Causes. Jerking when driving or accelerating. Causes of Daewoo Nexia 8 valves twitching

Jerking when driving or accelerating. Causes.

In this article you will learn about the causes of jerking while driving.
The main causes of jerking while driving a Nexia are faulty high-voltage wires, spark plugs or throttle position sensor. The fuel and oil filters may also be dirty. Next, we will analyze each of the options in detail. Why jerks can occur, you must first understand what a jerk is. A jerk in cars, often in Nexia, is a short-term spontaneous change in the engine crankshaft speed, regardless of the position of the gas pedal. In ordinary life, a series of jerks most often occur. The extreme case of a jerk - a dip is a noticeable delay in the engine's response to pressing the accelerator pedal. Conventionally, three types of jerks can be distinguished: – at the moment the movement begins; – during acceleration; – with steady motion, i.e. with the gas pedal constantly pressed.

To determine the causes of jerks when driving a car with an injection engine, you can perform computer diagnostics, so I recommend contacting a service that specializes in repairing fuel injection systems. However, as practice shows, in most cases jerking is caused by insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel rail or a malfunction of the throttle position sensor. If you have some skills, you can determine the cause of jerking yourself. JERK AT THE MOMENT OF STARTING MOVEMENT ON NEXIA . Usually you have just started moving and trouble happens - failure or failure after failure. The most unpleasant sensations are associated precisely with the delay in the engine's response to pressing the gas pedal. Sometimes the engine even stalls. A jerk occurs when the throttle valve begins to open when the gas pedal is pressed, when, based on a signal from the throttle position sensor, the ECU determines the moment of transition from idle mode to load mode and must increase the amount of fuel supplied through the injectors. If the pressure in the fuel rail is insufficient, even with increasing injection duration, there is not enough fuel for a smooth start. JERKING WHEN ACCELERATING IN NEXIA . The cause of jerks during acceleration may be, as in the previous case, insufficient fuel pressure in the fuel rail. The electronic engine control unit, having received a signal from the throttle position sensor about the intensive opening of the throttle at a large angle, strives to maximize the fuel supply, but due to the reduced fuel pressure it is not able to do this. In addition, a specific cause of jerks during acceleration of the Daewoo Nexia may be a failure of the absolute pressure sensor (vacuum in the intake pipe) or clogging (pinching) of its hose. JERKING WHEN MOVEMENT . Such jerking is most often caused by a malfunction of the ignition system. Diagnosis and repair are required. If you are on the road, you can try to do the following yourself: – carefully inspect the engine compartment. Turn off the ignition and check the secure fastening and seating of all wires and connectors at the distributor sensor and ignition coil on a car with a G15MF engine, and the ignition module connectors and high-voltage wires on cars with other engines. Start the engine and listen to its operation.

– the crackling sound during a breakdown of high voltage “to ground” is weak, but distinct. In complete darkness, the spark during breakdown is clearly visible;

– replace spark plugs regardless of their condition and mileage. Pay attention to the condition of the spark plugs: if deviations from the norm are found, the engine or its systems may have to be repaired. A specific cause of jerking during steady motion of a car with an injection engine may be a failure of the throttle position sensor.

Additional symptoms confirming the malfunction of this sensor are the following: – uneven operation of the engine at idle; – reduction in maximum engine power. The sensor is non-separable and therefore cannot be repaired. If a sensor malfunction is detected, it is replaced as an assembly.


Nexia jerks when driving at low speeds: cause and solution

Nexia is a fairly reliable car, but sooner or later it starts to twitch at low speeds. Sometimes the check light may come on, and sometimes the jerking and jerking goes away on its own. What could this be and how to solve it? Read on to find out.

Jerking and jerking of the car can occur both while driving and at low speeds. To find the reason, just remember what was recently done to the car. This could be a new gas station, replacing spark plugs or wires, replacing filters, etc.

If nothing has been done to the car before, then try to remember the last time the spark plugs, wires, filters and how much gasoline was in the tank were changed. So, the reason that the Nexia moves jerkily / twitches when driving can be:

First of all, to eliminate the cause of jerking at low speeds, you need to unscrew the spark plugs and check the resistance of the wires. The condition of the spark plugs will be shown if any of the cylinders did not work or works intermittently.

The resistance of the wires should be small, the lower the better. If it is over 10 μA, then perhaps this will cause breakdowns and a bad spark.

Also, jerking when driving can be due to the ignition module or distributor. Therefore, try installing a known-good ignition module (coil). In addition to jerky movement, the car may periodically stall.

How to prevent breakdown

To avoid all the problems described, at least in the first 200,000 kilometers, it is important to follow the rules for operating an automatic gearbox:


How to switch from an automatic transmission to a manual transmission yourself

  • in the cold season, warm up the automatic transmission for 5 or 10 minutes;
  • do not start abruptly and when it is cold. Automatic machines do not like hard starts, especially CVTs;
  • change the oil and filter device every 30,000 thousand kilometers;
  • fill only original oil and avoid fakes;
  • replace the lubricant after 60,000 thousand kilometers using the replacement method;
  • Do not carry cargo or other vehicles on a machine with a gun using a trailer;
  • do not skid on icy roads in winter or on snowy roads in snowdrifts;
  • Warm up the box even in summer so that the oil stops being viscous and easily seeps into all automatic transmission components.

Only following these rules will allow you to avoid costly repairs.

Daewoo Matiz Lemon Smile › Logbook › Jerks during acceleration

I wanted to create this entry yesterday, but I saw something similar from another matizovod and decided to wait: I will repeat here: The car jerks when driving, as if sneezing, traction disappears at these moments, it begins to blink check and subsequently stays on constantly. Sometimes the car sits for a couple of hours, you start it - the check light doesn’t come on and it drives great. And sometimes it sits for a couple of hours again, you start driving and it happens again. On Sunday I went to Kazan, the total distance was 360 km, the consumption on the highway was 6.5 liters per hundred - just like the previous two similar trips there, despite these sneezes. The car maintained a speed of 130 km/h as before, easily and naturally. Cleaned the injector and replaced the spark plugs. Before washing, at idle it was immediately noticeable how the engine ran unevenly, even when warmed up. Now the engine has started to run smoother, but the problem has not gone away.

I read from the link above about the adsorber valve. I opened the gas tank, drove for 7 minutes - it still jerks. Right now I parked the car in the yard overnight, I'll see how it goes in the morning.

What other options? adviсe?

Price: 2,132 ₽ Mileage: 81,012 km

The car jerks

  1. help brothers - when driving in 1st and 2nd gear, when releasing the gas (smoothly), the car jerks with a metallic knock, either in the gearbox or in grenades. I went for diagnostics with a scanner, changed the spark plugs (they said two were supposedly broken due to bad gasoline), but the problem remained the same. The chip was pulled out at the first maintenance, the car is new, the mileage is only 6 thousand km. If anyone has recovered from the same problem, please give me some advice.
  2. I have a similar issue. It’s not as tough, of course, as the author’s, but there is twitch in 1 and 2. Before the first maintenance, it twitched more strongly. I try to only accelerate in second or drive at the same speed. Now the mileage is 7k. I'm waiting until 10k..

Tell me your opinion - is this abnormal or is this jerk regular bullshit.

I have a similar issue. It’s not as tough, of course, as the author’s, but there is twitch in 1 and 2. Before the first maintenance, it twitched more strongly. I try to only accelerate in second or drive at the same speed. Now the mileage is 7k. I'm waiting until 10k..

Tell me your opinion - is this abnormal or is this jerk regular bullshit.

Of course, this garbage can’t be standard - a friend has 8 grades. no, I didn’t have up to 3 thousand either, and no manufacturer can accept units with such deviations for production - this, in theory, immediately entails consumer complaints about the quality of work. Only here you can prove to the dealer that the unit works with such nerve deviations and you will break more nerves

Elimination methods

In order to eliminate the car jerking during acceleration, you will have to check each of the following systems step by step. Thus, a lot of work will need to be done. Therefore, some knowledge of engine design and other automotive systems will be required. So, let's consider the sequence of nodes in which a malfunction could occur that caused such an effect.

The problem is with the sensors.

Poor fuel quality

As you know, there are too many fakes on the modern petroleum products market. But this is not the worst thing, but the impurities and water contained in gasoline can lead to disruption of the engine, namely the fuel supply and injection system. Of course, at a gas station it is impossible to check the quality of gasoline that enters the fuel tank. So, even at proven and reliable gas stations you can run into low-quality fuel. The only way to protect yourself is regular diagnostics of systems. It is better to pay several times for inspection than once for repairs.

Fuel system

As mentioned above, low-quality fuel causes clogging of the injection system. So, the fuel filter, gasoline pump or injectors may fail. Often, it is the latter malfunction that causes the car to begin to jerk when accelerating. Eliminating the cause is quite easy; to do this, you need to diagnose the fuel pump and replace the fuel filter. It is also recommended to clean the injectors or replace those that are faulty.

IAC and TPS sensors.

Mass air flow sensor and throttle

The DMVR and the throttle valve are inextricably linked, so diagnosing the condition of these elements should be carried out by everyone together. So, if necessary, it is worth replacing the mass air flow sensor or cleaning the throttle. This may help, but not always.


Experience shows that an acceleration problem may be hidden in the ignition system. In order to correct the malfunction, it is worth diagnosing the spark plugs and high-voltage wires, where the problem may lie. For the first, you need to unscrew them from the block and look for the presence of carbon deposits or oil. If necessary, replace the spark plugs, first setting the gaps using a special feeler gauge.

High-voltage wires should be checked for breakdowns or damage to the ignition. So, for diagnostics, a tester is used that checks the resistance of each wire. If it is discovered that one BB wire has failed, it must be replaced. The manufacturer recommends replacing all wires in one set, having first checked them with a multimeter.

Crankshaft sensor.

ECU errors

Often, as practice shows, failures during acceleration can appear if errors have accumulated in the electronic engine control unit. So, to fix the problem you will need to reset all the errors that have accumulated. If this does not help, then you should change the firmware. This type of problem elimination only works when all other causes have been eliminated, but the effect remains.

How is Daewoo Matiz diagnosed?

In order to understand what is really wrong with the Deo Matiz “engine”, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Start the engine, get out of the car and listen to the sounds coming from the exhaust pipe. The sound of the engine should be smooth; if there are interruptions, at least one of the cylinders is not working correctly. Jumps at irregular intervals indicate severe wear of engine elements (plugs, injectors). If the intervals are equal, you need to open the hood and check the electrical wiring system. All wires must have intact insulation, and the tips must have no signs of oxidation.
  • Remove the wire tips (holding the tip, not the wire, so that it does not break), unscrew the spark plugs and check their condition.

This is how it is possible to quickly detect a problem and quickly eliminate it if it is minor (for example, by replacing spark plugs or restoring the insulation of wires). However, if the breakdown is serious, it is better not to get into the internal combustion engine with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself repair of the Daewoo Nexia brake cylinder

A brake pedal that is too soft indicates a faulty brake cylinder, which can be replaced or repaired yourself. To repair a part with your own hands, you need to stock up on:

First, pump out the brake fluid using a bulb or a special syringe. Next, release the rear wheel pressure regulator cylinder using a 22 key.

Please note that you should start from the bottom of the regulator.

The cylinder is secured with nuts, which must be unscrewed, after which the tubes extending from the part must be disconnected. If you decide to install a new spare part

, then in this case all that remains is to connect it and pump it properly.

Troubleshooting the fuel pump

If the Daewoo Nexia engine begins to work unstably or the car simply refuses to start, then this may be due to a breakdown of the fuel pump, which can be easily corrected on your own.

To return the part to its functionality, you need to remove it from the bracket, and then remove the filter and hose. Next, take a screwdriver, straighten the folding and remove the lid.

In the removed cover there is a recess where you need to place a metal plate. This element can be made from scrap materials, the main thing is that it has the appropriate size. After this, the lid should be placed in its rightful place.

These simple manipulations allow you to restore the tightness of the fuel pump, however, if after carrying out this part this part is not restored, then it can be replaced with a corresponding element from a GAZ or VAZ car

Matiz 2007 twitches strongly while driving. manual transmission

Messages: 1021 Registered: July 18, 2011, 00:00 From: Tyumen Experience: 2011 Car: Kia Rio

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Matiz 2007 twitches strongly while driving. manual transmission

Post by 9zhiznej » Mar 30, 2012, 4:12 pm

Messages: 237 Registered: Oct 23, 2009, 00:00 Auto: matiz

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Post by iaska » Mar 30, 2012 04:26 pm

Messages: 1021 Registered: July 18, 2011, 00:00 From: Tyumen Experience: 2011 Car: Kia Rio

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Post by 9zhiznej » Mar 30, 2012, 4:30 pm

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Post by dino » Mar 30, 2012 04:36 pm

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Post by Autobot » Mar 30, 2012 4:42 pm

PS The check light comes on only in case of serious engine failures (or electronics glitches). It makes sense to check the spark plugs (and the HV wires for breakdown) when the engine is shaking.

Messages: 1021 Registered: July 18, 2011, 00:00 From: Tyumen Experience: 2011 Car: Kia Rio

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Post by 9zhiznej » Mar 30, 2012, 4:48 pm

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Post by FreeRideR93 » March 30, 2012, 4:50 pm

Messages: 175 Registered: May 26, 2011, 00:00 Car: Nissan Note + Matizka

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Post by Autobot » Mar 30, 2012 5:13 pm

Messages: 237 Registered: Oct 23, 2009, 00:00 Auto: matiz

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Post by iaska » Mar 30, 2012 05:18 pm

I had to fill up with crap gasoline once. and the spark plugs were black, the revs were floating...

I changed the spark plugs, bought a cleaning additive for gasoline, and it seemed to go away. No matter what you have, it’s always a good idea to change the spark plugs)

Messages: 175 Registered: May 26, 2011, 00:00 Car: Nissan Note + Matizka

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Post by Autobot » Mar 30, 2012 5:41 pm

Messages: 237 Registered: Oct 23, 2009, 00:00 Auto: matiz

Post by iaska » Mar 30, 2012, 6:06 pm

I know about the trick, but I was chatting about gasoline somewhere on the forum, there was a description of the condition of the spark plugs, and from the description I figured it out)))

I'm not an expert, these actions just helped. The fact is that this happened when I refueled at another gas station for the only time.

And I didn’t choose the additive on a whim either, but with a soft action (such as an effect on the injectors). Of course, if the car is 5 years old, and you fill in the additive for the entire fuel system, then you can get a lot of money later)

Messages: 1021 Registered: July 18, 2011, 00:00 From: Tyumen Experience: 2011 Car: Kia Rio

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Post by 9zhiznej » Mar 30, 2012, 8:40 pm

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Posted by bluebird1992 » Mar 30, 2012 9:13 pm

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