Windshield wiper blades rub poorly: where to look and what to do

DIY windshield wiper restoration

It may happen that your windshield wiper blades require replacement much more often than you expected.
Weren't they replaced last year? But they again leave streaks, no longer clean the windshield efficiently and make annoying sounds. Although windshield wipers are not the most expensive element in car maintenance, the cost adds up each time they require replacement, which can add up to a significant cost. A clean windshield is not only pleasant to drive, but also has a significant impact on safety, increasing visibility and control over the road situation. The main signs that car wipers have gone bad:

  • appearance of line/stripes. The rubber element of the wiper blade can harden or become damaged with age or repeated rubbing of foreign objects on the windshield;
  • noise. Noisy windshield wipers are usually a sign that the windshield wiper has hardened, causing the structure and attachment of the windshield wiper blade to wear out faster;
  • vibration. Hardened rubber elements usually cause the cleaner to vibrate.

Have such signs appeared? Don't rush to buy new windshield wiper blades right away. To save money, you can try to restore them at home. But, first of all, it is worth understanding the reasons for the rapid wear of the wipers.

Brushes rub poorly: the key reason

You can blame the cracks in the windshield and buy expensive blades, but if the wiper doesn’t “reposition” it, then the job won’t work. You can forget about high-quality glass cleaning in principle. At this moment, the “janitor” does not remove dirt from one of the working sides. It floats above it and literally slides on top, spreading contamination over the entire area of ​​the glass.

It is not difficult to imagine that a similar phenomenon can occur even with a new set of brushes. And in this case, “digging” is in the direction of the leashes. It may well be that the clamping force has not been the same for a long time. After all, the spring tends to lose elasticity as it is used.

If everything is fine with the leashes, then the problem is clearly in the brushes themselves:

  • Poor quality or aged rubber material. Over time, a simple temperature difference will kill the rubber. What can we say about glass washer chemicals, road reagents and solar ultraviolet radiation, which reduce elasticity and firmness from the first days of work.
  • Brush frame. The hinges of frame windshield wipers are currently rather weak. A few hours of painstaking work and the structure is already beginning to play. And this does not take into account the option with dirt, when the latter penetrates the joints and leads to a wedge. In this situation, the quality of cleaning will only decline. The springs of some “frameless” ones also have something to offer. For example, metal often has low corrosion resistance, and rust quickly reduces the stiffness of the spring, read, the pressure of the rubber sheet to the glass.
  • Transition adapter. Is there any play at the junction of the wiper blade and the arm? Then forget about high-quality and silent cleaning. This will not result in a normal “rearrangement”, and even a new brush that is not of budget origin can produce an unimportant result.

Restoring wipers yourself

There are several basic ways to restore wipers on a car and extend their service life:

  • Hot water . The easiest way to bring the rubber parts of the wipers to a satisfactory condition is to put them in hot water for half an hour to an hour. This manipulation will help soften the rubber and remove fatty deposits on its surface. This method will not bring long-term effects; it should be combined with other options.
  • White Spirit (white spirit) . White Spirit, a popular gasoline-based solvent, will help to effectively remove grease from the surface of the working part of the wipers. This oily liquid also has lubricating properties, which will greatly facilitate the sliding of the brushes along the windshield. The way to use mineral spirits is to wet a piece of cotton rag or synthetic washcloth with the liquid and wipe the rubber surface of the wiper blade.
  • Gasoline . If you place the windshield wiper rubber bands in gasoline for some time, the effect of softening the rubber is achieved, significantly increasing its elasticity. The effect of restoring the properties of windshield wipers is also enhanced by the degreasing properties of gasoline.
  • Glycerin . To soften hardened rubber of brushes, glycerin will help. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. To achieve the greatest positive effect, the working surface of the wipers must be cleaned of dust and dirt, washed and dried. The essence of the method is to apply glycerin to the surface and let it absorb into the rubber. This method can be combined with degreasing with gasoline or white spirit.
  • Mechanical restoration . If the rubber bands on the wipers are damaged and have uneven surfaces, you can try to level them. In this case, it makes sense to use fine sandpaper to eliminate defects. Subsequently, it is recommended to degrease and soften the brushes using the methods presented above.

Important! It is recommended to carry out all manipulations with chemicals in well-ventilated areas and use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Traditional recovery methods

Let's look at the most popular and effective ways to revive windshield wipers on a vehicle and increase their service life:

  • White Spirit . This solution effectively removes dirt and grease from the rubber part of the wipers. White Spirit is a fairly popular gasoline-based solvent. The oily liquid additionally lubricates, making it easier for the blades to glide across the windshield. The processing process does not require any special skills. It is necessary to take a rag or a synthetic washcloth soaked in the solution and wipe the rubber part of the wipers. Then let it dry and check the functionality of the brushes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

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  • Adjustment. If no damage is found on the blade, then try bending the windshield wiper frame. Perhaps it was deformed. But this method is applicable only for the frame mechanism of the wipers.
  • WD-40 is a multifunctional product that can be used to clean and soften rubber. You can perform the treatment without removing the wipers from the vehicle. Simply spray the wiper onto the working surface and let it soak in. The procedure must be repeated several times.
  • Hot water. This is the easiest way to restore windshield wiper blades.
    To do this, you need to immerse them in boiling water for 30-60 minutes. This procedure will soften the rubber on the brush and remove all deposits on it. But this method does not have long-term progress. It is better to combine it with other methods.
  • Petrol. It will help soften the rubber bands on the wipers. In this case, you need to place the windshield wiper blades in fuel for a short time. After this procedure, the rubber becomes softer and more elastic. At the same time, they are degreased.
  • Mechanical restoration. This method will require caution and a little skill. If there are any unevenness on the elastic band, you can try to smooth them out. To do this, you need to use fine-grained sandpaper, which will help correct imperfections. It is necessary not to overdo it. After the procedure, the brushes are degreased using any of the above methods.
  • Glycerol. A glycerin solution will help restore hardened rubber. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Before the procedure, it is necessary to degrease, clean the brushes from dust and dirt. And dry thoroughly.

Restoring wipers with glycerin

Let's take a closer look at the method of restoring wipers with glycerin:

  1. It is necessary to dismantle the windshield wipers from the vehicle and disconnect their rubber part.
  2. Thoroughly clean from dirt and accumulated dust. Next, you need to let the brushes dry.
  3. After drying, the gum is treated with glycerin and allowed to sit for the solution to be absorbed. The impregnation process can be repeated several times and do not forget to let the solution soak in.
  4. After several procedures, you need to wipe the surface of the rubber dry and remove all residues from it.
  5. Then you need to reassemble the windshield wiper and secure it to the car. Perform a functionality check.

After this procedure, the rubber becomes softer. The efficiency of the wipers increases during operation. But this method will not help if the rubber is already cracked or torn. This procedure is considered the most effective way to restore wipers.

Some tips for extending the life of your wipers

Here are five simple ways to help you get the most out of your windshield wiper blades:

  1. Raise or remove your windshield wiper blades when it snows. This may seem like an unnecessary step, but you are actually saving yourself the potential headache and additional expense of replacing your windshield wipers. The thing is that repeated thawing and freezing can damage the structural integrity of the rubber. Turning on wipers frozen to the windshield also poses a potential danger.
  2. Do not clear ice from your windshield using your windshield wipers. This will certainly lead to damage to the rubber by the sharp edges of the ice crust.
  3. Wipe and clean windshield wiper blades. Along with water, dirt, sand, and small debris get onto the windshield. It can get stuck in the grooves of the rubber, gradually destroying it.
  4. Park your car in the shade. Ultraviolet radiation destroys the rubber structure of the wiper blades, making it hard and brittle. To avoid the negative effects of sunlight, you should park your car in the shade whenever possible.
  5. Do not use windshield wipers “dry”. Wipers are designed to clean only wet surfaces. In dry weather, their use is only possible in combination with the windshield washer.

A quick way to make old wipers clean like new

The wiper blades on your car suffer the most from winter frosts. The rubber bands constantly freeze to the windshield and have to be peeled off, which as a result negatively affects how they clean the glass. And after installing a new set of wipers, after a while you may notice that the rubber bands begin to clean the glass poorly, leaving behind dirty streaks. Let's look at several ways to make even fairly worn brushes clean properly.

Making life easier for janitors

If you use expensive brush models on your car and want them to last as long as possible, then you may want to take a look at various water repellents for cars. The store sells several versions of the so-called “anti-rain”. This product is applied to the windshield, after which the glass acquires a water-repellent effect. The product works like this: raindrops are not retained, but are blown away by the oncoming air flow.

Naturally, after such treatment you will have to use the wipers much less often, which will extend their service life. “Anti-rain” is applied to the glass after visiting a car wash. This operation is extremely simple and can be done independently. Such products cost differently, mostly about 300 rubles.

Chemical treatment with washer reservoir

It's not just water, dirt and sand that flies from the road onto the glass. Car exhaust gases also dissolve in drops of water, after which this entire chemical cocktail settles as an oil film on the windshield. This leads to the fact that the wipers begin to leave behind uncleaned areas and stains. In addition, all this chemistry has a destructive effect on the rubber bands of the brushes. To remove the oil film from glass, you must use special solvents. Many drivers add a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the washer reservoir, as it dissolves grease perfectly. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will end up with a full tank of foam.

Restoring rubber bands

The rubber bands on the windshield wiper blades gradually wear out, harden and stop cleaning properly. But don’t rush to replace them with new ones, because first you can try to restore them with improvised means. For restoration we will use a solvent. We wipe them thoroughly with a cloth soaked in solvent, this will help remove all oil deposits from them and soften the rubber a little.

Photos from Internet resources

How to restore old wipers on a car

The first sign of wear on the windshield wipers is insufficient cleaning of the windshield, which causes a lot of inconvenience when driving, since streaks and streaks interfere with visibility, which not only affects constant eyestrain, but can also cause an accident. There may also be splitting or uncharacteristic squeaking sounds indicating failure.

For an experienced car enthusiast, restoring windshield wipers is not a labor-intensive process and takes at most half an hour, but before undertaking repairs, you should understand the cause of the malfunction:

    The cleaning element is dirty. If particles of oil or abrasive remain on the surface of the glass, the brushes experience strong resistance during operation and inevitably wear out beyond repair, so the rubber bands should be cleaned periodically.

What to do if the cleaning element is dirty

The first reason for poor performance of windshield wipers can be easily eliminated by treating the blades with a solvent such as White Spirit. This solution is popular because it is able to effectively remove the most stubborn dirt deposited on the wiper brushes, after which attention should be paid to restoring the rubber.

The most primitive way to restore a rubber element is to soak it in hot water. Soak the brushes for about an hour - during this time the rubber has time to soften well. You can also soften and degrease rubber elements by immersing them in gasoline and soaking them for about 20 minutes. The method is considered universal, since drivers, as a rule, have a certain amount of fuel on hand. To restore rubber after soaking, you should use silicone or glycerin. To do this, you need to dry the brushes, treat them with glycerin and leave for some time for maximum absorption. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times and then remove any remaining grease with a cloth.

The described methods have a side effect in the form of removal of the protective graphite layer of the brushes through an aggressive solution. Silicone grease should also be handled carefully to avoid contaminating the glass.

It is worth noting that the restoration of the rubber part of the wipers should be done before it becomes unusable and cracks and tears appear on the rubber. There is no way to restore torn tires.

What to do if the wiper does not fit well

The second reason can be eliminated by tightening the bracket that holds the spring and is located on the bend of the leash. To repair it, it must be removed and tightened. The method is effective, but requires a certain dexterity, since when removed, the spring can bounce off to the most unexpected place, and inserting the part into place is also inconvenient.

What to do if the brush is deformed

The third type of malfunction is eliminated mechanically. To eliminate unevenness on rubber bands, many people use a scheme based on the use of sandpaper. By friction, the defects are leveled out, but you will have to make some effort. This is done before the solvent treatment or soaking process.

Depending on the type of damage to the windshield wiper, a certain list of auxiliary elements may be needed to restore it:

  1. Wrench;
  2. Screwdriver;
  3. Latex gloves;
  4. Working fluid for cleaning;
  5. Surface treatment lubricant;
  6. A rag or other soft cloth to clean the surface and remove any remaining grease.

In addition to basic means for restoring windshield wiper blades, there are special mechanisms on sale that are designed to help car owners when repairing windshield wipers. For example, a windshield wiper blade cutter can sand a rubber surface and remove minor damage. There are also kits for repairing wipers, the filling of which is designed for quick restoration, or a knife for restoring wipers, which does not require their removal.

When performing the process indoors, the necessary air circulation must be ensured. Next you need to do the following:

    Remove the brushes and disassemble. This manipulation is carried out by moving the lower arm away from the windshield, the metal holder is lifted to the mounting location and brought to a stable position - to the end. By pressing on the plastic plug that holds the blade, you need to disconnect the blade from the wiper.

Come on, get moving: why the wipers stop working and how to fix a trapeze

Just about simple things

The trapezoid of the wipers is the same mechanism due to which the rotational movement of the brush drive motor is converted into their translational movement.
At first glance, there is nothing complicated about the trapezoid: several rods, articulated joints and bushings. Moreover, it is not clear what could break there. Usually nothing breaks, it’s just that over time the connections become clogged with dirt, corrode and lose mobility. And in the case of such arthritis in the trapezius, the wipers first walk more slowly, then they simply stand up. There is another scenario: the engine is on fire. It’s better not to wait for this, but to start repairing. Depending on their greed, the services ask for different amounts of money for this work. Some are ready to do it for five hundred rubles (which is rare), others – for one and a half thousand (which is more common). Not robbery, of course, but many will most likely want to tinker with their favorite car themselves. Therefore, we will tell you how to do this. At the end there will be a bonus for those who read the instructions after they have already broken everything.

The work has one significant advantage: it does not require complex “devices”, torque wrenches, a lift or a synchrophasotron. For example, we did everything with an ordinary set of tools from a well-known store for 600 rubles. In addition to a screwdriver, keys, hammer and Torx, you will also need graphite lubricant and some kind of liquid wrench like WD40, Valera, Runway or any other - everything is up to your taste.

Almost all trapezoids are constructed the same way and sour in the same place. We will take the Ford Focus as an example, the trapezoid of which has stubbornly turned sour at the most inopportune moment for three generations in a row. Stability, damn it. There is also a whole list of cars in which the trapezoid sours more often than we would like: from the Mercedes W204 to the Hyundai Elantra IV and any Kia Ceed. The principle will be the same everywhere. Therefore, we will tell you how to do everything on a Ford, and if you are lucky enough to buy another car, just carefully project this guide onto your car.

Bolts, latches and flexible pins

First, remove the wiper arms. Everything is simple here: remove the protective caps, unscrew the nuts and pull them off their axles. There is nothing complicated here.

Then we move on to dismantling the plastic frill. Focus has two parts – upper and lower. The top half is attached with simple latches that can be easily moved with a screwdriver. The main thing is to hold them tightly with your fingers, because at the last moment the latch may fly somewhere into the engine compartment. We put the removed latches together with the nuts and washers from the wiper arms, pull out the rubber seal from the groove and remove half of the frill. And again, all this is not difficult to do.

At this stage, the trapezoid is already clearly visible. Some people are already stopping here and taking her out of the car. To be honest, this is not very easy, so let's work with the screwdriver a little more and disassemble the car a little more. It is enough to unscrew just two bolts with Torx heads to remove the lower part of the frill. But access to the trapezoid will be downright chic. Therefore, we spend a couple more minutes and remove this part.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

You just have to do this carefully: Ford engineers (damn them for just one hood lock!) for some reason made the windshield heating two-zone, so the connectors for heating the glass halves are visible on the right and left under the frill. If you swing the removed plastic like Taras Bulba with a saber, you can damage the cables.

So now we can see the trapezoid in its entirety.

In our case, the trapezoid is secured with three bolts, which we unscrew. Now you can pull it out, but again, very carefully. There is nothing surprising in the fact that there are wires that connect to the trapezoid motor, which do not need to be torn. You need to remove the terminal, but this is easier to do if you slightly pull the entire trapezoid into the light of day. The length of the wires allows this, and Ford engineers (let them be empty for all the electrics!) placed the connector latch at the bottom. So it is very, very difficult to hold it in place. Therefore, we pull the trapezoid out a little, then remove the terminal.

That's it, the trapeze is in our hands. You can breathe out. But not much, because the most difficult thing awaits us ahead.

A little strength and a lot of skill

Trapezium hinge joints are usually made from polyformaldehyde. It is such a durable material with very low friction. For example, recently mediators for guitarists have often been made from it. And for machines - these are the connections where the friction force should be minimal and wear resistance should be high. It also does not rust, which is also good. Due to all these factors, we can say that it is almost pointless to disassemble the hinges: nothing will turn sour there, and breaking the connection for the sake of curiosity is harmful. Well, if you do take it apart, you can remove the dirt from there. This will not be superfluous.

Now let's move on to our main enemy. The trapezoid sours precisely in these places: these are the bushings with the axles of the leads. No matter how much they try to protect them with all sorts of caps and rings, water still gets inside and does its dirty deed.

The axles must be pulled out of the bushings. To do this, first remove the protective cap and retaining ring. I won’t warn you about the meanness of the latter: everyone knows that it can fly anywhere. But with some skill it is not difficult to remove.

And now the dancing with the tambourine begins. More precisely, with a hammer, a Vedashka and swear words. If the trapezoid has not yet completely soured and the wipers are at least moving somehow, it will be much easier to knock out the axles. Otherwise it will be difficult. In addition, you will have to knock with a hammer on the end on which the thread is cut for the wipers themselves. If you do this with fanaticism, then you won’t be able to put the wiper in its place. And without fanaticism, it is difficult to knock the axle out of the bushing.

Liquid keys will help here (but this is not certain). For those who have not used them before, I will give one piece of advice: it is useless to spray on the axle and hit it with a hammer at the same time. First you need to splash the soured compound, then wait five to ten minutes, then you can knock with a hammer. If the axis has moved even slightly, the procedure should be repeated. There is no such thing as an extra “Vedashka”.

So, let's say that we managed to knock out the axle. All that remains is to lubricate it. Many people mistakenly believe that the same WD-40 softens corrosion so well, removes moisture and works other miracles. And also - that the parts on which it fell never rust. This is wrong. As long as this miracle liquid has not dried, the axle will even rotate quite well in its bushing due to the small amount of oil in the “wheel drive”. But it won’t last long, as is the case with any other “liquid key”. They are poor lubricants, so as soon as the axle dries, it needs to be lubricated. Graphite grease is best. Well, when the axis is generously lubricated, everything can be assembled in reverse order. Anyone who has taken it apart once can always put it back together.

Only one point is important: before installation, it is advisable to place the trapezoid in the position in which it once soured. Otherwise, there is a non-illusory chance that after the first turn on, the revived mechanism will grind both the wipers and itself.

Promised bonus

Unfortunately, for very strong and stubborn people, repairing a trapezoid often ends in its complete destruction with the help of a hammer and their own stupidity. The platform on which the motor stands is often made of a rather fragile alloy that does not withstand the tenacity of the hammer owner. It breaks, and in this case no miracles like Suprotec, blue electrical tape and dimexide will help. There is only one way out - buy another trapeze. New, original, analogue, disassembled, Chinese - a matter of money, preference or religion, the choice is yours. The main thing is that free work will result in spending on new spare parts and unnecessary actions associated with rearranging the engine. You can, of course, buy it assembled, but it will be noticeably more expensive.

And when buying a trapezoid from disassembly, you need to check it thoroughly. In the best case, it will also be sour, and it will have to be disassembled and lubricated in the same way. At worst, it can be broken: over time, the polyformaldehyde connections wear out and begin to play. And it is no longer possible to fight this.

What methods do not work and can damage the car?

It is important to understand that the parts that are subject to self-repair are not all the elements that make up the mechanism of the windshield wipers. The rotational and translational mechanism of the wipers, as well as its smoothness, is ensured by a trapezoid operating through a motor. Taking on the repair of internal parts with your own hands is extremely dangerous for an inexperienced car mechanic. Here you will need the help of a professional.

The windshield wipers should be removed with extreme caution so as not to damage the windshield. Since the mechanism is equipped with a spring, there is a possibility that it will rebound, and the impact on the glass will be strong enough to damage it. The best way to secure your windshield is to place a towel or other cloth over it as a buffer.

Windshield wipers need to be systematically inspected, cleaned and replaced if necessary. Do not neglect these procedures, since wipers are an important component of the car system. The quality of the car's movement does not depend on their work, but the driver's comfort, and therefore driving safety, are directly related.

Why do wipers start to work poorly?

Before you restore the windshield wiper blades with your own hands, you should determine the reason for their incorrect operation and signs of wear:

  1. The presence of a large amount of dirt on the windshield, which even wipers with a new rubber band cannot cope with. Many motorists rarely use the windshield washer while the wipers are running. The result of such an oversight is increased wear on the surface of the brushes and damage to the windshield by sand particles.
  2. Poor contact of the wiper rubber with the glass surface causes dirt stains to appear. If such a defect is detected, you should check the condition of the working edge of the windshield wiper. Often it is enough just to wash it well, since dirt particles on the surface prevent the rubber bands from fitting properly and scratch the glass. Also, the cause of poor brush contact is its critical wear. In this case, it is recommended to replace the working part of the glass cleaner.
  3. Worn wiper blade. The new windshield wiper has a regular rectangular rubber band, which ensures maximum contact patch and high-quality cleaning of the windshield surface. During operation, the edges of the edges wear off, which is why the wipers begin to function incorrectly. Most motorists simply change a worn tire, not knowing that it can be revived.

Wipers help clear glass in difficult weather conditions


The brush will not be able to effectively clean the glass if its working surface has become unusable. You can use sandpaper to temporarily solve the problem.

  1. It is necessary to take a plate of inflexible material (for example, durable plywood).
  2. Attach fine-grain sandpaper to it.
  3. Shape the rubber edge of the wipers into a rectangular shape. Processing must be done evenly. Otherwise, the switched on brushes will leave streaks on the windshield.

There is a special device, which is a plastic block with sandpaper glued on and a cutter that cuts off the damaged part

Procedure for replacing the working element of the windshield wiper

In the case when the surface of the windshield wiper is completely worn out and cannot be restored, while the wiper frame is completely intact, you can replace the worn rubber band. It's easy to do:

  1. Removing the wiper
  2. Use a screwdriver to bend the tape holders
  3. We finally free the working part
  4. Completely remove the worn rubber band from the rocker arm
  5. We install the new element by squeezing the bent legs of its fastening with pliers
  6. Installing an updated windshield wiper

You can find many videos on the Internet detailing the process of replacing worn windshield wiper blades.

How to restore car wipers

Restoring the functionality of windshield wiper blades is carried out based on the reasons for their incorrect functioning. Old wipers whose frame integrity has been compromised must be replaced. There are several ways to restore windshield wipers:

  1. To give elasticity and softness to the rubber bands of the wipers, it is enough to keep them in gasoline for a short time. Then wash with warm water and soap. To improve cleaning quality, we recommend periodically treating the rubber surfaces of the wipers with silicone grease.
  2. To remove oily formations from the surface of the windshield wipers and degrease them well, you need to use white spirit. You should work with it indoors with good ventilation or outdoors. A clean and well-degreased wiper blade effectively cleans the glass without scratching its surface.
  3. If the working edge of the brush has worn off, causing problems with cleaning the windshield, we recommend restoring its surface using fine-grained sandpaper. It is advisable to glue the sandpaper to a flat surface (for example, a wooden block), the length of which is the same as that of the windshield wiper rubber. Then, without any effort, give the edge the correct rectangular shape. The main thing is to treat the entire surface evenly, otherwise the wipers will not adhere tightly to the glass surface. After completing the described procedure, the restored edge must be washed, degreased and treated with silicone grease.

As you can see, repairing car glass cleaners is not difficult. True, not all windshield wipers can be restored.

Correct operation of the brushes and good condition are one of the components of safe operation of the car, so do not neglect this unit.


We tested the use of various devices for sharpening the working edge of wipers here. The tools were different, but the result was the same: there was no improvement in performance. However, the idea turned out to be tenacious: many authors propose to carry out a similar operation using improvised means. Fine-grained sandpaper is glued onto a piece of wood and moved back and forth along the edge with a little force. So, in their opinion, it is possible to restore the rectangular shape of the edge and thereby return the cleaning properties of the wiper tape to the wiper tape.

How to restore wipers on a car

Having noticed that the wipers do not clean the windshield properly, many motorists decide to immediately change the blades. In fact, there are several ways to repair the wiper elements, thereby giving your windshield wipers a second life.

Reasons for replacing wipers

Reasons for poor brush performance

Before you start repairing car wipers, you need to figure out what is the reason for their poor performance:

  • Dirty windshield. Even the best windshield wiper with the highest quality brush cannot clean a dirty or oily car window. Some car enthusiasts try to remove sand and dust from the glass by pouring an abrasive agent and turning on the wipers. They forget that they need to turn on the washer in order to wet the abrasive. Such an oversight leads to the squeaking of the windshield wiper blades; the wipers move along dry glass, experiencing greater resistance. After this, the brushes quickly wear out and need urgent replacement;
  • Wrong fit of the windshield wiper. Because of this, during their operation, wipers leave streaks on the windshield of the car. If they start to appear suddenly, check the grooves of the rubber band of the brushes. They may contain particles of dust, sand or water. In this case, you just need to remove dirt from the edge. If the stripes gradually widen, then the rubber band of the windshield wiper blade has worn out. It is much better not to repair a torn tape, but to replace it;
  • Brush edge wear. The working edge of a normal brush has a rectangular shape. Destroying dirt, the tool gradually grinds down and the edge becomes oval. Another reason for changes in shape is mechanical damage to the car windshield. Some drivers throw away such a brush without thinking. In fact, it can be easily repaired.

Brush edge wear

Reasons for poor performance of windshield wipers

To identify a malfunction of the wipers, it is not necessary to show your car to a mechanic, because usually such problems are identified even with the naked eye, since the windshield wipers simply stop coping with their direct responsibility.

By exactly how this element behaves, you can determine the cause of its malfunction, which is the first necessary step towards eliminating it:

  1. If the windshield wipers stop sliding on a dry or icy windshield, it is quite possible that there are traces of wood or epoxy resin, as well as insects and their waste products.
  2. Coarse rubber on the brushes may indicate that it is really time to change them, since ultraviolet radiation is slowly but surely doing its job.

Frame windshield wipers have several specific problems, including a tendency to get dirty, which reduces articulated mobility and leaves waves on the glass, as well as windage with the characteristic bouncing of the brushes due to play in the rocker arms of the working element.

You should not exclude longitudinal breaks in the windshield wiper tape, after which cloudy streaks remain on the wind panorama, and in this case, only replacing the wipers will help solve the problem.

How to repair wiper blades

The method of repairing car windshield wiper blades must be chosen taking into account the reason for their poor performance:

  1. If you want to make the rubber bands of the brushes softer and more elastic, dip them in gasoline. After this, wash them carefully with warm soapy water. In addition, you can lubricate the wiper blades of your car with silicone grease. This product is sold in a tube or as a spray.
  2. To degrease windshield wiper blades, wipe them with a rag soaked in white spirit. This is a light oily liquid that perfectly removes grease and dirt from the surface of brushes. Do not forget that white spirit must be handled with extreme care.

    White Spirit

Before starting work, put on personal protective equipment. Treat car wiper blades in a well-ventilated room. In addition, you can degrease the wiper blades in another way - simply keep them in hot water for thirty minutes. High temperature water will destroy the surface layer of fat, which will improve the ability of the brushes to clean glass. Of course, this method revives the car's windshield wiper tools only for a while.

  • If the wiper does not clean the car window due to wear on the working surface of the blade, correct it using a plate of rigid material and sandpaper. Fine-grain sandpaper and multi-layer plywood are ideal for this work. Please note that the longer the plate, the better the edge will be. Glue sandpaper to the plywood and carefully shape the rubber edge of the brush into a rectangular shape. As you work, try to correct the shape of the tape evenly. If you make mistakes, the turned on car wiper will leave wide stripes on the windshield.

How to restore old wipers to new condition

Spring is the time for a constantly dirty windshield. “Tired” wipers after a long winter can no longer cope with the flow of water, and slush from the road covers the windshield so that nothing can be seen? You don’t have to immediately run to the auto store. Windshield wiper blades will continue to do their job well for a long time if you do a few simple steps.

Setting the stage

The first thing you really need to do is clean your windshield properly. During winter operation, so much dirt, reagents and other deposits have accumulated on it that it needs to be cleaned not with a rubber band on the metal frame, but with a bayonet shovel. After city cold weather, the windshield should be washed with alcohol or solvent. The result will exceed even the wildest expectations: after replacing the heels of rags covered with a thick layer of dirt and chemicals, even well-worn glass will shine like new.

This happy moment is the best fit for a general assessment of the condition of the main car “visor”: chips and gouges, scratches and cracks, abrasions and the degree of transparency can be determined “by eye” and a replacement can be planned if necessary. As practice shows, a preventive approach allows you to save a lot of money.

Metal disease

One of the key reasons for poor performance of windshield wipers is not the wear of the cleaning rubber layer: dirt gets into the springs of the arms and prevents the wipers from adhering to the windshield. Nine times out of ten, cleaning the springs that are located inside the leash body will solve the problem.

The structures themselves must be removed, each of them is held in place by a single bolt, and thoroughly washed in detail. Be extremely careful when removing the springs: they are installed under tension and can come off during disassembly, causing injury. You should wear protective gloves and keep the leash as far away from your face as possible.

Having disassembled and cleaned the clamping device, you can move on to the next stage - actually, to the wipers.

Restoring the cleaning element

During the fall and winter, an incredible amount of dirt accumulates on the rubber elements of the wipers, which interferes with the quality of the windshield wiper. To remove deposits, we need something more than winter windshield washer: we need to clean the wipers with a solvent. White spirit will do the job perfectly. Once you start cleaning, you will be surprised at how much sediment has accumulated on the rubber bands. You cannot overdo it with the solvent: along with dirt and reagent residues, you wash off the protective graphite layer from the cleaning cloth.

How to change wiper blades

If the rubber band cannot be restored, and the wiper frame is still in excellent condition, then change it. Removing this tape is quite simple:

  • First, use a screwdriver to bend the tape holders
  • using small pliers, spread the tabs of the clamp so that the tape can be easily pulled out
  • Once you have removed the tape, pull out the elastic plates from it; if they are bent, then pay attention to which direction in order to correctly install the plates in the groove of the new tape.
  • the new tape must be threaded through the rocker arm clamps with a groove; if any of the clamp supports does not provide easy movement, or the tape is too loose in it, then widen the legs or, conversely, tighten them
  • After you have tucked the tape into the arms of the rocker arms, squeeze the retainer with pliers and install the brush on the wiper.
  • By correctly identifying the cause of poor blade performance and properly repairing them, you will eliminate the need to change your windshield wiper. This way you will save your money and ensure your safety. Through dirty windows, the driver cannot see the entire road, which can lead to very sad consequences.

    Car brush repair

    If it is determined that the reason for the malfunction of the car wiper blade is the wear of the working surface of the edge of the rubber band, then it can be restored without even removing the wiper from the windshield wiper arm. To do this, you need to take a plate of rigid material, for example, multi-layer plywood, and glue a sheet of the same size of fine-grained sandpaper onto it. The longer the plate is, the better the quality of the edge.

    Next, with very little effort to prevent bending of the tape, orienting the plate parallel to its working surface, use a reciprocating motion to give the edge right angles.

    The main thing when doing this work is to try to grind the rubber tape evenly along its entire length to prevent failures, otherwise stripes may remain on the glass in these places when the wiper is working.

    It is even better to sand the rubber band by gluing sandpaper to a plate that is 10-15 cm longer than the length of the brush itself. Then the work will be much easier to complete with a better end result. After every few passes, you need to check the result so that you get right angles and do not grind off excess rubber, since it will still be useful for subsequent repairs. In this way, the tape can be restored several times.

    If the rubber band has completely become unusable, and the frame is still in good condition, then it is advisable to replace it with a new one. For replacement, you can also use a used rubber band, torn on the moving side along the neck line, removed from a longer brush. Removing the rubber band is not difficult.

    First you need to use the blade of a screwdriver to slightly bend the rubber band rocker support clamp to the side.

    Next, use small pliers to spread the legs of the support lock until the rubber band is completely released.

    The rubber band is removed from the rocker arm support tabs. Elastic plates are removed from the tape. Sometimes the elastic plates are bent, and you need to remember which way to go in the same way in the groove of the new rubber band. Sometimes the recesses in the plate are smaller than the protrusions in the tape groove. Then you need to use a file to adjust the samples to size.

    A new rubber band prepared for replacement is threaded through a groove through all the rocker arm support clamps. The tape should move freely, but without play, along the rocker arms. If any of the supports does not provide free movement or the tape in it is too loose, then you need, accordingly, to slightly move the legs apart or tighten them.

    After threading the rubber wiper band into the arms of the rocker arms, you just need to use pliers to squeeze the clamp and the blade is ready for installation on the car windshield wiper arm.

    As you can see, by spending just ten minutes you can give a second life to your brush. Such repairs are especially relevant for expensive branded wipers.

    What is the reason?

    Before you begin to eliminate the cause, you need to understand what it is, because windshield wipers can be poorly cleaned due to their frequent bending in winter (the spring is stretched). Is it worth doing this, read the article: “Do I need to raise the wipers in winter?” Another common cause of streaks on glass is a worn rubber band.

    You also need to check the frame of the wipers - the rocker arms at their connection points should be movable, but there should be no looseness. As well as the reliability of fixation of the adapter lever and the leash lever.

    Often, the wipers begin to work poorly precisely because the spring has stretched and cannot press the wiper with sufficient force. And if significant defects are detected, it is better to replace it.

    During the operation of the vehicle, the rubber surface experiences significant loads, and solid particles - dust, dirt, sand - get between the working edge of the wiper and the hard surface of the glass. As a result, the working edge becomes rounded, micro-tears and micro-cracks appear, and the wipers stop doing their job well - pushing through water and cleaning the glass.

    How to restore the working edge of the brush

    If we are not talking about the loss of the integrity of the element, then there is no need to rush to dispose of it, because there are several universal methods of successful resuscitation that will help the driver save a lot of money.

    And the easiest way to solve the problem of contamination is because if the hinges remain intact, then in most cases it is enough to simply rinse the brushes with warm water to return them to working condition.

    Experienced motorists have provided an equally simple solution to the problem if their windshield wiper blades are partially worn out, recommending turning them over.

    As a result, the upper edge that has retained its integrity will clean the glass surface quite well, and although such wipers cannot be compared to new ones, they will still be able to serve for some time.

    If desired, deep contaminants can also be removed, however, in such situations you will have to use something more serious than hot water.

    White spirit, gasoline, multifunctional aerosol WD-40 - usually these are the products that are used, the choice of which directly depends on what exactly happened to stain the wipers.

    Important! When the rubber hardens, it is recommended to treat the windshield wiper nozzles with glycerin or immerse them in boiling water for half an hour until softened.

    If the problem is not integrity or contamination, and the brushes still do their job poorly, then it is quite possible that the reason is frame deformation, which you can fix with your own hands.

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