Where is the Valet button on the Sheriff alarm system and how to use it

When purchasing a car alarm, only a small number of buyers study its real capabilities and equipment. An experienced driver knows very well that a good indicator of the quality of the security system is the presence of a Valet button included with the main instruments. Everyone can now see what it serves and how it works.

What it is

Valet mode or simply service mode is widely used in car alarms of various configuration levels and budgets. When this mode is activated, key functions that perform vehicle protection tasks are deactivated. That is, in fact, the car is not protected. This mode is used in situations where the car is safe; it is impossible to disarm it completely, but it is also not worth turning off the system entirely. A striking example is the transfer of a car to a car service center. By turning on the Valet, the alarm will not go off and the technician will have access to the interior, trunk or engine compartment without any problems. In this case, the keychain remains with you.

If we talk about older models, then there is another purpose for the service mode. Previous security systems implied the need to switch to Valet if it was necessary to configure the system.

Usually, when installing a car alarm that has Valet, a special button is installed. They try to put it in the most accessible place so that an attacker does not have the opportunity to use it and disarm the car.

Never tell anyone where this button is. Even if you leave the car at a trusted car service center.

Valet is found on a fairly large number of security systems designed for vehicles.

In particular, they can be found on the following signals:

  • Sherkhan Magicar;
  • Sheriff;
  • Tomahawk;
  • Cenmax;
  • Jaguar;
  • Pandora;
  • Ghost;
  • Alligator;
  • Starline, etc.

In fact, motorists have two main questions:

  • how to remove the mode if it is enabled;
  • how to activate it.

Somehow I personally encountered the fact that after activation I stubbornly could not disable Valet on my machine. I had to dig into the instruction manual. The problem was resolved quickly. But I advise you to first look at the instructions from your manufacturer.

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Installing a service alarm button

When choosing a location to install the button, consider the following conditions:

  1. Concealment - it should not be obvious during a quick inspection of the external panels and typical installation locations. If it is relatively easy to access the mounting block on your machine, then you should not stick the button on its outer side - it is better to fasten it on the back side. But secure it so that it can be felt.
  2. No nearby heating or moving elements. You should not glue the button onto the body of the stove or near its pipes, as the double-sided tape will come off. On pedals, you can accidentally hit it with your foot and tear it off or break it.
  3. The presence of other wiring harnesses nearby: when installing an alarm system, you need to pass a maximum of the wiring harnesses through the standard ones, which makes it difficult to find the central unit.
  4. Length reserve: if you glue the button inside the steering column casing behind the cutout of the height adjustment lever, then make sure that in all positions of the column the wire is not stretched, bent or pinched.

You can find out how to install a car alarm by reading the complete installation instructions for Starline A93.

Valet button - what it looks like and where it is located

While studying the car alarm package, drivers come across a small button that connects to a wire.
Often car owners do not understand why it is needed and why there is such a miniature thing in the car. In fact, the Valet button is a system that will help the driver in an extreme situation turn off the siren without a key fob. The driver chooses the location of this miniature device independently. It can be hidden in a visible place or in a hard-to-reach section of the car. It is better when it is installed in an inconspicuous place, because if intruders find it, they will be able to deal with the siren without any problems and do what they came for. If we talk briefly about the jack button, its size and installation location, then you can pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the service button is very small and connects to standard alarm wires;
  • its capabilities allow a person to turn off the alarm in an extreme situation;
  • The driver can hide the device in any compartment of the cabin, and if the car alarm was installed by professionals, they must provide information to the vehicle owner about the location of the jack button.

Thanks to the override function, this miniature device will help the driver in difficult situations and will be an excellent device for programming the security system.

Where is the Valet button?

The property owner chooses the area where the Valet button should be located independently during the installation of a security car alarm. In doing so, the following recommendations are followed:

  • The button can be placed at a maximum distance from the central unit, not exceeding the length of the cable included in the kit. Typically, in a car, the block is placed under the dashboard next to the fuses, under the main console, and less often - behind the glove compartment (for example, in Ford Focus 2 cars). And the cable length often does not exceed 0.5 m. Therefore, the switch can be located at a short distance from the alarm.
  • The location of the key must be accessible to the driver so that the Valet button can be easily found in the car. But at the same time it must be hidden from prying eyes. The best option is installation under a removable panel. The key is also often hidden behind the radio, in the glove compartment, under the steering wheel or passenger seat. During installation, it is necessary to hide the wire going to the switch, because it is distinguished by bright colors (for example, in Panther alarms it is red).
  • When installing a security system yourself, it is recommended to schematically indicate the installation location of the Valet button in the technical data sheet and equipment installation diagram. In the event of a sale, the new owner will not have to look for where it is located if an emergency situation arises.
  • The switch should not be in a visible place so that fraudsters do not find it in the car and use it to steal the car.

If you purchased a used car, you should find the Valet button in advance. In the opposite situation, you will have to search for a disconnecting device when the siren is on, which may arouse suspicion among people around you.

What does the button look like?

There are no requirements for the appearance of the Valet service button. Therefore, every car alarm manufacturer can implement it in any form.

However, in almost every model, the Valet button has the same type: it looks like a small cylinder with a circumference of about 1.5 cm. In the center there is a small key, slightly recessed into the cylinder (to reduce the risk of accidental pressing). Less commonly, it is made in the form of a switch that has 2 positions: ON and OFF (turning the mode on and off).

How to enable and disable Valet mode

Valet mode is one of the service modes of car alarms. Using this button you can quickly disable all alarm functions. For example, it can be used when repairing a car in a car service.

Activation methods

There are actually not very many methods for activating the mode - only two, in particular, you can enable it in the following ways:

  • Push-button option. In this case, you need to sit in the driver's seat, start and stop the engine. Then, after waiting about 10 seconds, you should turn on the Valet button by pressing it and holding it in this position for several seconds. As a rule, the alarm emits a corresponding sound signal, which confirms activation, and the indicator light lights up.
  • Activation by standard car alarm remote control. In this case, you must first make sure that the security system is disabled and disarmed. Then the procedure is similar to point 1, with the only difference that you need to press not the Valet button itself, installed in the cabin, but the button on the car alarm key fob.

Note. In different types of car alarms, different symbols may be used on the key fob screen to confirm the activation of the service mode. And also, when you try to turn on the ignition, the system will give a corresponding signal when the Valet mode is on, notifying you that the alarm in the car is disabled.

It is also worth keeping in mind that when Valet mode is activated, not all functions of the security system are disabled. The main emergency modes are usually not disabled. This primarily applies to the “Panic” mode, when you need to activate the alarm in the car immediately.

Deactivation methods

Exiting the service mode is basically the same for security systems of different brands. There are several stages of deactivation:

  • You need to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
  • Start and stop the engine.
  • After 10 seconds, you need to press and hold the button for a few more seconds, then select the “Off” position.
  • When using the remote method, you need to simultaneously press the lock and speaker buttons on the key fob for about 4 seconds.

If everything is done correctly, the car alarm will give a corresponding signal to disable the service mode - this can be either an audio alert or a graphic display on the key fob.

How the button works

When acted upon, it produces a sound that triggers certain options. He translates the program to deactivate some of the security functions.

The list of actions is saved and created at the software development stage. The car owner is not able to influence these processes. By pressing the button again, you can return the security system to the original security mode.

By using the key while the alarm is operating, you can temporarily disable the alarm mode. The developers came up with this so that the car owner could leisurely enter the PIN code. If he does not have time to enter a digital value at the specified time, then the siren is activated.

Activating Valet mode

Detailed instructions on working with the service mode can always be found in the technical documentation. It is usually included with each device.

When the mode starts, an information board will appear on the display screen. You can activate it using a hidden key or via a key fob. Let's consider two options for including Jack.

Launching Valet on a device from the Alligator company:

  • Turn off the complex and sit behind the wheel;
  • Turn the ignition alternately to the ON/OFF position;
  • The program gives the car owner 15 seconds for further actions;
  • After pressing, hold the key;
  • It is possible to activate remotely using a key fob. Press the combination of two buttons on the remote control for three seconds;
  • The device will beep once;
  • Then the diode will turn on, confirming the status of the device.

Algorithm of actions for the Sheriff alarm:

  • Press the F key twice when the security system is disabled. Wait for a window with information to appear on the key fob screen;
  • Press the same key again to return to the main menu;
  • Give launch confirmation.

Where can the Valet button be installed in the car interior?

The car owner must think about the placement of the Valet button in advance, even before installing the car alarm. It is very important to choose not only an inconspicuous place hidden from strangers, but also to place the button so that it is convenient to use. After all, if necessary, you need to turn off the alarm quickly, without spending extra time searching for a button and activating it. In fact, there are a lot of secluded places in the car interior. We offer you several options for placing a service button hidden from prying eyes:

  • in the front part of the cabin between the center console and the dashboard;
  • niches located behind the glove compartment;
  • near the dashboard covers of the car interior on the side of the steering columns;
  • the space available behind the dashboard;
  • decorative door sills (in this case, access may be inconvenient, which makes such placement not a good option);
  • It is also allowed to attach standard electrical wiring to the wires;
  • into special slots in the interior carpets;
  • front driver's seat;
  • under end caps and others.

When connecting, it is also important to consider the length of the wires included in the kit. It is necessary to connect the Valet button at a limited distance. In this case, it is not recommended to lengthen the wiring, as this leads to an increase in resistance and a decrease in the signal strength used to control all operating functions of the car alarm. It would be best if the car owner entrusts the installation of the alarm system and the Valet button to car service specialists who can lay the wiring and connect the system correctly so that it works without failures.

Materials on the topic

What is the Valet button in a car alarm and where to find it

Car owners often encounter thieves.
Some people want to profit from the contents of the car, while others are not at all afraid of stealing someone else’s vehicle. Therefore, the issue of protecting movable property is urgent. The market offers a wide range of anti-theft systems. They are constantly being released new and improved. Manufacturers are adding more functions that need to be adjusted individually to the needs of each car owner and the capabilities of the car itself. One of these additional assignments was the official regime of Valet.

Previously, using the service key, it was possible to program the device during installation. Gradually it was replaced by computers, and it is now used when it is necessary to urgently deactivate the complex.

Today we will look at the following points:

  • Where is the key located;
  • What is it;
  • How to use it;
  • How to switch Jack to ON/OFF position.

When a button may be missing

The Valet device is found in almost all cars equipped with a security system. But still, on some models this button is missing. These are Sherkhan brand devices, old Joy, Spyball, and some Mongoose models. And also the button may be missing in Chinese counterfeits of alarm systems.

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Pelageya Zhuravleva

Published: 09/03/2019

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Valet mode in alarms: how to enable and disable

Modern car security systems have a huge number of functions, and understanding them all is not very easy, especially for a novice driver. The main task of any security system is to protect the car from intruders, but in addition, the alarm key fob often allows you to remotely start or turn off the engine, warm up the interior and perform various other actions. Another important option in all modern security systems is the Valet mode, which is often called “service”. In this article, we will look at why Valet mode is needed in an alarm system, how to enable and disable it if necessary.

Step-by-step guide to disabling Valet mode

In Starline alarms, you can disable the Valet mode using the key fob, provided that the remote control is equipped with a display.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • You enter the security system setup menu. To do this, you need to hold down one of the keys to activate the cursor selection of functional options. The button number depends on the model of the anti-theft complex.
  • The cursor then moves on the screen to the position of the indicator with a wrench and the inscription “Valet”. The user presses the button on the communicator with the open lock icon once. The security system siren will sound three times, and the external lighting devices will blink three times. This refers to hazard warning lights or side lights, depending on which optical elements the anti-theft complex is connected to. The communicator should emit a melodic signal.
  • The indicator with the letter Z should disappear on the key fob display. Often, after disabling the service mode, the turbo timer and immobilizer settings are lost, so they need to be restored.

Deactivation of the service mode using the example of the Alligator L430 alarm system:

  • The ignition system in the car is turned on and off.
  • The user presses a key and holds it for two seconds. This must be done within fifteen seconds after the ignition is turned off. If deactivation is performed using the remote control, the locked and unlocked keys are held for three seconds.
  • If the service mode is successfully deactivated, the alarm siren will sound twice. The system status LED should turn off.

On the Alligator C250, disabling the service mode is done as follows:

  • The driver gets into the car, activates and turns off the ignition system.
  • Within ten seconds after the last shutdown, the Valet button is pressed once.
  • The siren should beep twice and the LED indicator will stop blinking.

If you have a remote control, then deactivating the mode on the Alligator C250 is done as follows:

  • The driver gets into the car, the key in the lock is turned to the “ACC” position, and then immediately to “OFF” or “LOCK”.
  • Over the next ten seconds, the controls on the communicator are pressed with the lock open and the loudspeaker crossed out. These buttons must be held for 3 seconds.
  • To confirm, the siren will sound twice and the LED light will stop blinking.

In Sheriff ZX 750 systems, the mode is deactivated as follows:

  • The driver activates and deactivates the ignition.
  • Over the next five seconds, the Jack button is briefly pressed and released. There is no need to hold this element.
  • If the alarm status diode goes out, this indicates a transition to the service maintenance mode.

Video: disabling service mode

The channel “SDD and everything about JLR”, using the example of a 2010 Range Rover, talked about the procedure for disabling the Valet service mode.

Disabling the security mode using the Valet button

The process of deactivating the security function using the Starline A96 alarm system as an example looks like this:

  • The car door is opened and the ignition is turned on; the key is turned to the “ACC” position. This will activate the alarm and siren mode.
  • At the next stage, the user needs to press the Valet button several times in accordance with the number of the personal password. Unlocking can only be done using a code. The number of “clicks” must correspond to the first character of the password.
  • The ignition is turned off, the key is pressed once. Then the key is scrolled to the “ACC” position, and the second digit of the code is entered.
  • The third and fourth characters of the password are specified in the same way. If the code is entered correctly, the siren will sound twice and the LED will blink twice.

If the car is equipped with a Start/Stop button, then the security function is deactivated as follows:

  • When the ignition is turned off, the first digit of the code is entered.
  • After five seconds, the diode light should blink several times. The number of flashes corresponds to the code symbol.
  • Similar steps are repeated to enter the remaining characters of the password.

How to discover the hidden button?

If you have a car alarm installed at the service, you are required to provide information about the button. The fact is that with its help, the security is turned off in a matter of seconds, which is why it is very expensive for car thieves. And a competent electrician will never install the button in a visible place; it will be located in a place that only you will know about. This cannot be said about car dealerships. They install security systems so often that they do not worry about the location of the service button. Usually it is actually in plain sight, covered only by a plug. When purchasing a car with an alarm, be sure to ask the seller about all the intricacies of the security system. But you can find the button independently, you just need to find the central block. According to the instructions, you need to see which results the button is connected to. And from these results of the block a thin wire goes to a small button.

Valet button on the alarm system - how to unlock the car yourself

Not every car owner knows all the capabilities of the anti-theft system that is installed on their car. Many people don’t even realize that there is one service button with which you can turn off the alarm without a key fob.

We are talking about the miniature Valet button, which is found on every modern alarm system.

The main function of the Valet button is to quickly (emergency) transfer the security system to service mode.

The Valet button becomes a real salvation in case of loss (breakage) of the main car alarm key fob, or in case of unexpected battery discharge.

In this case, you can open the car door with the key, but you won’t be able to drive away, and besides, the alarm will scream so loudly that all the neighbors will come running to apprehend the “criminal.”

When you press the Valet button, the siren immediately stops, and the driver can safely drive to the nearest service center.

For obvious reasons, installers hide this secret button somewhere in the car, in a secret place, so that attackers cannot quickly find it and take advantage of its capabilities.

What is Valet mode in alarm systems?

When the car's anti-theft equipment is in Valet mode, all its functions stop working, not counting the remote control of the anti-theft "Panic" mode, the unlocking and locking system of the car doors. The owner can do all this using a key fob.

Usually, in order for the alarm to enter Valet mode, a special button is used, the location of which is known only to the owner of the car. This approach is quite justified, because the device can be used by criminals to deactivate the security alarm of a vehicle when it is stolen.

Thus, “Valet” is a service option inherent in various security systems. If it is activated, the car becomes unprotected against malicious actions against it.

By the way, certain security installations require the use of this option not only when it is necessary to disable the anti-theft function during car repair or maintenance, but also to set up an alarm system.

To ensure that your vehicle is always protected, do not forget to disable the Valet option.

Every driver is concerned not only with the appearance and technical condition of his favorite car, but also with its security. And quite reasonable. After all, the issue of transport safety always remains relevant. And since safety devices fail over time, it is quite understandable that they are supposed to be turned off, which is also done using the described option.

How to turn it on

You can turn on Valet using a key fob or push-button switch. In the latter case, the action plan will be as follows:

  1. You need to take a sitting position in the driver’s seat, start and immediately turn off the car engine.
  2. After this, you should wait 10 seconds and move the Jack switch to the “On” position. If the car dealership has a special key for this mode, then it should be pressed and held for about 3-4 seconds.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the security system should emit a single audio signal and turn on the indicator LED, demonstrating that the equipment has been switched to Valet mode.

Turning on Valet using the remote control is performed according to a slightly different principle. The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. First, you should get behind the wheel and make sure that the car system is not running in the “Alarm”, “Enhanced Security” or “Anti-Theft” state.
  2. The next step is to turn the ignition switch, start the engine and deactivate it.
  3. After 10 seconds, press 2 keys on the key fob - with a picture of an open locking mechanism and audio speaker. At the same time, on different devices from different manufacturers, icons may have an individual appearance. These keys should be pressed for 10-12 seconds.
  4. They should then be released. Immediately after this, the alarm system should notify the car owner with sound and light signals that the Valet option has been launched correctly.

It is advisable to take into account that if the ignition is turned on with the Valet running, the equipment will notify the driver that the complex is turned off.

How to turn off car alarms with your own hands?

Before completely disabling the security installation on a non-traveling vehicle, read the recommendations for entering a password. This is especially true if you use a complex car alarm system with a GSM module.

Depending on the manufacturer and model of the car alarm, the unlocking process may vary. Let's consider several options.


Unlocking the “Sheriff” alarm is done in this way:

  1. Using the key, unlock the car door locks.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. The service key is pressed once.
  4. The ignition is deactivated and reactivated.
  5. The emergency mode key Valet is pressed.

User ardent talked about how to properly reflash Sheriff alarm control panels to further turn off the siren.


Depending on the alarm model, the deactivation procedure may differ.

The D-810 model can be turned off in two ways - emergency shutdown or standard.

  1. The car doors must be unlocked using the key; sit in the driver's seat.
  2. Activate the ignition.
  3. The driver must press the Valet button once within 15 seconds.
  4. The ignition is deactivated.

These steps will not activate emergency mode. This means that if the option of passive activation of protection is enabled, then after the next deactivation of the ignition and closing of the doors, the protection will be activated again. You can try to put the “alarm” into emergency mode by entering a code that is set by the car owner or installation specialist.

How to unlock:

  1. Car doors are opened using a key.
  2. The ignition is activated.
  3. Then it must be deactivated and reactivated.
  4. Within fifteen seconds, the car owner must have time to press the Valet button the number of times corresponding to the first digit of the code.
  5. The key is turned off and turned to ignition mode.
  6. In ten seconds, the driver presses Valet as many times as the PIN number should be.
  7. The ignition is then deactivated and turned on again. The input process is repeated as many times as there are digits in the password, but not more than four. If the procedure is completed correctly, the service option is activated.

User Karabas Barabasovich diagnosed the Alligator alarm system at the stand and spoke about the malfunctions that the car owner will encounter.


The procedure for turning off the LX-440 model looks somewhat different:

  1. The door locks are unlocked using a key.
  2. The key is inserted into the lock and the ignition is activated.
  3. You must press the Valet key within ten seconds.
  4. The ignition is deactivated. This will activate the service function.

To deactivate a password lock, the process is carried out in the same way as in the case of the model described above. But remember that in Alligator car alarms the password can contain no more than two digits.

Deactivation is done as follows:

  1. Machine doors must be unlocked with a key.
  2. The ignition is activated, turned off, and then activated again.
  3. In the next ten seconds, you need to have time to click on the emergency Valet key a certain number of times, which corresponds to the first digit of the PIN code.
  4. The ignition is deactivated, then it is activated again.
  5. In the next ten seconds, you must enter the next digit of the PIN code using the service button.
  6. After this, the ignition is turned off and reactivated.
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