Ten Best Years (Part 6)

In Soviet times, IZH "Jupiter-6" was considered one of the highest quality models of two-wheeled vehicles. All previous options had their drawbacks. The sixth “Jupiter” combined many of the good qualities of previous motorcycles and gained something new, so it can easily be called the best product of the Izhevsk plant.

But for our time, IZH "Jupiter-6" can be called a rarity. After all, more than 30 years have passed since its release. It is not often seen on the roads, and it is quite difficult to find a new bike or one with low mileage.

Brief characteristics of IZH "Jupiter-6"

The Six, like other models in this series, is classified as a motorcycle of the so-called middle class. This means that it is mainly intended for travel on paved roads. It’s difficult to call the IZH “Jupiter-6” an all-terrain vehicle. Although it is worth noting its good cross-country ability in mud. This is due to its low mass.

It's also worth noting that there were two factory variations of this bike. The first is the usual two-wheeled one, the second is with a stroller. This additional unit weighs almost 100 kilograms. This means that with it many technical characteristics, such as speed, fuel consumption, and so on, deteriorated. Maybe that's why the second modification is less common.

Technical characteristics of IZH "Jupiter 5", a brief overview of the domestic motorcycle

The popularity of motorcycles is ensured by their small overall dimensions, lower fuel consumption than a car, and most importantly, very high maneuverability.
And if we take modern motorcycles, then another advantage is their high speed performance. Of course, now the roads are driven mainly by motorcycles from foreign manufacturers belonging to different classes. But some 20 years ago, only domestic motorcycles were seen on the roads.

The leaders on our roads were IZH motorcycles , represented by two models “Jupiter” and “Planet”. The manufacturers ran these two models in parallel; they had significant similarities, but there was one significant difference – the engine. “Planet” was equipped with a single-cylinder power unit, while “Jupiter” was equipped with a two-cylinder one.

The presence of two cylinders provided not only more power than the Planet, but also easier engine starting, since this unit did not have a return compression blow to the winding stem. Perhaps the best model was the IZH Jupiter-5, which should be considered in more detail.


IZH "Jupiter-6" has a classic design. Black extended saddle, red body. Sometimes the colors ranged from yellow to blue. It is worth highlighting the abundance of chrome parts. The six boasts beautiful, shiny exhaust pipes. Sometimes an additional protective frame was installed on the model, which was also covered with chrome. In general, the appearance of the bike is acceptable: strict, no frills, but what else can be said about the design, completely copied from the Czech Java.

Factory innovations

IZH "Jupiter-6" boasts of its technical improvements. The new liquid cooling worked very well on it. When their airborne counterparts stall in forty-degree heat, this motorcycle rides calmly and doesn’t have any problems. Also, do not forget about the improved contactless ignition system with electric starter. Now it doesn't break down as often. The kick starter, of course, is also present, but it is more like a backup option than an alternative.

Another plus is the change in the exhaust system mounting. In the sixth Jupiter it is flanged, which eliminated the problem of pipe play at high speeds. A new emergency start function has been added, which is very helpful when the battery is low.

IZH "Jupiter-6" characteristics

The main part of every motorcycle is its power unit. Jupiter is fine with this. The IZH Jupiter-6 engine operates in two-stroke mode. The total volume of its two cylinders is 347 cubic centimeters. The lubrication system, unfortunately, is not separated. This means that after each refueling, in addition to fuel, you need to add oil to the gas tank. The maximum engine power is 25 horsepower and torque is 35 N*m.

Fuel consumption, namely A-92, per hundred kilometers at a speed of 60 km/h is four liters. But this is on the highway. In city mode at the same speed it increases to seven liters. The maximum speed of this bike is 125 km/h. But in reality this is not the limit. There are many ways to increase this threshold. The simplest of them is to replace the sprockets. Place a part with a large number of teeth on the main one, and one with fewer teeth on the driven one.

IZH "Jupiter-6" is equipped with old drum brakes. But they cope with their task well. If desired, you can also install disc brakes on this motorcycle. "Jupiter" can be considered a compact bike. Some craftsmen even manage to send it (disassembled) by mail. It reaches a height of 120 cm, and a length of only 220.

IZH "Jupiter-6" - technical characteristics

The main part of every motorcycle is its power unit. Jupiter is fine with this. The IZH Jupiter-6 engine operates in two-stroke mode. The total volume of its two cylinders is 347 cubic centimeters. The lubrication system, unfortunately, is not separated. This means that after each refueling, in addition to fuel, you need to add oil to the gas tank. The maximum engine power is 25 horsepower and torque is 35 N*m.

Fuel consumption, namely A-92, per hundred kilometers at a speed of 60 km/h is four liters. But this is on the highway. In city mode at the same speed it increases to seven liters. The maximum speed of this bike is 125 km/h. But in reality this is not the limit. There are many ways to increase this threshold. The simplest of them is to replace the sprockets. Place a part with a large number of teeth on the main one, and one with fewer teeth on the driven one.

IZH "Jupiter-6" is equipped with old drum brakes. But they cope with their task well. If desired, you can also install disc brakes on this motorcycle. "Jupiter" can be considered a compact bike. Some craftsmen even manage to send it (disassembled) by mail. It reaches a height of 120 cm, and a length of only 220.

Eternal competition

IZH "Jupiter-6" constantly competed with its fellow plant IZH Planet-6. Disputes about which of them is better continue to this day, although neither one nor the other is released anymore. Indeed, this question is quite complex, because each has characteristic pros and cons. For example, Jupiter has always been famous for its high performance chassis. He drives smoothly and picks up speed slowly. In the 100-meter dash it will easily overtake the Planet and any other domestic bike.

The planet leaves on its own reliability. In terms of durability, it has no equal. It also has a relatively simple motor and gearbox design. This makes repairs much easier in case of breakdowns. We must not forget about the disadvantages. IL "Jupiter-6", like its predecessors, has many problems with electronics. Therefore, it is worth keeping an eye on this block. IL Planet-6 has poor depreciation. Often at high speeds you can feel a vibration in the seat, which degrades the ride experience.

No offense to the owners of "Planets", but "Jupiter" looks better against the general background. After all, one of the main criteria of any vehicle is ride quality. And in “Jupiter” it is better.

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Dnepr MT-9. Transmission

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