Which spark plugs are better for the Priora 16 cl.: review, types and recommendations

How to choose the right spark plug

It is important to purchase high-quality spare parts for a car; in order to buy a good product, you need to pay attention to the following selection criteria:

1. It is necessary to order a product compatible with the machine's engine. Most of the best brands clearly indicate the vehicle models their product will be compatible with. Therefore, you need to carefully review the manufacturer's compliance list.

2. Apart from compatibility, you need to choose the design type as there are various options available. The most common:

  • Copper-Nickel: The name may confuse you because these products are primarily made of nickel, with only the inner core being made of copper. It conducts current well, which is why most electrodes are made from it. The product is inexpensive, its disadvantage is that it has a short service life, even if used in a high-energy ignition system without a distributor. Many vehicles will benefit from this option; it is suitable for natural gas engines.
  • The next type has a platinum center contact. It is expensive due to the rarity of this element, which is harder than nickel, so you can be sure that the product will not corrode. The platinum will prevent the tip gap from widening and wearing out, which directly affects the efficiency of the engine. There are models with one or more electrodes. This helps generate the spark in the best possible way. In terms of service life, it is twice that of standard nickel/copper construction.
  • Iridium Product: If you want flawless, smooth motor performance, there is nothing better than an Iridium product. It has a longer service life than traditional models. The thin wire central contacts are designed to conduct current most efficiently. These are expensive products, but the price is offset by incredible performance.
  • Silver candles are an option with the best thermal conductivity. The problem with this product is its durability. The precious metal cannot match the durability of platinum or iridium models.


It is important to decide: “What kind of ignition is needed, cold or hot?” To give a very simple but precise definition, we can say that candles that glow during operation are hot

And those that do not reach high temperatures are cold.

The metal shell of the structure operates at the same heat as the head. The elements are screwed to each other, forming a chamber in which heat is distributed evenly. Hot models have a long insulator tip with a large surface area, causing all parts to become hot. At the same time, cold ones have a small cap that helps quickly remove excess degrees from the combustion zone.

Russian-made models usually have a numerical heat rating. Their assessment is not always consistent because some brands give higher values ​​while others underestimate.

It becomes extremely difficult for buyers to choose the right product with so many options. It is best to order the design in accordance with the car's engine and year of manufacture.

4. If you do not want to suffer for a long time during replacement, it is better to choose a design that is easy to install. By applying the above selection criteria, a productive model can be easily determined.

Below is a table of compatibility of spark plugs for a Lada car:

8 valves16 valves
BERU, Germany14R-7DU14FR-7DU
BRISK, Czech RepublicLR15YCDR15YC

What are the dangers of choosing the wrong candles?

The spark plugs for Priora must be of high quality, otherwise the driver risks encountering the following malfunctions:

  1. When trying to start the engine, the starter will spin for a long time. In this case, the engine may not start or may start after some time. If you try to start the engine for a long time, there is a chance that the battery will die.
  2. When the power unit is operating, new noises will appear, we are talking about idling or warming up the internal combustion engine. Over time, noise uncharacteristic of engine operation may become louder.
  3. Fuel consumption will increase.
  4. The volume of harmful substances contained in exhaust gases will increase.
  5. Engine power will decrease, especially when driving uphill.

Which candles to choose?

To prevent such a development of events, you need to know which spark plugs are best installed on a Priora sixteen-valve engine. So, especially for car enthusiasts who need to purchase spark plugs for the Priora, the manufacturer has given recommendations regarding the selection of SZ specified in the service manual.

If there is no operating manual for the machine, a list of manufacturers whose products are recommended for domestic engines is given below:

  • on the Priora there are 16 valves, the manufacturer allows the use of Russian SZ, model AU17 (AU15) DVRM;
  • BERU brand products from a German manufacturer - 14FR7DU;
  • NW British-made Champion - RC9YC;
  • SZ made in Japan NGK - BCPR6ES;
  • Danso Q20PR-U11;
  • Czech products BRISK DR15YC-1/DR17YC-1;
  • German SZ Bosch FR7DCU.

Spark plugs for Priora BRISK DR15YC-1
Today, Priora spark plugs use SZ, the electrode in which is made of iridium, for example, Denso or NGK. Car owners claim that the use of iridium on the electrode allows them to start the engine in winter. Denso SZ have a longer service life compared to SZ with a metal electrode. Whether to choose Denso or not is everyone’s business, but before choosing, it is advisable to read reviews from motorists. Detailed information about the product of this manufacturer is presented in the article.

If you believe the reviews, Russian-made spark plugs are not the best option for the sixteen-valve Priora. Many motorists claim that they can be used in the summer, since in winter they do not provide the spark necessary to ignite the combustible mixture.

If you choose SZ Denso or NGK, or spark plugs from another manufacturer, be careful when purchasing. When purchasing a product, inspect its packaging - the country of origin of the product must be indicated. On candles where the brand name is indicated, the name must be written or engraved perfectly, without irregularities or chips. The thread must be perfectly straight (the author of the video about replacing the SZ is Dmitry Gruzdev).

How to replace spark plugs on a VAZ 2170-VAZ 2172?

Note! As we said earlier, in order to change a spark plug you will need a special spark plug wrench that is suitable for 16 valve cars, and a special one is needed only because it is equipped with a magnetic insert that will hold the spark plug when you unscrew it and remove it from the hole, respectively, without a magnetic one inserting a candle will be more difficult for you to get!

Removal: 1) At the very beginning of the operation, remove the screen from the engine so that it does not interfere with further work, since it covers most of the engine, and about how to remove it, read the article called: “Replacing a car engine screen.”

2) Then from each ignition module (There are four modules in total, each goes separately to each spark plug, the modules were also shown with arrows in the second photo from above) disconnect the wire blocks (For clarity, the photo below shows only one ignition module, and its block indicated by a red arrow) that are connected to them, these pads are held on clamps by bending them, the pad can be disconnected from the module, and after this operation, pick up the key and use it to unscrew all the nuts that secure the module to the car engine (One nut securing one module is indicated by a blue arrow).

Note! When the fastening nut is unscrewed, remove the module indicated by the blue arrow from the hole in which it is located and then put it aside and make sure that no water gets on it, otherwise it may quickly fail when connected!

3) Now that all the modules have been unscrewed and removed, pick up a special spark plug wrench and use it to unscrew all four spark plugs (the spark plugs are located deep in the holes from which you removed the modules).

Note! When you are about to remove the spark plug, and if suddenly you do not manage to do this, then pick up any ignition module and put it in its place (the module must go all the way into the spark plug itself and lock onto it), so that’s when the module will be fixed on the spark plug, pull it and thereby you will remove the spark plug from the car!

Something else you need to know, many of you have already heard, or maybe not, that any malfunction with the engine can be determined by the spark plug, so I suggest you read the article entitled: “Diagnostics of spark plugs”, everything is in detail in it scheduled!

4) Well, to finish the removal, let’s add a few words about the spark plug, namely, when you remove the spark plug and determine by its appearance that everything is in order with it and it does not need to be replaced, then clean the spark plug itself from dirt, using a special sandblaster for this a device with fine-grained abrasive material, I will note the fact that you are unlikely to have this device in your garage or at home, so travel to car services and find where such a device is used, or simply wrap the spark plug back without cleaning it with anything.

Note! By the way, you cannot clean the spark plug with sandpaper or a metal brush, because all the dust from it will fly onto the spark plug electrodes and if the dust gets on the central electrode, it can easily cause a spark to leak, thereby sometimes tuning up your engine!

Installation: 1. When installing a spark plug, remember the fact that it is installed in the reverse order of removal, but if you are installing the same spark plug again, then using a special probe, check what gap you have between the electrodes, it should be no less and not more than 1.00-1.15. (see photo 1)

Note! If suddenly the gap is different, then in this case take the same special feeler gauge and use it to adjust this gap, the gap is adjusted only by bending or straightening the side electrode of the spark plug, but take into account only the side electrode, the central electrode (It is indicated by a red arrow in photo 2, but it in the photo above it’s hard to see, so you understand, it goes into the spark plug itself, and the side electrode comes from the spark plug and it’s not located in it) you don’t need to touch it, because if you even accidentally get on it, it can lead to because the spark plug will fail, so be careful!

2. And one more thing you should know, namely that the spark plug must first be screwed in by hand and only then it must be tightened using a wrench; the tightening torque for the spark plugs is 30.7-39.0 (3.1-4.0 kg).

It will be useful: This is sva with 542 hp. f-pace from jaguar

Additional video clip: If you are interested in more detail about how to change spark plugs in cars, then check out the instructive video clip that is located just below and which gives a visual representation of how a spark plug on a car is replaced.

Description of types and markings

When the need for replacement arises, you should decide which candles are best to install. The most popular brands are Brisk, NGK and Bosh. However, they have different markings adopted in Europe, so you need to know which imported candles correspond to the domestic markings. The interpretation of this marking, according to OST 37.003 081 - 98, is as follows:

  1. The first letter A means the type, diameter and thread pitch - M 14 x 1.25.
  2. If the letter U follows, it indicates the size of the hexagon for tightening the spark plug, 16 mm. In the absence of the second letter, the product has a size of 20.8 mm.
  3. The number 17 shows the heat number. When the engine is running, the spark plug heats up to a certain optimal temperature, at which it self-cleanses. In the event of unfavorable operating conditions, overheating of the electrodes occurs, and the fuel in the cylinder can ignite spontaneously, without waiting for a spark to occur. This effect is called glow ignition, and the glow number of a candle is a parameter indicating the temperature regime of its proper operation. The higher this parameter, the less the product heats up (cold candle) and can work in much more difficult conditions than a candle with a low heat rating (hot). In engines with high power and high speeds, colder spark plugs are used, and for power units with lower loads, hot products are used.

Marking of imported spark plugs on Lada Priora

  1. The letter D indicates the length of the thread (skirt) - 19 mm.
  2. The letter B means that part of the insulator protrudes above the plane of the product body.
  3. The letter P indicates that a resistor is built into the spark plug body to suppress interference from sparking.
  4. The last letter M indicates that the central electrode is bimetallic with a copper core.

The question of how to choose imported spark plugs by size for a Priora is not difficult to solve. To do this, just unscrew the old spark plug and have it with you during purchase. How imported products are labeled is shown in Table 1.

As can be seen from the table, the markings of domestic and imported candles are different. In addition, there are other markings. To simplify the selection process, Table 2 shows the corresponding spark plugs from various manufacturers for installation on Priora.

Note: in Table 2, the markings in the numerator are for the 16-valve Priora engine, and in the denominator for the 8-valve engine.

It is better to purchase spark plugs from official dealers, whose representatives will be able to explain all the nuances on the spot and advise on the appropriate option, since there are high-tech products at a higher price. For example, platinum or iridium spark plugs, the central electrode of which is made of these metals.

Its diameter is only 0.4-0.7 mm, despite the fact that a standard copper electrode has a size of 2.5 mm. Such products last twice as long as regular ones, so their high cost is fully justified. Spark plugs with two, three and four side electrodes are also suitable for installation on Priora. It is believed that they create better conditions for fuel combustion and extend the life of the vehicle's power plant.

SZ selection parameters

Which spark plugs are best for the Lada Priora 16 valves?

First, let's look at the main selection options:

  1. First of all, you should take into account the main characteristic - the heat value. This parameter is considered conditional; it is selected in accordance with the engine modification. This value shows at what pressure in the cylinders of the power unit glow ignition is formed.
  2. Most modern SZs have a self-cleaning function, which helps prevent the possible formation of soot and deposits on the electrodes. Many manufacturers today claim that their products have a high degree of self-cleaning. Naturally, you can only check this parameter in practice.
  3. When purchasing, also pay attention to the NW gap. For a 16-valve Priora, this value should be approximately 0.5-0.7 mm.
  4. Also pay attention to the number of electrodes with which the SZ is equipped. Traditional devices are equipped with central and side electrodes, but today there are many types of products with 3 and 4 electrodes on sale. The presence of several electrodes does not mean that several sparks will form on the spark plugs. Their main purpose is to achieve a more stable spark formation. Naturally, the use of such products will ensure stable engine operation, since this will make it possible to improve the ignition process.
  5. Before purchasing a product, you need to visually inspect the product for possible damage and defects. If there are cracks on the SZ body, it is better to refuse to purchase the product.
  6. It would be best to check the products using a pressure chamber, but not all consumers have this opportunity. When diagnosing in a pressure chamber, it is necessary to set the pressure to 10 kg/cm2, and the current value must be set to 22 kV. This should ultimately produce a spark. If the test shows that the spark is produced intermittently, then we can conclude that you have a broken spark plug. If the spark formation is continuous, then such SZ can be purchased.
  7. Also decide on the type of SZ. Today, manufacturers offer consumers a huge range of devices - these can be iridium, nickel, platinum devices, etc. Improved products have a service life of 60 thousand kilometers or more.
  8. You also need to pay attention to the manufacturer. It is better to avoid products from lesser-known brands, since such devices often cannot boast of performance and long service life. It is advisable to give preference to proven brands such as Bosch, Denso, NGK, etc.

Replacement Guide

How to change the spark plugs yourself on a Lada Priora 16 valves and what is needed for this? We describe the replacement procedure below. To replace the SZ with Denso or any others, no specific tools are required. Prepare a spark plug wrench; if you don’t have one, a regular 16mm spark plug socket will do.

Please note that the spark plug wrench or socket must be equipped with a special rubber band or a magnet inside

This is important, since the magnet will be able to hold the dismantled SZ suspended

So let's get started:

Open the engine compartment and remove the plastic motor casing. When removing, be careful not to damage the fasteners. Disconnect the terminal from the ignition coil and unscrew the screw that secures it. Using a flat-tip screwdriver, pry up the spool and remove it. This is done for convenience. When removing the coil, be careful - damage to the device is not allowed, as additional financial costs will arise. The candle is located inside the spark plug well. It is impossible to get it without an extension cord, so use it for dismantling, but before removing it, you must disconnect all high-voltage wires. When removing, pay attention to the condition of the well - if there are malfunctions in the cylinder head, then there may be some motor fluid in the spark plug well. If there is oil, you need to replace the cylinder head gasket. It is impossible to carry out this procedure correctly at home, so it is better to contact a specialist. At this stage, if there is no oil in the well, it is recommended to blow it out with compressed air using a compressor - this will remove all dirt from it. If you are replacing the spark plug on a new car for the first time, you will need to apply force to dismantle the elements - a regular spark plug wrench may not be suitable here. Therefore, it is better to use a socket head with a wrench; if there is no wrench, then a powerful screwdriver will do. Be careful when unscrewing the spark plug. The key must be equipped with a magnet or an elastic band so that the SZ can be held suspended. This is important, otherwise you can break the insulator of the SZ, and if this happens, it will not be easy to remove the fragments. This will be especially problematic if by chance they get inside the cylinder. Carefully remove the spark plug from the block. If you can’t simply remove the spark plug, you can use the ignition coil that was removed earlier. The coil can be placed on the shank of the element - this will make it easier to get it out. The spent SZ was dismantled. You can diagnose it by the carbon deposits that have formed on it. The presence of a red or orange coating indicates the presence of ferrocene additives in the fuel - if this is the case, then the gas station needs to be changed. If the driver uses fuel additives, this may cause deposits. If the carbon deposits are black, this indicates that the air-fuel mixture is too rich, as well as increased gasoline consumption; white, on the contrary, indicates a lean mixture. Read more about the colors of soot and options for removing plaque in the article. As for the reasons for a lean or enriched air mixture, they can be different. But if you saw that the tip of the insulator is basically clean, and there is no carbon deposits, you don’t have to worry - everything is in order with the car engine. You can begin installing the new SZ. Place the spark plug in the cleaned spark plug well. At first, you need to tighten the element without a knob or much effort. This is important so that the candle fits tightly into the thread, and if you use a wrench when the NW does not fit into the thread, you will ruin not only the candle, but also the well

Therefore, this step must be performed carefully. After the SZ is twisted by hand and goes in all the way, you need to use a wrench to tighten it

But even in this case, you cannot overdo it, there is a risk of breaking the thread. Once the spark plug is installed, you can replace the coil. Tighten the fixing screw until it stops and install the connector in place. The installation of the remaining SZ is carried out in a similar manner.

In order to avoid problems associated with the operation of spark plugs, especially in winter, it is necessary to install only high-quality spark plugs on your car. Our market today is teeming with low-quality fakes, so it can be difficult for a motorist to avoid falling for a low-quality product when making a purchase.

This is especially true for car enthusiasts who choose SZ from well-known manufacturers. Such products are most often counterfeited. Be careful and buy auto parts and consumables from trusted suppliers.

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Tools and replacement

How to replace spark plugs on a Priora? This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to have the right tools. In order to change spark plugs for a Priora car, you will need:

  • key to “10”;
  • spark plug key;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • rags;
  • 16" end spark plug head with extension inside.

There must be an elastic band and a magnet on the key - this is necessary to ensure that the candle stays suspended.

It is best to purchase a key with a cardan: it is convenient and practical. When using such a key, you can feel the tightening and the threads on the cylinder head will never break.

Tip: if you don’t have a key with a magnetic or rubber coating, you can remove the spark plugs using the ignition module. The end of this module must be put on the insulation and carefully pulled out. After this, it must be checked for defects.

Replacing spark plugs on a Priora car occurs in this way.

  1. First of all, open the hood and remove the protective plastic cover from the engine, which is mounted on clips.
  2. We remove the terminals from the coils.
  3. Remove the block from the coil and unscrew the fastening bolt.
  4. Remove the ignition coil.
  5. Using a spark plug wrench, carefully unscrew the spark plugs so as not to touch or break the insulator, since it will be very difficult to collect the fragments that have fallen into the cylinder.
  6. Now we install new spark plugs. Before installing them, you need to check the gap. It should be no more than 1.0-1.1 mm. It is important that the gap between the side and main electrodes is the same. It is checked using a round probe.
  7. Carefully tighten the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench so as not to damage the threads and avoid breakage.
  8. After this, using a “10” key, you need to screw the coils, tighten the fastening bolt and insert the terminals into the coils.
  9. We put the protective plastic cover on the engine.

Now you need to check the operation of the motor. We start the car and if the engine behaves incorrectly, check the gaps on the spark plugs and the terminal connections to the coil. If after this the problems do not disappear, you should contact a specialist and have the car diagnosed.

Important: if traces of oil were noticed in the spark plug well, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics at a car service center, since in this case the engine may require immediate replacement of the cylinder head gasket.

Replacing spark plugs on a Priora

Welcome! A spark plug is a very important, although small in size, thing that is needed to ignite the fuel-air mixture in a car engine cylinder; in simpler words, thanks to them, the car drives and if you unscrew them, you will no longer start it, because the mixture they ignite will not ignite and therefore the engine will not start.

Note! In order to replace spark plugs on a Priora (And they are located in completely different places, unlike 8 valve engines), you will need to stock up on: A set of wrenches, as well as the spark plug wrench itself, which comes specifically for the car and you will need all this the probe with which you will check the spark plugs for the gap that they have set, if the gap at the electrodes of the spark plug is too small (a defective spark plug, but it can be made normal using this very probe) then you will need to adjust it and thereby return it to the correct one clearance at which the engine will operate normally, confidently and not stall!

Where are the spark plugs located? The spark plug in 16 valve engines, in contrast to 8 valve engines, is in a radically different place; they still continue to be screwed into the cylinder head, but only in 16 valve vehicles they are screwed in from above, while on 8 valve engines they are clearly visible from the side, for clarity, a little Below you can look at the photo, in which the arrows indicate the four ignition modules under which the spark plugs are located.

Note! But you won’t see a picture like the one above on your car, since the engine of a 16-valve car is always closed from above with a so-called screen (Indicated by a red arrow), you will have to remove this screen and only after that you will be able to get to the ignition modules, and only after that modules, right down to the candles themselves! (You will learn how to remove this screen a little later as you read this article)

When should you change spark plugs? The spark plugs must be replaced if the car’s engine starts to stall, that is, when tripping, the engine will twitch, it will also have difficulty picking up speed and in general it will be noticeably worse to drive, in addition, if the spark plug is faulty, the engine will start even worse.

These are all signs, but what about the recommendations given by the manufacturer, you ask? Let's look at this in more detail! According to the factory's recommendations, if the spark plugs are the most common and their electrodes consist of copper or yttrium, then they need to be changed at intervals of 30,000 thousand km.

, because they burn out quickly, but if you use spark plugs whose electrodes are coated with platinum or iridium, then you will have to change such spark plugs much less every 60,000 thousand km.

, and all because platinum is more resistant to high temperatures and, in addition, it is resistant to corrosion of the spark plug electrodes, where it is used!

How to replace spark plugs on a VAZ 2170-VAZ 2172?

Note! As we said earlier, in order to change a spark plug you will need a special spark plug wrench that is suitable for 16 valve cars, and a special one is needed only because it is equipped with a magnetic insert that will hold the spark plug when you unscrew it and remove it from the hole, respectively, without a magnetic one inserting a candle will be more difficult for you to get!

Removal: 1) At the very beginning of the operation, remove the screen from the engine so that it does not interfere with further work, since it covers most of the engine, and about how to remove it, read the article called: “Replacing a car engine screen.”

2) Then from each ignition module (There are four modules in total, each goes separately to each spark plug, the modules were also shown with arrows in the second photo from above) disconnect the wire blocks (For clarity, the photo below shows only one ignition module, and its block indicated by a red arrow) that are connected to them, these pads are held on clamps by bending them, the pad can be disconnected from the module, and after this operation, pick up the key and use it to unscrew all the nuts that secure the module to the car engine (One nut securing one module is indicated by a blue arrow).

Note! When the fastening nut is unscrewed, remove the module indicated by the blue arrow from the hole in which it is located and then put it aside and make sure that no water gets on it, otherwise it may quickly fail when connected!

When do you need to change spark plugs?

The replacement interval of 30 thousand km is very arbitrary. The AvtoVAZ company equips Priora engines with domestically produced single-electrode spark plugs marked A17DVRM for a 16-valve unit and AU17DVRM for an 8-valve unit. Practice shows that even on a new car, these spark plugs often fail long before the end of the service interval, causing unstable engine operation and increased fuel consumption. For this reason, many car enthusiasts prefer imported products.

Fault diagnosis

The best way to determine performance is to test the spark plug under pressure. The essence of this diagnostic method is to check sparking on the electrodes under conditions close to operating conditions. To do this, a candle is screwed into a special chamber equipped with an inspection window, and a discharge is passed through it, while air is pumped into the chamber with a compressor or manually.

At a certain moment, the discharge on the electrodes will begin to fade, and then completely disappear. Record the pressure gauge readings at this moment and compare them with the pressure in the cylinder, which was previously measured with a compression gauge. Plus 2 atm should be added to the compression meter readings. since the starter speed is much less than the engine operating speed. If the pressure in the cylinder is higher than the spark attenuation pressure at the electrode, the spark plug should be changed, because in operating mode it does not ensure complete combustion of fuel, and its excess begins to enter the engine oil sump.

The consequences of driving a Lada Priora for a long time with faulty spark plugs can be disastrous, because, in addition to loss of power, some of the unburned fuel dilutes the engine oil, which harms engine parts. Then, in the form of vapors through the crankcase ventilation system, it again enters the cylinders, supersaturates the combustible mixture, which again does not completely burn on faulty spark plugs and ends up in the oil.

Therefore, if unstable operation, jerking, or failure occurs, you should immediately unscrew and inspect the spark plugs. Thick black deposits on the electrodes plus black exhaust from the pipe when the engine is running indicate an over-enrichment of the combustible mixture or an unsatisfactory condition of the spark plug itself.

If the coating on the electrodes is white and fluffy, and bluish smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe, then this is a problem with engine oil getting into the cylinders, so the oil caps or piston rings should be changed. All these additional loads on the spark plugs have a negative impact on them, and in any case they need to be checked for functionality and, if necessary, replaced ahead of schedule.

Basic faults

The time has come to explain why it is worth carrying a certain supply of candles with you for the Priora. Don’t even store them in the garage or at home, but put them under the trunk lid so you don’t have to worry about anything when a critical situation occurs. When the “spark” doesn’t go after a hard day at work, you definitely won’t be eager to walk to the nearest auto parts store.

You can determine the malfunction of the Priora spark plugs by the following signs:

  • Starting the engine is difficult (that is, the starter rotates, the fuel-air mixture is supplied inside the chamber, but there is still no spark; the engine will start if you turn the starter for a long time).
  • Fuel consumption has increased (there may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but if at least one more reason from the list appears, it is worth inspecting the ignition unit).
  • The proportion of carbon monoxide coming out of the exhaust system has increased.
  • The engine power has decreased (this is especially noticeable during acceleration - there is no usual “traction” and good acceleration).
  • The engine is misfiring, which means one of the cylinders is not working - simply because “its” spark plug did not give a spark, the mixture did not ignite.
  • Usually the spark plug is changed every 15,000 km (for many this is one year of driving with their favorite car), but they can be “flooded”. This is a more serious problem that will take a little longer to deal with.

What spark plugs does AvtoVAZ recommend for the Lada Priora?

The manufacturer recommends installing spark plugs Brisk “SUPER” DR15YC-1, Brisk DR17YC-1, Bosch FR7DCU, as well as AU17DVRM or AU15DVRM. These spark plugs are the most popular and are recommended by the factory. Their resource is designed for 30 thousand km, after which it is better to replace the spark plugs.

Spark plugs recommended by AvtoVAZ for 8 cl engines

  • JSC ZAZS, Russia A17DVRM
  • BERU, Germany 14R-7DU
  • CHAMPION, England RN9YC
  • NGK, Japan BPR6ES
  • DENSO Denso, Japan W20EPR
  • BRISK, Czech Republic LR15YC
  • BOSCH Bosch, Germany WR7DC

Recommended spark plugs for 16 cl engines

  • JSC ZAZS, Russia AU17DVRM
  • BERU, Germany 14FR-7DU
  • CHAMPION, England RC9YC
  • NGK, Japan BCPR6ES
  • DENSO, Japan Q20PR-U11
  • BRISK, Czech Republic DR15YC
  • BOSCH, Germany FR7DCU

The advantage of iridium or platinum spark plugs is their service life, which is longer than conventional spark plugs. If conventional spark plugs require replacement after 30 thousand km, iridium spark plugs can last up to 60-70 thousand km.

After purchasing spark plugs, we recommend checking them. You can do this yourself, if you or someone you know has the device, or in a car service center at a special stand.

Manufacturers and prices of analogues

It is not always possible to find a standard set of spark plugs for the VAZ-2170 in the nearest stores. Therefore, you can install four new parts, in accordance with the number of cylinders under the hood. The choice of elements, thanks to other manufacturers, has become more diverse:

  • Bosch (manufactured in: Russia) au17dvrm. Price – about 250 rubles per set;
  • Denso (Japan) w20epr. Price – 140 rubles per piece;
  • Brisk (Czech Republic) lr15yc. Four pieces – 300 rubles;
  • NGK (Japan) bcpr6es. One piece – 150 rubles;
  • NGK (Japan) bcpr6es price per unit – 200 rubles;
  • Bosch (Germany) fr7dcu. One piece – 100 rubles;
  • Lecar Kit – 230-250 rubles;
  • Valeo 246871. One piece – 170-180 rubles;
  • Beru (Germany) 14R-7DU. One piece – 140-150 rubles;
  • Champion (England) RN9YC. One piece – 230-250 rubles.
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