How to properly turn on the heated windshield in winter

How to warm up a car interior in winter is a popular topic of discussion among motorists, especially beginners, in winter. And this is not easy, because in winter the air temperature often drops below marks -25 degrees, but you want to get into a warm car with heated seats as quickly as possible.

The algorithm of actions in winter for every motorist is approximately the same: on a frosty morning he leaves the house, if he left earlier, he starts and warms up the car interior, if not, he starts the car and hurries to work (on business), ultimately, upon arriving at the desired location, the interior warms up. What to do in this situation? How to warm up a car interior in winter without spending a lot of time on it? Let's look at this issue in this article.

How to properly warm up the car interior in winter

Motorists warm up their car not only because they are concerned about the performance of the engine and transmission, but also to warm up the interior in winter. Few people want to sit in frozen car, especially when there is no heated garage and it has been sitting outside all night in the cold.

Sitting on cold seats is dangerous to your health. What if you have a large family and need to take your children to kindergarten or school? The question of how to warm up a car interior in a short period of time in winter becomes very relevant.

There are 2 ways to heat a car interior : the use of a standard heating system provided by the automaker (stove, climate control), and the use of additional equipment and systems.

The catch is that when buying a car, drivers often don’t look at the owner’s manual, so they simply have no idea how to properly work with the car’s heater. And with the onset of winter, you need to know this. You can often see cracks at the bottom of the windshield. Incorrect use of the stove usually leads to this.

How does a car heating system work?

It takes approximately 25-30 minutes for the engine to warm up to operating temperature, and because of this you have to drive the car when the car interior has not yet warmed up. What is this connected with? The fluid from the cooling system passes through the radiator, which is why the 2 systems are so closely connected to each other.

When the heater is turned on, air passes through the heater core and warms up. In a warmed form, it enters the salon. And if the engine has not had time to warm up, therefore the coolant is also cold, then the process of heating the car interior is delayed for a certain period of time.

It makes no difference what kind of heating system the car is equipped with. The main source of heat is the engine, or more precisely, the coolant entering the radiator of the car's heater. The fan forces air through the radiator, causing the air flow to heat up, causing the temperature inside the car to rise. But if the engine hasn’t warmed up, then it’s not worth it to get some heat in the car’s interior.

How to warm up the car interior in winter without spending a lot of time on it, read on.

Antifreeze for car windows in winter

Using windshield wipers to warm and clear the windshield of ice and snow is an effective solution

However, you should choose this type of auto chemicals very carefully: some aerosols contain substances harmful to car coatings or methyl alcohol, which is dangerous to humans

Another thing is windshield cleaning fluids mixed with your own hands. Here you will know exactly the composition of the components and their dosage. Experienced car enthusiasts use their own windshield wipers and recommend two types of such liquids - alcohol-based and salt-based solutions.

Alcohol based glass cleaner

The solution contains alcohol, water and household dishwashing detergent (the latter component is desirable, but not required). Alcohol is mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio, after which a few drops of washing gel are dissolved in the solution, and the finished liquid is poured into a container with a sprayer. When you spray it on a frost-bitten windshield, you will get the fastest possible result - it melts instantly and is removed with a brush.

Salt based glass cleaner

If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can add salt to the water (8-10 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water). The solution also needs to be poured into a container with a spray bottle. It is not as effective as an alcohol mixture, but. If you apply it to the glass and wait a few minutes, the ice will loosen and can be easily removed.

Note! It is not advisable to use a salt glass cleaner frequently - salt corrodes the sealing rubber and causes corrosion of metal surfaces

In conclusion, it should be noted that driving a car with a frozen windshield in winter. A snow-covered road requires special attention and full driver visibility, so you should drive out onto the road only after the front wheel has been completely cleared.

However, glass requires careful handling, and in order to protect it from scratches and cracks, mechanical forces should be used to a minimum when removing ice from surfaces. It is better to first melt the ice with warm water, gentle airflow from the stove in the cabin, anti-freeze, alcohol, purchased or independently mixed windshield wipers.

How to quickly warm up a car interior in winter with a standard heating system

The procedure for heating a car interior in winter with a basic stove does not take much time, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly. It happens that even car owners with many years of experience do not know how to properly use the stove in winter.

The easiest way for owners of cars with a climate control system is that, with proper configuration, the system will independently heat the temperature inside the car to the optimal temperature.

How to properly warm up the car interior:

  1. Before starting the engine and starting to warm up the interior, it needs to be thoroughly ventilated to equalize the humidity level inside and outside the cabin. It is enough to open the doors for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Turn on the “ air recirculation ” mode. This will close the ventilation slots, which will prevent icy air from entering from the street. In this case, the heating system will not take air from outside, but will use warm air from the cabin, constantly passing it through the radiator and warming it up more and more. This way the interior will be heated much faster. It must be remembered that if there is at least one person in the cabin, the windows will fog up very quickly. Because a person exhales moist air.
  3. Turn on the stove at about 1-2 speed . There is no point in setting it to full power at the initial stage, because... The coolant will not be heated and the radiator will also be cold. It is necessary to increase the power as the interior heats up. It makes sense to set full power only after 10 minutes of warming up the interior.
  4. Set the maximum air temperature.
  5. When the windows fog up, you need to set the mode “ from glass to feet ”. Standard mode, which is provided on all cars.
  6. After 6-7 minutes, you can switch to the “ center - feet ” mode. At about the 10th minute, when the cabin becomes comfortable enough, you can start driving. By the 15th minute the air temperature will be optimal. However, do not forget to switch modes without allowing the glass to fog up.
  7. When the interior has warmed up to the optimal temperature, you need to turn off the “air recirculation” mode and continue heating the interior in the usual way.

Please remember that these are general tips and tricks . How to warm up the car interior in winter for a specific car model can be found on specialized websites and in the operating instructions.

How to quickly warm up a car interior in winter with an additional heating system

Additional interior heating systems are most suitable for those who do not want to waste a lot of time heating the interior. How to warm up the car interior in winter with additional equipment.

Tips for warming up the car interior

How to warm up the interior of a car in winter so that it is comfortable to be in? There is nothing difficult about it, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and advice.

If the engine is cold, can the heater be turned on? It is possible, initially the fan speed should be set to a minimum, and increased only as the interior heats up.

If the fan speed is low, then the air will pass through the heater radiator slowly, and accordingly it will warm up faster. That is why, when warming up the interior, it is initially necessary to set the fan speed to 1 or 2, and not to the maximum.

To prevent the windows from fogging up so much when the interior warms up, lower the side window at least 1 cm, this will allow fresh air to come in from the street and stabilize the air humidity.

When your car windows freeze, you do not need to turn on the windshield heating with hot air at full power. This can lead to bad consequences. The fact is that the surface of the glass is cold and when hot air is directed at it, the windshield may burst.

There are several ways a car windshield and/or prevent it from freezing.

So that the car windows do not have to be scraped off ice in the morning. Before parking your car overnight, open the car doors, thereby setting the inside temperature to the same temperature as outside. Due to the heated state, falling snow melts and freezes on the glass.

Video review of a car heater with a ceramic heating element

Car interior heater for 999 rubles → ORDER > Technical > Electrical Equipment > Heated side windows

View full version : Heated side windows

can be made for 1200 rubles/piece, triplex. who will say what? do here:

can be made for 1200 rubles/piece, triplex. who will say what? do here: Where?

I want a heated windshield!!!!!!!!!!…….where do they make that??????????????

Where? oops! the insert didn't fit...

Operating principle of heating

In general, as I described above, there are only two types:

First. This is complete heating of the entire surface of the front or rear panel . By the way, they were made using different technologies. The windshield is made in a special way, it’s no secret that it consists of two halves, between them there is a special adhesive composition (necessary for strength and so that if damaged, fragments do not fly into the cabin). Special thin threads (usually made of nichrome or other refractory metals) are also placed there; they are so small that it is difficult to see them unless you look closely. This is done so that they do not block the inspection area for the driver.

The rear window is heated differently. There are special threads that are applied on top, something like paint, they are not hidden inside and are not made transparent, because this is not really needed at the back. They are simply at an equal distance, which is enough for viewing

Second. This is heating the wiper area. Here everything is even simpler; not the entire canvas is heated, but the area under the windshield wipers. There are flat heating elements, usually they are located in the black area of ​​the windshield

Both types are powered from the on-board network, heating the desired area.

Control unit for ventilation and heating system with air conditioning (manual control)

Before activating the air conditioning system, be sure to start the car engine. Do not allow the “cooler” to operate when the outside air temperature is below 5°C. Heating filaments are glued to the base, after which it is covered on both sides with heat-resistant material. The resulting structure is glued to the inner surface of the mirror, soldered to the contacts of the wires, which are brought out through specially made holes. All open heating elements are insulated with sealant.

An important question is how to turn on homemade heated mirrors. The best option is to have a separate button for this.

Connection to the rear window defrost system is not recommended, since the design should not operate for a long time. Both the lamp and the filaments become hot enough to cause overheating and damage to the housing during prolonged use.

Positive points

What can I say, there are many of them for the northern regions of our country:

  • Snow melts without settling on the plane of the windshield
  • Wipers are much cleaner (not quite ideal, subject to conditions if it snows), but much cleaner when compared to non-heated options
  • Much less fogging
  • Freezing (in the regions of Siberia, the frost is such that on the highway, even with the heater on, the windows can freeze) - heating helps here too

What can I say, it’s a cool thing! Even simply heating the wiper area already provides benefits


But I want to dwell on the disadvantages in more detail (here, as they say, managers won’t tell you about this):

  • If you are offered such options as an option (this is especially practiced by the Germans ), then you will be very surprised at the overpayment. Often the price can be 10 – 70,000 rubles more, depending on what kind of car you have. By the way, inexpensive options are installed on our LADA VESTA, only 10,000 rubles (not the original, but still)
  • If you only need the wiper area, then the overpayment will be 3 – 10,000 rubles (less, but also unpleasant)

Frost and cracks

Another question that I am often asked about is: “ won’t the windshield crack due to full heating or the wiper zone”?

I answer: “Standard heating systems are now smart. Look, if it’s say 0, -3, - 5 degrees outside, then the system uses full heating and your windows come off quickly enough. BUT if the temperature drops to -15, -20 degrees, then the heating is much weaker and works slower.

This is done specifically so that your glass does not crack due to temperature changes. For example, the heating element will heat up to + 50 degrees, and outside -20 (a difference of 70 degrees). The stove does not warm up the interior so quickly in such frosts and if you immediately “squeeze” the glass, there is a high probability that it will burst. That is why the temperature relay is triggered (while the cabin is cold, warming up will be slow), or a temporary relay (delay for a couple of minutes), or control is carried out by the ECU .

Thus, using a relay or other means, heating the windshield is practically harmless and does not form cracks

Of course, there are also DIY options, when you simply buy a special self-adhesive mat with a heating element and glue it, say, to the wiper area. BUT here you need to remember, the instructions say - “while the interior is -15 degrees or less, you cannot turn it on, otherwise there will be cracks”

Now we are watching a useful video


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Pros and cons

Separate heating of the windshield is necessary in regions with cold winters, but it will also be useful for those who drive in conditions of high humidity, in which the windshield can instantly fog up. This option also saves you from snowfall in warm weather, when the flakes literally stick to the wipers like a real snowdrift and significantly impair your visibility. At the same time, for residents of the southern regions, those who do not use their cars in the cold season, there is no point in paying for such functionality. For this reason, some cars are equipped with heating in basic versions.

Among the main advantages of the system is efficiency in any conditions. Severe frosts, intense precipitation, strong fans or fast driving with sudden cooling of the windshield, relays and metal threads can easily cope with all this. The main thing that the driver receives is improved visibility, and as a result, an increased level of safety. The heating will work even on completely frozen glass covered with a thick crust of ice. It won’t take as long to warm up the car, which ultimately affects fuel consumption in winter.

Masters and professional drivers advise not to waste time “warming up” at idle, so heated glass will be very useful if the driver follows these instructions.

The presence of additional heating elements will help, albeit slightly, to reduce wear on parts. For example, due to intensive cleaning with hard scrapers, the glass quickly becomes cracked. Wipers and rubber bands fail faster if they work with stuck snow or a crust of ice, which again leaves scratches. Therefore, installing heating is a reasonable solution in appropriate climatic conditions. But you need to take care of the correct operation of the battery: heating is a serious load on this car system. If the unit is old and the car is rarely used and for short trips, there is a high risk of discharge.

The system has significant drawbacks. First of all, the price is inflated when purchasing directly from a car manufacturer or an official dealer. Most models can be equipped with heaters or special glasses when purchasing versions “Comfort” and higher; owners of the base will have to independently search for sellers and craftsmen. Depending on the manufacturer’s policy, an option that is not technically complex can cost from 10 to 200 thousand rubles. However, installing heaters yourself on a new car may void the warranty. Some other disadvantages of heated windshields should be noted:

  • probable surface cracking;
  • expensive repairs;
  • possible glare;
  • deterioration in the performance of salon gadgets.

Drivers complain that visibility is impaired in sunny weather and when driving at dusk, when the lighting is at its worst and there is a lot of glare. But the most expensive heating systems do not have this drawback. Windshield cracking due to temperature differences is the most common consequence of improper installation or improper operation. If the temperature in the cabin is less than minus 15 degrees, or there is severe frost outside, you cannot turn on the system until the air from inside is at least slightly warmed up. If the windshield already has microcracks, it can break even with smaller differences. This can be avoided by installing a complex system with a “smart” operating intensity controller and temperature sensors. Owners note that radar detectors work much worse after installing such glass, however, this applies to inexpensive models.

Quality issue

Technically, heating the car area is a very simple option. Double-layer glass and metal threads or mesh do the job. You can heat the entire surface or work only with the most problematic areas: the wiper line, center or corners of the area. However, experts do not recommend saving on the system. You can find versions on the market at a low price, but they will have all these disadvantages and will most likely impair visibility, reducing the level of driving safety. Higher-quality types of heating are more expensive, but last longer, do not require seasonal repairs and do not suffer even due to long-term downtime.

Problems with the quality of heating arise for those who buy systems separately from the car and not from the manufacturer. Even installation through an authorized dealer or an authorized workshop may not guarantee high quality. Sometimes, if purchased separately, not as an option for a new car, the cheapest assemblies can be installed here, which rarely last longer than the warranty period and often lead to cracking of the glass. The best option would be to install it yourself. However, it is necessary to understand that electrical safety should come first.

You can either install ready-made heating systems yourself or assemble them from scratch using simple elements.

How much does it cost

From a price point of view, self-assembly is the most preferable option, especially if the installation is done with your own hands, and not in a service center or from a specialist. Even if you use the highest quality elements, complex relays, sensors and regulators, you can avoid huge overpayments. On average, the cost of self-made heating does not exceed five thousand rubles; an effective system can be manufactured for half this price.

The most profitable option when buying a car with this function is to pay extra for the option, if the package includes it. In an economy class car, the overpayment is most often from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. Business segment models are equipped with this option at prices ranging from 30 to 70 thousand rubles. Heating the windshield is also more expensive for buyers of crossovers, on average 45 thousand rubles.

The least profitable option for the buyer is to purchase a configuration or variation of the car specifically for winter. Most often, “adapted” type cars are sold this way. In this case, the overpayment may amount to more than 100 thousand rubles. In this case, the owner will receive a minimum of functions, for example, an increase in ground clearance by a couple of millimeters, a larger set of heater adjustments.

Read also:

The air conditioner in the car does not work - causes and solutions

See also:

  1. Ventilation design
  2. Which split system is better: inverter or conventional?
  3. How does a ducted air conditioner work?
  4. How to clean your home air conditioner
  5. Which is better: climate control or air conditioning?
  6. How to clean your air conditioner yourself
  7. How to connect the hood?
  8. Why doesn't the air conditioner turn on?
  9. How to calculate the power of an air conditioner
  10. At what disadvantage can you turn on the air conditioner?
  11. Certification of ventilation
  12. How to remove an air conditioner with your own hands
  13. Ventilation repair
  14. Why doesn't the air conditioner turn on in my car?
  15. Why does the air conditioner gurgle when there is wind?


The car owner can implement the windshield heating function on his own without spending a lot of money, which is the main advantage of this option. You can choose the simplest type of system - install the elements on the wipers themselves or on the glass in this area, and equip them with a regular network connection. More complex heating involves filaments throughout the entire area of ​​the glass and its perimeter. This can be supplemented with a power regulator to reduce the risk of cracks. An alternative option is the installation of finished glass with a built-in heating system, which is rarely performed outside of special workshops.

For the first two types of heating, there is no need to dismantle the factory glass, which reduces risks.

The main element of the entire system is the heaters. This can be a solid mesh with metal dots on an adhesive base or the metal threads themselves. The second option is more convenient because it leaves a better view for the driver and allows it to be mounted strictly in a given area of ​​the windshield. You will also need connection wires and switches. Experts advise assembling stationary versions, for example, with output to a regular button, and not for connection to the cigarette lighter socket. This is safer from a car electrical point of view. Additionally you can use:

  • relay;
  • power regulator;
  • controllers;
  • temperature sensor.

The owner will need a low-power soldering iron to install the elements, insulating tape and a button. The first stage is glass preparation. It must be carefully inspected for cracks and deep chips. Then clean from dust and grease using alcohol-containing substances. This will ensure better adhesion of the elements to the surface. Glue metal threads or ready-made strips to the glass, avoiding creases, bends and deformations. The second stage is to connect the electrical wiring to the car’s standard power supply through the control unit. It is better to place the unit under the hood, and not inside the panel in the cabin. In this case, it will be more convenient to carry out repairs if the heating fails.

It is better to place heating elements in standard positions: near the washer nozzles, under the wipers and around the perimeter. Here they will not interfere with the view, but will prevent icing of the main functional units. Additionally, you can install a complete power shutdown button in the cabin. To do this, you need to bring the contact to the dashboard and mount a regular two-position switch. Thus, it will be possible to turn off the element completely in the summer.

Heated windshield systems are a useful option that is necessary in harsh climates with cold and snowy winters. But in summer and autumn, it is also necessary, especially if the windows sweat a lot, and the stove and air conditioner cannot cope with the air flow. It is quite possible to save money and not overpay the salon for additional equipment: anyone who knows how to connect wires and glue film to glass can assemble the glass heating themselves and attach it correctly.


Features of car interior heaters from the cigarette lighter

This is especially felt when maneuvering, be it parking or overtaking.

Most often, service station workers manage to fix the breakdown by repairing the heated glass. In other cases, based on the diagnostic results, a decision is made on the advisability of replacing the heated rear window.

In order for the heating to work again, in some car models you need to replace the rear window. This is due to the fact that this heater consists of heating lines with a certain resistance applied to the glass by the automaker, which heat up under the influence of current flowing through them.

In other cars, it is enough to replace only the heating and other heating elements. If glass heating was installed as an additional option that was not included in the factory equipment, then it can be replaced quickly and without delay.

Malfunctions of the heated rear window leading to its replacement

Possible reasons for the heater not working, leading to its replacement, are:

  • ruptures of heating filaments;
  • insufficient voltage in the electrical wiring.

Malfunctions caused by oxidation of heater connector contacts, breakage of a fuse or switch do not require replacement of the entire heating system.

Measures to replace the heated rear window

You can replace the heated rear window if it consists of a special transparent film with conductive tracks. To do this, disconnect the power connectors of the flexible heating element, and the film along with the heating threads is removed from the glass. Then the glass heating installation is performed, during which the new film is glued in place of the previous one due to the adhesive layer, and the connectors are connected to the heating element.

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