Lada Largus towbar: which one is better to choose, do-it-yourself installation

January 27, 2020 Lada.Online 51 256 2
A towing device (TSU or popularly “tow bar”) allows you to attach a trailer to a vehicle, which significantly increases the vehicle’s cargo capabilities. Let's look at the process of installing a tow bar, which is specifically designed for Lada Largus.

How to install a tow bar on a Lada Largus with your own hands

September 11, 2015 LadaOnline 23 917
A towing device (TSU or popularly “tow bar”) allows you to attach a trailer to the car, which significantly increases the cargo capacity of the car. Let's consider the process of installing a towbar, which is specifically designed for Lada Largus.

You will need : buy a tow bar for the Lada Largus (in our case we use a trailer hitch Leader Plus VAZ - 19A, approximate price 5,000 rubles), a tool.

Tow bar drawings

diagram and drawings of the Lada Largus tow bar

The towbar is attached to the standard places provided by the manufacturer. No additional drilling of the body is required.


  1. Remove the spare wheel.
  2. Remove the protective screen above the muffler (3 nuts).
  3. Remove the plastic plugs from the side members (indicated by arrows in the photo).
  4. Enlarge the hole for the fasteners, removing the protective tape and mastic.
  5. First insert the front bolt and bushing, hang the bracket from the outside and attach it.
  6. Insert the rear bolt and push it from the outside into the side member. Insert the bushing, washer, and tighten the nut.
  7. Do the same on the right side.

installing a towbar on the Lada Largusinstalling a towbar on the Lada Largus

Check that the towbar is pressed against the bumper, but does not touch the muffler. Tighten all fastening bolts and install the protective screen.

The towbar on the Lada Largus presses against the bumper. The towbar on the Lada Largus does not touch the muffler.


Before starting work, remove the rear lights. Pull the towbar wiring through the standard holes that we used when connecting the parking sensors. Next, the plug is drilled and the wires are pulled into it. The wiring is secured to the towbar beam using the clamps included in the kit.

Left connector connection diagram:

  • orange - brake light
  • black - mass
  • pink - rear PTF (optional)
  • green - left turn signal
  • blue - dimensions

Lada Largus electrical installation of towbars Largus electrical installation of towbar

Right connector connection diagram:

  • orange - brake light
  • gray - right turn signal
  • yellow - reverse (optional)
  • black - mass
  • blue - dimensions

Lada Largus electrical installation of towbars Largus electrical installation of towbar

We connect to the plug connector according to the diagram (see above). Before connecting, you should put on the plug, and then the back rubber band from the socket. We perform assembly in reverse order. The process is also shown in the video:

Let us remind you that you can increase the cargo capabilities of the Lada Largus by installing a roof rack, but before this you may need to install roof rails.

Keywords: Lada Largus accessories | trunk of Lada Largus

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Connecting the power supply

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Attention! For many owners, this stage can cause the most difficulties. We recommend that you carry out the procedure for switching the socket of the coupling product in the “presence” of the trailer, which is to be used with the car. This is explained by the presence of a non-standard electrical wiring diagram in some trailer modifications.

We fix the socket on the bracket, and put the insulated cables in a metallized sleeve. It is subsequently fixed with ties.

Next, the wiring through the hole made in the body is laid inside the luggage compartment of the LADA Largus. This hole is initially blocked by a plug and is located close to the muffler, between the rear bumper and the wheel arch. Next, the cable outlets are connected to the on-board network.

Now we present the standard pinout of wires for the Largus station wagon.

From the left side:

  • the orange wire is responsible for the brake light;
  • black cable - ground;
  • pink wire – PTF stern;
  • green outlet - left turn signal;
  • blue - dimensional lighting equipment.

On the right side:

  • orange cable – second brake light;
  • black wire – ground;
  • beige outlet – reverse lamp;
  • green cable – right turn signal;
  • blue wire – side light.

Having completed the cable network switching, we check the functioning of the entire list of trailer lighting devices.

Lada Largus towbar: which one is better to choose, do-it-yourself installation

Hello, dear friends! If you look at the roads of our country, among the general flow of cars you will definitely notice more than one Lada Largus produced by VAZ. Or its crossover variation with the Cross prefix, that is, Lada Largus Cross.

This car has an interesting appearance, provides opportunities for tuning, but at the same time remains a practical, versatile and reliable car. To expand the functionality of the car, many install a tow bar on the Lada Largus.

Why didn’t the car owner initially order a complete set with a trailer hitch? This is no longer a question for me. Most likely, there was no need for a tow bar at that time, or the factory version was not suitable for one reason or another. The main thing is that he is needed now. Therefore, you should understand the nuances of choosing and installing a device.

Design options

Let's start with choosing a trailer hitch and try to determine which one is better.

There is a wide selection of manufacturers and suppliers on the market. So the list of those in demand includes:

  • Baltex;
  • bosal;
  • PT Group;
  • Leader Plus, etc.
  • But you shouldn’t rely only on the brand, since a smart choice requires a comprehensive approach to the issue.

    The various types of towbars available on the market are confusing to the buyer. Therefore, first of all, let’s understand this.

    Based on the mounting method, all trailer hitches can be:

    • fixed (Largus are equipped with these from the factory);
    • removable (quickly and easily removed using a special mechanism);
    • flanged (fastening is carried out by bolted connections on a special platform).

    I will say right away that it is better to choose removable ones, since they are much easier to handle, easy to remove when not needed, but just as easy to put back in place if you are going to travel with a trailer.

    TSU balls

    There are also different types of balls that are used to attach a trailer hitch.

    • Ball A. The load on it is up to 1500 kg;
    • Ball N. The load is similar, but the price is lower compared to the previous option;
    • Ball F and G. Load up to 3500 kg with the function of changing the fixation height;
    • Ball V. Has a load capacity of up to 2500 kg, but is not adjustable;
    • B.M.A. It has a vertical mount that is easy and quick to remove;
    • Square mount.

    The type A ball has recently become popular among Largus owners due to its practicality and ease of use.

    I would call the main criteria horizontal and vertical maximum load. To calculate it, you need to understand what kind of cargo you are going to deal with and what trailers to carry with you.

    It’s one thing when the tow bar has to support a Bee, and quite another thing if it’s a whole trailer, a motor home.

    Recommendations for selection

    When selecting a trailer hitch for your Lada Largus, rely on several criteria. They will help you make the right choice and operate the towbar itself and the trailer for it without unnecessary problems.

    The main nuances of choice are:

    • Load. Approximately estimate what kind of cargo you are going to transport so that the trailer hitch can withstand the corresponding loads;
    • Design. Between fixed and removable, the choice is clearly in favor of the latter. This is not even discussed. Yes, they are more expensive, but the price is worth it;
    • Manufacturer. Choose only well-established companies. Cheap Chinese or any other trailer hitches will only create unnecessary problems;
    • Price. Depends on all the characteristics listed above. Sometimes it varies depending on whether you buy a trailer hitch in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the city of Krasnodar, or somewhere in the province. Each store makes its own markups on the factory price. Therefore, it is better to buy from official dealers;
    • Compatibility with trailer. If there is already a trailer, then the trailer hitch is selected for it. Or vice versa. Even if the towbar socket and trailer plug do not match, an adapter is always available. Do not forget that on Largus with an on-board computer you will also definitely need a coordination unit.

    Almost always somewhere you can buy a product at a discount, choose a suitable discount. Use part number or specific model to search.

    I think that's enough. If you think there are a couple more wise tips, be sure to write in the comments and share your observations with our readers.


    Before you begin installing the trailer hitch on the Lada Largus, be sure to review two important materials. They will help you avoid some mistakes and answer key questions:

    • towbar registration;
    • maintaining the car warranty when installing a trailer hitch.

    Now let's move on to installation work. Let's go!

    It’s good that the connection is not complicated due to the foresight of AvtoVAZ regarding the presence of factory holes for the trailer hitch. Therefore, most car owners do not have problems installing a new trailer hitch on their Lada Largus with their own hands. Electrics raise a lot more questions. Therefore, it would be a good idea to watch visual videos.

    Installation is performed in the following sequence:

    • Remove everything unnecessary from the trunk, take out the spare tire. Then remove the protective screen, which is located above the Largus muffler. It is held on by 3 nuts;
    • The plastic plugs are removed from the side members. They cover the factory holes. Remove the mastic and tape from there, which will expand the fastening points;
    • Insert the front mounting bolt and bushing, and hang the bracket from the outside to secure the mount. Next, the rear bolt is inserted and driven from the outside into the spar. We insert the bushing, washer, and tighten the nut. We repeat the same thing on the right side;
    • Make sure you press the hitch against the bumper without it touching the muffler. If everything is good, carefully tighten all the fastening bolts and put the protective screen in place.

    Characteristics of coupling devices

    There are several types of coupling devices, classified according to their main performance characteristics. By design, the following types of spherical towbars for passenger cars are distinguished:

    • types “A”, “H” (with a maximum load capacity of up to 150 kg);
    • types “F”, “G” (load capacity up to 3500 kg with the ability to adjust the mounting height);
    • type “V” (unregulated, with a load capacity of up to 2500 kg);
    • type “VMA” (with quick-detachable vertical mount).

    The most common option for installation on modern passenger cars is the latter type of tow bar.

    According to the method of fastening, a distinction is made between fixed (non-removable) hitches, in which the hook is fixed by welding, and removable towbars, in which the hook is secured with bolts or using a special mechanism. To select a towbar suitable for the Lada Largus, you need to know the weight of the trailer and the approximate weight often transported cargo. Excessive loads on the coupling device are transferred to the car body, which leads to damage to body elements.

    Towbar for Lada Largus: installation

    A towbar is a towing device that is used to provide traction between a trailer and a vehicle. That is, thanks to this device you will be able to transport large cargo. Today we will talk in more detail about the tow bar for the Lada Largus car.

    So, this article contains answers to these fairly common questions:

    • What is a tow bar?
    • How to properly install a tow bar on a Lada Largus car?

    Basic information about the towbar

    A towbar is directly related to towing devices; they are most often used when towing medium-sized caravans and trailers. The design of the towbar itself is designed so that it can be attached to the vehicle using a special place on which there is a socket with special connectors.

    Conclusions of seven towbar sockets for Lada Largus cars:

    • Rear fog lamp;
    • Right turn signal;
    • Left turn signal;
    • Illumination of numbers and right side of dimensions;
    • Number plate lights and left side dimensions;
    • Stop lights;
    • Grounding.

    Installing a towbar with your own hands

    To install and secure the tow bar on the car, you will need a jack or inspection hole.

    Tow bar for Lada Largus

    So, how to properly attach a towbar with your own hands to a Lada Largus car?

    1. We de-energize the car;
    2. We take everything out of the luggage compartment;
    3. Remove the upholstery and spare tire;
    4. We mark the places where the towbar will be located in the future;
    5. We secure the structure of the towing device; for this you will need clamps, bars and clamps;
    6. We drill a place for fastening the towbar; to do this you will need to use a drill;
    7. Tighten using bolts, washers and nuts.

    Thanks to this fastening, the grip will be more reliable and will partially reduce the load on the vehicle body.

    1. We insert the bolts and put on the reinforcing pads with washers;
    2. Tighten the bolts and washers using a 17 wrench;
    3. We find holes in the bottom of the luggage compartment to connect the wiring to the towbar socket.
    4. If you do not find such a hole, then drill it yourself;
    5. Attach the socket to the tow bar;

    Pull the wiring through the hole made in the luggage compartment and connect it to the socket. Installation of the towbar on a Lada Largus car is completely completed, good luck with its use!

    Recommendations for installing a towbar with your own hands:

    • After contacting the socket and the wiring of the Volkswagen Polo sedan, solder and carefully insulate all fasteners;
    • Lubricate the clutch ball generously with grease;
    • Cover the clutch ball with a special cap, thanks to this you can reduce the adhesion of sand and dust to it, and their accumulation can lead to abrasive wear of the clutch assemblies and the ball.

    This will also prevent you from getting dirty when loading and unloading the luggage compartment of the vehicle. In addition, the cap can be made independently, for example, from a tennis ball.


    Features of the circuit connection of the towbar connector in modern cars

    p, blockquote 29,0,0,0,0 –>

    Cars produced before 2000 used analog circuits for controlling rear light devices. The greatest difficulty during connection is the correct determination of the location where the corresponding conductor is connected.

    p, blockquote 30,0,0,0,0 –>

    Many car enthusiasts carried out this work using the “poke” method, sequentially connecting the contacts of the trailer connector to the indicator lamp. With the advent of digital control circuits for lighting devices and other electrical equipment of the car, this method has become dangerous.

    p, blockquote 31,0,0,0,0 –>

    Video - connecting the towbar wiring on a Nissan Note:

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    p, blockquote 33,0,0,0,0 –>

    Digital control of electrical equipment assumes that thick conductors do not go directly to the light devices from the steering “dragonfly”, “frog”, relays and other switches to the tail lights, stops and other light devices. The supply voltage and digital control signals are received there.

    p, blockquote 34,0,0,0,0 –>

    A simple twist-type connection to the tail light conductors is inappropriate here. Even if you connect directly to the rear headlights, which are now mostly LED, it is not a fact that the electronics will not display an error message and turn off these lights altogether, since the current consumption will be exceeded.

    p, blockquote 35,0,0,0,0 –>

    In this regard, matching units are used to connect the towbar electronics in modern cars.

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    p, blockquote 37,1,0,0,0 –>

    They are equipped with a set of necessary conductors and a connection diagram. The description of matching blocks must contain a list of cars with which the block is compatible.

    p, blockquote 38,0,0,0,0 –>

    There are diagrams of homemade devices on the Internet. If you want to experiment, you can purchase an inexpensive amateur radio kit:

    p, blockquote 39,0,0,0,0 –>

    p, blockquote 40,0,0,0,0 –>

    The connection diagram for such blocks is shown in a generalized form. You have to determine the specific wire routing yourself.

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    p, blockquote 42,0,0,0,0 –>

    Video - UniKIT 2 connection diagram for Baltex tow bar:

    p, blockquote 43,0,0,0,0 –>

    p, blockquote 44,0,0,0,0 –>

    Tow bar for Lada Largus: install it yourself


    Lada Largus towbar is a great way to expand the functionality of your car with minimal cash outlay.

    It’s simply amazing how much a towbar can help out in the daily life of a car enthusiast.

    As they say, the installed towbar does not ask for food, but at the same time it is ready to solve dozens of various road issues related to the transportation of heavy loads.

    The possibility of its use is limited only by your imagination. Help a stalled friend, bring food supplies from the dacha, or turn Largus into a workhorse thanks to the presence of a trailer - it’s up to you. You can be sure that a towbar is an extremely practical and useful car tuning option.

    Therefore, any Lada Largus motorist should know how to install the product, its technical capabilities, price offers and installation nuances.

    Moreover, the manufacturer provides special mounting fasteners and a well-thought-out design of the towing mechanism (aka towbar), so installation does not require any special skills.

    If you want to know what problems and risks are associated with installing a tow bar yourself, this article is devoted to these issues.

    Technical characteristics of the towing device for Lada Largus

    The manufacturer has thought out a standard mount for the towbar in the car body. It ensures truly reliable engagement of the product’s brackets and eliminates deformation of the metal structures of the housing. The towing mechanism itself is carried out according to the uniform requirements of GOST under the number P41.55-2005 for this type of device, which guarantees additional quality of the product.

    You can also read other useful information from the attached passport for the Lada Largus tow bar. For example, the maximum speed of a car with a trailer is limited to 80 km/h, and the permissible weight of the trailer is limited to 1300 kg. Without a trailer hitch, the vehicle's carrying capacity is limited to 515 kg, which, taking into account the driver's weight, is almost three times less.

    The design of the product is also extremely simple. In addition to a set of bolts, nuts and washers, the Lada Largus tow bar consists of the following main structural elements:

    • pairs of mounting brackets;
    • tow hook;
    • socket box for fastening electrical wiring;
    • and a rod (transferring the load from the hook to the brackets).

    How much can you buy a towbar for Lada Largus and the price of installing a trailer hitch in service centers

    There are really a lot of offers on the market of towbars for your car, so you won’t have to search for a long time in catalogs for the right towbar.

    As for price offers, you should hardly expect an amount less than 3,400 rubles.

    Do not forget that buying a cheap and unlicensed product is fraught with unjustified risks of accidents when driving on the roads. Therefore, for less money you will hardly be able to find something worthy.

    The instructions attached to the trailer hitch also state that the tow bar should be installed only in specialized service centers for the repair and maintenance of Lada vehicles, provided they have a license for this type of work.

    However, the same instructions describe the installation process in detail and you can be sure that there is nothing complicated about it.

    Towbar for Lada Largus - a practical necessity

    A towbar is an indispensable part not only for summer residents or people living in country houses. Sometimes this device can solve many problems.

    Using a tow bar on Largus you can transport various large cargo, boats, trailers, motor homes, etc.

    In addition, this detail allows you to move more confidently over rough terrain, without fear of getting stuck on a difficult section of the road.

    1 Buying a towbar or making it yourself?

    A tow bar is a special traction device that can be used to transport small loads or trailers. The operating principle of this mechanism is simple and understandable to everyone. Some cars are equipped with towbars from the factory, but on domestic cars, such as the Lada Largus, you have to install it yourself or with the help of specialists.

    In the first case, you can go to an auto parts store and purchase the assembled part, but its cost will be quite high, and the instructions do not always clearly describe the procedure for installing the tow bar. For those who have some technical skills, it will be easier to make a towbar with your own hands.

    To do this you will need patience, skill, tools and towbar components.

    We recommend that you read

    To create a traction mechanism for Largus yourself, you will need the following types of parts:

    • a mechanism with a ball stroke and built-in “eyes”, which can be purchased on a simple automotive spare parts market;
    • a powerful iron tube at least one meter long;
    • an iron corner beam about half a meter long;
    • special nuts, bolts and washers for secure fastening.

    In this case, you need to decide what type of device you want to get in the end. This can be a removable or stationary mechanism.

    The stationary mechanism is attached to the car by welding, despite the fact that to create a removable towbar with your own hands, additional beams, corners and fasteners are required.

    It is possible to make an even more complex towbar mechanism, but this will require the help of professionals, and it is unlikely that Lada Largus owners need a “serious” towbar with folding sides or something like that. It is best to purchase a simple tow bar at a car dealership.

    2 Correct installation of the tow bar

    Each car model has its own characteristics when installing a towing mechanism. However, a certain procedure is followed in any case

    The towbar is attached to the rear of the car and to install it you need to have a set of necessary tools on hand. In the case of Lada Largus we are talking about wrenches 16, 17 and 19 and a set of various screwdrivers. In addition, you will need a lift or inspection pit and the help of another person, since the tow bar design weighs quite a lot.

    Before starting installation work, it is necessary to turn off the power to the vehicle; this is done for safety reasons and is not difficult. Next, you need to “estimate” the part to the place of its further attachment. This means that the towbar must be temporarily secured using special clamps.

    This is not necessary, but may help the owner understand how to proceed when securing the towbar in the future. Some installation instructions may require you to first remove the spare tire and loosen the muffler. The first thing is necessary to do, but it is not necessary to remove the muffler from the rubber band; with the right approach, you can “crawl” into the fastenings this way.

    In addition, it is necessary to remove the protection - the heat shield, so as not to damage it when drilling and tightening bolts.


    Original trailer hitch

    Figure 2-15 shows the main version of the trailer hitch installed on the LADA LARGUS vehicle.

    Figure 2-15 – Design and delivery set of LADA LARGUS trailer hitch: 1 – left trailer hitch bracket; 2 – rod; 3 – right trailer hitch bracket; 4 – socket box; 5 – hook

    Remove the spare wheel.

    Disconnect rear cushion 3, Figure 2-16, muffler hangers 1 from the body or muffler (flat-head screwdriver).

    Figure 2-16 – Preparation for installation of trailer hitch brackets: 1 – muffler; 2 – rear left body spar; 3 – rear muffler suspension cushion; 4 – rear right body spar; 5 – spar hole plug

    Unscrew the rear muffler protective screen and remove the screen.

    Remove plugs 5 from the holes on the inside of the left 2 and right 4 rear side members (using a flat-head screwdriver).

    On the outside of the side members, clean similar holes from the PShM layer (flat-head screwdriver).

    From the inside of the spar 2, Figure 2-17, insert a bolt 1 with a washer from the delivery set into each of the holes, from the outside of the spar, put bracket 3 on the bolts and secure with nuts, without tightening.

    Install the second bracket in the same way on another side member of the body.

    Figure 2-17 – Installation of the trailer hitch bracket: 1 – bracket fastening bolt; 2 – rear body spar; 3 – bracket

    Install the rod on the brackets and secure with the bolts supplied (replaceable head 19, knob).

    Tighten the bolts securing the brackets to the body side members (spanner 17, interchangeable head 17, wrench).

    Install hook 5 on the rod, see Figure 2-15, and socket 4 (wrench 19, replaceable head 19, knob).

    Reinstall the removed parts.

    How to install a towbar on a Largus with your own hands video

    Home » VAZ 2110 » How to install a tow bar on a Largus with your own hands video

    Installing a towbar is one of the most effective ways to increase the load capacity of a vehicle. This is a very simple device, which nevertheless can perform many functions.

    Nowadays, many cars are equipped with towbars in the factory workshops, but this does not apply to many representatives of domestic products, including the Lada Largus car. And all car owners are faced with a choice: use the services of a car repair shop or install a towbar with their own hands.

    Having an auto repair shop can be quite expensive compared to installing it yourself. However, in the second case, you will need to independently purchase all the necessary parts and understand the algorithm for performing the work.

    Towbar for Lada Largus: starting installation

    What is required to install a towbar on a Lada Largus car with your own hands:

    • a device with a ball stroke and built-in “eyes”;
    • a strong iron tube one meter or more long;
    • metal ceiling-corner 50 centimeters long;
    • fastening materials that provide strong and reliable fastening: nuts, screws and washers.

    First of all, you need to strictly determine what type of device you want to get at the end of the work. "Lada Largus", as a rule, is equipped with a stationary or removable tow bar.


    p, blockquote 71,0,0,0,0 –>

    General recommendations when operating trailer electrical equipment:

    p, blockquote 72,0,0,0,0 –>

    • avoid overloading the network, especially when using household appliances in passenger trailers, this can cause a fire;
    • check the electrical equipment of the trailer before each trip, at least externally;
    • before each season, check the quality of electrical connections outside the vehicle and trailer, protect contact areas and connectors with grease and other means;
    • do not allow dangling wires, be sure to secure them to the structural elements with plastic clamps,
    • If possible, retrofit your trailer with waterproof LED fixtures.

    Read the article about the mass air flow sensor, signs of a malfunction and how to check its functionality.

    What resistance should a working ignition coil have?

    Video - installation of a tow bar on a LADA Granta and pinout of the socket:

    p, blockquote 74,0,0,0,0 –> p, blockquote 75,0,0,0,1 –>

    May be of interest:

    From experience I can say that it is still better to install a socket using special electrical terminal blocks, rather than twisting and electrical tape. Firstly, everything looks aesthetically more cultural, and secondly, with prolonged use, the electrical tape begins to unwind over time, and the twisting of the wires weakens. As a result, the twisting area begins to spark, lose contact, and the dimensions with the brakes begin to blink, or even go out completely. And it’s also worth making sure that when traveling without a trailer, the socket is closed with a plug, otherwise dirt, moisture and sand will get clogged there. Especially in the autumn-spring period, otherwise you will have to spend several hours picking it all out with a sharp screwdriver.

    How to install a tow bar on a Lada Largus? + Video

    A towbar is an indispensable part not only for summer residents or people living in country houses. Sometimes this device can solve many problems.

    Using a tow bar on Largus you can transport various large cargo, boats, trailers, motor homes, etc.

    In addition, this detail allows you to move more confidently over rough terrain, without fear of getting stuck on a difficult section of the road.

    1 Buying a towbar or making it yourself?

    A tow bar is a special traction device that can be used to transport small loads or trailers. The operating principle of this mechanism is simple and understandable to everyone. Some cars are equipped with towbars from the factory, but on domestic cars, such as the Lada Largus, you have to install it yourself or with the help of specialists.

    In the first case, you can go to an auto parts store and purchase the assembled part, but its cost will be quite high, and the instructions do not always clearly describe the procedure for installing the tow bar. For those who have some technical skills, it will be easier to make a towbar with your own hands.

    To do this you will need patience, skill, tools and towbar components.

    We recommend that you read

    To create a traction mechanism for Largus yourself, you will need the following types of parts:

    • a mechanism with a ball stroke and built-in “eyes”, which can be purchased on a simple automotive spare parts market;
    • a powerful iron tube at least one meter long;
    • an iron corner beam about half a meter long;
    • special nuts, bolts and washers for secure fastening.

    In this case, you need to decide what type of device you want to get in the end. This can be a removable or stationary mechanism.

    The stationary mechanism is attached to the car by welding, despite the fact that to create a removable towbar with your own hands, additional beams, corners and fasteners are required.

    It is possible to make an even more complex towbar mechanism, but this will require the help of professionals, and it is unlikely that Lada Largus owners need a “serious” towbar with folding sides or something like that. It is best to purchase a simple tow bar at a car dealership.

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