Trouble P0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor - Voltage High

Possible reasons for the check function to light up

The check engine light came on during sudden acceleration.
This function is responsible for the operation of the engine and if it signals, then there may be problems in the operation of this particular unit. Of course, this is scary for any motorist, because repairing the power unit is complex and expensive. But don’t immediately get scared and panic, the reason may be petty.

So, let’s look at what are the reasons why the “CHECK” function on the Lada Grant came on:

  • If the indicator lights up when you start the engine, then don’t worry, everything works.
  • If the “CHECK” lights up and signals for a long time, then, first of all, it is necessary to make a diagnosis, and only then worry.
  • If there is a “CHECK” while driving, this may mean that the oil level in the engine is insufficient (p0523 - error when the oil pressure sensor is faulty).
  • The “CHECK” function is on - it’s worth checking the engine for signs of depressurization or oil leakage.
  • If the above reasons do not work, but the “CHECK” is lit, then this may be a signal that the spark plug has failed or low-quality fuel has been filled.

Elimination methods

Let's consider some options for eliminating the causes of the “CHECK” function fire on the Lada Grant:

  1. Bad fuel. The elimination method is quite simple - drain the low-quality fuel and fill in new one. Let the engine run a little and turn it off. If everything is normal, then upon startup, the signal will disappear. AvtoVAZ recommends refueling with 95 gasoline, but it often causes errors and complaints about its quality. What kind of gasoline do you fill up with, 92 or 95?
  2. Spark plugs and high-voltage wires. Unscrew all spark plugs and check the gaps and the presence of a spark. Replace faulty spark plugs and wires.


1Petr (autodrome): there are no complaints about the functionality of the DBP, they work in normal mode, the mileage is 34,500 km.
2Vyacheslav (autotopic): I tightened the fastening of the terminal on the DAD once, did not contact the service center, managed it on my own.
3Victor (Autoreview): the emergency warning diode goes out within 2 seconds after the engine starts. The workshop assured that this is the norm.
4Kirill (Avtoria): the car is four years old, mileage 55,000 km, no repairs. I regularly visit service stations and fill them with high-quality fuel and oils.
5Alexander (Drom): there have been no critical comments on the operation of the machine for three years; minor breakdowns were eliminated on my own.
6Stanislav (Driving): mileage 60,000 km, no rude comments.
7Stepanovich (“5th wheel”): my positive review of the Lada Vesta, the car is good, the build quality is above average. For domestic transport it is quite tolerable.
8Vitaly (autotopic): I replaced the DBP for the first time in the third year of the car’s life, fortunately the repair was free of charge, under warranty.
9Mikhail ( I heard about the problem with the 1.8 liter oil pump, it is weak for such a volume.
10Stanislav (ProAvto): the car constantly breaks down, something breaks, it doesn’t work properly.

Replacing the sensor yourself

We remove the decorative plastic protection and put it aside so that it does not interfere

Carefully squeeze the clamps and remove the block from the sensor

Using a spanner or open-end wrench set to “21”, unscrew the sensor.

Now we will examine it and diagnose it according to the points that we described above.

We screw in the new sensor, connect the wire block and start the engine. If the oil pressure light goes out, then the problem was in the sensor; if not, then you need to look for the cause further.

The “check engine” icon on Grant came on, you scanned the car and received an error code. It remains to find out its meaning. In one article we have collected all the Lada Grant errors that may appear while driving.

Decoding: Lada Granta errors

The list of possible faults is long. So we've broken it down into three parts based on the original issues. These are the error codes that it produces:

  • Electronic control unit ( ECU );
  • automatic transmission ;
  • Problem with EEPROM .

Grant ECU: error codes

The largest group of faults . This includes data on internal combustion engine sensors. Code numbering from P0030 to P2501.







Complete list of Grant automatic transmission errors

The complete table of faults with the VAZ2190 automatic transmission is much smaller than the previous one. The whole list is below:

All automatic transmission error codes fit into one block

VAZ 2190 data transmission error codes

The smallest group of codes. There are only six of them, all starting with U - automatic transmission and internal combustion engine faults are indicated by the letter P.

All known data transfer errors on Grant

Operating principle of the oil pressure sensor and checking it

The operating principle of the DDM is quite simple - depending on the oil pressure, the measuring membrane inside the sensor bends under the oil pressure and closes and opens the contacts. If the engine oil level drops, the contacts open accordingly and the oil pressure warning light comes on.

Before checking the sensor, make sure that:

  • The engine oil level is at the required level
  • The oil filter is in good working order and does not leak oil from under it.

If everything is in order with the oil level and filter, you need to check the sensor circuit and itself.

  1. We check the circuit from the sensor to the warning lamp. Disconnect the terminal from the sensor and lean it against ground. If the circuit is working properly, the oil pressure lamp should go out. If not, there may be a break in the circuit somewhere.
  2. If after removing the DDM it is in oil, then it is faulty and requires replacement; if the sensor is dry, the reason is in the oil filter, oil level or oil pump.
  3. You can also check the oil pressure in the engine using a pressure gauge. To do this, unscrew the sensor and screw in the pressure gauge. Start the engine and at idle speed the pressure gauge should show 0.65 kgf/cm2 or more, which means the pump and everything else is fine. The sensor just needs to be replaced.

Signs of breakdown

Novice drivers can also determine if the sensor is broken. Typically, the on-board computer processes commands from all controllers and displays them on the screen. The corresponding indicators will also blink on the dashboard. If the system does not find any faults, the driver does not receive any warnings.


  1. The car starts with difficulty, especially in the cold season.
  2. When the car owner starts the engine, it is worth paying attention to the blinking “Check Engine” indication, which indicates that the oil pressure is insufficient. It should also be noted that a similar signal may occur if oil with various types of impurities was used. It is necessary to carry out diagnostics to understand why the malfunction occurred.

  3. It is difficult to accelerate the engine to the required speed. Also, when the engine is running, excessive vibration may occur.

A little about the error

Error P0523, which is displayed by your on-board computer, indicates a malfunction of the engine oil pressure sensor (EOP). Its task is not to miss the moment of pressure drop, and there is hardly any need to explain how serious the consequences can be if your Lada Granta is not repaired in time.

The operation of the device is simple, but extremely useful. Inside it there is a membrane, which bends under the pressure of oil, while closing or opening the contacts. The contacts are connected to a warning light, which will immediately notify the driver if there is a lack of oil in the engine. So, your warning light may be on. The computer reminds you of error P0523. What could have led to this?

  1. Untimely or even irregular oil changes.
  2. Maybe the type of engine oil is not suitable for the car.
  3. The oil passages have become compressed, so the pressure has increased.
  4. The passage channels might not shrink, but even become clogged, and this also caused high pressure.
  5. The wires or circuit of the DDM are damaged.
  6. You shouldn’t rule out simply a breakdown of the device itself.

The oil pressure light comes on at idle: ways to check

Now let's talk about the case when the low oil pressure warning light comes on while the engine is idling. Below we present available methods for identifying malfunctions, which will generally be useful in diagnosing the condition of the engine lubrication system and engine oil pressure.

  1. If the oil pressure light comes on, then you should check the engine oil level in the engine and its condition. If the level drops, add oil. A suspicious condition of the oil (black color, excessive thickness) will require thorough flushing of the oil system and subsequent oil change. The smell of gasoline/diesel, an emulsion on the oil filler cap, or severe dilution of the engine oil will indicate problems with the CPG or cracks in the cylinder head/cylinder head. On a working engine, the combustion chambers should be sealed, fuel and antifreeze from the cooling system should not enter the lubrication system.
  2. The oil pressure lamp may come on at idle immediately after changing the oil during the first start. In this case, the warning light may remain on for 10, 15 or even 20 seconds. If after the specified period of time the low oil pressure lamp does not go out, then you should check the oil filter. The product may be of poor quality, poorly screwed (oil leaks are noticeable in the area where the filter is attached) or defective.
  3. Check the oil pressure sensor. The oil pressure level at idle speed at around 800 - 900 rpm should not be less than 0.5 kgf/cm2. It is also worth noting that emergency oil pressure sensors on different engines may have different response ranges, which on average range from 0.4 to 0.8 kgf/cm2. This means that if there is a sensor designed to operate at 0.7 kgf/cm2, already during a pressure drop to 0.6 kgf/cm2 the sensor will turn on the emergency oil pressure lamp. This is done for conditional notification of a decrease in pressure in the line of the internal combustion engine lubrication system.

The initial check of the sensor should be done by slightly increasing the crankshaft speed (1000-1100 rpm). In other words, if the oil pressure light goes out when you press the gas, then the following options are possible:

  • idle speed is too low (the light blinks at idle);
  • low oil pressure in the lubrication system;
  • malfunction of the oil pressure sensor;
  • engine malfunction;

To accurately measure the oil pressure in the engine, you need to unscrew the sensor and install a pressure gauge in its place. Also, one should not exclude false alarms of the oil pressure sensor at idle speed, which may occur due to contamination of both the device itself and the engine oil channels. In this case, you will need to clean the sensor and clean the lubrication system channels.

As for engine breakdowns that lead to a decrease in oil pressure, indirect signs are increased consumption of fuel and engine oil, the engine emits blue or bluish smoke. In such cases, the oil pressure lamp lights up at idle, taking into account the warmed-up engine. This occurs due to the fact that the heated lubricant liquefies and flows freely through the gaps between various parts (liners, shaft journals, etc.).

As you know, at idle the crankshaft speed is minimal. At the same time, the oil pump also develops a minimum pressure. As a result, a relatively small deviation can lead to the oil pressure lamp coming on at idle, while when the speed rises and the oil pressure in the lubrication system increases, the problem of the low oil pressure warning lamp on the dashboard coming on may not appear.

Checking oil pressure

Engine oil pressure: what it depends on, how to measure it correctly. What is the oil pressure on different engines in idle mode and under load.

Why there may be low oil pressure in the engine, the oil pressure light blinks at idle or under load. Fault diagnosis and repair.

Why does fuel get into the engine oil, what could be the consequences of a malfunction for the internal combustion engine. Gasoline gets into the oil: diagnostics and repair.

Foaming of engine oil in the engine: in what cases and why is this dangerous for the engine. Main causes of malfunction, diagnostics.

Purpose of the diesel engine lubrication system. Components, oil pump performance, cooling function. Malfunctions and prevention.

Causes of oil leaks in the oil filter area: oil flows from under the filter, through the housing, in the area of ​​the fitting, etc. Available diagnostic and repair methods.


Error P0363

This malfunction can be detected by using a special diagnostic device. It indicates that one of the cylinders in the engine is faulty, misfire occurs, and, as a result, the fuel supply to it has stopped.

In this regard, it would be useful to mention error P1304, which means that in a particular cylinder (in this case the fourth) there is an ignition delay, and this is critical for the converter.

Quite often, along with errors P0363 and 1304, another one may appear - P0300, which indicates that the threshold of exhaust toxicity due to misfire is very high. And this is a rather dangerous problem.

What are the server errors?

As we've learned, internal server errors constitute a class of HTTP statuses.

  • 500. Indicates a wide range of server errors, if they do not belong to the following problems of the class in question.
  • 501. Means that the server does not have the necessary capabilities to process the user request. Typically, a 501 error appears when the server cannot recognize the request method. If the server recognizes the request method, but it cannot be used on this Internet resource, error 405 is displayed (occurred due to the user’s fault).
  • 502 (Bad Gateway). Occurs when the server acts as a proxy or gateway. The error indicates that the upstream server is sending an invalid response.
  • 503. Displayed when the site is unable to process user requests. This may be due to overload, maintenance problems, technical problems, and so on. Most often, when a 503 error is displayed, the Retry-After field indicates the time when the user needs to repeat the request.
  • 504. Here again the server acts as a gateway or proxy server. It forwards the request to the upstream server, but does not wait for a response, and therefore cannot complete processing of the request.
  • 505. Indicates that the request version is not supported by the server.
  • 506. This means that the current version of the server has an incorrect configuration. In this regard, the binding process does not reach completion and is interrupted all the time.
  • 507. There is no space on the server to complete the request and process it. Problems of this kind may be temporary and easily fixed.
  • 509. If an Internet resource has spent all the traffic that was allocated to it, this error occurs. To solve the problem, you need to contact your hosting provider.
  • 510. This error can be encountered in cases where the client makes a request and wants to use a certain extension, but the server does not use and cannot provide this extension.
  • 511. This error does not come from the server itself, which the user is accessing, but from an intermediary, which can be a provider. As a rule, the problem occurs when the client needs to log in to the global network (specify the password for a paid access point). In this case, a special field for authorization is displayed in the response form.
  • 520. Indicates that there is an error, but the CDN server cannot correctly process the error and display it to the client.
  • 521. Occurs in situations where the server rejects the content delivery network connection.
  • 522. Displayed when the data communication system cannot connect to the server and is timed out waiting for a server response.
  • 523. The server cannot be “reached”; when accessing the server, serious obstacles arise, overcoming which is currently not possible.
  • 524. Connection time has expired between the required server and the content delivery network server.
  • 525 If errors occur during the handshake between the server itself and the CDN server, code 525 is displayed.
  • 526. Indicates that there is currently no way to validate the encryption certificate.

Additional comments for troubleshooting P0523

If the Check Engine light comes on and you notice that the oil pressure is too high, this could indicate a serious problem. We should not forget that the problem may not only be a malfunction of the engine oil pressure sensor (which is often found in older cars with mileage of more than 130,000 km), but also engine damage. If error P0523 appears, it is recommended that you contact a qualified technician as soon as possible to diagnose and resolve the error in order to avoid complete engine failure.

Need help with error code P0523?

The company - CarChek, offers a service - on-site computer diagnostics; specialists from our company will come to your home or office to diagnose and identify problems with your car. Find out the cost and sign up for diagnostics of any cars or contact a consultant by phone.

File 523.exe from unknown company is part of unknown product. 523.exe, located in c:colet?nea de louvorcolet?nea de louvorhasd523.exe with file size 7351490 bytes, file version Unknown version, signature 3d12ce3c8a04163d3292e2ef53f31092.

There are many processes running on your system that are consuming CPU and memory resources. Some of these processes appear to be malicious files attacking your computer. To fix critical errors 523.exe, download Asmwsoft PC Optimizer and install it on your computer

3- Setting up Windows to fix critical errors 523.exe:

  1. Right-click My Computer on your desktop and select Properties.
  2. Select "Advanced system settings" from the menu on the left.
  3. In the "Performance" section, click on the "Options" button.
  4. Click on the “data Execution prevention” tab.
  5. Select the option » Turn on DEP for all programs and services . ".
  6. Click on the "add" button and select the 523.exe
    , and then click on the "open" button.
  7. Click on the "ok" button and restart your computer.

There are 44 total votes, 23 say they won't delete it and 21 say they will delete it from their computer.

On which cars is this problem most common?

The problem with code P0236 can occur on different machines, but there are always statistics on which brands this error is more common. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Alfa Romeo
  • Audi (Audi q7)
  • BMW
  • Chevrolet (Chevrolet Cruze, Silverado)
  • Dodge
  • Fiat (Fiat Doblo)
  • Ford (Ford Kuga, Mondeo, Fusion, Escape)
  • Hyundai
  • Land Rover (Land Rover Range Rover)
  • Mercedes (Mercedes Sprinter)
  • Opel (Opel Astra, Insignia)
  • Skoda (Skoda Octavia, Fabia)
  • Subaru (Subaru Impreza)
  • Toyota
  • Volkswagen (Volkswagen Passat, Touareg, Tiguan, Transporter)
  • Volvo

With fault code P0236, you can sometimes encounter other errors. The most common ones are: P007D, P0101, P0116, P0234, P0237, P0238, P0335, P0341, P0401, P0407, P0453, P0642, P1409, P26B7.

Symptoms of Runtime Error 523

  • The message “Error 523” appears and the active program window crashes.
  • Your computer often stops working after displaying error 523 when running a certain program.
  • “The data binding DLL, 'item', could not be loaded.” is displayed.
  • The message “Unable to load specified data binding DLL. Make sure the DLL is installed on your system.”
  • Windows runs slowly and responds slowly to mouse or keyboard input.
  • The computer periodically freezes for a few seconds.

These 523 error messages may appear during program installation, while a Microsoft Corporation-related program (such as Windows Operating System) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during installation of the Windows operating system

Keeping track of when error 523 occurs is important information when troubleshooting the problem

What does code U0100 mean?

Error U0100 - “loss of communication with the engine control unit ECM/PCM.”

The Engine Control Module (ECM) is the computer responsible for controlling the engine. The engine control unit interacts with other vehicle control units via a data exchange bus. This bus is called a controller area network (CAN) and allows all modules to communicate with each other.

There are two CAN buses: CAN High and CAN low. CAN High - has a high data transfer rate of 500 Kbps. CAN low - with a low data transfer rate of 125k bps. Physically it is a shielded twisted pair cable. There is a termination resistor at the end of each data channel.

The control units exchange data via the CAN bus with each other. Error code U0100 means the PCM is unable to send or receive CAN bus communication signals.

Error 522 Connection timed out

Error 522 occurs when a response from the web server times out and the user cannot access the page:

Main reasons:

  • the web server is overloaded and did not respond to the request,
  • the web server has a security system that blocks requests from CloudFlare,
  • web server is unavailable,
  • incorrect IP address set in the DNS settings on CloudFlare (the request from CloudFlare was sent to a different IP),
  • problems with network routing between CloudFlare and the web server.

What to do? To resolve this issue, make sure your web server is active and accepting HTTP requests. Check if the DNS settings in your Personal Account on CloudFlare are correct.

For detailed guidance on how to fix error 522, see CloudFlare Help.

Computer diagnostics

The most effective methods are those using sophisticated computer technology.

What does this method provide? First of all, it allows you to control the entire internal combustion engine. The diagnostic accuracy is exceptional. Errors that may arise as a result are automatically eliminated using special programs.

Types of work:

  • stationary – with the device connected directly to the car’s ECU (PC, laptop, scanner);
  • remote – via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (tablet, smartphone).

Computer data processing is carried out by introducing “software” (programs) into the processor of the device, focused on:

  • comprehensive diagnostics (engine, suspension and steering systems, brakes);
  • ICE;
  • electronics.

How to do it? Drivers usually use the services of a car service center. This is not the only option. With some preparation, it is possible to diagnose a car yourself.

Description of the procedure:

  1. Basic equipment: - computer; — “K-Line” adapter with a cable on Olb2 and Usb connectors (for a fixed connection) or Elm327 adapter with Bluetooth (remote testing); — diagnostic programs and drivers;
  2. installation of the necessary “software” and “chip” (driver) on the computer platform;
  3. “firmware” (adaptation) of the ECU (provides communication between the controller and the computer and transfers to it all available vehicle parameters.

The state of the required systems is determined by gradually scanning each node. Defects that cannot be eliminated by the intervention of electronic correctors are eliminated during minor, medium or major repairs.

What can you transport with a car rack?

Chevrolet error codes

Various models of removable car racks are usually used during long car trips or country trips to the country.

Such designs allow you to conveniently transport:

  • Sports Equipment;
  • hunting and fishing equipment;
  • camping tents and sleeping bags;
  • inflatable boats with oars;
  • lightweight camping furniture of inflatable or folding type;
  • baskets with personal belongings and other items for personal use that may be needed outdoors or while camping.

Removable roof racks allow you to carry up to 100 kg of additional cargo on the roof, ensuring its strong fixation on the roof. They are cheaper than trailers and do not obscure your view while driving. The universal and inexpensive design can be removed when traveling around the city. Its ergonomic shape does not require much storage space. Modern luggage racks are equipped with additional devices that make it easier to secure various types of luggage.

With the help of luggage racks, you can deliver small quantities of lumber and pipes, as well as other long loads to your personal plot, having secured them properly.

In addition to open structures, today car stores sell closed trunks, which allow you to significantly increase the size of the body's stationary luggage compartment. You can put suitcases, trunks, baby strollers and boxes with things you need on the road in them.

How to resolve the problem

If error P0363 is displayed during diagnostics of the Lada Granta, then the reasons may be:

  1. Use of low-quality fuel.
  2. No spark.
  3. It could also be a leaky air intake.
  4. Damaged/worn cylinders.

The first problem can be solved easily and quickly. It is enough just to replace the fuel used with gasoline from another manufacturer. Often this measure is enough to eliminate the skipping problem. Indeed, according to statistics, error P0363 is largely associated with low-quality gasoline.

Note: if error P0363 makes itself felt too often, and, as a result, one of the cylinders is turned off (although the engine and other elements are working properly), you can reflash the engine control unit by deleting the error data from it.

In a situation where replacing gasoline does not solve the problem, it is necessary to check the air intake, that is, replace the filter with a new one, if the existing one is already worn out, tighten the fastening screws. It is also recommended to check the pressure in the rail (it should not exceed 2.8 atmospheres).

Next, you need to check how the ignition system works, namely:

  1. Is there oxidation at the connection points?
  2. What is the condition of the spark plugs of the damaged cylinder, as well as the armored wire that is attached to it?

Checking high-voltage wires is carried out using a tester. Normally, their resistance does not exceed 10 kOhm. Otherwise, this indicates damage and the need to replace them with new ones.

If the wires are in good condition, you need to check the spark plugs, or even better, replace them immediately, especially if the existing ones are cheap.

Note: all 4 spark plugs need to be replaced, not just the one that is faulty.

In a situation where a check has been carried out and a solution has not been found, it is recommended to diagnose the cylinders, namely, measure their compression. The difference here should be a maximum of 0.5 atmospheres. If in one of the cylinders it is too low or, conversely, too high compared to the norm, it is recommended to take the car to a service station to check the engine.

errors P0363 P1303, Lada Granta

Replacing the sensor yourself

We remove the decorative plastic protection and put it aside so that it does not interfere

Carefully squeeze the clamps and remove the block from the sensor

Using a spanner or open-end wrench set to “21”, unscrew the sensor.

Now we will examine it and diagnose it according to the points that we described above.

We screw in the new sensor, connect the wire block and start the engine. If the oil pressure light goes out, then the problem was in the sensor; if not, then you need to look for the cause further.

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Additional comments for troubleshooting P0523

If the Check Engine light comes on and you notice that the oil pressure is too high, this could indicate a serious problem. We should not forget that the problem may not only be a malfunction of the engine oil pressure sensor (which is often found in older cars with mileage of more than 130,000 km), but also engine damage. If error P0523 appears, it is recommended that you contact a qualified technician as soon as possible to diagnose and resolve the error in order to avoid complete engine failure.

Need help with error code P0523?

The company - CarChek, offers a service - on-site computer diagnostics; specialists from our company will come to your home or office to diagnose and identify problems with your car. Find out the cost and sign up for diagnostics of any cars or contact a consultant by phone.


How to view and reset errors on Grant

For accurate diagnostics, you need an OBD2 diagnostic scanner - also known as ELM327. The professional version costs several thousand, the Chinese amateur version costs 200 rubles.

When purchasing through Aliexpress and similar sites, it is optimal to choose a seller with a large number of reviews and find comments on working with your car in them. Otherwise, diagnosis will turn into a lottery.

Through the same scanner, you can reset all error codes and the “check” will go out until the next breakdown is detected. The principle of operation is the same on all cars .

Installing a non-factory on-board computer of the “State” type with an error detection function will also help. If detected, the error code will light up on the display.

You can erase the causes of “Jackie Chan” from your memory by resetting the battery terminal for a few minutes. The method does not always help. It doesn’t matter which terminal to reset.

Find out more about the causes of Check Engine , step-by-step diagnostics and error removal here.

Write reviews, comments, questions - we will be happy to chat.


Checking the electrical oil pressure sensor

Checking the sensor with a multimeter

Electronic oil pressure sensors, used both on foreign and domestic cars, in particular on VAZ-2114 cars and other modern Ladas, are easy to check. Their design is similar to that of a rheostat, but they simply open the circuit at a certain pressure. Accordingly, its verification is even simpler. To do this you need:

  • Set the multimeter to the “continuity” (break) mode of the electrical circuit.
  • Ensure a tight connection between the air pump and the inlet (sensitive) hole where air is supplied. Here, similarly, it is necessary to ensure high-quality sealing, since the result of the experiment directly depends on this.
  • Place one multimeter probe on the central output contact of the sensor, and the second on its body, “ground”.
  • At the same time, use a pump to apply air pressure of about 1...1.5 atmospheres to the sensor. There is no need to blow hard so as not to damage the membrane. If the sensor is working properly, the electrical circuit will open almost immediately, under the mechanical action of the rod, which is in rigid connection with the bending sensitive membrane of the oil pressure sensor.

As is clear from the operating diagram of the sensor, if the circuit is open (detected with a multimeter), then the sensor is working. Otherwise, no. In rare cases, instead of the sensor, the problem why the oil light is on must be looked for in faulty (broken or damaged insulation) wiring.

You can also check the performance of the oil pressure sensor using another method. So, you need to remove the power wire from the sensor and short it to ground. If the sensor is working properly, the warning light on the dashboard should not light up. Otherwise the sensor is faulty.

Checking two sensors

On some modern machines, two pressure sensors of the same type (“new”) are installed. The first is designed for an absolute pressure value in the range of about 0.15...0.45 atmospheres, and is designed to open the warning lamp after starting the engine. Its verification is similar and follows the procedure described above. That is, the connection is the same. Its circuit should open when pressure is pumped into it in the specified range.

The second sensor is designed to monitor oil pressure while the engine is running. It is similar in type to the first, but its difference is to control the upper limit of the oil (in order to prevent it from increasing to a critical value). The upper value may vary and differs for specific car models. However, in most cases it is around 1.8 atmospheres. When this pressure level is reached or higher, the contact circuit should close and the engine oil pressure warning light should be activated on the instrument panel.

Checking the pressure sensor using a light bulb

To check the electric (new) oil pressure sensor, instead of a multimeter, you can use a light bulb designed to operate under 12 V DC voltage, as well as a power supply (battery) and a compressor (preferably with a pressure gauge). The verification algorithm is as follows:

Connection diagram

  • Two wires must be connected to the contacts of the light bulb.
  • Connect one end of the wire going to the light bulb to the output contact of the pressure sensor.
  • Connect the ground from the power supply (or minus from the battery) to the housing (ground) of the sensor.
  • Connect the plus from the power supply or battery to the other wire on the light bulb.
  • If the sensor is working properly, then after turning on the power supply (or simply when contact is made from the battery), the light should light up. Otherwise, the sensor can immediately be considered faulty.
  • Next, to check, you need to apply a pressure of about 0.5 atmospheres to the sensitive element of the sensor using a compressor or pump. The pressure value can be different, and it depends on what pressure the sensor is designed for. Usually it is around the already mentioned 0.5 atmosphere.
  • When the pressure increases to the specified value (critical for the sensor), the light should go out, since this will open the control electrical circuit in the sensor body. If this does not happen, then the sensor can also be considered unusable.

Instead of a compressor, you can easily get by with a regular car or even bicycle pump, which will easily produce the required half-atmosphere air pressure.


The reasons why the “CHECK” function lights up on the Lada Grant are quite simple, since this sensor is responsible for the full operation of the engine. To identify the causes, it is worth conducting a diagnosis and determining why this happened, and only then eliminating it.

Probably every VAZ owner has encountered such a problem when, out of the blue, the “chek” error comes on. Here many people immediately panic. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. Firstly, this error appears when any sensor fails (here you will have to suffer and determine which one), but all this is determined by changes in the behavior of the car: dynamics, consumption, etc.

However, even if you correct the problem, the “check” will continue to light up. Many people go to computer diagnostics to clear an error, where they pay about 150-200 rubles per minute. Although it’s not a lot of money, why? If you can reset the error yourself, spending the same minute on it, and you don’t have to go anywhere. Don’t know how to reset the check error yourself? Very simple, read below.

We reset the error.

  1. To do this, turn on the ignition without starting the car.
  2. Open the hood and remove the positive terminal of the battery.
  3. We wait from 10 seconds to a minute and seat the terminal back.
  4. Close the hood.
  5. Turn off the ignition.
  6. Turn on the ignition and start.

And then a miracle, the error light stopped lighting.

Even if you cannot decide why your check light came on, do not immediately run to diagnostics. Try to reset this error using the method described above. There are simply cases of accidental operation (there was an impurity in gasoline and the like). And then after the reset the error simply will not appear again. And if, nevertheless, there is some kind of problem, then the “check” will pop up again, after 50 kilometers.

...starting the car in the cold, the car started up but there was a misfire in one cylinder, the car rattled, the “Check Engine” came on, I turned it off, pressed the accelerator (gas) pedal all the way (to the floor) and turned the starter, the spark plugs blew out, the car started works well, but the Check Engine light does not go out.

There was another case, out of my stupidity I changed the light bulb in the dash with the ignition on, or disconnected the plug of the dash, I didn’t understand, but as a fact the “Check Engine” light came on again. In both cases, the check did not disappear; the only option was to go to the service center to pay the money, which I did not do. In general, there is a simple way to remove the “check”, open the hood, find the fuse box, remove fuse “F1” (30A) in the yellow case.

What to do if they write “Server error”

The listed errors usually occur due to the .htaccess file, themes and plugins. Let's consider options for solving the problem.

So, you liked the new theme and installed it. Everything would be fine, but then an internal server problem arises. To restore the server's functionality, select one of the following methods:


We go into it and look for a folder with themes. Open the folder and correct/delete the theme that is currently posted on the site. We go to the site and see a blank page without errors.

Open the WordPress admin panel, then the theme, and receive a notification that another theme has been activated. A little advice: do not delete standard themes, they serve as a standard and can be activated after the site is restored.

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