How to install a radio on Planet 5

Music on motorcycles.

Options for installing an audio system on motorcycles
Motorcycle enthusiasts sometimes have a desire to listen not only to the correctly tuned exhaust sound of their motorcycle, but also to something more melodic, for example, their favorite musical group.

This becomes especially relevant when driving long distances; after several hours of driving you want some variety. This variety can be a music system installed on a motorcycle.

Another method, which is essentially just a derivative of the first but is somewhat more comfortable, is special bluetooth devices, placing them in the helmet you don’t have to worry about wires. By the way, such devices can also allow communication between the passenger and the driver of the motorcycle.

The classic option for placing music on a motorcycle is a head unit equipped with special, all-weather speakers.

The speakers are protected from moisture, dust and can be installed in any accessible place on the motorcycle, for example, on the handlebar, successfully complementing it.

It is most convenient to use a GPS navigator with an MP3 playback function as a head unit; at the moment, such a player is present in most mid-priced GPS navigator models.

Music can make riding a motorcycle even more enjoyable. During long-distance driving, outside the city, the presence of music on a motorcycle will make time go faster.

How to connect a tachometer to an Izh motorcycle?

After securing the tachometers, you can begin connecting their wires to the electrical wiring elements of the bike.

Simply put, our semi-homemade Izh Planet tachometer, or a device that will work on another bike, has only three wires. The mass goes to the frame of the iron horse.

The plus is connected to the ignition switch (to the positive terminal that comes from the battery). The third wire is mounted on a coil. In the case of the tachometer on Izh Jupiter 5 and other two-cylinder Soviet bikes, there is no difference at all which coil to connect to. The easiest way is to separate the wire to connect to both.

Note that the wire going to the coil needs to be equipped with a “d226d” diode. Often a tachometer is installed on a motorcycle by replacing a capacitor of 0.22 μF (microfarad) with a product with a value of 0.47 μF, for example. This innovation allows you to modernize the bike for use on an Izh motorcycle. The connection diagram for the last wire looks like this.

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Skinte please provide a connection diagram on how to make a 12 volt one from a cassette tape recorder from a car and speakers from a computer so that without a rear drawer on an alpha zs 50 f

I forgot, don’t forget to put a diode bridge in front of the amplifier on the power supply (you can look at the diagram on the Internet)

It is quite possible to install Mouzon in Minsk without any difficulties. I have a 100 watt amplifier, bought in the Mr. Sound store for 1200 and speakers also in the same store for 600 (not speakers, but small speakers specifically for motorcycles) I put the amplifier under the seat (I have a switch in the board) and powered it from the switch ( output 02) I installed the speakers on the steering wheel (the fastenings are 2 tubes, I drilled holes in them and screwed them into the steering wheel near the mirrors and installed the speakers on these tubes) it turned out nicely that it works from the phone when the motorcycle is running.


Tuning the motorcycle IZH PLANET 5

Remake of Izh Planet 5

Everyone understands that Izhevsk (and many domestic) motorcycles are far from the height of design excellence. Let’s not argue about what it is: a devil-may-care attitude on the part of the Izhmash management or the lack of creativity of the designers.

We will try to the best of our ability, time and capabilities to correct or correct this injustice, and at the same time give the motorcycle that completely unique look that will be your “calling card”. Izh Planet 5 has been updated

the matter is quite capacious and there is no limit to this, but we can highlight the main points:
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1. ARCS. There are front and rear.

The front ones come with two- and three-point mounting. Two-point ones are attached like regular standard ones, but you can make them of absolutely any shape. The three-point ones are attached in two standard places, plus to the tube that is put on the driver’s footrest. It is advisable to take pipes for making arcs that are seamless and have the same diameter as the factory ones, no less. I had exactly these ones. The rear ones are attached in two places: under the seat (where the turn signals are) and to the passenger footrests. For them you can take a thinner pipe.


They are usually placed on the arches or on the front fender brackets.
There are “standing” and “hanging” .
How to secure them (clamps, brackets, ears...) everyone decides individually. 4. MUSIC FOR THE PLANET 5.

We discussed repeatedly whether it was necessary or not. I had a removable car radio installed between the tidy and the fairing. It was attached through rubber spacers that smooth out vibration. The column (the only one) was attached to the tank with rubber bands and was removed easily and naturally. At a good speed the music was not audible, but when driving slowly around the city. The radio can be mounted anywhere, but the speakers are usually placed under the fairing near the steering wheel or on the arches.


It is rightfully considered the main element that determines the style of the motorcycle and the “handedness” of the owner.
It is usually made of fiberglass (epoxy + fiberglass). Matrix made of gypsum, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. It makes no sense to detail the manufacturing technology and types of fairings here - this is too broad a topic. Many people put a full body kit on the Izh Planet 5
and it becomes like a Japanese bike.


— Cut to a chopper. The fork can be “extended” by screwing inserts into the stems and stays. In this case, it is necessary to change the tilt of the steering column, but not everyone can do this, as it requires proper over-welding of the frame. — Designed for a sportbike. The fork can be “shortened” by moving the stays in the crossbars.


Take pictures of motorcycles and choose any copy you like. Find a piece of pipe of the required diameter (preferably stainless steel, otherwise you will have to paint or blacken it). Look for a specialist with a pipe bender (if you don’t have the skill to bend pipes yourself) and give the pipe the desired shape. Sand, polish and place on the mote. Trying to drive. If you don’t like it, do the whole procedure all over again.


It usually doesn’t add beauty, but it helps tremendously in life. You can’t imagine how many people you can take out with a trunk.


You can simply move the muffler to the places where the passenger footrests are attached, or you can saw it, cut out a sector, bend it and weld it. The “resonator plus damping attachment” option is not considered here. This is unlikely to improve the appearance. This is a topic for engine tuning.


You can install automotive instruments (for example, six-wheelers).
The devices themselves cost 100 rubles when disassembled. per piece Speedometer on Izh Planet 5
: the nut for fastening the speedometer cable is larger, so you will have to come up with something with its fastening.
The impressions are only positive, the needle moves smoothly and does not twitch. Accuracy is normal. Tachometer on Izh Planet 5
: there is no problem connecting it, but it underestimates the readings by 2 times. To correct this, carefully bend the chrome edging of the glass, remove the arrow and scale, unscrew the three screws and remove the tachometer. We buy a 0.47 m farad capacitor for 12 volts (5 rubles). We solder a 0.33 m farad capacitor (there is only one there and it is clearly visible). Solder a new capacitor. Next, using a trimming resistor (it has a slot for a screwdriver), we adjust the tachometer so that it shows more or less accurately. Decide for yourself how to fine-tune it (using a tachometer, a multimeter, a pulse generator, by ear, etc.)

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Impressions: When accelerating hard, the needle jumps and for 1-2 seconds. It calms down, at a constant speed it shows normally, and finally, compared to the car, it works somehow more jerkily. The relay regulator may be at fault. But in principle, everything is cool and the idea is worth it. There are still problems with fixing the devices. You can try to install them in the old instrument case or make a new bracket.

All advice is given based on the correct sharpening angle of the hands, a normal head and at least initial ability to use the tool. Therefore, it makes no sense to give details; everyone will come up with the technology themselves.

And lastly: Most Kulibins do not have the proper education, the proper tools and a suitable motorcycle in their heads. Some people also have a very large radius of curvature of their arms. What am I talking about? Moreover, it can look as beautiful as you like, but at a critical moment a small detail, a small flaw, a slight distortion or increased stress on the structure can throw such a bad surprise that you don’t even want to imagine. Think carefully before you take up the “hammer and screwdriver”...

Tachometer on Izh Planet 5:

Many motorcycles, mopeds, scooters and other motorized vehicles lack such an important device as a tachometer. I offer a simple and reliable tachometer.

It is designed to work with a single-cylinder two-stroke internal combustion engine with a contact or contactless ignition system and can measure crankshaft speed up to 10,000 rpm. The tachometer diagram is shown in Fig. 1.

In the initial state, transistor VT1 is closed and VT2 is open. At this time, the left (according to the diagram) plate of capacitor C 5 is connected through the low resistance of the open transistor VT2 to the +5 V bus. At this time, no current flows through the microammeter PA1. At the first negative half-cycle of alternating voltage applied to the tachometer input, transistor VT1 opens and VT2 closes. At this time, C5 is quickly charged through the microammeter PA1, VD3 and R5.

With a positive half-cycle of the input voltage, VT1 closes and VT2 opens. Now C5 is discharged through the low resistance of open VT2 and VD4. At the next negative half-cycle the process is repeated.

Trimmer resistor R6 sets the upper limit of the frequency of the measured signal. The C5 rating is selected depending on the engine type. The higher the engine speed, the smaller the capacitance of capacitor C5 should be. A correctly assembled circuit does not require adjustment. You should only use trimming resistor R6 to set the maximum tachometer readings by opening the engine throttle valve all the way.

The connection diagram of the tachometer to the electrical equipment of the motorcycle is shown in Fig. 2.


Tachometer for motorcycle

Welcome! Informational “” stands out among other motorcycle sites with an abundance of information about bikes and bikers. We will be happy to provide you with information regarding the most famous biker clubs in the world, including the CIS. We will also tell you how to install tachometers on Izh in the context of its different models. The diagram below for arranging tachometers on Izha is quite acceptable for Urals and other Soviet motorcycle equipment.

Installing a tachometer on a motorcycle

The above device will significantly improve the performance characteristics of the Urals, Izh, Mt and even Minsk. At the same time, the whole snag consists in replacing individual parts of the car tachometer, which, most often, is added to bikes.

Let us immediately note that the most acceptable option for connecting tachometers to motorcycles is to use a device from a VAZ 2106 car. The latter is easy to connect and is not difficult to mount, using the housing from a motorcycle speedometer that has become unusable, or by delicately cutting off a round coffee can.

Often a tachometer is installed on a motorcycle Izh Ipiter, Planet or Ural after changing the dimensions of the board. This element of the above-mentioned car tachometer may simply not fit.

The above inconsistency is very quickly eliminated if the hands are positioned correctly (and grow from the place they need to be).

Nowadays, it is not at all difficult to acquire a speed meter for further installation on a bike. As a tachometer on the Izh Jupiter 5 and other Izhmoto models, as mentioned above, the speed meter that is equipped with the VAZ 2106 car (simply popularly called the “Zhiguli Six”) can be safely used. This product can fit well into the standard panel of these Russian Soviet motorcycles . In this case, connecting the tachometer does not involve cutting its body to half. All connectors that are connected to the light devices (indicators) of the dashboard must be lowered to the lower limit. The tachometer on the motorcycle after installation must not sit unevenly, resting against the wires and other elements of the standard bike designs.

We will also tell you how to connect a tachometer to an Izh. In the instrument panel itself (in the lower part) we drill a couple of holes for the standard mounting of this speed-measuring device.

The option for connecting a tachometer to a motorcycle of the above type involves cutting off the cover with the warning lights of the motorcycle. You need to make approximately the same circle as the one that the factory designers created for the speedometer.

Types of tuning for the IZH Planet 5 motorcycle.

The most popular domestic motorcycles were IZh bikes produced by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant; among them, the road version IZH Planet stood out - 5 tuning, which allowed the owner to get an individual motorcycle modified to suit his needs and desires, practically his own model.

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The IZH Planet - 5 model replaced the IZH Planet 4 motorcycle on the assembly line in 1987 and was produced until 2008. The design of the fifth model allowed the technically competent owner to carry out tuning work with his own hands. For motorcycles, there are the following main types of tuning:

Change in appearance.

Despite the fact that the design of the fifth Planet model was probably the most interesting among all domestic motorcycles, tuning the IZH Planet - 5 motorcycle most often began with the appearance. The main reason for this was that work to change the external image can be classified as the simplest, not requiring deep technical knowledge and skills.

For this purpose, the following main work was carried out:

Complete or partial tuning operations to change the appearance immediately made the motorcycle recognizable and different from its serial counterpart.

How to install a tachometer on an Izh

Note that the Izh planet tachometer is designed according to a similar scheme of actions. There is no need to move the control lamps if the latter are replaced with a box with LEDs. You yourself will appreciate the super-bright indicators of the latter above the brightness that the light indicator elements had in the standard form of the iron horse.

You can attach the above box (socket) with LEDs to the end of the tidy. And the body of the latter itself is not difficult to create, using, for example, cases from an old audio cassette. Not a bad excursion into the 1990s, isn't it?

The tachometer on the Ural motorcycle can be equipped according to a similar principle, replacing the speedometer or moving the device for measuring revolutions to a separate area at the steering wheel. Connecting tachometers to an Izh motorcycle is carried out independently with the same success and simplicity as the installation of the latter itself. You can make a colored outline around the new location for the design of light bulbs or LEDs. A bright circle, mostly of a light color, is drawn around each light element. After such a simple innovation, your devices (indicators) will look much better.

Improvement of technical parameters

Tuning to increase power.

The design of the motorcycle engine allows for tuning to increase its power. One option is to re-press the engine crankshaft and change the support bearings. Usually, secondary shaft bearings from a Java motorcycle were installed as new bearings. This restoration made it possible to achieve an increase in engine power of the IZH Planet - 5 by 10-15%.

The next option for adding power was to increase the cylinder volume. For this purpose, its upper part was cut off and the sleeve was bored to 76 mm. Then the appropriate piston was installed, usually a piston from a Planet Sport motorcycle was used.

Increasing the speed of the motorcycle.

After this operation, the speed of the motorcycle increased, according to some sources, to 160 km per hour. Therefore, work to increase engine capacity was carried out by owners who planned to operate their vehicle mainly on highways.

The most difficult technical tuning option for adding power to the IZH Planet - 5 is the installation of supercharging. For this purpose, an exhaust valve is installed, the device of which corresponds to the analogues on the sports versions.

Then an exhaust resonator is installed, which has sharply directed parameters. Its task is to create a wave backpressure of the fuel mixture. Next, a spool valve is installed to obtain asymmetrical phases of engine operation, which avoids the direct release of the spent mixture.

Performing supercharging on the engine of the Fifth Planet is a rather complex process and therefore is not widely used.

Improved grip.

As engine power increases, it is necessary to carry out work to improve the clutch. Under standard conditions, the standard clutch works reliably.

But as the load increases, the risk of “burning” it and subsequent repairs increases sharply. The main steps for tuning the clutch come down to replacing standard discs with larger metal ones. Typically, such discs are made of two millimeter iron.

The use of thicker metal discs reduces slippage, warping, breakage and provides greater heat transfer.

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