Typical parameters of the Patriot electronic control unit

The ECU on the UAZ Patriot controls engine operation based on indicators received from sensors. The reliability of starting the power unit and fuel consumption depend on the correct functioning of the unit. The plant used several types of controllers depending on the motor model, year of manufacture and compliance with Euro environmental standards, differing in connectors and characteristics.

The UAZ Patriot ECU controls the operation of the engine.

What is an ECU on a UAZ Patriot?

An electronic control unit, or ECU, located in the engine compartment, adjusts the mixture composition to maintain a stoichiometric ratio (the volume of oxidizer corresponds to the norm for fuel combustion).

The controller is connected to the electrical wiring harness and receives power from the on-board network: the unit is turned on when the key is turned in the ignition switch.

A microprocessor and a memory module are installed inside for storing firmware (mapping the operation of the power unit depending on external weather factors, fuel quality and engine condition).

Control unit functionality

The controller provides:

  • adjustment of ignition timing;
  • changing the composition of the air-fuel mixture depending on the engine temperature and signals from the oxygen sensor on the UAZ Patriot;
  • idle mode support;
  • shutting off the fuel supply when the maximum permissible rotation speed is reached;
  • fixing errors with the inclusion of the Check Engine indicator.

What sensors does it control?

The controller receives information from sensors:

  • antifreeze temperature;
  • oxygen concentrations before and after the neutralizer;
  • mass air flow;
  • throttle and accelerator pedal positions;
  • movement speed;
  • rotation speed and position of the crankshaft;
  • intake air temperature;
  • voltage in the on-board network;
  • detonation combustion.

The controller receives information from various sensors.

The signals are processed by a microprocessor, which adjusts the operation of the fuel injectors and dynamically adjusts the ignition timing. As the cooling jacket warms up, the unit sends a command to turn on the fan on the radiator.

The controller detects the detonation combustion process and tries to eliminate the malfunction by changing the composition of the mixture and the timing of the spark.

ECU pinout Mikas 12.3

48-pin block
A1Injector 4 control (-)
A2Injector 2 control (-)
A3Injector 3 control (-)
A4Injector 1 control (-)
B1Heating control DK2 (-)
B2Canister purge valve (-)
B3Heating control DK1 (-)
B4DTOZH signal input
C2ETC position sensor input 2
C3ETS position sensor input 1
C4Power supply for sensors 5B (DND, MAF/DAP)
D1Analogue mass GNA (ETC, DTOZH)
D2K-Line 2 (immobilizer)
D3Knock sensor weight
D4ETC sensor power supply 5V
E1Oxygen sensor 1 weight
E2Oxygen sensor 1 signal
E3Knock sensor signal input
E4Reserve entrance
F1Oxygen sensor 2 weight
F2Oxygen sensor 2 signal
F3Reserve entrance
F4DBP input
G1Total mass of DPRV, screen DK1/2, DPKV, DD
G2Rough Road Sensor (RSD)
H1Analog mass (DBP, DND)
H2DTV signal input
H3Reserve entrance
H4ETS motor control (-)
J1DPRV signal input
J2DPKV (+)
J3DPKV (-)
J4ETS motor control (+)
K2Reserve output
L4Ignition weight
M2Ignition coil 2-3
M4Ignition coil 1-4
32-pin block
A1Fan relay control 1 (-)
A2Starter relay control (-)
A3Diagnostic lamp
A4Signal to tachometer
B1Main relay control (-)
B2Signal to the TOZ indicator
B3Clutch sensor signal (+)
B4Fuel pump relay control (-)
C1Air conditioning relay control (-)
C2Stop lamp signal (+)
C3Brake sensor signal (+)
C4Ignition switch terminal 15/1
D1Reserve input (+)
D2Request to turn on the air conditioner (+)
D3Fuel level sensor (reserve)
D4Accelerator pedal sensor 2 ground (pin 5)
E15V accelerator pedal sensor 2 (pin 2)
E2Accelerator pedal sensor 2 (pin 6)
E4Accelerator pedal sensor 1 ground (pin 4)
F15V accelerator pedal sensor 1 (pin 1)
F2Accelerator pedal sensor 1 (pin 3)
G1Speed ​​signal input, pulse/m
G2+12 non-disabled
G3Filling limit switch / door sensor
G4Weight of output stages
H3+12 after GR
H4Reserve output

You can download the archive with all the diagrams from the link.

Typical parameters of Patriot ECU

The controller memory contains firmware with typical parameters describing the functioning of the sensors and the engine in normal mode. When the software is refined, the data is adjusted, which makes it possible to increase power or torque to the detriment of other characteristics (for example, increasing exhaust toxicity by turning off feedback from the oxygen concentration sensor). The setup is carried out by private laboratories that offer their own firmware versions to UAZ Patriot owners.

Why do you need to know the pinout?

Diagnostics of an injection engine begins mainly by reading error codes from the controller’s RAM. Most diagnosticians, I’m talking only about those with whom I had to communicate, based on these errors, change the sensor and if this does not help, they simply send it to an electrician, citing a wiring fault. You should avoid such diagnosticians, and if you are engaged in diagnostics yourself, then do not imitate them.

In fact, checking the serviceability of the wiring is quite simple if you have a Mikas 7.1 pinout (pin assignment) of the controller connector and have a multimeter. As a last resort, you can use a control llama, but this is not entirely convenient. How to find the fault yourself can be found in the article “Diagnostics 406 engine” by selecting the appropriate fault.

ECU appearance

The product has a stainless steel casing that protects the electronics from mechanical damage, high temperatures and moisture. The body has lugs for mounting on the wheel mudguard. Connection to the on-board network is made via a plastic connector. On the outer part of the casing there is an information label indicating the unit model, date of manufacture, serial number and a number of technical parameters.

The appearance of the ECU protects the electronics from mechanical damage.

Replacing the UAZ Patriot ECU

If inspection of the printed circuit board shows irreversible damage to the electronic components or repairs are considered uneconomical, then you should purchase a controller of the same model. Installation of the product is carried out in the reverse order; it is necessary to tightly fasten the locking lever of the electrical wiring harness. Depending on the year of manufacture, different firmware versions are used, differing in motor mapping.

If malfunctions occur or increased fuel consumption occurs, the unit must be reprogrammed.

Pinout Mikas 7.1 injector and carburetor

This block is designed to control internal combustion engines:

  • ZMZ-4062.10—with gasoline injection and electronic control;
  • ZMZ-409.10—with gasoline injection and electronic control;
  • ZMZ-405.10—with gasoline injection and electronic control;
  • ZMZ-4063.10—carburetor, with electronic ignition system;
  • ZMZ-4061.10—carburetor, with electronic ignition system.
  • UMZ-4213.10—with gasoline injection and electronic control;
  • UMZ-420.10—with gasoline injection and electronic control.

The block is a multi-mode cyclic machine with an extensive program that provides registration and processing of information from the system sensors to control the actuating electric mechanisms of the engine. The block is implemented on the basis of an 8-bit microcontroller and on an imported element base, has a monoblock single-board design with a 55-pin electrical connector from AMP.

1whiteIgnition coils 1 and 4 (KZ/1-4) Ignition control circuit. Creates excitation in ignition coils 1 and 4.
2black WhiteGrounding the control unit. (General GNI) The contact is connected to the vehicle ground. The voltage at the contact relative to ground should be close to zero.
3white/greenFuel pump relay (FPR) Control of the fuel supply system relay. Turning on the ignition is a signal for the control unit to connect power (+12 V) to the fuel supply system relay. If there are no crankshaft position reference signals, the control unit turns off the relay. When the reference signals of the position of the k.v. are resumed. the unit turns on the fuel pump relay again.
4blue/cyanAdditional air regulator* (РДВ/1)
5Not used
6White blackInput signal from the mass air flow sensor “-” (MAF)
7black/yellowInput signal from the mass air flow sensor “+” (MAF+)
8pinkInput signal from the camshaft position sensor “+” (DPRV +)
9Not used
10Not used
11green/whiteKnock Sensor Input Signal "+" (DD+) The signal is the voltage supplied to the control unit from the knock sensor to detect knock. The block adjusts the ignition timing depending on the level of detonation to extinguish it
12White yellowPower output of the throttle position sensor (TPS (power)
13brownL - diagnostic line (L - Line)
14blackControl unit grounding (Common GNP) The contact is connected to the vehicle ground. The voltage at the contact relative to ground should be close to zero.
15Not used
16pink/greenNozzle 2(F/2)
17orangeInjector 1 (F/1) Injector control. The voltage at these contacts is supplied through injectors connected to +12 V. When the ignition is on and the engine is not running, the voltage at the contacts is equal to the battery voltage. At idle, the charging system increases this voltage slightly. At higher engine speeds or greater engine load, the increased frequency and duration of the injector injection pulse causes a slight decrease in voltage compared to the idle voltage.
18blueBattery terminal 30 + 12 V ( 30 ) Provides constant +12 V power to the electronic unit, including when the ignition is turned off. The voltage comes through the fuse.
19blue redCommon (Common GNO) The contact is connected to the vehicle ground. The voltage at the contact should be zero.
20brown/whiteIgnition coils 2 and 3 (KZ/2-3) Ignition control circuit. Creates excitation in ignition coils 2 and 3.
21Not used
22pink/blueDiagnostic lamp (LD) Control of the diagnostic lamp. The electronic unit provides ground for turning on the diagnostic lamp. With the ignition on and the engine not running, the lamp should light up for 0.6 s and go out, and the voltage at the contact relative to ground should be close to zero. When the lamp is turned on, this voltage matches the battery voltage.
23Not used
24red/pinkControl unit grounding (General GNI) The contact is connected to the vehicle ground. The voltage at the contact relative to ground should be close to zero.
25Not used
26yellow/blackAdditional air regulator (RDV/2)
27orange/whiteIgnition switch, terminal 15 (15) “On” signal to the control unit from the ignition switch circuit. The signal does not power the unit, it signals to it that the ignition is on. The voltage is equal to the battery voltage when the ignition switch is in the ignition or starter position.
28Not used
29Not used
30Red GreenCommon sensors (General GNA) The contact is connected to the vehicle ground. The voltage at the contact relative to ground should be close to zero.
31yellow/whiteControl channel for the burn-in of the mass air flow sensor (burn-in of the mass air flow sensor)
32Not used
33Not used
34orange/redNozzle 4(F/4)
35yellow greenInjector 3 (F/3) see pins 16 and 17.
36measles h/blue andInput signal from CO adjustment potentiometer (PTSO +)
38Not used
39Not used
40Not used
41Not used
42Not used
43blue/blackOutput signal (logic level) to tachometer
44white/pinkInput signal from intake air temperature (IAT) sensor
45White blueInput signal from the coolant temperature sensor (DTOHL) The electronic control unit sends a 5 V signal to the coolant temperature sensor, which is a thermistor. The sensor, also connected to ground, changes the voltage depending on the temperature of the coolant.
46white/brownMain relay (RGL)
47Not used
48yellow/blueInput signal from the crankshaft position sensor “-” (DPKV -)
49white/blueInput signal from the crankshaft position sensor (Dpkv+) The contacts provide the electronic unit with data on the speed and position of the crankshaft. With the ignition on but the engine not running, the voltage should be below 1V. As the crankshaft rotates, the voltage increases with increasing speed.
50Not used
51Not used
52Not used
53greenThrottle Position Sensor + Input (TPS+) The input voltage of the throttle position sensor, which corresponds to actual changes in throttle position, varies from 0 to 5 V. Typically, the voltage at idle speed is below 1 V, and with the throttle fully open it is 4.4...4.7 V.
54Not used
55Red BlueK - diagnostic line (K-Line) This line communicates with diagnostic equipment (tester, stand, etc.)

UAZ Patriot ECU pinout

The following controllers were installed on UAZ Patriot cars with gasoline engines:

  • from the Russian company Itelma (Mikas models of different generations, differing in pinout and electronics characteristics);
  • from the German manufacturer Bosch, which supplies components to automotive concerns around the world.


“Mikas-5” contains 19 contacts.

The block is equipped with a block with 55 pins (the top row contains 19 contacts), the purpose is indicated in the table in rows, starting from the top strip, from left to right.

1Ignition coil of cylinders 1 and 4
2Ignition circuit
3Fuel pump relay
4Air pressure regulator
6Mass air flow sensor (negative signal)
7Mass air flow sensor (positive signal)
8Phase sensor
11Knock warning switch
12Throttle position sensor
13Diagnostics (L-contact)
14Power input
15Formation of the FVN
16Injector 2nd cylinder
17Injector 1st cylinder
18Signal via pin 30 from battery
19Power cable
20Ignition coil for cylinders 2 and 3
22Check Engine
24Signal from the ignition switch
25Air conditioner control
26Air pressure regulator
27Signal from connector 15 in the ignition switch
30Common sensor circuit
31Burning the air flow sensor
34Injector 4th cylinder
35Injector 3rd cylinder
36Carbon monoxide adjustment potentiometer
37Positive signal from main relay
40Request to the air conditioning compressor
43Engine speed
44Air temperature
45Antifreeze temperature
46Main relay power supply
47Pressure sensor power supply
48Shaft speed sensor negative signal
49Shaft speed sensor positive signal
50Pressure sensor power supply
53Throttle position sensor
55Diagnostics (K-contact)

“Mikas-7.1” (injection or carburetor)

Universal type controller for 16-valve ZMZ engines (with injection and carburetor). The pinout is the same as on Mikas-5. But the unit does not have backup terminals that are needed for the exhaust gas emission control system. The purpose of the remaining contacts does not differ from the Mikas-5 pinout (the blocks are built on the basis of a unified printed circuit board and connector). On UAZ vehicles there are “Mikas-7.2”, which differ in firmware and are adapted for the ZMZ-409 and UMZ-4213 engines (they differ in the product number).

“Mikas-7.1” is universal.

The pinout of additional contacts in Mikas 7.1 from the top row from left to right is shown in the table.

Number of the involved backup contactPurpose
5Canister cavity purge valve
9Driving speed sensor
10Oxygen concentration sensor before the neutralizer (minus)
21Formation of the FVN3 signal
23Exhaust gas recirculation valve
28Oxygen concentration sensor before the neutralizer (plus)
29Formation of the FVN2 signal
38Anti-slip controller
39Oxygen concentration sensor after the neutralizer (minus)
41Knock detection sensor (secondary)
42Controller programming
51Diagnostics of the FVN system
52Formation of the FVN4 signal
54A sensor that determines the degree of opening of the exhaust gas recirculation valve.


“Bosch” has 2 blocks of 56 contacts.

The Bosch ME17.9.7 controller, found on the Patriot (complies with Euro-3 standards), has 2 blocks of 56 contacts each, the purpose of which is indicated in the table (from left to right from the bottom row).

PositionLeft plugRight plug
1Crankshaft position
2Lambda probe
3Throttle position
5DT coolantGas pedal
7Minus throttle position sensorsRefrigerant pressure sensor
13Shaft angle sensor
15DT coolantMain relay
16Ignition (plug 15)
20Throttle sensor
21Gas sensor
22Fan Drive Test
23Throttle sensor power supply
26Gas pedal sensor power supply
27Mass air flow sensorK-Line
29Fuel consumption
30Lambda probe
31Phase sensorAir conditioner relay
32Speed ​​sensorCAN-H
33Mass air flow sensor
34Activating the air conditioner
35Purge the adsorberBrake pedal
36Clutch pedal
37Knock sensor
38LikewisePower supply for pedal sensors
39Heater DK 2
40Check Engine
41Fan control
42Injector 2Fuel pump relay
43Injector 3
44Injector 1CAN-L
45Injector 4
46Heater DC 1
47Minus sensorsBrake pedal
50Output mass
51ThrottleStarter relay
52ThrottleFan relay
53Coil 2Output mass
54Coil 3Likewise
55Coil 4Power supply (plus) after main relay
56Coil 1Likewise

Pinout of the “Mikas-10” connector

The controller is not interchangeable with products of previous generations; it has a plug with 81 contacts, the purpose of which is indicated in the table.

The pinout of the “Mikas-10” connector has a plug with 81 contacts.

2Coils of 2nd and 3rd cylinders
3Negative on the ignition circuit
5Coils of 1st and 4th cylinders
6Injector 2
7Injector 3
12Terminal 30 in the ignition switch
13Terminal 15 in the ignition switch
14Main relay
15DPKV (terminal A)
17Total weight of sensors
20Negative power signal DD
27Injector 1
28Heater DK2
29Idle speed control
31CE lamp
32Nutrition DBP and TPD
33Power supply DN
34Contact B of the DPKV sensor
35Weight of DTOZH and DK2 sensors
36Negative output DC1
40Intake air temperature sensor
44Main relay power supply
45Phase sensor
46Purge the adsorber
47Injector 4
48DC heater
50Idle speed control
51Control unit weight
53Additional weight of the controller and DF
59Speed ​​sensor
61Negative signal of the output stages
63Main relay output voltage
68Cooling Fan
70Fuel pump
79Phase sensor
80Negative signal of the output stages

“Mikas-11 ET”

“Mikas-11 ET” has been in use since 2011.

The controller has been used on machines since 2011 (ensures compliance with Euro-3 standards). The purpose of the pins is indicated in the table.

2Ignition coils for cylinders 2 and 3
3Negative signal from ignition circuits
5Ignition coils of cylinders 1 and 4
6Injector 2
7Injector 3
8Shaft speed sensor
12Positive signal from battery
13Egnition lock
14Main relay control
15DPKV (terminal 2)
17MAF negative output (terminal 2)
18Oxygen concentration sensor
19Knock sensor
20Negative cable from knock sensor
25Radiator Fan Relay
27Injector 1
28IAC (terminal 1)
29IAC (terminal 3)
31Check Engine
33DND (pin 1)
34DPKV (terminal 1)
35Negative wire DND
36Negative TPS signal
37Mass air flow sensor (terminal 5)
39Antifreeze temperature sensor
40DTV (terminal 1)
42DND (terminal 3)
44Positive wire to main relay
45Immobilizer UAZ Patriot
46Purge the adsorber
47Injector 4
48Oxygen sensor heating system
51Cons of the controller
53Cons of the controller
59Driving speed sensor
68Cooling fan relay
69Air conditioner relay
70Fuel pump control
71K-Line (diagnostics)
75Air conditioner activation request
79Phase sensor
80Minus output stages

Pinout “Mikas-12”

The Mikas-12 pinout is equipped with blocks with 48 and 32 points.

The controller is equipped with pads with 48 and 32 points, the numbering and assignment of pins are given in rows from top to bottom, starting from the left in the 48-pin plug.

PinPlug 1Plug 2
1Injector 4Fan
2Injector 2Starter
3Injector 3Check Engine
4Injector 1Tachometer
5Heating DK2Main relay
6Purge the adsorberTOZH indicator
7Heating DK1Clutch
8Antifreeze temperature sensorFuel pump
9Air conditioner
10ETSEmergency stop signal
11ETSBrake system
12NutritionIgnition (terminal 15/1)
13Weight of ETS and DTOZHReserve entrance
14K-LineActivating the air conditioner
15Mass DDFuel level
16Power supply ETS 5VGas pedal (pin 5)
17Weight DK1Gas pedal (pin 2)
18DK1 signalGas pedal (pin 6)
19Reserve entranceCAN-L
20DBPGas pedal (pin 4)
21Total weight of sensorsGas pedal (pin 1)
22DNDGas pedal (pin 3)
25Weight of DBP and DNDSpeed
26DTVConstant 12V power supply
27Reserve entranceDoor sensors
28ETSNegative signal of the output stages
31Power supply +12 V after the main relay
32Reserve entrance
33DPRV input
38Reserve entrance
46Coil 2 and 3 cylinders
48Coil 1 and 4 cylinders

If electronic components fail, the correct operation of the unit is disrupted and the Check Engine indication turns on.

Which scanner is best to diagnose the UAZ Patriot ECU and in what cases is it necessary to change the controller?

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for diagnosing electronic engine control systems (ECM);. computer and ECM. Mikas 7.2, January 5.x, VS5.1, Mikas. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. K - line. - 12 V. L - line. + 12 V. Diagnostic block. Gazelle with engine 421647 GAS-PETROL ECU MIKAS 12 description. controls MIKAS 11 ET · VAZ ECM diagrams ME17.9.7, M 74 · Assignment of ECU contacts. Electrical connection diagrams for engine control systems. 405 e3 mikas 11 et corpse - posted to Electrical Equipment: Hello! There was a mistake. Electrical circuit diagram of the Mikas 11ET ECM. I read in the forum how to connect M 7.1 on a table, there is a diagram and. according to the firmware identifier this is Mikas 10.3+, that is, Mikas 11. Mikas 10.3;; Mikas 11.3;; Mikas 11.3+.. Mikas 7.6 / 10.3;; Mikas 11(E2/E3);; M 1.5.4(N), January 5.x;; January 7.x;. ECM diagnostics (KWP_D). Well, with Motroolla, the diagram is in good quality, but I didn’t look for Mikas, I don’t need it.. I found a diagram for esud Mikas 11 cr who is interested. ZMZ 409.10, MIKAS-11, Euro-2, HBO.. All contacts except the 86th were planted as expected according to the diagram, and the 86th was grounded. o B11—sensor for the presence of water in the fine fuel filter;.. Diagram of the ECM with the MIKAS-11/Euro-2 controller for UAZ-GAZ cars: o sensor. description. Control unit MIKAS 7.1 241.3763 ​​000-01, GAZ-3110 vehicles etc. Control unit MIKAS 7.2 291 3763 000-11, UAZ vehicle, d. 10.7.1 Electronic engine control system (fuel injection system). control unit (controller) type “Mikas 7.2” or “Mikas 11”. Electrical diagrams of the fuel injection system are given at the end of the book. Firmware for diagnosing ECM VAZ. A226FM10. I226FM10. 21067-1411020-11 In pairs -.. Gazelle, Sable. Analogue of Mikas 11. SOATE 302. . with Mikas-11 and Bosch M7.9.7 controllers. 11:31. ECM diagnostic program with Mikas-11 and Bosch M7.9.7 controllers. Download. Electrical circuit diagram of the ECM of Mikas 12.3 Gazelle car with UMZ engine, Euro-4. Posted 20 February 2015 - 11:32. Pinout of the MIKAS 11 controller. Diagnostics of “UAZ-PATRIOT” ECM circuits List of electronic components of the ECM for UAZ. DIAGRAMS OF ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS OF THE SYSTEM.. Cable D2-D11-VAZ KDNR.469619.052. for cars with ECUs: Mikas 5.47, Mikas 7.1, Mikas 7.2, SOATE Avtron, MKD, Steyr (GAZ-560). Display ECU parameters and ECM device parameters in dynamics, view them digitally. Volga 31105, ECU Mikas 7.1, injector.. Date 03/7/2014 - 11:48.. Next, using the ECM diagram or pinout, we look for the output of the “brains” on the RBN. Help me find a wiring diagram for the ECM Mikas 7.1 241.3763. Feb 2009, 11:55: Full name: Kanaev Alexey Igorevich: Auto: Chery Bonus Service: description of ECM circuits for UAZ (2010, in *.pdf format). 1.10. Service:. Service and maintenance of UAZ: ESD MIKAS-11TM Euro-3 (archived). 3.7. setvaz or VAZ ECM Scanner-Tester - Diagnostic program. Electrical diagrams and description of vehicle systems. KWP_D is one of the most reliable programs, supports Bosch 7.9.7 and Mikas 11 controllers. Electrical circuit diagram of the ECM for Mikas 11 UAZ vehicles · Electrical circuit diagram for the ECM. Diagram of the ECM with the MIKAS-11/Euro-2 controller for UAZ-GAZ vehicles:. Diagram of the ECM with the MIKAS-11/Euro-3 controller for UAZ-GAZ cars: ignition coils TV1, TV2 are two-terminal with improved low-voltage. If the indicated actions are not available, check according to the electrical diagram:. engine systems or ECM, and the characteristic flashing mode (blinking.. For the MIKAS-11 controller, it is possible to transfer it to. Let's take for example the general diagram of the Mikas 11ET control system. And of course, the block of the electronic engine control system has changed. Typical parameters of the ECM at idle 71. 5. Installation diagrams of devices. MIKAS-11 MT, MIKAS-11 ET, MIKAS-11 CR, ABS-8.0/V10km/. If desired, the OpenPort circuit can easily be found on the Internet.. setvaz or Scanner-Tester ECM VAZ- A program for diagnostics, reliable programs, supports Bosch 7.9.7 and Mikas 11 controllers. The book thoroughly examines ECM diagnostics using a diagnostic sample. MIKAS 7.1, and also provides information on diagnosing the ECM of VAZ cars. Read Only Memory) - programmable micro¬ memory circuit. 8.8 l/100 km at a speed of 90 km/h and 11.8 JI/100 KM_AT SPEED. ECM - standard MIKAS-11. Friends recommended immediately installing 2-mode GAZ/Gasoline firmware. Such firmware for MIKAS-11.. thereby completely restoring the standard connection diagram. Chapter I. Electronic engine control system MIKAS 11CR 8 1. Description. Electrical connection diagram of the control system 74 3. ECM diagrams UAZ ME17.9.7, MIKAS-7.2, MIKAS-11, MIKAS M10.3. ECM diagrams UAZ ME17.9.7, MIKAS-7.2, MIKAS-11, MIKAS M10.3. Would you take the circuit from the goat with Mikas 11 ZMZ 409, and that’s all business.. apnu topic, can anyone help with the circuit for 2206 with UMZ 4213 Mikas 10.3?. I didn’t give the “Mikasa pinout”, but the ECM diagram, as if that were very good. Engine control system harnesses for Gazelle. GAZ - 3302 doors. 405, (Euro 2) Absorber, L-probe, (under “mikas-11”), 2217 - 3761 581, pcs. 2 015. Quote(irbis1300 @ 5.3.2014, 11:51) *. I can throw off the diagram and the Cap for anyone interested. smile.gif. not yet (I would buy Mikas from friends for pennies). I myself can’t figure out the firmware yet either.. by the way. Cable diagrams. vehicles with an electronic engine control system (ECM). diagnostics of cars with MIKAS 10/11 control units; MIKAS 11 ET, MIKAS. MIKAS 11 ET, MIKAS 11 CR, MIKAS 11 EURO3; Diagram of the ECM with the MIKAS-11/Euro-2 controller for UAZ-GAZ vehicles: the intake air temperature sensor B4 is built into the mass sensor B2. The program is designed for diagnosing UAZ, GAZ and VAZ vehicles equipped with an electronic engine control system. ECM diagrams Mikas 7.2, Mikas 10.3, Mikas 11.rar · UAZ ECM diagrams. Electrical diagrams of injection systems for GAZ cars, ECM Mikas-11, VS8..rar. Mikas 5.47, Mikas 7.1, Mikas 7.2, Mikas 7.6, Mikas 10.3, Mikas 11 (GAZ, UAZ),. as well as for reading, decoding and resetting ECM error codes. Scanmatic adapter diagram · Electrical connection diagrams. KWP-D program for diagnosing Mikas-11 and Bosch M7.9.7 controllers. The program will establish a connection with the ECM controller and, ECM diagram with the MIKAS-11/Euro-3 controller of UAZ-GAZ vehicles: coils. o B11—sensor for the presence of water in the fine fuel filter;. Diagnostic computers SKAT-V31, SKAT-G27, SKAT-M11. BC allows you to diagnose the electronic engine control system.. control units: all units MIKAS, ITELMA, SOATE, BOSCH, January,. Download links: Operating instructions Adapter diagram. For the first time, ECMs (Electronic Systems) appeared on Russian cars. They have differences in the circuit diagram in the direction of simplification, since.. Circuit technology is a “relative” of Mikas-11 and January 7.2+. ECM controllers Engine control system.. most likely have differences in circuit diagram in the direction of simplification, since the channel.. Circuit-technically, this is a “relative” of Mikas-11 and January 7.2+. The ZMZ gasoline engine has a new control unit Mikas - 11. with distributed ECM circuits Mikas 7.2, Mikas 10.3, Mikas 11. For the first time On Russian cars, ECM (Electronic Engine Control Systems) developed. ECU diagram January 5.1 2112-1411020-41. To do this, you need a DST - 2M tester with a Mikas-11 Euro-2 cartridge. In case of malfunctions in the ECM and their untimely elimination. 21 . ECM diagram: ECM SENS M-10.3.rar. deleted. You do not have. 1.3L Mikas 10.3. Message AMK » 13 Aug 2012, 19:19 | Message: #11. . control unit (controller) type "Mikas 7.2" or "Mikas 11".. Electrical diagrams of the fuel injection system are given at the end of the book. We connect according to the diagram below. Big. In firmware Mikas 7.6 we set the MAF configuration, disable DBP, and also the error... Fuel consumption signal 11. Disassembling the 81-pin ECM connector. I connected it with 3 wires according to the diagram (the main thing is not to forget what is on the diagram. “Mikas 7.6”, “Mikas 10.3”, “Mikas 11 (E2)”, “Mikas 11 (E3)”. In 2007, the production of cars with a new ECM began - MIKAS-11 with the function of protecting the converter from misfires in. a complex electronic engine control system (ECM) with a microprocessor.. At GAZ, the answer to Euro-3 was the MIKAS-11/ET controllers for.. by using a fuel supply circuit without backflow. .purchase of additional modules, Mikas 10.3, Mikas 11, Nubira, Cielo), Chevrolet with ECM SIRIUS D32/D42, MR140/HV250,. Convenient graphical interface with the ability to select color schemes. fuels such as MIKAS 5.4, MIKAS 7.1, MIKAS 7.2, MIKAS 11., VS 8.3.. Diagnostic data on the state of the ECM of the car.. to the gas tank and I don’t remember the second one. Everything is drawn on the diagram, the main thing is not to freak out! In automotive electronics, an electronic control unit (ECU) is a general term for any embedded systems that control one. General diagram of the electrical equipment of the Gazelle UMZ 4216 Euro-3 injector.. 11 connection block with the wiring harness of the ignition switch 12 switch. Schematic diagram of the electronic engine control system. 27 electronic engine control unit (controller) MIKAS M10.3. Scheme. Wiring diagram of electrical equipment of a car. (diagram does not include ECM harness). 11, 12, 61 — connectors of wiring harnesses; Electrical diagram of the Mikas 7.6 engine control system of the AVTOZAZ-DAEWOO Sens car with an oxygen sensor. The electronic engine control system allows you to provide:. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Modifications, versions and application of the control unit MIKAS 11 ET VAZ ECM diagrams ME17.9.7, M 74. Assignment of contacts. Chapter I. Electronic engine control system MIKAS 7.1 .. 11. Coolant and intake pipe temperature sensors. Diagnostic circuits for performance checks. 2 – except for ECU: MIKAS 11ET (Euro-3); MIKAS 11MT (Euro-3), MIKAS 11CR (Euro-3).. IM control - control of the ECM actuators, to check.. the mechanism and its designation on the electrical diagram. 406.3763, Mikas 11ET (Euro 3), as well as “Daimler Chrysler” DCC 2.4L DOHC (since 2008. Reading vehicle ECM parameters used for.. Detailed connection diagrams and the procedure for performing the necessary ones. This sensor is used on ZMZ 409 (MIKAS 11 s one fan. TM 106-11 19.3828000 19.3828 designation 406.3828000-02 (TM 106-11) or.. Here is a functional diagram of the internal combustion engine control model.. The electronic engine control system uses sensors. Each. 315143 Hunter (pdf); Engine sensors ZMZ-406 (doc); Mikas-11 for UAZ 3163 (pdf); Mounting block (jpg); Description of ECM circuit diagrams (pdf); Patriot from 2007-1 (jpg). 3, Mikas 11 Download ECM circuit diagrams UAZ Patriot with Iveco engine .controllers Mikas 11 Electrical circuit diagram of the ECM Mikas 11ET.MIKAS 10.3+ Electronic control unit TF698K-1411009.including components of electronic engine control systems.. 10.3 price diagram of the control unit Mikas 10.3 control unit Mikas 11v8.Electronic control unit diagrams Mikas 7.2, Mikas 10.3, Mikas 11 Download Table Exchange protocol Mikas 5.4 and 7.1 (K-Line) (zip, 11 Kb) Download. Electrical diagrams of VAZ: Electrical connection diagrams of VAZ ECM. Mikas-10.3+ (Mikas-11) (read/write possible via diagnostic connector);. 3.. 11.Bosch ME 7.9.7;. 12.Bosch ME 7.9.9 (Chevrolet Captiva);. 13. Mikas is not a starter kit. It’s difficult to even find a diagram for the mentioned Mikas M11.3. There is not even any talk about the source code of the program. And judging by. For the first time, ECMs (Electronic Control Systems) appeared on Russian cars. They have differences in the circuit diagram towards simplification, since the channel. Circuitry is a “relative” of Mikas-11 and January 7.2+. GM For the first time, ECMs (Electronic Control Systems) appeared on Russian cars. , have differences in the circuit diagram in the direction of simplification, since the channel. Schematically, this is a “relative” of Mikas-11 and January 7.2+. External diagnostic equipment is connected to the XS1 socket for. Diagram of the ECM with the MIKAS-11/Euro-2 controller of UAZ cars -GAS: Gazelle Mikas 11 Et - sent to Domestic cars: soldered and checked literally every millimeter, thanks for the diagram. Bosch MP7.0, Bosch M7.9.7, Mikas 5.47, 7.x, M10, M11, MKD- 105, VS 5.6, VS 8), GM. You can find quite an impressive number of circuits on the Internet. Disconnect the ECM harness connector from the DPKV and connect it to the signal ones. I have been monitoring the parameters of Mikas 10.3 M114 during diagnostics for a long time. Below is a screenshot of parts of the ECM M10.3 and ScanMaster USB cable wiring diagram.. In my case it was a Zaz Vida with M11.4 and the latter. 11 0. Official information from the VAZ plant to car owners.. No. 47 2005 ECM diagram of “classics”, E-II, M7.9.7.. VS-5.1, Mikas-7.1, Mikas-7.2, January-7.2, Mikas-7.6, Mikas -10.3, Mikas-10.3+ (Mikas-11), Sirius,. View full version: ECU and car diagrams. ECU diagram for Rover 45 · ECU diagrams with Controller Me17.9.7/euro-3 for UAZ cars. 797-11 · Pinout of the MIKAS 11 controller · Peirburg 2EE carb control circuit. On GAZ vehicles with ECU MIKAS 5.47/7.1/7.2, ITELMA VS5.6, SoATE, MIKAS 11, a 12-pin diagnostic block GAZ-12 is installed (see Fig. 1). MK11-SH2 – MIKAS-11/Euro-3 UAZ (ZMZ-4091.10); — M103-SH1.. Diagram of the ECM with the MIKAS-11/Euro-2 controller for UAZ-GAZ cars: — sensor. html, Assignment of pinout contacts (“pinout”) of the MIKAS-11 ECU, HTML. Schematic diagram of the ECU January 5.1, RAR, 199 Kb. zip, Essential. 11et-electric.jpg (29.5 Kb, ). Electrical circuit diagram of ECM Mikas 12.3. You said Thank you: 11. ECM diagrams Mikas 7.2, Mikas 10.3, Mikas 11 Download. UAZ ECM diagrams. Electrical diagram of the ECM for Mikas 11 UAZ vehicles · Electrical diagram of the ECM. POWER SYSTEM AND ECM ELEMENTS. Throttle. The installation diagram is completely identical to the factory installation diagram. 04, 11, 33, 34). MIKAS-11. ECM components, Body Electronics ordered by NPP ELKAR LLC · Instrument clusters ordered by NPP LLC E-mail: [email protected] About the company · Store addresses and contacts · Directions · Online store.. electrical circuits · ECM electrical circuits UAZ (MIKAS 7.2, MIKAS 11). Collection of electrical circuits for domestic cars. KWP 2000 - ECM diagnostic program with Mikas-11 and Bosch M7.9.7 controllers. 5. Repair of the Mikas 7.1 ECU - published in Ignition systems: The car will not start.. Post the electrical diagram of your car and the ECU, if the ECU is opened and visible.. Modified by: Timosha15, October 11, 2013 - 10:42. Block diagram for controlling the operation of the throttle pipe module for. ECU "MIKAS 11ET" or its equivalent, the indicator lamp turns on after. operation of the integrated throttle pipe assembly of the ECM. I came across the following situation: Mikas 11TM was equipped with DTOZH from Mikas 7 and. Here are the diagrams of Mikas11 esuds, Euro 2 and 3, with two options for switching on the RDV. . knowledge about the operation of the electronic engine control system (ECM).. Mikas-7.1, Mikas-7.6, Mikas-10.3 (M103,M113,M114), Mikas-11(CR,ET); M73. interface with the ability to select color schemes; Up to 7 at a time.

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