Replacing windshield wipers on a VAZ 2110 on your own

  • Using a slotted screwdriver, remove the four plastic plugs and remove the four Phillips screws. Screws secure the frill trim under the windshield.
    Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the seven screws securing the engine shield insulation to the frill trim. The fastening screws are located along the entire length of the insulation.

    In the corners on the right and left, unscrew the frill under one nut. Ten head nuts.

    Lift the cover up and move it to the side.

    Lift the coolant expansion tank up and to the side. There is no need to remove the hoses leading to the tank.

    Unscrew the two nuts securing the trapezoid to the crossbar under the windshield.

    In the depths, unscrew the last bolt securing the trapezoid and remove it along with the motor. Ten head bolt.

    If necessary, unscrew the three bolts securing the motor and move it to a new trapezoid.

    The process of replacing the trapezium wipers of VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112 is clearly shown in this video:

  • Replacing the windshield wiper motor and trapezoid

    The design of the windshield wiper on the VAZ 2110 is quite reliable and during normal operation the motor and the trapezoid itself can easily move all 300,000 km, which has been proven by the personal experience of many owners. But there are also exceptions to the rules.

    It often happens that the splines are bypassed or the trapezoid structure simply breaks down. If you have such problems, the repair procedure will be discussed below.

    To replace all the wiper parts, we will need the following tool:

    • screwdriver flat and Phillips
    • 10 mm socket head

    • ratchet handle

    To do this job, you first need to do some preparatory steps, namely:

    1. Remove the windshield trim (jabot)
    2. Remove the insulation and seal under the hood
    3. Disconnect one end of the expansion tank rubber and move it to the side

    Replacement process

    The easiest way to get rid of problems with VAZ-2110 windshield wipers is to contact a service station. There the trapeze will be replaced in an hour or an hour and a half. But if unscrupulous repairmen notice that the owner does not understand the cause of the breakdown at all, they can repair the car for half a day, saying that the problem is very serious.

    Therefore, the best option that will save money is to replace the part yourself . This process works as follows:

      First of all, you will need to dismantle the old trapezoid. To do this, you will have to disassemble and remove the windshield wiper arms. To do this, you will have to unscrew two nuts with a 12mm wrench. When removing the levers, you need to be careful, since powerful springs create a problem when removing them. It is better to bend the leashes first.

    Disconnect the wiper motor gear pads.

    Unscrew the nut of the left trapezoid fastening.

    Unscrew the nut on the other side.

    Unscrew the fastening of the gearmotor bracket.

    Remove the trapezoid from the studs and remove it.

    Only after this can the trapezoid be removed. The main thing is not to forget to disconnect all electrical connectors.

    A new spare part must be assembled before installation, since it is in a disassembled state. When connecting parts, you need to make sure that all parts are aligned and adjusted. Only after this are the nuts tightened.

    Before installing a new trapezoid, it is advisable to lubricate all its rubbing parts with graphite lubricant . Some advise using lithol , but it loses its properties at sub-zero temperatures.

    Repairing a trapezoid using a repair kit

    If the bushing in an old part is simply worn out, it is not necessary to change the entire trapezoid. It is enough to simply repair it using a repair kit . As a rule, it has everything you need. To repair the trapezoid, you will also have to remove it. When removing the wiper arms, you must try to act extremely carefully, otherwise you may damage the glass or paint on the edge of the hood.

    Replacing the motor and windshield wiper trapezoid

    Design of a windshield wiper on a VAZ 2110

    it is quite reliable and during normal use the motor and the trapezoid itself can quietly move away for 300,000 km, which has been confirmed by the personal experience of many owners. But there are also exceptions to the rules.

    What is a windshield wiper trapezoid and what is it for?

    The trapezoids are around here somewhere!

    The wiper trapezium is a special unit that converts the engine impulse into forward movements of the windshield wipers.

    Simply put, it is she who is responsible for their movement along the windshield or rear window of the car. Since weather conditions are often unpredictable, and the windshield must provide complete visibility, failure of this part must be quickly identified and corrected.

    Principle of operation

    Most often, plastic bushings wear out in trapezoids.

    Although, at first glance, it seems that the movement of the brushes occurs directly, in fact, a trapezoid, which is an electromechanical unit, is responsible for it. It works on the following principle:

    1. The windshield wiper motor uses the finger, which drives the trapezoid itself.
    2. Due to the connection of the gearbox and shafts, oscillatory movements occur, causing the brushes to move along the glass, cleaning it.

    It often happens that the trapezoid fails. This happens especially often after or during the winter season. Some inexperienced VAZ-2110 owners turn on the “brushes” without bothering to clear the snow from the glass . Often the wipers freeze to the glass, and an attempt to move them ends in breakage. To prevent this from happening, you should always check the brushes before turning them on in winter for freezing .

    Do-it-yourself modification and replacement of wipers

    Which wipers are better is up to the car owner to decide. Those installed on the VAZ 2110, as well as on the UAZ, do their job well from the factory, but it can be modified with washers from other companies that are of higher quality. Many people are attracted to frameless brushes - this is a good option. They are compact in size and equipped with a special leash mechanism. True, they do not look very attractive on the VAZ 2110, since the fastener to the standard washer arm turns out to be massive. Therefore they need improvement.

    Frameless car washers

    To perform a replacement or modification, you must perform the following steps:

    1. First you need to disconnect the negative terminal on the battery.
    2. Then you need to tilt the mount towards you and remove the brush.
    3. If there is a decorative trim, it must be removed.
    4. By unscrewing the bolt, you can remove the old brush.
    5. Before replacing parts, be sure to check the dimensions of the new washer with the old one. It is advisable that the new one does not exceed the size of the old one by more than 2 cm.
    6. Installation of the new kit is carried out in the reverse order.

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    After upgrading, you should check the functionality of the unit: whether the brushes creak, how they work when switching modes. At high speeds of the windshield wiper motor, the wipers should work quickly, at low speeds - slowly. In addition, they must support intermittent operation.

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    How to determine that a trapezoid is “kirdyk”

    Kirdyk is a slang word meaning an extremely bad situation.

    It happens that the retaining ring of the bushing breaks and the rod simply flies out.

    The slightest disturbance in the operation of the trapezoid can lead to incorrect operation of the wipers. Usually this part is replaced with a new one, although in some cases you can get by with installing a repair kit. Its cost is significantly lower than the price of the entire part, although repairs will take much more time. Here is a list of the main signs by which you can determine that a part will soon fail:

    1. Windshield wipers begin to do their immediate job poorly. This occurs due to the weakening of pressure.
    2. An unusual noise is heard during operation.
    3. A backlash appears, which can be determined even visually, since the glass will be difficult to clean.
    4. It happens that the brushes move in one direction easily, but back with difficulty, constantly slowing down.

    All these problems lead to the fact that the windshield remains dirty, with streaks and smudges.

    Repair kit for VAZ-2110

    Most often, plastic parts are destroyed in the trapezoid. In this case, a repair kit can help.

    When purchasing a repair kit, pay attention to the part number.

    If metal parts are damaged, you will have to replace the entire trapezoid. As a rule, the trapezoid is destroyed as a result of an accident, or due to careless handling of the windshield wiper system.

    Replacement procedure

    So, you have chosen a gear motor for your VAZ - one of the first three. Let's look at how it is replaced. When performing this work, there is no need to disassemble the entire windshield wiper system. We proceed like this:

    1. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery;
    2. Having noted the position of the brushes on the windshield, unscrew and remove the levers;
    3. Remove the cover from the fairing;
    4. Unscrew the nut securing the crank mechanism bracket to the motor axis;
    5. Unscrew and remove the bracket itself. It is secured to the body with 3 bolts;
    6. We remove the non-working or poorly functioning motor from the studs;
    7. Replacing the old one with a new one is done in the reverse way.

    Part of the old and new sample

    Selecting a new part for a VAZ-2110 is not such a simple matter. Not everyone knows that there are old and new trapezoids.

    Therefore, it is better to remove the old part and take it to an auto parts store. They are not only attached differently, but also differ in the connectors through which they are connected to the motor. If you can’t find an old-style trapezoid, and this is exactly what you have, you’ll have to redo the system or look for a used part.

    Replacing the trapezium wipers of a VAZ 2110

    I don’t think anyone will argue with the fact that good visibility is necessary to drive safely. To do this, it is necessary that the mechanism driving the brushes works, the trapezoid of the wipers is in good working order, but the brushes themselves must be in good condition and appropriate for the time of year.

    Bad weather reminds us to regularly replace our windshield wiper blades. Some manufacturers of these extremely important parts recommend changing brushes once a year. The fact is that under the influence of the environment, rubber inserts gradually dry out and lose their elasticity. Hard rubber works like a scraper, leaving streaks and streaks on the glass. Run your finger along the blade of the eraser; if it is worn out and dull, you need to replace the brushes. Don’t skimp on small things and replace dry or worn wipers before the slushy season sets in.

    Replenish the washer fluid supply in the washer barrel in a timely manner. To avoid poisoning from toxic pores, buy only proven glass cleaning liquid.

    How to care for your wipers to extend their lifespan

    To ensure that your wipers last as long as possible, follow these tips:

    • Wipe dirt-stained brushes with a clean, damp cloth or sponge. This way you will not only get rid of dirt, but also protect the glass from scratches.
    • If the front glass is covered with a layer of dust and the car washer fluid has run out, do not turn on the cleaner. This will also cause scratches on the glass.
    • In winter, especially during snowfalls, do not leave the wipers leaning against the windshield - they will freeze. It is better to raise the leashes so that the brushes are suspended.
    • If the windshield wipers are still frozen, do not under any circumstances try to tear them off by force. This will only damage the rubber band. Start the engine, turn the heater on to blow the windshield and wait until it defrosts.
    • You should also not knock ice off the frame or brush. Gently bend the elastic until it peels off in small pieces.
    • When replacing wipers, place some thick cloth on the windshield. This will protect it in case the spring-loaded leash slips out of your hands.

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    Wipers do not work on VAZ 2110

    It is responsible for rotating the wipers at different intensities. The electric motor contains a gearbox, and the motor itself operates due to the DC current supply. There are three built-in blades in the armature of the engine, providing three operating modes of the windshield wiper - fast, slow and with pauses. Although it is believed that the VAZ 2110 has only two brush rotation speeds

    This is a steering column switch, a wiper relay, which allows you to activate the intermittent movement of the brushes. Plus, don't forget about the switch. The entire electrical system is integrated into wires running through a bimetallic heat-resistant fuse.

    Types of wipers

    • Classic.

    The design consists of seven metal “rocker arms” arranged pyramidally. The largest arc holds two smaller ones, which, in turn, hold even smaller ones and are attached to a rubber blade. This design allows the downforce of the wiper to be evenly distributed. Slowly going out of fashion, these wipers are falling in price every day, while performing their functionality very well in the warm season. The main enemy of such a wiper is snow. But it is impossible to say that these brushes are worse in functionality than frameless ones. The pressing effect of such a design loses its properties over time. Therefore, it is better to change the brush frame itself after a few years.

    The “rocker arm” system for this type of wiper is replaced by a thin metal plate that passes through the entire length of the brush. It is a frame, despite the so-called frameless classification. They tolerate snow better, but this design has a disadvantage - the distribution of downforce here is worse than that of “rocker arms”. In the cold there is a shrinking effect. The advantages of these brushes over the previous ones can be called design. Although the taste and color as they say... .

    They repeat the classic summer design, but all its moving parts are hidden under a rubber cover. But these brushes are not very suitable for summer, since the casing causes too much windage. If the speed is above 90 km. at an hour, the brushes begin to move away from the glass. As good as such brushes are in winter precipitation, they are just as bad in summer precipitation.

    These brushes are the latest development for today. Metal “rocker arms” here replace three plastic arcs, they also act as a winter cover, thereby allowing these wipers to be called hybrid. Another distinctive feature of these wipers is improved aerodynamics. Headwind increases downforce. Although in such a design there is something to freeze on.

    In conclusion, we can say that in winter it is better to use winter wipers, and for summer any wipers except winter ones are suitable. It's up to you to choose. In any case, new wipers, no matter what design, are better than those that do not perform their functions at all.

    Trapezium wipers - replacement for VAZ 2110

    The trapezium of the wipers transmits the force from the engine to the windshield wiper arms. The best quality of windshield cleaning will be only if all elements of the wipers are in working order. If the trapezoid hinges are clogged with dirt or the lubricant has dried out, the motor energy will not be enough for proper cleaning. Therefore, owners of cars of the tenth family are forced to repair the trapezoid once every 5–10 years in order to avoid deterioration in the performance of the wipers.

    Which brushes to choose

    Having decided on the size of your wipers, do not rush to buy the first model you come across. The fact is that the auto parts market today is filled with fakes. By skimping on some 100 rubles, you can buy wipers that will work effectively for several days, and after that they will begin to creak and let water through. It is better to give preference to well-known manufacturers and make the purchase in a specialized store. As for the design, it’s up to you to decide whether to purchase “frameless” or regular ones. The main thing is that the fasteners fit.

    What affects the condition of the trapezius

    The wiper motor and trapezoid are located directly under the glass, so some of the water or washer fluid falls on them. In addition to water, dust, dirt and various small debris get there. All this leads to a change in the properties of the lubricant and deterioration in the performance of the trapezoid. When the lubricant loses its properties, the plastic bushings of the hinges begin to wear out, resulting in backlash and increasing resistance during operation.

    How to remove the windshield wiper trapezoid

    To remove the trapezoid you will need:

    • key to 10;
    • thin flat screwdriver;
    • crosshead screwdriver.

    First of all, you need to remove the wipers. To do this, you need to remove the plastic pads and unscrew the nuts with which they are attached to the trapezoid studs. Then unscrew the screws and side fastenings of the protective casing (jabot) and remove it. If the fasteners do not come out, treat with WD-40. Before removing the casing, make sure to remove all screws, bolts and nuts. If the cover does not come off, look for a fastener that you did not remove. Lifting the frill, disconnect the washer fluid supply tube from the tee, and then move the casing to the side.

    Remove the belt that supports the radiator tank and move the tank to the side. Then pull out the partition (sound insulation), which is located behind the tank. Don't forget to remove the washer fluid supply tube from it. Disconnect the electric motor power connectors. After this, unscrew the bolts securing the trapezoid and electric motor. To remove the trapezoid, you must either struggle for a long time, coming up with various options, or place a thin flat-head screwdriver under the far end (relative to the motor) of the lower rod of the trapezoid and pull out the entire structure as if on a slide. You can also turn the left edge of the trapezoid clockwise and pull it out, then remove the engine.


    Standard VAZ-2110 brushes consist of three elements:

    The frame of the device is made of metal and has a composite structure, which includes one main rail and two additional ones located on it. The brush is made of soft rubber. In the middle of its working surface there is a longitudinal protrusion (keel), which, in fact, cleans the glass. The brush is attached to two additional frame slats, fitting into their grooves. To ensure that the wiper slides easily across the glass, some manufacturers coat its working part with graphite.

    In the center of the main rail there is a fastening mechanism with which it is attached to the leash. It is a guide into which the hook of the leash hooks and a plastic latch that secures the connection.

    Trapezoid repair

    During repairs, it is necessary to clean all elements of the trapezoid from dirt and inspect the studs. If wear is detected on their ribs, the trapezoid will have to be replaced. Repairing a trapezoid involves replacing the plastic caps. To do this you will need a repair kit and boiling water. First, disassemble the trapezoid using a pry bar or a heavy-duty flathead screwdriver as leverage. After this, cut off the old plastic caps. If you can’t cut it, use side cutters and bite off the caps piece by piece until you can pull them out of the trapezoid rods. You can also hold the ends of the trapezoid in boiling water, 2 to 3 minutes is enough, then push the caps out of their seats.

    Three types of trapezoids were installed on cars of the “tenth” family - VAZ 2110, 2111 and 2112, which differed in minor details. Therefore, there is a possibility that either the trapezoid rods or the caps will have to be adjusted. Remove the cap and inspect it. If there is a fixing protrusion on top of it, check the recess for it on the rod seat. If there is no notch, you will have to either cut off the protrusion on the cap (does not affect the performance and reliability of the trapezoid) or saw through it in the draft. If there is no protrusion on the cap, no adjustment will be necessary.

    Clean the rod and seat, then lower the cap into boiling water for 10 - 15 seconds. After this, it will soften and easily fall into place. Do not install a cold cap as this will destroy it. After the cap has cooled completely (20 minutes), the rod is ready for assembly. Before assembly, lubricate the bushings with graphite grease.

    Check the serviceability of the electric motor. To do this, disconnect it from the trapezoid (you need to unscrew the fastening nut) and connect it to the car battery. When working, it should make a low buzzing sound. If you don't know how to connect the motor to the battery, then connect it to the power connector. Turn on various operating modes of the electric motor for 10 - 15 minutes. After that, feel it. If the motor gets hot, it needs to be replaced. An electrical technician can try to repair this device, but regular drivers and car enthusiasts need to replace it.

    Windshield wiper repair

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    In practice, repairing wipers on a VAZ 2110 is not at all difficult if you have at least basic experience in working with a car and its electrical components.

    First, let's figure out how to remove the wipers on a VAZ 2110. The design provides several fasteners, by unscrewing which you can easily remove the wipers themselves.

    But with disassembling the windshield wiper assembly, everything is a little more complicated. It is analyzed as follows.

    1. Remove the dashboard.
    2. On the left side, find the relay that is attached to the body. If it is broken, there is no point in repairing it. Just install a new relay.
    3. Next, check the condition of the fuse that controls the operation of the windshield wiper drive.
    4. Disassemble the steering column to allow you to examine the state of the switch. If the insulation is damaged or there is other damage, replace the unit.
    5. Unscrew the electric motor from the body and check it in action. If the damage is not serious, it can be repaired. It's better to immediately replace it along with the relay.
    6. Check the drive. It is not uncommon for a pulley to break on it, which is why the device has to be replaced with a new one.
    7. Make sure the trapezoid is in good condition. It may be necessary to replace the windshield wiper trapezium on a VAZ 2110 if, during operation of the car, the lubrication of the device has deteriorated and all kinds of debris and water have gotten in there. If the lubrication does not work properly, the plastic bushings of the hinges wear out, causing play and increasing resistance during operation of the device. The trapezoid itself serves to transmit force from the electric motor to the windshield wiper arms.

    Putting the trapeze in place

    Usually, installing the trapezoid into place does not cause difficulties. Insert it and secure with bolts. Do not overtighten the motor mounting bolt; the motor may need to be turned slightly to get the trapezoid to operate smoothly. After making sure that the trapezoid is working properly, tighten the electric motor mounting bolt, install and secure the sound insulation, frill (do not forget to connect the washer tube), and the expansion tank. Insert the plastic plugs and install them in place, install the arms with brushes and check the operation of the wipers in all modes.

    Sources: -stekloochistitelya/ https://xn—-8sbapc1bfiir0a.xn--p1ai/remont/elektrika/snyatie-privoda.html https://vipwash. ru/lobovoe-steklo/trapeciya-dvornikov-zamena-na-vaz-2110

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