Motorcycle IZH Jupiter 3 - characteristics and features


Classic transport has always been valued since the USSR, and 20 years ago Jupiter 5 was one of the best.
Today, most riders ride foreign fast motorcycles, but occasionally you can meet a former legend of the 80s and 90s. In those years, only his brother Planet 5 competed with Jupiter, but he could not compare with the motorcycle in terms of characteristics. Their main difference was the difference in cylinders, and therefore power. If we continue to compare these two competitors, we can highlight the fact that both models had almost the same data. For example, they had one tubular frame, and a special subframe was installed to better secure the rear wheel. In general, the entire design of Jupiter 5 was quite standard and simple, the engine was attached to the frame, the fuel tank was located above, and the headlight and dashboard were installed on the steering wheel.

In the photo of Izh Jupiter 5 you can see that below the seat there are two compartments with protection. These were glove compartments, each of which was intended for a specific purpose: the right one was for tools, and the left one housed the battery. There were also 2 exhaust pipes installed that ran through the entire motorcycle. Sometimes the pipes got hot and could cause a burn, but the manufacturer installed them below the footpegs to keep the passenger as safe as possible.

Even the first models of the Izh Jupiter 5 motorcycle had simple drum brakes with a mechanical drive, but subsequent modifications received a front disc brake with a hydraulic drive.

Repair and tuning

The products of the Izhevsk plant have never been famous for their reliability. But there is also an advantage in this - being the first motorcycle for a novice biker, some “Izhak” acted as a “learning desk”, helping to learn not only driving, but also independent maintenance and repair.

Spare parts

Finding them is not difficult, because at one time the Izhevsk plant riveted a fair number of motorcycles. The prices are low, but in some cases it is cheaper and easier to buy a “donor”, ​​from which you can remove everything you need as needed.


It is not easy to somehow modify a Soviet bike. Typically, owners reduce all changes made to visual tuning. Sometimes the carburetor is replaced with a Japanese or Chinese one - this relatively inexpensive operation helps avoid many potential problems.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 V. Bonstedt.
    “JUPITER” new road motorcycle // “Behind the Wheel”: magazine. - 1961. - No. 8. - P. 16-17.
  2. M. G. Ginzburg.
    Construction and maintenance of motorcycles. — second edition, revised. - Moscow: Mashgiz, 1963. - 319 p. — 215,000 copies.
  3. B.F. Demchenko, G.S. Mikryukov.
    Motorcycles with the Izh brand. - Moscow: DOSAAF USSR, 1982. - 160 p.
  4. 12
    How many and what kind of Izhes? // “Behind the wheel”: magazine. - 1986. - No. 10. - P. 8.
  5. M.P.Isaev, V.A.Zabelin.
    Motorcycles Izh-Jupiter and Izh-YUK. Instructions for care and use. - Izhevsk: Mashinostroitelny Zavod, 1964. - 158 p.
  6. L. Komzikov.
    Side trailer BP-62 // “Behind the Wheel”: magazine. - 1961. - No. 8. - P. 17.

"IVK Jupiter": new application programming interface

"IVK Jupiter": new application programming interface

Moscow, October 2, 2008. The IVK company, one of the leading Russian manufacturers of computer equipment, system software and information security tools, has completed testing of the new application programming interface (API) of the IVK Jupiter software for 32- and 64-bit server and user versions MS Windows OS of the NT family, as well as the Microsoft .NET Framework platform.

The new API meets the COM/OCX specification; accordingly, components for working with guaranteed IVK Jupiter services are directly integrated into almost any modern development tools, for example, Microsoft Visual Studio. Among such services, we note: delivery of information via unreliable communication channels; data protection during transmission and storage; automatic implementation of regulations for logical information processing in a geographically distributed network; monitoring the authenticity and integrity of application and system software in the nodes of such a network; unified access to information in a heterogeneous computing environment; user authentication, etc.

The new development of the IVK simplifies the use of these guaranteed services in application software and Web applications developed in such popular programming languages ​​as Visual Basic, C/C++ and C#. At the same time, the complexity of learning the IVC Jupiter API is reduced for programmers who have experience using Microsoft platforms. This not only increases individual productivity, but also significantly reduces costs in large projects to create geographically distributed automated information systems.

About IVK company

Information Implementation Company (IIC) is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of computer equipment. Today IVK is one of the top ten manufacturers of personal computers in the Russian Federation. IVK is the largest supplier of computer equipment and equipment with special properties, a system integrator, developer of information technologies, automated systems, system-forming software and information security tools at the level of heterogeneous distributed information systems for the corporate sector, government agencies and the military-industrial complex.

The main software products and software "IVK Kolchuga™" became laureates of the annual National Industry Security Award "ZUBR" 2006-2008.

IVK becomes a certified participant in the ZUBR award in the Information Security category in 2006 in the category “Best Technology for Secure Information Processing”, in 2007 in the category “Best Tool for Monitoring and Filtering the Contents of Email Messages or Web Traffic”, in 2008 in the category “Time-tested Quality” for constant work on improving the software products of the IVC Jupiter™ family.

The new product of the IVK company - Information and analytical system for processing unformalized natural texts "IVK SONET™" - was named product of the year (PC Magazine/Russian Edition, 11/2007) and was awarded a certificate by the editors of the magazine.


In order to improve the filling of the cylinders in both engines, the flow sections of the windows have been changed and the valve timing has been increased. This is clearly visible in Fig. 2. where the cylinder developments are presented. The IZH-Jupiter 3 engine uses a two-jet purge scheme, rather than a four-jet one. as it was on IZH-Yu2.

Rice. 2. Cylinder scans: on the left 2a - IZH Jupiter 3, on the right 2b - IZH Planet 3. The dotted line shows the windows of the IZH-Yu2 and IZH-P2 engines, respectively.

The thermal regime of engines of previous models, especially IZH-Yu2, was quite intense. Because of this, if the ignition or carburetor adjustments were violated, detonation sometimes occurred, the piston jammed, and the exhaust pipes darkened. To reduce the thermal stress of new engines and eliminate unpleasant consequences, the cylinders and heads were equipped with more developed fins, and on the Jupiter 3 model, in addition, the length of the exhaust channel in the cylinder was increased. Now the exhaust gases entering the exhaust pipe have a lower temperature.

Motorcycle design

But structurally the motorcycles of these modifications did not differ from each other. All components of the motorcycle were mounted on a tubular frame. To provide suspension for the rear wheel, there was a subframe at the rear of the frame, attached to the frame by a non-rigid bolt connection.

A power unit with a gearbox and a steering column equipped with a telescopic fork were installed on the front part of the frame. The fuel tank was located above the engine, and in front of it was the steering wheel, dashboard and headlight.

Behind the tank, the entire upper part of the motorcycle was allocated under the seat, with a rear fender with a brake light attached to it. Below the seat there were two glove compartments. The left one was for the battery, and the right one was for tools.

The rear wheel was installed on the existing subframe. To provide its suspension, the subframe, in addition to the non-rigid bolted fastening, was connected to the frame by means of spring-loaded oil shock absorbers. The springs had three-position adjustment, which provided a change in the rigidity of the rear suspension. The rear wheel was driven by a chain drive.

Exhaust pipes extending from the engine stretched along the entire motorcycle. To protect the driver and passenger from possible burns, the pipes were attached under the running boards.

The motorcycle was equipped with two-cam drum brakes with mechanical drive on both wheels. Subsequently, some versions were equipped with hydraulic front disc brakes.

Two carburetors on IZ Jupiter

Among all the various modifications for the two-cylinder Izh, the installation of two carburetors on the motorcycle engine stands out. One for each cylinder. This is done in hopes of increasing engine power by improving the filling of each cylinder. The power does increase, but at most by a couple of horses.

Therefore, on most two-stroke vehicles there is an intake resonator between the carburetor and the filter. It is a plastic box into which part of the mixture is spat out. This device is not available on Jupiters, because there is no particular need for it due to the length of the “pants” and the peculiarities of the two-cylinder engine. While one cylinder is making its stroke, the second one sucks in the mixture from the carburetor plus the part that was reflected from the skirt of the first piston.

In addition, installing a reed valve will improve cylinder filling at low and medium speeds, and fuel consumption will be slightly reduced. The Jupiter cylinder is approximately equal to the volume of 175 cm3, so the reed valves can be supplied from sunrise 3m-01 or made from a turner according to a sample. Carburetors can also be taken from Voskhod (K-62V, K-65V) or from Java 638.

In addition to installing the valves, the pistons will also need to be modified. A hole must be made on the piston skirt on the inlet side, as shown in the figure. This is necessary in order to reduce the inlet resistance necessary for the operation of the petals.

To operate two carburetors, you will need a tap with a double and a common throttle handle for both cables. These parts can be taken from the Urals or picked up from other motorcycle models.

After installing all the parts, it is necessary to configure and synchronize the carburetors. Otherwise, overheating and wear of one of the cylinders, as well as severe vibration, may occur.

My review about IZ Jupiter 1

In general, I decided to leave my review here. It’s not very popular to write reviews on Russian motorcycles, and you won’t find them at all on the first Jupiters. Maybe it will be useful for someone.

Before him, I only went to Minsk, basically a dud

So, the first thing I felt was its weight. The motorcycle with battery and filled with all necessary fluids weighs about 190 kg. Not so little. It is actually heavier than the Yu-5 and much heavier than the P-5. The steel there is enormously thick - it’s clear that the motorcycle was made to last. For example, the wing does not bend even with a crowbar. Unlike the new one, which I folded into an accordion with my hands. The stand on the Yu-1 is only central, so I couldn’t put the motorcycle on the stand the first time. Then I already trained. On the road it really moves like an iron and is not very easy to control. But the fact that it weighs a lot gives it an advantage - it doesn’t blow away on the highway, but here in the steppes it constantly blows.

The fact that the motorcycle only has a center stand is not very convenient in the city. One time I placed it at the entrance and went inside for an hour. I go out and the motorcycle is lying there. It turned out that the asphalt was not entirely smooth, and there was quite a wind that day. As a result of the fall, the front fender was scratched. It was not very pleasant, so I will install a side step.

The second thing I felt was the sound of the engine. Juicy, powerful, loud - modern IZHs don’t sound like that. The sound is easily recognized among others, and I was recognized a block before I appeared in sight.

The first part I replaced was the throttle handle. The slider in the old long-stroke one fell apart, and I had to install a new, short-stroke one. At the same time I lubricated the throttle cable. The effect exceeded all my expectations - I did not expect such an increase in dynamics, simply from replacing the handle and lubricating the cable. When I went for the first time, I almost flew away. The motorcycle has become 2 times faster, more responsive, and in general I recommend everyone to lubricate the cables. And change the throttle handle to a new one.

The engine has a power of only 18 hp. , but it is very high-torque and elastic, it accelerates in 4th uphill with a passenger, accelerating from 40 km/h. Pulls in the lows, good in the mids. Many people write that the motors of old Jupiters blow out at the top. Maybe this is true on other models, but on my motorcycle, the higher the revs, the more fun the acceleration, on the 3rd I accelerated more than 70, while the star is 16th, and the higher the speed, the stronger the acceleration. I switched to 4th only because I felt sorry for the engine.

But the acceleration is still slow, the newer Jupiters are much faster at picking up.

I drive around the city a lot and have to deal with traffic jams, including in the heat - the engine gets hot but tolerates it, it works fine.

I drive even more at night. The electrics are 6 Volts, when you turn on the high beams, an additional spiral in the lamp lights up. The light, of course, is not so hot. But there is enough in the city, because the streets there are illuminated. I drove along the highway a couple of times - you can move, but I don’t recommend it. And why?

I had to adjust the turn signals myself to increase the safety of movement. Turn signals were not installed at the factory.

About safety. A sore subject is the brakes. In general, I’ll be brief - I put the disc on the front, and from u-5 on the back. The original brakes work, but not well enough.

The gearbox is very clear, I can easily find neutral even without a light bulb, since the light bulb is inserted into a special socket, which I do not have. Now I found the ignition switch, so there will be an indicator light.

I would also like to say something about the front fork - it simply absorbs road unevenness perfectly, the steering wheel does not shake on any bumps. This is the only way I fly over tram tracks; once, out of habit, I drove at the same speed across the tracks in a Lancer. It was so cluttered that I was afraid the wheels would suddenly fall off. I'll have to remove the fork and install the Orionovskaya one - because of the disc brake.

In general, the motorcycle holds the road perfectly, there is no play in the suspension. No rocking or anything like that. It lays down easily in turns; once I even barely reached the asphalt with my knee.

I was also pleased with the speedometer, although it is C-grade. The previous owner probably lubricated it well. But the needle does not tremble and shows the actual speed, I specifically checked it.

The steering wheel on the Yu-1 is lower than on the Yu-3-5, so the landing is slightly different.

The only problem I haven’t fixed is that the axis of the semi-automatic clutch falls out on the right cover. It has not yet been possible to eliminate it, and once every 100-200 km it inevitably falls out, alas. I eliminated all the other problems and no problems arose during operation.

Familiar problems

Reviews from owners indicate that, regardless of the version and year of manufacture, the Izh Planet-3 motorcycle had the same disadvantages:

  • Engine vibration associated with its design features. Almost all single-cylinder engines suffer from this.
  • Problematic electrical equipment. Almost identical to the Jupiter of the same years of production, the 6-volt wiring installed on Izh Planet-3 was not of very high quality. An insufficiently powerful generator created problems when driving at night.

Completely eliminating engine vibrations is almost impossible. Even serious engine tuning does not completely solve the problem. You have to put up with this feature of technology. As for electrics, motorcycle lovers who are interested in tuning Izh Planet-3 often ask the same questions:

  • How to detect ignition system malfunctions?
  • What to do if charging is lost?
  • How to replace the relay regulator?
  • Does it make sense to install electronic ignition?
  • How to replace a failed generator?
  • Where can I find the wiring diagram for Izh Planet-3 at 6 volts?
  • How to install BSZ?

These questions are countless and it is simply impossible to answer them in one review article. This requires digging deeper. And therefore we will try to answer as briefly as possible.

  1. Since the wiring diagram on Izh Planet-3 was repeatedly changed even depending on individual series, one cannot count on an exact match of its description. Sad but true.
  2. Replacing electrical wiring, switching electrical equipment operating from 6 volts to 12 volts and installing contactless ignition are completely justified steps to improve the performance of a motorcycle. After such modernization, ignition installation is simplified, and engine operation becomes more stable. At the same time, you will know exactly how the electrical circuit of your Izh Planet-3 works!

But it’s clearly not worth getting down to business without the necessary skills or suitable tools. As for DIY tuning enthusiasts, for them the Izh Planeta-3 motorcycle is an unplowed field for activity. There is room to expand here. Go for it!

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"IVK Jupiter": implementation of corporate security policy

The absence of a high-level model for protecting the resources of a heterogeneous network and tools adequate to the problem being solved gives rise to many inconsistent private solutions and in practice leads to a chaotic accumulation of technical and software protection tools. A possible way out of this situation could be the unification of computing processes at the model level for various platforms and its reproduction in the environment of an abstract base operating system on each node of a heterogeneous network, with the subsequent transfer of general functions for managing the security of a corporate network to a middleware environment. This approach is implemented in the software product “IVK Jupiter”.

At present, all the necessary conditions have already been created for the integration of computing and information resources of various territorial and departmental entities, up to the level of computing facilities at the disposal of private individuals.
In the future, it is expected that there will be a conditionally unlimited exchange of programs, computing services and data within Grid infrastructures. The expression “conditionally unlimited” is not used here by chance: the real sector of the economy, law enforcement agencies and government bodies are faced with the acute question of using the opportunities provided by access to the Internet. However, solving this problem inevitably encounters requirements for ensuring the security of confidential information. The administrator of any system faces a dilemma: try to master all the technical, engineering and software solutions, understand their interaction and be able to configure them consistently, or rely on organizational measures and hope “at random”. A developed network infrastructure is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for creating an integrated information and computing space. The absence of a high-level platform-independent security model and, accordingly, the necessary mechanisms that implement it, in practice gives rise to many inconsistent private solutions and leads to an unjustified accumulation of technical and software information security tools. At what layer of the enterprise network pie should a unified security solution be placed?

Inadequacy of conventional methods

Today, attempts to practically implement a set of measures to ensure information security in an enterprise through the use of commercially available software often encounter a number of conceptual contradictions. Mostly they are associated with the problem of inadequacy of the tools available to the security administrator to solve the problems of mapping the selected protection model to a variety of heterogeneous computer equipment and software from different manufacturers. Let us list the most significant problems encountered.

  • Differences in the concepts and criteria of information security used at the level of computer vocabulary and terminology of regulatory documents that define the organization's security policy. As a consequence, an adequate mapping of the normative level to the level of computing systems turns out to be unattainable. As an example, it is enough to consider a typical situation that arises when sending closed correspondence to subscribers of a corporate network. The sender, when creating a mailing list, indicates the positions of the recipients in accordance with the organization’s staffing table and, as a rule, does not use the personalized data of recipients - individuals. On the other hand, the entire security policy setting using the means at the administrator’s disposal is aimed specifically at identifying the subscriber - an individual and providing him with available resources (email address, information catalogs, etc.) without taking into account the dynamically developing role relationships of employees in the personnel structure of the organization .
  • Differences in basic information security measures at the level of operating systems and network applications from different manufacturers. As a result, additional difficulties arise in implementing a consistent security model for a heterogeneous computing environment. It is clear that the developers of each specific operating system, when implementing built-in security measures, cannot fail to take into account the features of a specific software and hardware platform.

Let us indicate the main contradictions that arise when directly using security components at the level of a separate operating system to create geographically distributed corporate computer networks.

  1. Basic information security tools at the OS level ensure that the user is connected to the resources of a separate PC, which is generally an element of the local network. At the corporate level, an additional, more important from the point of view of general security, stage of connecting a computing module (a separate program, a group of programs within an automated workplace, a user, a group of users, an object as a whole) to the resources of the information system in accordance with accepted addressing conventions is required.
  2. Basic OS-level protection considers a file as the basic unit of data protection. At the corporate level, the units of data exchange and storage are formalized messages and documents named in accordance with system-wide classifiers. Both messages and documents are typically not stored as separate files.
  3. Information security features included in the OS control access at the level of real devices connected to a given computer (or registered in it). At the corporate network level, the role of “devices” is usually played by logical concepts, for example, communication channels, distributed data storage, user groups (“Administrator”, “Application Development Department”, etc.), and system objects as a whole.
  4. The OS statically routes data streams within a particular computer. At the execution level in a corporate network, as a rule, dynamic routing is required between all computing facilities of an object, taking into account the possibility of logically linking users (officials) to their workplaces and redirecting information flows depending on the prevailing circumstances.
  5. Administration of the computing process at the OS level is limited to individual computers. At the corporate level, it is required to administer the applications of the entire heterogeneous network, consisting of computing modules (for example, mainframes), specialized local network servers, dedicated workstations and applications operating within them, as well as communication channels with monitoring the performance of objects as part of the information system.

All this necessitates the need to supplement the basic security tools available at the level of individual operating systems with unified means of organizing the computing process and managing information processing at the corporate level, invariant with respect to certain operating systems and ensuring the joint functioning of “legacy”, current and future software.

Components of "IVK Jupiter"

As the name suggests, “Unified software tools for organizing, monitoring and managing the computing process in heterogeneous computer networks IVK Jupiter ver. 5.0", we are talking about software tools for protecting information resources, which are perhaps a necessary addition to the software and hardware and organizational measures already available in the enterprise.

Software tools implemented as part of IVK Jupiter 5.0 provide security management during operations with information objects of higher levels of abstraction: distributed business processes, end-user applications, document management systems, databases. In a word, we are talking about means of protecting the level of a corporate network (ACS in the terminology of the governing documents of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation), formed from heterogeneous computing modules (computer equipment in the terminology of the RD). It is clear that to protect objects of this level, specialized information security tools must be used to complement the missing protection mechanisms at the level of heterogeneous operating systems and network applications.

It should be emphasized: the proposed information security tools are designed to implement a general protection model in conditions of the initial heterogeneity of the multitude of software and hardware components that make up the enterprise’s corporate network. Unification of the protection model at the level of heterogeneous elements is achieved by means of middleware formed by the IVC Jupiter components operating under the basic operating systems Linux Red Hat 7.3, MCBC 3.0, IBM OS/2, Windows NT 4.0/2000 Professional and IBM VM/ESA . This, by the way, fundamentally distinguishes this solution from most known implementations.

Today, information security software components are either built into the OS directly by developers, or replace standard calls to protection objects (files, devices, executable modules) at the OS level by application processes. The disadvantage of both solutions is the strong dependence of the constructed protection model on particular implementation features, as well as the need to stabilize the specific version of the operating system used for external information security tools.

Protection model concept

Version 5.0 of IVK Jupiter contains a high-level security model, the basic concepts of which are close to the concepts of job descriptions and other regulatory documents regulating the organizational aspects of ensuring enterprise security. This compliance eliminates a source of problems in formulating and implementing overall corporate network security policies. At the same time, using the Jupiter IVC, in cases where this is possible, the high-level security model is mapped to the level of basic security features available on each supported platform. It is clear that for this purpose, unified calls to the IVC Jupiter API are used, translated to the level of a specific OS (for example, obtaining the user context, process, file attributes, etc.).

The concept of the information security model, implemented using the IVC Jupiter software product, involves the creation of a trust environment at the base OS level, since the control and management of protected resources is carried out at the middleware level. The trust environment is ensured, in particular, by the system administrator through special settings in the resource configuration using the operating system itself. Examples of such settings include allowing the reception/transmission of information between subscribers only via a specialized data transmission line, switching the means of supporting standard network protocols (FTP, telnet, SMTP) to the proxy server from IVC Jupiter, prohibiting the mode of deleting the main data storage file “IVK Jupiter”, etc.

After creating a trust environment from the OS configuration files, the built-in integrity monitoring tools of IVK Jupiter extract the checksums of registered applications and place them in a special section (log) of the data storage, accessible in viewing mode to the security administrator. At the beginning of each work session, as well as according to special regulations, IVC Jupiter integrity monitoring tools ensure the presence of a trust environment. If the result is negative, an automatic entry into the integrity monitoring log about the fact of a violation of the integrity of the software is made and the operation of the IVC Jupiter core, as well as registered applications, is terminated. Continued work is possible only after the trust environment has been restored.

Rice. 1. Approximate diagram of organizing the interaction of applications in the environment of the base operating system using the “IVK Jupiter”

Information related to the operation of security measures (passwords, logs, reference checksum values, etc.) is stored in a specialized storage and is not available for direct viewing or modification by officials.

The security subsystem is built into the IVC Jupiter core, copies of which run on each network node (Fig. 2). The kernel contains a function for checking the composition and integrity of application and system software, including the kernel itself. Integrity controls provide verification of the presence of a trust environment during operation. If the result is negative, the violation is automatically recorded in the integrity monitoring log and the kernel is terminated on this node. Continued work is possible only after the trust environment has been restored. Accordingly, it is impossible to destroy the security system by “replacing” the kernel, system or application software components. On the other hand, the security subsystem automatically controls all calls from application programs to the IVC Jupiter interfaces. The kernel also has built-in means of protecting information transmitted in local and global computer networks, as well as information distributed in computer network nodes in the so-called “personal safes” of users, implemented based on the concept of unified data storage “IVK Jupiter”.

Rice. 2. Block diagram of the access control mechanism and interfaces

In general, the set of described technical solutions in the field of information security based on the use of IVC Jupiter components creates a closed computing environment in the field of heterogeneous software and hardware, entry into which from the outside (from other network nodes) is possible only via a unified backbone "IVK Jupiter" " At the same time, a certain layer of internal exchange protocols, the principles of addressing, routing, quotas are hidden from application programs, which significantly complicates (and in some cases makes it fundamentally impossible) external attacks from unprotected network fragments. Control of the composition and integrity of functioning applications, carried out locally by the IVC Jupiter components on each node of a heterogeneous network, allows us to significantly limit the very possibility and scale of the consequences of internal attacks. The maximum possible damage in this case is the failure of one computing installation on a node, which, of course, is unpleasant, but does not entail catastrophic consequences for the entire network. The symmetrical (peer-to-peer) model of organizing the computing process on each node of a heterogeneous network, which underlies the functioning of the Jupiter IVC components, allows the administrator of the computing process to redistribute functions between the working computing tools at his disposal, although technologically this is not always possible.

The IVC Jupiter core includes unified data storage facilities UP-Warehouse, which operate in a distributed manner in a heterogeneous network and perform the functions of specialized storage facilities on each node with the ability to store confidential information and controlled access by applications. According to its implementation method, the repository is a specialized multidimensional database management system designed for storing information objects of various natures (documents, structured messages, files). It is clear that access to storage facilities (including remote access) is possible only from applications registered in the IVC Jupiter environment; At the same time, direct processing of files with converted information stored on magnetic media using standard software is impossible.

Practical aspects

Today, the protected version of “IVK Jupiter” is undergoing certification testing and can be used in development and pilot projects related to the creation of information systems (ACS of classes up to 1B inclusive) intended for processing information constituting a state secret. "IVK Jupiter" allows you to solve many problems of integrating created and legacy application software, organize unified access to heterogeneous storage and other data sources in a heterogeneous environment, as well as improve the performance characteristics of created enterprise-level applications, reduce their development time and reduce maintenance costs.

The API set offered as a developer's toolkit allows you to develop cross-platform applications that work together in heterogeneous networks (including legacy software). Support for synchronous (“client-server”) and asynchronous (messaging) models of application interaction through the universal data transmission backbone “IVK Jupiter”, which provides a mode of guaranteed transfer of information between nodes of a heterogeneous network, allows you to comprehensively improve the key operational characteristics of enterprise software.

Solutions based on IVC Jupiter can be implemented in information systems of various sizes - from individual corporate applications and software systems operating within the enterprise information system to interdepartmental information systems at the federal level. Thus, these technologies have been used for a number of years in projects carried out for departments of the Ministry of Defense, military-industrial complex enterprises and a number of other government agencies that have increased requirements for the security of information systems and use the entire range of computing platforms - from mainframes to workstations and PCs combined into local and global networks. The main goal of the new version of IVC Jupiter is to ensure a level of security that allows, in accordance with current Russian legislation, to create information systems for working with information constituting state secrets.

The kernel security subsystem is capable of “transparently” interacting with additional security tools, such as certified encryption tools, electronic signatures, hardware “closing” of communication channels, etc., which can be considered as meta-applications operating in the Jupiter IVK environment, interaction with which occurs through so-called “wrapping” mechanisms.

The visual components of IVC Jupiter, which provide security management in a heterogeneous network, work in a Web browser environment. At the same time, the HTML pages themselves are stored as documents in UP-Warehouse data stores and are either statically or dynamically formed from table objects in the process of executing external queries (for example, retrieving a security log). From the security administrator's workstation via the Web interface, remote viewing of user activity logs and management of various aspects of security both at the middleware level and at the platform level is provided.

Valery Andreev ( [email protected] ) - technical director, Konstantin Zdiruk ( [email protected] ) - project manager of JSC IVK (Moscow).

Motorcycle modifications

The basic model had the index IZH 6.113 - 010 - 01, and the version with a side stroller - 6114 - 010 - 01. The “Lux” modifications were also produced (cradle, spare wheel, toothy tires, fairing, protective arches, trunk) and “Tourist” ( the same thing, but without the fairing, trunk and arches). Subsequently, the bike was modernized many times, receiving a different carburetor, a disc front brake, and a more energy-intensive fork with pneumatic adjustment. There is also a version with a cargo side trailer, but this is vanishingly rare these days. Jupiter 5 of the transitional model also comes across on sale, but this definition usually hides just one of the early modifications.


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See what “Izh Jupiter-2” is in other dictionaries:

  • This term has other meanings, see Jupiter. Jupiter Superior depicted ... Wikipedia

— “Jupiter and Thetis” (“Jupiter et Thétis”), artist Jean Ingres, 1811, oil, 330×257 cm. This term has other meanings, see ... Wikipedia

— “Jupiter and Thetis” (“Jupiter et Thétis”), artist Jean Ingres, 1811, oil, 330×257 cm. Jupiter (Latin Iuppiter) in ancient Roman mythology, the god of the sky, daylight, thunderstorms, king of the gods, supreme deity Romans Husband of the goddess Juno. Corresponds... ... Wikipedia

- (Jupiter). Roman deity corresponding to the Greek Zeus. He is the king of heaven, on whom all celestial phenomena depend, the ruler of the world, who controls the fate of peoples and states. He was considered the main patron of the Roman state; him... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

JUPITER (astrological sign G), planet, average distance from the Sun 5.2 a. e. (778.3 million km), sidereal period of revolution 11.9 years, rotation period (cloud layer near the equator) approx. 10 h, equivalent diameter approx. 142,800 km, mass... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hai! If you are only interested in the electronics of this motorcycle, then you need our section “Motorcycle diagrams”. Those who are looking for a description with a photo based on reviews and technical characteristics of the Izh Jupiter 2 motorcycle, which you can buy today, then you have come to the right place. The article is devoted to the most important features of this bike, which has survived more than a dozen difficult years. Our team tried to fully reveal the advantages and disadvantages of this two-/three-wheeled vehicle.

Description of Izh Jupiter Second generation with photo

The above-mentioned iron horse is a middle-class road bike, the operation of which is designed for roads with a variety of surfaces. The production of this steel horse was mastered at the Izhevsk machine-building enterprise, located in distant Udmurtia. This motorcycle became a continuation of the line of multi-purpose middle-weight motorcycles produced in Soviet Russia. The very first representatives of the mass series came off the assembly line in the mid-1960s. The steel horse was produced until 1972. The bike became the embodiment of the desire of USSR design engineers to create a two-cylinder motorcycle.

It should be noted that as the first Udmurt iron horse with such a fast engine, the motorcycle turned out great. It had at its disposal a power of 19 horsepower with a rather modest, for that time, engine capacity of 347 cc. In addition, a very good lead-acid battery was installed on the two/three-wheeler.

Reviews about the Izh Jupiter 2 motorcycle in past years were mostly positive. However, over time, domestic motorcycle enthusiasts changed their views on the reliability of the iron horse. This is all due to the developers' miscalculations in the bike's electronics. His ignition timing was often off. And the bearing under the rotor part of the generator showed accelerated wear, which significantly upset the owners of the motorcycle. Not every village owner wanted to buy a second-generation Yupak.

It is curious that the above Izh, despite its short production history, was produced in a variety of modifications. Classic singles, models equipped with a sidecar, and even anniversary motorcycles rolled off the assembly line. In the last year of production, the world saw a transitional model that received eighteen-inch wheels, as well as beautiful glove compartments. The latter bore the typical later inscription with the name of the series.

Izh Jupiter 2 technical specifications

The maximum recommended speed of the bike is 110 km. at one o'clock. Engine type: two-stroke, two-cylinder, air-cooled. The piston diameter is 61.75 mm. The piston stroke reaches 58 mm. The engine capacity is 347 cc. The compression ratio is 7 to 1. The type of fuel supply is through a K36Zh carburetor. The proportion of gasoline mixed with oil is 25 to 1 (during break-in - 20 to 1). Gearbox - 4 steps. The main drive type of the motorcycle is chain. The brake system is both front and rear drum type. The base of the Jupiter 2 motorcycle reaches 1430 mm. The volume of the fuel tank is 18 liters. Dry weight

The Soviet motorcycle industry was diverse and replete with various models of motorcycles. The IZH motorcycle brand was produced from 1929 to 2008. The plant where they were created was located in the glorious and old city of Izhevsk. And one of the most popular motorcycles in the USSR was the IZH-2 “Jupiter”. Let's take a closer look at this model.

Technical characteristics of the motorcycle IZH "Jupiter-5"

The model also demonstrates good performance in terms of technical characteristics. The Izh Jupiter 5 engine is a two-cylinder, two-stroke unit, which has additional built-in air-water cooling. The power of the technical device reaches 25 horsepower with an engine volume of 347.6 cm3. The motorcycle can freely reach a maximum speed of up to 125 km/h; with a sidecar, of course, the speed decreases slightly, but is at least 95 km/h.

The tourist model is equipped with a stroller

A distinctive feature is that the lubrication system works in concert with the fuel system. The oil is automatically diluted with gasoline. The gearbox is four-speed, the drive is on the rear wheel, that is, a chain. The clutch is multi-plate, closed, and is in oil. The brakes on a motorcycle are drum type. Fuel consumption is 4.5 liters per 100 kilometers. The Izh Jupiter 5 carburetor can be represented by the Czechoslovakian model Jikov-2928SE, but carburetors K-62D, K-65D, K-68D are more often installed.

The IZ Jupiter 5 wiring was created for battery use, so sometimes owners have difficulty starting the engine, there is an interruption in the operation of the motor, in this case it is recommended to install a contactless electronic system.

"IZH Jupiter-2" - characteristics

All the bells and whistles, looks, innovative details don't matter much

The only thing you should pay close attention to is the technical specifications. They can tell you about the bike what the shine hides

And so, the main center of any vehicle, and a motorcycle is one of them, is the engine. Therefore, the first thing you need to look at is the motor. IZH 2 Jupiter has a gasoline power unit, which is classified as a two-stroke system. This means that the pistons are lubricated by supplying the main fuel. That is, right at the gas station, in addition to gasoline, engine oil must also be poured into the fuel tank. At first glance there are a lot of details, but once you get used to it, you don’t notice it. The Jupiter engine has only two cylinders.

Their total volume is three hundred and forty-seven cubic centimeters. The IZh engine is capable of developing a power of nineteen horsepower. This is normal for a light motorcycle. The good old carburetor is responsible for supplying fuel. You should not forget the main thing: practical characteristics. “IZH 2 Jupiter” on relatively flat terrain is capable of reaching a speed of one hundred and ten kilometers per hour. Fuel consumption is low: four and a half liters of “eightie” per hundred kilometers of working distance. Jupiter is cooled using air currents. Not very effective, of course. But it was relevant for that time.

Technical characteristics of Izh Jupiter 5

In general, the characteristics of the Izh Jupiter 5 motorcycle corresponded to its time. But in the 2000s, when it continued to be produced, it could no longer compete with imported models. The Chinese had already flooded the market with budget, but still more modern models, and a flood of used motorcycles poured from Japan, Europe and the USA. The characteristics of the Izh Yu5 engine were not bad, but everything else was hopelessly outdated a couple of decades ago.


The technical characteristics of the engine are not amazing - two cylinders, 347 cubic meters . There is enough horsepower, as much as 24 , torque - 34 Nm . Compared to the previous generation, the engine lost 4 hp, but gained torque, and there was also noticeably more thrust at the bottom, so in general the characteristics of the Izh Jupiter 5 became more balanced. But the engine remained two-stroke , and oil mixed with gasoline must be poured into the gas tank in a ratio of 1 to 25 . But it can easily digest even AI-76, not to mention AI-80. The declared maximum speed is 125 km/h , and it can be achieved on Jupiter without a stroller. And if you look at the engine in cross-section, it turns out that it subtly resembles all the engines at once that were ever produced at the Izhevsk Motor Plant.


Standard 4-speed transmission , where first gear is downshifted and all others are upshifted. It has never been reliable, but thanks to its high maintainability and availability of spare parts, Soviet motorcyclists quickly learned how to solve problems on their own. Some garage craftsmen even completely rebuilt the transmission, adding a fifth gear to the bike, but these were custom ones.

Chassis and brakes

The chassis was developed back in the 70s, if not earlier, and in Jupiter 5 it has remained virtually unchanged. A conventional steel frame with a telescopic fork in front and ancient shock absorbers a la “candle” in the rear, plus drum brakes on both wheels. The effectiveness of the suspension and braking system was mediocre even for its time, but they also had a significant advantage - endurance and maintainability. On modern motorcycles (except perhaps enduro), oil from the fork quickly begins to leak on rural dirt roads, and Izh Yu5, it seems, can ride without it at all. But we still do not recommend .


The fifth generation Jupiter does not have the same electrical problems that the fourth had. In fact, this model is the same Jupiter 4, but with a number of corrected shortcomings, such as regular wiring problems. Gasoline consumption has also become lower thanks to a redesigned ignition. In general, the electrical circuit has changed slightly, but the weak points that regularly served as a source of headaches for owners have been removed.

Weight and dimensions

The dimensions of the bike can be called average, as well as its weight. How much does Izh Jupiter 5 weigh? By modern standards - quite a lot, about 160 kg , and this is only dry weight . But the motorcycle engine is located low, so the center of gravity is also shifted down. The relatively large weight is due to the fact that in the USSR they did not skimp on hardware, and plastic elements were practically not used. If something can be made from iron, it must be made from iron! That is why the weight of the Izh Jupiter 5 engine is about a quarter of its total mass, if we consider the specimen without a sidecar.


This mastodon handles mediocrely , and not least because of the ancient design, and with a stroller the handling becomes even worse. But the cradles for Izh Jupiter 5 were also produced separately, so if you don’t need it, you can always disconnect it. But don't forget about weak brakes , which are not enough to effectively stop a massive bike. On the other hand, the Izh stroller is good because you can load a lot of spare parts and other goods into it when going on a long trip, since its volume allows this.

Fuel consumption

Compared to the previous generation, gasoline consumption has noticeably decreased, from 7-8 liters to 5.5-6 . The declared figures are about 5.9 liters at an average speed of 90 km/h . The quality of gasoline does not matter; the carburetor calmly consumes everything that burns. Tank volume - 18 liters .

Main disadvantages

All modifications were marked with a quality mark and were generally reliable. Owners of equipment made at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant were given headaches by:

  • A weak generator, the power of which was not enough to power all electrical appliances at night.
  • An ignition system made according to a separate circuit for each cylinder. In general, it is quite reliable, but setting the ignition evenly on the Izh Jupiter 3 is not an easy task.
  • The electrical wiring is not of entirely satisfactory quality. Owners of new cars often complained that the wires were mixed up at the factory.

Nevertheless, the popularity of the model was great, and if anything stopped potential buyers, it was the fairly high price. Over the course of a year, the plant produced over 250,000 cars that went on public sale. The successful design became the basis for the creation of the following modifications, the latest of which was Izh Jupiter-5.


IZH "Jupiter" with index "5" came off the assembly line in 1985, two years earlier than the IZH "Planet-5" model. The appearance of the first Jupiter-5 was almost completely identical to its predecessor, Jupiter-4.

But the then new engine had slightly reduced power, but increased torque. Among the visible changes, Jupiter-5 was distinguished by a different finning of the cylinders, as well as a new flange mounting of the exhaust pipes.

IZH "Jupiter-5" was a middle-class motorcycle designed for traveling on roads with various surfaces. Three modifications of this motorcycle were produced.

The standard version was a modification without a side trailer, but equipped with fastenings for it, as well as a modification already equipped with a side trailer - a motorcycle with a sidecar.

The second modification was “Tourist”. This motorcycle was equipped with a side trailer; in addition, it had a spare wheel with increased lugs. This modification was designated as IZH “Jupiter-5T”.

The third modification was designated “Lux”, or IZH “Jupiter-5L”. This motorcycle was not equipped with a side trailer, and there were no fastening elements on the motorcycle for it. But it was equipped with a small fairing, there were also knee roll bars and a towed luggage rack.

I've always dreamed of a motorcycle. The parents were categorically against it. The dream did not let go. But how to implement it while studying at school? So I had to wait until I grew up and started working. After graduating from university, I began saving. Eh, this is a difficult thing. I dreamed of a new Izh Jupiter 5 with a stroller. Yes, yes, definitely with her.

In the spring of 2008, the required amount was finally collected, even in excess. I went to Nizhny Novgorod and bought what I wanted. The motorcycle went back by cargo taxi. That evening I started assembling. By nightfall everything was ready. And here it is, the hour of truth. Choke, enricher, a couple of preliminary kick-vroom pulls, it started right away. Emotions were running high.

I got behind the wheel of the Jupiter, its red sides sparkling in the light of the night lights, and drove to the gas station. "Full tank!" — I casually paid at the checkout. Having filled up to the cut-off point, I slowly drove around the village. “Jupiter,” new?!” - Rare night passers-by exclaimed in surprise, stopping me to stare at the equipment. I won’t lie, it was nice, because the last Izh was purchased from us in the 90s. The people arriving were old, mostly undocumented rubbish. Somehow the dawn dawned imperceptibly. I stood in the field and smoked. The cigarette smoke slowly melted into the air. I felt like a winner, capturing amazing euphoria and peace with every cell. So many years, so much work, so many sleepless nights in motorcycle delirium. And here it is mine - new, red, clear. The pocket was warmed by a real PTS. And this meant one thing: thousands of kilometers of roads, dozens of new people, gigabytes of powerful impressions awaited me. Now the existence in the collective farm case is forever over. And you, comrades, are not my comrades at all. Because, if you bought a motorcycle at one time, keep the documents like the apple of your eye. And then they got stuck - there is a motorcycle, no papers. How so, Karl? Where are you going, wiped your butt? For some reason, you didn’t lose your passport, nor did you lose your foot wraps for your car. Well, sit here now, limited to a three-kilometer radius of local, disgusting dirt roads. And I will travel and live, you understand? The hands spontaneously lit a second cigarette, sparking controversy with the invisible enemy, the collective farmer. When the bull burned their fingers, they turned the key in the ignition. On the Jupiter’s instrument panel, green and red indicators flashed brightly and comfortably in the pre-dawn darkness. I took my time, giving myself the opportunity to enjoy their light. Having admired it enough, I open the kickstarter. In response, the ear-caressing purr of a smoothly running two-cylinder engine was heard.

I headed home. Sleep did not cover me for a long time, despite the night spent on my feet. I dreamed of cities, people, roads, because now all this will be mine. I am free!

The registration deadline was not yet close, so the next day the idea came to me to take a ride around the village one more time. Few people knew about my new “Jupiter” yet. They laughed at me before when they were riding, but I was walking? What did you ride? And you thought it was cool? Oh my God! Now everything will fall into place. I parked near my homie's garage. We're standing there, shaking something. From around the corner, as if on my special order, a hungover man taxis out on foot. Then, in the 90s, he made fun of me. He had a dockless, tattered 2nd generation IZH Jupiter, and I didn’t even have that. “It’s all coming back, bitch!” — I thought sarcastically. Now it's my turn. I turn on the fool, like I don’t know whose red handsome guy is parked at the gate. -Guys, who came on it? - asks the drawn devil, crouching down in surprise. I clearly saw how the Adam’s apple jumped on his neck, that is, the man greedily swallowed saliva. “Mine,” I answer him casually. -What, where, how much, where from?! – he began to literally choke with envy and surprise. Without answering anything, in order to show that I do not consider this necessary, I start the Jupiter with a light, relaxed movement. I drove away slowly in order to give this creature the opportunity to shake longer from impotent anger, the trains of which I felt on my skin at the genetic level. Checkmate. You're smeared.

The next day I went to registration, having previously picked up the stroller.

Nowadays the registration procedure is not complicated, but back then it was a completely different calico. I was one of the first to arrive at the traffic police department, and the last to receive a number. On the way home, a hurricane wind broke out with a terrible downpour, as if the heavenly office had decided to open all the taps. Here the advantages of a motorcycle with a sidecar appeared. Taking off in river-like puddles on the federal highway, I confidently flew home, because you won’t fall apart on a three-wheeler.

Early in the morning I go to the garage to attach the number.
This action opened a new, happiest and, perhaps, the best page in my biography.

Tuning Izh Planet Sport

Making changes to the design of a motorcycle is impractical for a number of reasons:

  1. The resource of many components and assemblies is small. For this reason, it is almost impossible to improve their characteristics without causing damage.
  2. An Izh Planet Sport 350 restored to its original condition is valued significantly higher than its tuned versions.

However, if there is a desire, something can be done. Many athletes participating in cross-country or circuit racing competitions modified the Izh Planet Sport engine, making various changes to its design. A frequently asked question is how many cubic meters can the engine capacity be increased by.

Engine tuning (boosting)

When boosting the engine, the sports team masters altered many things, from the connecting rod and piston group to the exhaust system. The maximum that could be obtained by pressing in a liner from a CZ 500 and using the piston that came with it was a little over four hundred cubic centimeters of working volume.

But such boosting of the Izh Planet Sport engine requires serious professional skills and sophisticated equipment. The thin walls of a standard cast-iron sleeve pressed into an aluminum cylinder do not allow the engine to be bored up to 500 cc.

The exhaust system cannot cope with the removal of the increased volume of exhaust gases, and the support bearings cannot cope with the increased loads. All the talk that there was a factory version of the Izh Planet Sport 500cc is nothing more than a fairy tale. But boring a cylinder is not the only way to increase power and add agility to a motorcycle.

DIY tuning

Installing a new carburetor is a proven way to improve the performance of the Izh Sport without making significant changes to the design. Over the years, Mikuni has released many new, increasingly advanced models with a diffuser diameter of 32 mm.

Engine tuning can be done in other ways without affecting its mechanical components. Starting and stable operation of single-cylinder engines has always presented certain problems, which can be solved by installing electronic ignition on the Izh Planet Sport. Such kits are produced by several manufacturers, and their installation does not take much time.

When using BKSZ with power units of other modifications, you should be very careful. When installing the ignition from a Minsk motorcycle on the Izh Planet Sport, you must remember that the crankshafts of the engines of these machines rotate in opposite directions. The wires going from the coil to ground and the switch will have to be swapped. Such an engine modification is quite justified.

IVK has completed testing "IVK Jupiter" for PDAs for compatibility with Windows Mobile 5.0

Today, the IVK company, one of the leading Russian manufacturers of computer equipment, system software and information security tools, announces the completion of testing of the IVK Jupiter software version 5.0 for PDAs for compatibility with the Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows CE .NET 4.2 platforms. Thus, this software can serve as a platform-forming basis for IT solutions in which the most modern PDAs, smartphones and mobile devices are used as mobile workstations, the configuration of which is created for specific vertical applications (custom devices).

Let us recall that the software "IVK Jupiter" is a system-forming element of the IS and AIS (automated information system), responsible for the implementation of a set of system-wide functions in geographically distributed heterogeneous information systems. Among these functions: guaranteed delivery of information via any, including wireless, communication channels; guaranteed compliance with information processing regulations; monitoring the integrity and authenticity of system and application software; providing unified access to heterogeneous information resources in a heterogeneous computing environment; secure local data storage in network nodes; remote administration (remote installation and configuration of software, starting and stopping computing processes).

It should be noted that IVC Jupiter integrates information security tools at all stages of its logical processing, storage and transmission via communication lines. The IVK Jupiter software is certified by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of the Russian Federation for use in systems for processing information constituting state secrets. In turn, the software "IVK Jupiter" for PDAs is a full-featured implementation of "IVK Jupiter" for mobile devices. It allows the user of such a device to gain access to corporate and public information resources and messaging systems, as well as to fully integrate application programs running on a mobile device with application and system software operating on any nodes of a corporate geographically distributed IS, including application servers, stationary and mobile workplaces.

Thus, “IVK Jupiter” for PDAs turns a mobile device into a full-fledged protected workplace in automated information systems for various purposes, including those where the highest requirements are placed on the reliability and protection of information.

“The new version of the Windows Mobile 5.0 mobile platform includes many improvements that make it more attractive to corporate users. At the same time, it is known that not all software developed for previous versions of this platform can be transferred without changes to the new platform, says Valery Andreev, Director of Science and Development of the IVK. “That is why we tested IVK Jupiter so seriously for compatibility, carefully checking each of its functions. After all, we are talking about the operation of critical applications and information systems.”

Motorcycles "Java"

Another legendary Jawa motorcycle dates back to 1929. This brand of road transport belonged to a Czechoslovak company and was the dream of many Soviet motorcycle enthusiasts. Motorcycles were used not only for everyday travel, but also participated in various racing competitions. In the 21st century, the production of Java has not stopped; some models are still in demand.

Jawa 350 Classic

The motorcycle is based on a 2-cylinder, 2-stroke system with a 4-speed gearbox. There is no connection between gasoline and oil thanks to a separate lubrication system. The motorcycle frame is strong, which allows you to load motor vehicles up to 200 kg. It is possible to attach a car seat.

If we compare the Jawa 350 Classic 638 model with others, more expensive and equipped, it wins in several respects: maintenance is simple and inexpensive, fuel consumption is low, spare parts are available for sale at a low price.

Technical characteristics of "Java" 350 classic:

  • dimensions – 2110×750×1070;
  • engine capacity - 343.5 cubic meters. cm;
  • power – 23.1 l. With.;
  • maximum speed – 125 km/h;
  • gasoline consumption per 100 km – 4 liters;
  • manual gearbox.

Jawa 350 Classic Sport

“Classic Sport” is an improved version of Jаwa 350 Classic. It was presented in 2015 at the Moscow exhibition “Motopark”. You can distinguish the model from other Java motorcycles by the “outdated” design of London in the 60s, when street motorcycle racers converted inconvenient and bulky motorcycles for themselves, removing everything unnecessary. The two-wheeled vehicle turned out to be light and maneuverable, with streamlined elements.

Jawa 350 Classic Sport is designed for solo travel and is equipped with one comfortable seat. The low steering wheel allows you to comfortably take the position of the rider, fully concentrating on the ride. The “rarity” of the motorcycle is reminiscent of its classic elements: a wide chrome exhaust pipe, a round headlight and a traditional red body color.

The motorcycle has a lot of advantages that make for a comfortable and maneuverable ride: a 343 cc engine, a separate lubrication system, a reliable disc-type brake system, a laconic dashboard and an automatic starter.


  • engine capacity – 343.5 cubic meters;
  • number of cylinders – 2;
  • number of cycles – 2;
  • power – 23 l. With.;
  • maximum acceleration speed – 125 km/h;
  • gasoline consumption per 100 km – 4 liters;
  • air cooling system.

Jawa 350 Lux

The presented model is a classic version of a street class road motorcycle. It combines elements of older models, but also has individual modern features. The front of the motorcycle has a classic single headlight, and the electronic instrument panel is simple and understandable even for novice motorcyclists.

The basis of the two-wheeled design is a strong steel alloy frame. Its rigidity improves maneuverability on uneven roads, makes the vehicle maneuverable and increases load capacity. The holistic appearance of the Java 350 Lux clearly resembles a “classic”.


  • dimensions – 2110×750×1070 mm;
  • engine capacity – 343 cubic meters. cm;
  • number of cycles – 2;
  • number of cylinders – 2;
  • power – 23.1 l. With.;
  • maximum speed – 125 km/h;
  • Fuel consumption per 100 km is 4 liters.

Jawa 660 Sportard

The most powerful Java model in terms of technical equipment is the 660 Sportard. The engine capacity of 600 cubic meters affects the ability to reach speeds of up to 250 km/h. The motorcycle covers distances along the highway easily and maneuverably. For beginner motorbikers, this is an excellent tool - flexible and playful. And externally, the 660 Sportard looks more aggressive and modern than the classic versions.

The technical characteristics have their own characteristics: the power plant is “single-barrel”, equipped with an electronic injection system - EFI

The frame frame has a high degree of rigidity, and this is an important condition for off-road driving - the motorcycle does not twitch and is easy to control. The upgraded suspension of the bike allows you to take turns at the same speed without pressing the brake pedal

The technical specifications are as follows:

  • dimensions – 2100×760×1250 mm;
  • cylinders – 1;
  • number of measures – 4;
  • engine capacity – 651.9 cubic meters. cm;
  • power – 48 l. With.;
  • gas tank volume – 17 liters;
  • Manual transmission – 5-speed.


Izh Jupiter 5 was structurally and morally outdated even before production began, but it still remains in demand in remote regions, where survivability and maintainability are valued rather than design. And as a first motorcycle , because it is capable of teaching both how to ride and how to repair your steel horse.


Maximum engine power:24 HP
Torque:34 Nm
Working volume:347.6 cm3
Motor type (cylinder arrangement, number of strokes):two-stroke, two-cylinder
Number of cylinders:2
Number of valves:
Intake type (Injector / Carburetor):
Bore and stroke:
Starting system (Electric starter, kick starter):
Maximum speed in km/h:125 km/h
Cooling system:Air cooling
Transmission (gearbox):4-speed, manual
Clutch (Dry / Wet):
Drive unit:Chain
Suspension (front/rear travel):
Brakes (Front/Rear):
Wheels / Tires / Rubber:
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (Length / Width):
Seat height:
Ground clearance:
Curb weight:
Wheelbase:1450 mm
Weight:160 kg
Battery capacity:
Year of release:
Country of Origin:

Post-war breakthrough

During the period of hostilities, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant was focused on the production of machine guns and small arms. The revival of the motorcycle industry began almost immediately after the Victory, in 1946. According to the law on reparations, drawings and equipment from German factories were delivered from Germany to Izhevsk, which gave a powerful impetus to development. A new design bureau was created at the enterprise, and preparations began for the production of a new model of the IZH-350 motorcycle, the design was based on the German model DKW-350.

The prototype of the German industry was adapted to Soviet requirements and the capabilities of related production. The assembly of IZH motorcycles began at the arms factory. From this moment on, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant became the leader in motorcycle production in the Soviet Union.

Structural nuances

It is worth noting that the model from the designers of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant was at one time considered one of the most modern. The developers introduced a new body into the modification, modernized the engine and implemented the best developments in the field of creating two-cylinder “iron horses”.

Considering that a completely new anti-vibration system and a fundamentally different fuel tank configuration were mounted on the old frame, the bike in question became a real breakthrough in the segment of domestic two-wheeled motorized equipment. A more powerful multi-disc clutch can also be considered an advantage of the model.

The Izh Jupiter-4 vehicle, the characteristics of which are given above, has received an updated shock absorption system and electronic equipment. The last node is very similar to the analogue used in the legendary sports version “Planet-Sport”. It is from this variation that the battery and most other elements related to electrical equipment, including the generator and coil, were borrowed.

IVK expands the scope of application of IVK Jupiter software

Moscow, September 25, 2008. The IVK company, one of the leading Russian manufacturers of computer equipment, system software and information security tools, has completed testing of a special version of the IVK Jupiter software, operating as a system service in 32- and 64-bit server and user versions of MS Windows OS of the NT family. In the near future, this development will be used in large automated information systems of a number of government departments and law enforcement agencies.

Now, in addition to the existing analogue for Linux, the full set of functions of the IVK Jupiter software can be used to create automated hardware and software systems, embedded systems and application servers. At the same time, on the one hand, user authorization is not required, and on the other, these functions are available to other system services. These functions include: guaranteed delivery of information over unreliable communication channels; guaranteed implementation of regulations for logical information processing in a geographically distributed network; guaranteed control of the authenticity and integrity of application and system software installed in the nodes of such a network; guaranteed protection of information during storage and transmission over communication lines; user authentication; guaranteed unified access to information in a heterogeneous computing environment, etc. “IVK Jupiter” is system-building software of the middleware class, certified for creating systems in which confidential data and information constituting commercial and state secrets are stored and processed. A number of technologies and methods for building information systems based on IVC Jupiter are protected by patents of the Russian Federation.

O (IVK) is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of computer equipment. Today IVK is one of the top ten manufacturers of personal computers in the Russian Federation.

IVK is the largest supplier of computer equipment and equipment with special properties, a system integrator, developer of information technologies, automated systems, backbone software and information security tools at the level of heterogeneous distributed information systems for the corporate sector, government agencies and the military-industrial complex.

The main software products and software "IVK Kolchuga™" became laureates of the annual National Industry Security Award "ZUBR" 2006-2008.

IVK becomes a certified participant in the ZUBR award in the Information Security category in 2006 in the category “Best Technology for Secure Information Processing”, in 2007 in the category “Best Tool for Monitoring and Filtering the Contents of Email Messages or Web Traffic”, in 2008 in the category “Time-tested Quality” for constant work on improving the software products of the IVC Jupiter™ family.

The new product of the IVK company - Information and analytical system for processing unformalized natural texts "IVK SONET™" - was named product of the year (PC Magazine/Russian Edition, 11/2007) and was awarded a certificate by the editors of the magazine.

There is room to turn around

The technology turned out to be not only reliable, but also tenacious. It is found quite often on the roads and in the garages of motorcycle tuning and restoration enthusiasts. When you start tidying up a used motorcycle, remember that the wiring diagram for the Izh Jupiter 3 has been changed several times by the manufacturer.

Finding reliable data is hardly possible anymore. If there is no charging or one of the devices does not work, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find the cause using the description of a model from a different year of manufacture.

If you are going to use the equipment constantly, then since standard equipment operates at a voltage of 6 volts, it makes sense to convert Izh Jupiter 3 to 12 volts. To do this you will have to replace with new ones:

  • Generator.
  • Semiconductor rectifier (SRC).
  • Ignition coil.
  • Turn relay.
  • Light bulbs (all).
  • Battery.

At the same time, it makes sense to install BSZ. Electronic ignition will greatly simplify engine starting in any weather and make its operation more stable. Having done this, you will no longer regularly wonder how to set the ignition correctly.

During the remodeling, you can redesign the Izh Jupiter 3 wiring diagram yourself, or use one of the options posted on the Internet. But before you get down to business, keep in mind that it is very difficult to perform high-quality tuning with your own hands.

You will need special tools and a variety of skills. There are many options for upgrading the Izh Jupiter 3, but they are all designed for people who are technically savvy.

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