Life hack for a Priora car: how to choose a Lambo door

There are ways to tune a Priora car to make your car different from others and stand out on the road. These are all kinds of lighting, body kits, headlights, exhaust system upgrades and many others. Lambo doors change the entire concept of the car and make it exclusive.

The hand of a master can touch both the exterior and the interior. Probably one of the unusual ways to decorate your car is to install a Lambo door on a Priora. Price with installation is more than 20,000 rubles.

Wanting to install these devices, owners are faced with a painful choice: do it themselves, or outsource the work to a car service center. If you carefully understand each operation and the intricacies of installing a new door mount, there will be no problems - just treat your favorite car with due sensitivity, and the new product will definitely please you.

Lambo door kits – article number, price, manufacturers

Contacting a car dealer will lead you to be horrified - the price with installation is almost twice as much as a regular set of tuning hinges. Technically, these parts can be made independently, but due to the complexity of the design, it is worth abandoning this idea. If you want to save money, buy used parts.

  • The most popular is AutoTK. The article number of the kit with gas stops for doors weighing more than 45 kg is 1000001764. Cost is 10,377 rubles. If the weight is less than 45 kg, the price will drop to 9,744 rubles. Without gas stops - 7,333 rubles.
  • Universal kit Hofer LH-1. Cost – about 15,000 rubles.

Many people praise the kit from AutoTK: if you do it yourself, you can make a mistake of just a couple of millimeters, and then constantly listen to the creak when closing and opening the door. So far there have been no complaints about the quality of this company's products.


Depending on the type of installation, the following model drawings are distinguished:

  • welded _ They are attached by welding, which sometimes causes inconvenience during installation;
  • fastened with bolts. The bolts are installed on standard or car-drilled holes.

The variety of mechanisms and possibilities of how many degrees the doors open has led to the existence of the following mechanisms:

  • at 130 degrees. This design is used to create minimal obstacles when getting out of the car and is a modified version of the “scissors” model;

Lambo door mechanism

  • VLS doors (“scissors”). Their drawings provide for opening the car components, first a little outward, and then upward. This approach allows you to free up the front pillar and door frame;

Mechanism of the German company LSD

  • a hybrid of ordinary doors and “scissors”. They open both vertically and horizontally, which does not interfere with exiting the car and at the same time frees up the door frame.

Hybrid door mechanism

Owners of domestically produced cars can install a similar mechanism. Many people are interested in how much effort it takes and how much it costs. If you have the skills of a turner-milling machine, have a friend with experience in this field, and also purchased the necessary materials yourself, then production will cost you several thousand rubles (purchased Lambo doors cost several tens of thousands, which is an exorbitant amount for a domestic car). Plus, due to the location of the hinges on domestic cars, you won't need to make a lot of adjustments to get the doors to open upwards.

Malfunctions - what can break

First of all, it is necessary to dispel the myth that they break almost immediately: after three weeks they really need to be adjusted. The hinges will “sag” a little under pressure, so their position needs to be adjusted.

Another point is related to the untidiness of passengers. Not only do they manage to break the handles of standard doors, the urge to pull the handle towards yourself with all your might does not fade away with tuned parts: if they are pulled too hard, forcing them to move in a horizontal plane, the mechanism becomes loose.

There are several common problems that owners of tuned Priors face:

  • If the machine sits idle for a long time, the hinges sag a lot.
  • An open door will swing, thereby wearing out the mechanism more. There's nothing to be done about it.
  • In winter, they should not be opened too suddenly. This also applies to sudden ascents. Frosty weather is shock absorbers' worst enemy.

Advantages and disadvantages of lambo doors

Window tinting for VAZ 21099-2109-2108

Perhaps one of their main advantages is their unusualness; numerous photos and videos exchanged by forum users illustrate this perfectly. This is why owners of VAZ-2108 and VAZ-2109 remodel their cars. In addition, it is easier to get out of the car if someone is parked close to you.

The disadvantages of Lambo doors include a significant reduction in the doorway and, as a result, difficult landing

In addition, the driver will have to pay attention to the space above the roof of the car, because... it may not be enough to open the doors, for example in a garage with a low ceiling. Finally, if the car rolls over onto its roof, it will be very difficult to get out of it.

Finally, if the car rolls over onto its roof, it will be very difficult to get out of it.

What to look for when choosing a lambo door installation kit

When choosing VAZ components, three options for lambo doors are usually considered:

  • 130 degrees. The standard is only 90 degrees. When, with the help of modifications, it was possible to increase the turning angle by 40 degrees, it became more convenient to get out and get into the car - this is evidenced by the reviews of the owners.
  • VLS. The opening mechanism is as follows: first you need to pull them towards you by the handle, and then lift them up. Structurally simpler, but no less reliable.
  • Hybrid lambo doors. They can move in both planes - horizontally or vertically.

As for the Priora, VLS doors are most suitable for it. They are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • Metal: steel with 0.45% carbon.
  • Bearings: needle. Type: 941. Dimensions: 20 mm x 26 mm x 14 mm. Quantity: 2.
  • Load capacity: 95 kg.
  • Angle of movement in the horizontal plane: 30 degrees.
  • Angle of movement in the vertical plane: 90 degrees.
  • Possibility of fixing at the top point: present.

Types of construction

Lambo doors or scissor doors, as they are often called, come in the following types:

  • opening at an angle of 130 degrees;
  • vls-constructs;
  • mixed type.

The VLS door on the VAZ 2112-2114 differs from the traditional Lambo design in that it first moves to the side and only then rises.

As for the designs on the VAZ 2112 of mixed type, they combine a standard and lambo door. It is them, as practice shows, that are best used for VAZ and other similar cars. In the latter case, the door can open both sideways and upwards.

Installation work

The preparatory stage of installing Priora lambo doors is as follows:

  1. Place the car on a level surface and apply the handbrake.
  2. Remove the front doors, then you need to remove the front fenders. Below them will be your work area - a piece of metal above the wheel arch.
  3. Place marks for installation accuracy. In essence, this is similar to installing door hinges for interior doors, just keep in mind that it should not touch the body when moving, and also fit tightly to the seals - otherwise you will experience all the delights of a trip with raindrops.
  4. Place a channel - a metal plate 3 mm thick - in the intended place, this will strengthen the body.

Installation process

If you install the Lambo mechanism correctly with your own hands, it will not touch the hood, wings or other surfaces of the VAZ 2108. The structure is secured with bolts. A drawing according to which you can make the product and install it can be found on the Internet, guided by your car model. When installing a purchased product, the diagram is included in the kit. The drawing indicates permissible deviations.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Remove the car fender. Disassemble the standard car door opening system.
  • If necessary, construct a template for the new mechanism so that you can try it on the door frame as you work.
  • Clean and polish the area where the doors will be welded using a grinder.
  • If the surface of the body is uneven, then you will need to additionally weld a metal plate under the hinges, which will strengthen the mechanism and level the body. Also cut a hole in the post to cover the hinge.
  • Secure the lambo hinge with 3 bolts.
  • Weld a platform to secure the gas stops for opening the structure, closer to the car headlight.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to cut the car fender. However, in order not to spoil the wing, you can remove part of the door goose or cut the stand to its shape.

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How to put

Installation of Priora lambo doors is carried out as follows:

  1. Place special stickers on the wheel arch and then on the door - this will help correct its position.
  2. The installation of the lamp loop can be done with bolts or welding. In an amicable way, you can first fix them with bolts, and after adjustments based on the results of a couple of weeks of use, weld them.
  3. Install gas shock absorbers so that when the doors are at their highest point, they should be fully open.
  4. Try moving the lambo doors. If everything works, install the fenders to check if the doors are touching the body.

Make your own loops

If you want to make homemade hinges for the door lamp of a VAZ 21123, then take additional FordTransit850N shock absorbers, which are responsible for lifting the rear tailgate, and trunk shock absorbers from Moskvich. So:

  • Devices from foreign cars are installed at the bottom, because the main load will be placed on them
  • The top mount is the Moskvich shock absorber - in this case the door will hold perfectly in each of its possible positions
  • Even before installing Lambo doors on a VAZ 2112, be sure to stick marks on the door arches and on the doors, so that you can then easily center the finished product
  • The supporting base for the door mechanism itself must be shortened in order to bring it closer to the door post
  • The fitting of the mechanism should be carried out without the door, and care must be taken that our design is not too low - otherwise the door will cling to the windshield pillar
  • In order not to damage the fender of your car, you need to remove a piece from the door gooseneck, in addition, cut out part of the rack - exclusively to its shape
  • Additionally, for those who dare to independently install Lambo doors on a VAZ 2112, we recommend strengthening your cut-out rack with a durable channel with a metal thickness of more than three millimeters
  • This measure is necessary for safety reasons - to ensure that the roof of the car is not damaged in the event of a possible impact of the car on uneven road surfaces.
  • For greater reliability, do not forget to additionally make and weld the amplifier into the door itself to avoid it unexpectedly falling on your head

Homemade hinge for doors - scissors

  • If you are too lazy to bother making a hinge (photo above), then the option of purchasing ready-made hinges or the doors themselves via the Internet is just for you
  • The main thing is that the price suits you
  • In addition, in order to make a VAZ 2112 with Lambo doors you will need the help of a turner-miller, he will also need to be familiarized with the drawings and design diagram
  • This stage will require you to invest money, since both hinges and turner services cost a lot of money
  • For a VAZ 2112 Lambo, the doors can be purchased entirely and installed at a car service center, if finances allow.

That's all, video material on this topic will complement the information.

Installing a Lambo yourself.

You can install Lambo in specialized auto repair shops, or yourself. When choosing the first option, you should be prepared for factors such as:

  1. Wasting a lot of money.
  2. The waiting period is up to six months.
  3. The total cost of work, which reaches 50 thousand rubles.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the second option. The biggest advantage of Lambos is the ability to mount them on absolutely any car. Thus, even a person with average income and an old, Soviet-era car can turn it into a car a la Lamborghini.

Installation of the mechanism consists of several stages:

  1. Drawing up a diagram.
  2. Making loops.
  3. Their location on the door and attachment to the car.

An example of how to make a Lambo on a VAZ can be seen in the video or learned from the article.

Making lambo loops

All types of car door trims

How to make a folding mechanism yourself if you have no skills? To do this, you can make the drawing yourself. Another option that makes the work easier is to find a ready-made drawing.

They differ in connection types:

  • welded - welded to the body using a welding machine;
  • screwed - screwed to the car with bolts.

A 130-degree door has a different design than a 90-degree door, but can also be welded or bolted.

To make loops you will need:

  • drilling machine;
  • screwdrivers;
  • drills of the required size;
  • metal plate 0.5cm thick, thickness is key as the loop will hold a heavy
  • design;
  • marker for drawing a picture on the plate;
  • drawing of a loop on paper.

Work order:

  • apply the contours of parts to the metal, mark holes and recesses;
  • drill out the spare part along the contour - taking your time with the drill to go through every centimeter;
  • then drill the finished part for fastenings with bolts; how many there will be is decided by the car owner, depending on the location of the fastening;
  • process the metal - clean and paint.

Experts recommend taking shock absorbers from the trunk of a Moskvich or from an old Ford Transit model. The drawings of the parts differ in the design of the mechanism itself - the opening of an angle of 90, 130 degrees, the mechanism.

Swing door leaf

Any canvas can be used: panel, panel, all-glass, with an aluminum or plastic profile. There are no restrictions. But the glass door looks most impressive. It seems to float in the opening, because there is no frame... Based on the number of panels, swing doors are divided into single-leaf and double-leaf. More fabrics are not used. If a one-and-a-half door is needed, its wide leaf is made pendulum, and the narrow one is made swing.

Restaurants, cafes and bars often have swing doors with a porthole.

Attention! A swing door cannot be installed in a frame for a regular swing door!

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