Learn how to install the outside air temperature sensor yourself

General information

As noted above, various sensors are installed on cars for a reason. They are necessary for the efficient operation of the system as a whole. As for the outside air temperature controller, it is mostly informational in nature and shows the temperature outside. But this does not apply to all systems. Sometimes the coolant temperature sensor is connected to the engine electronic systems. This is necessary to start the engine in the cold season and is a very convenient addition to the “autostart” function.

Unfortunately, not all cars have a temperature sensor built in at the factory. Many VAZ models do not provide this. But it doesn’t matter, let’s look at how to install it and what is remarkable about this process.

Types of coolant temperature sensors

There are two types of sensors in modern cars:

  • magnetic;
  • bimetallic (tape).

The magnetic temperature sensor is triggered instantly and shows the temperature immediately after turning the ignition key.

The bimetallic sensor begins to work after a certain pause. The principle of operation of the bimetallic sensor is that the control unit changes the current strength if the temperature of the coolant changes. The current heats up the metal strip. This metal strip changes in length and moves a fixed arrow indicating the coolant temperature.

As for the principle of operation of the magnetic sensor, it is based on the fact that the magnitude of the current, which varies with the temperature of the coolant, changes the resistance of the coils, which are attached to the sides of the armature and which are powered from the on-board electrical network, and an arrow is attached to the armature, which shows the correct liquid temperature.

There is also a third type of coolant temperature sensors - capillary ones. But such sensors are almost never used.

Where is the ambient temperature sensor located?

On different brands of cars, the controller has a different location. This is due in most cases to the design differences of the machines. For example, on a BMW you can install a temperature sensor directly behind the bumper, but not on a VAZ.

However, understanding where the ambient temperature sensor is located is quite simple. You need to find its number in the electrical diagram, and that's all. In most cases, it is installed near the radiator, usually in front or behind it. But it happens that it is mounted on the side. The main requirement is the absence of temperature effects from the engine. The motor gets hot and affects the controller. He, in turn, will give incorrect testimony.

How to find out the resistance of the air conditioner temperature sensor

The main source of information is documentation for air conditioners, service manuals and technical data.

If you cannot find information for a given model, you can look at the documentation for other models of the same manufacturer; very often sensors are installed with the same parameters.

You can also measure the parameters on a similar air conditioner, if possible.

If it turns out that the sensor is still faulty and you need to temporarily restore the operation of the air conditioner until the sensor is purchased, this can be done by replacing the standard sensor with a resistor.

The easiest way to do this is to cut off the old faulty sensor, and clean the free leads and solder them or screw a resistor to them.

For our example, we need a nominal value of 10 kOhm; you can use any constant or trim value.

It should be taken into account that the air conditioner will always operate in maximum power mode without turning off the compressor.

So this method can only be used temporarily if absolutely necessary.

"Lada Granta": sensor installation

This car is equipped with a controller only in the maximum configuration. In other cases, there is preparation, that is, there are all the necessary connectors and wires for connection. This is done so that the driver has the opportunity to carry out the installation himself.

However, before installation, it is advisable to check whether the dashboard will display controller readings. To do this, press the daily mileage button and turn on the ignition. This is how we run self-diagnosis, as a result all indicators are displayed. During diagnostics, press the daily mileage button again, which should bring up version 090 or higher on the display. This will indicate the possibility of installing a sensor

Direct installation

As noted above, the VAZ ambient temperature sensor is not difficult to install. Especially if all connectors are provided by the manufacturer. The next step is purchasing a sensor. There is nothing complicated, we go to the car store and buy the thing we need. The most optimal location for the sensor is near the radiator. The mass can be thrown over the welded pin. The wires need to be pulled into the interior. How this will be done is up to you. The most convenient and shortest way is through the clutch plug. Of course, you can’t do without disassembling the instrument panel. We dismantle it and look for the 25th contact. It is precisely intended for the ambient temperature controller. Readings on the on-board computer usually appear automatically. If this does not happen, reset the battery terminal for 10-15 minutes. After this everything should work. The VAZ ambient temperature sensor costs a penny. Its installation does not take much time.

Basic aspects of ignition installation

The main aspects to consider when installing the ignition by marks:

  1. First, you need to dismantle the front cylinder head cover; to do this, you need to unscrew four 12-point screws. In some engine modifications, dismantling also involves removing the fuel pump.
  2. Then the upper hydraulic tensioner located in the head is dismantled; to do this, two screws securing the cover are unscrewed.
  3. Next, the chain stabilizers are removed - the middle one, as well as the top one; for this, the two screws that secure them are unscrewed.
  4. After this, the camshaft sprockets are dismantled. The shafts themselves need to be fixed using a 27 key, while simultaneously unscrewing the screws that secure them. In modifications of engines 4063.10, the camshaft sprocket is removed along with the fuel pump drive eccentric.
  5. In accordance with the jig installed on the sprocket, six holes should be drilled in each of them. Their angular displacements should be 2, 30, 5, 00, 7 and 30 degrees from the set position of the factory hole, which is located along the axis of symmetry.
  6. If, when adjusting the phases, it is necessary to turn the camshaft clockwise, the sprocket itself should be mounted on one of the additional holes with a positive offset. It is located to the right of the standard hole.

How to install an ambient temperature sensor on a Priora

The standard configuration includes this controller. But there are times when for one reason or another it is absent. For example, you bought a used car, but there is no sensor or there is one, but it doesn’t work.

However, this is not a big problem. True, for installation or replacement you will need to remove the bumper, since it is not always possible to get under it. It is located directly behind the front bumper and mounted on the front of the body. If there is an air conditioner, then there will be two such sensors. First of all, you need to check the functionality of the old one. The best option is to take a household thermometer and compare the readings. Deviations may be caused by excessive voltage on the contacts.

If the sensor is missing, then install it in the appropriate socket. There should be a wiring harness, so all that remains is to connect and enjoy the result. If the old sensor is acting up, then take it out, turn on the ignition and check the voltage on the connecting block (wire harness). It should be in the 3.5 V range. If there is no voltage, then the problem is somewhere in the circuit. We call and eliminate.

How to find out the resistance of the air conditioner temperature sensor

The main source of information is documentation for air conditioners, service manuals and technical data.

If you cannot find information for a given model, you can look at the documentation for other models of the same manufacturer; very often sensors are installed with the same parameters.

You can also measure the parameters on a similar air conditioner, if possible.

If it turns out that the sensor is still faulty and you need to temporarily restore the operation of the air conditioner until the sensor is purchased, this can be done by replacing the standard sensor with a resistor.

The easiest way to do this is to cut off the old faulty sensor, and clean the free leads and solder them or screw a resistor to them.

For our example, we need a nominal value of 10 kOhm; you can use any constant or trim value.

It should be taken into account that the air conditioner will always operate in maximum power mode without turning off the compressor.

So this method can only be used temporarily if absolutely necessary.

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About installing the controller on Kalina

Let's figure out how to install an ambient temperature sensor on this car. "Kalina", unfortunately, often does not even have the necessary wires, so you will have to pull them into the cabin yourself.

To install, you need to remove the bumper and install the sensor, preferably in front of the radiator. There are only two wires - ground and signal. We hook the mass to the nearest bolt, for example from a horn. We tape the signal wire to the harness with tape, although it is more preferable to use plastic clamps. The most convenient way to bring it into the cabin is through a plug installed near the battery. We remove the tidy and connect the sensor. Usually it shows the temperature right away, you don’t even have to remove the terminals. Now you know where the ambient temperature sensor is located on VAZ cars.

Purpose of the ambient temperature sensor

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It is intended primarily for drivers who travel long distances or for long periods of time:

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  • truck drivers;
  • couriers:
  • postal services;
  • passenger carriers;
  • travelers, etc.

During a long trip, the outside air temperature can change significantly. If the driver or passengers intend to get out of the car, even for a short time, information about the air temperature will not be superfluous in order to dress accordingly. As an example, you can cite information on airliners like “the temperature outside is minus 45 degrees Celsius,” although no one is going to take a walk there.

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Video - installing an outside air temperature sensor on a Renault MEGAN 2:

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Information about the outside air temperature helps set the optimal operating mode for the vehicle's climate control system. If the temperature outside is, for example, minus 20 degrees Celsius, there is no need to set the temperature in the cabin to plus 25. Firstly, this will lead to increased fuel consumption. Secondly, if you leave the car while refueling too hot, there is a possibility of catching a cold.

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Finally, information about the outside temperature helps make decisions about whether or not to stop along the way. The appearance of the surrounding space is deceiving. Many drivers know that in the morning, when the sun rises, it seems that it is already warm outside. In fact, the air temperature may be low. It is enough to wait half an hour to make a comfortable stop for breakfast.

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Their types and principle of operation

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The operating principle of almost all outdoor air temperature sensors is the same. It is based on the effect of changing the resistance value of a semiconductor element depending on temperature. The temperature dependence of resistance for semiconductors is negative. This means that as the temperature increases, the resistance value decreases. For the VAZ sensor, the dependence table is as follows.

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Temperature, in degreesResistance, Ohm

As can be seen from the table, the values ​​are given with an error. Such great precision is necessary to ensure high reliability of the readings. Temperature measurement belongs to the field of measuring technology, and it should not “lie”. At manufacturing plants, selective verification of devices is carried out. It is doubtful that they do this in China, but Russian sensors accurately check. They “verify”, not “check”. Verification is a term used by surveyors and the military.

Where is the outside air temperature sensor located in a car?

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The choice of location of the sensor is determined by considerations of minimal exposure to moisture, dust, dirt, water from oncoming air flows, and limiting the influence of the vehicle’s own heat sources. This is usually somewhere just behind the bumper or in the side rearview mirror.

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Video - outside air temperature sensor on PRIOR:

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If you install the outdoor temperature sensor yourself, you must also follow these principles. If there is no housing for the sensor, you must make it yourself. A device installed without a protective housing will not provide accurate readings.

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Recommendations for care and maintenance of sensors

  • Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding vehicle maintenance schedules;
  • Buy parts with original catalog numbers. The exact data is indicated in the instruction manual for your technical device;
  • When the first signs of engine malfunction appear, contact a service station;
  • When purchasing non-original parts, consult with specialists regarding compatibility with the car model;
  • Do not install a temperature sensor from other car brands on the UAZ Patriot, since full functionality and correct data display are not guaranteed.

The service life of temperature sensors is reduced if the vehicle is frequently used in cold weather or moisture gets inside the structure.

Signs of malfunction and replacement

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The main symptom of a malfunctioning outside air temperature sensor is incorrect readings. The easiest way is to check the temperature readings in the morning, when the car is still cold; it cannot introduce an error into the measurements. You need to look at the temperature on the thermometer outside the window, then go down to the car, turn on the ignition and check the readings in the car. If you do not live on the 20th floor, then the readings of both thermometers should be approximately the same.

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Next, you should start the engine, warm it up, and drive 2-3 kilometers, measuring the outside temperature. If the temperature “floats”, it is possible that dirt or debris has entered the sensor. It is necessary to turn off the ignition in a garage or parking lot, remove the sensor connector, and dismantle it. Next, you need to remove it from the case, inspect the condition, and if dirty, wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in a non-aggressive solvent.

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You can check the resistance of the sensor at different temperatures using a multimeter, but to do this you need to know the reference values. They are difficult to find on the Internet. You can use special reference books.

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You can view and select inexpensive outside air temperature sensors for different car models HERE.

In some cases, it is easier to buy a new one; it is relatively inexpensive. The new sensor must be from this particular car model. It's easy to connect and install. The next day after connection, you can evaluate the accuracy of its readings, as described above.

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If the exhaust gas quality control system malfunctions, engine operation becomes ineffective.

The VAZ 2114 oxygen sensor is a reliable element of the electronic control system, however, if it malfunctions, car owners are faced with the following symptoms:

  • Frequently the engine reaches a temperature that exceeds operating temperature;
  • twitching during exercise;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • the engine stalls after revving or accelerating the car and engaging neutral gear;
  • reduction in the technical characteristics of the car (dynamics, power);
  • the engine error indicator on the dashboard is lit - Check Engine;
  • change in the quality of exhaust gases (color, smell, quantity);
  • uneven engine operation at idle (random change in the number of revolutions).

Signs of a malfunction of the VAZ 2114 oxygen sensor should be a reason to contact a service center or perform independent diagnostics.

The main reasons that can damage the oxygen sensor include:

  • use of low-quality fuel;
  • moisture ingress (for example, due to a coolant leak or bad weather conditions) on the electrical wiring of the oxygen sensor or on the connection connector;
  • frequent engine overheating;
  • lack of periodic checking for accumulated carbon deposits;
  • shortening of resource capacity due to unfavorable operating conditions.

What is an intake air sensor and where is it located?

The intake air temperature sensor (abbreviated as ДТВВ, or IAT in English) is needed to adjust the composition of the fuel mixture supplied to the engine. This is necessary for normal operation of the motor in different temperature conditions. Accordingly, an error in the intake air temperature sensor into the manifold threatens excessive fuel consumption or unstable engine operation.

DTVV is located on the air filter housing or behind it . It depends on the design of the car. It is performed separately or can be part of the mass air flow sensor (MAF).

Places where the intake air temperature sensor is located

What is the sensor used for?

A device or device that shows temperature changes in the cooling system is of great importance for the entire vehicle engine control system. It is he who controls the state of the antifreeze temperature in the overall circuit of the cooling system.

What data is most important:

  • Quality of the fuel mixture composition;
  • The number of revolutions of the crankshaft for a certain period;
  • Changing the ignition timing.

The sensor helps determine how quickly the engine warms up during startup, and ensures that it warms up as quickly as possible, and also maintains the same optimal temperature that is maintained under various operating conditions.

Checking the intake air temperature sensor

Before checking the intake air temperature sensor, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The sensor is based on a thermistor. Depending on the temperature of the incoming air, the DTVV changes its electrical resistance. The signals generated by this are sent to the ECM in order to obtain the correct fuel mixture ratio. Diagnosis of the intake air temperature sensor must be performed based on measuring the resistance and the magnitude of the electrical signals emanating from it.

The test begins with calculating the resistance . To do this, use an ohmmeter by removing the sensor from the car. The procedure is carried out by disconnecting two wires and connecting them to a measuring device (multimeter). The measurement is carried out in two engine operating modes - “cold” and at full speed.

Sensor resistance measurement

In the first case, the resistance will be high-resistance (several kOhms). In the second - low-resistance (up to one kOhm). The operating instructions for the sensor must contain a table or graph with resistance values ​​depending on temperature. Significant deviations indicate improper operation of the device.

As an example, we present a table showing the relationship between temperature and resistance of the intake air sensor for the engines of the VAZ 2170 Lada Priora car:

Intake air temperature, °CResistance, kOhm

At the next stage, check the connection of the conductors to the control device . That is, using a tester, make sure there is continuity of each contact to ground. Use an ohmmeter, which is connected between the temperature sensor connector and the disconnected connector of the control device. In this case, the value should be 0 ohms (note that you need a contact diagram for this). Check each contact on the sensor connector with an ohmmeter with the connector disconnected against ground.

Measuring DTVV resistance in Toyota Camry XV20

For example, to check the sensor resistance on a Toyota Camry XV20 with a 6-cylinder engine, you need to connect an ohmmeter (multimeter) to the 4th and 5th terminals of the sensor (see figure).

However, most often the DTVV has two thermistor outputs, between which it is necessary to check the resistance of the element.

We also bring to your attention the IAT connection diagram in the Hyundai Matrix car:

Connection diagram for DTVV with DBP for Hyundai Matrix

The final stage of the test is to find out the supply voltage at the connector . In this case, you must turn on the car's ignition. The magnitude of the electrical signal should be 5 V (for some DTVV models this value may differ, check it in the passport data).

The intake air temperature sensor is a semiconductor device. Accordingly, its configuration is impossible. It is only possible to clean the contacts, check the signal wires, and also completely replace the device.

Catalog articles, prices of temperature sensors for UAZ Patriot

NameCatalog itemPrice in rubles
DTOZH (original), engine 409421.3828, 421.38280000from 250
DVTV air (original)234.35215from 350


In the UAZ Patriot modifications: Style, Privilege, Comfort, Limited, DVTV is preinstalled inside the threshold on the driver's side under a plastic cover.

To provide access to the measuring device, it is necessary to first dismantle the polymer cover. The sensor is fixed to a metal structure with a screw.

The DVTV shape is conical with two contacts on the back side. The fuse in the mounting block at number 15 is responsible for the operation of the DVTV. The absence of temperature readings on the dashboard is the first sign of a problem.

Intake air temperature sensor repair

How to repair an explosive temperature sensor.

The simplest type of IAT repair is cleaning . To do this, you will need some kind of cleaning liquid (carb cleaner, alcohol, or other cleaner). However, remember that you need to work carefully so as not to damage the external contacts .

If you encounter a problem where the sensor shows the wrong temperature, instead of completely replacing it, you can repair it. To do this, buy a thermistor with the same or similar characteristics as the thermistor already installed on the car.

The essence of the repair is to re-solder and replace them in the sensor housing. To do this you will need a soldering iron and the appropriate skills. The advantage of the repair is significant savings in money, because the thermistor costs about a dollar or less.

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