Winter tires for Niva: top 10 best options

Those car owners who have ever tried to choose winter tires for a Niva are well aware that the choice is relatively small. The standard sizes of Niva tires with a diameter of 16 inches leave few options for tire brands and models.

To expand the number of options for winter tires suitable for installation, many Niva owners prefer to replace standard wheels with a diameter of 16" with 15" wheels, for example, from the Chevrolet Niva, which fit without any modifications.

From this article you will learn:

The editors of the website "First on Tires" have selected the top 10 best options for winter tires for the Niva.

Standard 16" tire options

The standard tire size for Niva is quite unique - 185\75\R16 - narrow and tall tires of 16 diameter. Not many manufacturers produce tires of this size, and even fewer produce narrow and tall winter tires of 16 diameter.

Which winter tires to prefer for the Niva - studded or not - each car owner decides for himself (on our website there is an article to help: Velcro or studs).

Since the Niva is primarily an SUV, studded tires are most often selected for it.

Among studded tires, one of the most popular are Voltyre VLI-5 and VLI-10. Tires of this particular brand are installed at the factory, so this option is the most inexpensive. But not the most optimal, since the driving characteristics of these tires leave much to be desired.

For standard sizes you can also find winter studded tires of such models as:

  • Amtel K182A (Seven Hills)
  • Cordiant Business
  • Gislaved NordFrost Van
  • Nokian Nordman C
  • Nokian Hakkapeliita C Cargo
  • Michelin Agilis X-ice North
  • Good Year Cargo Ultra Grip

Among the non-studded options for the standard Niva size you can find tires of the following models:

  • KShZ K182A (Amtel Seven Hills)
  • Kama Euro LCV
  • Rosava LTW
  • Viatti Vettore Brina
  • Belshina Bravado
  • Tigar Cargo Speed
  • Yokohama W.Drive
  • Hankook Winter Ipike
  • Continental VanContact
  • Nokian WRC3

However, it is worth mentioning that except for the domestic Amtel, Cordiant and Kama, as well as the Ukrainian Rosava and Belarusian Belshina, all other tires will be quite expensive, so most Niva owners will not consider them as winter tires for their car. Because instead of these expensive 16-radius tires, you can install 15-radius tires, which will cost significantly less.

Winter tire test. Defeat of the Winter Duelist

(see also Winter tire test 1)

Our long-time dream of testing the capabilities of Niva tires on hard-packed snow has finally come true! Why did we choose this particular coating? The fact is that this is exactly what you have to drive on in the event of a sudden snowfall or blizzard in winter. It is this kind of weather that traditionally takes all city utilities by surprise, and millions of motorists are left alone with the elements.

True, for those thousands of them who are lucky enough to have to deal with a 4x4 car or other SUV, bad weather is unable to spoil their mood. Quite the contrary. Among Niva owners there is even a concept of “Niva weather.” This is when all “non-wheel drive” wheeled vehicles move uncertainly along the roadsides at a speed of 30-40 km/h. And in the left lane of the same Moscow Ring Road, “Nivas” dominate, fervently playing catch-up with each other and thereby embarrassing their foreign colleagues in the drive. The behavior of the latter shows caution for fear of damaging the expensive “outfit” of foreign cut.

However, emergency braking in general, and on a snowy road in particular, is an unpleasant thing, but, alas, inevitable in a big city for any driver. And although manufacturers of automobile studs separate the characteristics of braking and acceleration as different and independent, we, finding a lot in common and interdependent in these two modes, decided to begin a series of our winter tire tests by checking acceleration

The list of candidates for the laurels of the best snowmobile-snowshoe consisted of 7 tire models and contained the most common tires of the standard “Niva” size of 16 inches. Among them were the standard VLI-5 and VLI-10, the newfangled Kama Flame and K-15b-1-Niva 4×4, the lesser-known I-511, the gazelle K-139, which showed one of the best results in our summer “mud” test, as well as the Japanese Bridgestone WD-10, famous in the Auto Review tests (see No. 3 and No. 11 for 1998), with the proud name Winter Dueler, literally translated “winter duelist”.

Already according to the tradition established by the successful mud test of Niva tires (Niva Club magazine, No. 1 2000), the test conditions were selected in such a way that no subjective assessments could influence the dry, impartial language of numbers. And assessments of these, and even categorical judgments, with which the pages of the automotive and not-so-automotive press are replete, were expressed in abundance among testers. But this is not at all surprising. Of course, it is possible and necessary to trust the authority of leading publications. However, you must admit that conclusions verified personally, and even supported by impartial figures, are a completely different matter. For the simple reason that they are more objective. After all, even the literary pride of Russia, A.S. Pushkin (who can never be blamed for the emotional stinginess of his works!) - even he called for “testing harmony with algebra.”

So we decided to follow the precepts of the classic and did not limit ourselves to the testers’ assessments alone, but made an electronic chronometer the main control tool.


Evaluate the comparative capabilities of various tires for the Niva (16-inch wheel rim) to realize engine torque under conditions of intense acceleration on a winter road.

Test track

Route map

With our harsh winters in central Russia, to create extreme conditions, there is no need to look for a specially equipped place, say, the NAMI test site, which is near Dmitrov, or, as has become fashionable, to go to similar test sites in Scandinavia.

The usual slope leading to the beach near the Northern River Station of the capital became the ideal location for our event (see figure). The length of the slope between start and finish is 53 meters, the steepness of the slope is 26-28 degrees - it was not measured with special instruments. The nature of the coverage is pure, dense snow, constantly renewed by newly fallen snow, immediately compacted by the wheels of cars scurrying along the slope.

All the most popular Niva-sized tires had the opportunity to demonstrate their snowmobile characteristics. And we, the participants of this exciting event, were able to see with our own eyes how well the M+S (mud plus snow) index assigned by the manufacturers corresponds to good Russian snow.


The weather deserves special mention. The test took place on one of those first February days when the snowfall, having begun at night, did not stop all day, but only changed its intensity. From moderate, caressing, invigorating snow to a hopeless blizzard, the kind that would plunge the most chronic optimist into despondency.

The temperature gradually decreased from -12°C at the beginning of the tests to -17°C by the time they were completed. Northwestern wind 2-5 m/s


Active tire drivers, members of the Moscow Niva Club and participants in Internet conferences volunteered to test their own and other people’s tires in the Russian winter with their own hands (or their own wheels?). Preference was given to people with experience in amateur competitions.


Nine Niva cars took part in the main series of races, including two cars each equipped with I-511 and WD-10 tires.

The measurement process itself was many hours long (barely enough time for daylight hours) and quite monotonous, at least for the technical staff. The start was provided by an experienced jeeper of a patriarchal-patriotic disposition, Denis Karpov. His lanky figure in an orange windbreaker looked more like a frozen climber in the afternoon. Looking at the stiff fingers and stiff movements of Denis’s hands through the windows of the driven Nivas, we felt deep respect for this courageous man, and our own work of driving a well-heated car was perceived as fun entertainment, much more interesting than computer games or snowmobiling.

The work of the protocol group at the top of the hill was led by Mikhail Vinogradov. It was controlled by a chronometer and a fountain pen that constantly failed due to frost.

How did the check run go? The car with the tester ready to start taxied to the starting line. Denis aligned the car strictly along the start line, marked, like the finish, by stuck sand trucks. after the person behind the wheel confirmed his readiness with a nod of his head, it began! countdown. Simultaneously with the bending of the last finger and a sharp wave of the hand, the chronometer turned on. Well, the tester’s task, as you understand, was to climb the hill in the minimum time. Adaptation to the track. no, it wasn't a competition! And no one was going to record their driving skills. Before the qualifying races, they rolled onto the track until full psychological and rubber-snow contact was established. For this purpose, a circular movement was organized along the route with turns at the bottom and at the top. Some of the testers already at this stage tried the Niva, shod with different rubber. The program of each tester in his car consisted of a series of 5 races. It was assumed that this would allow achieving stable results that did not differ over time. As subsequent events showed, after just three runs the results fell within an error of 0.1-0.15 seconds. Upon completion of the program in their car, the testers exchanged Nivas, and, if necessary, again practiced on the track. By the way, they rolled other people’s cars onto the track more carefully than their own. In general, the conscientiousness of the majority of testers for such a democratic event was amazingly high

A good German car on good Finnish tires with a good powerful engine gave way to a regular field...

In preparing this test, we assumed that the best results for each tire would be shown by its owner. But this didn't always work. Everyone was completely surprised by such a significant difference in the behavior of identical cars equipped with different tire designs. Thus, the worst tire according to the test results required double the time compared to the best one to complete the proposed exercise. And this is taking into account the averaging of data over the entire series of races! Moreover, “outlier” attempts, in which the car stopped when it was turned across the slope and carried out onto a snow dump, were naturally not taken into account. There have even been cases of being completely stuck after being taken out of a cleared road with the need for outside help. And this, remember, is for a four-wheel drive vehicle standing on a slope of almost 30°! It’s hard to believe, but after some attempts Niva couldn’t even move down on her own.

The protocol parts of the work done are summarized in visual tables and diagrams that are understandable without commentary. But before moving on to the analysis of the abilities demonstrated by the competitors, it is worth mentioning some significant and interesting circumstances.

As befits a strict scientific experiment, the group of subjects of the same type was supplemented with control testing machines of a different breed and even a different tribe. One of them was the UAZ-31519, well known to fans of all-wheel drive. This three-year-old car with a three-liter engine and 30-year-old Andrei Prokofiev at the wheel fought desperately and persistently with the Niva in a duel for the best time. And although he did not win the championship, he showed a good result and shared the well-deserved honor and respect with Yaroslavl tires YAI-357A (M+S).

Another control competitor was the “burger” all-wheel drive car, a very successful creation of the AUDI concern - Audi 200 Quatro on Finnish NOKIAN RW (M+S) tires. Take into account that the power output of this car with a turbocharged engine was more than 2 times higher than our Niva. Now try to imagine the passion and zeal with which the owner of the “German” Ruben Khanbekyan made race after race, trying to demonstrate to everyone the capabilities of a miracle car on miracle tires. but nothing worked! There were also spectacular turns with skids, almost complete turns, and the uplifting of five-meter snow plumes, followed by sticking into the sides of the blade and mercilessly milling it. Ruben, of course, is great. And not because he pleased our “Niva” pride by not showing the best result. That’s why he’s great because, seeing how a good German car on good Finnish tires with a good powerful engine (5 cylinders 182 hp) doesn’t go up a small Russian hill, he managed to step over his own pride and ask to drive someone’s Niva . The Russian car under his control drove into the Russian hill unexpectedly quickly. The resolute facial expression of the mountaineer on Ruben’s face gave way to philosophical peace. Well done! These are probably the ones who are hired as astronauts.

Gap from the leader, %

Test results (see table!)

In addition to the UAZ and Audi, another interesting crew took part in our test. The brave jeeper, known in Internet circles as Amazon (by the way, driving a UAZ), was skiing in the vicinity of the tests, while simultaneously walking two German shepherds, not very small - one male under a hundredweight. The brave lady looked at our torment during the storming of the hill, and said: “Well, the man went away today, he’s weak and flimsy. What civilization has brought us to!” And she went to the start. Naga frozen “climber” Denis for a long time could not understand what the lady with the dogs wanted from him. They say that during mountain ascents the thinking process slows down due to cold and lack of oxygen - this is probably how the brain becomes like a car battery in winter. Finally, having chipped the ice from his glasses with his glass finger, Denis invited the Lady to the start. And we all witnessed an extraordinary spectacle. Two huge dogs, barking heart-rendingly, carried an elegant skier up the test track on leashes at full speed! Shouting out to the dogs and encouraging them with abrupt cries of “Bai, wai, wai!”, she flew to the top of the slope with a grace that is not inferior to the athletes of the Suomi national team when they skate their way up the slope. In a word, the picture is still the same, my jaw even dropped! Thank God, the protocol group worked clearly. The trio's result is about 11 seconds, which is the average time for Audi's attempts.

Well, now about the test results.


These tires pleasantly surprised us. Everyone remembers their lackluster results in the mud test. But here, in the snow, they were beyond competition. The tires were on two cars - the newest and the oldest of the test participants. And both showed the best absolute results. Excellent control, low probability of slipping, no skidding or lateral sliding. Excellent braking. Russian tires for Russian winter. Surprisingly, the production of this rubber was discontinued a year ago! Fortunately, common sense still prevailed - the completely unjustified decision of the manufacturer was canceled and now I-511 has reappeared in stores. Price 45 ve


In terms of its performance, this tire from the Japanese concern Bridgestonc is close to the I-511 and is objectively slightly inferior to it. Still, there was a possibility of a breakdown at the start. I stood on two cars and consistently showed second results.

Controllability on virgin snow 30-35 cm deep is difficult to predict. Good winter tires. Price 110 ve


To be fair, we immediately note that the tires of this model used in the test were specially modified (they were successfully used at the winter rally raid Master Rally Lukhovitsy 2000). The side blocks were removed through one side and the tread was trimmed, which is clearly visible in the photo. The presence of spikes did not matter under the conditions of our test.

However, we were surprised that the results of such Vli-10 were only slightly (5%!) inferior to the obvious leaders I-511 and WD-10.

These Vli-10 tires were the only ones tested that had about 40% wear, all the rest were either new or with wear of no more than 10-15%. We must assume that the new, unfinished Vli-10 can show results of about 85-90% of the leaders. By the way, a similar conclusion was obtained in the already mentioned material of the Autoreview newspaper.

A good compromise option for winter. Price 28 USD


According to the test results, the tire clearly disappointed its owner. It slips easily and willingly. True, if you are careful, it is very stable in gaining speed.

In virgin soil there is a strong delay in steering inputs, but the car gets stuck less due to the wide tread (205 mm). But for Niva on a winter road this is more of a disadvantage than a benefit. Price 40-45 USD Vli-5

The diagonal “old men” Vli-5 cannot compete with their young radial counterparts. The car slips at the slightest carelessness. The only plus is adequate reactions to steering inputs. If you drive a Vli-5 in winter, be sure to use completely new ones, with unworn side checkers. Such studs will cope with winter roads with a solid grade of C grade. Price 20 ve K-156-1

These tires have disappointed everyone. There is no longer any need to talk about any acceptable handling characteristics on these wheels. Riding them in winter requires special preparation and carries an increased risk. We do not recommend leaving it for the winter. Checkers are hard, like a hockey puck. Price 38-40 USD


An outsider in our tests. It was on these tires that the Niva showed feasts to match the Audi. And it was she who had to be pulled out of the snow captivity. Very fast slipping during acceleration and poor braking.

To be fair, we note good controllability and predictability when crossing a mixed surface of rolling snow porridge, but these characteristics were not the topic of our tests. K-139 - tires for summer.

Price 3.5-40 USD

Table 1. Test results
Best time sinceGap from the leader in %Second time, fromAverage of two, s
I-511 17.870,08.218,04
WD-10 28.275,18.358.31
Vli-10* 38,477,68,488.48
KamaFlame 49,3719,19,379.37
Vli-5 510,0828,110,4410,26
K-156-1 610,6335,110,6310,63
K-139 711.8350.312,6312,23
Table 2. Testers and their machines
Knyazev SergeyI-5112121320001700moray eel
Maysuradze SvetlanaWD-102121319991700moray eel
Kuptsov KonstantinK-1392121319981700nmoray eel
Ivliev DmitryI-511212119911600red
Ilyushev AlexeyVli-52121319991700blue
Mugunov AlexanderKama Flame2121319991700green
Maslov AndreyWD-102121319991700sea ​​waves
Zhdanovin AlexanderVli-10*2121319971800red
Khanbekyan RubenNokia NRWAudi200 Quatro 19852144cherry
Prokofiev AndreyYAI-357AUAZ-3151919982890blue

Alexander Zhdanovich


15" tire options

The tire sizes 195\70\R15 and 205\70\R15 are specified as acceptable for use by the Niva manufacturer. In this size you can already find quite a lot of relatively inexpensive and at the same time good winter tires.

For example, among studded options, the following models are quite popular:

  • Viatti Vettore Inverno
  • Amtel NordMaster
  • Nexen Winguard WinSpike
  • Cordiant SnowCross
  • Gislaved NordFrost 100
  • Yokohama F700Z
  • Yokohama IceGuard IG35
  • Matador MP 30
  • Kumho WinterCraft ice

Among the non-studded tires in this size, the following models are suitable for the Niva:

  • Tunga Nordway
  • Nexen Winguard ice
  • Viatti Vettore Brina
  • Nokian Nordman RS
  • Yokohama IceGuard IG 30
  • Sava Eskimo Ice
  • Dunlop Graspic DS3
  • Kumho KW 7400
  • Toyo Observe Gsi-5

And there are quite a lot of different tire models, the cost of which will be more expensive than the models listed above.

By the way, it should be noted that the manufacturer recommends size 205\75\R15 as standard tires for the Chevrolet Niva. However, the choice of such tires is also quite scarce. Therefore, many owners install the same models described above as winter tires on Chevy Niva.

Types of mud tires for the Niva car

  • Cheap and cheerful. This is about the Ya-569 “Bear” tires. “Mishka” will cost you less than 4,000 rubles. Tires are good because they are suitable for our winters. They feel confident in the snow. But in icy conditions it can let you down. Therefore, under such conditions it is better to choose something else.
  • Off-road mid-level, this is Cordiant off Road. For 4 rubles you get tires on which you can drive off-road and not be nervous on the asphalt. The car will need a small "Lift". This will be beneficial, as you will get +3 cm to the ground clearance.
  • Not perfect, but very good - Hankook Dynapro MT RT03. It will cost about 500 rubles more than the previous one. You need a 5 cm lift. And you will get a very decent result on dirt and asphalt.
  • More aggressive Kumho Road Venture mt kl71 tires are noticeably more expensive - 5.8 thousand rubles. Protectors allow you to feel confident even where the surface is not even a joke. A light lift or trimming the wheel arches will allow you to enjoy this beauty.
  • BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/A KM2 – from rags to riches for 7 thousand rubles. Almost the standard of the genre among everything that can be put on the Niva. The treads clean well, and it is so difficult to kill a tire on the road that your car is more likely to break down. In general, if you want to get tires that can even get you to Africa, and you don’t spare money for your loved one, buy it with confidence.
  • Last on our list is the Federal Couragia m/t mud tire. This is the dirtiest of all existing ones. Only extreme is cooler. It's inexpensive. But it is not suitable for asphalt at all - it wears off quickly.

Top 10 models of winter tires for Niva

It is difficult to find good winter tires for the standard size 185\75\R16, and they are quite expensive. Apart from Amtel, Cordiant and Kama, as well as the Ukrainian Rosava and Belarusian Belshina, by and large, there is nothing else to choose from. Therefore, our top 10 will consist of R15 models.

Among the tires of dimensions 195\70\R15 and 205\70\R15 offered on YandexMarket, we choose those that have a high rating, a large number of positive reviews, as well as those that have an attractive price. These tires will be:

  1. Gislaved Nord Frost 100 (spikes)
  2. Nokian Nordman RS (Velcro)
  3. Hankook Ipike (Velcro)
  4. Sava Eskimo Ice (Velcro)
  5. Dunlop Grandtrek Ice 02 (studs)
  6. Toyo Observe G3-ice (spikes)
  7. Cordiant SnowCross (studs)
  8. Yokohama IceGuard IG 30 (Velcro)
  9. Nokian Hakkapeliitta R (Velcro)
  10. Yokohama F700Z (spikes)


Reading time: 6 minutes

Car owners who are faced with the choice of winter tires for their Niva know well how difficult it is to make the right decision. There are several designs on the market in standard sizes with a diameter of 16 inches, but the model range is small. To consider several optimal options for the Niva, many motorists prefer to install components with a diameter of 16 on disks of 15. This way, ideal stability can be ensured.

What models are recommended for installation on a Chevrolet Niva for winter use?

The installation of low-pressure cylinders on the Niva is accompanied by significant modifications to the suspension and body panels of the car. The transmission and chassis are also affected.

Basically the sequence of actions looks like this.

  1. Production of drawings. Serious remodeling begins with design. Any mistake can cause unnecessary costs.
  2. Body modification. Arches are cut out, bridge fastenings are strengthened.
  3. Complete transmission replacement. Installing huge, heavy wheels overloads the gearbox and gearboxes.
  4. Installation of a new suspension adjusted to wide rims.
  5. Installation of wheels and decorative elements.
  6. Running in the car.

A similar sequence is standard when converting any domestic car to low pressure cylinders.

Read news about the new Niva

  • Tire size for the field, all-season tires for the field 4×4, mud tires, the best winter tires for r16 wheels
  • Tires for Niva Chevrolet. Which one to choose?
  • Tire rating for Chevy Niva
  • Niva tire rating 2121
  • Wheel size for Chevrolet Niva - tires and wheels R15 and 16, choice of winter and summer tires
  • KAMA tires - price catalog, where to buy in online stores: sales, characteristics, descriptions, comparison | E-Katalog
  • Tires for Niva 2121: selection of the best tires for any occasion
  • Sava - European quality tires

Winter tires for Niva

When winter comes, car enthusiasts begin to think about re-shoeing their car, choosing winter tires of the appropriate size. To do this, you need to consider the most popular tire models for the domestic Chevrolet Niva SUV, which are famous for their high quality.

Winter tire for Niva car

According to experts, all-season tires are a risky option, especially in those areas where winter temperatures reach less than ten degrees Celsius.

Price for tires for the Niva (2016).

Prices for tires for Niva depend on the following factors:

1) Manufacturer. 2) Seasonality. 3) Class. 4) Dimension. 5) Place of purchase. 6) Condition of the tires (new, used).

When choosing tires, give preference only to proven and popular manufacturers. After all, it often happens that in the pursuit of savings, quality is lost, rubber quickly wears out and requires replacement. As a result, you will spend more money because you will buy 2 cheap sets rather than one expensive one.

Let's look at the most popular options and their average prices.


— price 160 dollars (set price).
- price 131 dollars (set price).
K-156-1 Niva 4x4
- $80 (set price).
The price of one tire BF Goodrich Mud-Terrain T/A KM2
ranges from 100 to 160 dollars.
Cooper Discoverer CTT
tire starts from $100 to $120.
The price of a Bridgestone Dueler D 673
starts at $100.
Yokohama Geolandar MT
tires can be purchased for $80-110.
Hankuk Dynapro MT RT03
tires - will cost from $80.
Kumho Road Venture MT KL71
tire starts from $116-156.
Federal Couragia MT
tire will cost the buyer 110-120 dollars.
Tires I-569 Bear
- Driver in Russia can be purchased at a price of $80 per unit.
Cordiant off Road
tires starts at $72 per piece.

What winter wheels are best to put on a 4x4 Niva if you need 16 diameter

Winter tires for the Niva are selected according to the standard size. For example, models 185/75/R16 are quite narrow and tall. There are not too many products of this size on the market. In addition, tires are divided into two types: studded/non-studded.

Buyers often face the question of which winter tires to choose for the Niva - studded or non-studded. As a rule, the Niva car is considered an SUV.

The most popular models from leading manufacturers are as follows:

  • Amtel K182A.
  • Cordiant Business.
  • Gislaved NordFrost Van.
  • Nokian Nordman C.
  • Nokian Hakkapeliita C Cargo.
  • Michelin Agilis X-ice North.
  • Good Year Cargo Ultra Grip.

Among the non-studded options for standard size you can find tires of the following models:

Winter wheels for Niva 4x4

  • KSHZ K182A (Amtel Seven Hills).
  • Kama Euro LCV.
  • Rosava LTW.
  • Viatti Vettore Brina.
  • Belshina Bravado.
  • Tigar Cargo Speed.
  • Yokohama W.Drive.
  • Hankook Winter Ipike.
  • Continental VanContact.
  • Nokian WRC3.

Considering the developments of well-known manufacturers, it should be concluded that except for domestic Amtel, Cordiant and Kama, as well as Ukrainian Rosava and Belarusian Belshina, all foreign products are more expensive. Niva car owners, as a rule, will not consider the most expensive options.

How long to pump winter tires

In winter, it is customary to slightly reduce blood pressure compared to summer. This helps improve traction. Thus, the indicators can be reduced for soft rubber to 0.8 atmospheres, and for regular tires to 1.2.

Standard testing of winter tires, carried out by experts from leading auto publications such as Autoreview, is designed to find out how tires behave in the following conditions:

  • ice tracks;
  • snowy road;
  • clean highway.

And also inside and outside the city. The indicators check the grip level by determining the braking distance, acceleration speed and cornering control.

When choosing suitable winter tires, you should pay attention to its cost and compare it with the budget that you are willing to allocate for it. Today the market offers models of three price classes - low, middle and premium. At the same time, within each of them, products are ranked depending on the authority of the brand.

The lower price category includes brands such as Cordiant or Kumho. The cost of their tires for the cold season ranges from 3-4.5 thousand rubles per piece. Prices in the middle price category, which includes Nordman, BF Goodrich or Nokian, range from 5-8 thousand rubles. And over 8 thousand sell premium-segment wheels.

Responsible owners of iron horses have a separate set of wheels for each season: summer and winter. Many even purchase special tires to overcome mud. This approach seems to be the most correct. Although there are still those who believe that since the Chevrolet Niva is positioned as an SUV, there is no need to change summer tires with the onset of cold weather.

However, savings in this case are unacceptable.

  • The aerodynamics of an SUV are not its strongest side, so a car with all-wheel drive and high ground clearance does not have high stability on slippery surfaces.
  • Off-road qualities are manifested not at all on an icy road, but off-road.
  • The weight of 4x4 vehicles is significantly higher compared to their passenger counterparts, which is why they are characterized by greater inertia and, accordingly, longer braking distances.

So you can’t ignore the rules that apply to owners of regular hatchbacks or sedans. As you know, for different seasons, tires are made from certain rubber compounds that differ in ductility in different temperature ranges. Summer tires lose their elasticity, which largely determines the car’s behavior on the road, already at 5 degrees; all-season tires can be used down to -5.

When choosing tires, you should focus on the climatic conditions of the region. Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to install all-season wheels on a Niva. If there is no frost or snow in winter, then you can opt for these tire models. Frequent trips to icy surfaces require the installation of studded tires.

And, of course, do not forget that the tires change on both axles and all tires must be the same (from the same manufacturer and the same parameters).

Only by observing these requirements can you ensure comfort and safety for yourself and others.

Previously, at the factory, cars were equipped with Kama tires with standard sizes 185/75 R16. However, it should be noted that the Niva has a rather low landing. And these tires are not intended for an SUV at all, as they instantly become clogged with dirt.

For winter, it is recommended to opt for tires in sizes 215/65. But, in addition to geometric parameters, a well-chosen brand of winter tires is important. For those who are studying winter tires for Niva 4x4: this review can help you understand the range offered.

Also interesting: Which spark plugs are better for a Chevrolet Niva?

This tire is designed specifically for 4x4 SUVs. It behaves well not only in cold weather, but also during temperature changes. The profile, slightly rounded, helps not to lose traction when turning.

Designed specifically for countries with cold climates in winter, these tires perform well on the road in all weather conditions. A drop in fuel consumption for cars equipped with these tires was also noted. This option is worthy of consideration by those choosing winter wheels for the Niva.

Cordiant Polar SL

Tires without studs, the cost of which is quite budgetary, perform excellently when the thermometer readings drop below -5 degrees. Therefore, it is not recommended to visit a tire service long before frost. In winter, rubber copes well with ice, and even better with slush.

Kumho I'Zen KW22

Tires with studs perform well when moving on ice. They are budget friendly. However, over the course of a season, you can lose almost a fifth of your studs (especially if you drive on asphalt surfaces).

The rubber is characterized by decent cross-country ability; it starts and brakes well on ice crust. The spikes are quite securely fastened; they practically do not fly out when driving. The tires don't handle snow so well. In addition, they are characterized by a high noise level (when driving at speeds greater than 60 km/h). The price of tires is quite reasonable.

Reviews from those who have already tested this rubber testify to its merits, even without taking into account the brand. What can we say about the tires: they are not too noisy and perform well on icy surfaces. Thorns are practically not lost during the season. Wheels dressed in this tire cope somewhat worse with loose snow slush. But in terms of price/quality ratio, these are good winter wheels for the Niva.

In the middle price segment, this model stands out for its ability to hold both icy road surfaces and loose snow slush well. Moreover, in the latter case, it does this no worse than tires designed for driving on mud. The studs that are installed on the tires have an interesting shape. They are square. Due to this they have special tenacity. Moreover, they hold quite firmly in the tire.

If the car accelerates to a speed of about 70 km/h, a noise can be clearly heard. However, this is typical for almost all tires with studs. In connection with the above, this option can be recommended to those who are deciding which winter tires are best for the Chevrolet Niva.

The purchase of winter tires should not be delayed until the onset of cold weather. It’s better to worry about equipping your iron horse in advance.

The purchase of winter tires should be based on the area of ​​use of the car. If the car is used primarily for hunting and fishing, you will need an aggressive model installed on standard stampings. Serious lugs combined with rolled steel provide decent grip and minimal likelihood of damage to the sidewall when hitting an obstacle.

The most popular solutions for 3 and 5 door Niva on the market are the following tires:

  • KAMA Euro LCV;
  • Rossava LTW;
  • Good Year Cargo Ultra Grip;
  • Gislaved Nord Frost 100;
  • Kumho KW 7400.

The choice of tire type depends on the area where the vehicle is used. When asking whether it is necessary to install studs on a Niva, you should refer to the use of a car. If driving is carried out in the city, where the roads are normally cleaned and there are no strong sweeps, installing studded versions is unprofitable. Thanks to all-wheel drive, the car velcros out even from difficult sections of the road.

It's another matter when the car is racing in deep snow. Here the presence of metal inserts will not be unnecessary.

Studded tires 215 75 15 for Niva

When considering studded options, you can choose popular models at very reasonable prices:

  • Viatti Vettore Inverno.
  • Amtel NordMaster.
  • Nexen Winguard WinSpike.
  • Cordiant SnowCross.
  • Gislaved NordFrost 100.
  • Yokohama F700Z.
  • Yokohama IceGuard IG35.
  • Matador MP 30.
  • Kumho WinterCraft ice.

Among studless tires in this size, the following models are suitable for Niva cars:

Studded tires

  • Tunga Nordway.
  • Nexen Winguard ice.
  • Viatti Vettore Brina.
  • Nokian Nordman RS.
  • Yokohama IceGuard IG 30.
  • Sava Eskimo Ice.
  • Dunlop Graspic DS3.
  • Kumho KW 7400.
  • Toyo Observe Gsi-5.

Possible versions of tire sizes for the VAZ-2121 Niva car

The above options are suitable for model 2121 and the entire model range - VAZ-21213 and 21214.

215/75 R15

Without any modifications, but provided that the disc is selected correctly, it is recommended to install tires with a diameter of 27-28 inches and an offset of 35-58 mm. In some cases, wheels may touch the fender liners:

  • when the machine is overloaded;
  • at the extreme points of the suspension travel;
  • when driving over bumps.

But these disadvantages associated with the 215/75 R15 size are not critical compared to the advantages that the driver receives:

  • better maneuverability;
  • fuel economy;
  • no need for lifting.
  • Dunlop Grandtrek AT3;
  • Yokohama Geolandar;
  • Cordiant Off Road;
  • Kumho Road Venture;
  • Nokian Hakkapeliitta SUV 7;
  • Michelin Latitude X-ice North.

The first two samples are all-season tires and their size corresponds to the wheel arches of the Niva, as well as the design features of the suspension. The Kumho and Cordiant brands belong to the off-road class, their element is dirt and potholes. The last pair are winter wheels for driving in deep snow and ice.

235/75 R15 and 240/80 R15

For those who intend to further increase the cross-country ability of their “jeep” for fishing or hunting, we can recommend these particular sizes. But the car will have to be slightly altered, namely, lifting the suspension and widening the wheel arches.

The Togliatti plant produces special lifting kits that allow you to lower the wheel axle by 40 mm. This will be enough to install and operate 235/75 R15. The kit includes:

  • spring spacers;
  • spacers for ball joint;
  • upgraded spring cups;
  • reinforced longitudinal rods;
  • cross rod.

The process leaves the factory shock absorbers and springs in place. But the work of adjusting the size of the required tire on the Niva cannot yet be considered completed. The updated design will not allow you to achieve full power and acceleration dynamics.

The solution to the problem lies on the surface: you need to change the main pairs of the rear and front gearboxes from the factory number 3.9 to 4.44. As a result, in addition to increasing dynamics, excess load is removed from the engine and clutch.

Another important point. Do not forget about such a parameter as wheel offset. To increase it, craftsmen use special spacers made of light and durable aluminum alloy. The part is mounted directly onto a standard hub.

With such modernization, the hub assembly experiences increased loads, so experts recommend installing hubs with double-row bearings in the steering knuckle. Despite the simplicity of modernization, it requires a certain investment of money to purchase not only rubber, but also the necessary parts.

Niva Chevrolet

The standard wheel size for this car is R15. Mostly they install alloy wheels, which have gained great popularity. But if the car is used in Russian off-road conditions, it is more promising to install wheels of larger diameter - 16-17.

It must be said that their installation will require additional work. To increase the ground clearance, you will have to install special spacers. It will also be necessary to slightly change the design of the chassis.

Wheel markings may have several letters and numbers. In order to choose the right wheel for a Chevrolet Niva, you need to clearly understand the meaning of all the parameters indicated on it. Let's take, for example, the marking 6.5Jx16H2 PCD5x139.7 ET48 DIA98.6.

J – rim type and profile type,

6.5 – its height,

16Н2 – mounting diameter equal to 16 inches,

Н2 – number of protrusions preventing rubber from slipping,

PCD – English designation for dimensions of attachment to the surface of the hub,

5 – number of mounting holes,

139.7 – diameter of their location,

ET – indicator of the disc extending beyond the plane of the car,

DIA – centering hole parameter.

Some car enthusiasts are wondering what wheels can be installed on the Niva. The most common question is whether it is possible to install larger wheels. There can be quite a lot of reasons for such a desire. Some people want to get a more “tough” appearance, because a car on larger wheels looks more solid. Other drivers are interested in increasing cross-country ability. Larger wheel diameters allow for increased ground clearance, and such wheels usually have higher tread. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for selecting disks instead of standard ones. Let's figure out which wheels should be installed on this domestic SUV.

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