Operating modes of the wipers of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099

Brush size VAZ 2114 2113 2115

The size of the windshield blades on these models is symmetrical and amounts to 51 cm on each side. But it is also possible to install brushes of a different size: on the driver’s side 53cm, on the passenger side 51cm. If you put both 53 cm each, then a thin strip of water will form in the middle.

Rear wiper size

The rear window blade size is 30cm. But you can put 33cm here, and there will be no problems. Some people also set it to 40cm, but in this case it will be necessary to increase the wiper stroke limit. In other words, so that the wiper does not fall very low and does not run into the rear window seal. This is done very simply: remove the motor and put it back, but offset by a couple of teeth.

What happens if you choose the wrong brush size?

When choosing auto windshield wipers for a VAZ, it is imperative to pay due attention to their size, since a deviation of even 10-15 mm is very important.

Even a slightly increased brush size, in comparison with the manufacturer’s recommendations, can contribute to the manifestation of negative aspects during operation, namely:

  • the glass is poorly cleaned even after prolonged operation of the brushes - the incorrect length of the brushes significantly reduces the clamping force of the wiper directly on the glass, so the quality of its cleaning will decrease, this is especially noticeable when using frameless windshield wipers;
  • such wipers can touch the rubber seal on the windshield, thereby causing damage to it, while they come off the working surface, leave gaps with uncleaned stripes and do not provide high-quality cleaning;
  • extended windshield wipers will touch each other, which means they can block their operation and deprive the driver of the required field of view on the highway at the wrong time;
  • a large brush sometimes even touches the edge of the driver's door, causing some damage to the body of the car, and by knocking on the pillar, it simply irritates the driver and distracts from the situation on the road.

The size of the brush on the VAZ 2114 that is too small than what is provided by the manufacturer significantly reduces the cleaning efficiency, as it limits the area of ​​glass cleaning (the central part of the windshield will not be captured by the brushes). In addition, during rain, the short length of the wipers favors the appearance of flowing water and the appearance of islands and streaks of dirt.

Via relay

The idea is that the general electrical circuit of the windshield wipers is equipped with an additional relay. This allows you to noticeably speed up the work of the brushes.

However, in this case, only two wiper operation modes will remain available:

  • intermittent;
  • accelerated constant.

The new relay is installed at the break in the existing connector. An additional block is purchased for it - the wires to it come from the mounting block and then follow to the windshield wiper motor. You will also need a 5-pin relay and a socket for it.

https://twokarburators.ru/ne-rabotayut-dvorniki-2108-2109/https://mashinapro.ru/273-dvorniki-na-vaz-2109.htmlhttps://vaz-2114-lada.ru/2014/ 01/kakojj-razmer-shhjotok-stekloochistitelya-dvornikov-vaz/https://zapchasti.expert/shhetki-stekloochistitelya/dvorniki-dlya-vaz-2109.htmlhttps://ladaautos.ru/vaz-2109/kak-mozhno- sdelat-dvorniki-bystree-na-vaz-2109.html

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