BSZ on IZH Planet 5 do-it-yourself drawings

Many people are probably worried about the standard contact ignition system on domestic motorcycles. There is a constant need to adjust it, either the gaps will float away, or the capacitor will break, or the contacts will burn out.

oh, green melancholy! what if. Comrade, the Internet is a help and we again find all sorts of interesting articles, notes and pictures.

Well, first of all, I want to thank the MotoIZH forum and its friendly users. I spent more than one day leafing through forum threads, reading angry comments, interesting posts and all sorts of fluff. Now I will try to put all the thoughts in my head in order and “give birth” to a summary of all this enlightenment. A guide to action, so to speak.

Theory. On the IZH motorcycle, namely the Jupiter, it is possible to install contactless ignition, and there is nothing complicated.

The general connection diagram looks like this:

In principle, you can use any switch, although many criticize Astra switches in a transparent case. I don’t even know what could disable it, so we buy this one:

Ignition coil from Oka or from 406 engine

Next is a set of silicone wires with a tip in the form of a sheath and with distributed resistance. The cover will eliminate the eternal problem of spark plug breakdown in the rain, and the distributed resistance will eliminate the need to select caps.

The hall sensor is least suitable for this composition, because the only place to install it is the generator housing, the magnetic fields from it will periodically remagnetize the magnet built into the Hall, you can, of course, make a shielding plate... okay, more on that later

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