Priora generator brushes: how to replace them correctly and do it yourself

Do-it-yourself replacement of generator brushes on a Priora

For electrical problems, basic differential diagnosis is necessary to separate brush wear from diode bridge failures, wiring shorts, faulty air conditioning or other equipment.

The brushes of the Priora generator are located in the voltage control unit and are responsible for regulating the on-board network current. Gradually they wear out and need to be cleaned or replaced.

Changing the generator brushes, process sequence

It is quite possible to replace the alternator brushes on a Priora that have worn out without removing it. But, according to experts in their field, the process is simplified if replacing the generator is preceded by removing it from its usual location.

Important! When carrying out any work on the generator (replacement, repair, etc.), be sure to disconnect the battery.

After removing the generator on the Priora, replacement is carried out as follows:

  • Use a screwdriver to remove the plastic cover, which is designed to protect the device. Having done this, you gain access to the brushes;
  • disconnect the connecting plug from them;
  • slowly unscrew both fasteners (they are located along the edges of the elements that are inspected);
  • Take the above key and unscrew the locking bolt. Do this in the center of the element;
  • Having unscrewed all the fasteners, remove the brushes, inspect them, assess their condition and replace them with new ones, connect the wires.

What are the signs that indicate that the generator brushes have become unusable?

The following external “signs” will help with this:

  • if, upon examining this element, you find that its length is less than 5 mm, it certainly requires replacement;
  • if the brushes are worn unevenly, this will also negatively affect the functioning of the generator, so they need to be replaced.

There is no need to skimp on buying new brushes. If you find a cheap option, it is highly doubtful that they will last long. It is more likely that such savings will lead to the need to re-replace the above-mentioned components.

How to remove a generator on a Priora with air conditioning

Before you begin the procedure, you need to acquire the following tools:

  • locksmith's crank;
  • cardan;
  • extension;
  • spanners;
  • WD-40 product.

Next, you need to position the car over the hole, but do not forget to install chocks under the wheels so that the car does not roll.

The generator mounting points must be treated with WD-40 and only then begin the procedure, which consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to remove the car engine protection.
  2. After this, you can begin to remove the compressor drive belt (if there is such a need).
  3. Next, you need to disconnect all the contacts of the generator, first under the rubber cap B+, and then under terminal D.
  4. Then unscrew the engine compartment mount and remove the bolt.
  5. If you remove the compressor, it must be moved down and then to the right.
  6. Next, we proceed to remove the bolt with a metal sleeve.
  7. Then you can remove the generator down the engine compartment.

It is important to note that in luxury cars you can pull out the generator through the top. In simple models this is done through the headlight

This is also a very important point to know when removing the device. One wrong action can disrupt the operation of the device and other parts adjacent to it.

How to stabilize voltage

We ourselves are to blame, but there are certain complaints about the standard voltage regulator. He, poor thing, cannot take into account the mass of tasks that we pile on his little head in the process of improving the car and adding various devices. A new solution has appeared, especially relevant in VAZ cars of the tenth family and above. Not because these cars are most often stuffed with additional devices, but because the generator and relay regulator are designed close to the rated current consumption.

The three-level voltage regulator VAZ 2110 works in close conjunction with the generator. There is no need to remind that the generator produces an electrical direct current of variable value. That is, the higher the engine speed, the greater the output voltage the generator would produce, and this is not useful for all devices. If there were no voltage regulator, it would jump in the on-board network from 10 to 16 volts and higher, and this is unacceptable for most instruments and devices.

How to change the brushes of a Priora generator without removing

Often, replacing generator brushes on a Lada Priora is done with your own hands. First of all, this is due to savings. Many car services charge a significant fee for this procedure. With the average cost of replacing this part on other VAZ models being 400-500 rubles, for Lada Priora they will charge 2500-3000 rubles for such a service. This is explained by the fact that the generator needs to be removed, and sometimes other parts in the engine compartment will have to be unscrewed. So it turns out that replacing generator brushes on a Priora at a service station costs as much as half a new generator , which is not very cost-effective.

The process of replacing brushes without removing the generator

So, if you decide to replace the brushes with the regulator yourself, then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the battery.
  2. Remove the power wire from the generator.
  3. Disconnect the control lamp input.
  4. Remove the plastic cover of the generator by unlatching the three latches.
  5. Unscrew the two fastenings of the voltage regulator with brushes.
  6. We change the node.
  7. Putting everything back together.
  8. Optionally, you can check the battery charging voltage and compare it with the values ​​shown by the on-board system.

Replacing Priora generator brushes

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Current to power conversion calculator

Convert how many amperes a kW has online. Calculator for converting ampere current to watt power The generator cannot be called the weak point of the Lada Priora. In fact, at intervals of about 150,000 kilometers, only the brushes need to be changed. The nuance is that it is impossible to replace the brushes themselves in the Priora. And depending on the vehicle’s configuration, this procedure can be either quite simple or very complex. Or it will require removing the generator altogether.

Therefore, in the article we will look at what brushes are used on the Priora, and how they are changed in cars with and without air conditioning, as well as without removing the generator or dismantling it.

Replacing generator brushes on VAZ-2113, 2114, 2115

The generator brushes serve as conductors of electric current: they supply and discharge it.
Thanks to their work, the generator generates voltage, which contributes to the stable functioning of the car’s electronic mechanisms. Brushes are made of graphite, carbon parts are especially popular, and for engines operating at high speeds, the brushes are impregnated with a special composition, which prevents them from becoming unusable ahead of time.

Basic faults

The primary reason for the breakdown of generator brushes is their wear, which makes itself felt by a poor battery charge. You can detect a failed part by the following problems:

  • voltage failures;
  • the battery discharges quickly or does not charge at all;
  • the headlights begin to burn much weaker or blink;
  • instrument lights blink;
  • There is not enough voltage for the electronics to operate and it turns off (radio tape recorder, for example).

Why change brushes?

If signs of brush breakage are detected, they should be replaced.
If repairs are not carried out in a timely manner, there is a possibility that you will soon need to purchase a new generator, and this is a completely different expense. The battery can only hold the ignition without brushes for a few minutes, which means it will have to be constantly charged. And soon it will be replaced. You can check the condition of the brushes by the size of their protrusion from the seat. If the protrusion size does not reach five millimeters , then they should be replaced immediately to avoid possible problems.

It is recommended to replace it every 50,000 km or every season, which is the key to safe operation of the vehicle. It is better to have a spare set of spare parts so as not to get into an unpleasant situation on the road and then call a tow truck.

How to replace brushes on a Priora generator without removing it

All dynamos installed on Russian Priors are convenient in that the brush mechanism can be replaced without removing the unit itself from the car. This is not a very complicated operation, accessible to almost any car owner who knows how to hold tools in his hands. The replacement is carried out in several stages.

  1. Battery disconnection.
  2. Removing the power wire with a 10mm wrench from the generator.
  3. Disconnecting the test lamp input from the connector.
  4. Removing the rear plastic cover with snaps.
  5. Using a screwdriver or wrench, unscrew the 2 bolts or nuts securing the brushes.
  6. Replace the brush mechanism with a new one, connecting the wires.
  7. Reassemble in reverse order.

After replacing the generator brushes, be sure to measure the flow of charging current to the battery with a voltmeter and compare it with the readings on the Priora instrument panel. We need to make sure that its work is objective.

In the video you can watch a repair involving the replacement of a relay with brushes on a Priora generator:

How to change the generator on a Priora?

The generator in the car allows the battery to charge while driving and powers the entire on-board network; if it malfunctions, the car will only drive until the energy reserve in the battery is used up. As soon as this happens, the car will stall, so if a fault is detected in the generator, you should immediately go to a service center or park the car near the house to figure out how to change the generator on a Priora. This is easy to understand; everything will be immediately displayed on the battery charge lamp; if it lights up on the panel, this is a clear signal that it’s time to go for repairs. Or - do everything yourself. If all else fails, you can contact a car pawnshop)))

Replacing generator brushes on VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Brushes are an integral part of the generator. They are inexpensive and can be replaced in literally 20-30 minutes. Thanks to the brushes, the battery is charged, and current from the generator is supplied to the on-board network. Failure is fraught with consequences: the car does not drive, the battery charge lamp immediately lights up, signaling that the generator is not working properly and requires inspection. Do not operate a car with a glowing light on the dashboard, because the battery will suddenly run out in the wrong place, the car will stall and you are unlikely to start the car (current stops flowing to the ignition system, and therefore the spark disappears and the fuel-air mixture stops igniting).

Note! You will need the following tools: wrenches, sockets with a wrench, new brushes and screwdrivers.

Location of brushes

They are located under the generator cover (indicated by a red arrow). Remove it and unscrew the screws securing the voltage regulator (the regulator is indicated by a blue arrow). It comes complete with brushes, the screws do not attach the brushes directly, but the regulator, the brushes are inserted into it.

Changing the generator brushes, process sequence

It is quite possible to replace the alternator brushes on a Priora that have worn out without removing it. But, according to experts in their field, the process is simplified if replacing the generator is preceded by removing it from its usual location.

Important! When carrying out any work on the generator (replacement, repair, etc.), be sure to disconnect the battery.

After removing the generator on the Priora, replacement is carried out as follows:

  • Use a screwdriver to remove the plastic cover, which is designed to protect the device. Having done this, you gain access to the brushes;
  • disconnect the connecting plug from them;
  • slowly unscrew both fasteners (they are located along the edges of the elements that are inspected);
  • Take the above key and unscrew the locking bolt. Do this in the center of the element;
  • Having unscrewed all the fasteners, remove the brushes, inspect them, assess their condition and replace them with new ones, connect the wires.

What are the signs that indicate that the generator brushes have become unusable?

The following external “signs” will help with this:

  • if, upon examining this element, you find that its length is less than 5 mm, it certainly requires replacement;
  • if the brushes are worn unevenly, this will also negatively affect the functioning of the generator, so they need to be replaced.

There is no need to skimp on buying new brushes. If you find a cheap option, it is highly doubtful that they will last long. It is more likely that such savings will lead to the need to re-replace the above-mentioned components.

Priora generator brushes: how to replace them correctly and do it yourself

If the owner of the Priora notices that the charge from the battery is disappearing, first of all, he needs to check the condition of the generator brushes. Of course, at first the charge decreases insignificantly, but if the problem is not corrected in time, the charge will very soon disappear altogether. Replacing the brushes of the Priora generator, which are clearly worn out, will help correct this problem.

Important! The brush mechanism of the generator on the Priora cannot be repaired. If any breakdown occurs, only a replacement along with the brushes will be required.

Since this process is not so complicated, you can do everything yourself. You just need to take into account the recommendations of professionals.

What tools are needed for work?

Before changing the brushes on the generator, prepare the tools you will need for the job:

  • flat screwdriver;
  • wrench – it’s better if it’s an open-end wrench (size 13);
  • car head with wrench (size 10).


After purchasing high-quality brushes (it is advisable that your choice falls on a well-established manufacturer), you can begin the general assembly of the element, and then install the generator itself in its place. However, as mentioned above, the last procedure can be performed without removing the generator. Which, however, is decided independently by each car owner. All operations performed should be performed in reverse order. After completing the work, the operating efficiency of the entire generator must be checked.

You should use a voltmeter to check whether the charging process is moving, as well as what the panel displays. Make sure its work is objective. Indicators that correspond to each other are evidence that the remaining elements can be installed in their places and the generator repair has been completed successfully.

If the replacement of failed brushes was carried out correctly, and the battery was discharged precisely because the main elements of the car’s electrical system were worn out, the car owner will solve this problem without the help of service station workers. And in this case, you will save a lot on such a service. The replacement process is really quite simple. However, if you encounter any difficulties during the repair work, you can watch the help video. It is provided by specialists. On the Internet resource you can, among other things, find out:

  • about design features - generator 2170;
  • how to check the generator for operability, what you should pay special attention to;
  • how to change wipers on a Priora and so on;
  • What other possible problems can occur with the power generator?

How to Priora generator brushes

If the owner of a Priora sees that
the battery , then first you need to check the condition of the generator brushes . Priora with air conditioning. Do not rush to remove the gene to replace brushes, oil change +. In what cases is it necessary to replace the charging relay? The opposite of removing the relay from the VAZ 2107 generator. It is worth noting that at first the battery charge will decrease slightly, but if the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, the battery charge will soon disappear altogether. Alternator belt Kalina 2 with air conditioning and at. the worn brushes of the Priora generator correct this problem . And since this process is not so complicated, you can carry out such work yourself, taking into account advice from professionals in your field.

Relay-regulator connection diagram

According to the diagram, the HL 4 LED will light up if a plus from the ignition switch comes to connector pin 21 and diode VD 1 passes the minus from the LED through connector 32 to the positive brush of the regulator relay, where through the armature winding and the minus brush the LED finds a minus and lights up. In my case, there was no contact on the positive brush due to the fact that it was worn out and jammed in the seat, in short, it froze. I just changed the relay regulator with new brushes and charging appeared. I'm lucky. It was more difficult if the LED or VD 1 diode burned out and would have to be replaced.


Most often, the malfunction of the brush mechanism with a built-in regulator is the failure of the semiconductor transistor, a break or a short circuit to the housing. It is also possible for the graphite brushes themselves to wear out or break. This is characterized by a drop or complete disappearance of the charge current. On the Priora this can be seen not only by the battery indicator lamp, but also on the mini display of the instrument panel. It has a charging voltage monitoring function.

The brush mechanism of the generator on the Priora cannot be repaired. In case of any breakdown, you only need to replace the brush assembly.

Generator replacement

Taking into account that the Lada Priora is equipped with a large number of electrical appliances, it is necessary to install a powerful generator that can cope with all tasks. Characteristics of a suitable device:

  • marking 5102.3771;
  • power 80 Ampere or 115 Ampere. For lovers of good music, the power should be 170 Amps.

First, you need to remove the old generator. This should be done in three steps, shown in the photographs:

  1. Remove the terminal from the battery and the belt placed on the generator and crankshaft pulley (there is no need to lift the engine mount).
  2. Disconnect the three wires going to the generator. The first is in the form of a connector, the other two are in the form of terminals under a protective cap, which must be bent and the fastening nut unscrewed to disconnect the wires.

Removal and replacement

If you want to carry out a full check or change the timing belt, then you won’t be able to do it without dismantling it. Below are instructions for Lada Priora with air conditioning and power steering. The difference from a car without air conditioning is that we will have to approach the generator from below. The car should be driven onto a viewing hole or a lift, after which the replacement begins. For repairs you will need a standard set of tools.

  1. Replacement begins with dismantling the engine protection;
  2. Now we move on to the timing belt tensioner pulley, we need to loosen its tension a little, check that the tension remains;
  3. Find the upper timing belt mounting bolt and unscrew it;
  4. Now we move under the car. There will be more problems here, since the fasteners are located in a hard-to-reach place. An extension cord with a ratchet and a 13mm head wrench will make the situation easier;
  5. The next step is to dismantle the air conditioning compressor, which will interfere with our further work if we do not dismantle it;
  6. The belt should be carefully removed and, if necessary, the belt should be replaced;
  7. Using force, you should push the generator from its place of fixation and move it to the right. Now we have access to the upper mount, the bolt holds the air conditioning compressor;
  8. When the last fastening is removed, the compressor can be hung, and it does not require additional fixation;
  9. All that remains is to disconnect the terminals and unscrew the holder bolts;
  10. Done, now you can remove the Lada timing belt, replacement is carried out in the reverse order. If you want to disassemble the unit, then do not forget about the marks. Marks are applied before parsing.
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