What shock absorbers to put on a VAZ 2114 and how to do it

How to choose shock absorbers for a VAZ 2114

First of all, let's decide on the option for using the racks. Remember: how do you drive a car, what roads do you travel on most often?

  1. City highways allow the installation of oil struts on the VAZ 2114. They are traditional for all varieties of Samar. Oil shock absorbers provide soft and smooth passage of bumps.
  2. If you don’t mind driving on the intercity highway and at the same time driving around the city, it is better to buy gas-oil shock absorbers. With them you don’t have to be afraid of small bumps and defects in the road; when accelerating, the car’s movement is more rigid.
  3. Extreme sports enthusiasts know that they will not be able to do without gas struts. Only with gas devices can a car enthusiast experience all the delights of fast driving, including every bump. It is worth noting that gas struts have a negative impact on the car body.

Possible malfunctions of the rear pillar and their causes

Noise and knocking in the car suspension. One of the possible breakdowns, indicated by noise in the suspension, could be:

  • wear of the rubber bushings of the rear struts (rubber bands);
  • breakage or settling of the strut spring;
  • weakening or wear of the shock absorber eye bushings.

The car begins to drive sideways on the road - at speed the car deviates from the “course”, as a result, the driver needs to constantly direct the car, keeping the steering wheel at the ready.

Possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  • “breakdown” of the suspension due to the destruction of the compression stroke buffer;
  • rear suspension overload;
  • settlement or breakage of one of the suspension springs;
  • displacement of the rear axle due to wear of the bushings of the suspension arms or deformation of the arms themselves.

Frequent breakdowns of the rear suspension. The causes are:

  • failure of shock absorbers;
  • upset or spring breakage.

In the damping system of a car suspension, the spring performs a return function and it has to withstand different loads and compensate for the pressure of the body on the wheels, as a result of which there are frequent cases of its damage and deformation.

The best manufacturers

When deciding on manufacturers of racks for the VAZ 2114, it is better to pay attention to time-tested, high-level devices. Cooperate only with official dealers or sellers in whose integrity and honesty you are 100% confident.

So, there are front and rear struts; it is advisable to fix shock absorbers on both sides of a car of the same type and from the same manufacturer.

The most popular today are:

  1. “Kayab” (KUV) is a gas-oil product. According to reviews from those who have already used the device, the car becomes moderately rigid, and bumps on the road are not audible at all. The car handles a variety of turns very well. This type of rack lasts for approximately 1 year, after which the product becomes decrepit and must be replaced.
  2. Bilstein B4 is a mixture of gas and oil. They hold the road remarkably well, but much tougher than the previous manufacturer. It will faithfully serve as long as its predecessor. Experienced drivers do not recommend using a VAZ 2114 equipped with Bilstein B4 struts for everyday driving, because driving comfort will be too little. But for active trips into nature and extreme driving, this option is what you need.
  3. ALKO – oil. Soft, smooth shock absorbers, lack of elasticity in the control of the VAZ 2114. Even after a year, motorists note the good condition of the devices of this vehicle. On forums, drivers often joke about these struts, calling them not suspensions, but a wooden stick. The products are very rough and make extraneous unpleasant sounds when turning. This is because the racks are designed for installation in sports car models. It is better to refrain from installing it on a VAZ 2114.
  4. Bilstein B2 – oil. They are similar in quality and functional properties to the above-described “Kayab”, although they have a slightly higher degree of rigidity.

Which manufacturer is better is up to you to judge; we have only suggested some of the nuances of using different devices, tested empirically.

If we talk about cost, there are many variations here, prices change at the speed of light and vary in different stores, so indicating specific price ranges in this case is unethical, the information is inaccurate.

To give you a little idea of ​​how much money you will need to buy the right type of suspension, we draw your attention to the fact that the front products are more expensive than the rear counterparts. On average, the price for the former varies from 1000 to 1400 rubles. A direct supplier of European-level structures will require 3000-3500 rubles with delivery directly to you.

Rear installations in the standard version produced by a domestic plant will cost no more than 800-900 rubles. 2000-2500 rubles will have to be sacrificed to purchase elite pendants.


On the fourteenth you can install oil struts (or “comfortable”), gas-oil struts (the golden mean between comfort and sport) and gas struts (“sport”, which gives drive).

  1. The first type is a good option for comfortable driving conditions. Taking into account the quality of domestic roads, especially those not paved, we obtain high energy intensity of the racks, smoothing out the perception of all irregularities. In fact, they are installed on the entire generation of Samar 2, the next line of VAZs (Granta, Kalina, etc.) are equipped with gas-oil resistant ones.
  2. The second type is an average quality between a comfortable feel and a sporty ride. Sporty character means confidence at speed that the car goes smoothly, even though it feels every hitch on the track. This type of rack is better than the previous one: with oil racks, when you accelerate, you will feel how the car begins to rock; gas-oil engines are specifically designed to balance the body at speed, as they are more rigid in their design, but up to a certain speed limit.
  3. The third type is a delight for avid racers and tuning enthusiasts. Gas struts are absolutely inconvenient for everyday movement around the city - every pebble will be felt, especially in winter, when the roads are sprinkled. Very sensitive design. If you only have to drive a car, it’s better to take gas ones. But, if you drive around the city, be aware that over time your interior will fall apart, a bunch of gaps and whistles will appear, and the wheels may become warped.

Four wheels - four racks. The front and rear pillars of the VAZ 2114 are different, just like on any Russian or foreign car. Therefore, it is not necessary to install racks of the same type on all 4 wheels.

  • the rear version is a telescopic stand, with a rod attached to the bowl on a beam with space for a spring;
  • front version - these racks are always lower than the rear ones, wider in diameter. The fasteners to the bowl are also different; there are steering knuckles.

The most famous manufacturers

  1. Firstly, those that are installed standard at the factory. They are not very strong, after 20-30 thousand kilometers they die and require replacement.
  2. Secondly, the racks are from the new generation of VAZs - they are native to the Priora. They are the same oil, but at the fourteenth the effect of a more rigid driving perception is obtained; they keep the car on the road more confidently. There is also a minus (by the way, it also applies to the original struts on the fourteenth) - there is no sound insulation, the bump stop will suffer.
  3. The ss 20 model is an improved version of the previous oil models on Priora. There are practically no downsides, except for the fact that when replacing with these, you will need to take an additional support from the same company.
  4. Plaza model - there are comfort, sport and super sport types. In fact, they are very good, but they are afraid of frost. If you take the standard, they freeze slightly and require rolling out. Manufacturers thought about this: they began to fill in the winter type of oil. Then the following problem arose: if you take the Plaza in the winter, the oil may leak after the first 20 thousand kilometers.
  5. The pride of choice is Kayaba stands (KYB). Since they are very popular, they like to be counterfeited. Like the previous ones, they come in all types, but unlike competing manufacturers, they last longer and do not leak at every opportunity.


The taste and color of the racks are different. But they all tend to fall into disrepair. And the price for VAZ 2114 racks today is quite high. Therefore, there is a proposal to learn how to replace racks yourself. To replace, you need to purchase not only the racks themselves, but also their components: springs, rubber bands, etc. By the way, replacing the front struts on a VAZ 2114 will also require purchasing support bearings.

Racks SS20

Suspensions deserve special attention, which also do not lag behind imported manufacturers in sales volumes - drivers continue to support the domestic manufacturer, which makes shock absorbers in Samara.

Which racks are the best of all those available for purchase? Each is good in its own way and has a number of distinctive features. The Samara plant is a fairly serious enterprise that produces not only struts, but also other spare parts and parts for cars.

Racks made in Samara come in 4 types:

  1. Highway - as you may have guessed, there is no question of a soft ride here. Shock absorbers are installed on cars that drive on highways; the products provide drivers with smooth entry and turns.
  2. Standard – they work regardless of the weather conditions the car is in and can withstand the most severe temperature fluctuations. The rear suspension is matched to the front.
  3. Comfort Optima - compared to Standard, the rigidity of these devices is 30% higher. Can be used for any driving style in any weather conditions.
  4. Sports – suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts who are ready to drive at aggressive speeds and prefer sharp turns.

Is there a difference between struts and shock absorbers

Some people, even those who work with cars, confuse struts and shock absorbers. You need to understand that these are separate mechanisms that, although they are part of the same system, perform different functions. Thus, shock absorbers are designed to smooth out vehicle vibrations when driving and give it a “soft” ride. Racks are needed to secure the wheels to the body and support the entire weight of the car. With broken shock absorbers, the car is quite functional, although handling suffers greatly from this. If the racks fail, further movement is not possible.

It is also worth considering the load to which these parts are subject. Shock absorbers are loaded along their axis within their plane, while the struts are loaded along their entire circumference. In ninety-nine percent of cases, the breakdown of the racks indicates their complete failure; therefore, they are not subject to repair.

Thus, under no circumstances should shock absorbers and struts, which are different parts of the car, be confused. Confusion can arise due to the fact that a car's shock-absorbing system is sometimes sold assembled, and both struts and shock absorbers with a damper and spring are contained in one box. However, it is impossible to equate these mechanisms. Moreover, it is impossible to divide the struts into “gas” and “oil” ones, since this classification concerns shock absorbers as a whole, and not individual struts.

Possible faults

Among the most common malfunctions of struts on the VAZ 2114, a number of breakdowns are noted:

  • extraneous noise has appeared, cracking in the area of ​​the brake pads;
  • the compression buffer in the car is damaged or completely ruptured;
  • oil leaks on the body;
  • The rod in the shock absorber began to jam.

If you notice at least one of the indicated manifestations in your car, take the car to a service station. If the services of a car repair shop are currently too expensive, try to cope on your own. You can enlist the help of a friend who at least knows something about how machines work.

One way or another, it is advisable for every driver to be able to cope with minor problems on their own, because they can overtake you on the road far from home, as they say, it’s never too late to learn.

Step-by-step instruction.

Doing it yourself will work out cheaper. The sequence is as follows:

We prepare the place and tools. The surface on which the car is located must be level. A pit is desirable, but not required. Without it, work will be carried out in a lying position. To be on the safe side, install wheel chocks or chocks on the front wheels. To be sure, you can even turn up the speed; Loosen and remove the wheel bolts. A 19mm wrench is required. Before direct repairs, all nuts can be treated with penetrating lubricant (WD-40, by the way, here are the recipes) - this saves time and effort; We put a jack and lift the rear part of the VAZ 2114, after which we remove the wheels

We work with the jack carefully and carefully!; Open the trunk and remove everything unnecessary. There is a rubber plug “hiding” under the shelf - remove it with a screwdriver. Behind the plug there is a rod with a tightened nut

You can unscrew it with a 17 mm L-shaped key and a special key for fixing the rod. If there is no key, then pliers will do; Next, remove the support washer (using a magnetic handle)

Behind the plug there is a rod with a tightened nut. You can unscrew it with a 17 mm L-shaped key and a special key for fixing the rod. If there is no key, then pliers will do; Next, remove the support washer (using a magnetic handle)

  1. We unscrew the nut securing the shock absorber to the beam; you will need two 19mm open-end wrenches. Remove the bolt that secures the strut to the beam. If that doesn’t work, knock it out with a smaller bolt. Carefully remove the shock absorber from its seat and remove the entire rack (it may fall, be sure to support it).

Important: do not forget to remove the stuck insulating gasket (this often happens) from the inside of the glass, which is placed on the spring (see photo)

  1. We remove the spring, remove the spacer sleeve and shock absorber cushion. Remove the cover from the casing. Remove the compression stroke buffer (bump stop) from the rod.
  1. After this, we take a new rack with the rod fully extended (otherwise nothing will work) and put the casing, bump stop, cover, cushion and bushing on it. The spring and gasket are installed last. Advice: before installation, it is worth “bleeding” the shock absorbers, as this greatly increases their efficiency and service life. “Pumping” is carried out by turning the structure over. At the same time, the oil spreads throughout the spare part;
  1. We install the new structure in reverse order. This can be difficult. There are situations when the stand simply “does not want to climb” into its rightful place. This can be corrected by lifting the beam with a jack;
  2. We secure the rod with a nut and secure it with a gasket. Tighten all the nuts;
  3. We put the wheels in their place and remove the jacks;
  4. We repeat the above steps on the other side.

That's all. The withdrawal procedure was successful. Every step is important - there is no point in skipping even one. There are some removal features that you should become familiar with.

Tools needed to replace struts

Let's say you decide to install shock absorbers on your VAZ yourself. So that you don’t have to be distracted later by getting or finding the necessary tools in the garage, prepare the entire set of special devices in advance.

So, what devices will you need:

  • standard jack;
  • cotter pins, vices and puller;
  • in repair work related to the racks of the VAZ 2114, a hammer and pliers will be useful;
  • It’s great if you have a chisel at hand;
  • you can’t do without open-end and ring wrenches for 13, 17, 19, 22, 24;
  • a wrench designed to remove a wheel from a car.

If you have ever dealt with repairs or at least seen from the outside how VAZ 2115, 2108, 2109, 21099, 2113 are repaired, this will help you better navigate replacing shock absorbers on a VAZ 2114, because the process itself is identical. Moreover, all the parts of these cars exactly match the latest brand of domestic car.


The price range on the market is quite high, so it is very difficult to determine more or less accurate prices. When choosing which front struts are better, we can say with confidence that they are more expensive than the rear ones. Their price will vary from 1000-1400 rubles for a design from the manufacturer’s factory to 3000-3500 rubles for designs made in Europe KYB or HOLA.

If you only need to replace the rear struts of a VAZ 2114, then they can be purchased a little cheaper. From 800-900 rubles for designs from the factory to 2000-2500 rubles for elite high-quality racks. Such spare parts always have an increased service life and, as a result, can serve twice as long as their domestic counterparts.

What is this?

It is not uncommon for owners of the domestic “fourteenth” VAZ model to notice that a knock . The reason for its appearance is failed support bearings.

Support rod brand SS20

But you don’t need to start replacing right away. The first priority is to check the condition of the support. And only then take appropriate actions.

The support bearing is an element of the shock absorber strut located in the front suspension structure. Its job is to maintain the mobility of the connection between the body and the shock absorber of your car. If the bearing turns out to be faulty, mobility is impaired and a knocking noise occurs, which is difficult not to notice. Especially when it comes to bad roads.

In analysis

There are several types of supports:

  • A bearing with an integrated inner or outer ring. No clamping flanges are required for its installation. There are corresponding holes for installation;
  • With detachable outer ring;
  • With detachable inner ring;
  • Finishing and cutting structure, the characteristic feature of which is its strong rigidity.

The name of the support bearing speaks for itself. This is something like a strut support on the front shock absorber, which is located in the area where it connects to the body. This arrangement indicates the axial loads that the support must withstand.

Support bearing diagram

Failure of a support bearing entails significant consequences: deterioration in controllability, extraneous crackling noises, knocking in the suspension. Failure of the support bearing - crushing of the balls, or the bearing simply crumbled or jammed.

To make sure that the support bearing is faulty, you need to check it: How to check the support bearing (support)?

Next, after making sure that it is faulty, you need to replace it: Replacing the support bearing (support)

But before you start replacing, you need to select a new bearing.

Today, bearings are available on the market from many manufacturers and of varying quality.

As a rule, factory strut supports last a maximum of 40 thousand km (and then in the best case), and more often only 20 thousand km, then they need to be changed.

Let's look at the main support market:

  1. "Rusich." The quality is poor, probably even worse than the factory ones.
  2. "Asomi." Essentially an ordinary factory bearing, besides, the bearing itself is plastic.
  3. Support "SS-20". Perhaps, probably the only serious unit on today's market. If you ask me to recommend props, then definitely SS-20. Just read the reviews online and see for yourself.

In appearance, these supports look monolithic and reliable; they include a sound insulator, so the suspension will be much quieter than in the stock version. The only drawback is the high price compared to competitors (almost twice as much), but the quality requires it. But there is a small rumor that, due to their strength and rigidity, weak suspension elements suffer - whether this is true or not is anyone’s guess. In any case, weak elements in the suspension will always suffer.

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