How many studs are there on winter tires? Let's look at R13, R14, R15, R16, R17. Plus detailed video

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After my article about flying studs , an interesting question arose - how many studs are there on winter tires? That is, the quantity is banal? After all, now tires can be restored and quite effectively, by installing, say, repair studded elements . But realistically, how many of them are needed? Take, say, the popular sizes R13, R14, R15 or large sizes such as R17. Personally, I looked for information, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, I had to go back to the service station and actually count manually...

Actually, you don’t have to look for a specific number, everything here is very individual! A lot depends on the specific manufacturer, as well as on the country of manufacture. The thing is that in some European countries the number of spikes is limited at the legislative level, while in other warmer countries they may be prohibited altogether, only “Velcro” .

About European manufacturers

As I wrote above, spikes are allowed only in Scandinavian European countries; I would like to emphasize once again that in warm European regions spikes are prohibited by law! To avoid damaging the road surface.

However, in the Scandinavian countries, since July 1, 2009, a technical regulation has been in force that regulates the number of studs on one linear meter of a tire - THERE SHOULD BE NO MORE THAN 50 PIECES.

There is a caveat to the truth; the manufacturer can present tests in which they prove that a larger number of studs does not destroy the road surface.

In average tires R14 - R15, the number is about 96 pieces. Although, for example, the same Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 has as many as 190 pieces, but they have proven that the destructive effect is reduced here.

Reviews of winter tires Nokian Nordman 4 185/60 R15 88T

I liked everything, absolutely no complaints, just quibbles

After Hakki 4 in the first season it seemed like a soap. Then, apparently, she rolled up and “went”!

I rarely write reviews. But, while choosing a new set of tires for the next season, I was faced with the fact that marketers began to produce tires. It would seem that if you drove a Nordman 4, you are completely satisfied with it, but it has worn out over 4 seasons and you decided to update the tires, why should you go to the store (if the Nordman 4 has been discontinued)? And the answer is obvious: “For Nordman 5.” I think many buyers continue to make these tires pop for precisely this reason (they buy them in countless quantities). But damn, reading reviews about the Nordman 5, you understand that you expect something slightly different from the improvement of the tires you love. More precisely something completely different. Not regression, but progress! Of course, the thought crept into my head that these were the machinations of unscrupulous competitors and all that. I decided to read about Nordman 4. And in fact, basically, according to reviews, this is what I own, what I ride, what I steer and brake with! That is, on average, the objectivity of reviews is assessed. Returning to my first sentence in the “Comments” section, I would like to clarify: the review was left as an ode to the out-of-production Nordman 4 tires. I like its braking distance, acceleration dynamics, predictability, I like the steering a little less (I had experience participating in paired circuit races, It accelerates and brakes much better than steering at speed). But in general, for THAT money (even translated into THIS money), I would recommend it for purchase and would buy it myself. As a result, despite the fact that the remaining tread pattern (according to the indicator) is a little more than 4 mm, and the number of studs is approximately 50%, I am strongly considering leaving it for another season. Moreover, according to the seller of one of the bus networks, the release of Nordman 7 (“five” has already been discontinued) is being prepared. Maybe at least the “seven” will please you with its increased consumer characteristics.

What does the number of spikes affect?

As I have said more than once, winter studded tires have only a few tasks:

  • This is cross-country ability in the snow
  • Working in slushy snow, that is, above-zero temperatures in winter, when you need to remove moisture from the tread
  • Ice work, braking and starting assistance

So, as you understand, the spikes only work on an icy surface (in deep snow and slush, they are actually not needed), and here it is logical to think - the more spikes, the better the performance. This is almost always the case, I won’t run all sorts of tests now, I’ll just say that if you compare the option with 130 and 190 studded elements, the second one has a braking distance of almost a meter less. And this is noticeable!

However, it is worth noting that now there are a lot of advanced technical innovations that have only 96 elements on the entire tire surface. Their efficiency is approximately the same as that of options with 130 – 190 elements. This is because new technologies are used here (for example, rubber composition, number of lamellas, shape and fit of the stud, etc.). The braking distance of these new products is at the level of the most “toothy analogues”, so there is room for improvement.

Well, now I want to take several manufacturers and count the number of studs on a tire, so let’s start.

Nokian Nordman 4

I liked everything, absolutely no complaints, just quibbles

After Hakki 4 in the first season it seemed like a soap. Then, apparently, she rolled up and “went”!

I rarely write reviews. But, while choosing a new set of tires for the next season, I was faced with the fact that marketers began to produce tires. It would seem that if you drove a Nordman 4, you are completely satisfied with it, but it has worn out over 4 seasons and you decided to update the tires, why should you go to the store (if the Nordman 4 has been discontinued)? And the answer is obvious: “For Nordman 5.” I think many buyers continue to make these tires pop for precisely this reason (they buy them in countless quantities). But damn, reading reviews about the Nordman 5, you understand that you expect something slightly different from the improvement of the tires you love. More precisely something completely different. Not regression, but progress! Of course, the thought crept into my head that these were the machinations of unscrupulous competitors and all that. I decided to read about Nordman 4. And in fact, basically, according to reviews, this is what I own, what I ride, what I steer and brake with! That is, on average, the objectivity of reviews is assessed. Returning to my first sentence in the “Comments” section, I would like to clarify: the review was left as an ode to the out-of-production Nordman 4 tires. I like its braking distance, acceleration dynamics, predictability, I like the steering a little less (I had experience participating in paired circuit races, It accelerates and brakes much better than steering at speed). But in general, for THAT money (even translated into THIS money), I would recommend it for purchase and would buy it myself. As a result, despite the fact that the remaining tread pattern (according to the indicator) is a little more than 4 mm, and the number of studs is approximately 50%, I am strongly considering leaving it for another season. Moreover, according to the seller of one of the bus networks, the release of Nordman 7 (“five” has already been discontinued) is being prepared. Maybe at least the “seven” will please you with its increased consumer characteristics.

Winter tire R13

Perhaps the most popular option, because almost all state employees wear the R13 (especially the rear-wheel drive VAZ versions that were produced earlier). Since the tires are new, I will assume that all the elements are trivial. I got it, let's start counting.

So, the total quantity is 110 pieces, as I believe that many budget representatives of this class have approximately the same number of elements.


Before “changing your shoes,” you should think about whether you need a tire with spikes. If the decision has already been made, then we decide on the budget and study the characteristics, opinions of experts and car enthusiasts. There cannot be a simple solution to this issue - it all depends on the road conditions, the make of the car and the driving style.

We can say with confidence that used wheels are not worth the money spent, so you shouldn’t look in their direction even with the most limited budget. If trips in winter are not so frequent, then you can buy something from the inexpensive line, but only new. It is not at all necessary to immediately buy new items of the season; there is a reason to wait for prices to drop.

Winter R18

Actually, this is the last option, and I want to finish with it, this is “TOYO TIRES”, large in diameter. Oddly enough, there are only 100 elements in it!

There is no point in writing about the large sizes R19 - R20; after all, these are not such common tires.

As you can see, the myths that the larger the diameter, the more studded elements - HAVE NOT BEEN CONFIRMED! After all, the R13 has 110 of them, and the R18 has only 100!

Now let's look at the video version.

I would like to note that I consider studded tires to be the main ones for a large number of regions of Russia, our climate is harsh, cold, it can be covered with snow in a matter of hours, they will roll it in and you will have ice. And with “ice” the spike is just right. However, in warm regions, as well as in capital cities, you can look at Velcro. Why, they thought in the article - spikes or Velcro .

And here I end, I think my article was useful to you. Sincerely yours, AUTOBLOGGER.

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Are spikes needed?

When choosing car tires with studs, you should first of all be guided by the conditions under which the operation will take place. If you are a city dweller who does not travel outside the city, then it is not at all necessary to take a studded wheel. Much, of course, depends on city utilities. If in your city there are problems with clearing streets from snow, then there is no reason to expect the situation to improve in the coming winter - in this case it is better not to save.

The wheel studs are factory-made and consist of 100 studs on one tire. This guarantees excellent traction on winter roads, the surface of which consists of rolled snow and icy areas. Dispersing the studs across the width of the wheel increases stability and makes them less noisy. A special shock-absorbing lining located at the base of the spike makes its operation soft, which also reduces operating noise.

With an aggressive (but reasonable) driving style, you can lose no more than 10 studs per drive wheel in one season. This indicator depends not only on driving style, but also on proper operation (this will be discussed in the corresponding section).

If you keep the pressure in the tire a little higher than normal, you can truly find out what Nokian Nordman 4 winter tires are.

Reviews from drivers who use this method of operation report an increase in the predictability of the car’s behavior on the road, there is no need to constantly “steer”, there are no small yaws and sideways movements.

A slightly overinflated wheel, of course, wears out more in the center of the tread. However, this wear will be noticeable only at the end of its service life (after 4-5 years), which once again emphasizes the high wear-resistant qualities that Nokian Nordman 4 rubber has.

How many studs are there on R14 Kama winter tires?

» Winter tires » How many studs are there on winter tires r14

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Delovaya, 7, (831) 410-23-52,

Nizhny Novgorod, Komsomolskoe highway, 3b, (831) 272-54-68, (831) 424-41-22

Nizhny Novgorod, Kazanskoe highway, near house No. 27 +7 (910) 870 44 75,

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Karla Marksa, 60v, (831) 216-33-66 - seller, store, (831) 216-33-64 - service, cash desk

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Vaneeva, 209A, (831) 410-23-55,

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Kominterna, 39 +7 store: 8 (831) 424-90-33,,,, 8, service

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Svetloyarskaya, 23a

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Dyakonova, 2g

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Lvovskaya, 13A, (910) 790-68-97

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Gaugelya 2A/2 +7 shop: (831) 225-92-72, tire service

Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 37b

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Udmurtskaya, 10, (831) 416-19-00,

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Patriotov, 49a

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Yubileinaya, 16a, (986) 763-34-03

How many studs are on winter tires?

Studded tires are winter tires equipped with metal inserts (studs). They provide rubber grip on ice or snowy roads. Car studs have two components:

  • An interspersed rod responsible for reliable fastening of a metal insert to a car tire. The more serrations the rod has, the less risk it will fly out of the wheel.
  • The core of the insert, which consists of an alloy of the most durable metals to ensure high-quality adhesion of the tire to the road surface. The core, as the main part of the inclusion, protruding from the rubber, is its main part, because it clings to ice or compacted snow.

Standards for the number of studs in a car wheel

The number of spikes until 2013 was determined as follows:

  • For tires with diameters R13 and R14 – up to 90 metal inserts per wheel.
  • For tires with a diameter of R15 – up to 110 studs per tire.
  • And wheels with a diameter of R16 could have up to 130 inserts.

The Scandinavian countries made changes to these values ​​in 2013. The permitted volume of studs per tire was changed due to the need to reduce the negative impact of metal inclusions on the quality of the road surface. The second reason for the adjustments was the harm caused to the health of citizens due to dust flying from the sites of road destruction. The editorial addressed the following points:

  1. Reducing the volume of metal inserts on a tire to 50 pieces per linear meter.
  2. Test resolution proving that the density of metal inserts, higher than the previous recommendation, does not harm the road surface.

Types of studded wheels

Taking into account the listed instructions, the following types of tires are distinguished depending on the number of studs installed:

  • Tires with steel inserts up to 50 pieces per linear meter.
  • Tires that have retained the same number of metal inserts, namely about 130 pieces per wheel.
  • Rubber that has a significant number of studs, i.e. from 170 pcs to 190 pcs per tire.

What does the number of inserts in rubber affect?

The main point of impact of the studs is the adhesion of the car tire to the road. According to various tests, a predictable conclusion has been revealed: the more metal inserts on the wheels of a car, the shorter its braking distance. However, currently this parameter is achieved by manufacturers with a number of studs of 96 pcs. How? A car tire is equipped with other factors that affect grip: high-quality rubber composition, a unique stud installation or a different lamella pattern.

How many studs are there on winter tires? Let's look at R13, R14, R15, R16, R17. Plus detailed video

After my article about flying studs , an interesting question arose - how many studs are there on winter tires? That is, the quantity is banal? After all, now tires can be restored and quite effectively, by installing, say, repair studded elements . But realistically, how many of them are needed? Take, say, the popular sizes R13, R14, R15 or large sizes such as R17. Personally, I looked for information, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, I had to go back to the service station and actually count manually...

Actually, you don’t have to look for a specific number, everything here is very individual! A lot depends on the specific manufacturer, as well as on the country of manufacture. The thing is that in some European countries the number of spikes is limited at the legislative level, while in other warmer countries they may be prohibited altogether, only “Velcro” .

After my article about flying studs , an interesting question arose - how many studs are there on winter tires? That is, the quantity is banal? After all, now tires can be restored and quite effectively, by installing, say, repair studded elements . But realistically, how many of them are needed? Take, say, the popular sizes R13, R14, R15 or large sizes such as R17. Personally, I looked for information, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, I had to go back to the service station and actually count manually...


Ivan, Surgut, 25 years old: When the frost hit, I had to change my tires to winter ones. The choice fell on the Nokian Nordman 4. The tires turned out to be soft, and when braking, the grip on the road was a solid five. At high speeds there is a slight noise. Nokian fully justifies its price, I'm happy with the purchase.

Sergey, Moscow, 30 years old: I bought a set of tires for a new car. I was attracted by the price and a large number of positive reviews on the Internet. I removed it after the third period of use. The road grip is good, there have never been any skids. The tires are soft and behave well on the road. Some of the spikes fell off after three seasons. I don’t recommend driving on studded tires on regular roads, they wear out quickly.

Timofey, Tver, 28 years old I tried tires from different companies, changing them every season. I came across Nordman 4. Now I only use them. The car does not drag along the road during icy conditions. The noise level is acceptable. After landing, the car seems a little higher.

Peter, Novokuznetsk, 30 years old: These tires have no advantages! All this is an advertisement for a famous brand. Disgusting tires, the roar of which is louder than that of a jet plane. The car lifts up too much, as if you were driving on tracks. The most disgusting budget option.

Pavel, Tomsk, 28 years old: More than half of the spikes fell off in 2 seasons. I skated the first season without any complaints, but in the second... It’s not safe to drive onto a snowy road without half the studs. Although the tires are cheap, the quality leaves much to be desired. The noise level is acceptable for me.

Finnish tire treads

The tread pattern installed on the Nokian Nordman 4 has distinctive properties compared to other tires. Due to the pattern, which is symmetrical relative to the central block, the snow is evenly distributed on the sides of the wheels, giving the car stability on a winter road.

Advantages of the Nordman 4 tread pattern:

  • At the edge of the tires there are rectangles that push away the snow, moving against the vehicle. They help a passenger car overcome snowy areas;
  • Also along the edges there are small grooves that serve for movement on newly fallen snow;
  • A large number of sipes installed on the tires serve for movement on a smooth icy surface;
  • The tread pattern applied between the wheel and tire protects the tire from dust and dirt getting into the rubber.
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