Why do you need a front strut brace and how to install it

Ask any experienced driver with extensive driving experience: why do you need a front strut brace? He will answer without much hesitation. But not every beginner has a complete idea of ​​what it is all about. In addition, for most ordinary car enthusiasts, this element is just some kind of tube, usually yellow in color, nothing more. Some even find it a kind of highlight to show off in front of their friends.

And if you ask them why the front strut is needed, they either don’t know what to answer, or they begin to come up with a completely passable explanation from their point of view. Of course, from the outside it looks unprofessional, and such excuses have nothing to do with the actual purpose. And to understand why this yellow tube is needed, you will have to turn to the structure of the car body.

General overview

The body of any vehicle is assembled from many elements that are connected to each other by welding, bolts, rivets, etc., so if a certain load is applied, they gain some degree of freedom of movement in relation to each other. Most likely, anyone who has gone through extreme driving school knows this firsthand.

And the lower the degree of such freedom, the more integral the body becomes, approaching the state of a single whole. In other words, it becomes more rigid, and the higher this parameter, the better its control. This is especially felt when performing various maneuvers at high speed.

The essence of spacers

Now we are gradually approaching the most important thing - the pipe is not at all a way of self-expression in front of others. By and large, this is a technical modification of the vehicle; in another way, it can be called “tuning,” which is pleasant for many car enthusiasts.

A spacer (or guy) is a metal tube with a rectangular or square cross-section. Special platforms are welded to both sides for reliable fastening to a VAZ (“Ten”) car or any other brand.

These elements are usually located in the transverse direction of the engine compartment. The platforms are attached to the rack glasses with bolts from the supports. This allows you to minimize the displacement of parts of the car body relative to each other. In addition to the fact that the installed spacers improve the handling of the vehicle, they are able to take on part of the loads placed on the suspension elements. In turn, this helps to extend the life of the body.

As for cornering, a brace connects the front shock absorber cups into a single unit. As a result, their movement is limited, which gives additional rigidity to the car body.

Why do you need strut spacers?

Each motorist adjusts his transport in a way that is convenient for him. For some, this is limited to adjusting the seats and steering wheel, while others begin to “tuning” their car. Many people install various spacers in their car.

Some people add struts to their car just to decorate it and show off to others. Only a small part of car enthusiasts understand what exactly spacers are for. This article will examine this element, its purpose, as well as its pros and cons in more detail.

Key Features

To summarize, here are some key points to better understand the role of spacers. When driving on a bad road (potholes, potholes, country roads), rolls, turns, strong loads act on the car body, which deform it. This negatively affects the vehicle's handling, which ultimately leads to a reduction in its service life. And there are reasons for this:

  • The weaker the rigidity of the body, the more it will “twist” when entering turns or hitting bumps.
  • Metal tends to “get tired” over time, which is why cracks appear in the load-bearing elements.
  • The constant impacts that fall on the wheels are also transmitted to the side members of the body. Over time, they begin to bend inward, which can lead to the fact that at one point it will become impossible to adjust the camber of the front wheels.

As a rule, in cars (for example, VAZ “tens”) that have been used in difficult conditions for more than 10 years, the side members are already quite severely deformed.

In this case, it is necessary to use a special stand to stretch them, only after that it is possible, if not necessary, to install the stretch marks.

Does it make sense to put a spacer under the hood?

Quite often you can find a car that has a special strut brace installed under the hood. As a rule, such a design is rarely installed by the manufacturers themselves. From which we can conclude that the vast majority of them were supplied by car owners. At the same time, there is an opinion that such a device has only a purely aesthetic purpose, improving the appearance of the space under the hood. However, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

It would be foolish to deny the obvious fact that many drivers actually install spacers just to be pleasing to the eye. Such motorists care little whether this will bring harm or benefit to the car, because the only goal is to bring the appearance of the car closer to the sports segment. Moreover, the installation of this element itself does not take much time and is quite simple. If you choose the right spacer, you can install it in just 10 minutes. And you don’t even need outside help.

But before you run to the auto store to buy this fashionable device, you should carefully study its practical application and properties. Initially, the struts were designed to enhance the rigidity of the body, thereby significantly increasing the car's handling. In addition, manufacturers claim that due to the absence of microdeformation during turns, the wear of body elements will be noticeably lower. Stretching between posts is the most popular option for increasing rigidity. However, on the shelves of automotive supply stores you can also find spacers for the trunk, sills, under the engine, as well as many other solutions.

It is also worth noting that with such an abundance of offers, prices vary greatly. If you can buy a spacer for a domestic car for a symbolic 400 - 500 rubles, then a similar spare part for a foreign car will be quite expensive - the cost can sometimes reach several tens of thousands of wooden ones.

It would seem that there are two identical pieces of metal, what's the difference? But it is there. And very serious. Only a truly high-quality product will have all the properties declared by the manufacturer. Here it comes down to both the material and the correct fastenings. But the cheaper version is unlikely to bring much benefit. In addition, it will be subject to severe wear and deformation.

Particular attention should be paid to the number of fasteners. If you decide to install a spacer, it is better to choose one that has three of them. Two are installed on racks, and she is installed on the body. In this way, it will be possible to significantly improve the vehicle's handling.

But we must not forget the disadvantages of spacers. When a car leaves the factory, its struts are not rigidly fixed to each other. Therefore, if one side gets into an accident, the other side can get away with a slight fright, maintaining the integrity of the body. But if a strut is installed in the car, then in a serious accident it will transfer the load to the second strut, as a result of which the entire front part of the car can move. Then there is a possibility that it will not be possible to restore the original appearance of the car.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion about whether installing a spacer will harm the car or, on the contrary, will benefit it. Here, each driver must evaluate the rationality of this acquisition himself. If improved controllability is very important for him, then it makes sense to think about installing a high-quality spacer. If he only cares about appearance, then it is better to pay attention to a cheap design. This one is easy to install, and in the event of an accident it will simply break and will not transfer the load.

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Adjustable and non-adjustable stretchers

The non-adjustable spacer is a one-piece piece with no detachable connections. The peculiarity of adjustable stretch marks is that they consist of two units connected by a coupling. Due to this, it becomes possible to change the length of the spacer, making it smaller or larger depending on the need.

Many drivers prefer one-piece structures because they provide a higher degree of rigidity than their adjustable counterparts. However, there may be cases when it is impossible to select a one-piece design for a single vehicle. In this case, adjustable stretch marks are the only correct solution.

What other stretch marks are there?

In addition to non-adjustable and adjustable spacers, there are other types, it all depends on the attachment points of the spacer:

  • Two-point - ordinary tubes that are attached to the shock absorber strut cups.
  • Three-point – usually this design has the shape of a triangle. Such spacers are attached in the same way as two-point ones, but there is one more point for mounting on the body. Because of this, the rigidity is even higher.

The fact that the 3-point bracing gives a lot of extra rigidity to the body is definitely a plus. However, the large time investment required to install this type of structure is a clear disadvantage.

Clear benefits

Car body struts have both their advantages and disadvantages. But perhaps it’s worth starting with something pleasant. The obvious advantages include:

  • Due to the increased rigidity of the body, the vehicle corners better.
  • Improved car handling is manifested in the fact that it becomes more confident on the road.
  • The trajectory when cornering is more precise and clear.
  • Less likelihood of age-related cracks appearing on the body.
  • Increased machine stability during straight-line movement.
  • No deformation when driving over road irregularities.

With regard to cars with high mileage and at least a shorter service life (15 years or more), one thing can be said: after the procedure of retracting the side members (and with such a long history it is necessary to do this in any case), it is recommended to install stretch marks. This is due to the previously mentioned reason – metal “fatigue”. Without proper reinforcement, the car body can quickly become unusable.

Advantages and disadvantages

It’s not difficult to find a spacer option that suits you, using a specific article number or using the search by car model. The Autoproduct store alone offers the widest assortment.

But in order to make a final decision, it is worth dividing the characteristics of the spacer into pros and cons.

The positive points include:

  • reduction of possible body deformation;
  • confident cornering;
  • improved off-road performance;
  • increased steering sensitivity;
  • improved vehicle stability.

But there are also disadvantages. Among them:

  • a strong side impact deforms the entire rack;
  • purchase and installation require large financial costs;
  • access to some components in the engine compartment becomes more difficult.

And you can draw your own conclusions, since everyone sets their own priorities.

I'll say this. Spacers on the front struts increase body strength and vehicle stability when driving off-road and when driving straight along the highway.

A number of disadvantages

Unfortunately, there are also some drawbacks, and now let’s look at a number of disadvantages. All extreme driving school graduates are well aware of them. The negative sides are:

  • Under the influence of the load on one wheel, the second one is also affected. Fortunately, modern designs have special notches that allow the part itself to bend, leaving the other wheel intact.
  • Some drivers note that after installing the spacers, both struts are damaged. This drawback is quite controversial, but it is still worth considering this possibility.
  • Due to stretching on some car models, it may be difficult to change the brake fluid.
  • In the event of an emergency or an impact on only one side, the entire front part of the vehicle body is affected.

A natural question may arise: why, for example, are there no front strut struts on the VAZ-2110 from the factory? This is not done for reasons of economy, as it might seem at first glance. It's all about the need to improve the safety of the driver and passengers, because the cars are designed for the mass market.

In addition, studies have shown that cars with stretch marks receive much more serious damage than vehicles without them. We can conclude that in the first case the driver and his passengers are in greater danger.

Pros and cons of using front strut braces

Initially, the device was invented for sports cars, the operation of which took place in difficult conditions and the vehicle was required to have endurance and stability. This ensured trouble-free driving on bad roads, and one could forget about worries about the safety of the body. This installation also made the steering wheel more sensitive, resulting in easier control.

Among the undeniable advantages of the spacer are:

  • the ability to reduce body deformation when cornering and off-road driving;
  • the vehicle gains greater maneuverability and stability.

Despite all the advantages of the device, it also has disadvantages:

  • A strong blow to the side of the body causes vibration to be felt by the opposite pillar. As a result, deformation of both nodes occurs;
  • the cost of the device and its installation requires a lot of expenses;
  • servicing the brake system becomes difficult, since access to the reservoir encounters additional obstacles.

Driving on uneven or dirt roads

In addition to the above advantages, it is worth considering the behavior of the car when driving on uneven roads, as well as when cornering. Let's start with the peculiarities of moving on uneven terrain: in this case, the wheels are constantly subjected to heavy loads.

Here is another argument for those who doubt the question of why the front strut strut is needed: as the speed of the vehicle increases, the impact force will also increase. Because of this, the lower suspension arms suffer, which can lead to their deformation. Thanks to the installed spacer, shocks are absorbed by it. As a result, part of the load is removed from the main suspension elements, which helps protect them from harmful effects.

What is a front strut brace and why is it needed?

If you don’t yet know why a front strut strut is needed, experts advise not to waste time, but to study this issue in detail.

The body has a large number of elements, the fastening of which is carried out using welding, bolted joints, glue, etc. Therefore, when certain forces appear on it, in most cases mutual movement of these parts occurs. There should be a minimum of such movements so that the car body continues to remain rigid. This in turn guarantees good handling and safety of movement. This feature can be noticed while driving at high speed and when cornering.

It is the cross member that provides additional rigidity - that’s what the front strut brace is for. This part has the form of a pipe with a rectangular or round cross-section, as well as platforms welded on both sides, the task of which is to fix the lever.

The device is placed across the engine compartment, and its platforms are held in place by the strut cups, thanks to the bolts previously installed on the device. The installation unites the strut cups, preventing them from moving, therefore improving vehicle handling. Thus, part of the load that the vehicle body receives goes to the strut.

Entering a turn

What happens to a car when it turns? Most of the weight of the body is transferred to the side opposite to the turn; excessive roll occurs, which can lead the vehicle away from the given trajectory.

Usually the anti-roll bar should combat this. And yet, why do you need a front strut strut, if there is a stabilizer, which is equipped with all cars without exception. The fact is that such an important part is not always able to withstand lateral loads. With the front struts stretched, it is noticeably easier for the stabilizer to perform its functions.

Let's give an example: if earlier, before the car went through a turn, it was necessary to reduce the speed to 60 km/h each time, then with installed stretch marks this parameter can be safely increased to 80 km/h.

Front strut strut, what is it for?

Strengthening the car body and giving it additional rigidity is a task that many car owners set themselves. The front strut strut is a unit that allows you to quickly and without any difficulties solve the problem.

Front strut strut, what is it for?

What are the features of such constructive processing? How to do the work yourself, and what results can you expect?

Spacer Installation Procedure

To install spacers, it is not necessary to contact specialized service centers. You can do all the work yourself, except if necessary, enlist the support of loved ones. If the vehicle owner does not have the slightest idea about struts and braces, then it is better to visit the nearest service station to install front strut struts.

But if you have confidence in your abilities, then the following algorithm of actions will be useful:

  • Place the car on a flat surface.
  • Unscrew the nuts from both shock absorber strut cups.
  • Washers are installed on the studs or bolts.
  • The spacer is put on - the part suitable for the car will fall into place without any effort.
  • Tighten and tighten the nuts. If the installed stretcher is of an adjustable type, its position should be adjusted.

There should no longer be any doubt about why the front strut strut is needed, and there is no doubt about the benefits of such an element. At the same time, most car enthusiasts are not ready to donate their funds to purchase factory blanks, preferring to make such a part themselves.

From a theoretical point of view, this is feasible, but it should be understood that the process is no less expensive and complex. This requires skills in working with a lathe and experience as a welder, but who can guarantee the quality of a homemade design?!

How to install?

After purchasing the part, you can install it yourself with your own hands.

It is very important that the car is parked on a level surface, otherwise the non-adjustable strut will not go into place, and the adjustable strut will not be installed correctly.

Step 1: Open the hood and unscrew all the nuts on the strut cups

Step 2: Install the spacer. The part should easily snap into place, the holes should align with the studs. If this does not happen, then either the car is not on a level surface, or it is time for it to go for a wheel alignment.

Step 3: If no difficulties arise, install the washers above the spacer and, without overtightening, tighten the nuts. If the stretch is adjustable, now is the time to adjust it.

Ready. We enjoy the result!

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