The dashboard does not light up when the ignition is turned on – All about Lada Granta

Lada Granta instrument panel does not light up

When you turn the key in the ignition switch of a Lada Granta passenger car to the “ignition on” position, the composition of devices should begin to work. If this does not happen, then the driver will have to check the fifteen-amp fuse F20. You can find it in the mounting block located in the front panel to the left of the control column. The color of this fuse is blue, and it is the seventh in a row, if you count from below.

This fuse blows mainly because it protects not only the electronic circuit of the device composition, but also the cigarette lighter circuit, and drivers try to use this socket as a socket, connecting additional equipment through it (navigator, compressor, charger, etc.) etc.). The short circuit occurs due to the fact that the plugs of these devices are unbent by two U-shaped symmetrical contacts located at the base, which begin to touch the body of the socket connected to the ground of the car. Before installing a new fuse, you need to bend these contacts back to the center, but this should not be done with an iron object.

If, after checking fuse F20, it turns out that it is intact, then to determine the circumstances of the failure of the device composition, you will have to carry out a test, which consists of pressing the odometer daily mileage reset button with the ignition off and then turning the ignition on again. If, while holding this button, you see that all the device arrows start moving from zero marks on the scale, and then go back and this process is repeated three times, then you can come to the conclusion that the composition of the devices itself is working properly.

Taking into account the fact that all information (vehicle speed, crankshaft speed, cooling water temperature, fuel level in the gas tank) comes to the dashboard from the electrical control unit (ECU), we can come to the conclusion that for some reason the ECU does not output for communication with the composition of devices. One of the circumstances of this state of affairs may be the ingress of water or antifreeze (if the interior heater radiator is not tight) inside the ECU housing. This can cause corrosion of the track on the ECU printed circuit board going to the CAN bus, which will lead to loss of communication with the composition of devices, because it is through the CAN bus that information is transmitted from the electrical control unit to the devices.

Many owners of a Lada Granta car (Lada Granta) have encountered such a malfunction as an extinguished dashboard . Typically, this malfunction occurs after trying to turn on a recorder or a compressor to inflate tires in the car’s cigarette lighter. When you turn the key in the ignition, the dashboard does not turn on, the greenish on-board screen does not glow, the car signal does not work, the trunk does not open with the button - all these are signs of a blown fuse F20 located in the mounting block in the front panel to the left of the control column. Fuse F20 is the seventh from the bottom and has a blue body and is designed for a protection current of fifteen amperes. This fuse mainly blows when you try to use the cigarette lighter as a socket to connect additional devices: navigators, recorders, charging a mobile phone, compressor, etc. A short circuit in the cigarette lighter occurs due to the rigid plug of electrical appliances, which, with its central contact, unbends two “U” shaped contact tabs “” at the base of the cigarette lighter socket. The main reason for the short circuit is the ancient, long design of the plug for connected electrical appliances, which is not designed for the new cigarette lighter installed on Lada Granta and Kalina cars. Before replacing the fuse with a new one, you must NOT use an iron object to bend these contacts to the center.

The cigarette lighter socket has a shallow depth, so it is difficult for the plug to stay in it.

To prevent small short circuits in the future, it is recommended to install an additional connector with USB outputs in the car for connecting navigators, recorders, radar sensors, etc. To connect a car compressor, it is not recommended to use the car's cigarette lighter as a socket. The most common way to connect a compressor is to solder two alligators instead of a compressor plug and connect the compressor directly to the car’s battery. If possible, change the compressor connection wire to a longer one 1-1.5 meters with a cross-section of 2.5 mm, so that you can reach the rear wheels without any problems.

After replacing the fuse, you can diagnose the operation of the dashboard. To do this, you need to press the daily mileage reset button on the Lada Granta dashboard and turn on the car’s ignition. The arrows of a working instrument panel will move and deviate three times to maximum values ​​and return to their original position.

Installing an additional USB connector for connecting electrical appliances

Since Grants do not have a uniform fuse connection diagram, on some cars the cause of a dimmed dashboard, a non-working power window on the right side where the passenger usually sits, a non-lit license plate light and the left rear parking light may be a blown 5A fuse F10.

If the instrument panel still does not work, check the F10 five amp fuse. Check if the side lights on the right side of the car are on. Sometimes the cause of a blown fuse and a dim dashboard is a burned out parking light bulb.

short circuit, Lada, Lada Granta, fuse, dashboard , cigarette lighter

How to replace the instrument panel lamps on a Lada yourself?

Greetings dear readers of my blog!

Today, I am pleased to present you a new work

for replacement and alteration of instrument panel lighting - Lada Grants.

I got my hands on the most common and widespread device from Grant, “Norma+” configuration.

Previously, I, of course, scoured the Internet, at the time of searching for “pitfalls”

when working with this device... And of course I found the most important

Method of attaching LCD screen contacts
And of course I was delighted when
there was a connector
. ( Although I had the opportunity to remove the soldered


Well, before we disassemble, let's take one last look at how the Granta's tidy glows

I was pleasantly surprised that I met for the first time

The tidy already has LED lighting.

After studying the backlight circuits on the board, it was found out that there are 3 power circuits on the board

Scale backlight circuit 2) Pointer backlight power circuit 3) LCD screen backlight power circuit
Each of the 3 circuits has
one common “plus”
, but the “minus” is the control

, and powers each of its circuits from a dedicated transistor.

To begin with, I started soldering the main backlight - scales - onto white diodes.

For comparison - the difference

Well, the last stage is the arrows.

Weak, pale red diodes, replaced with more powerful ones

After resoldering the diodes, it’s time to break the control circuits by removing the transistors

. After all, it is planned to install a 2-channel ignition - which means separate power supply for the dials and arrows is needed.

Need to make a version

. To do this, I had to separate the scale trim to get to it.

Big screen means more hassle

with peeling off the polarizing film and removing the glue... But everything worked out


And the final stage, according to tradition, is the installation of a 2-channel smooth ignition with a brightness control

, on a microcontroller, from the respected CAMOKAT-BETEPAHA.

The dashboard of Granta or Kalina can be called modern. This can be confirmed not only by its appearance, but also by the use of LEDs, rather than lamps, to highlight readings and indicators. Let's look at how you can change the standard green color of the instrument panel backlight.

Auto test of the VAZ dashboard. Standard on-board computer Lada Granta/Kalina 2

The liquid crystal display is an electronic device that displays trip information collected and processed by the trip computer. Depending on the configuration, three types of trip computers are installed on the car, differing in the amount of information displayed.

The display shows the following information:

  • line one displays the current time or (in a variant) the gear shift prompt indication mode, as well as the automatic transmission operation indication mode;
  • line two displays your choice of total or daily mileage;
  • line three displays the outside temperature or (optionally) the functions of the on-board computer;
  • line four displays the fuel level.

What to do if the battery light is on - car diagnostics

Diagnostic systems in modern cars allow car owners to practically not worry about the quality of operation of the equipment. If certain problems occur, the corresponding lights on the dashboard light up. After such an incident, you need to immediately diagnose the machine, find out the reasons for the breakdown signal and fix the problem. There are quite a few diagnostic lamps today, and by the combinations of their illumination, you can determine which components should be checked in the event of a potential breakdown. If while driving or with the engine running, certain lights on the instrument panel in your car continue to light up

, you should check the corresponding nodes.

Immediately when the ignition is turned on, the instrument panel will turn on completely, all light bulbs will be checked so that the driver can identify failed illumination elements. After a few seconds of loading the on-board computer, most of the lights fade out, only the oil and battery indicator lights up. When the engine is running, these two lights should go out. All that remains is the parking brake engaged indicator, if it is, of course, on.

Advice from car enthusiasts and recommendations from experts

There may be a break in the backlight brightness adjustment circuit. The adjustment rheostat has a soldered spring - it tends to fall off. You can simply put a jumper, that is, bypass the rheostat, then the brightness will not be adjusted, or solder it back - you will need to remove the rheostat.


Lamp contacts often become loose, and they burn very quickly. I have already changed more than one.


It is better to immediately install LED lighting bulbs for the instruments, they are not much more expensive, but on a cloudy day or when the sun sets, the instruments are readable with a bang. Moreover, no modifications are needed, the base is suitable...


You can do everything yourself, everyone basically does it, nothing complicated, the main thing is to unscrew everything and not break it, disconnect the connector. And check the bulbs to see if they are all intact, check the contacts. Maybe some of the light bulbs have burned out and it seems that the light is getting worse.


I also had this problem. The backlight inexplicably disappeared and then turned on again. It's all about the cigarette lighter illumination. The contact shorts and the brains turn off the backlight. I unscrewed the cover under the gearshift lever and wrapped the wires near the cigarette lighter with electrical tape. All OK.

Roman Didenko

There's a spinner there. Adjusting the brightness of the shield. You need to twist it, it won’t help, either replace it or remove it completely and do it directly.

Taxi Osa

If the instrument lighting on the Lada Kalina stops lighting, then you cannot delay fixing the problem. This must be done as soon as possible. In most cases, it will take a maximum of 30–50 minutes to fix the problem.


Fuses and relays in Lada Granta, electrical diagrams

If you bought a Granta and started having electrical problems, you may be faced with a manufacturing defect. But don’t be alarmed ahead of time, the first thing you need to do is check the fuses and relays in the Lada Granta and find out the cause of the malfunction. If you're lucky, you'll get away with simply replacing the fuse.

If not, you may have to go to a car service center or troubleshoot the electronics yourself. Remember - the main thing in such cases is to fully understand the problem, do not waste time on this, because any car owner should know as much as possible about his car (especially a domestic one).

Fuse box

The fuse box in Grant is located to the left of the steering column, near the light switches. To remove the cover and access the fuses and relays, pull the top left side of the cover towards you. It’s made conveniently, everything is at hand and you don’t have to climb anywhere when getting up from the driver’s seat. Maybe this is a hint that they will often have to be changed, or maybe just convenience - the developers know better.

F1 (15 A) - engine control unit, injectors, ignition coil, cooling fan relay, short circuit 2x2.

If you have problems with electronics, and replacing this fuse does not help, in the worst case scenario, you will have to reflash the ECU or replace it. Also, if this fuse blows, the injectors and ignition coil stop working, which makes engine operation impossible. Therefore, if the Grant does not start, check this fuse first.

F2 (30 A) - electric windows.

If they do not work and replacing the fuse does not help, try unplugging it completely or removing the terminal from the battery for a couple of minutes, then connect it again. In this way, all temporary errors should be reset and if this is the case, the power windows will work again.

F3 (15 A) - alarm. If it doesn’t work, check this fuse, as well as the emergency light button, its contacts and the functionality of the lamps.

F4 (20 A) - windshield wiper, airbag. If the airbag warning light on the instrument panel comes on, check this fuse. The problem could be either in it, or in the electronic unit, or in the pillows themselves.

How to reset an error on Grant

There are three ways to get rid of the “Check Engine” icon:

  1. Fix the problem;
  2. Reset using OBD2 adapter;
  3. Reset without adapter manually.

We use OBD2 adapter

Do you have a high-quality diagnostic adapter and the necessary software on hand? Then resetting will not be difficult. What to do if there is no program or diagnostic scanner?

The easiest way out is to buy a scanner from China. Price – 200-300 rubles. The main condition: read reviews about compatibility. Whether he reads your car or not is a lottery.

Once you have the scanner, insert it into the OBD connector to the left of the glove compartment.

The connector is located in an easily accessible location to the left of the glove compartment lid.

  • Download Torque Lite program - free version, basic functions work;
  • We start the car so that power goes to the adapter and error data appears;
  • We turn on Bluetooth on the phone, add a new device (the adapter will be detected as OBDII);
  • Open the Torque program - at the top of the screen there will be messages like Waiting for connection, Checking the CAN protocol, Connected successfully;
  • Open the settings – Fault Codes – Show logged faults.

The saved codes will appear on the screen. There, using Clear logged faults, you can reset all errors and the “check” will go out. Not forever - until the problem appears again.

Open settings – Error codes – Show saved ones.

An option close to a scanner is installing an on-board computer . BC:

  • Determines the error;
  • Will show its code and decryption;
  • It will help you reset.

How to remove a check without an adapter

Everything is simpler here. When you don’t have OBD or a phone with software at hand, you just need to disconnect the terminal from the battery.

which terminal to remove . De-energize the car for 5-7 minutes and all errors should disappear.

Lada Granta instrument panel lights do not light up

I am the owner of Lada Granta. I am writing about my car.

The fuse on the cigarette lighter burned out and the BC stopped working

There was a car service station nearby, so I decided to stop by. The auto electrician immediately, without even looking, said that the problem was in the fuse. He suggested setting it to 20. Two minutes and the problem was fixed.

The asking price is one hundred rubles (if I had known, I would have changed it myself).

Way out

1. Purchase and installation of a splitter and connecting all additional gadgets only through it. In this case, the cigarette lighter in your Grant will have to be used only for its intended purpose. And for the compressor, I bought myself a special adapter “Cigarette lighter socket with AIRLINE crocodile clips” to connect it directly to the battery.

Note. These antennae are made on the cigarette lighter to protect against overheating during operation, creating a short circuit and thereby preventing fire (burning wiring).

If replacement of lamps is required, it is carried out using the following simple method.

We answer the question of how to change the running light bulb on your own.

  1. We provide comfortable access to the lighting device on the left (upstream) side. For this purpose, we remove the housing of the filter component of the air intake tract and disconnect the sensor, its supply cables and pipes.
  2. The body itself is forced to move upward and to the left.
  3. To provide access to the headlight on the right side of the car, it is necessary to remove the decorative engine cover. Here we temporarily unscrew the oil filler plug, then unscrew the 4 fastening units and pull the cap (snap it off).
  4. Removing a used DRL lamp involves first rotating the socket counterclockwise, after which it is removed from the socket. Having taken out the old lamp, we mount the new element into the cartridge groove. Now we screw the cartridge itself into the block.

Attention! Changing halogen devices does not “tolerate” touching the surface of their bulbs with your fingers.

This is due to the risk of leaving marks from sweat and fat, which negatively affects the service life of the device. We recommend using cotton gloves when working that do not have rubber coating on work areas. Before installing lamps on LADA Granta, wipe their bulbs with alcohol-containing wipes. This is exactly how the running light bulb is replaced.

Trunk mat for Lada Granta liftback

Comparison of West and Grant comparison

Relay block Lada Granta

The relays are located in the same fuse and relay box, which is located to the left of the steering column under the cover.

K1 - heater fan relay

K2 - power window relay. If they do not work, also check fuse F2; if this does not help, then the problem may be in the control unit.

K3 - starter relay. If it does not work (does not turn) and this relay is working, check the battery charge level. It could also be a problem with the retractor or the ignition switch and its contacts.

K4 - ignition switch terminal fifteen relay

K5 - turn signal and hazard warning relay. If the turn signals come on and do not turn off, this relay may be shorted. Also check fuse F3 (emergency mode).

K6 - windshield wiper relay. Check also fuse F4.

K7 - high beam relay. Also check fuses F14 and F15 and the lamps themselves.

K8 - horn relay. Also check fuse F20, signal switch contacts on the steering wheel.

K9 - low beam relay. Also check fuses F12 and F13 and the lamps themselves.

K10 - rear window heating relay. If the heating does not work, the problem may be in fuse F8.

The dashboard does not light up when the ignition is turned on

Hi everybody. This problem happened out of the blue. Yesterday at 22-00 I parked it after 300 km of run, and in the morning I came - and such a problem. Klaxon, interior lighting, door lights, the clock is working, the hazard lights on the dash (lights and relays click) - this means the battery is alive (12.5 V in the voltmeter in the cigarette lighter).

The first few times you turn the key, the relay above the glove compartment under the dashboard clicks, and the heater fans spin as usual. But after 5 times it all starts to be silent. Only the starter turns, but to no avail. Also “silent” are, in addition to the lights on the dashboard: the LPG button and the fuel pump. And one more thing: when I sit in the car and turn on the alarm from the remote control, and then remove it from the alarm, the LED on the antenna previously stopped blinking when two things happened: the water opened. doors and turning the ignition key. Now only from the waters. doors. Everything comes together at the ignition switch, but that’s it...

P.S. I checked the 1st relay under the hood (pulled it out and put it in)

I ask for help and advice. I unscrewed and screwed in the battery light on the dashboard. I watched the previous ones. Where to dig? The lock? So it was changed 2 years ago, though to a Chinese (Turkish) one.

Update: the problem turned out to be in the chip (block) of the ignition switch.

Power fuses

The power fuse box is located under the hood and is located between the battery, strut support and coolant reservoir. Looks like a vertically mounted box. By removing the top cover, access to the power fuses appears.

F1 (50 A) - electric power steering. If the steering wheel turns hard, also check fuse F32.

F2 (30 A) - heater fan

F3 (60 A) - generator. If the battery discharges quickly or the discharge lamp is on, check this fuse, as well as the operation of the generator itself and its brush.

F4 (60 A) - generator

F5 (30 A) - low beam headlights. Also check relay K9 and fuses F12, F13.

When troubleshooting any electrical problems, use caution. Replace fuses and relays only with the engine off and the ignition off.

If your fleet contains not only Grants, you can also read about Kalina fuses and relays.

I’ve already written more than once, the dashboard

, i.e. it sometimes lights up for a couple of seconds (once a month) and goes out, the problem has been around for a long time, I thought, I recently transferred it from another car, one of them doesn’t light up, I changed the fuse, I changed the cigarette lighter, I changed the relay, has anyone encountered this? It’s clear that it’s easier to go to an auto electrician))) But suddenly someone has already encountered this. Thank you))

The dashboard does not light up when the ignition is turned on

Hi everybody.
This problem happened out of the blue. Yesterday at 22-00 I parked it after 300 km of run, and in the morning I came - and such a problem. Klaxon, interior lighting, door lights, the clock is working, the hazard lights on the dash (lights and relays click) - this means the battery is alive (12.5 V in the voltmeter in the cigarette lighter). The first few times you turn the key, the relay above the glove compartment under the dashboard clicks, and the heater fans spin as usual. But after 5 times it all starts to be silent. Only the starter turns, but to no avail. Also “silent” are, in addition to the lights on the dashboard: the LPG button and the fuel pump. And one more thing: when I sit in the car and turn on the alarm from the remote control, and then remove it from the alarm, the LED on the antenna previously stopped blinking when two things happened: the water opened. doors and turning the ignition key. Now only from the waters. doors. Everything comes together at the ignition switch, but that’s it...

P.S. I checked the 1st relay under the hood (pulled it out and put it in)

I ask for help and advice. I unscrewed and screwed in the battery light on the dashboard. I watched the previous ones. Where to dig? The lock? So it was changed 2 years ago, though to a Chinese (Turkish) one.

Update: the problem turned out to be in the chip (block) of the ignition switch.

Possible faults

If everything is clear with the description, then let’s move on to the malfunctions. Like any other electronic unit, Granta instrument panel

is also susceptible to various malfunctions.

What kind of breakdowns can occur in the operation of the control panel:

  • The tidy is broken. If the shield fails, there can be quite a lot of symptoms. For example, only some or all of the devices will refuse to work. If this is the case, then the problem in this case may lie either in the power supply of the device or in its board. It is better to entrust repair problems to specialists.
  • The tidy is glitchy. For example, all doors are closed and the unlocked door indicator is on, or the optics are not turned on, but the corresponding light on the dashboard is flashing. As a rule, in this case the problem lies precisely in the board (of course, if the sensors are working). If the problem is in the board, then flashing the dashboard firmware can solve it, but this option does not always help. It is possible that the electrical equipment lights are on on the dashboard due to a faulty sensor, so it would be a good idea to check its functionality.
  • All devices work, but there is no backlight. If all the backlight bulbs do not work at once, then most likely the problem lies in a blown fuse or a damaged wire or connector. Checking the wiring is done using a multimeter.
  • Only part of the light bulbs or one of them does not work. In this case, the malfunction consists of a burnt-out lamp; to eliminate it, the instrument panel in the Lada Granta is dismantled, after which the burnt-out lamps in it are replaced.
  • The equipment indicator on the dashboard does not turn on. For example, you turn on the high beams, but the corresponding light does not light up. This may be due either to a failure of the indicator itself (the lamp is changed in the same way), or to a breakdown of the sensor. It is quite possible that there is poor contact between the light bulb and the wiring.
  • Speedometer failure. The cause of the malfunction may lie in the board or speed sensor installed on the device. The situation is similar with sensors - fuel level, engine temperature. If they do not work or show incorrect values, then the problem should be looked for in the controllers themselves, wiring or board. It is possible that the devices are not working simply due to poor contact.

Instrument cluster display does not show data periodically

Good afternoon Problem with the display on the Lada Granta instrument panel. Sometimes it stops displaying information about vehicle performance. The display itself is fine. It helps if you disconnect the battery terminal, or simply stop the power supply to the instrument panel (by removing fuse F34). The most interesting thing is that if you do nothing, then in a day or two, the display can start working on its own and start showing everything. Share your thoughts on where to start looking for a solution to the problem. Since this behavior in his work is a little confusing. Thank you in advance))

Description and location of indicators and instruments on the panel

First, let's look at the description; the Lada Granta instrument cluster, the diagram of which is shown above, includes the following components:

  • Tachometer, this sensor allows you to find out what the crankshaft rotation speed is at the moment.
  • Indicator of malfunctions in the operation of the internal combustion engine control system.
  • Left turn signal.
  • Engine fluid pressure sensor. If it lights up after starting the engine, you need to check the oil level in the unit; if it is too low, there may be a leakage problem.
  • Anti-lock braking system indicator.
  • Light bulb of the standard anti-theft system - immobilizer. This unit is designed to block the engine from starting in the event of unauthorized entry into the car.
  • An indicator of antifreeze overheating in the cooling system appears if the engine temperature reaches one hundred and fifteen degrees.
  • A light that turns on if the control unit has detected an emergency condition of the brake system. As a rule, its appearance is due to a lack of brake fluid in the reservoir.
  • Right turn signal.
  • Low battery indicator.
  • Speedometer, the needle of which corresponds to the speed limit at which the car is moving. The speed sensor, which displays this information on a scale, is mounted on the gearbox housing.
  • Indicator for turning on the exchange rate control system.
  • Upshift prohibition lamp (as a rule, not used).
  • This indicator appears when the high beams are activated.
  • Symbol for turning on the rear fog lights.
  • Lamp for low beam lighting.
  • Front fog light activation indicator.
  • A button designed to reset the daily mileage.
  • LCD screen that displays data about the last trip, in particular, mileage. Depending on the vehicle configuration, the data displayed on the screen may differ. In general, the display can display time, mileage, outside air temperature, on-board computer options, fuel volume, as well as information in the form of hints regarding gear shifting.
  • Indicator of unlocked doors in the car.
  • Symbol of reserve fuel remaining in the tank.
  • This indicator appears when the tire pressure is insufficient.
  • Signal lamp for EUR operation. If it lights up when the engine is running, then most likely there are problems with the electric power steering system.
  • This symbol illuminates when the seat belts are not fastened.
  • Engine fault indicator, in most cases not used.
  • Airbag status symbol. It always appears after turning on the ignition, since the system is in testing mode. If it continues to light
    after starting the power unit, this may indicate a problem with the system, so you need to contact service.
    If this indicator is on, then in the event of an accident the airbag either will not deploy, or it may deploy at the wrong moment while driving, which could be even worse (author - Lada Granta
    Fan channel).

Dismantling instructions

To dismantle the device, you must follow the instructions:

  • First remove the cover of the fuse box located to the left of the steering wheel.
  • Unscrew the three bolts securing the plastic lining of the control panel.
  • Dismantle the lining itself, and then unscrew four more bolts of the tidy. Pull it towards you.
  • Next, squeeze the connector with the wires and disconnect it from the control panel.
  • Dismantle the unit and repair or replace it. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

“Idea for tuning the Granta tidy”

How a tuned shield for a Lada Granta car works - see below (author - Sergey Sinyakov).

Sources: https:/ /

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