, the salary of traffic police in Moscow is 45,000 rubles. For management positions, earnings are about 100,000 rubles.

Open vacancies in different regions and possible salaries. Future employees with a military education are automatically awarded the rank of lieutenant.

  1. 35,000 - Perm. Conditions: 1.5 year experience, salary 35,000 or more after probationary period, social benefits. Ministry of Internal Affairs employee package.
  2. 45,000 - Krasnoyarsk. A traffic police inspector is required. Working conditions are announced after the interview. Requirements: secondary specialization. or higher education, you can do it without work experience, without health problems and a minimum of fines in the traffic police.
  3. 35,000-50,000 - Moscow. This will be the salary of a traffic police lieutenant. Social package, full time, variable schedule. Requirements for the applicant: resistance to stress, discipline, good physical fitness. Preparation.

How much will the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased?

Initially, it was planned to index the salaries of police officers by 4% annually, which was supposed to cover the depreciation of salaries due to inflation. In August 2021, the Ministry of Economic Development issued a clarifying forecast for annual inflation. A level of no higher than 3.4% was indicated, which is 0.3 bp. higher than initial forecasts. It is these indications that the Ministry is guided by when drawing up the draft budget. How will the worsening economic situation affect the salaries of security forces? Will the government reduce the indicators to the level of inflation or, on the contrary, increase them against the backdrop of depreciation of income?

The exact plans became known from official sources after the country's draft federal budget was submitted for consideration. It reflects that military personnel and persons equivalent to them, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are scheduled to increase budget allocations for an annual increase in wages in 2021 by 4.3%.

If the draft budget is approved in this version, police salaries will increase by 4.3% in 2021.

For reference! The budget includes an increase in wages for law enforcement officers for 2021 in the amount of 3.8%, for 2021 - 4%.

Similar innovations are planned for the salaries of employees of federal government agencies and the salaries of prosecutors.

Promotion deadlines

Ambiguous information is also being circulated in the press regarding the timing of the increase in wages - January, May and October are mentioned. When and to whom will payments be raised in 2021?

Rice. 2. Young people, despite the average salary level, consider working in the police to be promising

For reference! The January increase will affect, first of all, public sector employees, namely the salaries of kindergarten teachers, teachers and doctors.

There is no May increase planned for 2021. In the previous year, it was associated with a repeated increase in the minimum wage.

The main indexation of wages, which will affect the salaries of all police officers, will be carried out in October 2021. The same deadlines are indicated in the law for subsequent indexations.

What will be the average salary in the police?

The increase will only affect official salaries and payments for rank. However, this is only the basic part of the police salary, on which various allowances are added. It is their indexing that will not be affected. For example, the bonus for length of service will not be indexed, but will increase due to the actual length of service.

Table 1. Changes in police salaries in 2021

Rank/positionSalary 2021, rub.Salary from October 2021, rub.
Private5 8006 050
Sergeant6 9007 200
Lance Sergeant7 2007 500
Staff Sergeant7 8008 130
Sergeant Major7 9008 240
Ensign8 3008 660
Senior Warrant Officer8 4008 760
Ensign9 60010 010
Senior Lieutenant10 70011 160
Lieutenant11 00011 470
Captain12 00012 520
Major12 50013 040
Colonel13 00013 560
Major General21 20022 110
Lieutenant General23 80024 820
Senior investigator25 00026 075
Colonel General25 50026 600
General28 50029 730
Deputy head of department 31 00032 330
Head of department41 00042 760
Deputy minister 45 30047 250
Minister50 00052 150

When calculating the new salary of a police officer, not only wages for the rank will be taken into account, but also salaries for the position, which are also multiplied by a factor of 1.043. As for bonuses, they are calculated based on the salary. Therefore, in monetary terms they will automatically become larger.

Government salaries and benefits. service

Salary and benefits depend on the position the employee holds and how long he has been working. Also, these units are calculated based on how dangerous the work in a given department is considered. In accordance with this, a special legal act has been developed that stipulates the possibilities of social payments.

In addition to salaries and subsidies, traffic police employees are entitled to:

  • bonus for length of service, accrued monthly;
  • bonus for assigned promotion;
  • incentives and bonuses earned for a responsible approach to service;
  • additional payment of remuneration for performing operations associated with a high risk to life and health;
  • reward for service under special conditions.

Traffic police officers have the right to apply for benefits for the use of utilities, and have priority in placing children in preschool institutions and trips to camps and sanatoriums.

The remuneration is calculated at an interest rate and ranges from 10 to 40%. The longer an employee has served in the authorities, the higher the percentage he is entitled to. Please note that an employee may be provided with several bonuses, however, in total they cannot exceed the amount of the official salary.

All data regarding wages and subsidies have a legal basis, about which a corresponding document has been drawn up.

Dynamics of changes in police salaries over the past 10 years

A significant change in the amount of police pay was recorded in 2012.

Rice. 3. The actual salary of a police officer depends on many factors.

Over 5 years, salaries have not increased, but the average salary has fluctuated, which is due to the introduction of new allowances and the redistribution of responsibilities. The latest 4% indexation also had a slight impact on the salaries of law enforcement officers.

YearSalary amount, rub.
201014 000
201114 000
201235 000
201335 000
201437 000
201535 000
201636 000
201735 000
201836 000
201937 500

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Damning statistics

So how much do law enforcement officers earn through unofficial means? The picture of bribery can be observed using data from the Center for Strategic Studies. This organization conducted social experiments in 37 cities of our country, and about 10 thousand motorists took part in them. After calculating the data, the following became known.

The highest percentage of bribery is in the cultural Russian capital of St. Petersburg, here it was 44%.

In Voronezh and Krasnodar this figure is 39%, slightly lower, 38% in Volgograd, the city of Tolyatti is not far from Volgograd - 36%, in Moscow the percentage of bribes was 32%, the same data for Naberezhnye Chelny and Ufa. In Saratov and Vladivostok, studies revealed 29%. The lowest figures among the cities studied are in Tula and Khabarovsk, here 25% of bribes from the total number of payments for offenses.

Increasing salaries for police officers in 2019: latest news about the indexation of salaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

After adoption on November 21 by the State Duma and approval on November 23 by the Federation Council, on November 30, 2021, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed the federal law “On the federal budget for 2021 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2021.”
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Now it is already known exactly when and by how much in 2021 there will be an increase in the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Police salary increase in 2019

If you look at the latest data, it becomes clear that the salaries of law enforcement officers began to be indexed only in 2021, and before that, for 5 years - from 2013 to 2017, they practically did not change.

This situation defused the situation, especially against the backdrop of rising gasoline prices, pension reform and other events of recent months.

  • in 2021 by 4.3%;
  • in 2021 by 3.8%;
  • in 2021 by 4.0%.

The percentage for indexation was not taken by chance. 4.3% is the predicted inflation for 2021.

Naturally, the State Duma Defense Committee believes that the salaries of security forces are under-indexed and need a more active increase. In particular, a year ago, representatives of the Committee spoke out in favor of increasing the salaries of security forces by 50%. However, at the moment the budget provides for indexation of 4.3%.

Who should not work in the traffic police?

It is not easy to become a traffic police officer, as there are mandatory requirements. Therefore, it is worth immediately highlighting the criteria by which it is prohibited to work in the road patrol service:

  • age up to 18 years for men and women;
  • having a criminal record or probation;
  • poor health (cardiovascular diseases);
  • incapacitated individuals or partially limited mobility (that is, disabled people);
  • lack of a driver’s license, especially if they were taken away by traffic police officers during arrest for an offense;
  • conflicts with traffic police officers previously.

When will there be a salary increase in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019?

While in 2021 the increase in police salaries occurred immediately on January 1, in the year 2021 they decided to postpone the indexation to the fall.

There are many reasons for this, and the Government discussed them all at the stage of developing the draft budget, including at readings in the State Duma and the Federation Council.

We should not forget that such an increase in wages in the public sector can lead to a sharp increase in prices in stores. There are already too many changes for the New Year - you can find out about them in the article “What will become more expensive from January 1, 2021.” At least the same value added tax (VAT) will be raised from 18 to 20%.

It is already known exactly when the salaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be increased:

  • Police salaries will increase by 4.3% from October 1, 2021.

Obviously, in order to reduce inflation risks, the indexation of wages for security forces, teachers, doctors, and municipal employees has been postponed to October 2021.

Read below to learn how much the salaries of police officers will increase in 2019, depending on the position held and the assigned rank.

Advantages and disadvantages

The increase in the salary level of traffic police officers was aimed at reducing corruption on Russian roads. In general, you can notice that now they are taking significantly fewer bribes than before, including bosses. However, this became possible not thanks to successful government policies, but to an increase in means of control: voice recorders, recorders, CCTV cameras, and so on.

Some inspectors may actually reject a bribe offered for not imposing traffic fines based on personal moral convictions. While others do so only out of fear of being caught on camera. Indeed, in such a case they may face criminal penalties.

In addition to a stable salary, traffic police officers become owners of the maximum possible social package, including free travel, preferential priority enrollment of children in preschool institutions, early retirement, etc.

In the event of a penalty or violation discovered by superiors, the employee may receive a reprimand with or without entry into his personal file. And also the violator is subject to such punishment as a reduction in bonus accrual. This is a kind of deduction from a salary that he has not yet received.

Russian citizens strongly associate the appearance of a traffic police officer with a malicious bribe-taker, whose main goal is to extract at least 500 rubles from drivers. However, the times of the difficult nineties are long gone, and modern guards of Russian roads are trying to meet the requirements of standards and regulations issued by management. Based on this, working in the State Traffic Inspectorate is no longer considered shameful, but rather the opposite.

If you work in the traffic police, then write about real salaries in the comments under this article.


Salary of police officers in 2019 - tables

As you know, police officers do not receive a bare salary, but a monetary allowance, which consists of various allowances and percentages. In particular, there is a bonus for length of service - the longer you serve, the more you get. In 2021, monthly bonuses for length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be as follows:

Table 1. Monthly bonus for length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019

from 2 to 5 years of serviceon 10%
from 5 to 10 years of serviceby 15%
from 10 to 15 yearsby 20%
from 15 to 20 yearsby 25%
from 20 to 25 yearsby 30%
25 years or moreby 40%

Depending on the region, the salaries of police officers vary - the more densely populated the region, the more complex the service, which means the salary should be higher. Therefore, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, salaries are higher than in Krasnodar or Novosibirsk.

Table 2. Official salaries for ordinary and junior police officers from 2021

Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions

Police officer14101,36
Senior police officer14643,72
Deputy Platoon Leader15728,44

Centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people

Police officer11931,92
Senior police officer12474,28
Deputy Platoon Leader13559

Other areas

Police officer9762,48
Senior police officer10304,84
Deputy Platoon Leader11389,56

Table 3. Official salaries for police officers from 2019

Territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 2.5 million people

Investigator, detective, expert, specialist, inspector17897,88
Senior: investigator, detective, expert, specialist, inspector18982,6
Investigator for especially important cases, detective for especially important cases, inspector for special assignments20067,32
Department Director21152,04
Deputy Head of Department21694,4
Department head23321,48
Deputy head of department in a territorial body26033,28
Head of department in a territorial body27118
Deputy head (head) of a territorial body30372,16
Head (manager) of the territorial body35795,76

Table 4. Official salaries for police officers from 2019

Territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation with a population of less than 2.5 million people

Investigator, detective, expert, specialist, inspector16813,16
Senior: investigator, detective, expert, specialist, inspector17897,88
Investigator for especially important cases, detective for especially important cases, inspector for special assignments18440,24
Department Director18982,6
Deputy Head of Department20609,68
Department head22236,76
Deputy head (head) of a territorial body27118
Head (manager) of the territorial body32541,6

Who is the richest?

Bribes in Moscow

For example, approximately 3.5 million registered cars drive around Moscow.

If we consider that 32% of motorists regularly pay for their mistakes on the roads with bribes, and this is 1 million 120 thousand drivers, we get 4 billion rubles.

A significant amount, however, comes out. Now let’s divide it by the number of Moscow traffic police officers, and out of 3.5 thousand people, it comes out to 1 million 150 thousand rubles for each person per year. Of course, the entire amount does not go into one person’s pocket. Let’s share 25 percent with the bosses and 10 percent with the duty officer, and we’ll get an annual unofficial income of 750 thousand rubles, or 63,000 monthly.

How bribes are asked and given:

Bribes in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the number of registered cars is smaller - 1 million 300 thousand. This means that 572 thousand drivers (44% of them) do not boast of giving bribes. As a result, it turns out that the income from such activities is 2 billion rubles. Good too.

There are 2.5 thousand traffic inspectors in St. Petersburg, the income of each of them per year is 800 thousand rubles, again sharing with the authorities in the amount of 25% and the duty officer - 10%, there remains 520 thousand per year or 43 thousand rubles per month.

And here is a video on how they fight bribery in St. Petersburg:

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