We study the density of AI 95 gasoline and other characteristics

State standards applicable to gasoline

Until the end of the nineties, the production of petroleum products in Russia, in particular the production of gasoline, was regulated by GOST 2084 and TU 38.001165. These standards regulated the production of gasoline grades from A 76 to AI 96 based on their octane number. At that time, the global fuel industry was rapidly developing, cars had powerful engines, and issues of ecology and environmental protection were just beginning to be raised by individual countries. Accordingly, little attention was paid to environmental fuel standards.

Later, outdated GOSTs, along with technological progress, were replaced by newer quality standards that meet modern environmental requirements. Thus, in 1999, GOST R 51105-97 was introduced, regulating the compliance of gasoline with the requirements of the EURO 2 standard. However, in Europe at this time the issue of environmental protection became increasingly relevant. Already in 2000, a more modern environmental quality standard, EURO 3, was introduced in Europe, significantly reducing the permissible levels of metal compounds, including heavy metals, in gasoline.

Following European environmental standards, in Russia, on July 1, 2002, a new standard GOST R 51866-2002 (EH 228-2004) was adopted. This standard has already applied to the brands of high-quality high-octane gasoline Premium Euro 95 and Super Euro 98, as well as their types.

A few years later in the European Union, the EURO 3 standard was replaced by the new environmental standard EURO 4. Following this, in Russia, on January 1, 2015, GOST 32513-2013 and TU 0251-001-12150839-2015 were adopted. Both of these documents set quality standards for modern gasoline, with an octane number of at least 80 according to the research method.

After the introduction of the new EURO 5 standard, environmental requirements for fuel quality have become significantly stricter. In Russia, the EURO 5 standard has been adopted since January 1, 2021. In fact, currently all imported cars imported into Russia and the fuel produced comply with this standard. Today, technical regulations regulate more than twenty characteristics of gasoline, including the proportion of benzene, which increases the octane number of gasoline, but causes significant harm to the environment. In addition, in accordance with EURO 5 requirements, gasoline is not allowed to contain metal-containing components that form toxic compounds and seriously affect the environment.

Densities (specific gravities) of gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products

The densities (specific gravities) of gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products are used everywhere in the modern world, primarily in transport.

The most commonly used petroleum products are gasoline and diesel fuel (diesel fuel is another name), as well as fuel oil.

In particular, gasoline is a flammable mixture of light hydrocarbons with a boiling point from 30 to 200 °C, density about 0.75 g/cm³, calorific value approximately 10,500 kcal/kg (46 MJ/kg, 34.5 MJ/liter), freezing point below -60 °C. The average density values ​​(specific gravity) of gasoline, diesel fuel and other petroleum products, including AI-92 (A92) gasoline are given in the table.

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 32513-2013, all common gasolines in Russia (AI-80, AI-92, AI-95, AI-98) must have a density in the range of 720-780 kg/m. cube at a temperature of 15 degrees. Celsius.

However, the characteristics of foreign automobile fuel may differ from domestic fuel.

There is also the dynamics of average prices for petroleum products in Russia in certain years.

Note. Recently, a lot has changed - unleaded gasolines appeared in the Russian Federation, such as “Normal-80”, “Regular-92” instead of AI-93, for imported foreign cars - “Premium-95” and “Super-98”. They meet the environmental requirements for emissions of harmful substances of Euro-2 class. A further step was the development of gasolines for even more stringent Euro-3 requirements (although the EU has had more stringent Euro-4, Euro-5 requirements since 2005) for emissions: “Regular Euro-92”, “Premium Euro-95” and “Super Euro-98”, Extra-98, etc. (the names most often do not contain the word “Euro”).

Continuing the topic of foreign cars, it is useful to know that in the USA, for example, there are three classes of diesel fuel: 1D, 2D and 4D. The difference between these classes depends on the viscosity range and boiling point. 4D diesel fuels are typically used in low speed engines. 2D fuels are used in warmer weather and are sometimes blended with 1D fuels to create a qualified winter fuel. 1D diesel fuel is preferred for cold weather because it has a lower viscosity. Thus, the spread of densities for foreign diesel fuel of classes 1D, 2D and 4D, taking into account their viscosity, at temperatures of 20-60 degrees Celsius lies in the range of 820-960 kg/cubic. m. Usually, in average calculations, diesel fuel density values ​​such as 0.832 kg/l or 6.93 lbs per gallon are taken into account.

The main difference between summer and winter diesel fuel and diesel fuel is the maximum filtering temperature, cloud point and cooling temperature, which are given in the standards for this fuel. The production of winter fuel is more expensive, but it is impossible to use summer fuel without preheating in the cold season without heating it. Another problem is the high water content in diesel fuel. Water is exfoliated in the diesel fuel storage and collected at the bottom since the density of diesel fuel is less than 1 kg/L. A network plug completely blocks engine operation. For diesel fuel, the kinematic viscosity coefficient is established in the standards and characteristics.

The flash point according to the cetane number for diesel fuel should be no more than 70 ° C. The distillation temperature for diesel fuel should be no less than 200 and more than 350 ° C.

In the SI system, American gasoline has a density of 0.749 g per cubic centimeter. But Americans still use such a term as ounce. In use in the United States, the density of gasoline is measured at 0.433 ounces per inch, where 1 ounce equals a weight of 28.3495 grams (there is also an avoirdupois ounce equal to 28.3495231 grams between countries). Americans also have volume measures such as the pint (345.46 g), quart (708.72 g) and, of course, the US gallon (2834.89 g). The densities of fuels (gasoline and diesel) are not a fixed value; their viscosity depends on temperature. There are correction factors for the specific gravity of the fuel for each degree that differs from the standardized value.

(Where does the name “diesel oil” come from? Literally, this is the Russian version of the words “solar oil” from the German “Solaröl” (sunscreen oil) - the heavier fraction produced during oil refining was named so in 1857, and so named because its yellow color).

For high-speed engines, low-viscosity distillate fuel is used and high-viscosity residual fuel is used for low-speed (tractor, marine, stationary) engines. Foreign distillate oil for high-speed engines is made from fractions of hydrotreated kerosene and direct distillation gas oil and up to 1/5 of catalytic cracking and coke oven gas. Viscous fuel for slow-moving engines is a mixture of fuel oil and kerosene and gas oil fractions. The calorific value of diesel fuel (diesel fuel) averages 42,624 kJ/kg (10,180 kcal/kg).

Let us give examples of the characteristics of domestic diesel fuel (diesel fuel) for the EAEU countries. Summer: Density: no more than 860 kg/m³. Flash point: 55 ° C. Cooling temperature: -5 ° C. You should be aware that an increase in the end boiling point leads to intense coking of the burner nozzles and smoke.

Winter: Density: up to 840 kg/m³. Flash point: 55 ° C. tcool: -35 ° C. It is produced by mixing fractions of direct and hydrotreated and secondary hydrocarbons with a final boiling point of 180-340 ° C. In addition, winter fuel is produced from summer diesel fuel, adding a depressant for Pour point determination, which reduces the cooling temperature of the fuel while ensuring a low change in maximum filtration temperature. For outdated equipment, 20% kerosene is added to summer diesel fuel.

And finally, Arctic diesel fuel: Density: no more than 830 kg/m³. Flash point: 25°C. Cooling temperature: -50°C.

An interesting and practical question is how to measure the density of the fuel yourself , for example, which you currently have in your fuel or gas tank?

Remembering that the density of any substance is the quotient of mass divided by volume, we can successfully estimate the density of any liquid and solid product. We find an empty, clean measuring container with marked divisions, weigh it, pour in a small amount of fuel (50-100 g) according to the marks and weigh them again. From the result obtained, subtract the weight of the empty container. The desired density will be the result of dividing the weight of the fuel by the poured volume at a given temperature.

Carefully pour out the fuel and rinse the measuring cup. Be careful with safety precautions. It is now very easy to make such measurements. There are a lot of accurate scales on the market at very low prices in 1 g increments. For greater accuracy, check and calibrate the accuracy of the readings at your local calibration laboratory.

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Why measure the density of gasoline?

By measuring the density of gasoline, its brand is determined, as well as such an indicator as volumetric weight - a calculated value that depends on the combination of the weight and volume of gasoline. Density is taken into account when delivering and accepting fuel at a gas station, where the amount of fuel handed over by the carrier is measured by weight, and the amount accepted at the gas station is measured by volume. At different temperatures, the same amount of fuel by weight will differ in volume, as a result, discrepancies may appear in the amount of fuel shipped from the plant and received at the gas station.

In order to standardize the process of measuring fuel density, the Federal Tax Service of Russia published a Letter “On the procedure for converting the amount of petroleum products from volume units to weight units.” This letter establishes average density values ​​for gasoline brands.

Gasoline density table (average value)

Gasoline brandAverage density g/cm3
A 76 (AI 80)0.700-0.750
AI 920.715-0.760
AI 950.720-0.775
AI 980.730-0.780

What is gasoline made from?

Gasoline production scheme

Fuel is produced at oil refineries. The production process itself is very complex and is divided into several cycles.

Crude oil first enters the plant through pipelines, is pumped into huge tanks, and then settles. Next, oil washing begins - water is added to it, and then electric current is passed through. As a result, salts settle to the bottom and walls of the tanks.

During subsequent atmospheric-vacuum distillation, the oil is heated and divided into several types. There are 2 stages of processing:

  1. Vacuum;
  2. Thermal.

Upon completion of the primary refining process, catalytic reforming begins, during which gasoline is further purified and fractions of 92-grade, 95-grade and 98-grade gasoline are extracted.

Photo: aif.ru

This process, also called recycling, includes 2 main stages:

  1. Cracking – purification of oil from sulfur impurities;
  2. Reforming is giving a substance an octane number.

At the end of these stages, fuel quality control is carried out, which takes several hours.

It is noteworthy that domestic factories (in the majority) produce 240 liters of gasoline from 1 ton of oil. The rest comes from gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil and aviation fuel.

How to calculate the density of petroleum products

The density of petroleum products is measured with a hydrometer, or special, more modern devices for measuring the density of petroleum products. A hydrometer is a glass flask with a sealed measuring scale and a thermometer. A thermometer is needed to measure the temperature of the petroleum product, on which, as mentioned above, its density depends.

However, a hydrometer may not always be at hand. Then this indicator can be calculated by having a petroleum product passport with the fuel density at 20°C indicated therein, as well as a table of average temperature corrections for the density of petroleum products. This calculation method is based on the dependence of the density of the oil product on its temperature.

To determine the density by calculation method, the following calculations should be made:

  1. Find the value of its density at a temperature of 20°C in the petroleum product passport.
  2. Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the oil product.
  3. Calculate the difference between the result and 20°C, rounding it to the nearest whole number.
  4. In the table of average temperature corrections for the relative density of petroleum products (coefficients of change in fuel density when the temperature changes by one degree), find the correction for 1 degree of deviation, which corresponds to the passport value of the parameter at 20°C. The table can be found on the Internet.
  5. The correction must be multiplied by the temperature difference.
  6. The result obtained is added to the passport density value if the temperature of the oil product is below 20°C, or subtracted if it is higher.

Conditions under which the density of gasoline is determined

There is no direct relationship between the quality of gasoline (this also applies to the density of diesel fuel or the density of kerosene), since all measurements must take place at a certain temperature. The current GOST R 32513-2013 sets this temperature at 15ºС, while the previous standard – GOST 305-82 – considered this temperature to be 20ºС. Therefore, when purchasing gasoline, it is a good idea to inquire according to what standard the density was determined. Results, as with all hydrocarbons, will vary markedly. The specific gravity of gasoline is equal to its density, when the latter is measured in kg/l.

The density of gasoline in kg/m3 often serves as a stumbling block in the relationship between the manufacturer and the wholesale consumer of fuel. The problem is that with a decrease in density, the mass of gasoline in a batch decreases, while its volume remains at the same level. The difference can reach hundreds and thousands of liters, but when buying gasoline at retail this is not particularly critical.

By density, you can also determine the type of oil from which gasoline was produced. For heavy petroleum products, which contain more sulfur, the density is higher, although the composition of the original oil has little effect on most performance indicators of gasoline; the appropriate distillation technology is simply used.

AI 76 technical specifications

AI 76 gasoline was produced in accordance with GOST 2084 and had an octane number of at least 76. This grade of gasoline was widely used, since car engines of that time had a fairly simple design and did not have increased requirements for fuel quality. This brand of gasoline was widely used for both passenger cars and trucks and agricultural machinery. At the end of the 90s, with the development of automotive technology, AI 80 gasoline replaced AI 76 gasoline.

AI 80 technical specifications

AI 80 gasoline is intended for use in trucks and agricultural machinery, as well as older models of carburetor cars and motorcycles of Russian (Soviet) production. It has an octane number of at least 76 according to the motor research method, and not lower than 80 according to the research method. The density of the product at a temperature of 15°C is 700-750 kg/m3. The induction period is at least 360 minutes. Manganese content in an amount not exceeding 50 mg/dm3. The lead content, regulated by GOST, is no more than 0.010 g/dm3. Mass fraction of sulfur is not more than 0.05%. Resin content is no more than 5 mg/100 cm3. The volume fraction of benzene is not more than 5%. According to the results of a test on a copper plate, which determines the corrosiveness of gasoline, it corresponds to class 1. Upon visual observation, the appearance of gasoline is clean and transparent. Gasoline AI 80 is produced in two types - summer and winter. Summer grade fuel is used in the warm season or in a warm climate zone. Winter is used during the cold season, as well as all year round in the Arctic and polar regions.

Gasoline: brands, composition, application

Gasoline is a liquid hydrocarbon fuel that is a mixture of paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic organic substances. These are the main components of gasoline that determine its properties. Gasoline may also contain compounds of sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen, the so-called impurities.

The main parameter of gasoline is the octane number , which shows resistance to detonation. Moreover, this is not an indicator of the quality of gasoline, but the requirements that the fuel must satisfy in order to be compatible with a certain type of engine.

The octane number is determined by the research or motor method and is indicated by an alphanumeric combination. Fuels with different octane numbers have different technical characteristics according to GOST.

AI-76 GOST, technical characteristics

AI-76 gasoline is not currently available. Today it corresponds to AI-80 . AI-76 was used in carburetor engines and motor vehicles. This is a colorless hydrocarbon fuel of the second class with a boiling range of 33-205⁰С. AI-76 gasoline could be leaded or unleaded. Contained no acids, alkalis, mechanical impurities or water.

AI 80 GOST, technical characteristics

The AI-80 “Normal” gasoline grade is unleaded. It has a low sulfur content of up to 0.05%, lead - up to 0.15 g/l. Density of AI-80 – up to 0.755 g/cm3. The composition contains no metal-containing impurities. This is practically the same AI-76 fuel, but with slightly improved characteristics and anti-knock additives.

AI-92 GOST, technical characteristics

Fuel AI-92, “Regular” - until recently, was the most common in our country. Used in injection and carburetor piston engines with spark ignition technology. The properties of gasoline allow you to start the engine at temperatures from -35 to +60⁰С.

The boiling point of AI-92 is in the range of 33-205⁰С, the amount of lead is up to 0.1 g/cm3, sulfur is up to 0.05%, density is up to 780 kg/m3. There is no more than 5 mg of resins per 100 cm3 of fuel. 92 belongs to the EURO-4 gasoline group according to the European system, or environmental class 4. But well-refined 92nd can also be classified as class 5 gasoline. The environmental class of gasoline does not depend directly on the octane number.

AI-95 GOST, technical characteristics

AI-95 “Extra” is characterized by improved qualities and a higher octane number, which is why it is widely used in high-speed engines of modern cars. This brand contains a small amount of additives, is characterized by high resistance to detonation and increased vehicle dynamics. It is characterized by a low benzene content (up to 5%) and increased density - up to 0.780 g/cm3.

To increase the octane number, high-octane gasoline components . They are aromatic or aliphatic mixtures of hydrocarbon composition. In base gasoline, such additives can range from 5 to 40%.

Previously, tetraethyl lead was used to increase the octane number. But at the same time, the fuel became toxic and acquired a reddish tint. Today, dangerous leaded gasoline is banned from production. According to technical regulations, only unleaded gasoline that does not contain lead is produced.

The main GOST requirements for gasoline are regulated by document 32513-2013 Motor fuels . The following characteristics are indicated there:

  • High energy and thermodynamic properties.
  • Reliable pumpability through the fuel system.
  • Minimum volatility.
  • Anti-corrosion qualities.
  • Consistency of physical, chemical and operational properties.
  • No toxicity.
  • Detonation resistance.

Gasoline can be produced according to technical specifications (TU) while maintaining all the above-described qualities. According to the specifications, gasoline also has high characteristics in terms of traction and dynamic properties of the car.

Gasoline: hazard class

Gasoline is a flammable liquid that is hazardous to health due to aspiration, toxicity, and skin irritation. Extremely hazardous if swallowed or inhaled. According to the UN scale regulating the transport of dangerous goods, gasoline has a hazard class of 3.

Gasoline production technology

The process of oil refining is aimed at producing gasoline and other petroleum products. All oil fractions have their own boiling point, so they are separated at different stages of processing:

  1. Vacuum distillation.
  2. Thermal cracking.
  3. Catalytic cracking.
  4. Alkylation.
  5. Polymerization.
  6. Reforming.
  7. Hydrocracking.
  8. Isomerization.

Excise taxes on gasoline components

Excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel are levied on entrepreneurs and organizations. At the same time, the calculation and payment mechanism requires each participant in the circulation of fuel products to calculate the payment independently and transfer this responsibility to the next counterparty. According to this scheme, excise taxes on gasoline are distributed.

Composition and use of gasoline

Gasoline consists of hydrocarbons with a boiling point of 30-205⁰С and impurities of organic substances. The fractional composition determines the performance qualities of gasoline. The correct ratio of heavy and light fractions allows the fuel to evaporate well even in cold climates and prevent engine failure.

Classification of gasoline by composition:

  • straight-run,
  • gas,
  • pyrolysis,
  • cracked gasolines.

According to the scope of purpose and application of gasoline, we can distinguish:

  • automobile (marking A),
  • aviation (marking B),
  • industrial gasoline (non-toxic and low-hazard),
  • technical gasoline (used as a solvent, for washing parts, etc.).

The use of gasoline by grade is determined by the vehicle manufacturer. They are the ones who indicate in the operating instructions which fuel is preferable to fill the car with. As a rule, the use of higher grade gasoline than indicated in the recommendation (for example, 95 instead of 92) has a good effect on the traction and dynamic properties of the car. But using a grade lower than recommended can lead to engine damage.

Gasoline is widely used in the production of chemical products for the production of ethylene. Here, oil fractions are used that boil away at temperatures up to 180⁰C. Gasolines used in petrochemicals are called Naphtha.

Gasoline: problems and prospects

The main problem with gasoline in our country today is the high cost of a liter of fuel, the growth of which is outpacing inflation. This is due to high excise taxes on gasoline, which amount to over 60% of the cost, and fluctuations in the oil market. The situation is already being widely discussed at the government level.

The main fuel producers today are the big three vertically integrated oil companies: Rosneft, Lukoil, Gazpromneft. They are engaged in both wholesale and retail sales of gasoline. In the future the situation will not change.

Buy gasoline wholesale

AI 92 technical specifications

AI 92 gasoline is intended for use in passenger cars. It has an octane number of no lower than 82.5 according to the motor research method, and no lower than 91 according to the research method. The density of the product at a temperature of 15°C is 725-780 kg/m3. The induction period is at least 360 minutes. Manganese, which increases the octane number and is responsible for the anti-knock properties of the fuel, is contained in an amount of no more than 18 mg/dm3. The lead content, regulated by GOST, is no more than 0.010 g/dm3. However, for gasolines produced on the Russian market and meeting the EURO 4 standard, the permissible content of manganese and lead is virtually reduced to zero. Mass fraction of sulfur is not more than 0.05%. Resin content is no more than 5 mg/100 cm3. The volume fraction of benzene is not more than 5%. According to the results of a test on a copper plate, which determines the corrosiveness of gasoline, it corresponds to class 1. Upon visual observation, the appearance of gasoline is clean and transparent. Gasoline of this brand is characterized by high resistance to detonation and can be used in most Russian-made automobile engines and many foreign models.

The main parameters of modern AI fuel are 95.

In pursuit of the most suitable fuel, more and more motorists are interested in the properties of gasoline. Let's talk about the main characteristics of modern fuel.

The specific gravity and density of gasoline largely characterize its performance. In the petroleum products market, there are a large number of types of mixtures. A car owner who loves his car must understand what fuel should be used for the correct and long-term operation of the car. Let us examine in detail one of the most popular types of fuel.

AI 95 is a modern fuel composition of very high quality. The composition complies with European quality standards and meets all technological requirements. The number 95 is an indicator of the octane number of gasoline. The calculation occurs through scientific study of a specific fuel.

Average density - AI-95 - 0.750 g / cubic meter. cm.

Each composition has its own environmental class (indicated by the K coefficient). A certain composition has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as density and weight.

AI 95 technical specifications

The refueling gasoline Ron 95. Man's hand holding the filling gun. AI 95 gasoline is intended for use in foreign-made passenger cars. It has an octane number of at least 85 according to the motor research method, and not lower than 95 according to the research method. The density of the product at a temperature of 15°C is 725-780 kg/m3. The induction period is at least 360 minutes. Manganese content is not specified. The lead content, regulated by GOST, is no more than 0.010 g/dm3. However, for gasolines produced on the Russian market and meeting the EURO 4 standard, the permissible content of lead and manganese is virtually reduced to zero. Mass fraction of sulfur is not more than 0.05%. Resin content is no more than 5 mg/100 cm3. The volume fraction of benzene is not more than 5%. According to the results of a test on a copper plate, which determines the corrosiveness of gasoline, it corresponds to class 1. Upon visual observation, the appearance of gasoline is clean and transparent. This brand of fuel has improved performance characteristics. For its production, aromatic components, gas gasoline and other high-tech components are used. The peculiarity of AI 95 gasoline “Extra” is the complete absence of lead.

It should be noted that the technical characteristics of gasoline largely depend on the technological capabilities of the petroleum product manufacturer. At the same time, state standards guarantee compliance with the minimum standards provided for a particular brand of gasoline.

Basic properties of gasoline

As already mentioned, gasoline is obtained from oil, and about 50% of gasoline is produced from it. This includes petroleum gases, natural gasoline, gasoline that is obtained as a result of the cracking process - that is, these are all products that can be used as fuel in one way or another.

Ignition of gasoline is one of its main physical and chemical properties; it occurs in internal combustion engines in a forced manner: with the help of a spark. This is where the popular expression when searching for breakdowns in cars comes from: “Where did the spark go?” Yes, without this your car will not move on its own. This fuel is divided into automobile and aviation gasoline. But despite such a clear separation, both types of fuel have similar characteristics, which we will discuss below.

For quiet and uninterrupted operation of engines, gasoline must strictly meet a number of requirements, for example:

  • volatility;
  • stable hydrocarbon composition that prevents detonation processes in the car;
  • a sufficient shelf life during which it will not deteriorate and will not lose its qualities;
  • no aggressive effect on car parts, the fuel tank and the storage containers themselves;
  • environmental friendliness - the degree of emission of harmful substances during the processing of gasoline, also largely depends on its properties and quality.

As you can see, the main composition of gasoline is hydrocarbons:

Read also:

What should gasoline be like according to GOST?

  1. limit;
  2. unsaturated;
  3. naphthenic;
  4. aromatic.

In addition to them, various additives may be included to improve engine performance and improve fuel quality:

  • sulfur;
  • nitrogen;
  • acid-containing compounds.

Gasoline is the lightest fraction of oil; as already mentioned, it is obtained by distilling oil through various processes. Each type of gasoline has its own fractional composition, which determines engine starting, ease of movement, complete combustion of fuel and the degree of wear of parts. As a rule, the fraction of this type of fuel is determined by the general standards GOST 2177-99, which must be observed.

The lighter the gasoline, the easier it is to start the engine, this is especially important at low temperatures in winter or in the Far North. In order to wake up a cold engine, about 10% of the fuel needs to boil away at a temperature of 55 degrees. Such figures are suitable for winter; in summer this figure rises to 70 degrees. Thus, light gasoline fractions are very necessary when starting the engine and warming it up.

The other part of gasoline is called the working fraction; engine performance also depends to a large extent on its evaporation, namely:

Helpful information
1obtaining a combustible mixture for vehicle operation in different conditions and modes
2duration of heating, which is started by light fractions
3throttle response (if the speed limit or driving style changes, for example)

The temperature range at its minimum should contain a value of about 90%, this improves the quality of the fuel and reduces the negative impact on car parts, that is, it protects it. The temperature limit at which 90% of the fuel boils away is sometimes called the “dew point”.

Let us highlight the most important properties of gasoline from the point of view of physics and chemistry:

  • uniformity;
  • density - should range from 690 to 750 kilograms per cubic meter;
  • viscosity is an important parameter that allows gasoline to pass freely through the nozzles;
  • volatility - ensures easy engine starting and other important stages of vehicle operation;
  • vapor pressure during fuel evaporation – to avoid condensation processes;
  • combustion of gasoline is a reaction of interaction of hydrocarbons with oxygen in which combustion and ignition reactions occur;
  • resistance to freezing - this is achieved by adding various types of additives to the fuel, especially this property of gasoline, which is important in regions with cold climates.

Read also:

How is E85 gasoline made?

In our country you can find the following brands of gasoline (according to GOST R 51105-97), where the number in the name of the type of gasoline indicates its octane number:

  1. Normal-80;
  2. Regular-92;
  3. Premium-95;
  4. Super-98.

Of course, we don’t forget about innovations, for example, from such a powerful manufacturer as Lukoil, this is gasoline with Ecto additives and is expensive, but according to them, almost magic gasoline with an octane number of 100.

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