What wheel color goes with a silver car?

Reading time: 9 minutes

Car owners pay special attention to the condition of the car. Therefore, to improve the appearance of wheel products, car enthusiasts buy dyes, clean the structures from dirt, and polish them using a special machine. Even if the body is clean and new, scratched, chipped or dented wheel designs always look ugly. Therefore, to give the perfect appearance, you need to paint the wheels in a suitable color. Smooth coatings will shine and reflect light.

Painting car rims

Over time, wheel paint changes its original color. This phenomenon is due to the fact that aggressive substances or unfavorable climatic conditions have a negative impact. Some car owners like to experiment and therefore often change the color of their designs. The best option is to paint the rims yourself, using high-quality substances and special equipment.

Painting of car wheels

If you paint wheel products in a garage or other open place, then you can avoid serious financial costs. Before you begin this procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations of professionals.

To paint the wheels, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Specialized paint for structures. Today, rubber, acrylic or powder bases are sold on the market. Basically, the liquid is placed in a bottle with a dispenser. If you have money, you can purchase a spray gun.
  • Primer and varnish. The primer is the main base that is applied to the structure, and the varnish is the finishing coat that ensures durability.
  • Electric drill with a brush attachment.
  • Solvent and degreaser.
  • Putty.
  • Hairdryer with maximum power level.
  • Products that can protect the skin.

Painting alloy wheels: what you need to know

First of all, if the car has stamped wheels (steel), in this case the owners often simply sand the disk, remove rust, degrease and then paint the disks with auto enamel or special paint for disks in cans.

It turns out quickly, simply, efficiently and cheaply, but not durable. Often, the procedure must be repeated after each winter due to the fact that stamped discs quickly become corroded.

As for other painting methods, powder coating of wheels also stands out. This method is well suited for stamping, as well as cast or forged wheels. The quality is excellent (subject to the technology), however, special equipment is required, expensive consumables are needed, etc.

Powder paints themselves are highly resistant to damage. It is based on dry polymer material. By the way, powder coating is done by the manufacturers of alloy wheels themselves at the factory.

However, in artisanal conditions it is difficult to paint wheels with such paint, since the wheels need to be properly prepared for painting and “baked,” which requires special equipment. Naturally, if you are considering powder painting of wheels, which is done by professionals, the price will be high.

If the wheels are alloy, and there are no plans to paint the wheels with powder paint, then painting the alloy wheels yourself will be the best option. The main thing is to know how to do this coloring. Let's figure it out.

So, if we paint the rims of a car, the main task will be not only to restore the appearance, but also the need to reliably protect the rims from the effects of the external environment. As mentioned above, alloy wheels require maintenance during operation.

At the same time, it is important to know how to paint alloy wheels on a car.

As a rule, do-it-yourself cast wheels are usually painted with acrylic paints from a spray can. In other words, painting alloy wheels at home is similar to painting stamped wheels.

Acrylic paints come immediately in liquid form, they are easy to apply either using a spray gun, or you can immediately buy them in an aerosol can. High-quality acrylic paint for discs has good adhesion and adheres to the surface, and also forms a protective layer.

Number of paint containers

How many cans of paint are needed to paint wheels?

It is very important to take into account the advice of professionals:

  • Restoring the original color of the structure is carried out using a special dye. It is not recommended to purchase substitutes or similar liquids.
  • You should not listen to advice that, for example, you can paint the wheels without removing them from the car. If these structures are not removed, then there is a possibility that paint will get on a certain part of the calipers.
  • Rubber may remain on the product itself.
  • The final process - after applying the coloring agent to the structure, you can spread a little varnish.
  • It is advisable to purchase primer, paint and varnish of the same brand. This way you can avoid compatibility problems. For those who have doubts about the color, you can conduct a test painting of the rims. To do this, you should select a small piece of metal and start working, following all the technologies.
  • Cleaning of cast structures is carried out with sandpaper. In this option, it is not recommended to use a drill with a brush. Otherwise, the aluminum metal may be damaged.

Cleaning rims before painting

Preparatory work is carried out as follows:

  • The wheel circle must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. In this option, you can use car shampoo.
  • The most difficult part is cleaning the surface from old dirt. Sometimes rust predominates on products. Accordingly, the appearance of the product deteriorates significantly. Therefore, car owners often wonder what needs to be done to restore the original look. The more thoroughly the cleaning is done, the faster the surface of the structure will be cleaned after painting the steel disks. You can use a drill for cleaning. It is a difficult task to completely clean a disk from dirt. It is especially difficult if there is no compressor.
  • Next, you can apply a rust converter to the disc. Converters are divided into several types. Before you begin the application process, you should carefully read the instructions.
  • When the structure is completely dry, those places where there are large defects (scratches or other types of damage) must be covered with a layer of two-component automotive putty until the surface is completely leveled.

What color should you paint the wheels on a silver car with acrylic paint?

These can be completely different colors, but matte or glossy versions of blue, purple and light green shades look especially beautiful. Wheels that are painted in neon or glowing colors look quite interesting. At night they are especially attractive and visible to all road users.

Typically, designers use a color wheel to help them choose the perfect chromatic pair. Of the classic pairs, we can primarily name black and yellow, silver, red and white, black and white, green and yellow.

It is easy to notice that the above pairs of colors are contrasting in relation to each other. Such color combinations make the wheels the most expressive. However, their design can be anything you want. Today, the concept of harmonious colors has practically lost its boundaries. Some iron structures are covered with primer, and anti-gravel is applied on top.

If you replace the silver in the black-red combination with blue, then the car becomes extravagant and at the same time ultra-fashionable. But red and green are a big question. Not everyone will like this combination on discs.

What colors may be suitable for rims?

Before you paint your wheel products yourself, you need to think about how the chosen shade will combine with the vehicle body. For example, silver wheels will fit well on a white car. An alternative option is to emphasize the contrast and paint them matte black. For individual body elements, you can use a groove.

If the car has a silver color or “wet” metallic, then the disk elements are recommended to have an identical color with a milling groove. Passenger cars in burgundy, dark blue and bright yellow go perfectly with black rims or identical colors with a stripe along the rim.

For car enthusiasts who want to find a more universal option, painting the wheels in silver tones will become relevant. You can also use black metallic paint. It will give a beautiful appearance and additional shine to the disk surface.

Owners of black cars can use almost any color scheme to paint their wheels. In particular, it would be nice to combine red, bright yellow and golden tones. Organic and dark green. It is not recommended to paint it white, as it will cause dissonance with the exterior of the car.

Color plays an important role, but we should not forget about the quality of the paint and varnish material, since the durability of the chosen color scheme and the resistance of the paint to anti-corrosion influences depend on it.

By the way, the same can be said about the paintwork of the entire car - you need to choose only the best. For example, they offer a high-quality service - protective ceramic body coating.

What color should I paint the rims on a white car with acrylic paint?

It is worth highlighting the unique properties of acrylic material. According to experts, acrylic material is durable. Top coatings are durable. When painting a structure, the product does not have an unpleasant odor. After completion of the action, the material dries quickly.

Wheel rims are painted with this material in 2 colors. In this case, you should use masking tape or a special contour tape. The two-color wheel looks impressive, which is why this option is very popular.

Using this method, it is easy to paint the protectors white. It is possible to choose any other coloring agent, the main thing is that it is noted on the packaging that it is suitable for rubber.

Painting old car wheels involves the process of applying a coloring composition in 2-3 layers. Before this action, you need to heat the paint a little. Thus, the product lies on the surface more smoothly. Painting of car wheels is carried out immediately after choosing a design. If you intend to apply several colors to the rubber or have a more or less complex pattern, you should use mounting tape. With its help, you can get clear contours and lines on your car tires, and maintain the brightness and expressiveness of the color.

Painting of stamped car wheels is carried out using standard options. It can be black, white or silver. These are classic colors that usually go well with any color car. At the same time, some drivers are afraid to use brighter and more saturated colors because they are afraid of ruining the car’s exterior.

How to choose wheels to match the color of your car

Today, a car is no longer just a means of transportation. This is a sign of the status and taste of its owner, so color and design are no less important than the technical characteristics of the engine or chassis. When replacing discs, most car owners focus on their aesthetic appeal and originality. So that after such a procedure your car really looks impressive and “expensive”, let’s consider several principles of color scheme.

Wheel and body color, combination rules

  • Wheels that are too dark in color are not suitable for a white car. In this case, it is best to use silver shades. The exception is the “white-black” contrast. It always wins in appearance, and if the wheels are made matte and varnished, then your car will immediately become several points more expensive. Remember that before painting you should prepare the metal surface. More information about this is written on the sandblasting page.
  • A silver car should have wheels of the same color. The steel color is neutral, but does not “get lost” against the background of the body. The overall appearance of the car becomes light and elegant.
  • Black wheels will fit on a red car. This noble color has one important drawback - it emphasizes all the smallest surface defects. The “TuningBerg” service will provide you with the necessary types of processing before painting, so that the black color emphasizes only a perfectly flat surface.
  • Owners of black cars ask the most questions. Some people prefer the opposite contrast by installing white wheels on a black car. Others criticize them, arguing that such a combination is absurd. In this case, black wheels with silver spokes look very stylish. We will help you imagine what your car will look like with new wheels using computer modeling programs.
  • You should never match the color of the wheels to the color of the body. It looks “cheap” and unprofessional. The exception is the combination of a black body and black wheels, which we described above.

How color creates volume

Designers have long known that the volumetric perception of an object depends on color. This must also be taken into account when painting wheels. Dark colors visually reduce size, which is why chunky SUVs with big wheels usually have light or silver rims. Sports cars with low profile wheels benefit from black rims that highlight the spokes.

Number of spokes

Spokes on discs can also visually increase size. Therefore, it is better to equip small wheels with disks with a large number of spokes, while large wheels have standard 5-6 spokes and look harmonious.

Color of stamped discs

Factory models rarely differ in aesthetics and originality, so car owners themselves try to distinguish the car from the general gray mass. Stamped wheels are usually powder coated to match the body color. If you apply a contrasting layer on top, emphasizing the rim and spokes, it can look good. Just remember that some colors do not go together at all - purple and orange “do not fit” with black or white.

Alloy wheel color

Even an owner who is far from design may have problems with painting alloy wheels. After restoration, it is necessary to give the wheels a complete look, so the choice of color must be made. Here are a few ready-made solutions that have been tested by experience.

Body colorDisc color
WhiteSilver, light-colored graphites, bronze
SilverAlmost any color is suitable, silver and black are especially popular. Bright edging looks impressive
BlackBlack, silver, light graphite, candy red
RedBlack, white
BlueBlack, gold, white

There are general rules for color combinations that, like the laws of physics, exist regardless of our tastes and preferences. You don't need to be an artist or designer to understand them. Here are the basic principles:

  • Contrast: Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are combined.
  • Analogy. Feel free to choose neighboring shades. They will look harmonious and stylish.
  • Monochrome. The body and wheels are painted the same color, but different shades are used.

To ensure that the disc color chosen on paper does not disappoint the owner in reality, you need to take care of the application surface. Bumps and potholes simply covered with paint will create a mottled look that is sloppy and unsightly. Several methods are used to pre-treat discs before painting: polishing, sandblasting, diamond grinding. In each specific case they have their own advantages. What your wheels require, ask the Tuningberg service managers. They will conduct a free diagnosis and draw up an individual pre-painting plan.

Painting options

Modern painting technologies have long surpassed ordinary enamels. To make the color of the disc look more impressive and the paint to last longer, the following application options have been developed:

  • Powder coating.
  • Liquid rubber.
  • Chrome plating.
  • Acrylic.

Powder coating is the “gold standard” for car wheels. Our service has all the necessary equipment to carry out such work efficiently. To clearly show the advantages of powder paints, we provide a comparative table.

Acrylic paints:

  • Cost - The most budget option.
  • Surface requirement: Small scratches and chips can be smoothed out.
  • Durability - Unresistant to chemical reagents, but subject to mechanical destruction (friction, shock).

Liquid rubber:

  • Cost - More expensive than acrylic paints.
  • Surface requirement: Fits well on any surface.
  • Durability - Not strong enough under mechanical stress, scratches quickly form.
  • Other characteristics - Hardens quickly and is easily removed from the surface.

Powder paints:

  • Cost - Mid price segment.
  • Surface requirement: Smooth.
  • Durability - Protects against corrosion and chips for a long time.
  • Other characteristics - Parts must be heated to 250 °C before application.


  • Cost - Mid price segment.
  • Requirement for the surface - Must be perfectly flat, only then chrome wheels will look impressive.
  • Durability - Poor protection against corrosion and high temperature influences.
  • Other characteristics - The chrome plating process is highly toxic.
Acrylic paintsLiquid rubberPowder paintsChromium
PriceThe most budget optionMore expensive than acrylic paintsMiddle price segmentMiddle price segment
Surface RequirementCan repair minor scratches and chipsFits well on any surfaceSmoothIt must be perfectly level, only toga chrome wheels will look impressive
DurabilityUnresistant to chemical reagents, but subject to mechanical destruction (friction, shock).Not strong enough under mechanical stress, scratches will form quickly.Protects against corrosion and chips for a long timePoor protection against corrosion and high temperature influences
Other characteristicsHardens quickly and is easily removed from the surfaceParts must be heated to 250 °C before application.The chrome plating process is highly toxic

Powder coating provides optimal coverage of the discs. It is superior to other types in durability and protection of metal from corrosion and adverse environmental influences. Being in the middle price segment (only acrylic is cheaper), polymer paints can extend the life of parts. For more information about powder coating rims, please visit the Powder Coating Wheels page.

What is aquaprint

Everyone tries to improve their car as best they can. Some install new wheels, others change the color of the car body. However, in addition to such obvious things, changing the texture of parts using aquaprint is gaining popularity.

Many people think that aquaprint is a film that is used to cover car parts, but in reality this is not entirely true. The texture and pattern are indeed originally applied to the film. Thanks to water immersion printing technology, the design is transferred to any surface. Fixing to the part is done using a special chemical, which is an activator for the material.

Aquaprint - meaning

Advantages of aquaprint

There are several methods for applying aquaprint to structures. Instead of film, a chemical method can be used in practice. This method is considered to be of very high quality. For example, some adhesives damage the structure. In addition, with immersion printing you can get rid of scratches, strong vibrations, ultraviolet rays, and strong temperature changes.

Immersion printing is available to everyone. You can take the drawing and take it to any company that deals with this matter. Many companies offer a full year warranty.

Restoration of structures without harm to health is carried out in strict compliance with safety rules:

  • Work is carried out exclusively in a room that is well ventilated during the day (for example, a garage with an open gate).
  • It is not recommended to paint products in your own apartment, where small children or elderly people live in the same room.
  • Wear a respirator or protective gauze bandage, as well as goggles.
  • Rubber gloves are used.

In conclusion, it should be noted that preparing structures for painting is the first place where the whole process begins. Surface treatment should be done with a drill using attachments. In hard-to-reach places or on bends, you will have to sand it manually. You can rinse the disc with water a couple of times. The disc is processed both inside and outside.

Before deciding on the color of your car rims, you need to consider several factors:

  • The general shade of the car - if the tone is muted, then it is better to make the external components a kind of bright spot. On the contrary, on bright cars it is better not to overdo it with color and choose simple shades.
  • The purpose of using the car is for work and business meetings, then the choice should be made on the attributes of classic shades. For people of respectable status, golden models are suitable, for family purposes - muted ones.

What color of rims for the car should I choose?

Before deciding on the color of your car rims, you need to consider several factors:

  • The general shade of the car - if the tone is muted, then it is better to make the external components a kind of bright spot. On the contrary, on bright cars it is better not to overdo it with color and choose simple shades.
  • The purpose of using the car is for work and business meetings, then the choice should be made on the attributes of classic shades. For people of respectable status, golden models are suitable, for family purposes - muted ones.

Steel wheels

When decorating a car, it is very important to choose the right color for the wheels. Steel options are a great choice for many car models, because they look very harmonious and uniform with the car body of any color, since the steel color is neutral.

The main metal part of the wheel in a steel shade makes the car look light, updated and elegant. Steel color is considered universal, and therefore if you have doubts when choosing a shade for the wheel base, then you can safely choose this tone. Then the design of the wheels will be discreet and the dirt on them will not be very noticeable. Additional protection of this part can be provided by a reliable varnish coating.

If we talk about discs made directly from steel, then in addition to their universal shade, they are distinguished by their reliability; under loads and impacts, they can only bend, which is very easy to fix later.

International and Russian designations for wheel colors

The colors of the rims can be easily identified by the abbreviation that is indicated on them. They are usually designated by a standard letter code accepted throughout the world. In the total mass of colors one can distinguish: basic, saturated, complex and polished (in fragments or completely).

1. Worldwide accepted designation for wheel color:

  • AGF - aluminate gold full polish - fully polished, color: gold + aluminum chips.
  • AGL - aluminate gold lip polish - partially polished disc (rim only), color: gold + aluminum chips.
  • BKF - black full polish - fully polished, color: black.
  • BG - black green - black with green.
  • BGL - black green lip polish - partially polished (rim), color: black + green.
  • BLF - blue full polish - partially polished (rim), color: blue.
  • BLP/BKL - black lip polished - partially polished (rim), color: black.
  • BKL - black lip polish - partially polished (rim), color: black.
  • BM/BFP - black with face polished - partially polished (front side), color: black.
  • BR - brown - brown.
  • BRL - brown lip polish - partially polished (rim), color: brown.
  • BZF - bronze full polish - fully polished, color: bronze.

  • CH - chrome - with chrome coating.
  • DG/P - dimond gray polish - diamond polished rim, color: grey.
  • DB/P - dimond black polish - diamond polished rim, color: black.
  • FCGL - flash champagne gold lip polish - partially polished (rim), color: “champagne splashes”.
  • GM - gun metal - black, matte.
  • GMF - gun metal full polish - fully polished, black, matte.
  • GM FP - gun Metall FP - partially polished (rim, spokes), silver.
  • GMCL - gun metal left lip polish - partially polished (central hub and rim), matte black.
  • GMCF - gun metal left full polish - partially polished (central hub and front side), deep dark gray color.
  • GML - gun metal lip polish - partially polished (rim), matte black.

  • GRC - gray machined face - partially polished (central hub, rim), gray.
  • Gray FP - gray face polished - completely polished on the outside, gray in color.
  • HB FP - hyper black with face polished - completely polished on the outside, deep black.
  • HP - hyper silver - deep silver.
  • HPL - hyper silver lip polish - partially polished (rim), deep silver color
  • HPCL - hyper silver left lip polish - partially polished (central hub, rim), deep silver.
  • HPB - hyper black - deep black.
  • HPBF - hyper black full polish - fully polished, deep black.
  • HPBCL - hyper black left lip polish - partially polished (central hub and rim), deep black.
  • HPBL - hyper black lip polish - partially polished (rim), deep black.
  • H/P Blue - hyper color series - deep blue color.
  • H/P GOLD - hyper color series - deep gold.

  • H/P Gray - hyper color series - dark gray color.
  • HPBF - hyper black full polish - fully polished, deep black tone.
  • HPT - hyper titanium - deep titanium color.
  • HSCMLP - hyper silver left machine lip polish - partially polished (rim), deep silver color.
  • H/S - hyper silver - silver.
  • HS/DP - hyper silver diamond polish - deep silver color, partial diamond polishing (rim).
  • HS FP - hyper silver with face polished - deep silver, fully polished (outer side).
  • LBR - light brown - light shade of brown.
  • LG - light gold - the color of gold.
  • LGF - light gold full polish - fully polished, “gold”.
We recommend

2. iFree rims: unlike rims from other manufacturers, the color of this company's rims has a designation in Russian. But without a reminder, it’s still quite difficult to understand them.

Graphite wheels

Each car owner tries to show individuality to one degree or another, because a ready-made solution is purchased along with the vehicle. Today there are many methods by which upgrading a car is not difficult. Elegant graphite colored discs are one such modern method.

Graphite bases are essentially black with a matte effect. Due to the absence of shiny components and the velvety effect, their surface acquires classic restraint.

Colored wheels

Brightly colored rims are a great way to decorate your own car and are a current fashion trend. A variety of shades will allow the vehicle not only to look good on the road, but will also make it completely individual, with easily memorable features. Moreover, these elements can be painted, either completely or partially - it all depends on the wishes of the customer.

Cheerful and cheerful women most often strive for such car transformations, because such fashion guarantees the owner of the vehicle not only popularity, but also attention.

In addition to the usual one-color paint, wheel bases painted in two or more contrasting shades have come into fashion. All this is facilitated by many drivers who want to stand out from the crowd with atypical solutions for vehicle wheels. The modern incredibly wide color palette allows you to turn any, even the most extraordinary, idea into reality.

Other types

Fashion has had an impressive influence on car wheels, and in stores you can find a wide range of different types and models. Long gone are the days when this part was considered just a standard spare part for a car. Today it is an important component of tuning any vehicle.

That is why modern manufacturers are ready to please car owners with a huge variety of these elements - forged, chrome-plated, branded, made of durable steel, with a matte finish, polished, and the like. Such diversity can make even an experienced specialist’s head spin.

Today, when cars can move at breakneck speeds, there is a strict requirement for the wheel base - strength. Taking this into account, in industrial conditions these elements are made stamped, cast and forged. If you wish, you can simply paint the metal base or purchase special inserts and overlays. Recently, there have been plenty of such attributes on sale; the main thing is to choose the appropriate color palette to match the tone of the car.

Many car enthusiasts, having decided to change the appearance of their wheels, ask themselves: what color should they paint the wheels? To help them make the right decision, we suggest looking at our colored discs. To put it more precisely, this section contains some of the work of our company. Sorting is done by colors and painting styles.

This catalog of wheel painting work will allow you to obtain more complete information about the level of performance of our specialists and possible color combinations. We hope you enjoy our work. Come to us to paint your car wheels!

Inspiring Painting Ideas

How to paint a cast wheel.

Most often the rims are painted steel, or you can paint the rims black. However, the scope for your imagination is limitless! Enamel for Motip discs allows you to choose any shade - from white to gold or silver. When painting alloy wheels, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one color. Combine contrasting shades to achieve spectacular combinations!

How to paint stamped wheels.

Contrasting edging looks beautiful on stamped wheels. To do this, you first need to apply the first shade of paint and let it dry. Then cover the middle with masking paper and apply a second color. Wait for it to dry, then remove the paper and enjoy the result!

What color to paint the wheels on a silver car.

Light green or purple wheels look great against the background of a silver body! In this case, you can choose both glossy and matte shades.

What color should I paint the rims on a blue car?

You can get creative and paint the rims on your blue car yellow, light green, or even pink. A classic color would be white or black. Well, you can achieve a spectacular look for the wheels by painting them in two colors: the outer part is a light blue shade, and the inner part is blue to match the body color!

What color to paint rims on a black car.

The black body is perfectly emphasized by wheels painted in any bright color - from white to yellow or gold! An interesting option would also be to paint the rims in fluorescent shades, or you could paint the rims to match the color of the car! Feel free to experiment, and the reward for you and your car will be admiring glances!

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