Why does the timing belt on the VAZ-2114 “eat”: does it eat on the left side?

If the crankshaft and camshaft gears have worn, worn-out teeth, this can be the main reason for extremely rapid wear of the timing belt.

Broken camshaft tooth

You can determine the wear of the gears by eye - if some teeth are ground down, broken off, or missing altogether, then this is a direct indication for their replacement; there are no other options. In some cases, the situation can be aggravated by an oil leak - when it gets on the belt, it (like many other petroleum products) causes it to corrode and quickly peel off the teeth.

Belt care instructions

Above we listed the main reasons for timing belt wear, now we’ll add a few words about how to extend its service life.

To do this you need:

  • periodically (at least once a month) check the degree of belt tension and, if necessary, adjust it;
  • before installing a new belt, treat all gear teeth with white spirit;
  • avoid contact of gasoline and technical oils with the surface of the belt;
  • replace the belt at least every 60,000 km (teared teeth and drops of oil on the belt significantly reduce this figure);
  • periodically check the condition of the tension roller (if a whistle appears after replacing the belt, this means that the roller is already worn out and a new one should be purchased and installed).

Oil on the timing belt VAZ 2114

In conclusion, it should also be added that the pattern of two or three teeth torn off on the belt is a consequence of the water pump being jammed. To avoid such a situation in the future, it should be replaced after draining the coolant from the system.

Reasons why the timing belt eats on a VAZ-2114

Most often, a similar problem is observed after work to replace the belt, or any component elements, that is, pulleys, water pump, or tension roller.

Pump and tension roller with signs of wear.

Therefore, it is important, before starting work on installing a new timing belt, to check the tension roller itself, the water pump and the pulleys . They should rotate freely, without making unnecessary noise or crackling.

Diagnostics of the tension roller stud

Pay special attention to the condition of the tension roller pin; it should not have any visible damage, be bent, etc.

Belt tension

Correct tension setting

To eliminate the facts of “eating” the belt, it is necessary to take care of its correct tension, because weak tightening will not be effective when the engine is running, also in this case the belt has a much greater chance of slipping by several teeth, and its excessive tension can cause a rapid rupture.

When you have replaced the belt, do not rush to put the protective cover on it, since the first step is to determine whether the belt is installed correctly by comparing all the marks, and then start the engine.

When monitoring its operation, evaluate its position on the engine, making sure that it does not touch any parts of the engine or body with its outer working surface. Also pay attention to its position on the pulley, because it should not go beyond the edge.

Other causes of timing belt wear

One of the camshaft teeth is broken.

Another reason why increased belt wear may occur is severe wear of the teeth on the gears, crankshaft and camshaft.

As a rule, such a problem can be noticed with the naked eye, and belt failure begins with the peeling of the teeth themselves from the belt.

A more significant cause of such a malfunction can be oil leakage from the engine, which gets onto the belt during operation, thereby wearing it out faster. An oil leak is also easy to notice, but eliminating it will require certain skills.

Such problems in the form of oil leaks can damage the timing belt.

It also happens that the cause of a belt rupture may be poor-quality material from which it is made. It often happens that when producing belts from reputable manufacturers, fakes are encountered.

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Many owners of front-wheel drive VAZs are concerned about the problem of why the timing belt is eating ? Most often this question is asked by owners of the following VAZ models - 2108, 2109, 2110, 2112, 2114, Kalina, Priora, Grant (and this problem occurs on engines with both 8 and 16 valves). There is only one general answer to the question raised: the belt is skewed. And this, in turn, can happen for a number of reasons - the pump is installed unevenly, the roller is of poor quality, a washer of the wrong size is installed between the roller and the block (or it is missing altogether) and some others. Each of the listed problems is solved in its own way. In most cases, work to eliminate the causes can be carried out independently, provided you have the appropriate experience and tools. This will save money, and the repair work itself does not take much time and effort.

The main 9 reasons why the timing belt eats

There are a huge number of reasons for belt slipping and wear, but there are also the main culprits of this problem, which are described below.

Poor quality belt

As you know, there are quite a lot of fakes for domestically produced cars, and it is very easy to run into a clandestinely manufactured timing belt. A fake belt may have an irregular shape, namely an oval center, or, on the contrary, any of the edges may be uneven, similar to a cone, which will lead to inevitable distortion of the belt and soon it will slide in different directions. Such problems occur due to incorrect or broken belt production technology.

Belt tension

Incorrect belt tension contributes to the rapid eating of the belt or its breakage, which can lead to dire consequences and expensive repairs of the internal combustion engine. It is necessary to tension the belt correctly, following the manufacturer's recommendations.

Roller bolt and stud

A stud and bolt are necessary to secure the timing belt tensioner and idler pulley. When they are skewed, the alignment of the mechanism elements is disrupted, as a result of which the belt begins to walk along the pulleys, which leads to its rapid wear.


The threads in the cylinder head or the block itself may be damaged, which will lead to inevitable misalignment of the pin or bolt securing the rollers. And as described above, the misalignment of this pin threatens to warp the belt and cause it to slide towards the misalignment.

water pump

The pump has a bearing in its design, which is subject to aging and over time can slightly tilt the water pump pulley, which will lead to the belt slipping and being eaten.

Incorrectly installed pump

When replacing the pump, it is possible that some of its mounting bolts will be looser, which, under the influence of belt tension, can lead to its distortion.

Roller wear

Timing rollers in new modifications of VAZ cars are made of plastic. This plastic, although super strong, is still susceptible to wear and over time can wear into a cone shape, which can cause the timing belt to slip.

Camshaft gear wear

With a mileage reaching 150 thousand km, wear on the camshaft gears is common. This problem occurs quite often after reaching this mileage.

Crankshaft gear wear

The most likely problem with a timing belt eating is the crankshaft gear. Under the influence of various dirt and sand, which gets under the belt and wears out the gear, which will inevitably lead to misalignment, eating and wear of the belt.

Original solution

In most cases, adjusting the timing belt involves adjusting the spacer washer installed under the NTZ roller. Experienced craftsmen and motorists advise inspecting this very washer, checking to see if it is placed backwards.

Indeed, the amateurism of service station workers in some cases is simply infuriating. Mechanics who have been practicing even for several years may simply not notice the adhesive on the spacer washer, pointing to the correct side. Yes, it is applied with acrylic varnish and may not be noticeable, but if you look closely, you can see it.

Distance washers

What is the function of the spacer washer? The main reason for the belt slipping, as was written above, is not the misalignment of the crankshaft, but the initial unevenness of the working surface. Knowing this, AvtoVAZ designers and mechanics initially came up with the idea of ​​leveling the seat with a spacer washer. And they put it on acrylic glue.

All this is understandable, but why couldn’t AvtoVAZ solve the problem with the internal combustion engine in some other way? It turns out that our inherent laziness and unwillingness to work to the end are also evident here.

According to the standard, all engines assembled at AvtoVAZ must be tested on the assembly line. If a problem with the belt slipping is discovered, the power plants are sent for modification to special workshops, where Uncle Vasya and Uncle Kolya simply install spacer washers to save time. Simple and ingenious, and the manufacturer no longer cares what happens to the engine after a long run when the belt is replaced. The main thing is to provide a factory warranty, and an obviously defective engine can be presented as completely working. These are the pies.

Therefore, if auto mechanics are struggling and puzzling over the problem of a belt slipping, and cannot come up with anything, it is quite possible that the engine is simply from the category of defective ones and modified by Uncle Vasya.

The problem is also solved simply: the washer, firstly, is placed on the correct side, and, secondly, it is sharpened on a sharpener or grown on one side. If you do everything correctly, the belt will move clearly and evenly along the middle of the flywheels the first time, and will not jump off anywhere.

Methods for eliminating belt eating

Below are examples of eliminating the causes of belt wear and eliminating the causes of belt eating.

Fake belt

A poor-quality belt may be the culprit of the problem; in order to check this, you need to turn the belt over and try to start the engine; if the belt starts to slide in the other direction, then most likely the plane of the belt is uneven and has a cone shape, which leads to it slipping and being eaten. This problem is treated by replacing it with a new, higher quality belt.

Incorrect tension

The timing belt must be tensioned as recommended by the manufacturer. This information can be found in specialized books on VAZ car repairs or on the Internet. Over-tightening the belt places a load on the bearings and can cause wear on both the rollers and the pump.

crooked hairpin

As a result of the efforts when tightening the roller, it happens that the roller pin becomes slightly bent and, as a result, the roller tilts. This problem will lead to belt misalignment.

The problem is solved by replacing the stud with a new one or placing half washers under the roller in order to correct the tilt of the stud and align the roller.

Thread damage

Damage to the threads, as well as bending the stud, can change the trajectory of the belt. This problem is solved by unscrewing the stud and running the threads with a sword. In the worst case, it is necessary to dismantle the cylinder head to bore or restore the threads.

Water pump

When the pump receives any damage or wear, no action other than replacing it can be taken. If the culprit is the pump, it must be replaced.

Pump misalignment

The problem is that when installing a new pump, most car enthusiasts often use sealant or do not clean the surface of the old gasket. All these points can affect the tightness of the water pump to the block body, which can affect the trajectory of the timing belt. You should thoroughly clean the surface on the cylinder block from the remains of the old gasket and do not use sealant; just install the gasket that comes with the pump.

Working on rollers

The rollers, like the pump, are subject to aging and wear, and in case of such problems, the rollers only need to be replaced; any other methods of correcting belt wear due to the rollers are impossible

Camshaft gear wear

The camshaft gear is made of soft metal, which can quickly wear out and wear out. Most often, the gear wears out already at a mileage close to 150 thousand. If this problem occurs, the gears must be replaced.

Crankshaft gear

Most often, the crankshaft gear wears to a cone and the belt begins to move outward, which leads to friction on the spacer washer between the gear and the accessory drive pulley. Because of this situation, the belt can squeak and howl, and in most cases of this situation, the belt eats up.

The problem is solved by replacing the crankshaft gear.

We hope our article was useful to you.

Such a problem as the timing belt slipping from the place of fixation is common, and this is most often due to poor-quality materials of the belt itself and its component elements. Below we will tell you how to avoid such a situation, and how to prevent the unwanted consequences of such a breakdown.

The video shows how the timing belt slips on a VAZ-2114:


As you have seen for yourself, the reason for the timing belt slipping on a VAZ-2114 can only be solved by replacement, so when choosing a similar spare part in a store, it is best to pay attention to a trusted manufacturer who has proven itself only from the best side.

Many owners of front-wheel drive VAZ cars, after some period of operation, have encountered the fact that the timing belt slips towards the engine (which happens more often), or vice versa from the engine. In this case, the edge of the belt begins to wear against the engine part, the flange of the tension roller, and the cord threads break. And if you don’t notice this in time, the timing belt will break at the most inopportune moment. If on an eight-valve VAZ engine the consequences of a broken timing belt only threaten to stop the engine, then on a 16-valve cylinder head repair results in a fairly large sum. Now let's look at the reasons that cause the timing belt to slip and ways to eliminate this problem.

Gas distribution system VAZ-2114

It will not be a secret to anyone that over time, any part will wear out and require replacement; for some, this period is measured in hundreds, for others, tens of thousands of kilometers.

Timing mechanism diagram

As for the gas distribution mechanism system, and specifically its belt, replacement should be done at the end of its service life, or if there is visible damage to it.

However, it should be noted that when replacing an old belt with a new one, a problem may occur such as the belt sliding out of its place, which in turn can lead to eating (wear - approx.) of the edge of the belt, which in the future will only contribute to its wear, break and another replacement.

We hasten to please you

The VAZ-2114 car was equipped only with an 8-valve engine, with a volume of 1.5 and 1.6 liters, which may indicate that when the timing belt breaks, the pistons and valves do not meet and the latter do not bend , which is certainly favorable affects not only subsequent repairs, but also the car owner’s wallet.

Where does the belt slip and why?

Note! The belt can slip either towards the engine or in the opposite direction from it.

This happens regardless of how exactly it was installed in the middle of the gear, since the reason for this is not only the belt itself, but also the elements and mechanisms accompanying its operation. In order to solve this problem, you need to use the methods described below.

Timing belt

In modern times, in the automotive spare parts market, facts of counterfeits and low-quality products are becoming more and more common.

The top is the original timing belt and the bottom is a fake.

Specifically touching on the issue with the timing belt, we can talk about its uneven structure, increased elasticity (the ability to stretch excessively - approx.), as well as the presence of significant differences between the two edges (distortion - approx.).

The degree of straightness of the newly installed belt can only be determined on the mounted mechanism.

And, if even minor deviations are observed after starting the engine, then the reason is in the belt.

Belt is on and tight

water pump

The timing belt can slip due to play in the pump (pump - approx.). It is very easy to determine its presence; you just need to grab the working surface of the gear with your hand, and if there is even the slightest play, the unit must be changed. In this case, read the material: “choosing a reliable pump for the VAZ-2114”

Leaks on the cylinder block from the timing side indicate that the pump has failed

Tension roller

The next element that needs to be diagnosed when the timing belt is slipping is the tension roller.

Although it may seem like a simple part, deviation from its performance specifications can significantly affect the overall correct operation of the part. In simple terms, a curved roller will not be able to provide the belt with linear movement , wearing out and moving it to the side.

The diagram is clear and understandable.

Another reason for discussions on popular forums about the belt moving to the side is the installation of rollers of different types, because the analogue has a different, slightly modified design.

The difference between the rollers

The difference between these two spare parts is that the old side has a different shape, made of metal, while the new one is made of plastic.

Therefore, as the theory shows, a spare part made of plastic causes much less friction than its metal counterpart.

There are two types of rollers.

Why does the timing belt slip?

The reason may be one or several in combination. Let's look at them in order.

1. The belt itself may be to blame, or rather, the faulty manufacturer. A belt that has different rigidity across widths begins to float towards less rigidity almost immediately after installation. Diagnostics in this case is simple, remove it, turn it the other way, install it, and if it starts to creep in the other direction, then the culprit has been found. This belt is definitely for scrap. To be fair, this is much less common now. Tip: Always keep timing belts and alternator belts in your trunk.

2. Wear of water pump (pump) bearings. With the belt removed, rock the timing pulley. Bearing play is unacceptable, so we change it without hesitation, it will leak soon anyway. If the problems began after replacing the pump, then perhaps, when installing a new part, the mating surface of the block was poorly cleared of the old gasket and the pump body became warped. It also happens that the pump itself is made crookedly; well, the turner was in a bad mood.

3. The most common reason is the bending of the tension roller mounting stud, due to unqualified replacement. “According to the ABC book,” the tightening torque of the roller eccentric nut is only 4.2 kgf/m, and if you tighten it “to the heart,” the M10 pin may bend slightly, and even 0.1 mm of displacement will be enough for the belt to slide to the side. It is almost impossible to straighten the hairpin. Alternatively, you can try turning it out of the block and screwing it in the other way. I had this option. But there is a better way. Described in the magazine "Behind the Wheel". Pictures from the same place.

Timing drive diagram

Adjusting washers are cut from a tin beer can to the size of the spacer ring installed between the block and the tension roller eccentric. Cut in half in the shape of a crescent for a thinner one, or bend and fold for a thicker one.

Installation diagram of adjusting washers.

Then they are installed according to the diagram. Closer to the center of the block (1) if the belt is sliding towards the engine, closer to the edge (2) if the belt is creeping out. When installing, to prevent the washers from falling, I recommend gluing them with sealant.

Installing the shim

The thickness of the set is selected experimentally. The method is simple and very effective.

4. By the way, the tension roller can often be the culprit. Now they are made on a single-row ball bearing, and the supporting surface for the belt is often far from ideal (tapered, oval and even stepped). Therefore, the choice of video should be approached as meticulously and carefully as possible. The bearing play should be minimal, the working surface, at least by eye, should be smooth and even. Before installation, you should take the time to check the presence of grease in the bearing. How to carefully open the bearing, how much grease to add and put it back together is described here. Very often they save a lot on this.

5. I’ll repeat myself a bit. There may be several implicit, almost imperceptible reasons, which are difficult to determine individually, but in total they quite cope with the belt shifting to the side. And here shims will become just a panacea.

Source: avtomastersam.ru

Other ways to adjust the roller

If you look at the standard and proper operation of the timing belt, then the tension roller should be located exactly in the middle of the pump and camshaft gears. However, some VAZ-2114 owners, in order to avoid the belt slipping, pull the roller to the side, closer to the camshaft, thus the belt, receiving the greatest bend in its upper part, is more firmly fixed in its place.

All tension roller components for VAZ-2114.

Not a tricky way to adjust the belt

There is another simple way that helps VAZ-2114 owners avoid the belt slipping by adjusting the position of the tension roller.

In order to fix it in this position, it is necessary to pre-make a blank in the form of a half washer made of aluminum (an aluminum can works well - approx.), which must be fixed between the spacer ring and the cylinder block.

Such a need can arise only if the spacer ring has differences in its thickness. You can take its measurements yourself, using only a caliper.

Camshaft and crankshaft

New camshaft gear

Also, judging by the numerous reviews of “our tubers”, it is possible to eliminate the occurrence of timing belt slippage after replacing the camshaft and crankshaft gears.

However, such a procedure can bring results if the car’s mileage on old spare parts is at least 100 thousand kilometers. Otherwise, such a replacement may not bring the desired result.

Rust on the crankshaft gear

Crankshaft gear rusted

This situation arises as a result of the lack of dirt protection. The gear rusts and begins to work incorrectly.

After any work

After working on the timing belt, many car enthusiasts and car service technicians advise observing the condition it is in, periodically opening the hood and diagnosing its condition. But at the same time you need to remove the plastic protection!

Because in this way it is possible to notice in a timely manner emerging defects, belt slipping and other problems, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gas distribution system as a whole.

How to more easily monitor the condition of the timing belt

During operation, and especially the first days after replacement (as well as replacing any other component of the timing drive), everyone strongly recommends monitoring the condition and behavior of the drive belt. It is covered with a casing, removing the casing every day is a very troublesome task, our instructions will tell you how to make it easier:

  • For daily monitoring of the drive belt, we recommend cutting a small window in the upper part of the belt housing.

Small slit in the top of the casing to allow viewing of the drive belt

  • Now you can easily monitor the condition of the belt, promptly detect the appearance of cracks, scuffs, “gnawing” of the edges and take action in advance, rather than waiting for a break
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